Golf Players

VLADDY TO 3B?!?!? | The Flight Deck | December 29th, 2023

#Bluejays #MLB #Baseball

– KK is back!
– Trying to find a positive in IKF
– A Vladdy 3B reunion?
– Where in the world is Wander Franco?
– And much more!

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Swing it a drive left field get up get out of here And and go second time woohoo round two fight uh yeah we recorded yesterday it was our best episode of all time it’s great beautiful legitimately would have went down in the record books um but Zoom said no we can’t have that content over the people BR Zoom specifically

Said no yeah I I don’t know what happened it said make room on your device so I made room on my device and when I went back to try and redownload the episode it said cannot be found uh the best episode we ever did is somewhere in the cloud it’s not even in

The cloud or else I’d be able to redownload it in the goddamn ether is where it is it’s yeah it’s been thanosed away uh so we’re gonna do it all over again I don’t think we’re gonna talk about everything again today because it’s not as important um Paulo wasino sign that was

How we started the last one he had a 24 and a half ER did we come up with 2.4 Whip and we 37 on opening day so good yeah he’s 36 now he’ll be 37 in a few days he is our savior that is our number two starter next year gentlemen yeah

So yeah that’s uh that’s where we got with that um it was on time yesterday because we had two pieces of breaking news well not two pieces of breaking news but two pieces of news uh first and foremost Kevin km resigned yeah lovely one year 10.5 it’s 10.5 it’s 10.5

Okay 10 that’s what did he make last year like nine I think it was like I think it’s basically the same it was similar deal I think like I think it was almost Antico I believe yeah yeah so he’s got a $500,000 pay increase her last year’s Gold Glove winner who

Hit the way he did I’ll take 10 10 mil for him yeah he said he feels 24 and feels like he’s like feeling better than last year so he said that last year as well he came out and backed it up so he said a lot of stuff uh today uh he was

On deep left field with Wilner okay there’s his first problem there’s a there’s one quote that he did come out that was interesting he said for All You Blue Jays fans if you’re hating on Dalton our show don’t affiliate yourselves with me because I won’t put up with

It and like are people still hating on D V show because I haven’t seen that and I I really hope that’s over with it’s never gonna be over with as long as Gabe Mareno is a person like if Gabriel Moreno is an above averaged MLB player then the

D could also beff average next would it really surprise you though if he comes hits 235 to 250 35 bombs 90 90 RB not really how far off would he have 9 would be surprised he had 19 and like 60 I think like in his first year where he’s

Just kind of still figuring things out to begin with I I I think he could pull it off I I could see him being in the 25 to 30 Homer range yeah he’s got the pop to do it he’s just got to find the consistency and I think with new

Offensive coordinator Don maddingley and without I don’t even remember the guy’s name that they fired there’s yeah so what’s going on here Brent I knocked out mic bro I genuinely got a minor heart attack and I’m like oh Jesus here we go again no but but yeah uh sah hudin is

Gone now so that’s great that’s his name thank you Dave hudin yeah um I think maybe with him him being gone and with with Don mattingley maybe taking more of a role there’s a chance that he could find some sort of new approach and and run into 25 to 30 yeah

There’s also a chance he could hit 185 and run into 15 who knows I never know another thing that did kind of come out that uh Winer did say that km assumes his role will be the same as it was playing center field for the vast

Majority of games hitting at or near the bottom of the batting order right but he’s been given no guarantees which that’s good thats me the [ __ ] Cody Bellinger still thing well they also last year last year they were straight up telling him like you will be our everyday center fielder for

The year like that is what we’re as long as you are healthy you will be gu so I mean at least we’re in a different mindset than last year which I mean Kevin km can be your everyday center fielder I say do we hate it if he’s our

Everyday center fielder and no he he wasn’t the problem no I don’t think aside from belly who like is definitely more of a middle of the- order bat but really his stats last year didn’t really profile a ton different from km like he wasn’t hitting

A ton of bombs uh I don’t know I don’t I don’t know what the RB were but like if you throw km in the middle of the order he’s probably getting more RBIs like yeah I don’t know he’s obviously a better offensive player he’s obviously a better offensive player

That’s but belly had a 20 he had 97 RP ler and yeah K’s not getting that 26 home runs so Kier Meer had eight homers 36 RBI at the bottom of the order he had a 741 Ops like I that’s the tied for the third best in his

Career and the last time he was over I’d argue he was probably the best nine hitter in baseball and really at points this year shouldn’t have been hitting nine because could have used him in like the one or two hole the highest I think he batted this year was like seventh MH

Like which is the last time he was over 720 before this year was in 2017 so the guy got old for six years and came back and kind of rejuvenated himself as the best nine hitter in the league what did he have done hip was it

It was a hip yeah yeah I think that had been bothering him for a couple years and he’d been injured fixed it a few times yeah it’ll be fun I I think it’s a good pickup I have no issues with that obviously the next pick or the next

Pickup we had we had a great discussion about this nauseum about this [ __ ] guy um we must have talked for like half an hour on him yeah he was a lot of our podcast yesterday I don’t we don’t need to go over it again to an extent but yeah

Isaiah ker FFA is a Toronto Blue Jay um Nate did a great job of trying to put a positive spin on uh did he is that what we’re call attempt he tried he absolutely tried his hardest and I he got me feeling like like maybe it’ll be

A valuable pie I I’ll explain it again because we don’t have that audio but here’s kind of where my my mindset is now um hated at the time I absolutely hated it but he gives you the ability to consolidate essentially whip marfields role and Santiago aso’s role into just

Him he’s a better base runner I think he’s a better Fielder than both of them um maybe not statistically last year but he is that’s facts I think we can all agree on that plays all three Outfield positions he can play middle INF field considerably well and I think he played

Some third last year for them like and Cent like Center he played played outfield for the Yankees and the other thing we talked about uh he can catch hasn’t caught in the majors since I think 2020 BR said but he’s got catching experience he he was a starting catcher

For an entire year right like the guy the guy can catch he gives you the option um to hit both Jano and Kirk in the lineup at the same time which I hope isn’t um happening because we pick up a bat but it gives you that option and

Then if one of them goes down you don’t have to scramble to the emergency like Whit marfield coming in to catch for you or whatever it would have been you’ve got you’ve got him there who’s capable and you don’t have to worry about doing that with VAR because at this point

That’s out of the picture yeah yeah well I think too is you’re gonna have V in the game for sure oh yeah for the for almost every night so I mean trying to use your left fielder or your center fielder as your emergency backup catcher is not usually

An ideal situation so you have ikf on the bench at 7even and a half million you can stomach him being on the bench we mentioned that yesterday and I think it’s a little easier to call him off the bench to come and catch as opposed to Bringing varo In

From the field well we we showed last year at the deadline we weren’t comfortable with esel being a backup Short Stop MH uh for extended period of time at least uh I believe Conor F also played a full year at CH so like the guy’s done it he’s a good Fielder yeah

Um I don’t know if he’s like gold glove level at all but he did he did want a gold glove a third granted it was 2020 but he so he’s an above average Fielder I’d say at pretty well all the positions he plays yeah um and and we do value

That and I think that was kind of part of the value with wit and Santi a little bit but and a Cav obviously but I’m I’m saying I think at the door here and they better have a trade partner for him that makes sense maybe we bring in um a

Project Bullpen guy or something right like or or bench bat like that’s the other thing I mentioned yesterday you if you make those two guys one guy that opens you up to have some power off the bench which we didn’t have last year unless Janna was on the bench really

Um I think that’s pretty well what I said yesterday yeah yeah D I mean I’m I’m trying to get more on board with it I still don’t think he’s very good but if he’s your he’s your second guy off the bench not necessarily the first guy but he can serviceably play I’d say

Every infield position maybe not first but he can he can roam around the entire infield he can catch if you need him to he can play a little bit of Outfield I think they tried there last Yankees one year so it’s not a bad problem to have he’s

Do not expect him to hit I think that is what I need to try and get through my head is he’s not going to be a good hitter okay I did look I did look yesterday though I think it was 21 and 20 he hit 271 and 280 granted one of

Them short in year but it’s it’s it’s a while ago yeah his obps were both in the low thre points higher is not great but you know what um madingley was a big approach guy maybe that maybe they see something in Kinder ffa’s approach that they could tweak I you never know right

Like I I don’t like that we gave him two years that um not a huge fan of but it’s 7 A5 million I I said it last night dearo was making five in 2016 to be a backup catcher or 15 I forget which year um that’s a while back salaries increased

Since then so um do you guys want a stat that is funny or sad let’s go sad first I mean I have two stats here and they’re both kind of funny and both kind of ss um versus four seam fast balls I’ll I’m going to give you two players the first

Player this is last year will had an expected batting average of 309 an expected slugging of 464 a 133% whiff rate and a plus three run value okay the other player had a 216 expected batting average a 513 expected slugging a 35% whiff rate and a negative five run

Value player one I’m gonna go with Conor FF ker FFA player two number two is wit nope is it a blue J player two Matt Chapman yes Matt Chapman I I thought you were going with a second baseman so that’s why no dude but like that that

Did stick out his Chap and also another stat here Isaiah Conor fala in his career has a an 81 WRC plus and a 19 defensive run saves in4 games at third base Matt Chapman after April last year same thing had a 84 WRC plus and a 12 defensive run saved

So if worse comes to worse you’re just getting May through September Matt Chapman for significantly less money if we really Peter brand this thing down to the to the Bare Bones numbers he is giving you what Matt Chapman gave you from May to October and you made the playoffs

Despite that so paying 7 and A5 million for that as opposed to what we think Chapman’s going to get 20 2es like his Market seems to be sitting and I don’t know if there’s a lot of competitors left that need a third baseman I think it’s kind of us

Apparently the Cubs and Giants Well the Giants want to give their money to everyone I think he’s gonna get 20 so the difference ofon I don’t think it’s what he was looking at earlier like he might be close to the qualifying offer on like a twoyear threeyear deal that’s what I

Assumed might happen but at the end of the day when you break it down to the Bare Bones numbers you are saving 12 and a half million to maybe get to get what Chapman gave you from May onwards so your team at worst is going to be where

It was last year I think Chapman has a hell of a lot more upside and this is obious and this is obviously and this is obviously barring the expected bounce back of several players on the team well like ikf should not be starting for you if he ends up

Starting like opening day and there isn’t an injury or something that caused that a problem then we didn’t we didn’t do enough this offseason I can make you can make AR one thing I I don’t think we mentioned he is pretty [ __ ] fast and we did not have speed off our bench last

Year unless uh Kier was on the bench yeah which like I guess Whit I think he’s quicker or around the same speed as Whit but also you could you could sorry but you could make the argument that if Isaiah Conor FFA like you you said like if he

Something went wrong if if he’s starting an opening day I think something even wrong more wrong if it’s not one of the kids playing opening day third base or something like that like yeah yeah someone tweeted out today something along the lines I forget it but it was basically like this is kind

Of more of a a safety net move because these guys don’t really trust a Addison Barger or a David Schneider or an nois Martinez yet so it’s kind like well this guy can play major Innings that’s that’s a pretty good safety net to have I’d say and also this is like I think

Another it raises your floor is the bottom line of this move this is also a giant safety net if if you’re trying to swing for like a a Bellinger or a Hoskins or trying to get back a Matt Chapman like if worst comes to worst and

It’s ikf and the prospects and or David Schneider and Kevin bizo doing infield work you’ve been in way worse situations like yeah um did go over yesterday we made it to the playoffs Ryan goens starting at second base I think yeah in spite in spite of it should have been

Deon Travis be careful Jay’s fans love that guy for some reason oh my dude he was a really nice person it seemed but the people we people J fans really I don’t know man they live for like gritty defensive guys he was absolutely want because they’re [ __ ] but you know you

Know who we don’t like that’s real gritty real defensive and seems very likable and very nice d varo d varo d varo isar we only actually I was gonna say we only like him in the infield but we liked Kevin polar for some reason I if if we drafted Dalton

Varo I feel like he would be a Town Hero here [ __ ] love him it’s what happened with Kevin Po and they’re arguably the same guy but I I would argue Maro has more upside Homer wise and Kevin polar made 2019 Bob bashet look like a [ __ ] disciplined God

Yeah like like I I think there’s a hell of a lot more there but the unfortunate side of it is we gave up Mareno for him so now everyone just seems to be on the hat yeah um we talked yesterday about the different options we have left in

Bellinger and Hoskins or the likes of that because we did sign a center fielder and we did sign a utility guy so they’re on the surface it would seem like maybe they’re filling out their Outfield and that could be it I don’t think we’re done um I and I it was uh a

Bunch of people tweeted it out but Robert Murphy said Robert Murphy right Robert Murray Murray sorry uh said today that the Blue Jays are definitely not done uh they’re still looking for a big bat and they’re looking for potentially multiple bats so I I think there’s a chance you could see Bellinger still

Come here whether well like we said with KM he has been given a full Ro yet he said that himself last year I think we pulled it up uh last night I think he played just under 130 games it was like 129 or something was 129 um I think that’s kind

Of his ideal range I’d even say a little lower so you get belly you can slot him Center for you you can throw him over and right and give George DH days you Mo to First and give Vlad DH days like that is thank you for bringing this I’m I’m

So glad I in a weird way I’m so glad we got a take two on this [ __ ] thing I watched today’s episode of baseball like I think was it what’s the show called with Chris RS and Trevor baseball something like the baseball today they were talking about how like

Does it take the JS out of the Cody Bellinger thing Trevor ploof immediately went to like dton varo just Kick the Can like just admit you [ __ ] up and when if you get Cody Bellinger you can just go eh d v bu and I’m like there’s just

Go to the other side you’re pushing George Springer out right now you’re pushing George Springer out it’s DH yeah like you’re not pushing Dalton VAR who’s one of the best Outfield defenders in the league like no um George Springer needs a lot more DH days yes because if

We saw anything last year yeah if we saw anything last year they both couldn’t do it uh I think you need to get them off their feet a little bit more and try and have a little bit more pop George needs to find the pop again because it’s great

That he had a higher contact rate than he’s ever had in his career but dude if you’re not doing damage with that contact there’s no sense in paying you that much money we should have known what it was with George the [ __ ] first game of the season that man went

Five for six in maybe one ball 100 miles yeah it was three infield singles was it not like yeah it’s we need to see a lot more out of George and if bringing in a Bellinger and moving him to the DH spot on 60% of

Games and having Vlad be the DH and the other 40 yeah like if George Springer technically if George Springer’s technically your fourth quote unquote fourth outfielder MH like you’re hting pretty yeah well if it’s belly all four of them can play center and you’d be confident in all four of them playing

Center yeah you have four center field yeah four center fielders across the whole thing and yeah three of them playing at once is it especially now you have three guys that could still currently play center field I don’t know if George can be an everyday center fielder but you have three everyday

Center fielders in the Outfield at once two two of them have [ __ ] cannons and two of them have gold gloves vers should should yeah but he so we uh interesting we did touch on some of the other guys last night too I I think we all agree to be like Hoskins

A lot um I don’t think we even really talked about cair but I’m the only one on Solair you two don’t like him I’m okay on Solair I don’t think price tag is gonna be worth it I don’t mind him if he’s not the only move and yeah I don’t

Think the price tag is G be I’d rather take Hoskins on the one year that I think he’s goingon to get yeah um I think the Hoskins ceiling is I I don’t love JD as much either I like he’s he’s an amazing hitter and JD has

Been so fun to watch but very consistent he’s he’s kind of the Nelson Cruz point where you give him a one-year deal and you hope it works out but at some point it’s not going to work out right like yeah it’s inevitable you get to that age

Also how much of that was Dodgers magic last year all of it like he went like he had 13 home runs in 2022 and then he went to the Dodgers and hit 33 and bad like so I I don’t I don’t know if I trust that JD Martinez is going to do

That again no I feel the same way about I feel the same way about Justin Turner I know Nate you love him but like I feel the same way I don’t think he’s gonna give you the same production he got last year but I don’t think you need that of him I

Think for his career he’s been a guy who’s gonna have close to 300 average maybe 280 to 300ish and he he hits for some pop I don’t know how many he had last year I think it was 20 something if I’m not wrong but like if he hits you 15 he can

Still kind of fi the ball enough and maybe get some DH time but the one conversation I do want to have again that we had yesterday because I slept on it and I I’m liking it more and more is the idea of bringing in both of uh belly and Hoskins and seeing what

You can do again with Vlad at third I uh I I was talking to my dad about this today same thing and like I’m I’m starting to like the idea more one year yeah you what do you have to lose really you literally belly plays first

He can go to the Outfield if you need him the out time whatever Hoskins DHS he’s a capable first baseman get him probably on a one-year deal I’ve been saying that like he’s gonna want the pillow contract kind of similar to semian and you take him on the one-year

Deal you can throw Vlad over to third also like talked about it last night sorry Conor his arm has never been a problem maybe accuracy a little bit his I think his glove work wasn’t great at third no he’s become much better with the glove at first really good with the glove it’s

His footwork at first that drive is driving us nuts I don’t know about everyone but definitely me and you he does he doesn’t have to worry about that at third base it’s and it’s so much more reactionary um we haven’t seen slim that Vlad at third base right like he’s lost

A ton of weight too he’s more mobile like he’s not he’s probably going to be a below average third baseman defensively yes I I would I’m not expecting him to go over there and be Matt Chapman oh hell no but go over there and feeli the position capably the

Comparison I brought up last night was the Tigers in like 2012 2013 is because they had the chance to bring in Prince Fielder they did it they stuck they’re like all right we got Prince we got migy and we got Victor martinz Victor’s got a

DH Prince has got to play one Miggy you haven’t played third in five years just justy make the easy play yeah that’s that’s what you’d be asking from Vlad because you are putting together a murderers Road lineup I think that’s the big thing sorry go ahead and another thing that

Like it this helps Vlad say Vlad goes over there and has good production batting third baseman tend to get more money than first base way more valuable than a first Bas it makes sense for his career if he can do it at an average level it makes sense for the J it could

Be a below like just just don’t don’t [ __ ] it don’t [ __ ] it just don’t be don’t be Cavin beu of 2021 whatever year that was three I think he has the athleticism to play Third Base it doesn’t take that much he’s got a cannon his reaction’s

Great his hand eye is phenomenal he just isn’t a first got so much better so much better oh yeah then that’s the thing he he’s learned first base in the big leagues like we saw him come up and learn first base he’s done an amazing job in my opinion learning first

Base a lot of people say is such a tough position like it you know it doesn’t come to you right away no right like the footwork and stuff that is the toughest thing I think at the position and he he’s still working at it obviously there’s like veterans that still don’t

Have their figured out worst case scenario he moov to third a month a month and a half two months into the season and he’s [ __ ] in the bed you know what you do you say all right Kevin Kier dalon V D holy [ __ ] and George Springer you guys are

Running a three-man platoon Bell’s going dad DH whatever you want to do one of them at first yeah yeah I mean you’re playing George a lot but unless he’s going to come and take a job away from someone you run that three-man platoon as long as you can and you see which one

Works if this doesn’t work out on on the off chance it does work a little bit you take away your infield defense a little bit you still have the best Outfield in baseball with three center fielders out there you’re now dhing George Springer who gets off his feet and you have ree

Hoskins the other thing you can do um inner rotation like most of those guys are flyball pitchers are they not um like I believe Basset is I think Brios is and maybe is not as Goin the other thing you can do you’ve got ikf or who whoever else is going to

Be on the bench throw them at third on a ground ball pitch or day or whatever get Vlad off his feet throw him in a DH spot and take out one of the outfielders there’s a lot you can do with it everybody’s and just field their his position but you know maybe everyone

Not getting their games isn’t such a bad thing maybe these guys stay a lot healthier and also this this protects you for injury yeah because you know George is in the peak of Health no you know K Meer gred he play last year not always but

Like but the way the way the three of them play The Outfield they’re like you’re bound to have one of them get injured the way I want guys to play The Outfield they play it like [ __ ] like yeah they play they play it like football players yeah [ __ ] it fast and

We’re going we’re going yeah I I think it’s just kind of in inevitable that like one or two times throughout the year they’re one of them is going to end up on the 15 day just because they’re going hard like and that’s what you wanted here guys yeah

Yep it’s worth a look I think if it makes your lineup better that’s what you’re asking for and sorry back on what we were saying there um I just gonna say I don’t know the likelihood of it but I’m starting to like it more and more

And I think if it if it’s Hoskins and it’s one year what’s maybe throwing Vlad to third unlocks his Bat more too you never know that’s where he came up playing or that in like right field whatever if you’re thinking less about how to play first base and more about

Swinging the bat and just going out there and being a third baseman might change your mindset a little bit uh you mentioned on keeping guys game limits a little lower and trying to stay healthy for the year I don’t care if we win 110 games this season or we win 90 the only

Ones that matter are the ones that happen after the 162 and if you can keep guys healthier for those ones I think you’re in a better spot look at look at the Dodgers every year well same with the Braves the past two Braves played they had four guys that played 162

Didn’t they they basically their entire line starting lineup almost other than I think Murphy and um arcia and maybe Ozuna I think Al’s missed some time too I’m just saying those guys played bench rolls but the other guys were in there but and you look at the

Rangers like it you don’t have to be the 100 win team no but they barely squeaked into a wild card at the end like at the end they were right there with us didn’t Seer played like [ __ ] 100 games like yeah but he was hurt I think that’s a

Bit different it’s a bit different but like but I mean you’re you’re taking less wear and tear like yeah you’re hurt and you kind of it’s the same idea with Bryce Harper Bryce Harper missed half a season came back and DH the whole time he looked as healthy as he could be by

The time he reached October Cory Seager played a Jesus this is ridiculous Cory Seager played 119 games he had a damn near seven b War yeah it’s nuts [ __ ] great like but no that’s just the thing that they do every year is they both the Braves and the Dodgers are going to go

Win 110 games but when you get down to it you’re pretty gassed it’s it’s a lot of work to win 110 100 games it’s a lot it’s a lot on you or were the same thing they they ran themselves out too I don’t think the Dodgers as much like they

Don’t I don’t think they gas their guys as much I think they give their guys more rest like I feel like a mooki going between second and right field that’d be a lot on but yeah well they’ve done it kind of all the time like they run they used to run Bellinger from

Outfield all the time MSY moved around Taylor all the time yeah they’re moving Lux Lu from short to or second to short like he moved from short to the [ __ ] or second to center field at one point oh that’s he did he played a playoff game in Center I remember

Remember that [ __ ] he dropped the first two balls to him yep so so I don’t know trying to keep your guys healthy for 182 192 as opposed to 162 is probably the goal and if that’s what happens here it’s not such a bad thing well and that’s that’s we talked about in the

Free agent discussion um as well um so Woodruff still uh still out there obviously um the timeline uh last I heard was kind of kind of hairy could be like almost the end of the year or he could be ready for spring training they didn’t really know

Um but like he’s a guy I’d throw two years 30 million at no doubt and sleep very comfortably give him this year hope he contributes a little bit uh 20 next year like he’s probably a 25 $30 million pitcher when he’s healthy so um it might

Take a little more money but I would love that and then if he comes back and contribute down the stretch you’ve got the option to throw probably Kikuchi to the pen or one of the other guys if they’re struggling right and or monoa whatever like you know you never know

What happens but you can also run a six-man which the Astros did two years ago when they won the World Series down the stretch that’s what they did and it kept the guys healthier it kept them stronger give them the extra day let them just chill you know like you’re not

Going to get your Innings no like my thought is if they’re more rested and you’re getting six pretty much every start from them you’re only using three at of your Bullpen you got one last guy in the bullpen which is the loss but if you only need three at of your Bullpen

Every night your Bullpen can handle that yeah right you have a healthier Bullpen you have a healthier rotation overall it just kind of makes your team deeper and healthier when by the time you get where you need to be tired I’m tired of like I don’t care

How many games win in the regular season no I I want the only thing I care about is is please just don’t [ __ ] bore me to death like like it don’t actually didn’t make it exciting they didn’t even bore me last year they just made my me

Want to put my head through a wall like just just don’t do that and win your games like or there there’s ways to like be a not as great offensive team and still be exciting like play I find small ball exciting like B like hit and run stealing bun guys over

Like Lefty Lefty drag buns gave me life electric like electric Brandon Belt laying down buns to reach base like more than anyone on the team was insane like watching that happen was nuts PA and Kirk leading the team at infield singles the last two years that’s not exciting

To me though that shouldn’t happen I don’t want ikf the one thing he is quick and I don’t know but he has to be able to bun like he just has to um and I think that but brings a different element he brings a different element

Than any guy we did on our had on our bench last year he reminds me of Bradley Zimmer yeah but more INF field based yeah yeah it’s it’ll be interesting to see what they do here especially seeing that it sounds like they have more moves coming and they’re still taking big

Swings it’d be interesting to see how they go from here I’d like to see them do something stupid and just have fun with it why not [ __ ] made it this far you might as well just this is do the do the stupid I would go watch the stupid

Stuff yeah you just run a bunch of guys out there that can hit bombs and hope who cares about the infield defense we got three Elite outfielders that was honestly the 2021 team yeah that was most better Outfield defense Summers of my life so much more fun let’s do

Something like that again [ __ ] way [ __ ] way better now not TJ zo in game two of the Season like that was a thing holy Tommy Malone getting like actual endings starts Let’s uh let’s fire through this yiel Rodriguez here we talked about him yesterday and I still know nothing about

Him I know he throws hard and has a good breaking ball pitched in Japan worth he’s worth a look is what it sounds like from so it sounds like here here’s the interesting thing uh the teams like the Reds the Yankees and the Padre’s view Rodriguez is a late inning

Reliever uh the Red Sox Blue Jays and Pirates are evaluating him as a starter that’s two different verbes there though that I do want to point out they view him as a reliever these teams are EV valuating him as a starter it doesn’t mean they’re viewing him as a

Starter those teams are going to sign him and put him right in their Bullpen right sounds like the Jays are looking at him and going to maybe give him some run and spring training in the rotation if that’s the that’s what he wants to do

He also yeah it also he prefers to start over relief but like no [ __ ] you’re making more money as a starter so did so did Roberto Osuna to be fair and I know he turned out to be a [ __ ] guy but he also did turn out to be a way better

Closer than he ever would have been a starter so yeah Casey Janson another one yeah br yeah oh jeez he was a starter yeah was a good starter for a year and then he was terrible for the rest of it but we yeah we talked about it last night but like

It’s another thing it just kind of raises your floor right like he reminds me of um Genesis Cabrera a guy he throws hard he’s got nasty [ __ ] like if it doesn’t work out he can come in early in games and he’s still gonna [ __ ] miss bats and just

Because his shit’s nasty even if he’s all over the place he’s gonna get out right like look and best case scenario he maybe slots into the back end of your Bullpen because we don’t have hex so you need a backend guy at this point in my opinion

Um I like swanie and um romano and who the [ __ ] the other guy Chad green um but I think don’t you forget the god that is Jimmy Garcia no he’s not in there at all I took to forgot Jimmy was still here yeah I he wasn’t he did have a good

Back half or back stretch so maybe he’ll come around again I don’t know but again if Jimmy’s your cleanup guy in the fourth or fifth inning that’s pretty good he was a set of man as recently as this year I’m saying we got we got guys now like slotting into lower leverage roles

That like genesis Cabrera literally is so much fun to watch like his [ __ ] is electric give him a full spring training in offseason with Pete Walker in a full season yeah dude he could be your [ __ ] setup guy yeah he can get back to what he was

In his good years in St Louis there’s a lot of interesting pieces in this Bullpen currently and there’s also Trevor Richards so there’s it’s gonna be an inter and there’s also like [ __ ] jera or Jimmy Garcia [ __ ] Jimmy Garcia [ __ ] Zack pop is a person that exists though yeah like well they’ve got

Some they’ve got some of those other young I forget the yeah younger younger Conor cook there another guy like dude Hagen Danner pitched like a batter like it’s kind of like um it’s kind of like the race you bring in guys who throw hard and nasty [ __ ] and yeah it plays

See what happens we’ve seen with the Rays it plays and then they get hurt and then you find a new one like dude I didn’t even hesis Cabrera with St Louis in 32 games had an ER like he had a FIP at five and an RA at

506 in 29 games with the Jays he had an erra of 266 and in F A 368 we good like also he walked like the to be a little lower but he walked six guys in 23 Innings compared to his 18 and 32 in St Louis like seems like he figur something

A little B though he was he was found gold that guy yeah I always remember him speaking of found gold hey Jay’s [ __ ] bring back Jay Jackson like bring him back I don’t see why not but I don’t know he has a role and I think he

Pitched well enough to get probably a major league look somewhere else Pittsburgh my God where’s um what hotel was he or hotel Jesus what hospital was his uh sun in I think it was like the University of Utah Utah right so what’s what’s Utah California I’m mid it’s like dead mid is

It not I mean Kansas City no dude is that not near it this is [ __ ] showing how not American we are I don’t I don’t know I thought Utah was like right in the middle okay Utah is like directly it is directly connected to Arizona Colorado what what is the one state I

Said I don’t know Nevada Arizona Idaho and Wyoming [ __ ] you both so well he could he could he could do one of two things here he could go to the A’s because they’re going to go play in Vegas this is fair or go to Colorado or Arizona somewhere that he’s gonna get

Consistent Bullpen time I Arizona does seem I think it makes way more sense he’s a little closer to home I don’t I even know if that’s home but closer to where his family is I know his son’s out and shout out to him for that that’s

Awesome yeah um but at least he’s a little closer to home and he’s not traveling back and forth all the time um and I think he deserve he deserves a look as like a six seventh inning guy like he was he was Unreal he’s the definition of found gold and he’s just a

Great person [ __ ] dude dude of dudes like is that all in the J BL J in Conor’s life [ __ ] off we’re not going back into that okay we’re not doing that we’re not doing that all right dude you have Melvin and BJ Upton no we never had BJ we want to remember had

Melvin no Melvin had one moment where he hit it inside the park home run and I was like it like I really thought I really hoped he was going to turn it around and be something good uh oh we gotta talk about [ __ ] Yamamoto again yeah we do

Because just fire through around the league and then we’ll talk about the Dodgers quick okay um Martin Luther King got traded to the [Laughter] [ __ ] I got the joke out this time and not you mother [ __ ] I forgot about that but yeah um we we taught Connor that the acronym for

Milwaukee not MLK yeah MLK very different acronym I feel like I did that for a reason like I think they put that on like their [ __ ] was it they put that on their City connects or was it mwk no I think it’s probably just MK

Maybe I you know what I’ll look it up you talk about anybody learned anything about Yuki Matsui yet I we talked about this yesterday he’s been a he’s been a reliever for 10 years in Japan he has like 245 saves like what does he do though he signed what do you mean what

Did he do he signed with the Padres for five years I understand what he did but what does he do as a pitcher uh he came over from Asia and I think it’s cool that there’s more people coming from Asia recently that was about a good 20 minute conversation felt like last night

We did extend that for a while but basically the that was it used to be um one one guy maybe every two to three years and it was such a big deal and now it’s it’s kind of cool to me that you have guys like Yuki Matsui or um sha

Yamaguchi or whoever that come over and you don’t you haven’t really heard of them even um who was of all the [ __ ] you remember yeah because you didn’t remember his name honestly I was who sh sh imanaga it’s the guy yeah but I no I’m saying no I meant Shan yaguchi actually

I was trying to think of the guy who signed with Oakland’s name but yeah shano fujinami I’m saying like you have more under the radar guys come over it’s cool to see these guys but I don’t think Shan was supposed to be an under the radar

Guy like he was he was under we got him for like $2 million [ __ ] shenan o and [ __ ] like we Who is the but yeah either way you’re getting guys like I’m gapping again what the [ __ ] is his name from Boston talk Yoshida Yoshida thank you

Jesus Christ that’s the second day in a row I I listened to it yesterday and I still couldn’t figure out his damn name um and you get like mayatas you get the Jung hulis you get the Hassan Kim like you’re seeing more of a growth and I think that’s that you’re right it’s

Super cool to see like the growth exciting to see it growing in Asia yeah and just like I know it’s always these guys is going to be so much it’s going to make it so much bigger going forward too right so like I know it’s always been a bigger thing in Japan especially

That like baseball’s huge over there but like having it grow globally whereas this one league is now a little more Global than just we have the Americans the Latinos and the three Canadians in the league now we have a little bit of every a little bit of everything and

It’s kind of cool to see you’re right the three Canadians all of them first baseman all of all of them first Bas yeah try making MLB the Show team out of first Bas still to this day God for Eddie Julian that’s it we had Michael saers for a while

Tyler O’Neal I guess um you could pitch B we had a bunch of bone um bone future first baseman you mean yeah um who else is in the Outfield there’s another decent Canadian outfielder I think anyways let’s let’s fire around the league here right uh so yeah matsie to

The Padres Garver to Seattle interesting good money good good contract worth it uh luris is returning to Arizona and Dalton varia was bad moving on hey know shout out to luris that’s a good I’m happy he got a deal somewhere that’s uh he’s a nice guy he earned it

Uh the Royals are everybody still Roy Royal’s going to win the AL Central anyone can win the AL Central aside from the white socks as we found out yesterday uh they have no shot and nobody on that team when you w monata is a goddamn Allstar this year you will

[ __ ] eat crow it’s still not GNA matter you don’t have any pitch what if by some miracle he becomes Allstar level he will be one of two hitters on that team and that’s fantastic um okay but let’s fire through these quick FL to Detroit malado to the white socks

Molly to Texas Tom Murphy to San Francisco and Martine Deez to uh Pittsburgh um we talked about last night I think I think it’s so good for baseball that these teams it’s the central teams granted they got the weaker divisions but TSD these these teams that aren’t big markets per se are

Actually spending money and trying to win they’re not just tanking forever like seeing the Royals get all these guys is amazing seeing um Detroit ad flarity and MAA is like those moves raise your floor and the young arms you’ve got and the young bats you’ve got are your ceiling

So it’s fun to see these type of moves I love the verbiage you used because this is what’s actually good for baseball and not the Dodgers just continuing to get everybody else I don’t love them getting everybody but I think them spending is spending no I’m with you we talked about

It yesterday spending fine but spending is good it’s not a John it’s better for baseball if sh goes to La I okay the more I thought about that I think I don’t disagree I think it’s it’s I do I still dis one your two biggest markets

In yeah but you’re not growing that much that’s the that market is already peaked it’s it’s it could get a little higher but it’s not up here and you’re yeah they’re not looking to grow it’s like where can the biggest star and where can he be our biggest he’s

Gonna Shine wherever he’s going to bring Japan here wherever he goes it it makes I think the better move would have been something like the Giants or the the Cubs maybe Blue Jays the Blue Jays the blue jay is a whole other country you would have grown in I I like I think

Saying the Dodgers is better for baseball it’s just I don’t think I don’t do you realistically do you think MLB cares because I don’t I think if MLB had it their way the Yankees would spend Millions upon millions of dollars and the Dodgers would spend Millions upon

Millions of dollars because of those are the two Marky franchises maybe along with the Red Sox kind of but and then they would want those two in the finals every year every year that’s what they want they want a Giants Yankees World Series because those are the two biggest

Markets yeah and that’s why that’s why you saw those things that were like is baseball dying look at the numbers for the World Series when it was Texas and Arizona yeah like it’s it’s I I I don’t know the deferrals people are getting upset about it’s Show’s money like I

Said I think he’s gonna try and get ownership shares out of it um so that’s why I believe it really is going to come down to he’s choosing to defer it it wasn’t the team coming to him you got teams like Washington coming to brace Harper being like hey we want to defer

Like 60% of your contract because we can’t afford it it’s him going to the team being like hey I want to win put a team around me this is what I’m doing to show you I want to win here’s my problem with that is that I think it should be okay you

Signed your 10year $700 million contract that is what’s going on the CBT put the money wherever you want like you should be taxed on $70 million a year for that because now they’re only taxed on 46 they now have 54 more Mill or yeah no sorry Jesus math is not good $24 more

Million to put towards that before they would even reach where they were with show CBT that’s the part I don’t love I don’t disagree necessarily um but I think if that’s the case then he gets a 15year deal at 4550 a year or something right but I think there’s

Stipulations for that too it no there’s not it’s stupid either way like you look at look at [ __ ] y Moto he got 12 M because they want to spread the money out you it it’s just the way baseball’s doing it because they want to keep under

The luxury tax I’m going to say just quick I the luxury tax serves its purpose very well but I [ __ ] hate it like you’ve got these teams crying poor and the rich teams who are trying to win and trying to grow the game are lining these teams Pockets because they

Aren’t even [ __ ] spending what they’re getting in the [ __ ] re sharing on their players they’re spending less than that you look at Oakland I couldn’t tell you the exact numbers but I guarant fuckinge you last year they made more in Revenue sharing than they spent on players and that is

Ridiculous yeah these owners are crying poor and is [ __ ] so I I don’t like I don’t like that the Mets spent money and should have the number five pick in the draft this year I believe and we’ll have the number 15 because it drops back 10 picks if you’re over whatever the Cohen

Threshold is yeah I I get you don’t want teams like everyone going to one team and having an absolute super team and EV like them giving Oodles of money to everyone no but you shouldn’t be punishing teams for spending no I I I’m here for the spending and we talked

About it yesterday and I’m like I would like if every team spend but I don’t love when it’s just the Dodgers and I think that’s where my beef has come from lately is because it’s going to keep doing it because they’re the best team in the league and why would you not want

To go to the Dodgers right now but but I think if every team is dropping contracts like that I think it’s great we’ve also seen like the cops are trying to spend apparently so so the Giants so there’s there’s still some names out there that are going to get some money

And they’re they’re going to get their money and I think that’s going to kind of drive up the price tags for some of those midl guys maybe so I I think teams are going to spend I think it just it’s tough with when Shi signed and yamamoto’s signing window because he had

To be signed by like January 5th or something so we knew it was coming and they both happen back to back if you go shohi Bellinger Chapman Snell then Yamoto to the the Dodgers and all those other guys go elsewhere I don’t think it feels as bad right like everyone’s

Pissed right now because of that but because they’re the only ones that have spent money yeah I don’t know uh we didn’t talk about it yester but the a somehow in 2022 had $62 million in profit fantastic but they’re broke and need to leave um we didn’t mention it yesterday

Probably because it’s a little out of date but we didn’t talk about the greatest reason why shohi didn’t come here in Ben Verlander and I know his quotes were a little out of date compared to when we’re recording now saying this now I am so [ __ ] glad that your [ __ ] decided to break

Yeah uh Ben Verlander called sh Otani the most important signing in Dodgers history didn’t we talk about this on the last podcast we didn’t we talked about it in the group chat but we didn’t get a chance to actually talk about it because this came out in between us like the

Recordings that we were doing I think it’s so his his verbiage is very bad I think I I hope I really hope what he meant to say was that I’m not giving him the benefit though it it will be the most impactful on a baseball side because still not true no it’s not

Because one the Dodgers Oni one of the the only man that has his number retired all of basball understand it was also a Dodger signing yes that’s the a guy that brought a whole race into the sport yes but I think this could impact the Dodgers the most more than Jackie

Robinson impact the the Dodgers on the team like on the field I don’t know maybe like game wise maybe like he’s gonna serve more of an onfield impact than Jackie Robinson maybe that’s lit that’s what I’m saying I’m not but I don’t think that’s I would call that

Impactful I don’t think that’s what Ben meant I don’t think that’s what it makes it so much worse because before he says the line he goes I’m I’m absolutely sure I’m positive what I’m saying is correct and then says it it’s like you had multiple sentences

Of outs and you still did it I think we just [ __ ] off with Ben Verlander we skipped the trades um it’s [ __ ] who got traded Glau Margo went to LA yeah uh and glas no extension so that’s another one that damn near 30 million for people are pissed off Kad

Yeah we just talked about Martin Luther King you said Martin Luther King and ski the other two yeah sorry um I think it’s an interesting trade I don’t really love what the Rays got back but pepio and you wait for you wait for pepio to win the s in two years oh dude

Pepio is gonna [ __ ] on the J’s chest GL is going to be out all year with s a whole different conversation but then he will then he will have [ __ ] Tommy he’ll be great he’ll have Tommy John and then he’ll [ __ ] miss no I’m talking about pepio because this is what the

Rays do is like yeah you’re we’re gonna maximize you we you’re definitely not going to get hurt from just doing whatever but yeah anyways uh and then just called tomn the sa young surgery that’s yeah one of my finest moments I don’t know I think glasnow is

Gonna pitch like six games next year get hurt because the Rays just no this pepio kid’s gonna throw 105 miles an hour as a starter or something it’s crazy it’s gonna be interesting um um is there anything else that happened in between yesterday and today I kind of want to touch on the

Conversation we had earlier but do you want to go to the rules or that first don’t know what you’re talking about so let’s talk about it so I was listening to F and I didn’t so didn’t get this idea on my own but I like what’s stopping baseball from

Putting out uh some type of documentary or like whatever you want to call it similar to the quarterback one full swing um is it hard KN in football hard KN is so good like there was one in hockey too right so well the the hockey

One was like a goofy one because it was all or nothing it was like Amazon specific it was all or nothing just right in 20 end up in the co year like that they lost to Montreal so yeah baseball needs that [ __ ] like there’s I

Have an idea so what if you what if every team had a week and you start in the star of spring training kind of plan it out you kind of plan it out you’re GNA be intrusive for a week you’re right but you don’t you don’t go talk to

Starters on their start days you don’t push the position players right before games maybe you like you’re filming BP you’re getting some postgame interviews you kind of show some of the highlights of the game some maybe you got hot mics in The Dugout and everyone knows so not

Saying stupid [ __ ] but you catch the a top mic Moment Like You planed it you have Oakland first week of spring training but then I I don’t know what how I think I think you could follow Oakland all year and I think that would be the most entertaining one of all time

Be great I would love to see what’s going on in Oakland I think be Major League minus the fact that the major league it’s literally a real life Major League it’s real life major league but they suck instead of [ __ ] yeah they don’t end up winning at all they don’t

Win the whole [ __ ] thing you know what I mean there’s you that way is a good way to put it uh my original thought process was 162 games is a lot there’s not a lot of days off you give guys their breaks and then maybe it’s an hour and a half show that

Comes out weekly and you do that or an hour hour and a half whatever and you condense everything you take a week you you get some interviews with a bunch of the guys it’s a way to grow the game right like I think compared to most sports you

Don’t really know many baseball players like you don’t know them they’re not in the media as much this puts them there and maybe guys can opt that if they don’t want to but like you still have some mandate they have to do like x amount and if it gets cut it gets cut

But there’s guys who would flourish on that and I think it’d be so cool and such a good idea for the game they can put on [ __ ] lb network if they want to make their money on it like whatever like people will buy lb Network just to

Watch that dude like imagine us watching an entire like hard knock style spring training with the Blue Jays yeah like and then you get and you get I don’t think it’s the entire thing like I think I that’s the toughest the The Devil’s Advocate on this one because

It’s it’s a cool idea but from the content creation side of things there’s just so much going on yeah it’d be really tough to try and harness that into one good thing like with football like the quarterback thing works so well because you play one game

And then you can just go see this guy for the entire week and like you’re not really doing much and it’s three people if you do baseball like you could follow shohi but then it’s just the daily routine over and over and over and I think baseball players are kind of

Boring that way where it’s they’re locked into one thing where you’re just gonna do that most of them do the same thing every day doesn’t change that’s what I’m saying you swap around you see different guys routines maybe you see like um Yoto apparently has some wild

Just that’s a YouTube video is worth of content that’s not like you don’t make a whole hour on it but like you talk maybe part like you have two minutes on it talking to him about why he does it you show some videos of what he’s doing and

Then the next day he’s out pitching and you like do that and you interview him afterwards and you know yeah no there’s a lot there’s people that are a hell of a lot better at this than I am that could go out and actually make something

Out of this it just to me seems like a lot compared to compared to going to Kurt Cousins house and seeing his his hidden room that has all his Shrine to himself basically minan yeah and like stuff like that where like most of the quarterback series was just following

Them around in their lives and same with full swing kind of it wasn’t as much focused on the golf as it was here’s Brooks kka and what he’s doing or Rory Malo and what he’s doing stuff like that whereas baseball there’s no time to follow these guys around like you get a

Day off two three days off a month and you’re like you’re now spreading that out and you have to film content for four months at a time to get like a 20 minute episode I think there’s there’s probably a guy on each team that would

Do it you look at manoah the way like the stuff they did before the season tell me Bryce Harper wouldn’t do that maybe I think I think mie Betts would mie bets is a podcast um there’s a couple guys in the tigers that have podcasts like I it just be cool and

Baseball needs some sort of content like uh what allstar game was it 21 monoa or was that 22 uh two 22 monoa in the allstar game miked up that was like the that brought eyes to the game also the Nester in [ __ ] trino inning where they’re both miked up yeah even on the

The smaller end of things like Edwin Diaz’s intro being like recorded and televised and shown places like that brought a whole different like I don’t want to say crowd because it was kind of similar but like a whole new viewership to the Mets at least like there’s

Something the one the one that never got talked about that I think was just as cool was um Jacob deg Grom warming up the simple plan with the or no simple man sorry with the Mets yeah not Simple Plan simple man that that is also electric and you can got me back into

Listening Simple Man to Simple Man and I’m like this is [ __ ] cool yeah like electric but also there’s all sorts of little things you can do like that I think it’s harder to do what you’re trying to maybe maybe it’s a half hour and you just are with them

Like on their off day or whatever you schedule it so you’re there on an off day and you fall around a couple guys and or whatever you know what I mean it’s maybe it’s something like that and a half I think you you can find a team

On their week where they have a home series a day off and then a home series and I think you can maybe do that consistently enough so you get a little bit of baseball you can follow their star for the day and then you get a little bit more baseball after that I

Think it has to be just a star like yeah to if you’re going to try and grow I think it’s got to be at least a character you’re telling no that’s what I’m saying you want you want BR Phillips you don’t want who else was on that team

You don’t want Wanda Franco you want Brett Phillips really well I mean I I definitely want W Franco now I would love to see what the [ __ ] went through that guy’s head um but Brent you’re telling me I’m GNA make the common yeah yeah Jesus I’m

Just moving on you’re G to tell me the public wouldn’t [ __ ] a full episode of Kev bigio doing whatever the [ __ ] he does I don’t know I think they would way rather watch Vlad do something I think you could argue they just as much want to watch km for a

Reasons yes but that’s what I’m saying it doesn’t have to be just a star like it could be guys like that sure following Danny Jansen on his day off I think you’re gonna get more people watching Vlad than you are Kevin K this is fair but it’s cool to learn about

Different guys in different roles too like yeah also it’s not a bad idea that’s where I’ll leave that at there’s there’s ways to do it and I think do it well and do it right and not be super intrusive but a thing that you I just like realize Nate is your suggestion of

Make it’s just it’s an extended version of what MLB Network already does in spring training of 30 teams in 30 days yeah it’s just an extended version of that which I I just want it to be better done yeah that that is I know you said ml Network I don’t want

Them to do it because their guys suck give me like someone else it’ be cool to have like the poppy um A-Rod and Jeter crew do something like that you know what I mean like like they could do he’ll never do it but like the way they did the Kelsey

Documentary you could do that with like a show I think that that would that would blow Trout’s just boring man I I have no interest in watching what trout does in his day-to-day life the most exciting thing trout would do is go to an Eagles game I feel like he eats a

Bowl of corn flakes in the morning and that’s it Corn Flakes with protein powder it like just yeah he just does not seem like he does anything exciting I don’t know I think the most exciting thing about him is that he’s building a golf course with Tiger

Woods that’s it true it’s fair I think I think mooki maybe would be a fun one to follow around for a year because he’s just a star in his own but I think if you’re going to try and do the biggest thing possible I think it would be a guy

Like sh I think he years a lot and to follow one guy around in baseball that’s why I’m kind of think they did it with Kelsey right that’s kind of the thought process on it but it’s so much it’s tough it’s tough uh anything else before we get to the final one

No we talked about the rule changes yesterday conversation was a little better yesterday because I didn’t even understand the rules yeser yeah we had a minor heart attack on one of them but Nate saved us Nate did help us through the one we’ll get to it in a second uh

Firstly we talked about it uh the pitch clock with Runners on is going from 20 to 18 seconds stupid seems dumb for a very minimal you’re save a couple minutes maybe a couple minutes a game and but it’s not noticeable no time you’re not drawing fans in with five

Minutes quicker the risk so much outweighs the reward in this and that’s let’s just leave it at that if I’m a fan that watches baseball I’m not looking at a two and a half hour game and going oh it’s only 225 now that’s not bringing me

In that’s kind of what I see with the next one here too M visits are down from five to four now y um I I think growing up being a catcher you you need those Mound visits sometimes just to talk to the guy and get yourselves on the same

Page um again it’s just such a negligible thing it very rarely gets used five of them I don’t know why they’re even worried about it but I again I just I don’t see the point and I think there could be the odd negative it’s not gonna be very often but I just

Don’t think it’s worth it right I think the only thing it leads to is more injuries is I think the biggest concern of this yeah which sucks ass you know that’s going to be someone that’s going to be a bunch of stars like it was this year though I’m using

The term Stars Loosely but point stands yeah that’s tough man uh the next one is the one we had confusion on yesterday uh if a pitcher starts to warm up before an inning he must face at least one hitter now Conor and I thought this was like if

You’re going out to throw things on the mound then you’re coming in the game in the Bull Pen in the bullpen in the bull that’s what I meant sorry so what this actually means is if you bring a lefty he gets one out in the seventh and you

Got another Lefty coming up in the eighth you send your Lefty back out there he hops on the mound starts throwing some pitches the manager sends out uh righty to combat that Lefty um it happened very rarely but the odd time the manager would then take that pitcher

Out because he’d already been used for his three batters warm up a new pitcher bringing a r to face the right it’s eliminated that it it’s really not something you see very often it’s kind of reminiscent of before the three betterman when you bring in a lefty to

Face a lefty and the manager sends up a righty and then the guy doesn’t even throw pitch and you bring in a ready to face him um which I thought was really stupid and slow it this happened much less I don’t think I’ve ever actually seen it happen in a game I’ve been

Watching but it obviously did for them to do it uh all in all I think it’s fine it makes sense yeah it just it doesn’t hurt the game as much as the runnner Lane to First has now been widened to the infield grass could serve some stand

Purposes you allow the runner to now run wild in inside Fair territory yeah so he’s essentially taking away the catcher Lane on a bunt yeah or a squib or whatever yep and into the first base last time yeah last time I looked at a baseball field that’s kind of where the

First baseman’s standing I think you’re just opening the door for much more injuries um I it’s just a bad bad rule to begin with I don’t get it I know we’ve both been on either sides of this play too though where it’s just like you’re trying to run the inside and the

Outside and like you hope to God that your communication’s good enough so get the first basement on the outside of the play as opposed to the inside if this happens but like in the majors when there’s 40,000 people screaming their heads off at the play probably going to

Be a little hard to communicate where you’re throwing this in the bag so you’re instinctively going to line up on the inside and then it’s just going to get real ugly if you’re the first baseman the other thing you run the risk of more Runners getting hit which

Obviously they want in that scenario because if they get hit they’re get in the base but like you wear one off the elbow and bust your elbow like that take one on the back of the head the the catcher still humming balls it’s not taking 90 92 from the catcher is no

Different than taking 92 from the pitcher it’s tough it’s a weird one I don’t really understand why they did it Connor brought up yesterday the idea of having the the softball bags where you have the orange and the white which I think I don’t love the rule idea but it makes

More sense player safety wise to have two different spots where you go yeah as opposed to this where it’s just well everybody run in the same line and hope to God no one gets hit well that that was a rule that had been talked about I

Think for for a few years now was the double bag for safety concerns I think that’s out the door with this like it there’s no chance happens now for sure so I again I wouldn’t have liked it either but if I’m a try Turner I’m I’m laying down this bunt to the catcher

Every time on like I’m just kind of dropping it somewhere in between the pitcher and the catcher here the pitcher if it’s the first Baseline enough on a drag bunt or whatever and the Pitcher pops up he’s staring ready your back pretty well like dton varo is going to

Double his amount of drag buns and he’s also going to Triple his amount of concussions this year I think he he’s going to do it all the time and he’s going to reach because they have no throw or he’s going to wear one in the back of the head yeah

I I don’t know they’re they’re pretty inconsequential this year compared to last year obviously but overall I really don’t they’re little but they’re stupid I think I I think I don’t understand the point of this one at all no like you had like you did something great last year

You’re ju this one you’re just trying to give the runner a bigger Lane which I don’t think they need no no no it’s also you we talked about it yesterday but the timing on the 18 seconds like you finally got everyone to start figuring out the 20 second thing a little bit and

Now you’re gonna go hey new plan we’re changing it again good luck two seconds it’s not it’s not big it’s not a lot not a huge change but it’s not gonna lead to much more but it’s yeah it’s just you had such a big win I

Don’t the the pitcher warming up I think that makes sense like but the other three just are so inconsequential all for them are inconsequential it’s it’s just stupid the the runners Lane I don’t get I don’t see what the positive is out of this the other ones at least I understand where

Their head is at the other three are timing this one is not and it’s not player safety either MH and I don’t like is it really increasing offense like you think that many more guys are just going to bunt like we’re talking about I don’t think it’s actually gonna happen

Probably not I mean for some guys it will but not gen I mean as a league you’re still trying to hit the Home Run you’re not going for these shitty little drag bunts are you gonna have Kevin bigio bunting 20 times you’re not gonna have Kevin B bunting because he’s not good at

It that’s I don’t know I’m thinking of a lefty are you going to have want stto bunting more this year because of this like no it’s not no it’s the ultimate surprise but you might have Dalton varo and Kevin km bunt more it’s just gonna be so I don’t know

I think as a game is that what you want I don’t think so I don’t know it’s weird doesn’t make a lot of sense um I love that we still managed to go over an hour yeah dude we are when we did talk about all this last night and

Try to condense it the only thing we added was like Kier Meer said a couple things about him maybe not being a starter we added Ben Verlander and we took away thater Brant I swear to God hey did they find him did they F the warrant was for

Today right yeah wait where in the world sawli wand Franco those of you who don’t know I think it was uh F and tweeted yesterday that uh Franco had to appear in court I think at 10 o’clock this morning they had raided a couple of his properties a

Couple houses connected to him and he was not found ladies and gentlemen wand Franco today was in no- show after summons he a no show to his summons where in the world is wander Franco the world is wander Franco he’s wandering clearly so he did it this is he did it

He so the the Raz are [ __ ] we talked about this last night they can’t they can’t afford be paying I don’t know what his contract is but I’m gonna guess around 25 a year to a guy who they’re fine now because this just voids it this

Is Force majour if he ends up if there’s a warrant out for his arrest I would assume you would assume do you know that for a fact though I don’t but if being on the Run probably void your contract I don’t know man baseball contracts are guaranteed they are weird and

Like was OJ Simpson’s contract guaranteed um wander Franco’s money doesn’t kick in yet nice like at all even if he is next two million this year oh yeah because they they time it out so you’re so they knew the ray knew no no no so you you progress the same way you

Would this way as if you want through renewals and arbitration usually yeah so yeah his his technically his first year of ARB in 2025 is 8 million then it goes to 15 then to 22 then his one two three four five his five his first five years

Of free agent eligibility is 25 million with a club option in 2033 for another did the Rays know all along and they tipped off police [ __ ] they’re like this this wander guy some’s off about him don’t want to pay his contract we can’t afford this one let’s just throw

This little niblet out there and see if they can figure it out on their own BR what type of knives out [ __ ] are you on shades of uh Mr kabus and Pablo sandal would you put it past the r no no that’s the one organization I would expect to do something like this

Get what you can out of there’s another one the ace the a might John fiser might set the guy up he might have planted up as the minor himself yeah no couple dicey organizations out we say some dicey [Laughter] [ __ ] oh thank you for listening uh good luck to the police and the

Dominican I hope you find them use excessive force please yeah and also if this plee please everybody I mean if you’re gonna hear this the episode of SE the light of day but oh my God please Brant your computer better [ __ ] oh just so everyone was aware because there was one other thing

We actually talked about last night was making ikf shirts and making a bet and the loser having to wear it so because we decided and Brent has agreed that to multiple home Blue Jays games this year he has to wear a silhouette face of I I might just put his actual face better

Okay that’s fine on the front of the shirt with with his name and number on the back FFA too that’s so many letters multiple he has to take pictures each time see I’m saying I would I think I’d actually wear one if you made me a silhouette of his face with the beard

And it said ikf and his number on the back yeah yeah can I do ikf instead of kind way easier to get Nate gets the cool version you got to do the shitty one face like his actual face that’s fine you got to go through F so much

More work you got to go through the strle way more you got to go through the struggle of kindor FFA because of what you did what your computer did to us it’s not what I did I didn’t have any play in your computer said no but is it

Yours BR this is also a computer that I literally think for four maybe five months of us doing this podcast you saw half of the screen I still have half a screen I use the there’s a reason why I look up so much is because this screen

Doesn’t work I I can see if this is my screen I have this part of it like that’s it so okay well on that note yeah thank you for listening if you’ve made it this far we appreciate we hope this podcast sees the light of day we are hoping

Because I swear to God we’re praying in the baseball gods that this one gets through and you will get to hear this one my apologies for making it out yeah we will catch you this is the last time brand uh records and edits if if this is

If this doesn’t we might end the podcast no I will I’ll do it perfect we’ll see you next week

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