Easy Beginner’s Tips For Chipping

Hey everybody welcome back to the channel so today’s video is going to be for beginner golfers on chipping going to go over some simple fundamental things that I want you to be able to work on because you’re probably out on the course and tired of your buddies

Beating you pretty handedly you want to get better quickly the way to do that is to have some proper mechanics and sound fundamentals that you can practice all right so getting right into it starting off with the club that I want you to use is the pitching wedge it’s really

Consistent don’t be tempted to grab a different club like a lob wedge and try to hit flop shots if you’re just starting out grab your pitching wedge it’ll carry a certain distance and release the same very consistently which means if you practice it you will be

Able to get good at it quickly and that’s the whole point is you want to be able to get up and down and drop Strokes remember so let’s do that all right so we have our pitching wedge that we’re going to start practicing with and get

Really good with one of the things I want you to take away right away is just how you set up an alignment now you’ll see I’ve got like a little V here alignment sticks are nice to have if you don’t don’t have alignment sticks that’s totally fine just grab two other clubs

You’re not using and just set the clubs down to match that but I want you to make a little bit of a v this is my target Line This Chip’s going to break to the right so I’m setting up where I think I want to aim the club face so

Parallel to that you’ll notice the rest of it though I’m open over here this is a really important concept I’m not going to get into a ton of detail on it but I kind of want you to trust me on it really if you ever make a full golf

Swing just I’m sure you’re watching YouTube You’ll Never never see Pros they always hip hips are open we’re delivering the club this way in chipping you need to get your hips out of the way as well so my hips are going to be slightly open when I’m set up so now I

This club can move freely to the Target if I Square myself up I’m I’m kind of locked here I can’t I’d have to rotate my hips to be able to keep the club going to the path and it’s just extra movement you don’t need get

Your hips out of the way lined up so you can go ahead and just let the club go down the line I’m on the chase to hit 1,000 subscribers so if you could like and hit that subscribe button that would be a huge Help oh oh this next piece is really really important I want you to stand much closer to the ball than you think that you should um so in your full swing when you’re hitting shots I’m sure you’re used to or you’ve probably seen people telling you to get about this distance

Between you you know so you have room to swing the club you do not hit chips from this distance like at all you want to be much closer to the ball so you’ll notice how close I have these alignment rods to the ball that’s cuz I want you to really

Feel like you’re standing almost on top of the ball without getting into a ton of details but the further I get away from it the more this club can kind of move around and I can get more hands into it I want you to get right up to the ball

Here so it feels like the club’s coming straight up straight down straight back straight through it’s a little movement I want as much of my of extra movement out of this as possible I’m just trying to make this as simple as possible just a close here nice easy

Movement all right lastly we’re going to talk about ball position this is you can kind of play with a little bit because it’ll help you hit some different shots to start with so again kind of close to the ball got my club aligned where it needs to be with that alignment my feet

Are a little bit open and right here you can see the ball is kind of like a little bit middle of my stance here little middle back that’s where I like to hit a lot of these chips from cuz easy concept is the further back you put

The ball in your stance the probably lower it’s going to come out and the more it might run if I’m trying to hit this up a little bit higher a little bit softer so maybe it carries more and doesn’t run out quite as much if you move the ball a little bit

More forward in your stance you’re going to see a difference in the ball flight it’s going to go up a little bit higher come down a little bit softer now this is where the pitching wedge so what you’re going to see is the ball carry and release that’s the point of this

Shot you’re not going to see this ball hit stop do anything like a crazy flop shot we don’t want that right now what we want is just a consist shot that we know what it’s going to do that you can use pretty much anywhere around the green that’s what we’re chasing here but

Go ahead and play with the ball being back a little bit and forward a little bit I’ll go I’ll do a shot of it real quick and you can kind of see the ball in terms of How High it’s coming out and how much it releases okay so this one

I’ll play with the ball a little bit further back in my stance than I normally do and we should see it come out low and it’s going to run not too bad and so now I’m going to move the ball more forward in my stance and

We should see this come out a little bit higher again it’s not going to be like something dramatic like a flop shot it’s just going to come out a little bit higher and a little bit softer those are about the same but one went a little bit long one a little bit

Short that’s all in the roll so play around with that have fun with it do these simple things practice these consistently for like a week you’re going to become a better chipper you’re going to score better I promise you

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