Golf Babe

How to have a consistent golf swing

Consistency is the key to golf. Here is how to have a consistent golf swing.

Guest : Jimmy Tropicana @TropicanaEntertainment

Instagram :

Manolo March:

Welcome to an episode of smack that also known as how to have a consistent golfing swing a consistent golfing swing is going to help you tremendously and having more fun when you smack that so why don’t we show you while we play a whole of golf or two we’ll see where we

Get to that you can have a more consistent golf swing each shot that we get to you’ll understand what makes it consistent and why and that’s it check it Out okay let’s put the thing to the ground that’s sir that’s a peculiar position that you’re in there no you look like a pelic are you being nasty well I mean what my what’s wrong with my gymnast or something bro I’m a nasty per it’s like whatever I’m like Liber I’m good

I’m feeling fancy wow look at that man that’s good bro you were checking me out that is very peculiar don’t do that so how are we going to have a consistent swing in the game of golf well here’s a great way to do it make sure that you’re taking the club away

The same way every time that’s important a lot of people do it here and there and all over the place just take it back the right way take it back on a good plane take it back with your body use the big muscles use the big muscles that’s going

To be a great way to have a consistent swing in the game of golf especially off the te so I want to make sure that my thing is going low and slow that’s my rmo I even like Mantra like low and slow and DMO all right I got a good line okay

Good I’m going to come up in here I’ve been doing this new thing where I step into it like a batter box situation like I kind of I don’t know something happened in my life where I like that so I’m going to try that right now good and

Then it’s on right there once I’ve done some right here now boom it’s on let’s make sure the back swing is slow and slow and good and let’s put a good move on it let’s have some fun that’s the game of golf that’s s wow you ain’t kidding that’s hammered holy

Smokes okay yeah that was good it’s consistent I made sure my back swing was low slow and I used big muscles don’t be nasty or do but I think that the main part of being consistent like you said do everything the same every single time but how do you do everything the same

Every single time on autopilot yeah my thing was I think to to get it started get that thing started the right way every single time that’s for me important what’s yours I think if I want to do it the same every single time then I must do something the same

Every single time so I feel like everything’s just connected yeah I like that and if I connect everything then I can’t be up here or over here I I just swing it the same every time because my arms are connected to my body my elbows are close together so in other words in

Other words are you using your big muscles your big bodies your body well no my big muscles are here oh but you’re using your body yeah kind of okay I like it so I just want to put everything together connect everything yeah bro connect forward connect the dots that’s

It and then just turn back and turn forward while being completely connected keep my head down what a Shaw it’s pretty consistent that thing didn’t move at all that was beautifully struck that’s consistency that was doing the same thing over and over beautiful runny I was very turned on by runny like

You like your eggs e what is that who even says that why would you do that do you ever order your eggs runny sunny side up right when Grandma makes webble tiio bro weos nobody knows about that M unless you’re Latino yeah let me uh you put a little bit pan you put

Some is that your what’s your what’s your number one breakfast of all time oh bro don’t get me started on that bro are you kidding me you had to choose one breakfast as your last one ever can I interest you in a you can always interest me in an listen man I

Had it for Christmas morning oh really mhm my favorite breakfast ever in the world you ready for this one man mhm sausage bacon eggs you’re disgusting saus wait why why would you say sausage first I’m just rattling it off dog this is my show right now so why don’t you

Just sit back and relax bro sausage it’s sausage bacon eggs hash browns okay that’s important sausage bacon egg and hash browns bro then you have sour dough toast and you have some Mana you put the butter but you also put the strawberry preserves that’s it boom you got to have

Two pieces of that then you have to have a bloody mary a spicy Bloody Mary okay you got to have it like a good one and then you have some lemonada do you have a bloody mary or bloody Maria no no no I have a Bloody Mary I’ll put the Vodka

That one I don’t care about the Kil it’s bloody Mary that’s it then then you have the lemon then you have the orange juice so lemonada and Bloody Mary it’s orange juice lemonade Bloody Mary a double espresso for cheer a double espresso for cheer so that’s how you start it the

Double Espresso boom boom that’s it man that massive breakfast Oho I’m 65 255 deep down on the inside bro seriously I smash food bro I promise you sound like Beetle Juice Beetle me I’m 65 baby 65 225 I’m a nasty pero like that so sausage bacon eggs hash BR sour dough

Toast Mana with the strawberry preserves with the lemonada with the orange juice with the bloody Maria but you start it off with a double espresso that’s Theo I’ll hammer that bro the whole thing that’s it you asked you I’m already exhausted you asked and dog you know what I like white

Toast sour though is white white toast no butter and a glass of water why you did that that’s terrible no I’m just kidding that is a good breakfast but I think uh a good p hold on a good P for breakfast mm cho cho is always that that’s that’s

Next level though that’s always the r cuz it’s not always there but all that other stuff you can you can get easily so you really had it for Christmas morning I took photos I have the whole bit you took photos I had to it was so good and so

Wellmade and so fantastic I was the happiest person on the planet I swear to goodness gracious you made it I made it I whipped it up I made my own Stilo my own Remo I did the whole thing I had the Bloody Marry Mi like that’s it Tabasco

That’s it the bacons I didn’t do the celery because that’s whatever and then boom wow I woke up bro I have my double Express so I didn’t even know you knew how to c anything are you kidding me bro did you just hit yours like gone gone

Sorry I drove way past I didn’t mean to much WoW the Sun is setting is very romantic right now calm down the Sun is setting the year is setting all right that is a nice Sunset okay how far we got 175 yards oh hold on I have a laser Beamer 175 up the

Hill at least I’m going to see what’s up that pin that thing is blue and back over the bunker back and blue dog get it back and blue you didn’t get it hey what does your kid call his new toy at for Christmas a telescope a telescope okay I have it beeping this

Home day what you think it was1 pretty close 178 but it’s going out the hill man you have to factor that in the ball does not fly as far it doesn’t but I don’t even know if I want to hit it all the way there that’s a risky shot because the Bunker’s there

So okay again consistency and frequency that’s how you do it likeed consistency and frequency turn through okay elbows together and head down a little right just squirt ew what what what why did you say that that’s that’s how you talk to the ball really yeah like squirt up there

And out of there oh God you are a disaster today I didn’t say it you did but you reaction is that a normal reaction that you get when you say never mind we’re going to leave that alone you’re sick wow you hit your far uhoh what’s the take away we have

Company who’s company uh-oh re company not all of them come on knock on my door uh-oh here it comes mik I think I’m waiting for you Jose has the ability to put the hex on the on the rthm of a CH I don’t have my thing dog

What did you lose now my little magnetic rythmos oh you don’t there’s Jose so fine whatever he’s coming to get you all right shoot it hi Jose hoser Jose you want to be on National Television he laughs he laughs and crashes right into the tree all right as he’s

Looking bye all right M here’s what I see people this is good to know the top of the bunker is 130 the flag is 148 do some good math that’s 18 yards so I know I got 18 yards to mess with that’s I got 130 148 is that the number it was

148 to the flag 130 to the top of the bunker so I got like 18 yards that’s all right so it’s going up 148 I’m going to add 10 yards I’m adding 10 so it’s really 158 to the flag okay now I don’t want to fly it all the way up there like

That so I’m going to do what I like to do what do you like to do I like to take one extra Club and swing smooth that is another reason that you can have a consistent swing because if you start going crazy and you’re doing Formula 1

and you want to go in sixth gear your whole swing changes because you’re doing extra if you take more stick let the club do the work for you and take a nice smoother better swinger you got a better shot you have a better chance of being more successful and that’s what

We’re trying to do right consistent right consistency and frequency come on man all right let’s see it Mr consistent Mr 3000 good okay and action here we go see if I can also the ball is above my feet I don’t have like a super perfect flat Li so I’m going to take way

More club and just take it easy here’s my new little rmo okay in three two one let’s see it right there oh that’s good D I was able to zoom in all the way into that okay now here’s the thing that happened MH I took dead aim at the flag

Which I didn’t think that this was going to affect it too much but because the ball was a little above my feet it started pushing it that way it’s exact what happened but I took more stick I kept it nice and calm and tranquilo and very very nasty connected like you say

McDonald’s if you didn’t know his visor is from McDonald’s he’s going to work later tonight to survive and provide for the fun okay let’s go ah the MC DLT dude one of the greatest invention of American History you never had one of those whoa the camera is just wonky there we go

What do you mean I never had a MDT have you had one what’s it called MC DLT and what is that go in and ask for one so what is it called Mick D I got that man I got the acing but what’s it

Made of oh you got to go in and find out I can’t oh you squirted over here oh by the little mini Christmas tree that’s not a golfing B where they go I can only drive the golfing card so close before the golfing Gods beep at me come on

Let’s go find it come on on let me get a club and a putter did it stay in I mean it’s not in someone’s backyard no I know but I thought it was like on the grass oh all right let’s see what I can do is that a bonsai tree I heard

That oh my here let me hold that e wow what a disaster wow looks very nature this is a hard shot but all I have to do is just get it on the green if I make bogey I’m okay with you look here in Costa Rica hold

Please hey the oh hold on I’m going to climb the mountain like a billy go oh this is for the people man you can’t even see the ball there it is okay ready that’s it excuse me here we go I got to hit it low uhuh and just

Punch it oh I’m trying to do do my best field come on man I’m there holy you made it no seriously oh man that was good take it easy that’s all right I know it’s okay but that was as good as you could does it’s pretty good got a

Put for par let me get this thing all you need is a chance right that’s all you need in life how about you the green I’ll drive hold on I already got my steps in for the day I’ll take a ride just give me one second one minute

Pleasey look at that burn on this thing your mine you’re not really smoking it well because you’re disgusting all right birdie Putt and a par putt what else can you ask for I think the biggest thing that we learned there was to add a ton more

Yards M listen I’m calling it a ton whatever add a ton more yards yeah take more stick mhm keep the swing consistent I’m telling you when you go lunatic crazy you know what I’m saying when you’re like you’re exiting the atmosphere or some come on man no these clubs have angles there’s enough

Masa here just come on man okay good speech wow that was elite elite all right let’s see you got a 30-footer this was just very good I mean it ended up being very good let me face my pitch here I got one TR In fix that CH it that fill that why are you do it man why come on man well you over here being so disgusted I’m taking my time because I want to make sure that the green is good for the people that’s it I’m going to keep this thank you very much

Wow I might have to Ash this because I don’t want it to get on the green as that ask that if you want to smoke a cigar there’s no problem with that it’s okay you have a glass of whiskey you smoke a cigar you live the life but put

It elsewhere not on the secrity of the green this is a very secred Place listen if it’s not so crazy you can just do it like that uh uh golf gods are watching holy okay this is is a little bit uphill can you see that that’s going up the

Hill viewers yeah right away I know all right it’s probably a little touch uphill I come down here on the bottom I can see that it’s coming this way to me because we were coming up the hill so naturally it’s probably sloped like this you can’t quite see it but I’m going to

Air air on that side I cannot stand this thing I don’t care if you keep it in or take it out but like whatever I can’t stand it I get behind the hole I squat down okay good I look at what my line might be it looks

Like if I hit a ball to right here Earth will take it where it belongs that’s my line that’s it come on that’s it walk around the person’s imaginary line don’t step in his world that’s very very maluc and way we go I line it up cuz I like

It I almost fall over that is way too many I love it I maximum love it and away we go good one I take another practice while I look at the hole and then all I do is repeat that stroke let’s see what happens okay that Hill pushed me down this hill

Kept me straight so it ended up being a straight butt listen because I’m in your way uh-huh let me just finish this off okay okay use time that’s good I have a little rmo that I like to do okay that’s good and then make the

Ball end over in knock it in the hole for a little parito dust oh my man die oh my God I hear my P way too Hard guess what people this is live and Direct Golf happens I’m not concerned I hit it too hard stroker stroker putter door her clean it up what are you doing there you go I know I don’t know why I hit it like a lunatic should we play

Another one come on let’s play another one it’s good okay I’ll take this bring the cameras or should we just leave the camera here and do their thing so people what did you learn there H I bet you do that a lot yeah happens I haven’t practiced my three

Footers in a long time and evidently I just got bit by that so I’m going to remember that it’s delicate I have to hold my finish I have to remember a lot of things which evidently I forgot that all right New Hole R4 up the hill 370 380 look at that

All right key to consistency key to consistency show the people what is the key to consist Connection in consistency they go together connection I love it consistency hammered you look very connected there yep like pack Bell okay people guess what the past is the past the present is

The present and the future is whatever forget about it you missed the put I miss the putt whatever make up for it that you learn from your mistake but you forget about it and keep it moving yeah New Hole don’t try to chase that putt cuz then that’s what happens

People miss a putt like that and they’re Furious Furious they get to oh bro I missed the two footer I did too bro yeah then they get the driver and they try to hit as hard as they can it goes in the hill mhm and then it’s just a compounder yeah compounding interest

Compound interest except you ain’t getting paid H in okay let’s do my little thing that I like to do right now I love it that’s it okay move in good three two nasty damn how just hammered that might have outd drove me and you hit an iron I hit a two iron

That’s your driving iron this thing is so good there’s a way to hit every Club in your bag I know that the driving two iron smooth it has a ton of Masahiro Tanaka in it which means the Ball’s going to go put a good swing on it let

The club do the work I’m not trying to do nothing just hit the center of the club oh God that dude almost made that wow good shot dude oh got some golfers behind Okay okay so you hit that two iron in lie of your driver listen this is a little baby HK

There’s no need to rip a drive up there to who knows where I’m know and I like to be able to hit a golfing ball and play allow myself to use the clubs I know how to use take a good full smooth swing get it up there and play golf you

Know I know I haven’t practiced my little 30 40 50 60 yard shots a lot until I do that to get it in tight I’m going to make sure that I swing the golfing club the way it’s intended to be swung which is smooth and nasty nasty fancy nasty fancy

Look at these are good shots mhm okay that guy’s 150 so because we’re so close what is that 152 so check it out here’s a good way to do it oh you’re at 150 you could be I don’t know wherever you’re at but if you

Get you just walk one yard each step is one two good 152 to the middle I got a red flag so I’m going to subtract 10 that means 42 probably or so to the hole okay now that being said it’s a little bit up oh my God I stupid I didn’t bring

My thing use mine I’m not going to use it whatever it’s too late but it’s a little bit up so I’m going to add 10 more 52 152 okay what am I going to do take extra Club swing it smooth I could hit a nine all day long but I’m going to

Smooth an eight because I like the way it is so you’re hitting an eight iron I’m smoothing an eight iron I have more than enough stick but I think this is the one let’s do it good I got a new little thing I like three two one

Okay CAD short I kept it little clippy little short but guess what I’m going back up to the hole I’m not ripping it off the world I didn’t hit a great shot but I’m right there that’s where you want to miss I agree now you have a

Short little and listen the whole point of this is that golf is a game of imperfections you’re imperfect okay how do you get around being imperfect keep keep it smooth Keep it Gangster okay well I probably have 130 then cuz you had 154 right that’s exactly what I have so I probably have

One 35 I’m going to hit a pitching wedge low I played on my back foot but still feel that connection go up come down real low back foot connected head down get up there peace it’s pin High well it’s definitely past pin high oh it’s pretty close you

Want to fill that thank you sir I can can promise you this you got a funny P it’s all right hey could be worse I agree I’m putting you’re wrong good job I’m putting I have a chance they’re going to get to see my downhill putt uh method okay which is very

Jack Nicholas 1986 Masters this might be the same exact putt he had in your life except for there’s a few tens of thousands of people lighter oh you don’t know that the people watching that’s that’s my gallery how about that oh you have a thing going on over here that I

Don’t know about the people that are going to watch this video oh you’re right oh you were thinking about the people like that look at that everybody everybody everybody what grab a putter no need to be cisty yeah just get it on the green and Putt listen you’re not going to go home

And tell your lady hey I chipped in from8 feet off the green so like what’s up see me like what did you just say uhhuh well your kid is smoking weed at school and he’s 11 yeah but I chipped in but I chipped in mama

Okay you want to go first yeah sure give me this thing so we could do it you’re furthest away anyway everybody furthest away goes first and it doesn’t matter if you’re on or off the green it’s whoever’s furthest away goes first that’s how it’s go now does it matter a ton no play

Ready golf that’s a thing whatever but for the sake of Productions okay so I have a screen yeah that’s Lightning Fast Man screamer down the hill mhm I just want to start it on the line and let the gravity and the hill do everything so

I’m just going to tap it get it rolling and just let it go okay make that little jacuzzi around it oh your jacuzzi let’s see jauz with people full full of people drinking Miller High Life watch this more people drink Corona prier right Slow Down slow down slow

Down oh that’s pretty good dude that’s pretty good it hasn’t stopped yet but it was good I car the angle bro I car the angle of the dangle for so long not terrible at least I have an uphill putt now okay I’m gonna allow you to Mark with your tea because I’m not

Going to hit that oh I hate it looks fairly straight to me is it any different putting of the other grass when you’re this close and the grass is cut pretty tight to the Earth you know like very finely cut it’s not going to make much of a difference

Okay you just got to put a good little pop stroke on it and get it up near the hole and do your best to make a par no more than five okay no more than five this actually moves a little this way I see it so I’ll aim a touch to the right

Let’s see if we can do some something nasty jacuzzi okay and again okay Mr oo let’s see what happens uphill give it a good pop no problems that’s it uhoh okay that hopped and jumped and skipped and did a bunch of crazy stuff but whatever me or you I look like I’m

Away we’re still putting up to the hole there’s a bunch of on my golfing barall okay one cup on the right good the ball should dive in the left make a good stroke you see it going left well how can it not okay do your thing this was so downhill fast all this

Way okay yeah yeah I see a ball moving a little bit to my left hopefully I correct get up here put it flat it check it get it stroke it and that’s it oh straight didn’t move huh well the balls behind the hole might have moved

The touch but not as a cup tap it in for five good who’s next I feel like mine is going to go right not left we have kind of similar find out well I mean we’re we’re we’re live and direct figuring it out together head down knock it [Laughter] in that’s

Straight stop it in I will get the flag listen everybody you have to understand something this is golf this is how it works this is how it goes some go in some don’t some are short some are long some this some that you just learn you grow you are frequent

You are consistent you try and keep your stuff together because the ball didn’t go too crazy here and you can keep it moving and have more fun and shoot 10 shots better just off thinking nastier now would you like to go maybe one more home it’s all let’s go let’s go hey who

Are they can you grab that yeah I could grabb that is that an Eskimo excuse me Mrs Eskimo oh look it’s Eskimo and Black Swan who the song Holy Moly how lucky are we it’s like Disney characters oh look at she has a little Beanie and everything do she have the

Manolo beanie on I mean that fur better be fall she’s like f that better be fur oh look high heels and everything everyone this is very very very surprised oh oh yeah it’s not rolling it’s not rolling no it’s okay we’ll turn it this way we don’t want any evidence of this okay

Well then fine we’ll make sure to cut you out oh okay we’ll do that do you need us for something no just I wanted to get some pictures but it’s like really good hazy yeah oh okay will you to be here for a little while longer perfect fantastic we’ll see you

Charlie who was that never seen those two women in my [Laughter] life okay peculiar right they just showed up they didn’t have any golfing clubs yeah what was that I don’t know we’re on a golfing course oh maybe they’re here for the Grand Prix all right part three up the hill let’s go

Let’s go easy game losing light a little bit but whatever play it at 170 yards correct is the pin in the front no middle white the pin is white so we’ll do a seven you do seven I’ll do six see you Charlie she looks like the the guy from The

Godfather you know uh the guy that fixes the light bulb and then get shot forgot his name Don something Don farini no Don barzini was another guy anyway all right up the hill up the hill not the easiest of shots let me stuck in my pocket before I lose

It this is a full seven iron what you do that you’re going to hit a five iron smooth let me guess what do you know five iron smooth this is the whole point of the golfing video to teach the people yeah I just feel like I can’t control

That distance so I’m going to still smooth swing smooth but just with a seven listen Jimmy not everyone is the athletic specimen that you are M so come on man that’s just fine it’s going to get a kick on the green pretty close I mean it’s far enough that’s for sure listen I

Tell you this you get up to near pin High that’s a good Mo mine this might be a little right it actually stayed dead straight and you know what I forgot to do there is connect I was thinking about the fact that happens in the game of golf that

Happens in life you forget so you learn from your mistakes still hit it straight but I think that the habit of being connected just kicks in all right aut here’s the habit of smooth five how about that smooth five go swing do something kind of nasty all

Right I like it I’m going to stick to my new little thing that I like to do for whatever reason okay three two one oh man go it’s a little short it’s a little short because you smooth I’m swinging very very like super like almost too smooth

Yeah so that’s fine we’re going to get up there and we’re going to use our little short game Vons I’m swinging extra smooth I’m trying to play as if we are you know teaching that people like oh I can do that I can do that well you’re

Limiting damage also you know that if you take a l club and hit it harder things can go wrong as opposed to I mean you’d rather take a five iron and hit it completely straight like you did then hit a seven iron and have it go left or

Right because you’re swinging out of your shoes exactly that is what I am trying to preach the teach that listen you’re playing golf we’re doing this we’re filming this the whole point of this is so you can see like okay I can do that it’s okay it is okay yours is

Great I’m not concerned at all right there I’m going to do the same thing I’m going to take my putter again because a lot of people need to understand that they can do that now here’s what I did I learned from my mistake the last hole hit it a little harder maybe

Learn off is learning constantly learning I’m going to assume that mine got on but oh yeah I’m good you good we’re both good we’re just off the green yeah but we’re you know we’re we’re near it we’re on it we’re good easy par all right it looks like

We’re similar distance away we’re here at yours this goes up and slides this way this is kind of a funny putt but whatever funny how funny like a clown like I’m here to amuse you amuse me all right ask you something so funny about it’s gonna go up and then it’s going to

Feed down I can feel that with my feet I can see that so let me go over here all right it looks like if I hit it to right about here the Earth will take me into the hole and a ball if I’m going to make it it’s

Going to go in in this area not trying to make it but that’s my idea let’s see if it works in other words that’s that rmo and that’s it thank you for that that was very very generous okay yeah up and through and away we go

Good now I just repeat that last one on the line give it a little more masa and let’s see what happens oh that’s good that’s good oh man good par thank you very much let me give you that one you give me this one I’ll give you that so thoughtful I think

You know how to do it hopefully that is the first part I made in so long but that’s okay cuz there’s always more holes there’s more holes to play you learn wow this thing’s going to snap I know you saw mine so I need to aim 6 ft north

Of the the reason he said that’s good is because it was close enough enough where it’s like okay you’ll make that probably let’s speed up play that’s what that means come on mine do it I kind of love it I kind of love it hurry very well

Read very well read that’s good too right that is absolutely good knock it in for whatever reason I don’t care easy Parts okay what do we learned to today about a consistent golfing swing what you want to do is you want to make sure you can repeat it when you’re

Going crazy you can’t repeat crazy okay but you can repeat smooth okay slow as smooth smooth as fast take more stick be more smooth and be more consistent you take this into 2024 or whatever year you’re watching this I promise you you’re going to be nastier you’re going

To play a lot better golf that’s that rmo Jimmy trapana and manolos that’s it


  1. This is better than all those so-called teaching pros on YouTube with all that techincal ish…MTG is more like playing with the guys and just having good time…and learning to "smack dat shit"!

  2. Great seeing your long format videos
    This is my first video of yours
    Big props on the golf etiquette lessons!
    Stay swinging perrrro

  3. Tha k you both for amazing content. Manolo & Jimmy. I actively watch both your channels and your advice has helped me a great deal. Also the way you both play the game….you have fun and enjoy it. Today I shot my low round of 82 and I've played less than 4 months! Keep it up fellas! Dassit❤❤

  4. If I can smoke fine cigars and play golf all the time, get me a job at McD's Jimmy, LOL! Love the channel & the content. Happy New Years to you & your families. As a groundskeeper who mows greens (and golfs) it drives me crazy people who don't fix their damn pitch marks on the green. Dasssit!

  5. I really enjoyed watching this video guys with a nice lesson about patience and ensuring you use the correct amount of club when needed.

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