Golf Players

12/27 1/2 Donruss 1/2 Update series HOBBY BREAK!! EBAY

An amazing CamFam Break!
Check us out to join a break! Link below!

Yo yo what up welcome to A’s cards break happy Wednesday night camfam and first timers who are about to be Camp fam they don’t even know it chat welcome in happy to see you guys in here man hopefully you guys are excited for a great break tonight if you guys are rewatching love

To have you guys rewatching would love to have you join of our live D live breaks I apologize get in on the conversation we do a lot of live giveaways during our breaks I need to be in the live stream to participate in um

If there was a way I could run them for rewatch I would do it I don’t know how to I don’t know how I could accurately and confidently do it but I’d love to have you guys join us for a live stream we do breaks Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

Friday and Saturday and Sunday so we break every single night we ship out on Monday of every week be sure to check us out throughout the week build your Stacks when you get your package it’s a big old log of cards is the best way to

Get it on set are on probably get them on Wednesday Thursday depending on where you’re at in the United States um be sure to checked those that man we have a Twitter we have a Facebook we have an Instagram we have a Discord our Discord

Is where we do a lot of breaks uh we do breaks on Sunday via Discord and not eBay that way we can kind of hang out with the camf the gang um watch some sports talk whatever it may be so be sure to join our Discord exclamation

Point Discord the chat to join the Discord uh and the rest of our days are Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday and Saturday are all on eBay check out the eBay we made the field goal Katie all been I don’t know 6 months how you been well I saw Timbo in the Discord and

I was like it’s a Christmas miracle you know Timbo good to see you guys man I hope you guys had a Merry Christmas Mahalo [Applause] Maddie Willie I’ve been good man how about you good to see you too man long time no see Matt my man welcome in spider pin

Nuts I love that freaking name I am in Kansas now Manhattan Kansas the little apple Ryan my brother how are you good evening got he got the chalks out already the chocks the tomahawks there we go Ryan I’m going to guess you’re on my Braves tonight shooting shooting shot

Right there teos how are you brother welcome in hempy how are you guys doing happy wonderful Wednesday night man how long has it been Katie oh goodness ktie and veneers since I put the comp the monitor behind everything oh this is rwd this is rwd I

Forgot I can see his profile picture now now I recognize him Merry Christmas ladies and gentlemen good to have you guys here on a Wednesday night man what is this on my wrist my voice has gotten more manly maybe I’m still going through puberty who [Laughter]

Knows I could use a couple I get a little bit taller you know that never hurts to be 6’3 I’m 6 foot right now I could do like trying to refrain from saying [Laughter] whatever super M I think is I think that’s you Matty Ice we do have some

Overtime tonight from the man of myth the legend Matty Ice uh I have to Matty Ice has gifted me a Christmas present that I’m conducting to open on stream at the end of the break so that’s going to be something really good to do he’s getting big man he is getting

Big Katie he’s 6 months now great dog great dog Willie I like appreciate that man yeah whole new setup in here now we’re now in the basement uh in a house in Kansas which is great tons more space we don’t have our sidekick here tonight

I let him have off for the holidays um he’ll be back on Friday if you guys if you guys haven’t met Danny dimj he’ll be back on Friday uh let’s get rolling tonight no reason to Ado we don’t have any more unpaid tonight shout out to people who picked up the unpaid make

Sure you guys claim a spot the Discord breaks with your unids they came with a $10 coupon all right here’s our list of we got a lot of first timers tonight welcomeing if you guys are a first Tim feel free to interact in the chat say

What’s up love to have you here and engaging in the chat I got Peter David Matthew Matthew two Matthews chance chance got a couple of teams Roger Gonzalo Mark B ridd on a first for some reason his name is in bold Shout Out b riddle pick up some un page as well over

Here on the MLB break we got Joe we got Timbo and Katie long time no see they’re probably Cruis in the world without us Joel Jacob Jeff Junior we’re going to call him Dustin Andrew Chris is back tonight we got Roger on the Phillies welcome in

Gang happy to have you guys here on a wonderful Wednesday night man like I said we do have more breaks this week be sure to check them out all throughout the week every week this is a full week for the first time since October we get

To do a full week of breaks without having to be interrupted sometime during the week to take a night off or something like that but we got a full week so let’s get started we’ll start with NFL and our next box will be MLB then NFL MLB NFL mm will alternate as we

Go I called it Katie where’d you guys go I just saw that your feels like tempature Manhattan is 22 it’s freezing I hate it there’s snow on the ground right now there’s snow on the ground we had a white Christmas here and I got I

Missed it cuz we had to go back to Oklahoma so this is our giveaway game that we play with every single box that we open all right so the way this game works is I’m going to say guys name an NFL team in the chat if you guys name

The NFL team that gets the autograph out of this box you win a free pack very simple very easy way to win some bonuses for your break they will be mailed to you with your cards they are sealed Blaster and mega packs depending on what I have an excess of that week lately

It’s been Prestige Mosaic and for baseball it’s been tops Chrome basketball it’s been Mosaic it’s been some prism it’s been a little bit of everything for uh for basketball but everybody can participate you don’t have to necessarily be in this break you can be in any of the breaks you don’t

Have to be even you know you have to be in the live stream but you don’t have to be in the break regardless you can always guess and win free prizes here at Cam’s cards even if you’re not in the break that’s what I was trying to get

Across but I’m not good at getting thoughts out so guess a team in the chat that you think gets the autograph out of this box this box is guaranteed with an autograph this is a mo this is a Mo City mystery box it’s a thick one too my

Goodness all right stickers coming up on all right good luck everybody get those guesses in the chat I saw my man in here a minute ago where’s he at Dennis I see you and you’re welcome back big man we got an Aiden Hutchinson for the Lions I

Like that dude’s a beast we got a Devin Weatherspoon great safety for the seah we pulled a lot of him this afternoon red plaid CD lamb we got a Christian Gonzalez for the Patriots out of Oregon they got some sick Unis out there jsn great wide receiver ruined my bet against the

Eagles with that touchdown pass you guys remember that two weeks ago silver Josh Allen for the bills KO flamethrowers Phoenix one of my favorite sets they do it well every year last year they took a step back in my opinion hoping this year they crank it back up Wadd rookie on the

Pink camo for the Dolphins Matthew there you go and a John Elway whoopsies out of 149 Red Wave for the Broncos all right now we get to the big boys out of 2016 out of 25 for the Seattle C chickens Brandon I don’t know if Brandon’s in the

Chat yet what do we got here it’s a booklet oh oh those are some sick patches for the Seahawks Tanner what up yes Tanner we did move I didn’t get to answer you we did move we are in h Kansas for a couple years right now CJ and Alex Collins two filthy

Patches wow seven of 25 for the Seattle sea chickens not the giveaway card though out of three for the Chargers who are the Chargers tonight is it Moran Maru two of three Quinton Johnson where are the numbers oh there they are two out of three wow I’m getting closer I’m getting

Closer still going to be a thunder fan though still got to be a thunder fan even though I’m getting closer to Portland look at that Quinton Johnson two out of three Chargers Marie the Chargers crushed this afternoon’s break if you guys were here this afternoon you guys saw that uh the

Chargers hit a leanian tomilson out of 15 quad colored patch it was beautiful such a goodlooking card somebody Dennis saw it this afternoon I believe I think it was Dennis I’m not crazy Dennis was here this afternoon Tanner yeah they’re crushing it cam let’s see the Hall of Fame plaque

Pretty please I want to see nobody’s new on it yet I haven’t updated it it’s still uh just Clark right now if you can get the glare off of it I can’t reach it but I need to make some additions to it I’m aware I’m thinking break 1,000 we have a

Pretty big Hall of Fame ceremony I I think that’s what I’m going to do all right next box up MLB like I said you can be only in the NFL break you can be in the MLB break you can be in none of the breaks you can always guess you can

Always guess a team for the giveaway shanen sharp looks good Tanner he looks real good rwd that Jordan is freaking sick that you sent me man thank you that thing is so freaking cool it was perfect wi this break 1K like 160 away 160 breaks away so everybody guess an

Baseball team that you think gets the autograph out of here if anybody guess the Chargers once you guess that correct team red lights in the chat spam me I want it I guessed it I guessed the team get my attention and then I’ll make sure

You get your free pack if you guys are a firsttime not I see some unfamiliar faces in the chat tonight um join her if you guys join our Discord it’s exclamation point Discord in the chat you don’t put any space between the exclamation point the word Discord just

Exclamation Discord d i s c o r d if you join our Discord I will give you a free pack just for joining our Discord man so if you guys are a first timer be sure to take advantage of that deal exclamation point Discord join the Discord and I’ll

Give you a free pack easy way to join Discord if you guys don’t have the app or confused how to use Discord I’m available 258 if you need help or trying to figure it out teamas helping me out right there all right here we go baseball’s up

Last second to get those guesses in the chat all right here we go Cruz JP Reed welcome in Big Dog lot of first timers this a or tonight man welcome in guys happy to have you guys be a part Jordan Lawler six round pick in 2021 gunar Henderson nice one for the

O’s o got a lot of young Talent man great team in the breaks Jordan Walker Cardinals also really good team in a break Cohen love that silver Jordan Walker we have a Luis Robert Roberto rookie or jrod Mariners Andrew there you go Stars the MLB

Jrod I time the time put a pretty big box of 2021 baseball in there and the prices don’t adjust like they should on for auctions or for the teams so if you guys ever see a box of 2021 of like a monster box or something like that in

Our breaks go after the Mariners you probably get them cheaper than You’ think for like two to three bids at most Oswald per Perez Pereira Chris Bryant game used B I love these patches out of baseball our numbered is a mini Joey vad for the Reds kind of like

That and our autograph for the oh this is out of cosmic this is such a cool set Blue Jays Maddie mollow brother Alex Manoa man Cosmic is such a cool freaking set man give him a bang bang I like that nice Manoa may he ever see the

Daylight out of the minor leagues again man love Cosmic though all right everyone get the giveaways kind of understand it now see how it’s working any questions before I continue on you guys got it guess a team for the autograph if you guess it right now other boxes we won’t do autographs we’ll

Do a numbered card or an insert shirt or something that’s guaranteed in that box that way you have a chance at a giveaway thumbs up we get it I just want to make sure we’re all on the same page everybody understands it cuz it’s not as fun if you don’t understand

It like I said we do have some overtime tonight from the legend the man the myth the legend himself Matty Ice I’m going to put this over here because it won’t stackle on the podium Timbo I think I understand the set I didn’t realize it was dropping I still don’t forgive

Myself for it Riley yes yes sir front center for your boy wizard gets it let’s roll it all right forgot what I was saying I got sidetracked it is what it is I do that a lot all right so in this box we have four Mosaic prisms I’m going to let you

Guys get an NFL team for the Mosaic prism that we get now the silvers don’t count if it’s a I guess we’ll count them tonight who cares if you guess the team that gets a rookie Mosaic parallel that’s simple we’ll just do that guess those teams in the chat if you guys

Guess it you win a free pack get my attention like like I said if you guys join the Discord tonight you do get a free pack uh we have no we’ve had nobody join yet other than when Den 2010 joined it earlier today it’s our Philly man and

Dolphins man I didn’t forget Dennis I didn’t forget I got it down are you going to open your Christmas gifts I’m going to open them up at the very end right before overtime make sure you stay awake that’s my goal and if there’s a sport or a game

You guys want to see on the backdrop let me know right now I just have both college football bowl games up I’ve got the Thunder game on my left I’ve got another game behind me on the other TV I’m watching a little of everything so if you guys have your team that’s

Watching you’re like watching between two screens or flipping between or you want to put a game on the background recommend it in the chat and I’ll throw it up there we have League Pass we can watch an NBA game and I have YouTube TV so keep A&M

On I saw your quarterback broke his arm like first play I didn’t get to see it but I I heard about it they you have to see the backup miles Garrett hey there’s a gigum Kyle pittz AJ Brown Jerry Rice Ray Lewis there it is the green Mosaic rookie parallel tank

Bsby the Jaguars get it if you guys guess the Jaguars you have won yourself a free pack are the Pistons playing are they 2023 Sou Asia women’s handball Championship please Eli Manning Terry McLaren that brings me back to when we were talking about getting pickle ball cards if you guys

Didn’t know they make professional pickle ball trading cards they’re expensive they’re like $90 a box beon that’s a good one horns down though Boomer Sooner but a good card bejan tearing it up TJ watt Jackson Smith jiga and a Mah Parsons quick trivia question for you guys in the

Chat which of these cards is more rare people who have been rocking with camcard for a while will know but I like to spread the information because I didn’t know it and lman informed me on it and it was a really good fact it was a really good fact that I did not

Know see if anybody knows in the chat the jsn yeah I did not realize that the vertical are more rare than the horizontal the horizontals are all NFL debuts like you see at the top usually if you get a horizontal card more I guess not printed short print not

A short print per se but like that just not as common but no in Mosaic it’s the exact opposite you want vertical it turned down this TV to my left all right there we go here we go next pack giveaway team right there was the Jaguars if you

Guessed them let me know Richard Dent Dante Hall Eric Dickerson Dalvin Darnell Wright Hunter Renfro and a kid reporter who’s the first- timer I got in here tonight wizard wizard my man wizard of laws I love the name wizard where are you from dude where what teams you root

For Andre Reed I got to meet the great man Dennis in the chat this afternoon Philly guy loves the Dolphins every their team’s Philly Aaron roders Larry Johnson will Lis Tennessee tayin Burks and a sequan Barkley touchdown Masters what was Dante Hall’s NFL nickname you

Got me on that one I wouldn’t even clue I’m from Ohio Packers and Dodgers oo lot of Packers fans I don’t think we got Tyler in here I don’t think any our Packers we got a lot of Packers fans in the group though the human joystick that’s a badass nickname Darren Waller

Tyw Godwin Michael Wilson silver Shannon sharp a green Jonathan Ogden and a kider reporter wizard I am a Panthers fan unfortunately um y’all could have fix your defense y’all got to fix that defense up I don’t know if it’s a coordinator situation or a line or a secondary issue

Or whatever it is man that Packers defense is probably worse than the Chargers I mean that was the best game Bryce Young’s had all its season not even close and they have a they it’s some wide receiver they’ve got a good quarterback I think Jordan lovees solid

You got to get a defense for him though Corin Sutton Mike Williams luckily the Panthers are terrible and they were able to go down the field in the final seconds and hit a game winner but Dwight Stevenson cany Joey Bosa and a CD lamb I didn’t realized their defense was

This bad to be honest until I was talking about the Packers game with Tyler uh during one of our breaks who’s a big Packers Fan he was like yeah our defense is terrible and I was like Ahah Carolina’s offense is pretty bad we put up 30 on him that’s wild that’s wild all

Right Bowman Platinum is up we get four ice foil parallel is inside guess the MLB team that gets the ice foil rookie if you guess that team you win a free pack easy way to win a little bonus in your bubble mailer Timbo we to talk much about the uh the

Texans they killed that draft man and not even the two and three pick tank Dell he’s out for the year but him and CJ are going to I thought the Jaguars were going to own that division for the next decade now they have competition in there they smoked them when they play

Him the first time then they got beat the second time but man they crushed that draft last year all it shows you all it takes is one or two good drafts man you can turn your team around I mean imagine if they do the same thing in

This next draft they crush it get some more Playmakers on both sides of the ball don’t be contending TJ troud is playing like a legit I guess it’s not an Allstar All Pro empty box Brown’s going to the Super Bowl man Joe flacko is slinging it the other day

He was slinging it which is crazy but he good the Browns are good their defense is Stout dude one of the best run defenses in the NFL DL Hall Anthony gutier I’m so freaking I’m so excited for CJ and DeMarco Ryan I’m so freaking excited for

This off season I don’t know how many picks you guys have if you guys have any draft picks or extra picks it’s going to be scary wood and an adly Rutman for the Orioles there we go oh he’s already got gunar and adly rookies that’s what you love to see

The one disappointment i’ on the Texans this year in my opinion is um Damen Pierce single ter has came in and played better than him so far this season and I thought it was an o line issue for Damien but then when single t comes in and does better it’s like okay

Maybe it is the running back Vinnie pastino B Naylor Cooper Herby sure Jud Fabian for the O’s and a Jonathan Randa Braves buyer tonight in the chat Braves we’re looking for Jeff B Jeff are you in here mty ice is trolling s what up man how are you big

Dog Jordan South Stewart Nolan Gorman out of 99 the Cardinals one of those teams that Crush if we had Danny here tonight we’ do our nightly weather report of the teams that are hot in the breaks and last we heard Yankees and Cardinals were the teams to be on in the

Baseball breaks they get the most amount of cards every break and the Cardinals just keep proving it every night every night Nolan Gorman out of 99 we love to see it Cohen beautiful card brother give him a horn give him some fire nice Nolan Gorman green right there nice Nolan Gorman

Green and the last card of that is Xander Bogart facee even even if you get like the last pick let’s say the Browns win the Super Bowl I they won’t I don’t think they’re that good a top 20 to the 30 is probably they’re going to sit 20 to 30 in that

Range that’s a great pick when it comes to the NFL now if this the NBA it’s different but NFL top 20 to 30 you I mean that that’s a game changer I mean that’s a big player supposed to be if you draft it right Trey Turner Jimmy

Crooks that team is going to be scary Nelson vquez for the Cubs on the red foil ice that is our giveaway team right there if you guys guess the Cubbies you want a free pack Drew Waters Chris Bryant Ivan Herrera Nelson Rada mazaka Yoshida for Boston that’s my boys Oscar

Gonzalez I kind of have to be like a Royals fan now but like do I really want to be a Royals fan the riddle on the Cubbies tonight no Cubbies are oh it is riddle it is yes it is Brian B Mahalo Vlad Guerrero love that baby blue

On the edges with that Jersey looks good Vlad Nick predo Jr Richie Logan Tanner on the ice foil Nelson vquez I guess it wouldn’t I apologize I said Red Ice foil a minute ago that’s just the edge on the blue card you get just an ice Boil Thunder up four going into the fourth that’s my team Max Scherzer Samuel munz Justin Crawford precious elements and an Alec Thomas last pack of Bowman Platinum coming up who’s another first timer here Riley my man Riley I see you in here you don’t have to answer

Me if you don’t want to I just like to talk to the first- timers Riley where are you from who you root for man Christian Yelich Timbo have you got to rip the monster boxes out of Bowman Platinum yet have you got have you got the rip them

Yet James TR triantos Alec Thomas Jeremy P Garrett Cole I’ve got a couple in stock I have them in I think a break this week weekend I don’t know if you were here when we opened up those tops Gallery monster boxes at a two autographs per

Box they did that for Tops or Bowman Platinum this year so Bowman Platinum got the monster boxes with two autographs in them they Crush they are amazing they’re a lot of fun for a rip 100 cards two autographs they’re about hundred and something dollars but yeah so they they

Moved that tops Gallery Monster Box over for Bowman Platinum Baltimore I had a great pres on what’ you get for Riley what’ you get we got a lot of Baltimore fans in here Froggy’s not why is there when I say it’s supposed to I think it’s in here tonight he’s not in here

Baltimore’s a great baseball team they are they’re putting together great young pieces they can just continue to build on him not let him be a farm team for the Yankees or the Angels or the Dodgers adley and uh Gunner oh the Raven has destroyed the Niners yeah Brock py look great couple

Ints that really didn’t go his way that flipped that game upside down quick I mean two picks bounced off other receivers hands are off the line Ravens look hot though you guys can guess 18 for the numbered card for that thing they yeah they made pry look bad and MVP

Candidate and the Ravens to me have flew underneath the radar maybe not to you guys it seems like to me the Ravens aren’t getting talked about like they should be now they probably are that they destroyed the 49ers but prior that matchup they weren’t getting a lot of

Media attention it was like ah it’s the Ravens they’re good so what I didn’t think the Ravens were going to be this good at all you know I thought they’d maybe be how many games we got in season now 17 10 and seven no we do yeah we do 17

Games I didn’t think they’d be pushing it like this oh I let I let it ride Riley I think that hits you did Amari Cooper went crazy Gonzo my man welcome in I laugh if Lamar chokes I’ll laugh if Lamar chokes is the first round of the playoffs it

Just seems like to me as an non Ravens fan that’s what’s like set up to happen it doesn’t seem like they’re getting the media hype it seems like every n ESPN all the in sports networks will push the teams that are going to make it in the

Playoffs and it seems like the Ravens aren’t getting that media push I don’t know why I don’t know why they’re in the AFC the AFC is wide open it’s wide open zakus delpit defense is insane yeah and then you got a great running offense James Cook B that’s not Goro that’s

Gonzo Jer Alexander Marvin Jones Mike gaseki Hardy Nickerson Tyler Lockett Isaiah fski Cooper Cup who has just lost his like glory to Gonzo I like that Cooper Cup who’s lost all his you know targets to puka this season which is great for puka and an Aaron Rogers prestigious Pros no numbered card there

For the giveaway I like the way gono thinks though man comes on in and thinks straight for the numbered card on CJ stoud Texans I like the way we’re thinking here man Dak Prescott Matt Milano flip scaron Woods flip scaron Jaylen Petri one of those young kids on the defense

For the Texans Andre Jackson Gibson Eddie George Warren Sap Zack Chaba I like his game a lot we have a Aman raw we’ll do a giveaway on or randomize this card here in a minute Justin Herbert prestigious Pros he just threw that ball up wow came down

With it Oklahoma State inside the 10 Logan Wilson JK Dobbins foyo Rodney Thompson Triple J Alec Pierce Cameron Jordan Rodney Harrison flip scaron Sammy how Andre Johnson was one of the it was was it him and Calvin at the same time that were just killing the league Sam how uh bro Mar I

Believe Jer Brown Nick chub on the PowerHouse Gonzo what up brother gono you rocking the Raiders tonight no I don’t think you are gono what team are you on brother I guess Raiders cuz your profile pick but now I don’t know now I’m uh distraught Bill rowski Terrace Marshall

Happy to have you here tonight Gonzo Hopkins Travis Kelce bucker Trevor Lawrence Daniel Jones Tamm Hill Kobe Turner flips scaron on the bean keep the horns down we’ll sleeve it Atlanta Falcons th great hit man Russell Wilson bench yeah you know I think it’s the move I think Russell Wilson’s still a viable

Quarterback I don’t think he’s worth that money I think Johnson will go Hall of Fame we sleeve our Texas players upside down we’re big U fans out here horns down nice hit for the Atlanta Falcons so I will give them that and a Matt Stafford now if it’s a one of one

RPA we’ll put it in straight up okay I will not say the Texas phrase though here we go next pack still no numbered card Richie Grant miles Garrett Jim Kelly flip scaron Assante Jimmy G flip scaron quinnon Williams CJ Mosley saquan Barkley Cedric Tilman Carl Banks slip scy on the Kurt

Coang or Kurt Co chains and a kid reporter all right last pack should have our number card in here for that giveaway unless I hit it and didn’t realize it no I didn’t put anything on the podium so no Stefon Diggs Joel Young Blood cam Acres he was a bit of a let

Down see what kyen William can do that on that team C Mack flip scaron Greg Lloyd Randle Cunningham Fletcher Cox D Hall miles Murphy and Archie Manning for the Saints out of uh this thing got me messed up 80 out of 999 there we go 80 out of 99 you get

Three you get all four numbers there that can be upside down or reversed could be 66 of eight but that didn’t make sense I had a slow moment there my brain took a minute to process that nice hit on the purple I love the prestige parallels with all that color

Who had the worst trade that’s a good I like that I like that question wizard I like that who had the worst trade I got to say Wilson I think the Wilson one is worse because Deshawn Watson they can still win the Broncos are mediocre or bad at bet yeah they’re mediocre at

Best that contract’s just so big I know what do you guys think is it Watson or uh Russ out of the worst contract I think Russ I think Watson’s is bad or it’s eh but it’s not good rwd have a good one my man Alexa give me a random number one through

Three here’s a number between one and three it’s three three goes to the Packers drop my Sharpie in the crap all right next box up for baseball bar Ross at least Russ is almost done eight more years of the ghost of Deshawn I thought they still had three

More years on I I think it’s I think you’re right I think it’s only two you’re crazy if you think the rest is worse remember he also had to sign wat remember he also had to sign Watson and it was the biggest all time at that point I don’t know what Watson’s contract

Is I’m trying to think I don’t know what I I need to look at the now you’re making me think everybody gets the team for the short print you get one short print per box it’s not the eil if you guess the team that gets the short print you get a free

Pack maybe that is pretty bad I still think Watson can play though like in three years I look back I’m like a that was a rough couple years like Russell Wilson is cooked they brought in a new coach I don’t know they’re both pretty bad man they both have their cons

There’s not really a pro either way yeah they’re pretty bad maybe the wi Wilson one is better because it’s almost over you get out of it and you got a good coach out of it I haven’t lost faith in Watson yet I’m not quite there I’m not quite there

That Watson is done but if it yeah if he never plays again or doesn’t play anywhere near what he was in Houston maybe Houston’s got a great system I mean every quarterback that’s gone through there recently it’s performed really well people aren’t asking about that yet Bubba Thompson for

The Rangers is the eil not the short print giveaway short print giveaway will be here in this in the pack and I also hate how they they wrap one card it is the stupidest thing ever three or four first shers a sign a guy the biggest contract

Ever oh I’d be livid I mean as a Panthers fan we gave up a one first round pick and we took uh Bryce and I still believe in Bryce don’t get me wrong I think he can be good if he gets an off line or decent I want to see what

He does but I’m pissed about that we give a first- round pick and we sucked this year we have no offensive line no defense and it’s like well we gave up the next five years of our future basically for a quarterback who’s going to get hurt at some point because we

Can’t protect him all right here we go great box here chat Nolan arado sh Otani Roy Lewis Luis Castillo Jordan Walker out of 35 St Louis is crushing it they are already that one game they didn’t sell out hardly at all it was 45 cents a ticket you could have bought a

Whole section imagine the flex you just post it up in your entire own section at the Panthers game on a game they won Bobby Gibson Nick poo maaka Yoshida Randy Aros Arena Hunter Brown for the stros Brett batty and oswal Perez Perez Perez it have been fun just to buy your

Whole section at a Panthers game just to say you bought a whole section at an NFL game exra funeral once this man bought an entire section in NFL game for $245 cents and three sticks bubble gum all right next box up is NFL NFL is up so in this box is Don Russ

We get a a a rated rookie Rangers guest here Ben you got it brother free pack to Ben Coker like I said if you guys are first timeing sh tonight man we would love for you guys to be part of the camf it’s something like you don’t have to be

Part of the camf just join our breaks but if you guys want to be a great member of the camf join our Discord if you guys join our Discord tonight I will give you a free pack on me for you guys to enjoy with your cards when they come

In so you get a little extra rip if you guys just type in exclamation point Discord the link will pop up in the chat for you guys to join bang B I got you down brother wait wizard joined did I miss it oh we had two people joined Riley clao my gentlemen absolute

Legends and he hit a oh my gosh look at this chat I’m G to show you guys this real quick look at that by the we’ll ignore the PS5 controller Xbox is superior we’ll ignore the PS5 controller Xbox is superior but we’ll let it slide for a minute Z flowers downtown

Man I love that Riley dude that is sweet man that’s sweet all right uh Riley what team are you on tonight my man I’ll get you a free pack I think you’re an NF or MLB PS5 all day and twice on Sundays let me know what team you guys

Are on in tonight’s break and I’ll hook you guys up the free pack for my two people that joined Riley and wizard I’ll get you guys your free pack guess the team for the first rated rookie that we pull and that’ll be the free pack giveaway on this

One why they’re guessing real quick and why I’m getting that their their teams uh so I give them a free pack I’m on Jets cockers Dodgers perfect I some I opened up the elements page trying to type the word pack I am gifted some may say all right X said Matty Ice

Let me check the cellular device where is my cellular device where is oh here is mty I sent me this you’ve heard of elf on a shelf but have you heard have you heard of I don’t know what that is Pike on a bike I thought it was like a Musky or

Musky or whatever they’re called that’s funny all right everybody got that guess in Pike on a bike here we go don Russ is up chat Good Luck Good Luck empty box Oklahoma State up 11 wow Dalton Schultz Gilmore Deonte Hayden Hurst my question I was going to ask you

Guys Riley brought it to my attention top four wide receivers out of this class rank who you guys got CJ Mosley Von Miller there’s one correct answer there’s one correct answer and if you don’t have it you’re wrong Dexter Lawrence Young Hoku Rondell Wadd St Brown Chris Godwin

Christian Kirk Derek Hall Julius Bren and a kid reporter for me one through four puka AA tank Dell I’m blanking on the third guy and then fourth is Jordan Addison why am I blanking on my own question Z flowers 3 Z flowers 3 uh Jordan Addison 4

Isaiah Pacho Kirk Cousins AJ Brown flip scaron Romeo dubs Zack Wilson Joe Mixon trayan Burks flips scon tank Dell is in the top four for sure absolutely absolutely Z jsn js’s good I about that oh I left out I thought you said I effed out Russell Wilson I was like what

Teos PS2 TM Hill Addison is definitely top four puka oh I forgot about Rashid rice give me Rashid rice at four Addison at five Chase Claypool Earnest Jones Jamar gibes line production that’s sweet and a red CD lamb Addison and oh man Addison four is in Rashid I I give Addison The Edge

Maybe over Rashid rice this is the Blaster this is the Blaster Maddie JC horn Bobby Aaron Jones Jaylen Petri flip scaron Lorenzo Carter Bentley Devonte miles Garrett flip scaron couch rasque Evan Ingram jacobe brassette Cameron dick flip scari Charlie Jones Jay Kanner and an Isaiah Pacho on the Elite

Series Jaden Reed’s really solid too I don’t think he cracks the top five quite yet I think maybe next year he could get there with how lackluster the Packers wide receiver room is right now you know who’s got the worst wide receiver in the NFL though the

Giants they don’t got anybody man Justin Herbert Damen Pierce Micah Parsons George Pickins Jared gof Carl Lawson to ATT tag of bya Isaiah hodgin Matt Stafford Jaylen Thompson Bradley chub jaquin brisker Lou Nichols the third Zack Evans and a throwback Vernon Davis he does not get talked

About with the legendary tight ends like you should have you made the any K State basketball games yet not yet we’ve only been here since the 13th and then we were gone for the holidays we want to go see ouu comes up here sometime in January I believe we

Want to try and make it to that game because I want to see a real college basketball game even though U is probably feeling at the stadium now because we’re like pretty solid this year Sneed sedarius Dallas GD George KD Nick CH I want to go to Lawrence and see

Uh Allen Fieldhouse so that’s on my bucket list I’m up here autrey Trayvon Williams Brandon auk flip scaron Jonathan Allen Derwin James Jamal Adams flip scaron Tyron Matthew DJ Moore Jaylen hayatt and a Tyler what oh yeah Chicago mdty ice Mahalo that’s sweet the optic preview

Optics going to look good this year man I love that look I love the Don Russ look this year that’s going to be beautiful nice hit for the Bears on the short print Mahal Maddie January 20th Alexa what day is January 20th January 20th 2023 of course it’s a freaking Friday sha Thompson

Gardner menu Christian Watson laramy tunel Kon Tibido AJ Terrell Jonathan Jones Hunter Renfro flip scaron Javon Holland Alex Singleton Mike Evans foyo flips scar Tyrie Wilson and a Cedric Tillman at least baby Bri won be able to go she won’t have class that day well she will but she’ll be out

It’ll be the weekend all right baseball is up Bowman Mega now we have after this box we’re doing our hobby boxes or half Hobbies we do have overtime tonight if you guys are new here and you guys don’t know what overtime is here at Cam’s cards we call

It overtime because it is when we do extra boxes for the break Maddie ice has generously donated tonight to add some boxes to you got to y’all’s break tonight so if you guys want to donate some money V pay cash app you’re more than welcome to to get some more bigger

Boxes um if not you don’t have to it’s not obligated it’s not required it’s not even recommended necessarily but the great people the camfam love to see the new guys and themselves and others hit cards they love to add and make bigger boxes for overtime so we got a pretty

Big budget for tonight from Maddie if you guys want to make it bigger feel free to just let me know and uh we’ll do those boxes after we do our hobby boxes so in this box you guys can guess the team for the Bowman first Mojo those will come exclusive exclusively out of

The mega packs which are these lime green ones not the red ones which we will open at the very end so you guys all have time at the very or right now to get your guesses in while I’m getting ready to rip these packs don’t forget about tomorrow

Night’s breaks we now have try breakage Thursday we have now introduced TR breakage onto Thursday be sure to check that out man tomorrow night is all three Sports we start auctions at 700 we go live at 9:00 NFL NBA MLB all at the same time all three alternating get a spot in

All three it’s a lot of fun um lot of cards a lot of boxes with more breaks you get more chances at giveaways instead of having like tonight we have I think a 10 boxer total tomorrow will be 15 16 up to 18 boxes I forget what we

Have we have six boxers or five boxers tomorrow for each Break um so you get more chances to win free packs more chances for prizes games giveaways and all that fun stuff that we do here at camps carbs so be sure to check those out auction start at 7:00 we go live at

9:00 p.m. central um yeah Nelson Basquez Chris Bryant Bobby whip Christian Yelich Shay langers Samuel Z Anthony pagero I Xavier Isaac Marcelo mayor and Xavier Isaac on The Bowman Chrome Bowman Chrome Mojo we guessing for the giveaway wils some contr Fernando tatis Max mayor Justin Verlander Mike Trout maros shock Hendrick

Martinz I think that’s about as close I’m ever going to get to pronouncing a name without hearing it Marcos Cabrera Samuel munz Fernandez and Emanuel Beltre Sebastian Walcott time Alec Burleson Gunner for the O Brian Bellow mark ventos Trey Turner Oscar consales Edwin aoro Emanuel beltree Kobe Thomas Bowman first and a

Dy George Jorge there’s the bum Lincoln Riley Tran Cassis Kodi Spencer torque Max Scherzer rise Hoskins Coulson mcgomery Tamar Johnson Marcio lucino Juan Alonzo and a Robert Perez Jr now we’re going for that giveaway card so the first Bowman first Mojo that we pull is the giveaway team for that free

Pack here we go it is the Blue Jays the Blue Jays get it toar Johnson a number Jackson holiday I think it’s numbered wait is purple not numbered you oh there it is barely can see it 237 out of 250 Orioles that’s what you like to see

Right there give me a bang give me the fire beautiful holiday sweet hit right there for the O’s man bio have got a gunner they’ve got some uh just Jackson holiday and I’m blanking on the catcher right now I don’t know why holy W Kodi and a Robert Perez Jr orol

Are one of those teams that got so many rookies it’s hard for them not to hit at least something Adie Rutman there we go Adie he got some Jackson he got some Gunner DL Hall wander Franco cam ker Bowman first nice one Garrett Mitchell the Speedster and and the Brew Crew

Marcelo mayor and a Javier ooro I always find it funny how Bowman when it first comes out it’s pretty hot for like a week dies down you can get them on the aftermarket for cheaper than retail and then like two years later you look back and these boxes are like 80 90

Bucks cracks me up all right let’s do our uh tops one first and we’ll finish up with Don Russ before we go to overtime we get one half the Box we do have a hobby pack in here we will flip a coin to see if it goes to the first half

Or the second half of the break I think you only get one of these maybe you get two no you get one okay you guys in the chat say heads or tails whatever the majority says is what we’ll flip a coin for if you guys want heads we’ll

Flip a coin heads if it lands heads you guys get that pack tonight Alexa give me a random number between one and two here’s a number between one and two it’s one one left side tonight two heads one tails is what I’m seeing so far fourheads man you guys are flipped

Up everybody was saying tails the last couple breaks for all the give for the these five tails Gonzo’s in on it I said I think I said Gonzo Tails I might have said heads pause all right looks like heds is gonna take it Alexa volume 10 Alexa flip a coin okay flipping

It’s h bang you guys got it you guys get the hobby pack tonight congratulations we’ll open it last it was heads hey great job chat working together and figuring out what to do great guest great guest Mark Melancholy Eduardo Julian Zack Netto Kyle Finnegan Andrew Ben attendi Dylan Moore flip scaron

Randy rookie combos for the Pirates out of 2023 air [Laughter] pistols I love it I love it gono I don’t think I got to ask you or maybe I missed your answer where are you from man and where what teams you root for dami Swanson flips scaron Max Muny Jordan ly and

Ruie pelvic thrust look at that catch by USC wow Rees Michael Bush Bobby Miller Richard Anthony Brian roio Zack we and I apologize for my names for baseball are terrible Ronald aunia Cody Bellinger Taylor Rogers Brandon Williamson and a Dylan Tate Allan Alex Kaa Smith jigu Cole Ragin Brett Phillips Brad Han

Joey Ortiz Tyler Anderson flips scaron Garrett stubs Matt mlan Sam Hillard EST stav and floral Monto California Raiders Washington a so you’re you’re rooting for all the teams that got that Vegas stole from you I didn’t realize that I was thinking about the yesterday in the shower you know shower thoughts you’re

Sitting there thinking about random things and uh I was like man Oakland had all their teams ripped for Vegas other than the Warriors the Warriors are San Francisco now I believe California’s be beautiful though man I’ve been there gorgeous State Brandon Brandon hates me now I don’t

Know what it is Trevor may he retired Gabriel Monroe Tristan cassus Kyle Farmer Joey wendle flip scaroon how far is uh Monto I think I’m saying that right from oh crap San Francisco Luis JP Cory Seager the twins Mahalo Maddie Kirby Pucket Byron buckton JP France bayy over flip scaron Bryce

Miller life some busy man I the holidays from October to the beginning of January August I’ll say is the time of the year I hate I love it but I hate it man it it’s so freaking busy I love February with everything just slows down for a

Little bit about 1 hour okay I went there over the summer I went to the city just North of San Francisco I always forget it Chad always reminds me of it great loved it love the mountains love the hills love the water everywhere beautiful man you’re living

In a Disney movie almost Riley green Jesse Winker wh leody tavers flips scaroon Jose Hunter Brown Tay Oscar Jared Schuster numbered out of 76 trying get that light to glare off of it there it is Braden bristro on the Stars oh I’m out of soft sleeve one second CH I don’t have Danny Hand where’s Danny dimes when you need him man he’s at Top Golf enjoying his weep off I hate taxes it’s kind of funny like I go on YouTube a lot I’ll watch like some YouTubers I’ve watched since I was in high school or something like that and it’s always

Funny at the end of the year they do these crazy videos because they’re just trying to ride off taxes Tyler Alexander Jonathan her Hernandez Andrew monasterio and a Vince vquez okay M okay candelerio Levi Eduardo Julian Mitch hanar Sam botman most our customers tried to CRM everything in before the

End of the year claim on taxes has been like a lot of ediot hey that’s good pay though hey you’re getting that OT all that good stuff Jesse Kyle Mueller out we get a lot of numbered cards let’s go Jared Schuster for the [Applause] Braves everyone agrees you’re not wrong we should just all not pay taxes what are they going to do arrest all of us you know why you know we all just stand up to the man then we’ll just hear like a ac1 whatever it is I just

Butchered that how do I not know what an ac130 is come on we just hear that fly above us we’ll start paying German A’s Michel watcha Miami oh who’s this cardio too it’s coin flip we’ll flip it my boss is great if my boss is boss I

Can yeah Dylan do ma taka my man I love those Gregory stto Jeter down see Matty’s with me let’s all rise up not pay taxes Perez Joe Manley Casey Schmidt Carlos flip screwy that’s my one and only lordis gell action Stars polar bear Sam Hines in a Royals three more packs

And then our hobby pack if my CIA agent is listening through my phone computer whatever I am totally kidding I will pay my taxes in full oswal Perez Omar Garrett Crockett Gabriel Monroe K Gavin Stone got to watch him pitch in Oklahoma City Jason Hayward Francisco flip skery A J Astros in the

Double Perez and a sar Sarah Anthony domiguez two more packs Dominique Smith Brent hinder Rock Tanner babby Matt Reynolds unless they owe me money facts Tommy fam John vau Ryan Nolan Ryan Jackson proar Another randomizer for the uh Giants and Yankees and then a man the O’s are crushing tonight Nick vispy and

A Logan just I forgot to say that last name just spell just spelly last pack for the hobby pack here we go chat we do have overtime tonight Michael stefanic Brandon I will say I have joined you in the betting World on every single day living in Kansas I can use DraftKings

FanDuel by the way DraftKings is so Superior to every other betting app I’ve used so far with the bonuses they offer I’m a DraftKings kind of guy now aunia Amari Garrett Garrett Mitchell Jake Jordon Alvarez hey Alex bregman for the Astros Katie and Timbo game used MIM

Too Alex bregman I don’t know if you guys I follow a lot of comics on Tik Tok or Netflix or whatever you call it Michael Fulmer uh Shane Gillis is a really good uh polit political joke I don’t like to get in the politics but uh a really good joke about what they

Should do with the uh debates if you haven’t seen it look it up it’s great Castro Yankees we’ll randomize both these off and then we’ll do our hobby pack actually do the hobby pack first in case we get more randomizers had an unlocked computer it froze up all

Right that’s fa wizard man so the guy that I have out here that uh helps me out his name’s Danny he doesn’t bet very much but with all the bonuses for signing up right uh you get like $200 free do whatever so he puts down a

Parlay on this first day out here in Kansas where it’s legal and uh he won $500 on the Texans game-winning field goal against the Titans that was the last leg of his parlay and I know Timbo knows what I’m talking about that Titans Texans game was wild I mean we were

Screaming then we weren’t screaming we were upset D single runs it in get to call back field goal looks bad Curves in it was a good first day here all right here we go for our hobby pack do you guys want that coin flip Aaron judge JJ Bola Shane Bieber

Aaron judge on the blue for the Yankees out of 150 I haven’t talked to Timbo since the ALCS shots fired and then poster pools all right let’s randomize these cards off then we go to NFL hobby I always put a five for 500k prayer every every Sunday do you use

That like no sweat free bet or something I use a no sweat Free Bet every night on the NBA parly I bet every single spread of every single game I’ve gotten from I’ve been two legs away twice now from it hitting but I bet him individually as

Well so that I still like make some money off my pcks okay Don Russ half Hobby and then we’re going to over I do have to open a gift from mattye Ice between after this box uh he got it for me for Christmas and

Sent it to me and so we’re going to open those up all right so the way we do these packs cuz you don’t get them like half I’m going to lay them all out make two stacks just pull in one for every pack or every side so one one two two 3

Three four four five five six six 7 7 8899 Perfect all right Alexa give me a random number one through two here’s a number between one and two it’s two two so pack one goes back stack two is us tonight see the better line there Tim would have

Been I remember my first World Series just like normal JP Rockies are one of the most untalked about MLB teams on the face of the Earth in the universe of any baseball team that would exist they don’t get any love Jordan pyer Derek Carr Tariq wo

I’m not betting for an extra $10 I’m betting to pay my house off B Jefferson George KD Lucas vaness you live in breed are you from Colorado Lucas vaness sequan Barkley no name on the Barkley for the Giants hey that’s what’s up I got some family that lives out there they live uh

Just outside Denver like the suburbs of Denver they love it beautiful state Gino Smith bomb squad Z and a Doug fluty nice bomb squad on one of the best wide receivers out of the class who who are you most excited about on the Rockies going to the next year JP I’m

Curious I’ve never had this is my first Rockies F Rockies fan in the break not even kidding dump baseball breaks for over a year Maddie there’s no way you’re trolling me Aman raw can’t say his name courand Sutton Nolan Jones and Tovar I pull a lot of Ezekiel Tovar a

Bunch no shout outs to him okay I won’t Russell Gage Kenny picket my sanders Chase Brown Jamar Gib nice one and a Super Bowl Josh Allen and a JC horn they are the Rockies are famous for their park though I will give them that Kors field I think is what it is

Kors park I think with Co light right Zack van I’m G to remember that we don’t talk about Chris Bryan I always forget that he was a rocky for a while or not but course F okay I was right I was right Marvin Jones Kyle Pitts I went to a game

There when I was young I don’t remember much of it drew tranqu he wait he still is I thought we were saying that he left cuz I didn’t realize that chis Chris Bryant was such a big prospect on the Cubs and I feel like nothing’s come of it Jordan Brooks other

Than his world Ser was he there for the World Series or is that his first year gone Jerry Hughes kad’s Tony Devin weather spoon good one Cooper cup Kurt Cousins highlights oh my gosh Max C two 60 games in two years is he still as good as he was or is he falling

Off Cordell Patterson Daniel Jones Rocky spring training Park is a z nice to been there a few times nice Kenneth Walker Aaron Donald sedarius Smith Dallas SCD phlips scaron is Israel Desmond R Ritter sweet Power Plus weather spoon on the portrait Seahawks are crushing it right now and a George pickings RED Press

Proof like when we talk about Chris Bron we still saying he’s a top not a top player a great player not a good player a great player in the league s Gardner when he’s when he rips he’s doing good but he’s been non-stop hurt Rockies will

Be good in 25 and 26 I’m going to keep you to that JP I’m hammering World Series champs Futures on the Rockies when 2025 comes Murray Buddha roquan Aaron roders Derrick Henry tank bsby Zack chernet like that card right there Jerry Kramer Eric gray Boomer Sooner on the

Red press roof and a kid reporter o I saw something gold is it dcut George Pickins went off on a bunch of fantasy benches yeah and a lot of people that was like their semi-finals they made it that far in the league bik Willis Amari Cooper he did too Cooper

Barrett so did Bree Hall but I started him Travis etn flip scaron Gardner muu Christian Watson cam Smith Legend series Frank Gore we have something here at the end and these cards are stuck together not making this easy okay hold on there we go Marvin Mims Boomer Sooner

And then the last card is is a Alex Singleton for the Broncos out of 50 I got to give a huge shout out to breea he’s one that made me make my fantasy Championship so in one of my leagues and I’ve done four leagues this year three

Of them I missed the playoffs one of them I am the 10th highest scorer out of 12 teams just let that sink in which means I am literally one of the worst teams in the league and I am in the Championship I am 10th in points for and

12th in points against I got so lucky and it’s a $1,200 League it’s a $100 buying for person so like I’m cool with it Xavier McKenna yeah you did you did I remember that we were talking like we were like is he draftable and you were like yeah

You oh you said no you said don’t draft him and I was like wait why you were like cuz I need him Tyler higgy Mark Andrew Stefon di slip skie Damen Pierce and joh Harrison Boomer Sooner Jaden Reed RED Press proof or not RED Press proof I’m sorry the red was back the

Back was red Jonathan Mingo bomb squad and a art monk I’ve been following Tyler Sodom for the A’s he’s going to be really good watched him play in Vegas at Triple A this year I’ve heard His Name a bunch I pull him pretty regularly he’s a is he with the

Rockies Kevin byard are you time about he’s with the uh A’s you’re just saying he’s good Hendrickson Mike Evans foyo flip scaron Pickins JC horn Tyrie Wilson Minka on the action all Pros I love this insert one of my favorites they did a really good job on that Super

Bowl Eagles I don’t like how they put the score like this is green he’s green but the they’re red it doesn’t make sense to me knows are the A’s catcher will probably go to first base his from Turlock where’s Turlock at Aaron Jones RED Press proof oh okay right 15 minutes away

Bet we’re connecting all the dffs tonight all right last pack here we go this one feels somewhat thick we oh that’s a thick diick boy right there boys here we go Drake London Nick Folk Jamal Adams flip scaron Tyra Matthew Jaylen Petri Jaylen Hyatt what do we got

Here CD lamb passing the torch and Michael Irving out of 199 yeah I love these double patch cards man one my favorite things that Don Russ does beautiful so Maddie you said Little Maddie is watching is he with you nice patching the chorch I’m not going to put that on the podium because I don’t have a top L big enough for right now

Tailman Nick Bolton cam Acres all right he still lives in Texas yeah shout out little Maddie oh I wasn’t supposed to do that sorry Maddie you said no shout out for Li MD I said shout out liil Maddie I think our seven our our seven I think our seven straight year to the

ACLS might be broken this year but the Texans and the rockets are on the way up Texans will be really good Rockets I I love that Shin goon kid Jaylen green keeps let me down okay break is not over for the people who are here we’re have

Some overtime for you guys before we get to that I got to open a gift Matty Ice in the chat send me for Christmas let me go grab it out of the other room and then uh we will get to our overtime which is extra box for you guys

Remember if it is too late though these breaks are always available for rewatch um if you got to go to bed you got work in the morning they’re always on our YouTube for you watch Jaylen green is so hot and cold drives me crazy he’s so raw that’s I call him raw cuz

Like he can when he’s on fire he’s him but then he has those nights where he goes three of 17 shooting you’re like what the heck all right so MADD and is infinite great rapping uh I’m supposed to open first second and third and I was told this is

A picture of Maddie and his albino squirrel I forgot what he named it him petting it we’re about to find out though not for the break for me for Matty Ice shout out Matty ice man thank you uh let’s see what we got here it feels like a

Card he taped it with something that’s sticky pause yo my man Baker that’s my dude and he’s actually having a great year comeback Player of the Year comeback player of the year I’m telling you guys right now Jaylen green is from Mercedes California for you’re just around everybody uh Gonzo I

Love it that’s my man comeback player of the year what kind of tape is this that blends in so with the wrapping Scotch it’s clear put it together Cameron come on this one feels like a PSA slab Almost holy cow Maddie yo Maddie dude bro on a 10 my mouth are just sitting here B the camera wide open dude that’s sweet I don’t have I I really don’t think I have any Baker Mayfield rookies I wasn’t in the cards in 2016 I haven’t bought any either cuz I

Was like oh he’ll get cheap cuz he’s probably not going to be in the league much longer then he’s to turnaround Maddie dude thank you bro Baker one of one next there’s a baker one1 in the next one I will personally jump out the window and face

Plant in the snow with no clothes on all right how’s the third gift going to be I’m mean it says beat these it’s going to be a foot pick for Matty Ice I told him I was like can I open this on stream and

He was like yeah and I was like man I’m disappointed it’s not nsfl NSFW feat picks from Matty Ice that’s a joke that’s a joke for my first timers I’m not weird long time inside joke with the cam fan camera dropped landed on my feet and I they forever hold that over me

Okay we’re through the third layer I’m scared of what this is going to be no Maddie bro dude Maddie oh my God Maddie I don’t know what to say I I’m like literally speechless oh my Maddie cover the ears I’m sorry bro Maddie Maddie bro thank you holy

Cow this is by far the best card I have in my collection it’s not even close Maddie Maddie I owe you something dude Maddie holy crap I’m I’m literally framing this individual card in like an 8×10 frame and I’m putting it on the wall down here with a vault over it oh

My wow I don’t even know what to say man I really don’t know what to say oh my gosh dude MADD I I can’t say thank you enough I’m speechless that is one of the coolest gifts I have ever gotten in my entire life and I really do mean that I’m not

Just saying that holy crap if you guys are first timers I apologize for stalling for a minute I I’m a massive OU fan massive Baker Mayfield and Kyler Murray guy dude thank you Maddie thank you thank you thank you thank you give him a bang wow wow

Dude wow wow wow wow wow wow okay I’ll I’ll I’ll save my wow for after the break so you guys have to watch me wow for 10 more minutes um I’m going to sit I’m going to put a chair out in the middle of the hallway and just put it on

The wall and stare at it for about two hours tonight all three of them just in a picture frame Maddie dude you are the absolute best brother man bro that’s so freaking cool Maddie thank you man okay let’s get on with overtime holy cow oh my

Gosh my heart rate’s like 120 right now I’m so excited over that dude okay okay let’s do some overtime Podium is unsafe someone could steal them they’re going to the Vault right now oh my goodness I’m just standing here staring at it on the desk right now okay Maddie

How do you want to do overtime Maddie I’ll chip in with overtime for you I owe you something all I had to overtime because of that that’s freaking incredible man Maddie NFL okay MLB I got you guys tonight I’ll throw in a blaster on me and then Matty Ice’s money will go

Towards NFLs over time does that sound good let me go grab some boxes that we can fit in that budget and see what we can work out I’m going let you guys stare at that and that and that for a minute while I run to the dungeon and grab some

Boxes oh my God dude okay wow Maddie Merry Christmas brother thank you again thank you again you did not have to do that okay so here’s what I got right now I’m going to let you guys pick so I saw someone in the chat said they love Bowman Platinum so I grabbed

Another Bowman Platinum box or we can do a Mo City if you guys rather have that for MLB overtime let me grab it okay okay so you guys in the chat get the vote Maddie you can pick we’re kind of in a weird spot with NFL we’re

Like we can do a mega but we don’t have enough to do something else but like if we can do the hobby exclusive Mega as well it was me okay perfect so it’s up to you guys Maddie you’re the that donated for NFL so you can pick between

Either Mega this is just like your regular retail Mega this is the hobby exclusive Mega has red camos this one is yellow reactive um and then for NF MLB you guys in the chat vote totally up to you guys what we do uh this one’s from

Me Matty Ice got me in a given mood now the dude just gifted me my Holy Grail of my collection JP says the black bag black bag most City Maddie said send me the bill all four Maddie ice okay uh all four what we’re at right now um

Okay hold on I’m doing math Maddie I’m twittering you hey MADD if you need a roommate you just holler at me Maddie dude I can’t say thank you enough JP said damn man Maddie is a legend I love Matty I send it Maddie said do all four holy

Cow we need to do something for Maddie I got to do something for Maddy now all right so Maddie I said buy all four for the break Riley congrats M Maddie is in beast mode so for NFL you guys are getting a mosaic Mega and a hobby exclusive Mosaic

Mega and The Bowman platinum and the most City mystery box for the MLB gang for overtime so these are all extra boxes Maddie has literally bought them for you guys in the break for you guys to be ripped so if you guys see Matty Ice in the chat tell him thank you this

Is from the brother it’s from Matty Ice he’s being Santa Claus tonight man give him a beard and a hat give him a beard and a hat he’s Santa oh man that is so freaking cool dude that out a Flawless man I don’t own a Flawless card yet I really

Don’t golly I am literally FaceTiming red whenever I get down with this break and showing him that card Maddie going for that break 1000 Hall of Fame I can’t say that’d be a bad choice Goobs I appreciate that man for the record stuff like this happens all the

Time that’s the camf man Matty Ice a lot of the time is behind it don’t get me wrong but I’m just saying if you guys are enjoying the break be sure to check us out for more breaks Matty Ice in the cam fam all right let’s do our Mo

City first for MLB and then we’ll hop into the football Mega and just alternate as we go camf fam doing it I see it in the chat all right here we go MLB is up adly Rutman oh crushing it tonight history in the making sh ootani Podium is already

Getting full we got an Anthony vul vul vul O’Neal Cruz Alec Thomas wait till they meet Clark and Jimmy right Clark is in tonight Clark is the actual before I continue this on if you guys saw our Hall of Fame earlier I can’t move my camera it’s wired in come

On he’s our one Hall of Fame member right now in the cams cards Hall of Fame Clark’s a great Soul as well Alec Thomas Ellie de lighting’s off sorry chat one sec let me re brighten this bang Ellie de Cruz Jackson holiday again the OG of ogs the factual no lies

Detected DJ lameu on the game used Yankees Nelson we pulled a lot of Nelson for the Cubbies out of 199 and our autograph Tyler glass now the Rays Chris S there you go brother all right let’s do a regular Mosaic Mega first and then we’ll get into the uh

Hobby exclusive one let’s put out the junkie no no we’re not we’re not ping the junkie let’s go back to the OG here we go everybody good luck overtime here at Cam’s cards in a wonderful Wednesday night tomorrow night is try breakage be sure to check out those

Breaks Jordan Nelson Ram Madre Stevenson Warren Sapp oh we’re on auto focus let’s go Warren Sapp Riley Moss silver yellow reactive Jamar Chase Ryan tanah Hill Josh Allen and I can believe Oklahoma state is stomping on Texas A&M right now Oklahoma State lost to oh my voice

Cracked lost to South Alabama early this season Christian Kirk Jaylen W Wadd Drew Sanders what was the score that Mavs game uh Ben I saw you say something about it but I was Fran tank Bigsby rookie Jaguars and a Drew Derwin James why have you guys still all here

Now we got 22 viewers make sure you guys check out Cam’s cards PSA program as well we do grade with PSA um for $35 you get any card grade it also comes with a free cleaning from me um all bolt grading programs that I’m aware of do not offer a free cleaning

And prep to the level that I do it some might wipe your cards down we do a little bit more than that we straighten edges straighten out corners um surfacing buffing all the whole 10 yards for 35 bucks if you guys are interested in getting any cards graded you can mail

Them directly to me or it can be cards pulled directly in the break that you guys want to get graded just let me know and I’ll pull them out put them in our PSA pile it’s $35 if you buy a team in a break the same week the carbs come back

If you don’t it’s $40 CU you I paid for the label which is five bucks but for $35 a card it’s a great deal um if you’re interested type in exclamation point PSA Terrell Suggs Herman Moore Vince Young foko raise your hand if you’re a new person Goobs JP Barkley

Devon a chain yellow reactive Riley raised his hand it’s mad IIs world tonight we’re just living in it and a AJ brown wizard of Li Michael Irvin you know how many Wizard of Oz jokes I’ve had since I told her about I moved to Kansas I am now a

Cam fan Goobs I love it brother Justin Herbert Devon a chain Jaden Reed yellow reactive Kyler Murray Garrett Will Williams and Ezekiel Elliott Matt raised his hands this is Dennis’s first day I count Dennis is a first- timer he was here this afternoon our only first timer this

Afternoon shout out Dennis and he joined the Discord Ogden Jaylen Ramsey haatt welcome to the show Shaquille Leonard silver Jen doson Elevate Mike Evans Quinn Williams Michael straight oh the cas streak stay five MJ D give it to another that is now 20 straight casit

In the last 20 days of breaks there we go a Genesis mjd if we weren’t going to get a case hit today the streak kick the streak was going to die it was going to finish at 19 and 19 but no it extends to 20 and 20

20 days in a row of breaks we have hit a case hit holy cow we’re on one of the best streaks in our history over the last three and a half whatever how many years we’ve been doing breaks now mjd for the Jaguars put it up on the podium

Give him the bang again bang brothers that’s what we like another Cam’s cards caseit a save in the streak 20 and 20 let’s go see if we can hit 21 tomorrow night Byron Young Travis etn Will McDonald we’re in off 2023 with the bang Patty and a kid rep Porter wow what a

Night we didn’t hit a Cas of this afternoon but we did hit some really nice cards in the afternoon break that leanian Tomlinson is one of my favorite LT cards I think I’ve ever opened probably is the favorite LT card I’ve ever opened all right last box for

Baseball we got Bowman Platinum Bowman Bowman pause phrasing guess the team that gets the parallel rookie the ice foil 113 110 outscored like 15 to five down the stretch after leading the whole game I think I bet against the map so that might be good do one we’ll do one more giveway

After this one empty box like I said if you guys are new here we got a lot of first- timers T that man you guys have been awesome I always like to say thank you we a bunch of cool first- timers cuzz occasionally you get some guys off eBay

You probably all sld cards to them they’re just wads of jerkness that’s my nicest of whatever they are um so I always am very appreciative when we get some new guys in here and they’re cool they’re awesome they love to hang out um so thank you guys you guys are our first

Timer man if you guys want to join us more breaks would love to have you guys be a part check out our social medias you can type in excl Social or you can just follow us on eBay and get on this break be that way but I always like to

Tell you guys thank you whenever you we got a cool crew cuz it’s not every night you get a bunch of first timers and they’re all cool and a lot of guys who’ have been here for a while they know they they’ve been in the breaks where we have those

Guys migy Manuel Bel like I I you know when I open up those gifts from Maddie a minute ago usually and not always they’ll be a first time and there it’s like bro move on and it’s like dude we’re here to have a good time it’s not

You know but it is what it is so I appreciate you guys Michael Harris on the new money Drew Waters I love that JP I love that mooki Dylan JD Chris Bryant and a osar Gonzalez I have the same problem with Thursday Night Football your game is

Like 10 seconds ahead of mine at home it’s kind of strange what are you watching on I’m on YouTube TV Brett batty cutter coffee Gunner Henderson man Orioles and a Nelson Nelson we got like four of them today so far lots of heavy breathing no I I used to get a lot of

Hate when I started doing breaks and so I put in our description um our breaks may take a while because we love to engage and interact with our community and that way I was like trying to get rid of those guys that like cuz some people like those rips where you just

Literally get in there and you you just rip the card slam them down as quick as you can and like that’s fine some people enjoy that I don’t like to break that way Jared McKenzie so I put that in there to keep those guys out Alec Thomas into

Brooksley Matty Ice is the community xinity stream I don’t think they’re satellite they I think they’re internet so that’s surprising Grayson Rodriguez maybe it’s streaming from the East Coast no it couldn’t be they’re in San Diego never mind bolia Chase de lner Jeremy P Break slow nice and

Slow you’re in Kansas so you’re closer to the games than me you get to see them sooner # science CJ Abrams yeah if you look at the uh SpaceTime Continuum and then you put that stream through it I I get the games a little bit sooner Gavin cross Lindor Garrett Cole Xander Bogart

Two more packs and then we’re going to the last Mega of the night I’ll never forget that I literally got a negative feedback I’m a big UFC fan if you guys like the UFC and um it might do with your elevation you know JP the elevation the

SpaceTime continum the higher you get up the thicker it is harder for I don’t know par gos Drew Jones Gabriel Monroe Jonathan Randa um I got a negative feedback I love UFC UFC events always run when like doing breaks and so I remember there was a Conor McGregor

Fight one of the biggest stars UFC and so I watched his walk out and at the end of the break I gave an extra Blaster to the break or like an extra Blaster and hanger something like that and the dude was like yeah it’s negative feedback man

I I was W to see cars and I was like okay you win some you lose some yordon Alvarez Nolan Jones Anthony Hall is there a break after this I thought tonight was the NFL break just into this afternoon Peter let me JP what you talk about little Import and

Export is there a break after this I thought tonight was the NFL break that was that just ended this afternoon Peter I’m not understanding I I I get your confusion but explain me your confusion if that makes sense we run so Tuesday night we had auctions we

Ran that break yesterday or today at two at 2:30 then we ran more auctions tonight at 700 p.m. and then uh we had the break at 8:30 tonight so if you bid on Tuesday night your break was this afternoon if you bid tonight this is your break Brian aunia Adie Rutman nice Adie

Let me check Peter real quick let me so get sorted out I don’t have a Peter in the afternoon break I have you on the 49ers in this break sir yeah this is your break right now we have one more box left we added to the break uh a mosaic hobby box okay

Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay welcome in Peter why did it get quiet oh the game behind me went off oh OKC Thunder parlay won me $100 last night heck yeah dude heck yeah Alexa what was the score of the knck Thunder game I didn’t get to see the end of

It today the Thunder defeated theck my bet Miss on that I Nick plus three okay last box of the night we have a lot of free pack winners and we don’t like that Peter I appreciate that man thank you dude thank you man last giveaway of

The night I’m going to do something in honor of madd’s forever givingness and holiday spirit I usually with 22 people never do this because with 22 people it gives away a lot of packs for the first red uh red camo parallel I want you guys to guess an NFL

Division all right an NFL division NFC West NFC South AFC West NFC whatever you guess an NFL division for the free pack winner right here you get a whole division everybody can guess the same division doesn’t matter the first red camo rookie is that giveaway if you are

Correct yeah let me until I say your name and I’ll put you down for the free pack shout out Matty Ice Man he bought us a crap ton of overtime he gave me some of the sickest cards of my collection tonight I owe you guys a free pack giveaway massive one right here

Usually we do division guesses on Wednesday afternoons um because there’s not a lot a lot of people there on Wednesday night we got 20 people in here Maddy’s making me be a nice guy today not that I’m normally not I think of me as a nice person but I think everyone thinks

Himself a nice person good Maddie so the free pack that you win will usually be determined by what break you’re in JP so like if you win the giveaway let’s say in this uh and you’re in the MLB break you’ll get an MLB pack now sometimes it doesn’t

Always happen like that so I like to reinstate it like that but for the most time you’ll get a pack for what break you were in Matty Ice God level friend Matty Ice is going to be my best man at my wedding now JP have a great night brother

Appreciate you joining us today man Christian Watson mark Allen whoopsies whoopsies John Lynch Michael Vic on the silver Mosaic Lawrence Taylor silver red is it a rookie it is NFC North tell me somebody guessed it Steelers Darnell Washington red camo hobby exclusive and a thunder and Aaron Jones

Oh it’s AFC North I’m sorry it’s AFC North not NFC I apologize oh Riley got it Riley’s down Riley what team are you on tonight I’ll give you a free pack Ken Randy Lawrence Taylor Jordan Addison me and Riley AFC North Jordan Addison nice one let’s get Ben Coker and Riley Riley

What team do you got tonight brother Ben I know you’re on my Rangers Maddie ice for president all he’s got my vote he’s got my vote and then Riley were you Joe Flaco mat mat eyes here we go red Cam Vince Zack Martin Hines Ward kider Porter fumble I did

Fumble that falcon or the Bucks card so all we use padding you know everyone makes mistakes you got to have the padding ready same re never mind I’m not going to go into that one that was a little NSFW Hopkins Chris Jones Sam how Darren Payne Randle Cunningham we have a

Sydney brown red camo and a joey Gober oh Louisville fumbled Brian Burns yeah he was talk about the USC game yeah yeah yeah I just I just put that one together Timbo Michael stran Jamar Chase Zack chabut red camo Josh Jacobs flip scaron Cole KT and a Shaquille Leonard two more

Packs on this great Wednesday night don’t forget about our breaks tomorrow night o starts at 7 we go live at 900 p.m. central tomorrow night all three sports MLB NBA NFL get a spot in all three get some skin in the game unpaid will be available in Discord if you buy

An unpaid team in Discord you get a $10 coupon off for our Discord breaks which are live in Discord is by right now they’re available right now you can go look at the teams available Mark Andrew Justin Herbert oh okay cool cool cool whenever you get into a break Riley

Remind me that I owe you two free packs I owe you one for joining disc and won for uh your guest a minute ago and then I’ll get you those packs DTR Charlie Jones Jaylen wad waddle a mod sauce Gardner and a dvo Samuel Matty I said come back or else

Shannon sharp Matty eyes uh people want to know will you be back tomorrow night here’s your microphone Shannon sharp Jaylen Ramsey Richard Sherman he might have an e-harmony date tomorrow night hen hooker Randle Cunningham Makai Blackman and a Nick chub the world may never know Matty I how the harmony dates going

Brother GOP said he’ll be back tomorrow what a man what a man what a legend all right let’s recap our hits tonight man man when they’ll end the stream so so have you tried like a different app other than e-harmony I heard if you show a girl your card

Collection it’s like instant they just love you you know like just pull out like a Jordan Addison rookie be like so this is an amazing card if you get your a Vikings fan I met Katie on Twitter and I’m GNA guess Timbo ice was just like I collect cards

And she was like I’m in come over and he was like bet all right all right starting off the recap of tonight we got a passing the torch Michael Irving and C lamb such a slick looking card man for the boys we have a pirates sh Jamar Jordan Walker out of

35 uh Archie Manning out of 99 Nolan Gorman Alex Mano out of cosmic such beautiful set Oswell Perez jrod uh Jordan Lawler Nelson Cruz J John Elway jsn Devin Weatherspoon DJ lahu Anthony vulp Yankees Jackson holiday numbered bejon horns down Boomer Sooner Nelson Adie Jackson Smith jiga Luis Robert

Aiden Hutchinson will Levis Chris Bryant mjd on the kit Devon a chain yellow reactive rookie we had a Alec Thomas silver Rook O’Neal Cruz Jamar Gibbs Aaron judge Tyler Scott optic preview short print Quinton Johnson two out of three silver Josh Allen Tyler glass now Auto Nelson

Vquez this dude was everywhere Ellie De La Cruz Alex Singleton to 50 no namesake Juan Barkley Jared Schuster Bubba Thompson mazaka green tank bsby gunar Henderson cidi Darnell Jackson Adie jayen Zay berro mazaka Joey vad Jordan Walker Jaylen Wadd Christian Gonzalez Alex bregman and a b John Robinson chat

That is all I have for you guys tonight what a wonderful Wednesday night man I can’t say thank you guys enough you guys were absolutely awesome to hang out with tonight man we got more breaks tomorrow auction start at 700 we go live at 9:00 that’s all I got for you guys tonight

Man be sure to check out those auctions for tomorrow be a light in a dark world man make somebody smile it goes a long long way for some people man and that’s all I got matd ice thank you again brother for those sick cards what a phenomenal

Wednesday night I can’t say thank you any more than what I can have a phenomenal night chat CF fam out peace

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