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Video topic today is getting fully fit and why you need to do it in 2024!!!!!
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Today we’re here at pxg and I’m going to tell you why you need to get fit for custom golf clubs in 2024 let’s just say it’s the fastest way to improve your game besides doing practice so let’s go In using trackman and getting expert advice from a club fitter is crucial we doing who do we got here Matt Russell Matt Russell this is our Pro fitter here today hey this is why we come here you need expert advice you can’t just hit on the Range and be like these are the

Clubs for me you got to have the expert advice because that’s huge and it is 100% we’re going to talk about it today but let’s go back there oh he’s already got me a glove what do you say what do you say hey pxt that’s what I say look at

Him dog dog that’s David dog every time I come in here I get better a little bit better I do seriously every time the clubs are just getting better that’s what we’re talking about right how to get better get resolu that’s true well So for anybody trying to get better You’

Got three things you need to do the first thing you do is you get your clubs fit all right then you start to take lessons and then you practice all right so this is step one yeah most people do the opposite order they’re like oh I’m

Not good enough to get clubs or I need to work on my game before I go take a lesson like it’s just the opposite any work you do if your clubs don’t fit or you don’t know what to work on is wasted a lot of people intimidated for Club

Fitting cuz they think their game needs to be at a certain level and it’s just the opposite the better you are at golf the more able you are to adjust to clubs that don’t fit yeah so if you’re just trying to get better at the game club fitting first even I learned something

Today hey I was the opposite way I used to never come in here but hey look at me now come in here every time to get dialed there go every time at the end of the of the session we’ll have an optimized build for your swing you’ll

Have your clubs you won’t just have custom clubs clubs yeah they will be your clubs cuz you don’t you’re the only one in the world that swings the way you swing so you need clubs that fit you but one of the things I love about this is It’s only

$25 yeah to come in here and you get the hit on track man and you get custom clubs fit for you I mean that’s that’s a bargain you can’t really go anywhere try to make it easy making it easy the first thing you do is warm up so you can have

Maximum accuracy so this is the te’s yeah this is the 0317 T yep so I currently do game these and what we’ll do is we’ll hit the these will hit the head that’s a little bit bigger we hit the head that’s a little bit smaller all right and that’ll tell us you know

What’s optimal for tell what’s the difference see if we can uh improve any just two or three swings like this we’ll pull up some data and take a look so our starting point for Club fitting is always Club speed that gives us the idea of where we want to be shaft

Weight and flex and it also gives us a baseline when we make a change if you speed up that’s good typically if you slow down that’s not where we wanted you know that’s that’s not optimal so we kind of look at that data tile to say what’s going to be the perfect weight

Right now you’re in 120 g stiff maybe heavier is better maybe we need to back off a little bit we’ll find out ball speed to Club speed when we take the ratio there it’s called smash factor and that ratio needs to be 1.35 if it’s not we’re not getting Max

Efficiency especially if you feel like you hit it solid but we’re not getting that kind of ratio we we have room for improvement okay you know so you’re either one or the other you’re perfect actually you’re in the iron to be about yeah perfect so to be about 3° down in a

Seven iron and a seven iron is is great cuz you’ll create launch yeah and you’ll create spin uh you know within the metrics where we want it so that launch will be a little bit lower and the spin will get the height more of a field

Player yeah you just go play so I just go play but having the custom right here makes it so much easier but you explain it perfectly to where I understand it like what I need to get to just don’t get lost in it because if you’re a field

Player you need need to play by feel and numbers can wreck the whole you know it’s nice to see this it’s good to know that once you get it dialed in to what you feel and what you see I mean it’s like a com you just go double combo and

Then our Landing angle that’s the most important data tile of everything is it’s got to land at 45 to 50° so you can be confident it’s going to stop yeah go down back to Columbus Country Club those little greens like if you can’t bring it down Steep and stop it you’re going to

Go long so we can make some improvements here that’s going to be our first change is let’s see what happens when we leave this shaft and add a shaft that spins the ball a little bit more launches it higher spinning I learned something today and that’s the most important

Thing is landing angle so you can stop it on the green and when we change the shaft instantly what happens to the numbers your swing got to slightly faster but the ball got a ton faster and that ratio of ball speed to Club speed got more efficient so instead of being

One 1.32 you’re now 1.39 so you’re swung a mile per hour faster but you got a lot more out of it you actually gained yardage and gained a better ball flight and that’s a better fit this is good I already like the sound of that yeah I

Like the sound let’s make one more swing with that and then we’ll uh we’ll make our next change yeah so Club fitting is about helping you hit it in the center hit the shot that you intend to hit and eliminate every variable but you yeah yeah so that when you’re practicing

Let’s say you see that shot you’re out there practicing well if the club didn’t fit you you might have made a perfect swing and you see that shot and you’re like God I got to I got to change something yeah I got to fix my swing so

The feedback loop is all wrong cuz the outcome is telling you data that’s not correct it wasn’t you at all the club was wrong that’s not your fault so we want to eliminate all those variables except you so that you can you know I hooked that ball that was me I know what

I did I can fix that this club and shaft felt perfect ball speed to Club speed we’re above Target on that so we’re very happy with the efficiency that you’re getting your Technique has not changed it’s been very consistent that’s a good good sign for you consistent yeah so attack angle has

Been the same every swing your Club tends to want to swing a little bit left with an open face that’s a fade swing it’s perfect and then you see our launch nice and low penetrating launch with some spin to get it to climb get that 90

Ft of height which is a perfect Target and 45 to 50 on the landing angle for the stopping power and you’re getting 170 yard carry so this is like your 175 Club stock you’re not having to swing out of your shoes to get it to go a nice

Distance for a seven iron but can I change to get more distance with the p what’s really interesting to me about in our lineup typically there’s one head that’s perfect and that’s when you get the best numbers yeah even though on paper you go like wow this is 2°

Stronger than T I should hit it further but for whatever reason if it’s not optimal for you you don’t it’s not more efficient so you just wind up hitting the same distance but it’s not uh as clean as look or feel Turf interaction is isn’t as

Nice and you didn’t pick up anything no so not a good fit for you too again if your angle of attack was deeper maybe but for you t is a better fit or get more Loft and spin from the CB come on hey 170 that ain’t bad that

Ain’t bad 170 is really good not bad for 5745 how are you going to get better next year you’re going to come in here and get fit that’s step one hopefully that’s step one then you put into practice that’s step two and then you get teach well teaching and practice at

The same time kind of thing okay so this is the cavity back all right uh so it’s going to have a more Loft be a little bit smaller Club head than than the te head the CDs come on this a pretty good example you got the ball to go faster so this head

Is not um distracting from the ball speed yeah but what it is do is creating more Spin and because of that spin you’re not getting any better carry distance with a head that’s less forgiving yeah you’re hitting it really solid so you know a lot of times the

Evaluation of a club is is people are looking okay when I hit it solid what happens but that’s not real world golf real world golf is sometimes and so tea is going to give us the advantage of a bigger sweet spot so that when you’re not perfect you’re getting still getting

Good outcome cuz I’m definitely not perfect just like that he dials me up just that quick that was what 30 minutes it doesn’t take a long time 30 minutes and I’m already dialed up and now the next thing I got to do is just go to my

Swing coach guess my yardage Weston I then wanted to see if Matt could find the perfect fit for me for myess dri what do you think carry distance 275 that’s pretty deep 270 carry would be pretty good so 107 relatively speaking you swing the driver faster than your irons

Okay so you’ve increased your speed um which is great and that’s coming out of a shaft that’s overreacting so I’m going to stiffen that up so we made change after change little buttery fade out there that’s when I played really good trying to get maximum efficiency until

Finally little bit higher launch than we had before 13° that’s right on our you know 13 to 15 is just a perfect window spin 2,000 would be a little bit better it was a little misread there from trackman saying but I mean we’re yeah we’re cooking now with distance 300 yard

265 of that is carry and that’s your starting point to getting better in 2024 sweet clubs that fits you perfectly enjy apprciate anytime glad to see you again everybody come by Atlanta come see Matt come see see David come see them all this is like it’s like a little home

Here like pxg home and I every time I come in here it’s it’s really cool we just hang out just hit balls and get custom fit pxg baby nobody makes clubs like them period that is going to do this video I hope you guys come by pxg

And pursue to get better in 2024 and this is how you do it Matt was right this is the first step so I love you guys and I’ll see you in the next Banger baby let’s go hey B I’m in the moood for a switch up I

Hit the function hit the Ros till I hit up I hit the stage and leave with money that’s a sticker she picture perfect so I told her mama flicker


  1. Got fit in November, new PXG driver got here Christmas week thanks to Half Set Beth (wife). PXG 19* Hybrid on its way thanks to gift card from my son. Props to Max Altman my PXG fitter and dare I say PXG friend!

  2. Let's freaking go Luke, looking forward to seeing you and your journey in 2024, congratulations on your engagement remember to keep God and his son Jesus Christ close..

  3. how does it feel compare to Mizuno? I've heard about positive feedback about Mizuno. And PXG and Mizuno are my choices to buy

  4. I feel like it’s valid that what you are saying when you say club fitting is “buying completely new custom clubs” and it does not apply to making the clubs you have work well for you such as swapping grips/shaft/loft/lie/length. Most fitters don’t wanna work on your clubs they want to sell you new ones. So saying it’s $25 is misleading it’s more like 3k

  5. DO NOT get fit for clubs before you take a lesson from a knowledgeable professional, especially if you're new to golf. Listen, I like PXG, I play PXG irons, but usually your going to be working on your setup/address, modifying your swing mechanics, etc. after your first lesson. Get your swing in a place where it relatively consistent, no major flaws, and something you build from before going straight into a fitting where you will be sold a set of clubs, which after all, is what PXG fitters are doing.

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