Golf Babe

Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph – OLGC Catholic Church – St Augustine – 8AM Mass

Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph
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Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic Church – World Golf Village – St. Augustine, FL
All slides are copyrighted and licensed by, A-728193 and CCLI license 11052338

Good morning we’d like to welcome all parishioners and guests to Our Lady of Good Council as we celebrate the Holy Family of Jesus Mary and Joseph we gather together to hear the word to celebrate the Eucharist and to be sent on our mission to spread good news we’d like to send a special

Welcome to Dr Bernie Sans for filling in for Mark on the organ and uh we this the mass will be a celebrated in memory of Margaret Malloy let us stand and welcome one another Angel sing glory to the newborn kingace on Earth and mercy God is recile joyful all you Nations R join the Triumph of the SK with h Proclaim Christ is born in the Angels Sing glory to the new K good morning good morning thank you for joining us today

Before we begin this Mass I ask that we take a moment silence and try to quiet The Noise Within your mind as we prepare for this celebration bow your heads and close your eyes and listen in the Silence of your hearts I’ll begin in the name of the father and

Of the son and of the holy spirit amen the Lord be with you and with your family today we celebrate the Holy Family the family of Jesus Mary and Joseph we are parts of this holy family as we gathered together today to worship our Lord we ask that as we prepare for this

New year Lord may help us to be holy let us ask him to forgive us our sins Lord have mercy Lord have mercy Christ have mercy Christ have mercy Lord have mercy Lord have mercy May almighty God have mercy on us forgive us our sins and bring us to everlasting life Am Glory to God in the highest and on Earth of the name we praise you we bless you we adore you we glorify you we give you thanks for your great Glory Lord God Heavenly King oh God Al Mighty father glory to God in the highest and on Earth to of

Good Lord Jesus Christ only begot son Lord God L of God of the father you take away the sin of the world have Mery on us you take away the sin of the world receive our pray you are seated at the right hand of the father have mercy on us

Glory to God in the highest and on Earth to for you alone and a Holy One you alone are the Lord you alone are the most high Jesus Christ with the Holy Spirit in the glory of God the Father amen amen glory to God in the highest and on Earth to be

Let us Pray oh God who we’re pleased to give us the shining example of the Holy Family graciously grant that we may imitate them in practicing the virtues of family life and in the bonds of Charity and so in the joy of your house Delight one day in Eternal rewards through our Lord Jesus Christ

Your son who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit God forever and ever amen a reading from the book of sarra God sets a father in honor over his children and mother’s Authority he confirms over her sons whoever honors his father atones for

Sins and preserves himself from them when he prays he is heard he stir up riches who reveres his mother and when he prays he is hurt whoever reveres his father will live a long life he who obeys his father brings Comfort to his mother my son take care of of your

Father when he is old grieve him not as long as he lives even if his mind fail be consider of him revile him not at all the days of his life kindness to a father will not be forgotten firmly planted against the debt of your sins a house raised in Justice to

You the word of the Lord thanks to God [Laughter] the Lord L remembers his Covenant Forever give thanks to the Lord invoke his name make known among the Nations his deeds see to him sing praise Proclaim all his wondrous [Applause] Deeds glory in His holy name Rejoice oh hearts that seek the Lord look to the Lord in his strength constantly seek his face you descendants of Abraham his

Servants sons of Jacob his chosen ones he The Lord Is Our God through throughout the Earth his judgments Prevail he remembers forever his Covenant which he made binding for a thousand Generations which he entered into with Abraham and by his oath to Isaac for a reading from the letter of St Paul to the Colossians put on as God’s chosen ones holy and beloved heartfelt compassion kindness humility gentleness and

Patience bearing with one another and forgiving one another if one has a grievance against another as the Lord has forgiven you so must you also do and over all these put on love that is the bond of perfection and Let the Peace of Christ control your

Hearts the peace into which you are also called in one body and be thankful let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as in all wisdom you teach and admonish one another singing Psalms hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts and whatever you do in word or In

Deed do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus giving thanks to God the Father father through him wives be subordinate to your husbands as is proper in the Lord husbands love your wives and avoid bitter any bitterness toward them children obey your parents in everything for this is pleasing to the

Lord fathers do not provoke your children so they may not become discouraged the word of the Lord than go hallelu hallelu hallelu in the past God spoke to our ancestors through through the prophets in these last days he has spoken to us through the son hallelu hallelu

Hallelu the Lord be with you and with your spirit a reading from the holy Gospel According to Luke Glory To You Lord when the days were completed for their purification according to the law of Moses they took him up to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord when they had fulfilled all the

Pres prescriptions of the law of the Lord they returned to Galilee to their on Tower of Nazareth the child grew and became strong filled with wisdom and the favor of the Lord was upon him the gospel of the Lord praise to you Lord Jesus Christ if you read the book of

Joshua Joshua chapter 25 verse number 15 we Joshua gathered the people of Israel and they said to them choose this day for yourself whom you will serve and he said as for me and my family that will serve the Living God choose this day whom you will

Serve which God do you serve as a family the Living God or the God of this world some time ago I remember sharing with some of you story of this girl who was at that time about 10 years old I was hearing confession at one of our schools in the

Dasis and this girl came up I thought she was coming to confession and she said father I’m not coming to confession I have a question and the question she asked was was does God really exist I asked her what do you think I she said my father told me that God doesn’t

Exist when I come to school I see my fellow students praying to God talking about Jesus I’m confused and I said to her what did your mother say at this point she began to tear up tears triming down her face and she said my mother is in jail since I was a little

Kid and as I looked at her her tears brought tears to my eyes it was obvious that she was not raised in a Catholic Christian family her father worships his own God maybe himself as a creator of him himself beli there’s no God out there he is his own God and her mother

Worships maybe the demon of drugs and wonder how this girl would grow up what would she be if you do not learn about God in the family you think that the world is going to teach you about God unless by God’s grace so I keep praying for this little girl every

Day it is a blessing to come from a Christian family I hope we do not play with that it’s a gift that we have Jesus was raised in a family that knew God a family that placed God at the center of their lives Joseph Mary loved

God and wherever they went they red the love of God to ERS that me and as I said in the beginning we have been adopted to the part of this family holy family we we are part of Jesus family we have to bear fruits that show that we

Are part of his family we are Christian family the second reading talks about forgiving one another as forgiveness is important in our family lives you know attended the anniversary of marriage sometime ago of this woman uh they were celebrating 50 years of married life and when I was sharing with her I asked

Her what is the secrets you have been with this man your husband for 50 years what’s the secret she said forgiveness I was expecting her to say that I married a perfect man he never hurts me if she acknowledged a married life is not easy a we time when your spouse will hurt

You you kep forgiving it’s what love caus us to do forgiving you love you will never Tire of forgiving not only your husband and your wife the other person will her daughter at some point now when Joseph wanted to marry Mary you know the story he discovered

That she was pregnant and he was planning to divorce her the spirits the Holy Spirit revealed to Joseph that Mary was conceived by the Holy Spirit and they got married Mary never said to her to him it didn’t trust me the beginning she let go who kept loving and Liv together in

Love we are preparing for a New Year there are some families that are living in animosity parents holding Gres against children children against parents husband against against wife let make that that decision today that I will forgive my parents I will forgive my child I will forgive my brother my

Sister said well father you don’t know what he did to me is there anything someone does to you that can never be forgiven now we go to confession we say father forgive me for I have sinned the question is have you forgiven have you forgiven those who

Offended and we pray Our Father every Sunday every Mass forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespassed against us but we have not forgiven so make that decision now as part of God’s family but children who have learned to forgive if you are part of this holy

Family have to learn to accept one another we have our own faults weaknesses your husband has one his own weakness your wife has her own weakness your children have their weaknesses but do not compare your spouse to your friend’s spouse your children with your friend’s children the person the Lord has given to

You is for you to love the person accept the person as he or she is love the person Mercy Works of Mercy should be practiced in the Christian family and think about Mary when she attended the wedding feast in K and the family ran out of wine very interceded they have no

Wife and Jesus performed his first miracle we as members of the Holy Family have to learn to practice walks of Mercy I told you some story about this little girl from a parish Lila after m one Sunday they went to the hospitality to grab some cake and you know whatever is

There after M I went there and I saw L guess she’s about 5 years old and she was enjoying her cake I went there I said to her L could you share some cake with me I’m hungry and she said no this is mine get your there I said no I want yours

I have not eaten since last month and she looked at me and said you are smiling if you have not eating you wouldn’t be smiling and she kept eating finished the cake and the mother said to me father I’m sorry we’re still teaching her how to share things the next Sunday she brought

Some gifts my father has a gift for you I thanked her another suay she brought it some gifts to me and this Christmas she brought some envelope father I have money for you now she has learned to sh and some children are stingy selfish because we have not Tau them for

Sure I heard about a case of a a woman who took all the inheritance of that the parents died and she never wanted to share anything with her siblings she wanted do everything for herself maybe no one taught her to share rights from a childhood and teach our children to

Share what we have everything we have here we will leave behind when we die if we grab everything into world today so when you are dying what would you do about them be like one man in Africa we bought a very expensive car and kept it said I

Am going to be buried with this this is going to in my casket that’s craziness you’re going to drive a car when you die we will leave everything behind when God gives us things they are for sharing we can learn that from the Holy Family Jesus spent his time reaching out

To people especially those in need c love is important in the Christian family now someone told me do you know what family means I said no he said family always means I love you and f a i f a m i l y f family N means I uh how do

You spell it uh m means i i l love why you did you get that family always means I love you that’s what it means if you do not say to your wife everything I love you you will Wonder does he really love me you say your children I love you if

You never said that your child will wonder does my father my mother really loves me I never heard that from them you say it and you do it every day God brought us together in their family to Love Char to begin but should notop stop there we learn charity love Mercy at home

Wherever we go we ready did it and Jesus Says by this they will know that you are my children if you love one another and listen to the first reading when he say there is a blessing that comes from taking care of your parents your father and when the mind is

Failing your father be there for him be there for your mother you know sometimes it can be hard for us to deal with you know your parent suffering from Dementia or it’s hard of hearing you have to talk and repeat yourself several times requires patience When Love Is there you always

Continue to serve despite the difficulty and this time so we enter a new year to make that resolution and ask the Lord to give you his Spirit to continue to love and serve and th Joshua said you choose this day whom will serve am we stand and profess our faith I believe

Earth Christ only beg God father God Gody inary for our s heed again third day and heed into seated at the right father he will come Glory Jud living I believe in the Hoy Pro believe cathol Church to the resurrection and life of the world to now we turn to our merciful father

Presenting our petitions for the family of the church that we may give respect and dignity to All God’s Children let us pray to the Lord Lord our pray for the family of people and Nations that the rights of the old and the young will be upheld for

The sake of Peace Justice and Harmony let us pray to the Lord Lord our pray for broken families that God’s reconciling forgiveness will be granted and accepted to restore all relationships of Love let us pray to the Lord Lord our pray for all our families celebrating this joyful Feast that as we

Welcome our savior so we will see and welcome him in his in his poor let us pray to the Lord Lord our pray for our deceased relatives and friends and all the Departed that they may be gathered in the Eternal Joy of their Heavenly Home especially those mentioned at

Today’s mass let us pray to the Lord Lord our pray please join us in praying our Parish conversion prayer found on the screens word the body and blood of your son become spiritual food and drink myour toel in my church community and in my societ in ofation remind notel will theel

Beim not the truth of theel wit your son Jesus Christ lives ands with you in the of the Holy Spirit God for Am angels from the reals of Glory your fight or all Earth You Who s creation story of Messi and worship and worship worship Christ the new one sheers in the field ofing watching for your flocks by night God on Earth is no residing y shines the infant light and worship and worship wor

Christ k your SE the great you have SE his morning and worship wor wor Christ he shall his all the to him every KNE shall that and worship and worship worship Christ the newor King blessed are you Lord God God of all creation for through your goodness we

Have received the wine we offer you fruits of the vine and the work of human hands it will become for us our spiritual drink blessed be God forever pray my dear brothers and sisters that my sacrifice and yours may be acceptable to God Almighty father the AC the

Sacrifice your the praise and glory of his name for our good and good of all this holy church we offer you Lord the sacrifice of conciliation humbly asking that through the intercession of the virgin mother of God and St Joseph May establish our families firmly in your grace and your

Peace through Christ Our Lord amen the Lord be with you and with your spirit lift up your hearts we lift them up to the Lord let us give thanks to the Lord Our God it is right and just it is truly right and just our duty and our

Salvation always and everywhere to give you thanks Lord Lord Holy Father Almighty and eternal God for on the first of this all filled mystery through though invisible in his own divine nature he has appeared visibly in ours and begotten before all ages he has begun to exist in time so that raising

Up in himself all that was cast down he might rest restore Unity to all creation and call strin Humanity back to the Heavenly kingom and so with all the Angels We Praise You as in joyful celebration we Proclaim holy holy Lord God of Heaven and Earth are full your glory in the

Highest blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lordana in the highest hosana in the You are indeed holy Lord the fs of all Holiness make holy therefore these gifts we pray by sending down your spirit upon them like they do fall so that they may become for us the body and the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ at the time he was betrayed and entered

Willingly into his passion he took bread and gave it thanks broke it and gave it to his disciples saying take this all of you and eat of it for this is my body which will be given up for you in a similar way when supper was ended

It took the chalice and once more giving thanks gave it to his disciples saying take this all of you and drink from it for this is the Chalice of my blood the blood of the new and eternal covenants which will be poured out for you and for many for the Forgiveness of

Sins to this in memory of Me the mystery of faith when death this bread Proclaim your death Lord until you come therefore as we celebrate the memorial of his death and res Resurrection we offer you Lord the bread of life and the Chalice of Salvation giv thanks that you have held us worthy to be in your presence and

Minister to you humbly we pray that partaking of the body and blood of Christ we may be gathered into one by the Holy Spirit remember Lord your church spread throughout the world and bring her to the fullness of Charity together with Francis our pop and Eric our Bishop and all the

Clergy remember also of brothers and sisters who have fallen asleep in the hope of the resurrection and all who have died in your mercy welcome them into the light of your face have mercy on us all we pray that with the Blessed Virgin Mary Mother of God with blessed Joseph her spouse

With the Blessed Apostles and all the saints who have placed you throughout the AG es we may Merit to beers to eternal life and may praise and glorify you through your son Jesus Christ through him and with him and in him oh God Almighty father in the unity of the holy

Spirit all glory and honor is yours forever and ever amen amen sai’s command and fored by his Divine teaching we there to pray Our Father in heaven beom will on Earth it in us this day our daily for our teses as we for those who Tres against us Le us not into

Temptation Us from Evil Deliver Us Lord we pray from every evil gracious they Grant peace in our days that by the help of your mercy we may be be always free from sin and save from all distress as we await the Blessed hope and the coming of Our Savior Jesus Christ for the

Kingom power and Glory are yours now and forever Lord Jesus Christ who said to your Apostles peace I leave you and peace I give you look not on our sins but on the faith of your church and graciously Grant her peace and unity in accordance with your well live and reain

Forever and ever amen Grace of the Lord be always with you and with your spirit and S each other is sign of Peace You take the sin of the world have mercy on Us God you take away the sins of the world have mercy on us L of God you take away the SS of the world Us my there family Behold the Lamb of God Behold Him who takes away the sins of the world blessed are those called to the supper of the Lamb wor Some See You Am Body of Christ body Christ body of [Applause] Chist of CHR of body CH body of chist body CH body of Prr From angeling near the to touch their hearts of Earth the world way to he the The their heav for all the we world Bless Angel Sing the world Has 2 Years oh the and and the angel for the days are on by Pro our when with the for the C the years shall come the time for when peace shall over all the Earth it’s anent Spenders CLE and all the world give back the which the make your see for you let us

Pray bring those you refresh with us ofly Sacrament most merciful father to imitate constantly the example of the Holy Family so that after the trials of this world we may share their company forever through Christ our Lord amen for this weekend is the last opportunity for you to sign up for the Epiphany

International Food tasting event that will be next Sunday after the 12 noon maass of January 7th 2024 if you’re planning on participating please sign the sheet in the church foyer Monday tomorrow January 1st is New Year’s Day and this is a holiday and oggc Parish office is closed first Friday January

5th at 7 p.m. Eucharist Eucharistic adoration with Deacon Larry religious education classes are on break until January 8th when Group B will return for classes and as you enter the church foyer area you’ll notice a basket with offering envelopes for on a table for you to pick up one envelope should you

Not have your printed offertory envelopes with you here at mass and announcements are also in the bulletin and the parish email Church connection newsletter for those interested in receiving the church connection newsletter the instructions are in the bulletin for you to subscribe on our olgc website on the

Front page thank you Father thank you Joe is anyone visiting a parish for the first time yes please from where are you visiting Miami Miami Miami thank you for joining us today thank you so much visitor is anyone moving into our neighborhood someone okay tell us uh what neighborhood are you moving into

Trail Mark Trail Mark okay wonderful thank you so much where are you moving from Michigan Michigan okay SK the Cod thank thank you so much for joining us today we think our quiet is someone there yeah from where Michigan Michigan too oh yeah Michigan it’s good to

Skip thank you so much and I we thank our choir as always wonderful thank you so much and then our great twins right thank you so much Eucharistic ministers asers our next please thank you for all you [Applause] doing um slide who is the church

Today and L thank you so much for all us apprciate that the Lord be with you and with your SP just bow down for your May the god of infinite goodness who by the Incarnation of his son has driven Darkness from the World by the Glorious Birth has illumined this most holy day

Drive far away from you the darkness of vice and illumin your hearts with the lights of virtue amen amen may God who will that the great joy of his son’s seven birth be announced to Shepherds by the angel fill your minds with the gladness it gives and make you Heroes of his gospel

Amen may God who by Incarnation broughts them together the Earthly and Heavenly realm fill your family with the gifts of his peace and favor and make you sharers with the church in heaven amen amen May the blessing of all PR to God the father and the Son and the Holy Spirit come

Down upon you and stay with you now and forever amen go peace glorify the Lord by your life thanks to God happy New yeary Year Father Christian friends with heart and and to what Jesus Christ is born to and and he is in the ranger now Christ is born to Christ is Bor to Oh okay oh yeah okay we been here

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