MVP/AXIOM Discs That NEVER Leave My Bag

i didnt realize how many axiom discs i have in my bag until shooting this video. axiom is a very good reliable consistent brand, becoming one of my favorites

I have found that there are a few select discs that never leave my bag and it started honestly when Simon went to MVP I had thrown a few MVP discs before he went but not really um but when he left I was like well I kind of want to

Try some of these discs I was hearing good things about them so I was like why why not get some MVP axum discs and yet I haven’t thrown all of their line I have thrown a few that probably won’t leave my bag and we’re going to

Talk about why I love them so much and um why they’re staying in my bag I’m just going to grab them so I didn’t realize had this many axum discs until I started making this video uh but all of these discs are kind of special to me in a little way

Um we’ll start with the glitch the glitch to me kind of surprised me my very first video I was like I love this disc um and I just haven’t I’ve taken it out of my bag a couple times but it always finds its way back in my bag and

Um I just I love thr it and the glitch is such a cool disc anyone that’s thrown the disc probably likes it I’m not saying that it’s for everyone but for the most part it is an awesome disc hopefully I give you a good representation how they fly here we go glitches up

First man just flips up flat turns holds that Glide does what a glitch does this disc the moment I threw it I knew it was going in the bag and it probably wasn’t coming out and that is the proxy it I’ve had several different proxies but this one stayed in

The bad the longest mainly because it’s so consistent I know exactly what it’s going to do but every proxy I got was really consistent on the stabilities and stuff I just like this one the best and so this one has just stuck in the bag but the proxy is a absolute awesome

Disc a proxy is going to fly extremely similar to that probably get a little more distance out of this cuz it’s heavier sounds weird you can get more distance but it just seems like it just goes further actually slipped out of my hands a little bit hands are dry

During the winter weathers it’s like I just feel like my hands are so dry in the winter weather in the winter season should I say um but normally that holds that turn doesn’t really have much fade at the end that had a little bit of fade but the Envy everyone knows what the

Envy is James Conrad made it in the world uh World Championship everyone pretty much knew at that point what what an Envy was but uh it is another staple overstable putter I love it I’m going try to release this on a little bit of anheiser watch it fight

Out this is an mvy here we go definitely on anheiser come back come back come back bada bing bada boom that’s what an Envy does have a PIR R this disc kind of goes in and out of the bag I’m not going to lie but here recently it’s probably

Going to stick and stay in the bag U I would flip back and forth between a Malta and it or a method and it I just really have gotten really comfortable with the Pyro when I first got it it threw me off because the wing it like

Goes straight back and then comes up and so it really threw me off when I first grabbed it I was like oh wow that feels weird but now that I’ve held it in my hand and I just got used to it it’s uh it’s a very good mid-range to throw into

The headwind um or something that you can always trust to go left at the end of the flight all right we got the Pyro love this disc should fly about the same little bit more stability than that a little faster oh shoot that also slipped out of my hands

I slipped out of my hands it’s parked um we’re going to go to a fairway driver first and I’m going to say my favorite for last this is a crave it is one of my favorite discs in my bag um I don’t throw it as much as I should um now that

Every time I’m thinking about I’m like why don’t I throw the crave more every time I throw it I’m like why am I not throwing this disc more so um comment down below if you have a disc in your bag I want to know I’m just curious if

When you throw if you have a disc that when you throw it you’re like why am I not throwing this disc more the Crave for whatever reason is that for me so if you have a disc like that I want to know if there’s another disc out there that’s

Really good that’s like a sleeper that I don’t know about so uh but I love the crave it’s a great great disc release this on Heiser should flip up to Flat turn a little and then finish with a fade there we go Heiser turn there we go

Who probably my favorite disc in my bag it’s very very close my Raptor my crystal Sparkle raptor is so um sentimental to me because I’ve had it for so long and I can trust it to do what it’s supposed to do and it’s I’m was predominantly a forehand dominant

Player but um these May grad overtime take over as the my favorite disc in my bag which I love all the discs in my bag but these three I have three of them so if that tells you anything um and it is the hex um I have three hexes they all

Do different things this is a fision hex and uh man I just love it’s lightweight uh Tailwind it’s going to fly super straight hold that and just keep going uh it’s definitely going to have more turn to it and be more flippy than my other ones um but this is a great disc

And it’s hard for me to take it out of the bag my lazad um I bought a lot of LZ when they first came out this one to me I liked the stability this one the best they were all very similar but some of them flipped and did a little bit

Different things way better than some other brands that I’ve had but axm is actually really really good at consistently making molds that fly really true at least from my my take on the discs I’ve bought and got they all fly extremely similar now their numbers may be a

Little off there’s some discs I’ve got that I thought like the Pyro for instance did not think it was going to be as stable as it was but I’ve got three of them and all three of them fly exactly the same not exactly the same but very very very similar but um that’s

One reason why I’ve gravitated a lot towards axom discs is if I wanted to backup they are they’re very consistent so but this one was slightly more stable than the other lozad I got and I could trust the really rip on it and it would just hold that flat line and then just

Gradually Fade to the left at the end and uh I really enjoyed that or I really like that out of a disc and then I just got this one and this one is the most stable of my hexes it’s a total eclipse hex and uh it kind of fits like Le

Stable pretty neutral slight finish slightly more stable but they’re all three fantastic mid-ranges and uh I’m going to play a few holes with them show you guys how they fly we’re going to go with this hex this hex I should be able to put on a slight Hiser should flip up

To Flat hold that make it a little turn at the end see what happen oh shoot I got to go get that disc uh I’ll be back in a hot second I’ve got to get that disc cuz uh that was a shank an absolute shank job I went and got it

As fast as I could try this again try to really get that heart rate to just calm down on this next row like I said should be able to heer flip this thing keep that turn to holding what I say flat turn held the turn pretty much held that turn the whole way

That was a little low but you have to G so all right just throw them flat Zach just put them out there flat here we go this is the hex I love it flies really straight and then it has a slight finish to it there we go that did turn did flip up

Did did turn here’s this one this one will definitely should be more stable than that one yeah yeah it’s just going to hold that get in the basket that would have been awesome anyways love axium discs if uh you guys have never thrown any I would say go out there and throw some

Cuz they’re really really really good so thank you guys for watching be sure to subscribe till I’ll see you in the next one go on peace and be Blessed


  1. One for me that I just picked up more understable than the Crave that I LOVE is the Signal, 6,5,-3,1 or my relay 6,5,-2,1 for slightly less flippy. the relay is pretty beat up to more like a -2.5 now.

  2. Honestly, I picked up the gyropalooza box this year and I love how the crave flew out of the box. I have bagged it and since doing that I neglect it… I love my glitch as well. I have a pair of them.

  3. Once I threw the Crave, that’s all she wrote. Almost all MVP/Axiom/Streamline! They just feel right in my hand. They seem a tad shallower. Been really liking the Wrath lately. But honestly love them all!! 😂

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