Time to Play Golf. NOT Golf Swing. | Dynamic Trigger

Get tension out of your hands and arms and get your golf swing started like the best players in the world. There is a very important reason you see all good players moving when they address the golf ball. In this video, I’ll show you why…
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When you go to the golf course the person that you brought to the dance is the one that you’re stuck with you’re not going to be able to change your movement patterns on the Fly I promise you this and I can tell you so many times over all the examples that I have

Of students that come in work with me in person they start hitting golf balls they’re not hitting it all that well they’re like okay Chris no Chris let me show you exactly how I actually swing the golf club and I’ll videotape all these golf swings and I’ll put them up

On the screen for them side by side and I say okay I want you to tell me the difference between the golf swing where you have 92 different swing thoughts going on versus the golf swing where you’ve only got six swing thoughts going on and when you look at those golf

Swings everybody’s always very surprised to see that the golf swings don’t look any different that’s right the golf swing is not changing you can think that you’re actively actively manipulating things to a big big level but at the end of the day when you introduce the consequence and the stress of the golf

Ball back to the mix your brain and your subconscious are very good about allowing you to move in the way that your brain is most comfortable with that’s right movement patterns are a real thing and old movement patterns don’t die off but what I want you to

Understand is that when you get to the golf course it’s time to play golf it’s not time to play golf swing anymore you need to have better processes in place that are going to help you get into a position where you’re set up for success

And what we’re going to do here today is we’re going to work on a dynamic trigger that you can all use in your golf swing that’s going to help you get your golf swing started with your lower body properly it’s going to also help you get

Much better Tempo in your golf swing and it’s going to help make you a much happier golfer when it’s all said and done I would call that a pretty good siiz win for all of us wouldn’t you call that a win of course you would let’s get

To work okay so what we’re going to do today is we’re going to work on getting you into the golf shot and getting you to feel a little bit of freedom of movement here and I want you to be able to start your waggle kind of from the

Ground up because a lot of you will get yourselves into a golf shot and get yourself really frozen over the ball and then you start waggling from your hands and your arms and what that does is it typically leads to you moving from your hands and arms very early on in the

Swing and that right there my friends at home starts a absolute disaster on your hands you don’t want your smallest muscles in the golf swing leading the way you want your smallest muscles in the golf swing hanging on to the golf club giving the little inputs that it

Needs to have in order to be able to transfer speed and control out through the club head you want your body doing the heavy lifting so what I use here is I use a little bit of movement to help get myself kind of freed up and then I

What I do is I park myself to the ground and what you’re going to see is is that I make a little initial shift into my lead side to feel pressure change into my lead foot and then immediately I start loading into my trail ankle I know it’s a little bit counterintuitive why

Would I take my weight and move to my lead side to then start moving into my trail side what this pressure Trace does though is it helps free the body up and helps get you move from your legs and your hips which is super super important

In the golf swing so I want to show you exactly how this works so I’m going to talk to you as I’m doing it so I come in I look at the Target set the club in I glance at the Target again make sure that those things are in line then I

Build my stance around the club face lead hand comes on the golf club okay now what I’m doing is I’m just kind of waggling just a little bit you can see my feet shuffling around at that same time I’m really trying to relinquish any sort of tension in my arms and my

Shoulders and once I feel that I give it one last glance at the Target my club will come down in behind the ball and I make a little tiny pressure shift into my lead side so if I’m 50/50 at a dress I feel my pressure go to about 60 to 70%

And then I immediately go right back onto my trail ankle that’s my Dynamic pressure movement that I use in my golf swing to get things started now the reason why I like this one so much is because it helps shake out the tension it helps you get the golf swing started

With your lower body and helps you start loading into your Trail side with proper movement rather than trying to move from a position where you’re just kind of stuck and Frozen in Space the golf swing is not about positions the golf swing is about movement you want to create

Movement in the golf swing and stop worrying about the technical side of things you’re not going to be able to affect that on the golf course when it’s go time so let’s go through this one more time walk in when you get to the golf course it’s

Time to play golf okay unless you’re there to practice get a good buttoned up pre-shot routine and make sure when you’re over the golf ball you’re not getting yourself Frozen you don’t want to feel tense in any part of the body you want to feel anchored to the ground

For sure when it’s go time but you want to do this in a way where you still have some freedom of movement set yourself and feel the pressure through your feet to get your golf swing started and I guarantee it you’re going to be a much happier golfer when you leave the golf

Course here’s to playing some of your best golf


  1. Get ready for some really good golf this upcoming year. I will be ready to help you every step of the way.

  2. very good video of showing the trigger. I had some swing reviews done by you and wondering if you still do them. i'm the guy with the picture of the Indian and wolf on my wall

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