Golf Babe

Happy New Year! My summary of 2023

Hey guys and gals,

Happy New year to all of you. Here is a little summary from myself about my 2023.

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Hello everybody and welcome to a special video it’s a video where I’m going to talk a lot actually I mean I talk a lot many of the times as well and I talk a lot of Swing English terrible English you know the drill everything that you

Are used to but kids are in bed are snoring from their rooms and I’m so happy that they are with me now H especially over New Years and holidays is is definitely the times where you do want to spend the time with your family yeah and and your friends or or your

Friends of course um and I was sitting here thinking like okay I mean this 2023 has been a year that a lot of things have happened and and there have has been a lot of negative things but there also been some positive things and I’ve always been an open book um I’ve always

Loved that part with streams and videos and stuff like that where people are able to to interact with me like I’m just a normal person which which I’m definitely which I’m definitely are and there are some of you out there that has been um meeting up with me in real life

And I’ve been cherishing those moments A Lot H just a few months ago H like I think it was in August September I think it was late August I had the uh two friends named Tony and Ian over here staying here for almost a whole week and

That honestly uh made made me so happy uh we had a blast but let’s try to let’s try to look at this year as uh in two parts we do have you know the personal life obviously and we do also have the work life or the golf Clash life uh that

It has been but it hasn’t really just been golf Clash also so um definitely going to talk about that as as the work life but I think we’re starting there I think uh we have during this year uh done a couple of changes adapting really to to

The yeah the inflation numbers there is uh to Corona not being uh existent really and for those that may haven’t figured that out when it comes to the corona more or less the only business that that what positive to was the gaming industry because more and more

Were playing games now I want to be perfectly clear with I’m super happy that it’s better because that’s just how it should be we should not have to be going around being afraid of a virus that might end our life and also sadly ended many lives around the world um

But that had an impact and uh forced me to do some changes we have got some new people into the team um and I’m super pleased with them I’m super happy with the team that we do have I think we have now for many years proven that if there

Is any place to go to when it comes to getting high quality guys and not just one time here and there actually having high quality Deliverance every single time then that’s uh that’s us and I’m super proud of that it’s a lot of things that you don’t see behind the scenes

That we the whole team is working with it’s not just doing shots it’s not just you know putting up good scorecards it’s the whole package and that’s something we have been working with for so many years that we do want to deliver that we do want players to feel

That um that we do give them everything we can and a little bit more than that besides when it comes to the guides I’ve kept going free content here in the Channel people think that I don’t do free content but I do free content to every single tournament and I’ve done

That since I started not not the first tournament but since I started with YouTube and started with tournament content I’ve always done content for free and golden shot guide is a perfect example for that which benefits loads of players and um and that’s something that I will

Continue with um because it’s a core part of what me what I’m doing here in the channel I do want to provide a good and free content here as well and then obviously we do have the premium content that is the paid content also I’ve been playing some Ultimate Golf this year as

Well and people have been noticing that and that may or may not continue into 202 for um my intention is to continue to play different games ultimate goal for you know other games that mother I’ve been enjoying myself truly on the streams with ultimate golfman having a

Lot of fun and also like a new challenge I felt because when it comes to challenges I feel like when it comes to golf clut I’ve reached a level that I don’t think I can I don’t think I can do much better than what I’m doing now H

I’ve been ranked number one for the whole year and will most likely um not most likely but been R number one since the mid beginning of January 2023 which was a big goal of mine like I said to myself like in the fall 2022 and said

Like Tommy it’s like all right you do have all the tools but you have never really been elevating your game you never really been getting up there always being there always feeling feeling like you can beat everyone right but I feel I can do that now and I feel

That I’ve proven that this year um to myself because that’s that’s what it’s all about in the end you’re proving to yourself that you are able to compete and now obviously that has been positive um talks from others uh around the community which I’m very pleased with and thank thankful for for

Me the ranking has was a a a goal I had like to get high up in in the rankings and in the end i’ never believed that I would be able to reach as number one and for sure not being able to stay there

For so long that I that I got to stay there but at the same time though it’s like that that that’s you know when you are looking for something when you have a goal you want to reach that goal then you look at parts that makes you want to

Improve the things that you’re doing right so for me like I’ve done those things I spent a lot of time with especially with the mental part up here has been very important for me and then the goal from being number one has kind of elevated into that I always want to win every

Single tournament and that’s where I’ve been coming to like for the last three four months it’s like okay I want to win everything now until I take a break for the yeah take a break not playing the New Year’s Eve night cup and I managed

To do that and I’m super proud of that and that really in the end makes me like okay yeah kind of lost the focus on the rankings in that way which is which is great because that ranking we all know for those of you that are playing gold

We all know that that could be a sorry for the wording but it could be a and it could force you you know playing when you don’t want to play and stuff like that now going into 2024 I’ve been doing a change in the way that I’m playing on my free

Time the Casual time where I’m been playing accounts like I’ve been always been playing three account now it’s most likely just going to be two accounts and I’m also going to use the opening round and being a little bit more non focus on my performance on my live attempts on my

Shots more Focus than to you guys that are following the guides that we’re having that the guides come out quicker uh even quicker than now and also making sure that players believe and people believe that I mean you are the one you guys that are following my channel here

On YouTube and and other social medias but also the paid content that you feel that you comes first you are not buying guides uh for to help me win or for our team to help winning tournament we want you to win and I think this is a step

For me to to go on that direction and that will be that I will not be playing some 90 cups in the final round I will uh maybe not play all my uh rounds in the weekend rounds as well in the big tournaments but one thing to be

Absolutely certain of is that that will not have any sort of effect of the free or the premium content that we’re doing so like all in all during this year um you know we have U done really well and I’m very pleased with I what I perform

As well from an egoistic perspective um when it comes to I playing I’m also very um pleased with the decision that we actually stop doing Pro guides and that’s maybe sounds weird to hear that I’m pleased with that but it unfortunately isn’t enough people um wanting PR guides uh and therefore in

The end you know you only have one thing to do I mean you can’t have a part of your business that are losing money then you have to do something about that so I mean the the work life the work side of things has been absolutely

Brilliant for me uh and again I can’t thank the team enough for be able to uh for me being able to work with them uh and also to all of you that are following me here on social media and also you know getting our premium content that I mean we could obviously

Not do what we are doing without you either the personal side of things has been generally I know I’m kind of smiling but it’s a it’s has been and that started already like in like fall 2022 uh where it was decided I was going to split up with with um my previous

Girlfriend um and um she moved out in February 2023 so it’s like what is that 10 months ago approximately and uh that has been a battle mentally for me I’ve been very sad at times I’ve been um very dumb and that’s obviously not something

That you may see on all the on all the videos on on the streams and stuff like that even though I try to just be myself but at the same time though it has been been something that I that I’m still processing to to a degree I like to say

To compare like this time with uh last year at this time I’m I’m way way happier as a person as a man I feel more satisfied with myself to to know that I’m good enough you know the classic things you know but uh there was a lot

Of things going on there was a lot of things that that was done that that took really hard on me that still does today when when speaking about it and it’s something that I hope to when going into 2024 is that I can continue to work on

That continue to you know be more happy and uh continue to be the one the person that I that I’m supposed to be that I know I am you know the happy self you know the goofy one and um it’s honestly I thank God that you have that I mean I

Have my beautiful kids and they have been taking everything so extremely well I’m so proud of them um as I know how difficult it has been for me and I know how difficult it was for Amelia I know how difficult it has been for Mato even

Though Mato might not notice it as much as Amelia but I’m so proud of them and that has been the biggest goal you set aside any goal I have you know with games and work and every my goal after it split up with my ex um has been truly

To get my kids to feel comfortable with the situation that they are in uh that they both have like they have me and I will always be here I will always be here for them uh and I get the feeling that they know that as well and both of

Them are um are sleeping well both are eating well both are expressing the joy of getting here and they are expressing Miss ing me and the house when they are not here and I mean this there’s no competition I I’m not s I’m not that’s not my point with everything like this

But this obviously makes me as a as a father very happy that my children want to be with me and that they do not feel a let down by me not being together with their mom moms as it is um and and that’s that’s that that’s makes makes me happy to have

That feeling to to think about it that way now I just need to find a way of adding in things that I do for myself as well that I’m not just forgetting about that I mean you have friends too toy you you can go out and do things and such

Because like when I did split up with my with my ex it was um I didn’t really want to do anything I was just very miserable but that has slowly changed that I’m you know doing things that I’m that yeah doing things for myself and uh I’m going

To continue to work on that because I feel that’s something I need H if it’s so just hanging around on Discord with people if so going down to the casino play some poker as I know some of you know that I do really enjoy but just

Hang out with some uh some mates I mean just doing something instead of just being home just in that h wheel just going round and round around like work sleep eat and stuff like that need to try to do uh more of those things but

Like I mean this year as well has been two two big things in terms of Mato stopped wearing a diaper uh he stopped wearing a pacifier a week ago from when I’m making this video um super proud of him he has handled it super duper well Amelia growing like crazy she has become

A real she she’s going to be trouble when she gets older um she is going to be trouble now I don’t look forward to that I me trouble in the most positive way I can um and um but it’s going to be so interesting and I can’t wait to see how

They grow and how they take on challenges in in their little world H during 2024 for me and the kids during New Year I have the kids this year on New Year I didn’t have them on Christmas we’re not going to do anything something we’re not

Going to do something special um we are going to be home we’re going to do some fireworks at the end of the day and when um when you’re listening to this uh my kids will most likely be in bed as we’re into 2024 we have just watched the

Massive fireworks that is at midnight as I think in most of the countries around the world but here in Sweden as well the massive fireworks that goes on to kind of like jump like jump us all into 2024 and the kids hopefully then are in bed

So I can just relax a little bit and just um just kind of you know um so like just to be be ready for what to come in 2024 and uh I’m look I’m looking forward to that I really do I did not look

Forward to 20 23 I didn’t I did not do that at all um I wanted to stay back in 2022 2021 to be honest but I look forward to 2024 I look forward to um like I said continue the journey with me and my kids and what that will lead to I

Continue I I continue to look forward to the fact that I mean you know who knows what’s happening in in my own life I feel ready to meet some new people I feel ready to uh get out there again and uh just be myself and have some fun and I look forward to

Interact with all of you as well um streams videos whatever I know I’ve been talking now for almost 20 minutes but it’s like summaries can be all from a couple of minutes to like you know an hour but I wanted to do this like I you

Guys are it’s such a massive part of my life you may not understand how big that is but you have made it possible possible for me to do what I do today you have made it possible for me to um be able to provide for my kids in the

Best way possible and you made it possible for me to stay in this house that I do love after I did split with my exg which I you know was not thinking that I would be able to do so I have so many things to say thank you to all of

You for I mean just a little you know thumbs up on a video just a subscription to the channel whatever it helps me uh and my life immensely I want to say a massive thank you for that and I hope you and you know every yeah I hope all of you is going

To um get together with me here in 2024 as well and uh continue to have fun continue to learn better English to speak better uh continue to just enjoy ourself and actually see for what it is we only live one time or at least that’s

What I believe we have one life try to make the best out of it going around being negative and being miserable is not what I want to do at least and I hope you going to jump into 2024 with me and have some fun so happy New Year to each and every one

Of you once again thank you so much for everything that you do for me and my two kids and I will I truly hope that I will see you in a video or not in a video but like in a comment or you know on a stream or what no now everything yours

Absolutely weird and I’m going to you know my only promise that I do have that like a New Year’s resolution something is that I will not fall down another share when I sit down stream that’s the only thing that’s the only thing that I’m going to use as a newer solution so

Again Happy New Year to you all and I will see you in the next video love you all bye-bye


  1. Happy new years Tommy my good brother,,thank you so very much for helping players👋👌😘⛄️🎉🎄🎇🎆🎁🎈🍻🙋💥🌷🕊🕊🕊

  2. Happy New Years. Speaking of High Quality product, why does every few text guides have a wrong hole such as the New Years Eve Party 9-hole cup that has the wrong hole for hole 9. Most of the time the elevations in your videos don't match the guides. The guide is advertised as being sent out a few days early but I usually have to go looking for them the day of the tournament and on occasion, I have to email your contact address to get someone to even post them up. Yeah, the high quality part needs a little work Tommy. You need to crack the whip at the team members because they aren't giving what you advertise.

  3. In today’s plastic world, a Genuine reflection is worth a million words ! Yourself, your team, Matthew, Adam, Sage, JL, TS, and the too many to mention is why I play the game. What a great community, Best Wishes and Happy New Year 🎉

  4. Fantastic, big respect for your complete honesty, not just with GC game but your personal life.

    You have nothing more to prove in the game as far as playing. Stick to the guides and help, hopefully free up some time.

    Happy new year to you and your daughters 💥

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