How Do We Measure Change in Golf With Your Grip as the Example…

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Hello team coach Tim here you know one of the most difficult concepts of the game of golf because of just what the nature of the Beast is is how do you actually measure things how do you know how much you actually need what’s making a significant impact or change to your

Golf game and what I want to discuss with that element here so far today is how do you have your hands on the golf club because that could be such a huge variable that’s producing the ball FL uh that you are specifically fighting and struggling with and not enough people in

My opinion are spending enough time trying to get their hands on a golf club in a way that matches up best for you now that can be an incredibly intimidating concept for a lot of people there’s a number of tests that I can give to you that help you have a better

Understanding of how to place your hands on the golf club to uh figure out that characteristic but what I want to try encourage for a lot of you here today is to learn the way that you’ve learned with every other skill set in your life and that’s through life experiences

Right if I’m trying to throw you a ball right now and you see my hand do this kind of a delivery through the throwing motion I think we can all tell that I’m not going to be throwing a ball directly at the camera for me it feels like it’s

Launching to the left and for you guys you probably see that the ball is launching to your right on screen so how can I apply that to the game of golf and the best way for me to be able to try and do that here with you right now is

To talk simply about trying to change the angle of the club face inside of your hands okay and so um if we have a quick discussion before that just to be able to try and give you some way of being able to measure it is that we know

That a 90 Dee angle uh or 12:00 to 9:00 right for me 12:00 to 3:00 for you uh is U um that’s 90 Dees right there therefore every hour is is 30° right and so if we split an hour then into variables of four that’s a quarter hour that’s another quarter that’s another

Quarter hour those quarter hours are s and a half degrees a piece okay and for most of us that’s just the best way in my humble opinion to start to have that measurement concept as well as what does the golf ball do differently when I

Place my hands uh when I place the golf club inside my hands a different way so let’s say that I’m a slicer and that I’ve got my hands on the golf club in this manner right here I’m going to keep my hands in that exact same spot and all

I’m going to do is I’m going to twist the club face inside of my hands notice how I’m trying to go to about 11:45 there okay I’m trying to keep the grips inside my hands the exact same way but now I just twist The Cliff face back

To 12 o00 right so what did I do I spun the club phase first from my normal grip if I go to 11:45 that’s adding 7 and 12 degrees of left into my club face okay and then I twist the golf club back inside my hands and hopefully you’ll be

Able to see there that my grip has changed it’s modified a little bit okay now what I would do is I would try and step on up and hit the exact same golf swing feel with my normal swing with just a slightly different Club face position and then note how did that

Affect my ball flight did my ball flight change and hopefully it’s 7 degrees it should um if you’re a f fader if you’re a slicer from that position 7 and a half degrees should take away a significant amount of right if it’s not enough then you add another 7 and 1 half degrees

Then you spin it again so if we started at 12:00 then we spin to 11:30 we place our hands in exact same manner go ahead and twist our club head back and now we’re starting to see hopefully a much more closed face position with my hands

Right so I’ll show you a look at my hands here right now and then I’m going to show you a position of where my hands looks like from the very first grip position okay and so ultimately now we’re learning now we’re collecting good data we’re making a very specific change

We’re seeing how our ball flat is modified based upon that change and then we can go ahead and make positive assessment of whether I need more whether that’s too much or or or and you get to find what is your most ideal grip so that’s the first concept I want to

Introduce to you right how can you accurately measure where you need to get the golf club inside of your hands to produce the ball flight that you want give this concept A little bit of a go and I hope that not only does it help

You with your grip but it starts to kind of turn uh the churn a different thought process inside your head so that you have a better chance of using that form or that process to better measure what’s going on with any kind of a swing change grip change setup change ever the case

Might be uh that you try and do from this point forward okay so best of luck

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