CHIPPING GOLF GAME – How to Build a Tour Level Short Game

Is your short game top notch on the practice green, but then falls apart when it matters – On the golf course? Then this short game improvement video is for you! The problem isn’t necessarily with technique, it’s with poor preparation. Most golfers practise their short games with no real pressure, with no consequence. That’s a problem.

When we ultimately want to perform around the greens during a competition or tournament, our ‘feels’ are completely different. We spend hours upon hours practising with a relaxed, easy technique, hitting the same easy shots over and over again. This is not really preparing us for what happens on the golf course, such as: average to poor lies; unique positions; the need for imagination; and making smart decisions under pressure. In short, having CONSEQUENCES to each and every shot!

This Chipping Golf Game, called ‘Bullseye’ prepares you properly for competitive golf. Why? Because you’re practising with CONSEQUENCE! By competing with yourself or others, you prepare yourself much better for the pressures of playing in competition.


For your convenience, we have composed a FREE PDF Training Guide, which you can download to your smartphone, tablet or pc for printing. The guide includes lesson notes, images from this lesson and details of all the drills included. For instant access, so you can take the Guide to the practice tee, click here:

Game Rules Library

In this video, Glen uses and recommends:

Red Belly Active Polo ~
Srixon ZX Irons ~
Srixon Z-StarXV Golf Balls ~
Cleveland RTX-6 Zipsore Wedges ~

#chipping #golfgame #practice

0:00 Why your short game sucks
1:19 Easy chips
2:19 Medium difficulty
2:55 Tough bunker shot
3:56 Chip and run
4:34 Chip to elevated green
5:08 Hard pitch from sand
6:07 Chip it in!
6:37 Medium pitch
7:11 Impossible shot
9:14 Redemption
9:49 The most important part!


▶️ Easy Golf Swing For Seniors ~
▶️ The Lead [LEFT] Arm in the Golf Swing ~
▶️ Fix Tension in the Golf Swing ~
▶️ Stop Chunking Pitches ~
▶️ How To Strike The Ball First (Easy Drill) ~


Steve Gannon and Glen Haynes created Aussie Golf Pros to provide a learning platform for golfers of all levels. They post content regularly on social media accounts. Their website,, includes blogposts, golf coaching series and links to great programs. New content, videos and downloads are added regularly.

Golf Coaches, Not Teachers

The Aussie Golf Pros are holistic coaches in every sense of the word. Steve and Glen are both fully qualified members of the PGA of Australia and are avid students of the Sports Sciences. Together, they are certified in Advanced Golf Coaching, Golf Psychology, TPI (Body-Swing Connection), NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), Personal Development and Skill Acquisition.

Steve and Glen are not ‘Method’ coaches. They recognise that there are literally 1000’s of ways to swing a golf club! Rather than try to ‘change’ your swing, their goal is to help You Be The Best Golfer You Can Be!

Skill Development vs Technical Changes

Although technique is an important factor in improving a golfer’s performance, Skill Development is largely neglected in golf coaching today. Skill is something that can be tangibly improved with proper understanding of the golf impact laws and effective practice towards improved performance.

External Focus of Attention

Most golf teaching involves an internal focus. Common suggestions might include increased hip turn, a still head or improved hand path. These are all factors of the golf swing, which many golfers and teachers consider important. However, as they are focused internally, on movements of the body, golfers find changes extremely difficult to process.

We bet when you’re practicing your chipping it’s all hunky dory you hit some great shots but when you try to take it out on the golf course when it matters it all falls apart and we hear this story every week we’re here to show you how you can get over that hurdle to

Take your practice game your aame out into the golf course we’re going to do it by taking on a challenge we’re going to play a chipping golf game called Bullseye we’ve got a challengeing green here we want to have versatility with our short game we’re really going to

Challenge ourselves but we’re going to have easy shots medium difficulty shots and harder shots and we’ve got three Circles of targets around here the orange te’s one yard away from the hole the white te’s are 2 yards away and the big rubber te’s they’re three yards away

So you get the idea so today’s free download that’s going to be at the end of the video or in the description that’s all the rules and conditions about today’s Challenge and stick around to the end most important aspect of today’s Challenge and how you can help

You to take your aame out to the golf course just going to throw them randomly around and we’re going to look for a easy one which will be somewhere over there a medium one which should be over there and let’s try for a real tough one over there and we’ll get started I’m

Glen Haynes welcome to the golf pros where we help you make the most of your game let’s start with the easy chip we got a good flat li no real slopes to worry about a little bit of left to right I’ve got my whole bag here because

Every Golf Club in my bag is a chipping Golf Club we encourage you to be like that too get some versatility in your game and that’s what this challenge is all about we’re going to have a lot of different shots around this green so it pays to be

Versatile I’ve chosen my 56° sand wedge here I’m going to land it good 2 and 1/2 Paces on the green as a little bit left to right there’s a real good chance of chipping this in to start with now if I can get it inside the orange te’s that

Gives me my point and a bonus point for chipping in when this isn’t about technique but I’m just going to try and sweep the grass I’m going to get nice and close to the golf ball let’s see if I can land it my intended spot that’s key picking your landing

Spot landed where I wanted to and just inside the orange teas so there’s my first point not in no bonus point but it’s a good solid start a much more challenging chip this one the lies it’s not quite as good as our first chip so this is a medium difficulty shot made

More challenging by the fact that it’s downhill so the green is sloping downward away from me and that makes it much more difficult to judge the distance and how much the ball’s going to roll I’m choosing lob wedge cuz I need a little bit more height and spin

With the line the fact that it’s downhill so let’s see how we go contact felt good landed it where I wanted to a it’s just running out a little bit too far down that Hill outside the white te’s so no point on that one I was a little unlucky there

Only just a foot past the White T’s now I’ve got a tough shot in the bunker downhill Li the Green’s above me I’ve got a little bit of green to work with but not a lot so I definitely need the lob wedge the 60° wedge see if we can

Get enough height to get this to stop but I do have a bigger area but again I’m still trying to chip this in you see how many times wind Min Le is chipped in out of the bunker getting nice and low got to get nice height here plenty of

Speed add some Loft to the shot and some bounce oh that was poor too heavy got too deep on it no point off to bad start we have to do better it’s late in the afternoon so I can stay here there’s no one around so I’m going to pick up the three golf

Balls and let’s have three more shots so an easy one maybe over there medium down there and let’s go for a tough one right down the bottom there let’s try again a chip and run shot this one I’m going to go for 9 iron got a bit of grade to work

With uphill lie but the greens above me and it is downhill so I wouldn’t say it’s the easiest FP in the world but one that I would expect to get close I’m just going to land at a yard on the green let it roll the rest of the way simple

Action steady steady it’s a chance of a bonus and it’s run too far no point that’s quick down that Hill medium difficulty this one green elevated little bit of right to left going to go with The 56° Sand Wedge get it up over that Hill little bit of

Right to left Brak so you can see here I’m visualizing the shot going to land at two paces on going to drift to the left put foot and a half I’ve landed it where I wanted and much better lovely shot okay we got a point there and we actually got inside

The Inner Circle but still only one point unless we can get it in for that bonus okay this is the shot that I dread I’ve got a Sandy lie got a bunker in the way that’s not really in play but not a lot of green to work with the green

Above me it’s the Sandy lie that I’m a little bit concerned about so I was originally thinking 60° wedge the love wedge but because of the sand I’m going to go back to the 56° The Sand Wedge and open the club face a little bit that’s

Going to add a little little bit of Bounce I’m not looking forward to this shot but let’s see if I can pull it off it’s the hard shot so if I can get it inside the 3 yard Circle then I’m going to be really pleased now you don’t have

To have the te’s out there that’s just for the video so you can visualize the shots and the The Landing points so you can just hit the shot and then just Pace out how far away from the pin you are really make sure that that bounce is getting through there because of the

Sand okay come on you can do this oh it’s a bit big I think it’s just inside the circle so I’ll take a point there he easy chip good lie little bit uphill real chance of holding this going to go for my 50° gap wedge just going to landed a couple

Of feet on the green there’s a little bit of right to to left slightly uphill as I said so let’s see got to hold one before the day’s out come on oh I like it there a good chance get up get up oh that’s cheating has come off

The tea but at least I got the point a longer shot now balls sitting down a little bit but it’s not terribly difficult shot so it’s a medium difficulty white te’s let’s go again for see if we can chip another one in I’ve got the 56° sandwich it’s just a bog standard little

Pitch back swing follow through the same length just sweeping the grass little bit of left to right brake so again I’m going to land at two paces on the Green soft hands got to spin a little just inside we’re on the edge but it’s going

Okay all right this SL is not very good it’s very Sandy again the Bull’s sitting down so I’m going to go with that 56° sand wedge I’m going to out in the face help that bounce through the shot but it’s it’s such a bad lie that I’m I’m

Almost tented to hit the three-wood and just bump it along I think I’m going to hit two shots just to just to show you what’s possible here but I’ve chosen the 56 I’m going to play a bunker shot here I’m not going to hit the ball first the Li’s just not good

Enough I’m just going to Splash through it bit of open face nice long swing the shot’s about 30 yards so it’s going to take some power good shot will get on the green if I can get inside the circle I’ll be ecstatic but uh let’s have a go

As I said I’m going to hit that sand first open face wide stance just like a bunker shop nice long swing very happy with that might run out a little bit too far so no point but I got it on the green and I didn’t contact

The golf ball I just just hit the sand so if the Li’s bad and the soil soft you can play that type of shot let’s have a go with the three-wood just want to see how it would go grab another ball here three-wood or hybrid you know anything that just get the ball

Rolling I mean again it’s not easy I’ve got of an up slope before the green it’s a quite Lush grass and I’m going to need some power to get through that but let’s let’s see how it goes bad like again sitting down but at least now I don’t have to try to

Get underneath it I’m just going to cut it basically I’m not going to hit the grass with this club this is my three-wood little bit to the right and see that’s turned out pretty well and a lot less risk than kind of Splash the bunker shot and it’s only

Just outside of that Target Circle that’s a get out of jail free card right there three-wood or a hybrid some something with not much loft you don’t need to get underneath it and still a chance of getting up and down so I’m still on Five Points a

Chance to get to seven if I can hold this very difficult downhill ey bunker shot I just want to improve upon what I did earlier it’s up to you what you do with your tenth it can be just a chance of a chip in or whatever I like to

Choose a shot that I’ve struggled with I think I can do better than last time so just a little bit more bounced not quite as steep I reckon I can pull this off there we go and there’s a point so I finish on six points out of a possible 20 if I’d

Hold everything but let’s call it 6 out of 10 now the most important aspect of today’s challenge record your scores record it on your phone or in a practice book have some consequence to it you don’t get to read to a a shot you don’t get to start over everything counts as

It should and that’s what happens out in the golf course of course if you don’t practice at least some of your practice like this and you just hit your random shots around the chipping green and good lies and there’s no consequence to it you’re going to get good at those shots

But you won’t get good at the real tough shots and the challenges that you’re going to find out in the golf course with one ball when every shot matters so it’s so important to record your scores and have some consequence to this competitive type practice and obviously it’s great competing against someone

Else and that’s really good practice but if you’re on your own you’re need to compete against yourself and that’s really key right there’s your download for all of the rules and conditions of today’s Challenge and this is a video that we recorded about how to play some of those

Really tough shots so watch that video next and learn how to challenge yourself around the greens thanks so much for watching we look forward to comping next week are you the best golfer you can [Applause] be

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