How a Strong Grip Can Fix Your Golf Game

Looking to improve your golf swing? Discover the power of a strong grip in fixing your golf game. With a strong grip, you’ll be forced to rotate and commit to each shot, resulting in more accurate and consistent swings. No more quick arm movements or duck hooks! Subscribe to our channel for more golf tips.

But those are the great things about having a strong grip is it forces you to rotate it forces you to commit to the shot every single time yeah because if you do something bad you’re going to have that hook pull correct like every time I pull a shot or like it’s one of

Those duck hooks I immediately say like I was too quick with my arms mhm if we weakened your grip we’d have to use even more arms and even more hands right now your hands are already on the club and a position where the face is already square or slightly closed so all you’re

Trying to do is keep it there with your body you don’t have to do anything with your hands and arms with a grip that strong

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