Golf Players

IFC Final Annacurra v Barndarrig

Annacurra v Barndarrig
Intermediate Football Championship Final
Echelon Park, Aughrim 4:15 PM
Referee: Jason Smyth

N I guess guess I I Can’t Iiss I N I guess I Guess I guess I Can’t I I I Gu N Guess I Guess I guess I Guess I can’t sh I Can’t I can’t Sh O Guess guess I I Gu I I I uh Joe thanks a million for taking your time on such a busy week and to build up to the intermediate football final back in the final again second year in a row with anakar you know last year was probably a bit of a learning curve I’d

Say but this year in fairness you know you’re unbeaten all through the group stages a big win you know I think you said to me during the week you’ve came back twice now in this Championship to to get over the line in big matches and you know an anur team that’s really

Going in the right direction yeah listen it we obviously we’re delighted to be back in the final again after we got to the final last year sort of probably against all the odds maybe and no one really expected it to happen and to be fair here last year there were there were

There were that much better than this in the final I thought we done as much as we could with him in the final but if you de said who was coming out of Aram last year that we’ be back here this time next year in the final with have

Took your hand and all so the boys have worked hard definitely it’s been a great year great two years and the effort to give me is is is second on and as you say we were down against Kil mck in the first round we four points down looked

Dead and buried found a way to win uh we to get a point again valy Mount after being well up all the match we to get the last point of the game to get a draw um and again theard were four points down again and we found a way to

Win so it’s a good thing to have in the team the know to have it they’re working hard and sure hopefully come Sunday now we we’ll get the job done yeah and I suppose looking forward to Sunday well you know it’s it’s huge for the area we

All know the hard work that’s going in with the underage here in anakar you know they’re almost a standalone club now at underage producing their own players like this type of thing is huge for the club going forward for everyone involved you know you’ll have all the

Small kids there shouting on and you know it’s massive a sure the buzz the buzz it creates around here is just unbelievable it’s it’s the last even the last week since the dard semi-final there the buzz around the place and you you people out putting Flags out on the

Bridge and the whole place is being decorated and every time you come down here now there’s kids running around with anur jerseys and an Aur flags and it’s just made up the whole place is great for a small place and as you say holding their own a hall under age as

Well and that’s a big thing that there is a bit of a belt coming there and youve lots of lads coming up behind pots there at the minute so everything is going great here thank God yeah and then I suppose as we said looking forward again to Sunday you know Baron D they’re

Going to be no easy turn in this to found our way through you know and of course there’s the added spices was Daman Gilly can train The Lads once upon a time there he’ll know lots about the lads here but you know Bar D your big physical team you know plenty of score

Takers all around the field have’ kind of taken their side of the The Thing by storm as well to be fair to them and they’re going to be no easy turn here oh well absolutely and as you say Damian was here for I don’t know he’s here for

A couple of year and and all the buys got on very well with Damian here and sure he knows them all inside out as well and and that barar team I’ve I’ve I’ve traveled around to see him a couple of times I’ve seen him play play Cole

Kenna in a dog fight and they didn’t lose it they know how they know how to grind out wins as well they were here against Kar you here they were three points down looked dead and buried to found a way to win there’s big men all

Over the field there’s lots of lads that can play football there’s County men very well balanced team and it’s definitely going to go down to the wire Saturday definitely cuz they’re two teams that are fairly evenly matched in my book bounce of a ball here and there could be the difference yeah and

For me the neutral looking in I think it’s going to be probably one of the games of the year to be honest I think as you said the two teams are so even the match just going to come down to find margins well again Jo thank you uh

For taking your time out it’s a very busy week as we said and we wish you the very best of luck on Sunday and hope all goes well for you no problem ever thanks mil thank you wait let listen right listen up listen up we’ve already been in barer

And they were very loud all right right they were very loud so you’re going to have to try and better there so when we’re ready now right we’re going to start counting one 2 three I think we give one more just to be sure one two

Three one guy the back didn’t say it 3 2 1 brilliant well done busy week for barar already a busy week uh winning the Harland last weekend so going for Jewel honors within the space of a week um look I suppose we’ll we’ll look back before we look forward a

Great start to the campaign three good wins and maybe I suppose a little bit of a slip then in a couple of matches but huge comeback Victory against CaRu in the quarterfinal set you up really well and you know it was a fantastic performance in the semi-final against

Valley Mount to have you in this final yeah I suppose overall it’s been a super year in in from beginning start to finish for us in In fairness um we set our all out earlier on the year just going to have a good League campaign and then that bring that momentum into the

Championship and we’re looking enough we won the league in in July and we’re looking enough then to win the first three games in the championship um which kind of got us straight into the quarterfinal and it gave us that wee bit of a leeway and just in the last couple

Of games just to you know probably try a few different things out and as well as give um starting time to Fringe players which is very important too but saying that um car new game was tough we started really well and we finished really well but in

Between it was touch and goal and then the semi seminal against Valmont I thought we played really well that day um probably didn’t get the credit we deserve from from a lot of um places around the county I think but everyone saying that no Val were poor

But I think we really set our stall well and we nullified their main threats and we’re just we fought hard all day I thought yeah and Locos you know again the car new match two points down going into injury time and not score a goal

And win by two is that was a huge turnaround but again when you look at Valley mount’s results all through the championship and who they put it up to who they drew with you know they got really good results all through so as you said probably not the credit you

Deserve because you you know you went and put that game to bed really early as well and and you know that’s what semi-finals are about like you know you get get there and get win them and get to the final yeah as you know there’s no point talking about finals semi-finals

Are all about getting over line it doesn’t matter if you win by one point or 10 points it makes no difference and you’re not going to win Championship unless you’re in the final so you can talk all you like as much as you like you know you just have to get there to

Win it um Kar you probably the CaRu game as you said two points we were actually three points down on one we scor five on the on the spin there in space of five minutes including injury time and um Rob Rob it in sorry but but like um they had us under the

Cost there for a long period the last second half and just credit to the boys that dug it out and just like everything all year you know we’ve suppos with all the League results and the league wins we we’re only beating once in the league all year and

It’s it’s kind of you get used to winning and you know yourself I if if you get into a bit of winning habit it kind of becomes infections after a while and you don’t want to lose you know no you don’t definitely and I suppose looking forward uh I’d say your house is

An exciting place this week we’re facing anur in the final we probably won’t got too much into it just yet but um look as you said there’s a subplot there you were everyone knows you were with had a COR for a couple years well you know the

Lads really well you know they unbeat and coming in The Far Side they they’ve turned a few heads everyone kind of top maybe last year they got to a finally a year or two early to get straight back into one you know you’d have to turn

Your head to an a car and of you know pretty much similar to yourselves you know they a great blend of UT and experience there yeah no great team I I I know them inside out and just watch follow them over the year and manage them then they they’re while back but

It’s um they’re really they’re they’re very they’re skillful team they’re hardworking team bit like yourselves that way um some great forwards good defense um like you look at lik of Frank Frank cloon in the full for line and then the other side pit of alen bur two Warriors and two brilliant massively

Skillful players like they just credit themselves to be still at the age they at to be playing at this higher level and and the same thing and and I don’t like mention our own players cuz it’s all a team team game for us but our own

Michael Murphy kind of have to give him a bit of a mention too like he’s in the same vein he’s 38 years old probably has the athletic body of a 28-year old but has all the skills you know and fast and left and right footed and great hands and when he gets the

Ball in his hands he just he just doesn’t miss but like those three players they’re nearly worth going to watch on their own you know um on Sunday so or Saturday should you say but yeah and for me I suppose has the making I said this last night as well you know

Has the Ming of the game of the year I think they’re two really well- matched teams two evenly matched teams all over the field you know they pretty much done the the same type of they play the same type of football as well so I think it’s

Going to be a cracking game um I’m going to wish you all the best on Saturday I hope everything goes well for you I hope the weather takes up as well we’re we were going to do this outside but we can’t but again best of luck and thanks

A million for taking your time out Amy thanks thanks very much thank you you’re all very welcome to Aram here today for the Darcy Sands intermediate football final between anak cor and barar referee Jason SM is after uh doing the TOs the teams are just about to take

Their positions behind the uh behind the band there so we’re just about to get ready I Podge Duty on call commentary Podge thankfully the weather is taken up it’s been a good morning all morning here it’s you know the pitch looks in great condition I hate to think what it

Looked like a last night to be fair with all that rain so we’re about to get ready to rock and roll behind a band uh this one is going to be I think as the making of the game of the year Podge to be honest with you

These two teams to you know theyve came all the way through this this intermediate Championship it’s it’s it’s almost trying to get like like getting out hell sorry you know with all the good teams that are in it the both found our way today this final and Aur second

Final in two years you know only a couple of years since uh Bar D W Junior a same blend of you and experience on both sides I think it is the making of a great great game yeah I I agree with j and and one thing about both of these

Teams um they’ve both come through tight games like anakara went through extra time in the quarterfinal um had a real battle here against lard Glenn the last day okay bar der had a comfortable semi-final but they had to score the last five points in the last 5 minutes against CaRu to

Win that game by two points so there are two teams that are going to battle to the very end you know and and I think it will be a close game yeah incredibly close game as is what we’re all forecasting anyway the teams now just nervous moments for them they’re just

Coming around behind the piper here in Aram we’re going to give you a quick run through the two teams uh what you see on your screen is as per program there is a couple of changes on the team so I’ll give you a quick run through and goal

For anakar is Robert Fitzgerald number 23 Elliot Robinson replaces number two Yan Harper in the full back line Adam Healey wears three James Keenan at four Shan well Allen burn and Len Austin in the half back line with Martin O’Brien and Evan D in the middle of the field number

20 Steven Murphy replaces James dle at Wing forward Ronin Brennan and Dylan dial the captain is the other Wing forward the inside line of Frank clone Gard Murphy and Michael Healey is ever dangerous the barar team as we have it is Aaron Jackson in Gold tomamos kah

Keegan and James Cullen in the back line Shane wheelen Maliki Stone and Jack Mcall in the half back line Anthony Quinn Andrew Cav in Midfield our Captain Paul rer Wing forward burner Quinn and Center forward and Michael Crowley at 12 and uh Michael Cullen number 13 is replaced by Johnny Carlin in the

Full for line with Michael Murphy and Martin Cullen making up another dangerous line you know with two as we said really well even evenly balanced teams this is a huge huge uh barnar Team you know physically they look you know towering over the Queens Andrew kavner

All big big men but you know both both teams have skillful players in abundance on both TI yeah without a shadow of a doubt and you can see that the changes that anakar have made probably Steven Murphy coming in because of his size to kind of match the size in around the

Middle of the field with Baron Duran and Elliot Robinson is a massive boost for anak car as well been able to come back got injured in the quarterfinal but he’s back here now to line out in the final for anakara a massive boost for them yeah as we said both teams just

Following the piper here in Aram huge crowd here from both sides I think and Aura to be fair are probably just about shaded if color is anything to go by and definitely if the amount of children cheering the team out on the pitch before it seemed like there was hundreds

Of kids down there to cheer them out but as we said we’re just about getting ready we’re going to have our national Anem now very shortly very hard to predict this one I predict it’s going to go right down to the war I wouldn’t roll out a draw here and that’s not sitting

On the fense Podge I think it’s going to come down to very very fine margins yeah like we’ve had had a couple of games this year that did go down to the last couple of minutes and really fine margins in both semi-finals of the senior and particularly on the cor

Against theard the last day was the exact same and expects this this will be very close as well we now have our On Sh we que through Heart play for Shant No Molly hin from the an Club singing our we’re just about ready to go here we have a result in from earlier a result from earlier with balur Boton last PGE unfortunately bot last fell at the second last hardle in that one it was 21 to Five Points down into

Fair green B of course seemed to be fairly good value for that wi if the scores a to go by I wasn’t down there yeah um B glass lost a player to a red card just before halftime and that probably had a huge impact on it really

I think it was 5 points to four at that stage but um B by far the better team in the second half without we Shad have without some class players on that team yeah we’re just about to get the matchups looks like Andrew kavner is

Going to pick up garod Murphy in on the Square straight away no actually it’s number four James Cullen has gone to him it’s Andrew Kev has gone to Frank Clon we have Steven Murphy gone to the middle of the field Martin O’Brien has gone to uh Wing forward here it’s all just Chang

As we were expecting this around the field and Alan Barne has gone into Marshall Michael in on the Square as well he was wearing six he’s played fullback all year he’s back in there we’re just about ready to go on Aram our referee Jason Smith from Stratford for

Today here in the Darcy Sands intermediate football championship final don’t get too technical now Lads putting Lads back if you throw in the ball it’ll be all right putting Lads back behind the 45 and I’ll just throw it in they’ll sort themselves out once the ball is in play we’re ready to go

Here sense of anticipation in the crowd around us the referee looks at his watch sets his clock again tries to put players back we’re ready to rock and roll in Aram the ball is in the game is on Steven Murphy jumps in the middle of the field it’s pmed down by Anthony Quinn

And away with the ball comes the captain Paul Ryan Ryan solos forward Jack is running 65 yards out barnar kicking into the her and against the breeze in this first half they look to just find that first scoring attempt Johnny Carlin on the ball good play by

James Keenan gets a hand in ball is out as far as K Keegan Keegan has a look up gets the ball back to Carlin Carlin goes all the way across the field with this one barar look to be setting their stall out hairly against this Breeze just to

Be patient in possession tom o is one of those players gets the ball back as far as Martin Cen c will roam all over Aram today where’s 15 you could see him popping up anywhere heavy hit there by Dylan dial on the midfielder Anthony Quinn there’s a loose hand pass break

Out but Jack M Maliki stone is away Stone breaks one tackle gets the ball back to Martin G pops a little pass inside to his corner back Tom hos has pushed up the field he’s underneath the scoreboard but he’s over carried the ball good defensive play by anakara

There was patient by barar but anakara didn’t Panic yeah and a good decision by the referee Jason Smith like he was time was lining in a line in on top of him you know so he overplayed the ball ball is out the the hands of Dyan doy here D

Gets up the field with the ball H passes across here into the hands of Elliot Robinson Robinson gets his first touch in for Yan Harbour from the start here back from injy injury passes the ball off to uh Ron and Brennan Brennan gives the ball back to Dylan d d looks to tear

Away down the field it’s tackled by Berner Quinn Quinn does enough to get that big long arm in and Hal’s progress ball breaks away from him and it’s uh tomamos is all the way over on the line there it’s gone out for a line ball taken quickly and it’s back in the hands

Of Malaki stone stone sols away no one near him he’s on his own 45 comes up the field gets the ball to burner queenn qu wind dropping out from that number 11 B positions don’t mean anything here if you look everyone comes back with the ball and everyone goes forward with the

Ball that’s TS to be how it is in these matches Paul Ryan on the ball gets the ball into Anthony Quinn Quinn ham passes it off here as as we said they look to build patiently Martin Cullen gets it into Paul Ryan Ryan spots a little

Gaping pops the ball into and it’s Tom o he’s been unlocks the ball already the number two gets it in looks for Michael Murphy Murphy at the top of the D turns on that right foot kicks it high and kicks it over the bar for score for

Barar for blood for barar and a really well-worked score there’s an nanakura player down on the ground yeah you can see nanakura kind of dropping off a bit B Dera really patient but but they’re going to have to keep an eye on Tam like

You said he’s on the ball and a a lot and he is a dangerous player and he does carry the ball really well and he picked out Michael Murphy really well I’m watching Michael Murphy and Alan bur they’re stuck to each other Michael Murphy hasn’t stopped moving Alan burn

Is tracking every run so Michael Murphy did really well to get free there at the right time so thas could give him the ball it’s Michael it’s Alan bur that has picked up a bit of a knock there they’re just tending to him one of the one of our great County players a

War for club and county for years I hope he’s all right to continue here because he’s a big part of this anur Hub just looking there was barer have actually done the know Martin bran is going to drop and try and and play Maybe to in around the sixth position or around

There but they’ve pushed tamos right up on them you know so they’re probably going to try and get tamos on the ball as much as the possibly can and that’s something on the cor will have to watch kick out from Robert fer long ball down the field down on top of Michael Crowley

And Shawn W there’s a hand Goan breaks back Martin O’Brien’s forc to react he’s surrounded by black jerseys gets the ball away but he throw the ball to the referee I think the ref got that call fairly right Martin just had nowhere to go to be fair to the bar D defense there

No he didn’t really like and he was he was crowded he won the ball all right but he three players around them and they all crowded them around the sideline so it was either out over the sideline or just give away the free all Ryan has the ball in his hands looks

He’ll come all the way back here he does come all the way back and K Keegan waited for that one but he done well enough to side step around Ron and Bren to break away with the ball gets it into Paul Ryan Ryan finds Martin call him

Back into K Keegan Keegan pops the ball back to Paul Ry oh just didn’t bring it with him took his eye off it good defense there and a little pull back on a on a an anur player gives them a little bit of breeding space because barar start this game really really well

Yeah even Malik is Stone you can see he’s actually attacking quite a lot and the fullback like you know so they’re all willing to gamble you know it’s Andrew kav and and James cand are the two that are staying back yeah as we said the breeze is Indiana corak with

Four and a half minutes gone it’s a point to no score to the barar m it’s carried out over the line under pressure again from uh the barar defense they’re doing well and again it’s that man hamos he’s on the ball solos forward with this

One has a look pops it off inside to his wing back sham wheel and Wheeling gives it to Anthony Quinn Quinn solos has a look at his options and the way they come with the ball again and cor probably need to just push out a little

Bit more if if I’m honest K Keegan has the ball over here there’s no real pressure on the ball they’re holding their line but Johnny Carlin is inside a tangle the legs with James Kane and Carlin wins his free and this one is well kickable for a man like Michael

Murphy yeah and I think I think you know I I think and cor trying to be patient and trying to sit back get a good defensive system there but when the ball comes in they’re going to have to be out and front to stop it getting to the barer

Players Michael Murphy has a free here he’s about 25 or 6 yards out here he’s about 8 or nine yards in from the sideline Tough Enough on but well so to a right footed kicker Murphy doesn’t waste any time over this one kicks it high is it kland it’s kland to much and

It’s gone to the left of the post and gone wide it’s first wide it again for the barar minutes a point to all score here after 5 and a half minutes barar lead and the Darcy Sands intermediate football championship final for 2023 yeah and probably the the the small

Breeze blowing down into the town end is probably affected that made a little bit harder to score that free so an a playing with that breeze in the first half the kick from Bob Fitzgerald he takes his time he goes long again huge kick down the field right down on Shawn

Welden Michael Crowley the break is all Anthony Quinn’s though it’s all barar get the minute gets the ball into burner Quinn back to Anthony Quinn he’s blown for a thr as the referee may have been slightly harsh on my first View and we’ll just get a quick

Look at as anura take the free quick they go along they look for Dy and ball right down the sideline in as far as garod Murphy steps over oh lovely pick up from Murphy he’s in along the end line there’s a chance here tries to box

It over the bar does box it over the bar first attack really for anakara first score for anakar it’s that man garod Murphy he’s dangerous he took James Cullen in along the line a lovely little step over there and a lovely punch point and it’s a level game here not yeah and

Faer still dialed it really well like the ball boun out in front of him just he pamed it down to g g took on man chipped up the ball and probably the right decision just to fistle Over the Bar kick out goes long down the field

From Aon Jackson huge kick and it’s into the hands of burner quen gets it and H passes it away out to Field playing under an advantage he gets the ball out as far as his wing back as Jack Mall Mall’s away shows Pace cuts inside another man that had a good stin with

Her counted team gets the ball off outside and it’s uh Johnny Carlin Carlin looks to cut back around breaks one tackle but gets the ball and it squirts away and James Keenan does really well tries to get it away again Berard Quinn is over there the ball there’s a tussle

On the ground a touch on the ground by Verner Quinn it’s a free out and it’s good defending by the Coran yeah really good there by James Kanan kind of putting Johnny Carlin under Fierce pressure and Bernard Quinn then tried to win the dis possession but touched the

Ball on the ground so free out and a corner went back to Bob fer with that but bar pushed up really quickly they’ve done well to try and get away with this one they’re under all sorts of pressure down under the scoreboard but they’re work on their way out they’ve done

Really well Bob Fitz Sher has a look up and takes his foot pass all the way across to Atlant Austin Austin has the ball solos forward bit of space in front of him as barar now look to drop back Maliki Stone calls men back in front of

Him ball is hand past over Michael Crowley in his far as Shan w w solos forward he’s at the middle of the field Cuts back inside Shane or Jack mall or Mall gets a hand across but it’s an Aur in possession as they now look to try

And get a foot hold in this game it was all burn AR gly doors but to no real fruition because it’s a level game after 8 minutes here ball is back inside and it’s Shawn well gets it back to Steven Murphy looks to go long diagonal dangerous looking ball in it’s a huge

Kick down but Andrew kavner has read it really well kavner who decided to against charges out with that ball huge here on Ron Brennan does really well kav he could have been playing shinty up in park esler today he’s here with his Club ball back inside as far as Jack mall

Mall twists and turns and has a look gives the ball back to Andrew kav kavna solos and stands up again just checks what his options are that option is Martin Cullen Cullen finds Paul Ry there’s a man all splend the isolation over here and that’s kah Keegan Keegan

Now he look to get up the line with this one do hand passes it in as far as Anthony Quinn Quinn slips has to break a tackle solos again need support as the Anna cor numbers get back around pops it off to Johnny Carlin Carlin looks to

Pick a pass inside does pick a pass inside finds tomamos who gives it to K Keegan Keegan gets to the top of the D gets the ball out to Shane wheel or Jack Mall sorry he cuts back inside gives it to burner Queen back out to his full by

K Keegan he kicks it high but it’s gone to the left of the Boston wide a patient patient buildup but there’s no end result there and as supp good defending but they need to get their Shooters on the ball in those positions no disrespect to K Keegan there well you’re

Right like Martin colen and Michael Murphy and players like that are the ones maybe Johnny Carlin are the ones need to get on that like you know when you can see it’s it’s Tom o and kle Kean are the two that were had the most prominent chances there b fit J to take

The kick out where deadlocked in AR point a piece we’ve just coming up to the 10 minute the kick out looks to be always coming to this side it does Steven Murphy gets reacts first to it as it hop ball breaks away and it’s Martin O’Brien O’Brien looks up tries to pick a

Pass just about gets through a lovely pass from Sha Weld and Away goes Dylan D di is away here with Johnny Carin comes back to train dis position oh Carlin done really really well there that’s good defending got back inside yeah Johnny Carin did really well

Dylan D could have been a little bit lucky the way he grabbed his arm and pulled him to the ground could have possibly in the Black Card Maliki Stone looks to get away with that ball Tre and auran converge around him referee gives AF freid anak cor and comes up with

Possession we’re starting to hit Championship favor now as a quick ball is kicked in as far as G Murphy there’s a hand in there from James Cullen huge battle between these two grow twists and turns and tries to get out of trouble does eventually get out of trouble but

He had one-handed pass the referee is very very observant on these hand passes a couple of them would normally have been L away but he’s right handed he’s right there beside it you can’t argue with him it’s a free to burn D here in just the last couple of minutes PGE the

The antie has been upped on both sides yeah yeah I agree you could actually even see it before the ball was thrown in that the players were getting tight on each other and you can see there was communication going on and that’s the way it’s happened now ball breaks up the

Field Jack Mall gives it to Tom o o looks for Anthony Quinn the big long frame of Quinn just about does enough to keep possession again there’s huge tackles going in on both Sid struggles to keep his feet Quinn he has done a couple of times ball is back out to Jack

Mall mall drills this one in threee underneath breaks away firstc to react there but he’s given a free for an advantage there as Anthony Quinn lies down on the ground and that was a dangerous one inside no one really gambled on follow the H till it was too

Late but they were playing under the advantage yeah when You’ have Bernard Quinn being able to run in on the edge of the square why not let the ball in and fairness to or maybe on the cor looking to have a goalkeeper the size of

B fit sh there as well to deal with those High balls yeah look at he it’s a huge advantage in there when these Lads are hovering in around the square there I suppose it’s it’s a big big help as we said 11 and 1/2 minutes in now both

Teams really still feeling and one another outout I suppose I don’t think the breeze is going to be the end of the world in this one but I suppose if you’re burn ear you’re happy enough to be a point of piece at this stage yeah and are I think

They’ be probably been the more dominant team as well they’ve had more possession anyway you know but haven’t converted that to the scoreboard J fre go short out to Michael Murphy Murphy looks to pop it back inside to car and he slips it must be very slippy over there

Players go to ground as Murphy tries to break two tackle shows good strength tries to get the ball away heavy Collision underneath the scoreboard referee gives a free out says there was a push there again hanura defend well and come away that’s a couple of occasions there they’ve been under

Pressure in their own probably within 20 yards of their own go but have’ done really well to come away and win their freeze yeah Michael Murphy probably trly carry the ball through two players he did show good strength all right but you know they held him up well and and they

W a good turnover Martin o’ban give the ball to Bob fitle took it back and the away to come OT Robinson just slips there gives the ball oh it’s loose Martin no missed the ball there it was a loose pass from Elliot Robinson it’s into the hands of Michael Murphy Murphy

Look to kick this one high and kick it over the bar and he does kick it high and Over the Bar oh and there’s a little bit of Afters here there’s a little bit of Afters here between Steven Murphy and Michael Murphy there and uh I’m wondering is it picked

Up I’m wondering is it being picked up because Steven Murphy went down very quick there doesn’t seem to be any the umpires are only talking now which would tell me to seen nothing because they’d have called one another before now if they had seen it but whatever happened there there

Doesn’t seem to be an Aur are not overly frustrated about it either it’s two points to one here to Barn D now the scoreboard in Aram is wrong but it’s passed everyone out sea weld is away he’s so L to the 45 he space in front of

Him he’s Dyan dial in front of him tries to look for the hand pass inside the Frank clone to the chance here clone box it across Murphy and a goal a goal for an whatever happened to Mino doesn’t matter because they’ve came right down the field everybody missed the kick out

Sean well reacted first done really well it looked like he might have taken a little bit too long but he drew the defender really well Frank clone was brilliant as he got the ball across the road and just about got his finger tips to that one it’s 1-1 now to anur it’s

Two points to barar we have 14 minutes gone in this one kick out goes short to tamos how will bar greata Podge yeah say super goal there for RAR you’re right it was a long kicked out misjudged by everyone sea well did really well but the two danger men for anacura you know

Frank clone and Garo Murphy like it looked like the pass was a little bit high but G really got up in the air and pamed Inter net fantastic goal fantastic score again Andrew kavna goes Barling through the anakar defense to referee says play on anaura have turned it over

It’s a free down the field hanura it’s another good turnover for anaura it’ll be a free as barar looked to reset himself Martin O’Brien is on the ball looks around at his options no kins tells him to come back a few yards ahead and take It ball is kicked across field as far as James keen and Keenan on the ball here now looks to solo forward Steven Murphy sizes up the options looks to go short does go short to Martin number 65 yards out from the hers then gets to the

Middle of the field passes it into Len Austin Austin has a man outside and it’s good play for manura now they’re starting to really grow into this game as they hand pass the ball here patiently around the middle of the field Evan dial finds Ron and Brennan Brennan

Turns the boo on this one brilliantly read by Maliki Stone brilliant play by Stone there got to it but he hasn’t picked it up he goes to ground again ger makes him fight all the way effort he’s out over the line but referee says he

Was pushed out over the line it’s a line ball to yeah I think Mal stor probably thought he had a bit more time on that but corod came in put a lot of pressure on him but he did he did kind of push him out forc him out over the line

Really so line ball to Baron d as we can hear the crowd now are really getting into this one the ATI has been up since that goal as we said this tom o gets it into Johnny Carlin Carin evades The Tackle fires the ball off to burner

Queen into Martin calling back to Johnny K here come the bar dman up the field he saw this the 45 looks to go inside James Kee does gets the ball on his left foot but he needs aort there’s good play from manura as they get two men around the

Man the ball they turned them away from goal it looked like he was away they done really well it’s into the hands of Martin Ceno Cen tries to wrap the boo around this one he does wrap the bo around this one it’s high and it’s over

The bar it’s onepoint game here in oam a really good score a well worked score from barnar gets one1 tanur three points to Bar Johnny Carin did actually really well like cuz he had about three on the cor LS chased him he managed to hang on

To the ball and not lose it and I was actually just thinking to myself Martin G has actually been very quiet and the first time he really gets a chance and he takes it a big score into that breeze kick out again from Bob Fitzgerald L of

Them being aimed to this side here under the Press Box side he’s taking his time over this one Jason Smith says come on the hit he was oh he was about to go in after him there he kicked it just in time long ball down the field again Maliki Stone does well

To read it Dylan d looks to tackle him two men on Stone he solos with the ball he cuts back he needs support he finds support in uh Michael Crowley Crowley gets the ball off to Paul Ryan Ryan has a look up again goes long across the

Field into the corner there to his H number seven Jack Mcall Mall had pushed Dr up does well to get up look like uh slap back there because the player gone to ground yakuro player Mall gets away and wins his free at the top of the day

Yeah it’s Adam Healey that went down injured I think yeah just looked like there was a tangle between the players as Jack mall was getting up he just was well it’s one of those he was pushing him away it’s going to be high it’s not it’s not anything

That good chance anything that warrants anything that’s what I’m trying to say good chance now for Michael Murphy to bring Baron der back level in this game yeah look it’ll be because that goal looked like a soer punch at the time bar der get you know probably a

Grip on the game for maybe 8 nine minutes before that and it was almost against the run a play because anakara have had two attacks here they’ve got one one out of those two attacks they’ve got down the field they’re very economical but Michael Murphy is also

Economical cuz he’s kicked this one over the bar it’s four points now to barar it’s one1 hanur it’s a minutes on the clock here yeah and kind of the way the game is going barer are actually dominating position and you can see that but anakar anakara looks so dangerous

With both gal Murphy and Frank Clon up front yeah once it gets inside that 45 Anything could happen again to kick out his a down the side there’s a hand on it there but there’s a legal hand on it the referee says James Keenan has the ball

Throws it to Martin O’Brien here to take this free as they look to restart they do restart and it’s Michael Healey on the ball gives it back to Martin O’Brien O’Brien outside the right boot brilliant ball in in front of Frank clone hand in from Andrew kav kav does really well

Really strong in there one handed comes away with that gets it as far as Paul Ryan gives it back to kav back to Paul Ryan there well worked out by the bar dman as they look to come up the line might have been slightly high there playance as the referee gets the ball

Back in andraw kav kavna solos with this one goes longer up oh there’s a man in all on his own right underneath to stand there and that man is Shane wheelen wheelen has a chance to pop a ball into Martin Cullen it’s all opened up for

Cullen Cullen has a look solos on the loop back around is Michael Murphy again Cullen just holds up play gets the ball and he’s Dro kicks it high and kicks it over the bar a super score from Martin Cullen looked like his chance might have

Gone a little bit when he cut back the second time but he really trusted that right Bo and it’s a great kick and barn D lead yeah they do and it was a good score and we were just talking about the fact that he had a quite start and we

Were talking about the fact that it was probably kle Keegan and Tom o and LS like that they were getting into forward positions but now they’ve managed to get Michael Murphy and and and Martin coling into scoring chances bit Gerald about to take this

Kick out again as we said it’s a a point lead now to Bar D Five Points an Aur one1 we have 19 and three quarter minutes gone in the Darcy SS intermediate football final for 2023 who will go senior from this one long kick down the field again there’s a hand on

Heaven dial forc to react Paul Ryan is after him dial does well goes down picks up the ball tries to get to the 45 good tackling there by Paul rindo Cuts back inside here asakura look to build here Shawn W is all on his own and this side

The field R and Brandon go short out to Martin o’ tries to C inside two tackle hard work there from the bar dman it’s a long ball inside to Frank clone clone is on this one solos R to go back inside Andrew kavet goes the ground kavner

Really strong again and it’s a fre out says the referee that’s good play from Andrew kavner Frank clone just ran L is a little small bit there but is he going to throw it up no he’s moving it up so yeah just the physical strength of

Andrew Cav there and and when when Frank actually went to ground he actually slipped that give um Andrew kav a chance to just get in and smutter him and and made him over carry the ball yeah a player like Kev standing over you want you slip and go to ground very hard to

Get back and get any traction to get away there so it’s in the hands of burner Quinn now goes back to Maliki Stone here come barar again gets the ball to Johnny Carlin Carlin Cuts outside has a look puts back inside again pops the ball off to Paul Ryan

It’s all movement here from dear and dman kah Keegan is screaming for it outside looked like he was going to give it to him doesn’t goes back oh it’s a loose one off ball right Geral Murphy Picks It Off ball to James Keenan Keenan looks up it’s a full race with Frank

Clone and Andrew kavner gets the ball cut back inside oh brilliant play by Jack mall to get back in and get a hand in there that’s very good defending because the whole thing had opened up for anur there again yeah I can see Frank K apologizing to Adam Healey

Because there was it was probably he forced the pass really is what he did like maybe it wasn’t on you know ball is back in the hands of theil Muran again with uh Shan wheen over there winds is free And you are saying like positions mean very little it looked like Jack Mcall is nearly playing as a half hour you know now I see him sitting back in around the middle of the field you know and and like we talked about the two Ls from the

Full back line attacking all the time as well so Paul R dropping deep and that’s probably allowing them to attack yeah Paul R Paul R and Jack Mall seem to be just swapping positions and and floating around the field everywhere they’re they’re doing really well like K Keegan

Has spent most of the first half up in this end of the field ball is into Michael Murphy heavy Collision there between two players if it’s a head injury should the game be stopped play on As the referee as Murphy is tackled Murphy is fouled it’ll be a free in to

Bar D and a anacura players after shipping a heavy heavy knock there was a two I think it could have been an anur player actually runs into him here yeah he’s WR player actually Ron Len Austin there and he shipped a huge belt there to be fair but Michael Murphy foul just after

That and you know if this goes over you have 23 minutes on the clock after are conceiving that kind of a sucker punch of a goal as well like par and der have came back into this match worked her way back into it they’d have to be happy

Enough with the way it’s going like they didn’t Panic after the goal like they just kept it w the next kick out they went short off the next kick out and worked the ball up the field is what they did you know and and and that was

That was a free in like you know because the contact of Michael Murphy wasn’t shoulder toh shoulder he kind of was half his back yeah hip and legs taken out from under him it’s high It’s Over the Bar it’s not that high It’s Over the Bar though that’s all that matters to

Bar get six points now to the bar AR Man 1 one t Aur 23 minutes gone just over 23 minutes gone here seven to go to Half Time plus injuries Bob Fitz Sher to take the kick out like we we spoke earlier about Frank CL and Gro Murphy being the big threat

It’s Martin C and Michael Murphy for bar der and the can kick there six points so far oh Anthony Quinn Soares into the Aram sky and takes his fre the referee says bring it up because they stopped yeah but he was actually tackled he he was tackled like you you can’t tack with

In four steps after after winning a kick out you know so he tackled him straight away so he’s right it was AF free to be brought forward 13 M ball is back in the hands of Maliki stone stone 65 yards out from his own goal here solos Anthony

Quinn solos with this one sizes up his options pops it off as far as K Keegan Keegan CS back inside and gives it to Martin Cullen Cullen now playing that ever dangerous sweeper role that he plays and plays it so well goes all across the field it’s into the hands of

James Cullen Cullen looks to pop a little pass it’s h he gone off his boot it’s well dealt with by Adam Haley over there back into the hands of Elliot Robinson and R and brenon deep in his own half here and passes the ball away again as Geral Murphy gets it now just

50 yards out from his own goal with a bit of a breeze in his back hanura kind of under a little bit of pressure they’ve left Frank clone inside oneon-one with Andrew Cav as they look to try and get the space in front of him Elliot Robinson comes away with the ball

Solos with this one has a look solos again he’s under all sorts of pressure from Berner Quin goes to ground needs support gets it from from adamy Healey comes out with this one looks to C inside two tackles does really well Adam haly he’s way up the field again Johnny

Ken is the first man to chase ball breaks back out it’s into the hands of Dylan DIY Di has a look pops it off to heav di out hen b b is away from the edge of the square now is Glen Austin drops back in on Michael Murphy Here

Comes alen bur up the field leading the charge looking to take on allers takes on Martin Cen does well kicks this one high but it’s gone to the left of the post and wide and well you can see the heart and the determination there b just trying to get something moving for

Anacura because they’re they’re just a little bit flat at the minute you’re right that’s exactly what he was trying to do he was trying to give him an inspirational score is what he was trying to do just to lift the team you know and you can see him flying up the

Field trying to get that score they are going to ground underneath his here but it was as the fell says it’s like the fridge at home there was nothing in was two LED shoulder and he’s gone to ground and there nothing more than that I had full view of it it’s it’s

Amazing just looking at how hard the baron der Lads are working the pressure they’re putting on on the cor players on the ball you know Bernard Quinn there working really hard nearly W to turn over there a few minutes ago you know chasing Lads down and and that’s evident

All to the the barer players at the moment 26 minutes on the clock here 111 to six points to Bar D Bar D turnning to play with the breeze in this second half but four minutes is a long time to halftime and finally in knam I always find is anything can happen

Between after games you PS you nearly always find you’re talking about something that happened just before half time be it a score or a save or a you know there’s always something that you say near enough turn the game yeah you do you be be kind of looking at you kind

Of saying like if whoever gets the next score and if it’s going to be three points or two points or one point like you know at halftime and that can have a huge bearing on the second half Michael Crowley’s back to his feet Tom shade takes the ball off his goalie Aon

Jackson in away they come up the field again looking for support here tomamos gets it in the form of Andrew kavna kavet we number nine but come back to do a man Mark job on Frank clone he likes his Fay up the field every now and again

As well does H kavet as bar just look to take the sting out of things here but they’re again they they’re patient to a point but when they go forward they really do go forward and as this man has been driving L of it as tomamos takes it

Into contact though ball is Stripped Away from byon and brenon brenon as well Brennon winds is free gets up quick looks to take it quick does take it quick enough anyway long ball down the line looking for Martin oine he’s first out to that ball has a look it’s

One-on-one inside a huge kick inside but James Cullen gets out in front and does really well it was a mark in it if he wanted it didn’t take it gives it to Martin Cullen and away they come again it’s uh that man Maliki stone stone steps back inside hand passes the ball

Out to Paul Ryan Ryan has a look up steps back inside again there’s huge numbers around that middle hard as the ball breaks away from the grasp of Ryan and it’s forc to react as Dylan dial does really well gets the ball out here as far as Shawn w w breaks the first

Tackle gets it inside to Martin oine oine has a bit of space here now if he can try and work some kicks this one but it’s a poor kick that just drifts to the left of the post and white never really CAU he had G and Frank not overly

Impressed there I think they were making runs looping around them but he went for the score it just didn’t happen and it’s 1-1 the six points there 28 minutes gone yeah two ways and quick session there for anak cor like two scores that probably needed badly you know coming up

The halftime and you’re right Martin Bry had already made one up the field he’d gone back made another one he was probably just a little bit out of gas and probably should have popped it off to a shooter really Aon Jackson kicks the ball out as far as uh Andrew kav kav

Steps out gives the ball to Martin Cen Cen goes all the way across the right underneath the stand with it he takes the ball back little one to and a three four for good measure it’s Shen wheelen with this one kicks a long foot pass in as far as Anthony Quinn Quinn doesn’t

Take the Mark it’s out in front again twists and turns it has a look at his options but again carries into traffic but does well to break traffic Turns All Around looks for burner Quinn huge numbers there back there and it’s a free out tanur and just probably the wrong

Option there for yeah you could see he was actually looking to give it to somebody and then when it opened up in front of him he decided to move but you could see him stopping again looking for something to come off his shoulder and it was Bernard Quinn that came but he

Didn’t get the ball to alen Bor charges out with the defense with the ball and Pops it to Shawn weld weld gets the ball he shoulder by Martin Cen play away the referee it was a fair enough shoulder to be fair James Keenan is on this one k

Keegan pulls back his arm it’s a good spot from Jason Smith it’s a free T Aur they look to go quick into Geral Murphy he’s out in front of Andrew kav this time pop back out Adam Haley he finds James Kane and Kanan 14 yards out about

Five yards in from the sideline here looks to recycle this one gets it Adam Haley into the hands of Frank clone clone we’ll have 2 minutes of injury time at the end of this one we’re about 20 seconds to go so we have 2 minutes and 20 seconds as Frank clone looks to

Try and work his way out of trouble gets the ball back inside an Aur being patient here get the ball to Martin o’ri o’r fires one across tell Robinson hits off his own player it’s gone loose and might get to him it does get to Michael Healey he’s gone to ground referee says

Play on I didn’t see a l to be fair now he might be injured but it was there was a hand in but the referee was having none of it that his the ball from Elliot Robinson just slipped off uh gerro Murphy and was

Looked to be a hand in on the ball if it was in uous there was definitely no intent and he’s been blown for over carrying so what was a good um a good buildup of suppose if you want to go into rugby talk of phases for anakar has

Just broken down there yeah and Sean well has done really well for him on a couple of occasions coming up along this right hand wing and he’s actually either given off a good ball or carried it well you know and but I was just talking about Bernard Quinn the tackling that

He’s actually putting in and the work rate there he is winning a turnover inside his own 45 you know with a with a with a big tackle you know he is there he’s still the player still down on the ground here still injured so dra call and Steven Murphy up it’s

Going to be a throw ball the referee says now he’s changed his mind because of the injury it’s a blood sub here we’re going to have foran car right in the stroke at halftime there be another minut or two Kevin heale he looks to be the one on here as Michael

Healey goes off on the blood sub it’ll be a throw in with Andrew kav and Steven Murphy who are getting to know one another underneath this one I think the longer this goes on it’s number 17 Shan o’keef is in actually I’m told it’s Kevin Healey it’s

Not Chen o Keef he’s wearing number 17 so we’ll go on that word and if it’s wrong I’ll give you the name or who give me the information later [Applause] it’ll be a throw in now two Lads going to receive two yellow cards here now for absolutely silly

Stuff a yellow card for Andrew kavna and a yellow card for Steven Murphy there for M ball is in a slap back there into the hands of Martin Cullen Cullen looks to pop a little pass is a good pass out as far as Shan wheel and he needs support

Though get support from Paul Ryan Ryan underneath the stand comes away with this one hops it it through the tackle and he has two men inside him Anthony Quinn is on Maliki Stone as the other it’ll be a free for a push on Paul Ryan he was playing under an advantage and

Dylan dial now is going to go into the book all of a sudden here we have cards being flittered around for all sorts yeah it’s just a blat and push really it’s it’s not one you’d want to be on the yellow card for in the counter

Final no no the players will have to be careful you know picking up yellow cards in the first half you know they have to be careful with their tackling in the second half we’re just about 33 minutes gone we said there be two of injuries there’s actually been no real play in

That two minutes so we could have another two here Martin Cullen gets the ball off to Paul Ryan he goes long looking inside to Johnny Carlin oh Carin done really well to get to the pitch of that one and Pops it off back out the ball R ran just about brings away him

Gives the ball back in as far as Martin Cullen Cullen looks to try and get the ball on the right foot but he gives it back to as far as Jack mall mall solos with this one again just taking the patient approach you know trying to draw the hanur

Defense out it’s in the hands of Shane wheel and back to Maliki Stone and that’s the last P passage of play in this first half it’s as we said six points to barar gets 1-1 tanur after a a war of attrition I suppose of the first

Half bar there goed the first 10 minutes and all of a sudden anura got down and got a wonderfully worked goal and you know Bar D have responded really well to that by working their way back into the game working their way back in front PCH

Yeah I don’t think either team will be overly disappointed really you know I think the two of them like bar der definitely be happy enough like their two points up you know after playing against the breeze an Aur know they haven’t really played that well you know

And and there’s probably more in anur you know so I’d say they’ll go in at halftime and they’ll regroup and and both we feel like they have a real good chance to get in the senior football in 2024 yeah look at that’s it we’re going

To take a quick break here now come back for the second half of this one it’s going to be a cracking game here it’s 1-1 an Aur six points Barn d in the Darcy SS intermediate football final for 2023 we’ll be back shortly don’t go

Anywhere H now now we have with us Jason Smith our intermediate football final for Saturday H referee Jason thanks million for taking a bit of time out to have a chat with uh small sply Jason H just what it actually means to yourself to to get the call and the big

Day for this uh massive final for yourself yeah it was brilliant to get to call um a lot of work and a lot of uh lot of games to be referee J through the year and just Delight to get that call from iy it was it was a nice end of the

Year to get that call and big game tomorrow to go first and uh see how it goes yeah and I suppose look H you’ve been refereeing a couple of years now you’ve been a a breath of fresh air in my book your sty of referee and in all

Suits uh lots of teams the way you you let the game go and and keep tabs on everything at the same time which is an art in itself but you know two teams coming in here tomorrow two real football and teams and I suppose hopefully if the weather gods look down

On us for an hour or two you know with yourself in the middle and these two teams going to H Toe to Toe I suppose it should be a cracking game yeah they both trying and play football and we we hopefully with a good day and um

Hopefully the O pitch holds up because that’s a lot of R today and uh we hopefully be a great game um looking forward to it the lads are looking forward to it the umpires and everyone’s looking forward to it so get a good game a good good day good game should

Follow yeah and I suppose as you just mentioned there a second ago your own players are a huge part of the day and your team as well your your trusted Lieutenant as of all you can you just give us a run through who’ll be standing

On the post with you tomorrow yeah so we have um John Slater and James bars and Alon Rooney from straford um all really good lad been with me all through the years and the last four uh four years with now and Kieran Fleming as well um

He’s come with me with me as well so he refer as well Kieran and he PR to have him with us as well bit experience in the posts and the L been great all year been up and down the county with me and it’s great for them as

Well yeah and I suppose sometimes they can be the unsung heroes really you know no more than yourselves doing the referee and like these games can’t go ahead without you and you know the three Lads as you said and you have Kieran flemon our intermediate hurand referee there last Sunday with huge experience

As well so that’s good going into tomorrow yes it’s massive it gives that little bit of confidence that when you turn your back they have it we have it covered and the same with um with with gett and no doing the line for me as well I know that if anything happens

Behind me they’ve got me covered so that’s that kind of makes me focus on what’s going on ahead of me and what’s going on on the ball itself so that’s that’s just it’s a little bit of things that you know it’s championship and it’s great to have them and even what even

Getting them in league matches is just makes a massive difference on players they they don’t you don’t realize how much they help referees until H you’re in stuck in the middle and things are happening around you and they’re there to give you a dig out yeah yeah I suppose as you alluded

To sometimes these league matches in early February or March or whenever and noires and all you know you’re you’re very much on your own in the Middle with your whistle at that stage I’ve seen it happen for years as you said it gives you great comfort that you can actually

Go about your job with a lot more ease and focus on where the play is and the ball is as well and I suppose from that point of view say you know what would you say any of the younger people looking to get into referee and I know

Sometimes it can get bad press as the F said but any of the lads that do it up to the standard yourselves are doing it today they all seem delighted to be able to do it you know yeah it’s it’s a it’s a strange thing refering like I’ve been

Refering since been 1819 I got injured and you know couldn’t kick a football so run around a pitch um all I can say is you don’t think you’re going to enjoy it until you’re actually doing it and what it really changed is you’re the first person any piece of skill you’re usually

The closest person apart from the player who’s done the piece of skill so you get really good enjoyment from watching really good games you’re you’re you’re doing your job and you’re doing you’re watching for everything but when someone comes along and does a bit of skill and

Puts the ball over the bar and you’re five six yards from them like you know that’s that’s that’s a lot of enjoyment there and there and then um for young come through like I think I’m TR myself as young young as well but um it’s a long road refering you learn a

Lot like the rule book is tricky and it’s it’s it’s a tough uh thing to there’s a lot of rules there but the more experience you get the more you kind of the Clue Into what needs to be done on the pit and decisions need to be

Made and as long as you realize you’re there to facilitate the lads playing football your life gets easier and you just apply the rules and out that and everything else doesn’t really matter um if everyone’s sh at you you’re the maning the way you got in control and

You way you go from there um yeah it’s a lot of experience it’s it’s mainly experience it’s mainly just the first three or four years of refere is always going to be tough is it’s just getting through it and then you’ll get the enjoyment promise any young lad you

You’ll get the enjoyment eventually um promise yeah and look as was on that note Jason thanks a million for taking your time out tonight you have a big day ahead tomorrow you’ll be well up for it well able for um to our umpires and linesmen as well the very best of luck

Tomorrow we’ll see you in Aram and hope everything goes well cheers an thanks very much lovely Thank I guess I guess I I I I can’t I can’t I Can’t I kiss I kiss I kiss I gu I Guess oh I guess I see you somewhere Around oh I guess I see you way Around I guess I guess I Gu I guess I guess I Guess I guess I guess I guess I guess I guess I can’t sh I can’t Sh You’re all very welcome back to uh Aram here for the second half bardari SS intermediate football championship final the halftime score was an auro 1-1 bar der six points and Aur would have played with the a of eight of the breeze in the first half P I think that breeze has

Probably picked up a little bit it’s probably not going to affect the game they’re kind of two teams that run the ball into danger you know up to the danger end of the field anyway doesn’t seem to be many changes Michael Haley has resed from a blood sub other than

That I think no other changes em ball is in G is on Jason Smith throws this one up breaks in the middle of the field again Paul Rin is first to that takes off down the field the ball little hand pass outside into the corner here is

Barar come R and get the ball into burner Quinn breaks one tackle hops the ball again he’s hard stop this man but a brilliant hand in there ball breaks out to Michael Crowley he gets the ball back out to Paul Ryan Ryan as a look tries to

Pick a pass inside to Michael Murphy comes off the hands of Murphy Bob Fitzgerald is Happy enough to come away with that one gets it out underneath the stand again it takes two attempts out are just about kep in by the end of Cor defense Martin o’ri comes away with this

One hand passes up the field but it’s picked off by Martin Cullen just didn’t react there the Coran ball is out right on the sideline between the 14 and the 21 underneath the tricolor here KN as barar kick into the town end here Jack Mall gets this one gives it to Paul R

Top of the D oh didn’t really catch it did he it’s dropping it’s dangerous Bob Fitzgerald is on a good strong fist from Bob Fitzgerald as Michael Murphy was dangerous there a heavy Collision of legs under the ball there both players going full belt for that one and it’s

Leg on leg it’s knee on knee and that’s a sore looking Collision yeah In fairness Johnny Carlin was actually really Brave cuz he went down really early trying I’d say just tried to get to the ball ahead of him like you know and it probably wasn’t his ball to win

At all it looks like legs and knee on knee for me it’s two players there took a heavy heavy Bang there both as all eyes were on the ball to be fair it’s uh is it Adam Healey it’s Adam Healey and Johnny Carin there Johnny Carin

Looks to be in all sorts of distress as well Adam hel is doesn’t look to be gray heater to be fair to the two players I said there was well you can ask no more from a player than to be that brave and go for a ball like there was nobody

Pulling out like both sides Adam he was probably a slight Advantage but Johnny Carin kind of said I’m going for this ball as well you know and and it was was just just a collision two minutes just on the clock here we probably a chance there for Bar

D with Paul Ry just came off his Boot and looped in that led us to this in there is Johnny Carin is just about back to his feet he gets up he looks like he’ll resume Adam heale he doesn’t look to be as Lively at the minute but hopefully he’ll get

Up the referee Jason Smith is just assessing the situation Anthony Quinn is there looks like it’s going to be a throw ball cuz no one was in possession so I can’t be an in direct threee so yeah now they’re siging looking for a sub here so they are for Adam Haley and

You’re right he will have to throw the ball up because and he was right to stop the game as well because like serious it looked like serious enough injuries yeah for all players you know when you see it lash of bodies like that it’s fairly serious so we have Adam Healey

Unfortunately being helped off there that’s I suppose could be just knee on knee or something like that and they’re often very sore and um youan Harper’s about to come in here for Hal is we don’t like to see anyone leaving a pitch like that we hope he’s

Okay he’s he’s putting the leg to the ground anyway which would be a good enough sign but we wish him all the best we hope he’s okay the ball is going to be thrown in Here ball is back in play here as Anthony Quinn looks to get he tried to get the second attempt to Elliot Robinson goes back gives the ball back to Bob fer looks to find his way out the danger area there does well enough to get the ball to Steven Murphy Murphy is

Tackled by one two man oh he gets away there and the second tackle he was fouled yeah he was probably lucky probably the first tackle was probably one that was the free um Anthony Quinns was actually a good tackle I think probably the Paul R tackle is probably

What he gave the freeer ball is taken back in the hands of Bob Fitzgerald and Aur now need to get back into this game get their head in the game and start building Bob fitzgeral comes all the way out to his 45 tries to Loop a hand pass

To James K no he does well he gets it to him as well ball is back into the hands of Michael Healey Healey goes across the field to Martin o’ri o’ri takes it in looks for the foot pass it’s loose though and of C hel Robinson he’ll have

Time to get back and pick this one up Robinson hand passes it back to martiner 65 yards out from the town goal here as they look to come raiding up the field for the first time in this half Martin O’Brien goes to ground get UPS as the

Referee play on it’s a left for kick from Steven Murphy didn’t quite catch it as well as he would have liked and it’s shepher put it out over the line it’s a line Ball but it is a free who playing under Advantage he didn’t po his arm for

The advantage and it looked like he told Martin to get up off the ground to be honest but he has given the free there yeah it was probably just a collision like I don’t think it was uh a black C offense or anything like that say you i’

Say maybe was for a little pullback I said the instruction to an A Car at halftime was to get Martin o’b or the instruction to Martin BR was get on the ball more cuz he have been on the ball more in the second half than he wasn’t

The whole of the first it’s a loose free kick down it’s a free to burn there get picked off by Martin Cen playing back in that pocket doing why he does so well Maliki Stone comes raing forward with the ball gets it out to Shane wheen

Wheen is 65 yards out from the half s steps around the tackle pops it back in as far as Jack mall mall looks up again looks to recycle the ball Bar D again being patient and again on that ball as Martin Cullen fires it out to the

Sideline here as they look to build uh possession for a few minutes to take try and take the sting out an legs oh brilliant pass inside there by Martin Cen finds Maliki Stone way up the field he’s about 40 yards out pops the ball off outside as they look to get into the

Scoring Zone Johnny Carlin has this one he comes back out the field with a do gives it out as far as Martin Cullen Cullen steps inside pops it back outside again it’s into the number seven Jack mall it’s Baron D just really taking control there at the minute and it’s

Into the hands of Anthony Quinn Quinn goes for pops it off to Paul Ryan Ryan sets himself but again it’s gone off it’s gone off to hand of an an kurman it’ll be a 45 and bar just you know I suppose keeping possession without really threatening if you wanted to say

It P yeah I know like they’ve had all the attack and play in this second half but like you know a couple of snapshots as all they’ve had really for it you know but this is an opportunity now with a little bit of Breeze behind him should

Make this a little bit easier to kick this 45 yeah it’s about seven or eight yards to the right hand side of the post kicking down into the town end it’s on this side Here Comes number 20 21 Kevin Haley yeah R brenon Ron have been on a good bit of

Ball there he’s called the shore he’s put in his shift so the kick will be Paul Ry just about 7 minutes on the clock this would make it a three-point game here Ryan doesn’t quite catch this one it’s going way to the left of the post and wide and just never really caught

Hold of a PA the captain there still a two-point game here in Aram as Kevin Healey comes in for Ron and Brennan probably with those the two injuries there earlier on has Tak a little bit of the Fizz out of the game I think you know gone a little bit flat

Even the crowd are going to bit flat since that you know that just that breaking play it’s long kick out again breaks it The Far Side of Fielder K Keagan does really well spills from his possession but hops away to H good effect for the bar AR man hamos has

Gobbled up there is he just do enough is an Aur defense it’s a bit Scrappy an Aur player ellot Robinson goes down on the ball picks up the ball does well he’s gone down holding his shoulder there’s a lot of lads starting to suffer the effects of this one it’s been a I

Wouldn’t have said it was an overly physical encounter but there’s lots of players seem to be starting to blow a little bit Yeah fully committed is what I would say like you know it’s like Lads are are flying into tackles and things like that but it’s just a commitment to

Do getting to the ball or getting in that tackle is all it is with scant regard for themselves for anyone’s safety yeah that’s what it’s about it’s full-blooded and is it going to be another and Aur are not getting the rub of the green here with injuries at the minute

Looks it looks yeah ell Robinson was back from a shoulder operation as well it looks like he’s taking a bang in that shoulder so that doesn’t look good now no you could see it straight away it was like one of those what they call them Stinger injuries you know and the lads

Get it right on the on the on the pressure Point whatever you call it but yeah it looks sore from the from the minute he got the belt yeah no he’s going to come off they looking for him to be taken off and that’s two Defenders

Now they after losing in a short space of time a double blow here for anakar in the first8 minutes of the second half first just under 9 minutes we probably only had two or three minutes of football so Paul McDonald is about to enter the fry here be Paul McDonald for Elliot

Robinson number 24 is in the game so again we’ve as we said we’ve just had a a kind of a broken second half so far 9 Minutes gone Bob Fitzgerald looks to lift The Siege he’s 65 yards out from his own goal pops a little pass off as

Anur tried to get a fo hold in this game try to get up the field they’ve hardly been up the field in the second half Steven Murphy drills the ball again at after outside of his boat and again it’s into Jack mall I can’t understand going

Out to the wings with that type of ball when you have Frank clone and Gard Murphy inside as maliky Stone comes away with the ball he gets it to Shane whe wheen has a look up there’s a man inside as he he looks for his Johnny Carin he’s

Asking a lot of Carlin to get to that he does though he does really well he’s right hand the sideline he’s pushed right hand the sideline there and it’s a free Carlin is playing well down there yeah he actually did well there CU you see actually if he had attacked that

Ball when have bounced first he probably would have run out over the Sid line so he slowed up took the ball got to the edge of the sideline it was like a needless free there really cuz he he was under all sorts of pressure to do something with it 10 minutes on the

Clock Michael Murphy is right just outside the 14 he’ll surely look to give him go or will he have yeah he’ll look to give him go here he does give him go gives it to Paul R an Aur defense get back in numbers does enough to get head

Back to Michael Murphy Murphy tries to get away from two three green and yellow jerseys ball breaks away Michael Healey breaks away with that ball and away come an Aur pmed away oh the crowd under me had their heart in their mouth but it’s got all the way across there Berner

Quinn pressuring the defense again it’s back with Michael Healey Healey has a look up and Pops the pass up the field here as Diana kurman tried to get away did he Touch It On The Ground he did he was under all sorts of pressure Kevin Healey’s touch the ball on the ground

It’ll be a free to Bar D and everything just gone against anakar here with there’s huge pressure on them yeah he didn’t actually see Anthony Quinn coming like you know it’s what it was and and he went to play the ball and then he had

To protect it and he just kind of was a little tangle of legs or whatever it was and he ends up fouling the ball on the ground long ball a looping ball right out to the corners taken by Jack mcau he done really well he turned as he took it

As well brings him back into play gives it back to Paul Ryan Ryan has a look goes out to Johnny Carlin Carlin has hands on the ball has a chance to shoot but drills this one high it’s dangerous diagonal ball oh Murphy’s all over it is

He oh it’s good play it’s touched on the ground it’s hard look from the defender to be fair morphy looked like he got the defender gets his hand on and gets it away but as he fell his hand falls on the ball on the ground to be fair yeah I

Think it I think it was Paul McDonald and he was really unlucky like he could see he was actually he was just being brave again he he’s falling to the ground and’s trying to get something on the ball but he made contact with it the ball was on the ground Fierce unlucky

Really Fierce unlucky is right where looked like Michael Murphy now will make this a three-point game we have just about 12 minutes on the clock you know seven seven points here for barar get a minute now to one1 the worry for anakar is like 1 in nearly 40 40 three two or

Three minutes of the game yeah and it’s still only the first that’s the first score of the second half like we had 12 well probably you’re right probably about 7 Minutes of play with the injuries were after having but you’re right and a COR need to get score Bob

Fitzgerald kicks this one long it goes out hand to the stand side there’s a push in the back over there ball broke away but it was hands on the back there and a COR free as we said they look to lift The Siege now Martin arbri surely the man to

Try and lift it but he stopped in his tracks by Martin Cullen H by kah Keagan Keagan turns him burner Quinn turns him huge pressure on the man on the ball tussle there and burner Quinn drags his man back it’ll be a free T Aur but again

You can see barar have C on to Martin o Brian being the man to hanur want on the ball because there’s huge pressure on him when he gets it yeah have like and you can see the intent in the tackling in the bar players there late tackle there by Michael

Crowley and it’s going to be a free In that’s a black card he’s gone on a Michael Crowley’s gone for 10 minutes on the black card that’s a huge blow there at 13 minutes in the second half so down to 14 men now and this is now a great opportunity for an to get a full hold in

The game and Michael O’Brien is after coming on for Michael Healey there as well M O’Brien is in for mck Healey all changes going on here as an a look as you said to get for ho in the game Paul McDonald top of the D gets it to G

Murphy back to James geg back to Gar Murphy they look to try and get the right man on the ball in the right place it goes through the hands huge numbers back there from the bar dman just trying to hold out now it’s a long 10 minutes

In the second half M o’ BR tries to pick a pass does pick a pass out hen bur good Play here’s bur on the ball solos forward Johnny car on his case good tackling from Carol and alen B gets the ball in along the line by McDonald

McDonald fires this one it’s gone high and it’s gone wide but it’s a free in is the referee for a foul I think it was on Alan bur first it must have been the advantage so yeah great opportunity for um anakar to bring this back to two points and you know

Something to be under the pressure to have been under for 13 or 14 minutes of this second half and if they’re only two points down now it’s not the end of the world you know like this is this is really their their first opportunity to get a score in the second half Frank

Usually good on the he’s very good on this one it’s high and it’s over the bar from Frank Clon it’s 11 one two t it’s seven points to barnar 14 and A2 minutes on our clock here as uh barar are down to 14 men on a black

Card Michael Crowley gone off we’re only about two minutes into that an A Car nearly conceded every kick out in the first half short you know or in around the 45 or something like that but he’s either they not going to do that now long kick down the field look

For burner Quinn again mck O’Brien just gets a hand on it picks it up at the second attempt and Pops it off as far as James Keenan Keenan solos forward it this one has a look up again they look to get the ball to those men inside it’s

Geral Murphy does well twists and turns but there’s numbers back from Bar D there’s a collision of players off the ball play on is the referee Alan bur is on the ball middle of the field in Aram 65 yards out solos has a look pops a

Little pass inside oh it’s well cut out in a heavy heavy Collision on that one there it’s a a heavy Collision but if well obviously the referee feels it’s not shoulder Tosh shoulder yeah that’s what he’s actually saying that he actually caught him on the ribs he’s saying it’s not shoulder to

Shoulder yeah it’s a heavy one in from the side there by Dyan D yeah if well look at supp if it’s probably just m Ed more than anything like you know if it’s it probably was just a little bit in the back it wasn’t shoulder to shoulder i’

Agree with the referee said it might be a bar glad there might agree with you at the minute CU he’s after getting one hell of a d it’ll be a free to burn D deep in their own half here as evening Falls in in Aram as we said it’s one two to seven

Points the free is taken and it’s come back into the hands of Aron Jackson he gives a back out there to AR call it’s in the hands of uh Andrew kav kavna comes up the field with this one again he needs support that support is not

There as much as it was but kavna does well enough to get out of trouble Maliki Stone breaks the tackle Cuts back inside again hard work from the kman but Maliki stone is tackled tackled Again by mik oine turned over by mik oine there’s a man inside there’s a chance here Martin

O’Brien comes riding up the field the ball was turned over O’Brien looking for goal oh brilant save by Aon Jackson wonderful save by Jackson and really good work for Mick O’Brien to turn that one off set up the chance he found a little pass inside which was offloaded

To Martin orrine oine Anthony Quinn actually done really well here he showed him away from the goal he narrowed the angle but what a save from The Keeper as well yeah great save um from Aaron Jackson and it probably was it was a goal opportunity when m o BR turned the

Ball over like when he got it into Kevin Healey you know and he he probably should have maybe maybe retained possession and used Martin o’b later cuz when Martin o’ri got the ball he still had to be an awful lot to do yeah he

Still had a lot to do like you know and 45 will be from Gard Murphy 17 and a half minutes on the clock this to put the minimum between the teams Murphy kicks this one slips as he kicks it dangerous but it’s not dangerous for Aaron Jackson comes out takes it on his

Chest get the ball out as far as his corner back James Cen Cen plays a little one two and comes down the line here barar give a lot to do oh looked like a late tackle enough now it’s a line ball ranar Martin Michael Murphy is out underneath the

Ball anaura retrieved the ball here and it’s it’s all anak at the minute we were expecting we were expecting an Aur to come strong anyway but especially with the extra man pods yeah since since the black card has actually happened an Aur have actually change the way they’re

Playing they’re putting more and more pressure on Baron derin to have the ball great hand in from Maliki Stone back there gets the ball as far as Anthony Quinn little one to gets it out to Jack mall mall took his eye off and and it’s m O’Brien who caused the turnover gets

It back to Dylan Dy di is tackle play on As the referee gives it to Martin o’r it’s a lopy hand pass it’s a heavy collision with Evan dial and burner quen again these boys are putting everything on the line on both sides it’s almost

Like a rolling m in there at the minute it’s yeah well the player that went down the ball Paul McDonald gets his free gets his Advantage but there’s another player down from anacor here after taking a heavy heavy knock and he seems in a little bit of distress couple of

Players gone over to him well to tell you the truth right that that was a collision with SP Quinn EV and Bernard Quinn Evan D was obviously really badly hurt but he played on the ball was on the ground he goes and gets it gives it

Off to a player and then he goes down like he didn’t go down injured when he received a hit first because the ball was there and he knew how important it was to win it because this is now an opportunity to get an Aur back to a point you know so they’re really

Capitalizing on it when bar arer down to 4 te Players it’s Frank cloon he’s pretty much Central in front of the goal here Evan dial is up to be fair to him he’s took a heavy heavy bang and he’s up so it’ll be a kick from Frank clone straight forward for Frank straight forward it is it’s one3 to s points we

Have 19 1/2 minutes on the clock here in Aram this one is going all the way down to the end with about three and 1 half minutes left on a black card can Bar D do just do damage limitation here now and that’s exactly what they need to do

Bar D if anacor get the next score and they get back level even if bar der get back to 15 they still have them under serious pressure high ball down the the break comes to theur man and it’s a free anur for tackling for fouling there’s a

Player gone down on the far side that player is kahal Keegan he’s injured free is taken quickly play on As the referee an Aur come Raiden again long ball inside dangerous ball inside there’s a hand on it from the defender gal Murphy does he get to it no he doesn’t two

Three players go for it an Aur come up with possession gal Murphy gets it back to Kevin Healey Healey pops a little pass outside does really well again anur get the ball to Dyan Dial Dial underneath the scoreboard looks to come back out with it it’s loose it’s out but

Martin O’Brien reacts first O’Brien will be there with it first the physios are all over the field here there’s bodies all over the field it’s a breakdown though in a loose hand pass there and there’s going to be there’s two Barn arig men down now signal we after having

The red card there’s a red card gone to someone it’s Dyan Dy Dyan Dy Dylan doy hased it looked to be a stray red is it no gave me yellow gave him a yellow and then and gave him a red oh it’s all after Happening Here in the last few

Minutes Dylan D gone for a red the captain there’s two barar men down injured three bar AR men down injured two with cramp one from the injury Dylan D walks out to the line there’s a sub going to come on for Bar D here’s number 17 Joe

O oh it’s all Happening Here in Aram PGE yeah it surely is it’s K Keegan is the first one that’s definitely coming off and that’s who Jo Jo o is coming on for um like it looks like looks like James cullin is down with Kamp and Paul Ryan

Obviously down with that with that injury but that that’s going to be a massive blow tanak Cara going down to 14 players and while the player is down injured the Black Card time is now running down as well you know so the opportunity like that should have been a

Real good opportunity for anakara maybe to get back level but a great turnover from Paul ryant brilliant turnover yeah it was a loose enough hand pass like anur were asking all the questions airb have been manful to the end as number three k Keegan comes off number 17 as we

Said Jo comes on we have 22 minutes gone we’ve eight to go here with another minute on the black card if I’m right so it’s you know anyone tuning in here and sees a score of 13 to Seven Points don’t let that fool you this has been an un

Merciful Battle of both sides both teams given everything they have it’s been physical it’s been tough we’ve had cards we’ve had injuries we’ve had everything but now we have Andrew kavner coming down the field with the ball pops it to Anthony queenn gives it to Johnny Carlin

Carlin looks for a little ball ins said oh brilliantly red B it’s just hands on it there an Aur do come up with possession it’ll be a free out surely it is a free out and that’s a big interception on Michael Murphy there cuz bar Dara got down the field they were

Looking ders Glen Austin comes away with the ball an aura look to get down the field they’re looking for another score to get at least level in this one gets the ball to Martin O’Brien O’Brien still going gives the ball out as far as the number seven Len Austin Austin just

Spills it Johnny Carlin tries to get ban gives it to Martin o good hands from o gets the ball back to alen b b is 65 yards out from the hers send it’s back around and it’s in through the hands of the anakar man a wonderful outside the

Boat pass there finds Yan Harper Harper solos forward with this one gives the ball to Steven Murphy Murphy pops it off to make O’Brien O’Brien has a look up sizes up his options 45 yards out hand passes it all across the field good play Here by Anna CER just trying to tease

Out it patient they’re trying to tease out the defense Kevin Healey says he’s had enough I’m going long to garod it’s a high dangerous Ball g get hands on it ball breaks inside he’s well shephered back there away comes kavner with the ball good defense by barnar and up the

Field they come it’s into the hands of Anthony Quinn Quinn solo 65 yards out from his own goal gets past the middle of the field gets to the 65 it’s loose Johnny Carlin oh well done from Carlin to get it that he was nowhere near the

Favorite to get it out he’s done really well he recycles possessions and wins he’s free that’s a big moment in this game yeah and it’s another example of pis just been really really Brave you know um show no regard for their own safety At All by just throwing

Themselves in for the ball and he had to do that cuz if he didn’t do that James Keenan had it and they were gone on a break up the field back in the phas as Michael Crowley after his back black card it’s one3 to s points 24 and 1 half

Minutes on the clock it’ll be afraid to burn D nobody said it was going to be easy but this one never was no just going back to the last attack there Yun Harper did really really well like you know intercepting that pass into Michael Murphy you know and and and if he didn’t

Do that was probably going to be a score for Baron Derek almost you know done so well and almost lost it and it back again the second time they done really really well as I said it’s 24 25 minutes on the clock here who has the last few

Minutes in the legs who can get over the line here in the Darcy SS intermediate football championship final Paul Ryan has the ball in his possession bar darel to try and work a score off of this so they gone all the way back tendra havav happy enough to go backwards to him he

Gets the ball solos with it has a look up picks a little pass it’s a flowy looking one the ball R mck O’s all over Johnny Carlin is there done well again Carlin gets the ball in as far Martin uh Martin Cullen Cullen gets the ball down

The line it’s loose though again from Paul Ryan it’s into the hands of Alan BN BN gets the ball to Martin O’Brien O’Brien pops it off to G Murphy little one two and Away comes Martin O’Brien solos with this one two County finals in a week for Martin O’Brien you wouldn’t

Think it to look at he’s been immense in this one again to be fair hanur of won the free of numbers on this side and they come up the field with hen bar Barn is still going he’s nearing his 40 year now and he just won’t stop going he’s

Driving an Aur forward great play from alamor you know in moments like this that’s when you need players to do something inspirational and that’s what anakar need are going to need Alan bne and Martin O’Brien and these Lads to drag them out of this now one three to seven points here loose

Pass inside again it’s gathered up by James Cen Cullen’s in all sorts of trouble trying to get rid of it the ball goes the ground it’s all over the place in there it’s picked up with Frank clone clone twists and turns and tries to find

A little bit of space to swing that leg Steven Murphy tries to break the tackle of Maliki Stone scores forward it’s a free in hanur a free end hanur it looked like it might be over carrying but they just about I think it’s the first tackle

From malakis son he almost holds him up like a choke tackle he doesn’t he gets his arms around him here I think that’s where the free came from the two arms it’s Championship time it’s Frank Clon has this one with 27 minutes just about gone this will level

The teams here in Aram at seven points to one four if it goes over there’s a change coming here it’ll be Michael Cullen coming on we’ll be interesting to see who goes oh Frank clone has kicked this one and it’s gone to the right and wide you have put the house on Frank

Clone kicking that one so uncharacteristic but on such in such days like pressure is County final pressure is huge yeah 99 times out of 100 Frank CL had kicked those without a shadow of a doubt Mich number 12 Michael Crowley Michael Cen comes on for Michael Crowley just

After he came back in there after his few minutes in the in the bin Aron Jackson possession vit from this kick out Shane wheelen is on this sideline looking for it they’re happy to leave him there they go long down Paul r hand on it from Paul Ry gets it to Martin Cen

Cen tries to get a hand on it breaks away from Martin O’Brien has it gets it Talen B Bon pops it off to Glen Austin here come the anoran down into the Herbst and H Kevin heale is on the ball has a look oh brilliant ball inside

Glenn Austin has a chance here kicks this one high and kicks it over we’re level we’re level in Aram it’s 14 to s points 28 minutes on the again the driving force Martin O’Brien and and Alan bne driving forward with Glen Austin he got down the line a q

Hangle for you know he’s a back by trade as the fell said it didn’t pH him though he kicked a great score yeah and just off that kick out like an auro went long and it was Paul R was competing for it and all the big men to have in the

Middle but fantastic score here come anura again ra they’ve won the break in the middle of the field Mick O’Brien gets his head up picks a pass across to Martin O’Brien is broken away from him by uh Joe o o gets or Tom o gets his

Boat to it follows it himself to number two good play by him to keep it in if he can has he got the legs to keep going alen bur he’ll go back down and try and pick this one up he goes close to the ground he does enough alen bur gets it

Back as far as Bob Fitzgerald Fitzgerald is pressured but a loose looking foot pass here and it’s Mick O’Brien will get everything out of his legs to try and keep this ball alive he does keep the ball alive Jo comes down tackles him and does well m is strong enough to get H

The second time goes to ground with that one and it’s going to be a free in M O’Brien but his head down and charged I think the referee is saying I’d say m oen couldn’t do anymore because I’d say he was out on his feet he was yeah cuz

He had to work so hard to get the ball first Jos was actually really good you know nearly turned it over first and then Mick bran was under pressure and and and In fairness that Baron D glads got around him the kind of sense that he

Was under pressure and he gave away a free Michael Murphy has a huge opportunity here to put Bar D in front with this free it’s not easy for for a right footed kicker he’s about eight or nine yards to this right hand post kicks this one it’s not coming in either it’s

Gone high and it’s gone wide and that’s pressure on both sides but two of the best free takers you’ll ever see have missed one each there in the D moments we’re going to have five more minutes of this and as a neutral I’m not sorry because it’s a cracking game yeah it

Surely is and and like you’re right if you were looking in you saw the score you say it was a negative game and all defensive it hasn’t been that at all here come manur with the ball it’s to you and Harper Harper oh lose hand pass

From him Johnny Carlin picks it up gets the ball to Paul Ry there’s numbers who has the gas in the legs now Paul Ryan has the gas the the captain of this team gets it on his left foot oh it’s not he’s kicking foot it’s gone to the left

Of the post and wide and oh it’s like no one wants to win I think they’re happy enough to come back yeah you know like there’s after been plenty of missed opportunities there now in the last couple of minutes it’s going to take somebody with a cool head or somebody to

Do something inspirational that’s going to win this game for one team or the other we’re half a minute H injury time Alan bne is down injured Rob Fitzgerald is looking to take the kick out henb bur is after lifting his team on two or three occasions in the last 10 minutes he

Found himself having to go right back into the carner mik position to come out with this one he’s having a look they’re having a look at them they’re putting out the hand hardly another injury for anakar because actually you had to work really really hard to close down Paul Ryan

There you would have fancy Paul Ryan to get around Alan bur but he did really well Bob fer goes along out the field again looking for Martin O’Brien but it’s picked off by Steve Murphy Murphy goes to ground huge numbers around him Murphy needs to get rid of it throws the

Leg out Anthony Quinn does enough to pick it off good play by barar there just putting the pressure on the kicker to forc them to kick away possession Shane Whelen is now in possession the next couple of minutes vital of course it goes it out saying we’re a minute and

A half into injury time Martin Cullen gets the ball to Johnny car Carin cuts inside cing is off his shoulder does enough to get back to him little foot pass in as far as JOS A didn’t go to ground should have picked it up ball breaks away James Keenan gets it to M

O’Brien gets it to alen bne No affects there they’re playing under an advantage Burne goes to ground Martin O’Brien has gone up the field with this one has a look up Kicks a long ball up to garod Murphy oh it’s gone over him carner back stayed down and just done enough gets

The hands on the ball Michael Cullen gets it and gives it to Jack mall he goes back gives it out as far as Andre kav here come bar der is there one more attack in barnar can an Aur break him down and get the ball up the field there’s numbers everywhere no no

Position means anything here anakara just looking to defend uh barar looking to try and find a way through it’s number five Shane Wheeling gives it to Martin Cullen Cullen gives it to Johnny Carlin trust his left boat it’s been good all day he finds Maliki stone stone

Gets the ball out to Michael Cullen on the far side cuts back inside gives it they’re looking to get into the scoring Zone as they call it Jack Mall tries to go forward he’s stopped gets the ball to Michael Cullen into Andrew kav kav oh it’s loose and it’s Johnny Carlin in a

Full race here Carin does well enough does he he’s turned over Martin Cullen goes down a chance for anakar here Kevin Healey has done great work has a look up he’s two options inside one of them is Frank clone clone wants it over the top

Clone has it over the top this could be the game the final moment he has either legs to finish in the ass it’s a goal for anakar a goal with almost the last it again we’re three minutes into injury time we said there be five frankon got in behind a brilliant turnover looked

Like Bar D had the ball in possession down the field it was turned over it’s two4 to Seven Points what a finish P yeah just tired legs there from bar der working hard to keep possession but Kevin Healey did really well you know he he was the one that won the turnover and

Gave a smashing pass into Frank clo and he kept his cool and scored a goal kick out is down as far as Andrew kavet a free free to kavet they won’t let him take it remove it up to the referee play on Shane Wheeling comes away with this

One is there anything left in the bar D legs Here Comes burner Quinn Quinn cuts inside tries to break the tackle gets it away they’ll have to get in to the danger area and the Quinn had his hand held play away is the referee Paul McDonald goes the ground is he being

Held play away as is the referee McDonald does well mck O’Brien tackles Shane wheel and Wheeling does well to Come Away With The Ball he’s playing on an Advantage there’s no Advantage there this one is going to be left in on the cross I’d imagine oh what a finish we

Have here in Aram and Aur need to get numbers back someone should be shouting there because they’re very slow to get men back although there’s no bar aric men on the Square either it’s dropped in by Martin Cullen it’s a high looping ball it’s dangerous it’s caught in there

Brilliant maliky Stone gets a boot to it buff it’s Gerald goes down gets the ball and H passes it away half a chance gone Stone reacts comes out cuts inside one tackle tries to get the ball away to Anthony Quinn but it’s a free in says

The referee Jason Smith a free in there for a pull back and there’s anur hers are pounding all around us anacura hearts are pounding all around us here it’s a huge hanging ball in B comes out oh it’s boxed over by burner Quinn he guys hand out it could have went

Anywhere it’s gone over the bar oh nine times out 10 yeah and the last opportunity that Maliki Stone got I I think I’m not sure who it was I think somebody got some sort of contact to stop him getting the clear strike on goal like we’re down to the last two two for

Hanur injury time is up it’s two for hanur it’s eight points the mar two points in it subti 22 [Applause] Number [Applause] the kick out will be from Bob fer long kick to the middle of the field we’re going to have another play Oh Andrew kav’s caught kavna looks to take it quickly they won’t let him move it up say the referee it’s all this game is is

Just not over yet you get the feeling Martin Cullen will take this one it’s going to land in around the danger area again it’s not going in Far Enough probably oh the referee is g a penalty for a pull down in the background oh Anthony Quinn he did go to

Ground he did go to ground a player def on a red card a straight red card he said it was a punch throne in the background there the player went down and it’s a penalty to Barn D oh my God this is an end and you’ll never see

Anywhere I going to have to go home and get into the bed after this bu yeah to tell you the truth I just looked at the clock on the last kick out and the 35 minutes were up so it was up to the referee how much more he was going to

Play serious pressure here on the baron Derek player absolutely serious Pressure yeah I yeah I’m not sure it’s looks like it’s going to be Johnny car who who got the red card Lads you and Harper you and Harper got the red card on this so it’s two four day points it’s a penalty to Baron dar it’s Johnny Carlin this kick pretty much

Decides whether anakar or Barn d going to be senior next year Johnny Carin steps up I wouldn’t like to be him I wouldn’t like to be Bob Fitzgerald here we go he steps up oh it’s in the back of the net Johnny Carlin has buried it burn

D have got a l goal it looked like Frank clone’s goal was enough it’s 24 to 18 here now surely there can’t be any more time left we’re 37 minutes on the clock Bitz JD will take this kick out it’s Harvard there’s a Player gone to ground

The middle of the field now get up says the referee cuz I think this one it’s going to be a final whistle is it it’s not you know he’s going to play another minute ball breaks in the middle of the field and is Michael Cen right out on

The sideline huge Rook of blers it’s all over barer the Darcy SS intermediate football champions for 2023 a kraken game a kraken finish heartbreak for anaura who were right there in the last minute it’s unbelievable that penalty oh I don’t know what to say no I

Really don’t like to tell you true it’s nearly the 2016 final you know that AGB scored a late goal you know to to get up senior but I have a lot of sympathy for lakur players that must be completely out in their feet you know obviously to had won

The game and to surviv the two goal chances and you know and uh you can see them and they gave it everything both teams gave it everything really fully committed display by both teams look and I suppose up till the point of Frank clone’s goal You’ say bar deric were

Value for the lead yeah at that stage I know anur had came at them and came at them but you said to probably weather the storm with the black card they did yeah I don’t think play teams would have complained with a draw really you know particularly after an the cor scoring

The goal you know I’d say if you offer bur or burn ear a draw they would have taken it at that stage all right but it just shows you how important was even to get that first score that Bernard Quinn got to get them within two and then they

Got another chance with the penalty and the took it and and John Carlin was Ice cool with that penalty ice cool indeed it’s a it’s a it’s a brilliant score and a brilliant game [Applause] yeah look at I mean we’ve you know I don’t know what more to say as said your hard to go out anur your hard to go out hanur here it’s a burn up senior in football and I suppose when you look at Andrew Cav staying at home from representing his

Country today I suppose it gives him something you know to have a cup and a medal this but again it’s it’s it’s just one of those games you know as you said if you look at that result in the paper tomorrow 24 to8 as you said oh sweepers

Defenders you know another one of them going for the ball you know and you said with no regard for safety their own safety a lot of the time being late going in and whatever and like you know um and there was there was so many

Examples of that where Lads had to go be really really Brave and put their body on the line to go and win that ball for for their team and like the prize is massive here like it must be the biggest prize winning the intermediate Championship to get up into senior you

You win senior already there and you go play L club and also senior Championship but this is the one that gets you up to play with the big boys now yeah and look either at those teams in fairness do the way to play football to be a credit to a

Senior Championship as we said we’re going to stay alive for the presentation and those sorts of things we’d like to thank you for watching today we hope you’ve had a really exciting as exciting a look as we’ve had because it’s been a wonderful game of football we’ll be back

Tomorrow with the final between rat new and blessington it’s on at half two we’ll be going live around quarter past 2 or 2:00 yes sir Steven we’d like to thank everyone here for all their help bringing this game to you and we’ll be back tomorrow with the big match the

Final between rat new and blesson please tune in I guess I guess I can’t I can’t I Can’t I I N Once again very much appreciated to the ground staff and all the STS thank you very much for today and all year to Anna caror this is the har defeat second year in a row but I have no doubt you will be back again you’re doing wonderful work there

With your juvenile and there’s no doubt it won’t be too long before you be up the steps here in Ed Park and outome to Bar D you have made history today in your Club once again last weekend you were victorious in your Junior Hing Championship but today he have become pict glorious and

Intermediate and now have become senior football for next year Well Done to each and every one in the [Applause] club okay without further Ado if the players of the merary team we like to come forward please all the players come forward before we do the presentation the captain has asked for

All the players to come up behind him here for the presentation he’s up behind here [Applause] Just the players last just the [Applause] Players okay but never far to do I going to have over the power [Applause] [Applause] L First things first this is a huge Honor [Applause] firstly I just want to say a few words to an Aur it was an unbelievable game out there today right the last couple of years so always a Savage battle today was absolutely no different and just my heart goes out to you the last couple of

Minutes of the game there it could have gone either way it was just a brilliant game of football and it was a huge honor to be part of it so three cheers for anura [Applause] hiip I’d just like to thank the match officials for a great game today as well um the

Grounds Cy grounds here in Aram unbelievable condition after a few incredibly wet days um I I suppose moving on to the support that we had here today absolutely incredible and it’s not just today it’s the last couple of months since December last this year um it’s just been the sacrifice that you

Us to put in for us the commitment everything that you have to put up to family members friends girlfriends boyfriends whatever is uh just a huge round of applause for the support here [Applause] today moving on to the lads standing up behind me here today just I can’t into words the amount

Of sacrifice these Lads have put in throughout the year hard work dedication I just absolutely incredible a team like I’m just so proud to be a part the have the E LS as friends um just it’s just a huge honor and I just want to say a huge thank you for the

Hard work that you put in this year Lads thanks very [Applause] much moving on to a couple of special mentions and um just I can’t put into words the respect I have for these men they’re uh Martin Cullen the chairman k k O’Brien our strength in Comming coach Johnny

Carlin getting the lads into serious Nick All Season hard work commment and not just that a year ago today Johnny Carling got an ACL surgery done he’s back here on the county grounds wining the championship for that’s absolutely incredible so well done [Applause] Johnny D iian what can I

Say just all year the absolute effort that you put in is just you can’t put it into words half an hour 45 minutes an hour before training every single time you go up for a gym session Daman was there you go up just for a kick around Daman was there

The man slept on the pitch it was unbelievable the hard work and dedication and just the commitment for our team thanks very much Damien massive honor thank you very [Applause] much our wrap it up there I’m both just get a picture with all the young barard

Sporters out on the pitch with the cup um sh let’s let’s have a good night three cheers for anakota H pip H pip h p let’s go it’s the man of the match award now you’re all trying to think now who’s the man of the match Johnny [Applause] [Applause] Carin than

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