Left Handed Putting Tips

A very short and informative video to help you drain more putts!

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All right everybody welcome back to another video today we’re going to be doing a little bit of a putting lesson I’m going to be going through some tips and tricks I’ve learned through my years that have helped me become a better Putter and hold those putts when it

Counts let’s get right into it all right guys so today we’re going to really go over some of the putting Basics um essentially what we’re going to talk about today is a little bit of alignment a little bit of stroke a little bit of like eye position over the ball and then

The most important thing keeping that putter moving towards your target so one of the best things I’ve learned is a tip that my dad used to tell me um it would be straight back straight through Straight in and I know that sounds kind of simple kind of sounds like well it’s

Exactly what you’re supposed to do U but a tendency I see people to have is they’re going to obviously take it back a little bit inside a little bit outside maybe a little bit on like kind of a figure eight pattern um and that’s going to make it really really hard to get

That ball started on your target line um one thing I’m looking at is uh basically taking the wrists and the hands out of it essentially I’m doing just this guys you can do this little bit of a drill uh I’ve got my my hand is just dead weight

Here and I’m just rotating my shoulders that’s essentially all this putting stroke is going to be I’ll show you from this side I’m just letting my hands hang rotating my shoulders that’s really what my putting stroke is going to look like um and that’s that’s just kind of

Emulate the the lack of hands my hands are barely they’re not doing anything in this in this stroke at all my hands are barely even holding on to the club it’s looking like this you can see it’s just a rotation my shoulders essentially my spine is a hinge that my shoulders are just

Rotating on and that’s going to allow me to keep that putter um going straight back and straight through once I get my hands into it I’m shutting the club face I’m doing all this um and that’s really what you’re going to want to try to avoid um especially when it comes down

To these pressure putts and you just got to get the ball start on your line I’m going to show you what this looks like a little bit down by the ball I want you guys to see what a stroke looks look like straight back straight through

Straight in also guys as you can see I’m keeping that putter head moving on my line towards my target I’m not getting short with it I’m not getting stabby I’m not letting that club head stop it’s basically low and slow really the best way to get better at this people is to

Just keep practicing one thing I’ve noticed that helps me with my start line is putting a line on my ball I’m not sure how much of you are utilizing that but I think it’s extremely important to put a line across your ball get that ball started on your line I’m putting

That line on where I want the ball to start and then once I get up to it it’s easy to line my club face up to that line it really takes a lot of the guess work out of it um it’s a lot easier to

Line up to that line than it is to just line up towards the hole if I’m not putting that line down at all and then like I said people just remember we’re taking the hands out of it uh one thing I’ve also struggled with in the past is

Keep my hands too low as you can see like this here that’s going to really give give me the tendency to kind of kind of pull and push my putt it’s really hard to keep a consistent stroke uh when your hands are low so a good tip

That I’ve heard is to get your eyes over the ball I’ll show you a little bit what that looks like you can see here my eyes are right at the ball and over the clu head and then I’m going to kind of keep my shaft as upright as I can and get my

Wrist a little bit in this locked position like this and then couple that with like I was saying here do the rotation of just the shoulders guys I’m telling you this tip has helped me a ton and you’re going to make so many more putts so I’m going to show you a little

Bit here like this I’m getting my eyes over the ball getting that shaft upright almost so the heels in the air a little bit so my wrists are locked just a rotation of my shoulders I’m keeping that putter head moving on my line you’re going to hold so many putts like

This and that’s going to wrap this one up guys I know this was a really quick video but I just wanted to get some tips out there for you couple week weeks ago we did the short game chipping uh lesson and I know a lot of people liked that

We’re going to go ahead and uh continue to do a few lessons along the way the short game area is kind of the area where my game is best uh so I’ll take care of the chipping and the putting we’ll let Brant go ahead and teach one

On the long irons and the driver Grant’s excellent at that part of the game where I’m a little bit more of the short game Maestro so thanks for watching Everybody uh leave a like comment let us know what you want to see um like I said we got

Some really big announcements coming up and I’m really really excited to share with you if you guys are learning anything let us know man we love to hear it thank you so much again like And subscribe and we’ll see you in the next one

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