Fred Couples Power Impact Move Will Make You a Great Golfer – Nothing Else Matters!

No matter what your golf swing looks like, if you do this move, you will play great golf. Fred Couples swing has a ton of variables, but when he gets into his downswing, he does this very powerful move that makes ball striking automatic. You could have the craziest golf swing on the planet BUT if you can get into this position, you are guaranteed to play great golf. It is one of the best ball striking keys.

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I am Tom Saguto, PGA Member and founder of SagutoGolf. Thank you for visiting my channel where you can learn how to play the best golf of your life. Whether you are an expert golfer looking for a quick swing tune-up or a beginner looking to play better. I am here to help you achieve your golfing goals.

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Fred Couples often described as golf’s most beloved swing it looks like pure poetry in motion with an effortless Tempo it’s no wonder golfers have been trying to copy this swing for years but what might surprise you is that Fred’s entire swing relies on one key move to

Make it all happen today we’ll look at this one key move and how it’s made him a successful golfer I’ll also be talking about how you can improve greatly by adding this simple move into your swing let’s get started great golfers minimize variables in their swing meaning fewer

Moving Parts when we start to take a deeper look at Fred’s swing you get a sense of how many moving Parts he has going on and makes you think that it’s something sort of like a miracle that it’s all happening let’s just start with

The back swing as he moves to the top a few things start happening the trail arm gets it’s disconnected from the body so you have this massive flying elbow the second thing is he gets his hands and arms very high at the top with a cued

Wrist and an open Club face and his swing really hasn’t changed much over the years it’s stayed like this forever and this is what I find is really amazing with this cued wrist open Club face and flying elbow you would say a guy who swings like this is going to be

The most massive slicer because if you go to any driving range in the world at any given point in time you’re bound to see somebody that looks like this at the top now just taking a brief look at why each of these things is an issue the flying elbow the arm disconnecting off

The body when this arm flies away it’s easier to swing steeper into the ball so classic over the top pushing this way elbow in as I talk about a ton on this channel makes it easier to sway into out on the proper path into the ball so this

Is a variable that Fred has to manage another variable is that cued wrist right here with the Open Face a cued wrist can increase the steepness of the club moving into the ball so that gets you swing across it or can Aid the club moving more in that over-the-top like

Position so two things that could encourage quite a large slice and lastly open Club face Club face very vertical here that gets the ball starting more to the right so Fred has to learn how to manage that if you’re in a position like this like Fred to hit the ball solid you

Have to immediately get the club shallowing to here so high arms you’ve got to drop the arms or drop the club into the slot and that’s quite a big variable to coordinate day in and day out and so what Fred does to make this all work is is quite

Spectacular he goes from here to automatically connecting the trail arm to the side and this is the one move we’re going to spend most of our time talking about is how he’s got all of these variables he’s got to coordinate and he automatically eliminates them by connecting that trail

Arm into his side as he gets into impact you’re going to see something like this the trail arm is close to the body and it’s bent almost at a 90° angle this is one of the most valuable things you can take into your swing because somebody like Fred and we could take somebody

Else on TV with just two opposing swings you’re going to find that before impact this Trail elbow is in like this folded and you find after impact both arms extend the straight it’s an incredibly powerful move one that helps you strike the ball solid but it also helps you keep the

Club on the proper path so no matter how you get to that top of back swing position when you start down if you were to keep the trail arm tucked in like this you’re nearly guaranteeing a great strike with the ball time and time again because you got

Proper path and you’ve got contact controlled right away from tucking in this arm and so just another thing I want to throw in about Fred’s swing is when he starts down this move he’s got to work it like this but you watch how the downswing starts it it’s amazing how he does this

Really the club gets steeper first because he’s in this position that’s natural for the club to move into this type of steeper start to the down swing so club’s way out in front of him very vertical to the ground you would say call every golf school on the planet and

You would say wow this guy needs help let’s call the cops right now get him some help but then after dealing with this steepness that’s where this Trail arm really starts connecting in and you see a late shallowing of the club and so now he’s hitting Out to the

Ball so he’s swinging into out he’s not swinging like most people would go over the top and across at this point so he’s able to make this shallow more by tucking the trail arm in close to his body just a very valuable concept that goes without saying that every golfer

Who’s ever played great golf gets into that position and every golfer who’s ever struggled at golf fails to get into this position so great golf are here coming into impact and then the poorest players often disconnect that trail arm from the side the club just keeps getting steeper

And going straight down into the ground this will apply by driver through wedge no matter what club in the bag you’re going to see this position on great strikes right there that’s the money position so no matter what the back swing looks like getting there in the down swing is

Crucial now how would I like you to do it well I don’t want you copying Fred sure is tempo is something to Marvel at but it’s also one of the reasons why he’s able to get this club into this position having such a smooth Tempo like

That letting the club fall with a loose grip pressure it’s easier to connect that trail arm to the side but still that’s a variable what I’d rather have you do is just start from the position that Fred’s already getting into here so the position Fred’s in at here the trail

Arms tucked in and if we take this position that’s just before impact move it to the top here’s what it looks like so I’d like to see hands behind the trail shoulder tra tril arm tucked in a lot more glue here no flying elbow because we’re eliminating those

Variables I can easily just go top back to the ball top back to the ball versus fly away and then figure out how I’m going to make that get into the same position every time because this is determining how much into out you’re swinging so your path needs to be

Consistent I mean I can’t swing too much into out I’m going to start hooking it and I can’t swing varied amounts of into out no I want to keep it consistent I want my ball flight to be a tight baby draw so that means we have to eliminate

Those variables instead of going like this and figuring it out just take that out of play this is going to be the same type of ball flight every time now one of my favorite ways to getting into a good impact position and keeping this Trail arm tucked in is by

Using the Precision impact trainer this device forces me to keep the trail arm tucked in throughout the entire swing so I can’t screw it up in fact when I put this thing on the first thing it does is it tells my trail arm to get like this

So I’m already in where I need to be at the top and as I start down it keeps me tucked in so eliminating variables talk about having one variable instead of seven or eight or 10,000 watch as I make a swing without the club here with this on I’m not going

To think anything about it I’ve just got this tucked in because of the way the device works and at top wow look at that I don’t have to think much about staying connected I’ve got a good connection of the upper arm against my side and I certainly feel like I’m going

To have a flat lead wrist at the top of back swing because my trail wrist is bent back feeling that’s staying tucked in and at the top there I am perfect top of back swing position with minimal variables so hands behind the trail shoulder easy to deliver the club on the

Shallow path in the ball this arm is staying tucked in it’s going to keep the club on the proper shallow path into the ball and when I keep this in and I swing my shoulders look at that gets me right into that Freddy money position the money position of every great golfer is

Ever existed and as I swing into impact look at this boom hands are ahead I can’t help but the hands be ahead in this position because the trail arm sting tucked in the trail arm starts releasing powerfully through the ball I make swings with this in the house all the

Time especially now in the winter it’s cold out you can’t really get out to the range and then I’ll take it to the range and I’ll hit shots with it just keeping this intact however you want to do it this makes it easy cuz I don’t have to

Think about it think about getting it tucked into your side in either case it’s going to greatly improve your ball striking I’ve got you a discount on the Precision impact golf check out the link in the comments in description below it’s a fantastic device that fixes almost everything in your swing without

Thinking about it it just trains you it forces you to do the correct move and one last thing to really look at with Fred’s swing it surprises me how he flips his hands through impact and this is one of the things that can SA his swing he watches Trail hand through the

Ball it actually comes off the grip right around here and then he flips through impact like this that’s something you would see with a slicer or an amateur goer who struggles with contact but it’s not the same with Fred see with Fred he’s got the trail arm tucked in so as he’s

Getting into impact he doesn’t start flipping until add an after impact and this is happening partially due to the way he sets up with that very cued wrist grip at a dress so at a dress right here my you see my trail arm is quite straight with that that hand this

Lead wrist is CED well if I take this position to the top of back swing here’s what it looks like looks like Fred almost instantly and look at that cup wrist he’s been doing this for years that’s just because of the grip and I start down and I start

Shallowing well I need to do a little bit of flipping in Impact to make sure that that face doesn’t stay too open too long it has to close a little bit so this RIS being so cued I’ve got to eliminate that amount of cupping get the

Face to square so I’m going to connect my trail arm to my body and I’m going to do a little bit of flipping through impact and that squares me right up so after impact I’m here but it works for Fred because he gets that trail arm tucked in that’s the

One thing saving him if we took away that trail arm you would be seeing him as a 30 handicap golfer it’s the one piece keeping it all together and just one little thing about this flip through the wall it’s adding Loft to the club so it enables him to hit

Higher and it’s also preventing a lot of wide curve because it takes out some of the into out path so even if he was swinging way out to the right if he haded a little bit of that flipping it’s going to take that out of the equation it’s going to reduce it

Make a much tighter ball flight so he’s going to hit a straight ball doing that and just something to take away that it’s a more of a compensation not something I would have you do on a regular basis but if you want to swing like Fred that’s the way

To do it so there’s ‘s a few things that really strike me as just being miraculous in Fred’s swing that he’s doing all these variables he brings it into here though and that’s the money maker doesn’t matter what year of Fred’s life it was he had the same Sway and

He’s been doing this forever and it’s made him a great golfer if you can do this one move as well tuck that in on the way down you’re going to see your ball striking proove no matter what your back swing looks like get it into there of course I recommend tightening things up

Eliminating variables if you want to know a way to eliminate some variables in swing check out my online golf school seo. golf it’s complete golf swing training program designed to get you playing the best golf of your life thanks for tuning in today and I look forward to seeing you in a future



  1. I've always liked Fred couples tempo, I think his tempo is extraordinary. Always, used to, emulate Davis love's swing with FCs tempo. Since I've adopted s&t I've never hit the ball better though.

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