Golf Players

Max Homa Swing Analysis Slow Motion

Max Homa Slow Motion Swing Analysis Driver

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About Ross Eves Golf

Ross Eves Golf is all about improving your golf. From golf fitness, to golf biomechanics to beginner’s golf tips!

So, what’s my background?

Well, as most professional golfers my dream was to play professionally. However, that dream was a little lofty for someone with my talent. So, I decided to take a different route. This route was to investigate the science behind getting better, specially how to hit the ball further! After all, who doesn’t want to hit the ball further.

This desire to learn how to increase swing speed lead me to investigate the body in terms of golf fitness and golf biomechanics. This interest in golf fitness lead me to complete TPI Level 1 and 2; become a qualified massage therapist and then extend that knowledge by completing a Masters degree.

During my Masters, I focused my research solely on increasing club head speed through golf fitness interventions. This line of scientific enquiry provided me with first evidence and golf fitness routines which would increase swing speed and hence increase club head speed. Personally, I found this research to be extremely helpful, and I increased club head speed by 15mph (from 100mph to 115mph) within 1 year.

After this I have turned my attention to the biomechanics of the golf swing. This combination of golf biomechanics and golf fitness knowledge allows me to provide coaching to all levels to help increase club head speed.

Max Homer is one of the best swings in the game of the golf at the minute it’s very simple very effective there’s not a lot of moving parts and he’s done a great job with his coach Mark Blackburn of really maximizing what his swing can do and work around limitations in his

Body so if we look at setup very neutral so grips neutral a little bit of tilt in the shoulders just to promote optimal launch angles with the driver a little bit of foot flare this foot flare will allow him to rotate properly around those hips I love that setup position

And then from the down the line view it’s just Immaculate really neutral angles there I love it so what I want to note first with Max is this little subtlety what he does with his head if you look on his takeaway if we move this back you’ll see can you see it’s very

Subtle but it’ll just move that head slightly closer to the Target and down what Max is doing here is’s just positioning his left eye to a position that will allow him to rotate around his spine and also see the ball a little bit clearly more clearly through that left

Eye as he moves through back swing it’s a very common move you see with guys who are left eye dominant Tiger Woods Jack Nicholas do a similar sort of move but it’s just to allow that left eye to see the ball better in back swing so that’s

A sort say it’s something to watch for if you see guys who are left eye dominant so we’ll have a look as well Max’s pelvis movement so as he takes the club away you’ll see a little bit of bump to the right hand side can you see

How that where that line is and how those hips have just bumped it’s a sort of old school move where guys have tried to go more Central with the pivot but it’s a very very powerful move of moving off the ball subtly it’s not a big slide

As some people may say but it’s a subtle bump to the right which will just help him move into that trail leg and really load at the top of the back swing so if we look from down the line You’ll see if I just draw a line here on his butt

He’ll start moving as he shifts can you see how he’s shifting and loading it’s a great way for somebody if you early extend on the back swing just to get a little bit more shift in the P this away from the ball and it’ll just help load

That right glute a little bit better so you can see how he’s really loaded look maybe an inch into that right glute here now what you’ll not with Max is if I bring him to a similar sort of position there how wide that takeaway is you can

See how far that butt end is away from his belly button loads of width arms really nice and straight and what Max doesn’t do is he doesn’t have a whole lot of wrist set you’ll see a lot of guys having a little bit more wrist set

There with the club whereas Max is very sort of passive with those hands at takeaway which again allows him not to have too many moving parts and also it allows him to keep that club head more outside the hands in takeaway which is preferred for Max because he does like

To hit that little like covered fade which is so effective for his ball striking so that’s a little subtle move that Max does that could say is a little bit different to most Pros in that they don’t shift those hips as much and they’d have a little bit more wrist set

Than Max but it’s it’s a great move tiger employed it in 2000 very similar and Max is somebody who idolizes tiger so it wouldn’t surprise me if that’s where that’s come from so if we move Max a little bit further in to back swing I’ll just put a line there so you can

See that shift with the pelvis and you can see he keeps moving keeps moving and then as we get him to sort of halfway back again you won’t see a lot of wrist set as you’ll see from a lot of guys nice but you’ll see just a great position there with the

Hands they’re little bit more sort of deep than maybe he used to be so max used to have his hands more in the center of the chest because he liked to get his hands higher but that was when he lost his PGA Tour card went on the

Cor fairy tour and what Mark Blackburn discovered is that Max has got quite tight lats so that makes it very difficult for him to get his hands nice and high at the top of the back swing so what they did is they got Max a little

Bit deeper so it put less strain through his lats that he just struggled to have the mobility there to get high hands at the top of his swing so it’s something really subtle but it’s helped him utilize what his body can do and then match his swing to his body something

That a lot of guys don’t do they just trace a certain aesthetic so he’s a little bit deeper with his hands there like I say he’s not got a whole lot of wrist set there is some there but what that does is it allows him in downswing

To create more of a stretch through the wrist because he’s not creating loads of angles in the back swing now if I just put a line again on that hip from where we started you’ll see as he moves to the top look how loaded he is into that hip

There now I’ve stopped it there because you will see it starts to move back and all that is is he’s just reentering in the down swing which we’ll talk about in a little bit more detail as we move him to the top so all he’s doing is he’s

Moved off the ball and then he’s starting to reenter his pelvis as his hands are moving back still what that’s creating is a whole lot of stretch through that trail that lead shoulder and through the rib cage to create a lot of speed so if I just just look look how

That hip starts to move can you see that it’s starting to move this way but look his hands are still moving back as he’s moving left with a pelvis very difficult move to do but you’ll see most of the top guys who are powerful do this I

Liking it to an action of like rubbing your belly while patting your head it’s a very very difficult move to do but that’s why they seem so effortless with the power so if you look from down the line and bring him up like we’ve talked about if we just look at static position

Those hands are very sort of flat for such a tall guy he would used to be like I say up here but he’s worked really hard with his coach Mark Blackburn just to get those arms a little bit more around his body which just allows him to stay in

Posture a little bit more so if we if we just roll him back I’ll put a line around his butt you’ll see how he moves a lot better into that trail side where if you had his hands up here he’d lightly move off that posture so I’m

Just going to just draw that line again there for you to see lovely position and you can see there look can you see that move with the hips there so he’s starting his down swing and you can see how those hips are starting to move down

So they moving down and rotating as his chest is still look at his chest it’s still sort of facing away from the target that’s a really powerful look at that move look how his knees are moving down into the ground and what that does is create a load stretch shortening

Cycles through the body through the Shoulder Through the wrist the angle in the wrist will can you see that just starts to increase get rid of these lines cuz it’s looking a little bit messy and that creates a whole lot of power without swinging out of your boots

It just looks effortless with Max so you can see down down down down and then you’ll see how that right elbow starts to move lower than that left elbow which then promotes that club to shallow out nicely see that club head shallowing out he’s getting a little bit

If you look at that that trail wrist you’ll start to see how it moves into flexion here so Mark Blackburn his coach has work with him on shallowing that club out and his feel is to feel like those left fingernail it’ll start to point more and more to the ground in

Transition that just helps him can you see that it helps him create some movement into flexion with that lead wrist and you’ll see how it just shuts the club face and shallows it out and then what that allows him to do is get into a lovely delivery position you’ll

See this with a lot of guys Adam Scott is a great example of this how at sort of lead arm parallel that right elbow is is lower than the left it’s a great way of shallowing the club and maintaining that lag and that angle you’ll see how his

Body’s worked down he’s created that drive in with the right knee and it just creates loads of power and torque through the body that means that he doesn’t have to put a ton of effort into to the golf shot to hit it far so you see look that move down he’s increasing

That sort of angle between the the legs and the Torso just such a powerful move whereas most amches you’ll see that angle actually sort of goes like this and down swing in the early extend so lovely lovely position here really powerful working down driving those

Knees and if we look from face on you’ll also see how much laterally moves it’s very sort of down and lateral rather than like it just in time Thomas or Rory which is much more vertical Force you don’t see that with Max he’s more if we

Got him on Force plates you’d see much more lateral movement rather than this sort of down and up like you see with guys like Rory or Justin Thomas so you can see there look how much he’s moved laterally it’s very much an old school movement starts

To drive that right knee in towards the left keeping that right arm nice and bent which helps him maintain that angle in the club head love that position just maintaining that angle then comes in to the delivery position that shaft is a probably a little bit outside the hands

He likes to hit a fade so this is a great position for max if he wanted to hit more draws we’d like to see that shaft a little bit more into this position but Max likes to hit those little covery Fades which allows him just they sort of just just start and

Then just fall off just a really control ball flight you see as well you can see how that toes a little bit more up to the sky whereas if he was hitting a draw we’d see that a little bit more parallel to the back line but just love that

Position from Max let’s bring him down to impact you’ll see it impact a little bit of elbow band that chest is nicely rotated he’s not down at the ball and then his hips have also rotated out probably see more from the face on view look there that knees in towards the

Left those that belt buckle pointing out here so is the P the chest and he’s getting a nice bit of shling really covering the ball and it’s why he’s such a good ball Striker and has such good control of his trajectory and then on the throughing we’ll see just extends

Out really loads of width there you’ll see as well look how that pelvis starts to move a little bit more up just using those vertical forces there and you can see how it jumps a little bit off that left foot like I say it’s not as aggressive as somebody as Rory but he

Does use the ground really well and Max look at that really loads of extension through the ball you’ll start look how that pelvis start to elevate as he’s just transferring all the energy from the ground through his body to the club loads of extension there you’ll see again how we talked

About at the start of the video left eye dominant definitely because look how long he keeps his head down for you just see that it’s so common with guys who are left eye dominant that that head just stays down so it’s it’s quite important for anyone who’s looking at

The swing and they see this position where that head stays down for a long time check the the eye dominance because it’s just by mechanically you’ll just perform better by keeping that head down just because you can see the ball and you’ll see with Max he gets that finish

Nice and around exiting left on him love that position really really sort of solid position to just holding that face off so he can hit those nice little Fades it’s just so simple and effective and he just never sort of looks like he can hit a bad shot I just love this move

And he’s done a great job with his coach Mark Blackburn like I said Mark’s a guy who’s worked with TPI a lot and he’s it really does make a difference how your body is suited to certain types of Swing Max is a tall fell but he he had tight

Laps so he couldn’t get into that Adam Scott tiger position that you’d see with the hands really high so he’s it just shows you how important it is to see what your body can do because that’s what Max did work with Mark and he’s gone from not having a PJ tour card to

Being a top 10 player in the world really simple swing really effective and something that you can learn a lot from like I said in terms of what can your body do and match that to your swing

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