Golf Players



Australian PGA Professional Alan Staines & Avid Golfer Steve “RICHO” Richardson with DAVID MAXFIELD and NEV AUSTIN at the amazing GLADES GOLF COURSE, GREG NORMAN designed on the Gold Coast. GUESS THE SCORE and win a AUSSIE GOLF REVIEWER #MERCH pack.

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R day after the eagle nice I’m happy you and I have I think we do I hit Drive I hit the I think we all need s shoulder from pting yeah we might need to looking for someone to carry us at the moment we’re on stretches theot all

Day the most important part days we know right over the left edge of the bunker there Dave and you’re all over it at the tree a little bit yep oh noce oh there’s trees there that’s fine look if you were playing your own ball you would take that apart from the

Fact that you’d be just laying up yeah slit straight over the bunker yeah you can hit it over bunker yeah yeah you definitely can hit it over that’s a great B mate that is spinning good mate I didn’t hear no no no it’s kicking to the right I love

It that’s as good as I can middle it is that the Z or the X this it yeah so uh yeah anyway there mate that’s that’s fine but I went back to my went back my 78 your your fancy attach sh yeah I got this when I was in Sydney before my

Accident and I love it yeah feels good he all us stuff feels good so stable that’s a toey low spinning M duck where is that where is this be don’t know mate open up stany give it a crack well yeah somewhere down there yeah let’s just not hit a snap hook and

We’re all good oh no that could be water get down that fly straight in or is a bouncer to him bounc either way nevs is pure shot Nev what you out for the than mate you yeah or has a little it’s a it’s a little bit down

Isn’t it right what’ you say 18 uh so we got 165 to cover the pot 181 to the flag probably down Breeze by a small amount so to cover the pot the 165 is playing 150 16050 something 160 seven on I’m contemplating seven depends on the first bounce over

The over the bloody thing I’m think I wish I’ll have to go cuz I snap off a killer snap that’s true yeah I don’t want to kill anyone no you don’t want to kill anyone I get it golf’s a peaceful game it’s Z golf all right so that’s my ball uh n

Was back there in the roof Dave’s was fine on the other Richard was pure don’t plug there it is I got a six I think that’s about fair enough down fan though you know 180 uh Blue’s up the back isn’t it yeah I don’t know yeah cuz cuz one was at the

Back yeah so it’s either a six or a seven I’ll go to the left bunker you got Co oh cut a little but that’s a great that’s a great strike we got the bunkers covered boys that was a beautiful strike I aimed at the bunker and it just went dead

Straight that was a beautiful strike seven I reckon you’re right then just a good stck seven it’s just the same stri as what I had on the last hole 165 not going to turn over carry the pot no into face all right maybe I need to try to

Get one up in the air instead instead of hitting it super flat that wind’s disappeared go in the hole that’s it get to 2 ft oh off the bunk of the face on the it’s feeding back sit yeah well done St all right that’s fine so that would

Have carried maybe just over six something yeah which is a seven which is a seven beautiful the wind wasn’t very much good number rodo Nev may as well have a putt or oh that’s right you need a ball bloody rich I can go Rich’s bloody taking his time so you can see

Where the guys are heading back up over here uh there’s the T block up over there actually the T block at Hope Poland so uh one the bad yeah so go and do yourself a favor um a time go online buy yourself a voucher exactly buy yourself a voucher or again

Remember give that a little bit of a scan people that’ll automatically get you in the booking system I don’t think it’s going to go as much as’s just saying about how Timeless the golf course is what I like about n is it’s relatively wide you’re laughing Come on [Applause]

B okay she moves a bit great speed does move a bit great speed so it’s a foot of movement yeah just all right easy bird let’s let’s make Eagle e got to be eag so we’ve had four threes the last four holes yeah just keep making threes them before we can do all

Right oh good effort it moves a decent amount I thought it took a bit more speed to get it there but didn’t help again it just shows scrambled whether it be the Volkswagen scramble or the scr gramble and all that it’s just about this he’s hit it harder and that’s moov

Yeah in there left of that pitch mark by about a ball I reckon righty oh this should be a good part for me hitting PS with pretty much everything [Applause] so got get it get it get it oh good effort good effort all right there’s a birdie a it shows that

Club face more important isn’t it than Club part right there you go Dave that’s yours back done right so what what is that uh five five five all right all it’s not out of the realm of possibility def don’t think 13’s too far away no yeah okay 15 could be

Interesting is that seven ah that is seven yes right Nev what do we got here distance what um I don’t know we’re on eight mate I’m I’m a I I call about a 200 M drive here I think we got two 370 OD straight down there I don’t know I I just know

It’s long it’s efficient do something oh hit the pot and kick left that’s as hard as I can hit it mate at least it was struck decent came out of the middle low spin bomber you I have to admit St mhm all right Dave this is what you’re

Here for man you’re here for the bomb sticky it’s just follow nerve today that’s it is that’s ju I think that’s good did it hit a tree down heard a noise but don’t know where it is but anyway that’s fine this allows you found depends on where I

Am depends on where I strike it rich has time to shine here I don’t work well under pressure who me skip yeah skip once yeah all right we’ve at least got something in play you know what they say if it’s going to be it’s up to me or you we

Definitely need some water I tell you that but you boys would have been you guys would have SED yourselves out you would have water wouldn’t you uh very much hydrated yeah the athletes get down SP get down that’s fine at least it’s safe it’s it’s not great but see this is the issue

When you strike them out here on these things they actually gear back up very very hard that’s good though that that’s fine Rich right n you said uh 85 85 85 uh front pin what are you going to do rich what’s that oh sorry mate did I did

I disturb you while you eating your man bar yep did you miss make that oh mate he’s just been having there you go what’s he got here sponsorship oh the man the man Rich loves having his teeth around a manam Dole remember he made the

Uh the man Shake yeah yeah yeah they do bars and bloody beautiful it’s all about the free high in protein vegan beautiful low in sugar lovely right let’s do it how5 85 got to spin it Dar yeah well and this is the the question is like what shot are

We doing here open face 58 well it’s certainly on it that’s good okay she’s a bit long but great shot there’s the banker I like it oh that’s all I am a banker mate it just like like you said 220 straighties yeah all day long I haven’t seen you move the ball

Mark apart from the slip yeah yeah that was okay was flowing a bit so okay great shot that’s a great shot though shot right on the edge that’s pure you take it don’t you but you didn’t mean it when the ball comes out knuckling top spinning it’s pure how much forward roll

Did you get with your uh 58° yeah 20 M that’s knuckled good on you Steve stick that up your ass he says the go the hey did you hear Reno’s call on um at theam at the um PGA no he said he’s a queenslander now really apart for when

It comes to state of or bloody hell oh this is good just hold Dy good look at us there’s some good shots now boys some parts needed look at this Rich y hold that it’s s it’s straight out of the gut mate Ryo so that’s Rich’s ball I think

We’re going to be taking that that’s where we come back from to the guys on the te that’s what I like about this car is it’s relatively wide must be that main bar the man bar aroused you to hit a great shot little bit of protein why

You yeah line him up sh 90° how do you line up your ball it is lined up just 45° see you’re line up like that in a roll pure Rich easy he he’s in the zone like I said he’s the back door Bandit oh the back n

Bandit oh he’s the back nine Bandit bird jents all right we need to keep making threes good shot Rich well great what’s that great pot if we get three 27 yeah that’s six okay they’re all over 6 through what uh 6 through 8 well on track we’re definitely on

Track right we’re on the ninth people uh we are the further forward Keys We ever played you know and we’ve played here I think two or three times and this is the furest four we’ve been so I think it’s one of the harder holes on the golf

Course is this where we play when I hit my 50s in the Legends tour yeah that’s only that’s only 5 years mate oh it’s so far away uh so basically from these T blocks it’s a straight golf shop from the tips it’s you almost have

To draw it off the trees up the right here so just just bang it straight over the bunkers n straight straight at the green straight at the green there no no hassle down there nope apart from Fairway mate there’s nothing to worry about that is bloody good just down the

Right Edge probably kick left for straight good man Mr efficiency I love it that is this shaft I’ll tell you it’s fancy it matches it matches your blue eyes it’s the uh us us attas 6 the goo it’s the 7s Nano alloy I had a three many many

Years ago during my train ship Nano Nano Nano Nano Nano N More more rich thank God you’re here for your py yeah that’s that’s true tear it up rich man I want you to tear high and let it fly no pressure on the no just not just the rip it and rip

It come on pretty good is it yeah spin it’s like right at the green that’s like in line with a cart or something it a fairway yeah good shot great golf shot I reckon got him no not certainly efficiency wise mate it’s very impressive where’s the T block now you go

It’ll be how far is the ho 360 it be really close it’ll be a wedge on it would be the same distance that Rich has just hit it close so no pressure we’re in rodo Nev great Drive mine was just similar distance over in the rough though over the bunker you can’t get

Long drive in the rough manate yeah and that’s why I picked that up mate 78 78 slightly down Breeze almost the same as last not quite as down oh that’s Rising that’s oh boy that was right over that straight mate that did not leave the pin damn

Damn I might I might have to get my tour card next year yeah give me the motorized buggy you’ll be fine yeah just give me the buggy that’s a great shot that ball is just crazy it shot Deon shot mate that is nothing wrong with that you got rich no that’s

Good push it a little bit of spin there spin though oh nice I’m trying to play the low slicer and instead of hitting it second groove or third Groove I hit it almost in the hustle right look we’re playing two we’re playing pretty good eh how do

These guys in the stage shoot 46 how yeah that’s true uh also Tyler Duncan so to Tyler’s been on the channel before I don’t know if we said it on the channel certainly said it on on Instagram sh 57 at n balker yeah yeah yeah yeah seen

That yet 57 if we don’t Sho 57 so four people two golf pros yes bloke off 3 and Rich and Rich ping yeah yeah which which is a pro yeah uh aren’t as good as one man oh he was that that scorecard wow we were just saying it’s suddenly gotten very steamy

Right’s Drive Dave’s Dave’s second shot down hill yeah I can’t quite tell I can’t tell if that’s going right to left or left to right these ones just aim at the middle of ho this going right to left at the last foot you think yeah okay over that

Dot in front of you he doesn’t think D he knows like that we yeah good pass what a read so that’s a fantastic to the bloody or well start finish to the back of the front nine yeah there we go we really got back on track there was definitely too many paths

Definitely it was definitely what was it two parss maybe but either way we’ got a back so but we got an eagle though cuz he shot to two foot we did there’s no there’s no more guessing the guessing’s been done for a part but what are we

Seven seven under seven seven yep double that’s 14 double that’s 14 I’m on I’m on with one extra Eagle that means we’re 15 15 hang on know oh we eight under the weather it’s too hot now so the game’s finished seven under I was correct we seven or we eight under cuz

We got that we only had two pars and the rest are birdies with one Eagle right I don’t know you’ve got the score card that’s correct that’s what I thought I thought we were eight oh we eight yeah that’s eight on I thought I thought we eight so see see Richard was doing

Handicap off negative I was doing off plus yeah right on the tth we go but there’s going to be a lot of water in between I reckon beautiful and don’t forget smash that like button you’re weird say don’t you oh that’s what they say to say I don’t know

If you don’t like it don’t like it hit hit dislike who cares yep I don’t care but anyhow see you then beautiful see wa


  1. 10:54 Stainesy Wait what?! Richo loves his teeth around a man bar 🤣 😂 It just flew over their heads ✈️
    13:59 Back Door Bandit: Stainesy digging that hole deeper 😂
    19:13 Richo’s strength is definitely his putting. He sinks some pretty difficult putts with ease.

  2. Is it 7 or 8 under? The scoreboard said -7 at end simultaneous to other dudes saying it was -8 🧐 I’m heavily invested here! 😅

  3. 😂 Hey Alan ,If Richo likes His teeth on an Man Bar ,Will get invited to play an Lot🤣!!! All in jest Love the Banter!!

  4. Some cracking drives from you boys – on the 7th I’m generally hitting in from 70m further back 😂. However it’s an ability to read the subtlety of the greens that usually determine whether you score well … and there are plenty of difficult reads at The Glades.

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