Golf Babe

The Happy Hour Podcast – The HHPod Featuring Adult Film Star Freya Von Doom

eatured Guest: Freya Von Doom
Hosted By: Ray & Matt from Scissorfist
Episode Preview:
We get into our New Years Resolutions
A peeping Tom is caught peeping wearing only a Ronald Regan mask and a sock…
We get into the weirdest NYE Drop Celebrations
A man gets high on shrooms while wearing a chicken suit
We talk about Adult Happy Meals (finally)
A Robot Kills Himself
Our Final 12 Smash or Dashes of Christmas
800 terms for the penis Letter H continued
OH The Humanity!!!

#Beer #Babes #comedy #thehappyhourpodcast #Thehhpod #mature #adult #adultcontent #podcast #interview #live #show #liveshow #livestream #baltimore #maryland #comedy #comedian #pornstar #pornstarpodcast #xxx #breasts #boobs #Bigboobs #hot #hotchick
#tit #tits #sexy #games #funny #blonde #milf #thick #curvy #shots #crazy #roku #firetvstick4k #rileyjean #horror #halloween #funfacts #sexfacts #prettywoman #models # #vixen #naughtyamerica #pimpcherry #nubilesfilms #slayed #deeper #xconfessions #pornhub #phub #prn #adult #sexy #romance #movie #film #davidlee #thehub #hollyrandall #podcast #hotmodels #milf #adult #comedy #podcast #baltimore #freyavondoom

We all just creatures heading from how we know we’re living we we’re always just fighting to ser and ladies and gentlemen this is the Happy Hour podcast of course I’m Ray this is our final episode of 2023 and of course Matt fiser from scissor fist he is back with us of

Course Matt how you doing Ray good man good so of course that was the last this is the last episode where of course shout out to roses unread their song creatures has been our intro theme for the last uh for the last six months so real quick before we uh we have our

Guest Freya come in Matt what I want you to do is I want you because you know of course since this is the ending of Our Song for this chapter of the HH pod going into the New Year why don’t you announce what our intro song is going to

Be for June through from January to June the new song is uh H the recent scist track called Burton it’s uh it’s available on all the streaming platforms anyone that You’ wish to use you may can find it there uh or you can go to bank

Camp and download it and pay for it if you want uh it’s a banger and I’m honored to be a part of this lovely established podcast yeah so and I mean that’s the thing so you will hear burden as our official this shit’s hard January 6 our January 6th episode

We’ll be win that debuts as our newest theme so of course we’re right here on YouTube live and of course as always on Roku and Fire TV via pod Nation TV so what I’m going to do I’m going to go ahead and let Freya in here and we’re

Going to rock and roll and of course you know the last year for this show like I can’t even sit there I’m going to get a little bit into it a little bit later but the last year of this show has been absolutely amazing and hey there’s our

Guests right there there’s fre Von Doom who’s uh who’s joining us on the show right now she’s get still says she’s connecting audio so she should be ready to rock and roll there in a minute but no the last year has been amazing of course we’re now monetized on

YouTube of course the Roku TV all that stuff has came in the past year for us so you know all kinds of things have happened for us of course an amazing um outing at Exotica this year which was fun how you doing how are you welcome to

The show he’s got to hit the unmute button oh yeah I got hit here let me you have the little yeah or you have’t un muted I don’t know I’ll hit it from my side and they I’ll ask her to unmute there we go how you doing still yeah still nothing she’s

Still silent says she’s connecting all right there we go so let’s see there she is you doing Welcome to the thank you for joining us for our final episode of 2023 which 2023 has been one hell of a roller coaster ride on this show and Freya I don’t know if you did

Any research on the show before coming on but of course it goes a little bit of everywhere anywhere we just don’t come on and ask you 10 million questions we may talk about sex we may not talk about sex we have news articles we have all

Kinds of other fun stuff and real quick Freya what are you drinking of course this is the Happy Hour podcast so what do you gotell yeah I am sipping on my favorite drink of all time Jameson my kind of [ __ ] woman hell yeah shout out Jameson actually um last year or the

Year before that I made a Jameson Christmas tree all out Jameson Christmas bottles and it got oh nice so [ __ ] yeah that’s dope nice nice and what I’m gonna do I’m gonna get into our current feature beer which is the last night of our current feature beer which is by a

Beat tub Brewing Company it is Christmas Ale so go out you may still see some of this it is Santa Claus with trusty alligators flying him through the skies and of course police love it whenever they put a nice little description were you guys when you guys made that Santa

Claus with [ __ ] alligators yeah and it says Christmas Ale each year at the be at Bea Brewing Company we craft a special dark ale for the holiday season then Papa noo harnesses up his team of Gators and makes his special delivery the recipe the recipe changes each year so

That a Bea Christmas Ale is always the perfect gift so go out and pick some of this up is is that uh like brood in Florida or something uh I believe where did it say it’s got to [ __ ] be right right I feel like that would be the

Whole gimmick guy flying Gators I would imagine so I got to look it up 100% oh no wait Aida Springs La Louisiana so that makes sense oh yeah it works too they got G they got Gators down there too I see SW people do you like what’s up do you like it

Oh it’s great it’s great I love it so if you go make sure you go out try the Christmas Ale well we end up with a I’m glad this isn’t an IPA we end up with so many ipas on the show and I’m not a huge IPA guy but especially in Baltimore

There’s just so many everywhere so anytime I can get out of doing a an an IPA it’s amazing so what I’m gonna do also is because we forgot about it last week is our featured shots of course our featured shot shout out to bardi Gold so that is our current featured shot I

Always say bardi is a good mixer bardi is not like a good like you know drinking on your own type thing of course Freya May disagree because she’s drinking her Jameson straight down which is the only way to drink Jameson cheers I would have known I

Would have got some Jameson and we could have just rock I’m actually I’m actually kind of like laying off the booth for like uh well I’m trying to for like like a month you know uh I’m not I’m not some sort of thing where I’m like oh I’m attending AA

You know and all that [ __ ] no I just like i’ I’ve thoroughly punished myself for you know the most of my life so it’s like ah maybe I should give I’ll try giving a rest it ain’t like a New Year’s res resolution just to be clear on that

You know so so you’re a big Jameson fan so what what’s the worst night you’ve ever had with Jameson the worst night I’ve ever had with Jameson is when I mixed Jameson tequila and gold slogger together that was a horrible time um let’s not do that I ended up blacking

Out and I woke up on a park bench with glitter on me dressing so like 21 22 out there partying constantly you’re like oh [ __ ] it and then you wake up the next day oh this is this is not where I should have been yeah those those days are those days are

Well behind me at this point yeah those days are well behind me too but when I think of the age range of 20 to 25 around the age when I met my wife roughly I’m like there’s a lot of Darkness there and that’s mainly because there were a lot of blackouts and we

Would drink from yeah that’s when it was like Sunday and then Sunday to Wednesday and that’s just the way that it works so so Freya of course you are in the adult film industry of course most of 99.9% of our guests are and you are you’re you’re relatively short so you are relatively

Short so how often do you do movies with like giant men like I’m talking about like someone that’s like seven foot or eight foot tall because I don’t know why like when I see someone that’s shorter like I I I my mind automatically goes to

I need to see like a really short person and a really tall I don’t know why like do you ever have that like do you get requests if someone’s like look I need you to be with a giant I get that request constantly from all my fans because I’m only 4 foot

Eight yeah so um for me everyone’s giant um if you’re 5 foot two I’m like5 f um kind of thing so for me everyone’s giant but I had a lot of requests to work with really big people like Rocky Emerson and because she’s like six foot something

Yeah and then to work with like Javon Jordan he’s one of my good friends and he’s six foot six and I’m literally I I do [ __ ] scenes with him standing up because I’m so yeah um so I work with a lot of really tall people and I get a request

For a lot and mostly I work with bigger people because I’m so small so it’s that huge like whoa shock factor and and with that of course you’re so you said your your for 4 fo8 so with that with dwarfism what what is like the the actual requirements of that like are you

A little bit above that or like like I I believe you are but what like do you know what that actually is is it like blow so I think dwarfism is like when they’re actually like they have like some yeah there there’s features yeah to them and I’m just super tiny like I’m

Just like pocket size like just I would say I don’t even know what I am because I wanted to call myself like a [ __ ] because I didn’t really have any of those features but then when I’d see all these people that are midgets they all like nobody looks like

Me that’s my height let me just put it that way like I don’t understand so I don’t feel like I fit in any of those categories because I don’t have any deformities and I don’t have like that body type of a usual [ __ ] like I don’t

Have those I’m trying not to like hurt people’s feelings or anything but having like this little we call them little people yeah I a little like I I like to say I’m [ __ ] Thumbelina cuz like a tiny little like fairy floating around but yeah I don’t know what category I

Because I am technically in that eight like that size like I’m supposed to be in a [ __ ] um what’s it called booster seat in the car because really I’m the height of a 10y old so and I just found out out because one of my friends he had

A baby and his kid is like 23 years old now and he wants to get out of his [ __ ] seat and so he made his go Dad Google it and we cracked up so hard because I’m the height of somebody that should be in a seat in the back seat on

A little child booster so that that was interesting to find have you have you ever gone somewhere and you like like of course you go into restaurants and stuff like that and you have like the Boost have you ever went in and like the table

Was just a little like too high and like you kind of like had to hold your yeah all the time when I go out clubbing even when I wear high heels the bar is like up to here on me and I’m like hello you hear me you 100% getting

Carded outside yeah all the time yeah yeah I was say i’ look at your ID and still not believe you you know what I mean I’m like no this is [ __ ] there’s way brought facts I’m like I remember Ren and Stimpy um the angry be like have to drop facts on some uh

Some bartenders or bouncers and they’re like oh [ __ ] I don’t even know that I’m like I could be your mom like bro that’s like everywhere I love it I used to hate getting carded but now I [ __ ] live for it if I don’t get I’m like what

The hell am I starting to lift my age like no no it’s it’s insane because like like I don’t I don’t smoke my wife smokes so I go out every so often I pick up cigarettes for her and like me like I always I like since high school I’ve

Always had the beard so I’ve always looked older than what I actually am and like I have a lot of gray coming through and all that now so like I rarely ever get carded I rarely ever got carded before I needed to be carded and so it’s

The thing that I went out last week and I actually got carded and I just kind of looked at the person like really like I have like gray in my beard like you know like it’s like I’m 38 like I don’t look like I’m at least 40 like come on and I

Felt a little good but I was just kind of like okay I mean did it make you feel good though I mean a little bit but it was more of just so I just want to get my shin Le like I can see if freya’s next to me and she looks like a

Toddler like height yeah they do that sometimes like where they have to scan the ID and [ __ ] too like I like I feel like they just randomly like a convenience stores will like buckle down like one week and like they will scan the back of like your driver’s license I know that they’ve

Done that to me a couple of times yeah but I mean they they they ask me for the ID but they it’s it’s in a manner of like we kind of know you’re of age but we’re being forced to do this right now I’ve only seen like [ __ ] WWA on Royal

Do that [ __ ] my favorite is my I’ve accidentally washed my wallet and my pants at least three times like I would forget that it was there so the barcode is all [ __ ] up so my favorite is when they go to scan the barcode and they’re hitting this [ __ ] like 40 [ __ ] times

And I’m just like yeah it’s not going to work like it’s [ __ ] up from being washed like a half dozen times and Freya of course we brought up like a request so of course one of my favorite questions is what are the oddest requests you get I know Hub just

Released like it’s its most requested in clips for sale giant giantism or whatever it is giant giantis or whatever it is called is a big thing where people want you to gianti keep he keeps saying it just giant tits keeps coming out of his mouth what’s the odest request you get

The odest requests like the oest constant requests or like the oest request in general just in general what pops right into your mind when when we ask well there’s this one guy that likes for me to cover myself up to my knees and peanut butter and like my feet

Everything up to peanut butter and I’ll put my camera right here and he just literally he wants the camera my feet to hear and I’ll be watching Netflix and we’ll watch the shows together and he just hangs out with my feet like that like just about every other week and

He’ll this [ __ ] draws this draws me insane I need some [ __ ] passive income like that you like like I I’d sign my girl up in a [ __ ] heartbeat like like I’m so glad I asked these questions so with with the peanut butter so you do that with the peanut butter yeah how

Much do you go through a whole jar of peanut butter when you do this like and do you use like a specific brand one better than the other for like you know the whole cover yourself down with it and then you know watch movies like does

One like stick more than the other or anything like that um I don’t really notice too much I usually just grab whatever peanut butter I can reach and I’m just kidding he likes the Smoothie the smooth peanut butter yeah yeah you got to go with smooth and I I would recommend

Jiffy I or JF not Jiffy JF that we we use that around my house how dare you mandala effect us to Jiffy JY never existed you bastard oh there’s Jiffy popcorn and then there’s H Skippy pan that’s it I used to work at a grocery store should know this [ __ ] so when you

Have the peanut butter and you put it in have you ever done the thing where like you kind of like rub your toes together and feel like the peanut butter like just sashed back and forth like in between they love that [ __ ] they love it like silent so they can hear it and

They’re just like oh my God yeah like they lose their [ __ ] over that so I just I literally will just hang out with this guy for like an hour or two hours and watch Netflix and he’ll just like talk to my leg about whatever is going on in

His life like he talks to my legs like as if we’re married twice so like every couple weeks and like he’ll talk about like work his life what he’s up to what’s he’s doing and at the end he always says bye honey gives this phone a kiss like no masturbation nothing and

Just leaves and I’m like okay that’s cool like that’s the easiest like that’s the weirdest thing that I get on the regular yeah it’s like forget the rest of you but your leg with the panut would you would you [ __ ] him up if one day you

Randomly came on and you had the one leg in peanut butter and then the later leg was jelly would that like [ __ ] Joe off if like you just probably because I know he likes peanut butter sandwiches and stuff but we’ve never talked about jelly so I have

To I have to ask him about jelly I’ll let you guys know but I feel like probably it’s gonna be a no just because nobody just eats peanut butter sandwiches or you could go or you could go with like with that marshmallow fluff for like the fluffer hutter marshmallow fluff and peanut

Butter my wife does that marshmallow fluff I did it in high school when I was stoned that was about the only time I’ve done that but yeah yeah they’re called they call them fluffer Nutters yes yes which sounds like a [ __ ] porno scene [ __ ] term anyway it is a fluffer yeah

Yeah like you got like it just that sounds like something that would be in existence anyway yeah and you know it’s funny because like has he ever actually sat there and asked you like hey can you just bring out bread and you just like

Run it up your leg and then you and you rub that up your leg and then you just smack it together into like a sandwich and then he just watch like that that I feel like that would be the jerk off that would be the whole you rub it up

Your leg and then you just put the sandwich together and you eat it and then that’s when he just goes nuts like I listen if the guy is doing this consistently and paying her for her time I would be [ __ ] this up that sounds like a you know what I mean let’s not

Complicate a good thing it’s funny because it’s not even sexual like I wish that like he did something weird at the end but he never does like he just talks about his life fully clothed and everything to my leg it’s like at least ask for like one

Anything so I’m like okay that’s okay cool at least ask for one tit to be Smuckers and the other to be like Peter Pan he doesn’t want to see me he just wants to see my legs and feet like I don’t I’m not in it like at all he does

He could care less what I’m doing with my life she’s like I just one day I want you to do the peanut butter the peanut butter looks like it has the pmus in it I mean I always say this [ __ ] when we when you have a folks in the adult

Entertainment industry every single [ __ ] time I’m always like put these [ __ ] on a watch list like most random [ __ ] yeah like when it gets weird like that it’s like listen I’m sure that they’re wonderful people but I’m just saying just you know let’s Circle that want we have a lot of

Mass shootings in this country and of course we’re we’re here on YouTube live so make sure you send over your questions of course shout out to Jason Jason’s our number one fan we had him coronated which means he was he had the [ __ ] beaten out of him at Exotica by

Janine Jericho and Justice Jordan to be coordinated as our number one fan at Exotica so he he just commented he’s like Ray you know what I’m gonna ask so Jason is obsessed with p play so have you ever done anything with P have you ever been the pisser or the pissy in the

Adult World a lot I actually have a fetish for p play too so that’s awesome yeah um but if you want to talk scenes I’ve done a lot of scenes in my earlier career but recently my most recent scene that has p in it was for evil angel okay

Danny steel and I was such a freak over there like the owner he loves me he like texts me all the time to come back but like like freaking uh I had Danny steel because I had him pee all over my body and he had a lot of pee going on so I

Was like [ __ ] it let’s put it in a like a measuring cup and at the end before I say bye to everyone I pour it all over myself when I’m all [ __ ] covered and [ __ ] like that so I had him pee in a measuring cup and then at the end when

You like because I don’t know if you’ve ever seen the evil it just looks like chicken broth so she’s like why is she tell me chicken broth like biscus like and I just had him like peel on it and then I just dripped it all was already covered in piss and like

Cal at that point anyway but I I’m added that extra little touch so I love piss play and that’s my most recent scene with piss play that’s out there but I like I prefer to give piss play because for me it’s like the idea of release it’s really sexy that’s also why like

Blood play and all that too because it’s the idea of your body releasing itself and so like I like to do it on people and then sometimes it depends on the person I like it done on me because I like to look at them when it’s happening

And seeing like so how do you how do you do blood play how does how does one go into blood play is it the kind of thing where you like just like your mid like [ __ ] and you just slice them and then like blood just comes out and it’s just

Like you’re just letting it just rain upon you just lay down as like the blood just sprinkles just just like [ __ ] faucets just all over you like how does one get into that [ __ ] wish work like that no but um so there’s a few different ways you

Can use knives like during sex you can prick them or like hold it up to them and then tell them don’t [ __ ] move or else you’re going to cut yourself so it’s a form of control to like tease and denial as well and then um so usually if

They prick themselves and I like to play around with the blood like sometimes I’ll cve my like little F in them or something and then for girls I like to [ __ ] them when they’re on their period because when they come then it’s like and I pull out and they’re like

Squirting on me then it’s just blood all over me and I have a huge fetish for blood and that for some reason so it really outome like instantly on that time so it really varies on like who you’re with and what they’re comfortable doing to the extent of it because knife

Play Blood play Bleed in together unless if you’re doing like period blood play which I’m super I’m just a freak so I like that [ __ ] so I was like yeah really varies so you’ve experienced what it’s like to be a Metallica album I’m guess the Metallica Reload album

Which is sperm and blood mixed together I’m guessing and then reload was piss and blood yeah you make a beautiful concoction have you ever considered like our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ yeah well that that’s funny because I never had me either me either well I was raised Catholic but we

Know I’m recovering from that [ __ ] hell and party with the Sinners yeah I I feel like and I say this a lot not that kind of party sorry I’m passing on all that [ __ ] apologize everybody who watches this show I feel like the older and older I get the hard the harder and

Harder it is to believe in that kind of [ __ ] anymore like it’s like I feel like we have more substantial evidence of aliens and dinosaurs and [ __ ] like that it’s like why don’t we just at least have like a lop of hair something something it’s it’s our favorite story brother

Anyway let’s yeah let’s let’s let’s back back to the bleed any things I want to into is that McDonald’s recently on December 11th just released the adult and this show bounces around like that fre you’re looking around like how the [ __ ] we go I’m just laughing like and that’s how

Blood McDonald’s works like so McDonald’s just recently re-released adult Happy Meals have you heard about that the adult happy meals are B I never even knew there were adult happy males to begin with but I remember the happy MA toys when we were kids were just Elite like Elite

Over so recently McDonald’s let me so McDonald’s released it said adult happy meal toys will return to McDonald’s soon this time with a nostalgic 80s toy so it said the new Kerwin frost box which mind you I have no idea who the [ __ ] Kerwin Frost is apparently he’s some sort of

Influencer it says is the fast food Chain’s newest spin on childhood classic set to arrive in US restaurant starting on December 11th so apparently you remember the little McNuggets guy yeah oh you know what I was wondering what the [ __ ] this was I was in I was in

McDonald’s last week and I saw the little McNugget dudes but I I just figured that I didn’t know that that was an adult happy meal I thought that’s what the kids were getting it’s a gigantic box that like they release now so here I’m gonna pull this up on here

So there’s a gigant like this is the McDonald’s this is just what America needs look at the size of that box like that thing nine cheeseburgers in that I mean look like it has car that box is me can fit in that box yeah hey you know

What yeah you should adopt the name yeah oh I’m the adult I’m the adult Happy Meal yes I’ll pop out of a box yeah g be like fre van adult Happy Meal Doom no but I st this is completely off topic this is just coincidence but I

Have a friend uh uh they’re in a band called earthworm Von Doom oh that’s awesome yeah they’re very they’re a very strange like noise core band where does the Von Doom come from actually Victor Von Doom I was God damn it I was gonna ask I’ll be like I hope

It has some sort of relation to Victor Von Doom who is potentially probably gonna replace Jonathan Majors as the main villain in Marvel right now and you said it I was like God damn it like now I want to miss P piss sperm and blood together and just chug that [ __ ] down

I’m just so excited that it is based off Victor Von Doom so a lot like I don’t know if you guys know but I went to school originally I have a degree in screenwriting and production and a master’s in business entertainment and I originally went to college for comic book writing oh

[ __ ] yeah so when I started off in the adult film industry I was still like in college in the earlier years before I changed my degree to screenwriting and production so I thought what’s a better name than like Victor vondom because I thought like if you see my name on a

Piece of paper It’s Gonna Stand Out people are gonna Google yeah yeah yeah that yeah for real that’s a it’s it’s clever like uh I I dig it I dig it I mean I always like their St mean I you can’t see it but like I have a bar top

And there’s like band stickers and then it’s like acrylic epoxy topping and like I know one of their stickers is on here and I always just and I was like it’s a silly name but like when you see it on a flyer or something you’re like Earth V

Doom I got I gotta see what that’s about to look it up like and that’s what the main thing when I work as a um when I work with multiple directors I’ve never like work with before that are newer to who I am they’re always like holy [ __ ]

That makes so much sense we had to look you up because we saw your name on a list of all these other girls and we’re like who the [ __ ] is fre of Von Doom marketing purposes that stood out so much and that was a big part of my

Process in choosing my whole name nice nice that is good [ __ ] and so you said you branding is everything yeah you said you did comic book writing so have you actually done like any writing yeah have you ever followed through on any of that yeah yeah comic books but for like I

Work in mainstream as well so I’m not only in porn I work in mainstream on television commercial music videos all that stuff too so I work on both sides of the industry unfortunately I’ve never done anything in comic books but I think it would be awesome to do that maybe as

Like a passion project definely so yeah yeah like you know just make it I don’t know like you could I like little minks runs around like a her hobbit hole and just [ __ ] everyone I don’t know yeah some they like some sort of you know like porn actress uh turned like you

Know crime fighting vigilante or some sort I don’t know I I I I there’s something there that I feel like there’s a market for are you weed Matt is I got a cigarette yeah then I got this we’re do we’re doing that instead I’m not drinking

Right now but I am taking little bong hits and mind you Matt is not doing anything wrong because weed is 100% it’s [ __ ] legal in this state yeah yeah it’s [ __ ] legal around here it’s this America [ __ ] yeah smoke with you then oh you don’t have to smoke alone let’s do

It let’s do the damn thing and one thing that I feel like one thing I feel like and Matt did I tell you I’m not sure if you saw the episode when I talked about it or not but I actually I did my first edible like I never I’ve never smoked anything

I’ve only drank such a you’re such a [ __ ] virgin dude oh my God my wife was like I want you to do an edible with me and then like so it was like just like a little little square gummy and so I took it and like she’s looking at me

She’s like how do you feel and I’m like what do you expect me to tell you that I want to go outside and pl a garden of ladders like you take I mean did it did it whack you over the head it didn’t I mean it

Was just one was it CBD or was it like a like like was it a strictly THD it was it was a strict like weed gummy or whatever but that’s the thing like I’ve always drank I never smoked or mess around with ease me that so we’re Ray

One of these days I’m gonna take you out and get you fully corrupted brother we’re gonna get some get some drugs up in you dude can we do it I once did that to one of my friends he told me that he wanted to try MDMA for the first time

Ever in his life and I was like what do you want to do and he was like I don’t know [ __ ] surprised me because he has anxiety and I was like are you sure and so I made him sign a form and everything that I could dose him and then oh Jesus

And so I picked him up one day and I gave him a Starbucks cup and then his coffee it had MDMA and he was freaking like going wild and the best time of his life so if you want to we can do you too

And have a good time so yeah I I I don’t know about the like but me I just like you know let me clear out a day you know what I mean let me make sure like if I’m in a [ __ ] party like I haven’t done anything like that in [ __ ] ages but

Like yeah that was usually make sure I don’t have anything important that I need to be doing the next day and let’s [ __ ] go like now it’s a bad idea to try to be doing that on like a [ __ ] day-to-day basis you know I mean it’s just like anything else uh moderation on

A Monday it’s like okay hold on yeah really I mean there’s you know it can get Gnarly you know some people get carried away with [ __ ] like real quick like I I but I mean that depends on if you got like the personality for it like

I I got friends of mine are like they’re fine for like two or three months and then they go on a [ __ ] life destroying Bender like you know uh I I I try to keep it somewhere in the middle now everything in small Danes like everything moderation that’s what my

Grandparents always they’re like if you’re gonna do drugs do do yeah and I just stay the [ __ ] away from like you know heroin and F all stuff don’t do we that’s a good chice don’t do weed crack and a meth all in the same like time like that because

Then things are gonna go yeah that’s all The Nasty you don’t want to do any of that stuff yeah you don’t want that stuff like what we are going to do real quick is Freya of course all the the month of December we have been getting into our segment called Smasher Dash so

Of course we did it in October October was a huge hit when we did in October so we did one for December which were the 12 smash or dashes of Christmas so what I’m going to do is I’m going to show a 12 photos on the screen and you are

Going to tell us whether or not you would smash or whether or not you will Dash just go ahead and get these ready and we will rock and roll with the 12 smash or dashes of Christmas awesome so here is the first one so the first one

Is Jack Skellington so would you smash or Dash Jack Skellington I would shove Jack Skellington up somebody else’s ass like I I think it’s somebody like Rebel ryer she’s an amazing person you could probably take every inch of him like I I think yeah so I would definitely like

Make his bony ass go inside of somebody else’s ass and and just watch it like have fun with it so that’s what I would do Jack so you you would not you would not smash i’ pay to see it you would smash somebody else yeah I would smash him into

Somebody all right so the next one is Krampus but no ordinary crampus old school goat looking Krampus and unfortunately the crying looks to be eyess children come along with the deal so they’re they’re just crying in the background as they have no eyes yeah dude but look at that tongue you know

You gota you gotta smash right that tongue is pretty gnarly I would definitely want to make him cry while he eats me and maybe like a leash around him and ride him around like a pony you know make him cry wow I’m I have a huge fetish for crying too like

If he’s on his knees crying up his mouth open with like a little leash and collar around his neck and I’m just choking him till his face turns blue around like a pony till I come like I think that’d be hot I I feel like Krampus is the type

That would eat the corn out of your [ __ ] but also he has that hook so with the blood play he could hook you with that hook and make you know the blood come out and you know splurt everywhere it’s very rare that I’m like the [ __ ] most normal one in this

Conversation it doesn’t happen very often in my life like Dum like I’m dumb as [ __ ] I’ve only ever been a full dumb so I imagine myself being submissive but I can definitely imagine me doing freaky [ __ ] to like maybe even like if he would

Let me use the hook to um I forgot what it’s called but it’s like that fetish where people have the hooks in their backs and are Hing up in the air oh the the uh like the the skin hanging or whatever I got a friend of mine who’s done that

Like a time or two I can’t [ __ ] even like look at it like honestly it [ __ ] like turns my [ __ ] stomach but he he was in his punk band and he used to [ __ ] Ray like like wrestling style like he got kicked out of a venue once because he

Would he would blade before they’re shut and like a lot of people like was it is it fake blood is it real blood like one venue he got up on stage they found out that he was like in the backstage cutting himself they shut him down they’re like dude you’re not flinging

Your [ __ ] blood around on my stage get out yeah you would be a big fan of this D Grinch the Grinch you know I can see me in the Grinch tag teaming one of those who’s you know what I mean because he has kind of an attitude to him but the

Who’s are kind of bratty anyway so I feel like me and him [ __ ] the brattin out of somebody would be kind of fun you know and they have little like Beady noses I would want to see like I don’t know how R can get yeah what about Cindy

L now now a lot of people don’t know is that Cindy L now is Taylor momson from The Pretty Reckless so if anybody knows the band The Pretty Reckless that is who played Cindy L who and she is gorgeous so that would be something that I would

Pay I I did not know that right thank you for this random trivia yes I didn’t know that either she’s hot as hell cuz I do know the’re Pretty Reckless girl she’s so sexy I always imagine like a threesome between her Maria Brink and Lizzie hail oh wouldn’t that be hot as

Hell having like a like a sex orgy with them or Like You Gotta Throw Dorothy in there and if you know Dorothy Dorothy has to be tossed into that mix as well it be the lead singer of night wish whoever that operatic lady is night night uh yeah uh I can’t pict

Her now but I know night wish the one B I’ve actually seen Amy Lee into that equation as well Amy Lee there oh yes I want to know what kind of sound she makes yeah oh yeah like did she sit there and do that whole like Opera like

You know evid Essence type you know moaning or whatever and all that like like that would be completely amazing or Adele imagine Adele like when she’s just being just plowed from behind she just gets aele so hot I feel like Adele would make some sexy ass sex sounds oh yeah

Oh my God those moans like Mommy Mommy all the way would you guys call her mommy or no I would I would you can call anybody that for the most part what about Spike from Gremlins Spike from Gremlins I would want to tie him up and make him watch me [ __ ] all the

Female Gremlins all in a little row so like all in a little Row in front of him so they make the little squeaks ah in front of his face and make spit in his mouth you know I think that’d be hot I guess that’s a yes because if you’re if you’re

Tying him up and making him watch then a sexual act is happening with him andol so a lot of people say no because of the teeth and I’m like what if he gets veneers imagine Spike with veneers just like those horse people have or whatever like just

Just just regular teeth in his like yeah yeah bro those [ __ ] goddamn kitchen tile teeth yeah big [ __ ] yeah you know you know like when it’s obvious that they got the implants and [ __ ] yeah I mean which like listen I I I’ve had a bazillion [ __ ] dental problems I hear

You take care of what you got to do but uh that shit’s expensive but yeah some of it’s a little bit much yeah what about Jack Frost but not the regular Jack Frost I’m not sure it’s not Michael Kon horor movie Jack Frost that Jack

Ross the one who takes his nose off puts it down as a dick and attacks Shen Elizabeth while she’s showering that I would definitely I would probably smash Jack Frost I think it’d be hot but I want the carrot to be on his nose because I’d want to melt his face so

Anymore I’m sure they can they can move it around have like ass imprints for his eyes so they and then I all over him so he’ll melt and go his body they find him and it’s just I mean it writes itself you know hear it there’s no oh yeah that stop sign would

Have a whole new meaning with Freya that’s true it would we’d probably sell it be like no more what do you think Jack would be the safe word for Frosty yeah oh god well my safe word for everything is pineapple just because when they somebody has a ball gag in

Their mouth it sounds different from like ouch or stop or pain it’s like h a hole like that so safety first kid so I would do the same one for that just because I know that’s the only one I stick with Mak sense makes sense what about the Grim Reaper from

Scrooged I’d be like take me now like what are you what’s what’s the hold up no I’m kidding not him but you in Scrooge he opened up his his robe and had all the people underneath of it so that’d be hot orgy like yeah I watched that the other

Day it’s a solid movie underated Christmas movies other people wouldn’t you be like okay this is pretty awesome like let’s go that’s 10 different mouths that’s amazing I would make all of them eat me out every personalities eat me I mean that’s the thing you have so many that like they’re

Grabbing different places they’re like licking different places they’re eating different places they’re sucking different like there’s just so much going on and you have those like peering red eyes as well like he just you know imagine what his Vinegar Strokes look like when you know he’s ready to go or

Whatever like that just mouth just drops open you know the eyes start blinking relentlessly like yeah I mean okay okay so what about we’re gonna stay on Scrooged what about the cab driver from Scrooge but Bill Murray sits in the corner and creepily watches the way he’s

Staring out of the cat I think that be hot if Bill Murray watches but the creepy driver I would want to Facebook him it’s because creepy people I’m like they need to have that face [ __ ] off of them so let me be the one do it Bill Murray watches Bill Murray while

I’m [ __ ] the other guy’s face and I’m like don’t like let this be a lesson tell your friends Bill Murray just watches as he pisses all over you and he’s just like okay well you know I feel like don’t M we came we saw we kicked his

Ass and then I’ll Rob the cab driver steal his cab and we’ll go to a strip club hi nice nice nice all right what about Harry and Marv in their current condition at the same time I would make them [ __ ] each [Laughter] other who’s Joe Pat has got to be

Top Joe py is not a bottom for anybody the vision that just came into mine is have like you [ __ ] you go tied above like spread everywhere tied and have the the curly hair guy on the bottom both naked penises out aimed at each other’s faces once droping down once like just

Chilling there and then I’ll use vibrators on both of them and stuff to them until they both come so they’re forced to come on each other nice and you know prya is probably taller than Joe peshi so that probably makes sense anyways like you know he’s

Gonna have to you know buy by what she says because she’s is hot like let me degrade this [ __ ] out of you boys come on you want to break break into my house all right wait until you see what kind of traps I have set up for you yeah I know you

Should what about Mr Freeze from Batman and Robin Mr Freeze I would want to see what kind of like dick he would have what kind of icicle he would have so massive interesting to see like if he could grow it like if his dick was like

A piece of ice or something like I would want to see what that looks like so I would be super curious about it and if it melts off or if it just stays there or yeah and also like also during the whole thing is like I don’t know would

It kind of be depressing that he’d be crying about his dying wife while it’s while everything’s happening that would be hotter I think that’ be sexier if he’s crying like that and if his penis was real I would just like cut it off and feed it to him while he’s crying

Because how dare you talk about another woman while you’re trying to [ __ ] me what the hell who do you think free you get the whole Arnold voice like the oh yeah like yeah make him gag on his own dick all right what about the other Jack Frost but the Jack Fross that appeared

And I think it was the Santa Claus 3 The Escape Clause see he looks like a little twink to me so I want to tie him up on my sex swing and just go to town on his little [ __ ] and see what kind of faces he’d

Make cuz he seems like he’d make a lot of faces like a lot of Expressions you know when you say you want to tie him up when you’re swing like are you tying him up where like his like he’s kind of like his legs are tied up and he’s doggy side

Or are you tying him where like his legs are spread out like it’s a so use him on a sex swing usually it’s like a swing where your legs are like this yeah yeah and have his legs like cuffed and his arms like cuffed up there and his body

Tied to the Rope up there and so he’d just be there as a hole for me to just push as I please and do what I want and then I probably just leave him there to dry cuz he looks like he’d like to lay in his own mess and that would be kind

Of hot to watch and then I’d probably forget about him and just dies they just find him da later Dead everything everywhere figure it out you know Cornelius oh every every chick wants to bang this [ __ ] I I mean like I I’m saying that un ironically seen well obviously he has a

Gaped out [ __ ] because he so of course I mean yeah so I any director worth their salt would see that yeah right if he could stuff his own dick and balls in his ass for my pleasure and then I probably just like let him eat me out because I think his beard would

Tickle me and then I wonder wonder if you could come in his own ass because I would like to see that come out and like make a mess of it I mean I mean listen this was originally you know it was just smash or pass it was one word

Answers this has taken such a great turn that I love it and like or horrific depending on how you look at it he’s literally plotting the sexual humiliation and murder of all these characters what turns me on so you you know that uh the smile through my pain

Meme yeah you know I’m talking about the Harold guy like I was I was I noticed in the camera I had somebody tell me before they’re like you you get that face going and I noticed I I had the smile the like like that and not last but not least Ghost of

Christmas future from Scrooge what do you think of Ghost of Christmas future he looks like a gummy [ __ ] so I want to see what that feels like CU I’ve never been with a [ __ ] without any that’s not going to work I was trying to show that

Meme picture but it ain’t going to work he sorry about that okay but yeah I’ve never been with somebody who is like a gummy [ __ ] so I’d want to see what that feels like you know I don’t know so it’s funny because Freya like I know when we

Did Smash or Dash the Halloween edition Michael Myers wanted outright everybody wanted to [ __ ] Michael Myers and I remember the last one we did the last one is always the most horrible one and it was tarm man from Return to the living dead and nobody did it but

Somebody said guar man I was like oh my God like they were like I feel like it would be an amazing experience and here we are the final one for for the 12 Smash and dashes of Christmas fre is like I need to know like I need to know

So so Christmas future has a chance like his brittle rotten dead dick has a chance of what fre of Von Doom what that ride is like well not his dick but his face because I wanna I don’t know i’ I’ve ride a lot of dick so I’d want to

See where his gummy out mouth could do you know because imagine if your face [ __ ] a gummy [ __ ] what would that feel like yeah also is his face coming off I just rubbing like my cter all along like or like watch him be opposite where his skin is all flaky and peely

Then I’m just gonna be pissed off I’m gonna have to turn to abuse like consensual like I would just get violent and have to face [ __ ] with a strap on until I come I don’t know like it really depends on his skin at that moment because I could I can’t tell if it’s

Flaky or if it’s not so yeah but it depends on my mood and the skin and of course we’re we’re here in the live stream and Jason rushman said Rea he will let you do anything you want to him 100 100 100 100 with a bunch of

Hearts hearts a crying face and a thumbs up that’ll work dude yeah yeah miles Jones said Ray lowkey sounds like Joe Rogan and I appreciate that because we were once considered the poor man’s Poor Man’s Poor Man’s Poor Man’s Poor Man’s Rogan podcast I was like I will take that compliment

100% I will take that compliment because that is one hell of a compliment so Freya with with you being in the industry what kind of injuries have you had since have you had any at all like is there anything that like jumps out of your mind that you’re like man that

Really sucked like you know it sounds like you’ve done a lot of stuff a lot of fun kinky stuff have you had any like crazy injuries from any of that you know I’ve given injuries the only injury I’ve ever got in my career actually happened recently and it

Was because I was stupid and I knew it was going to happen but I was just like [ __ ] it you know like literally [ __ ] it let’s go um so as you guys know I usually get booked with massive dicks that’s what they like to book me with

Like brick Zella Javon Jordan all those [ __ ] huge dick dudes strad and all them so I was here in Miami because this is where I live but I over booked myself because there was a lot of people like just going Mia on scenes and things like

That so I also work on the production sides of scenes as well like on I’m a director too and I’m a writer and I work on production sides of porn too and there’s a few times where I was like [ __ ] I have to step in her us we’re

Gonna have to scratch this scene and so there was a time where I shot a [ __ ] you not 17 days in a row in a row and my [ __ ] at the end of it I had to go to my gynecologist and she told me I had to

Take a month and a half off of work I almost needed stitches down there so bad on the inside and the outside that she was like did you have a baby and I was like no and she’s like oh my God like what that you need to stop

So I that’s the only injury I’ve thankfully I’ve ever had but it happened this past October because I shot 17 days I didn’t mean to shoot 17 days in a row but like being on the production side it just like that’s a lot of money and a

Lot of stress because it takes so much time for us to get a production together and every everyone to show up and pay for testing and even travel sometimes and location like there’s a lot that goes into it and then if it doesn’t happen then it’s just like you know like

It it sucks for everyone like nobody gets paid and pretty much people will lose out on money and things like so oh [ __ ] I might as well like since I’m here let’s let’s [ __ ] do it let’s [ __ ] go and so that’s the main injury that I’ve gotten in my industry is this past

October I literally tore my [ __ ] like a mother so like I don’t know if you remember old school Nickelodeon they would do the the the commercials for Inside Out Boy like you walk into your doctor looking like Inside Out Boy and they’re just kind of like what happened

To you yeah what happened like my doctor sh like sitting there and then I leaned back and she looked at my [ __ ] and she was like holy [ __ ] what happened and then the nurse looked over and she’s like oh my God kind of thing cuz it was

Like it was swollen my Volvo was swollen red like a little bean bag B that got beat up I was taking dicks sizes seven in to freaking 13 in for 17 straight days and they’re all thick as hell you know what I mean so it’s like ah so I [ __ ] my

[ __ ] up I feel like Freya just based off of and mind you we’re not we’re almost an hour through this two-hour show and just based off of everything Brea has said I’m literally sitting there thinking to myself she’s a Dun girl like I I am a like don’t do that to

Her do that her I’m a I’m a dum do boy and like I’m sitting there for my and that’s not that’s not an look at you but like that’s and I’m like this these were the girls that we knew in our crew like they drank they partied they

Had fun and this is the way it was and nobody in our group had any shame at all no no I don’t yeah I’ll get naked in a public place I don’t give a [ __ ] like no you know how many times our group we would go to the bar and we just start

Taking clothes off at the bar or we we we did we did three buses we rented a bus three times on my birthday and we did scavenger hunts and these scavenger hunts included things like growing up and redring it uh biting off your your partner’s toenails running into a bar

Naked which you know people did like there were so many things that like we based them off of things that we had already done before and we were like okay this is what it is and then like no one really got anything if they won we

Just kind of did it as like the theme of the thing but it was so insane like leave the bar with an article of the opposite sexist clothing of somebody you don’t know like just stuff like that and it was [ __ ] crazy and that’s how we

Were and you know every night was a party and I’m glad that like you know for shows like this that you know you know we bring guests on and all that and like people are always kind of thrown off because they’re like oh man like you

Know they expect us to ask 10 million questions in the guest talks the whole time and we’re like no like we tell our stories as well you know and we feed I can’t compete with any of this [ __ ] tonight so what what I’m goingon to do

Real quick is of course we uh we get into uh news articles as well so let’s see so of course New Year’s is right around the corner of course New Year’s Eve is tomorrow night and then we start 2024 so I found a couple of articles that had the weirdest drops on New

Year’s Eve so of course New York City does the ball drop so there’s other places that do other strange drops throughout you know the United States and throughout the world so in Memphis Tennessee they do the guitar drop so the Hard Rock Cafe on be Street Rings into

The new year Memphis with the annual guitar drop the 10- foot Gibson guitar is dropped more than a th000 feet as a part of a televised event that includes live music performances and a crowd of more than 50,000 people so wow wonder awesome and that’s in Nashville yeah

That’s in Nashville andv that’s one my favorite places to travel to for vacationing oh we want to go so bad like my wife wants to go to uh where the hell is it Gatlinburg she wants to go to Gatlinberg Gatlinburg is absolutely I heard absolutely insane but we do want to

Cross through Nashville also and and Raleigh Raleigh North Carolina they do the giant egg corn drop so here’s what I’ll do as I do these because then that way you can see what these actually look like as well sounds lame as [ __ ] this is the giant egg corn so they do the giant

Egg corn drop of [ __ ] December 31st a giant egg corn official Monument cons commemorating the bicentennial of the city of Oaks is transported from Raley’s War Square to the roof of the Civic Center where it’s dropped to celebrate New Year’s and every hey Ray hey we’re

Going balore accent I want you to say Oaks again Oaks Oaks you went you went hey it’s every episode he’ll have one where he I just over here he’s like some of the Oaks I’m like yeah there it is there it is he’s Bal War [ __ ] in St

George’s Bermuda is the giant onion drop so they drop a giant onion in Bermuda it says each year St George’s Bermuda has a giant papier-mâché Bermuda onion feston what the [ __ ] kind what does feston mean funed in holiday lights and is dropped in front of the Town Hall so giant onion

And then wa wait what moon electric moon pie drop Mobile Alabama moon pie mobile it’s annual New Year celebration what about a cream pie drop yeah I was gonna say someone would come and drop them the cream yeah they they ain’t into that in Alabama they’re a bunch of Bible Thumpers down there

Pound electric fully lit moon pie that’s insane and then the peach drop in Atlanta that makes sense because they have the Georgia Peach so Atlanta Georgia that makes sense um let’s see the orange drop in Miami Florida that that kind of looks like the seven up guy

More than an orange like I see the seven up guy with like the sunglasses on with that so let’s what the [ __ ] the clam drop and yard mouth made it a hairy clam like how happy he looks like a wide clam like that is a beaten out clam right

There that’s the same thing our gynecologist said yeah I was recommendation I’ll send way the best doctor I see her so much I love her the giant potato Dr in Boise Idaho this will be the 50 he the potato drop like I like whenever I hear drop

Like I just hope that they did just drop these from a like a crane on top of people yeah something make slow dead underneath a giant [ __ ] potato like that’s how that would be amazing way over big old Tater the pickle drop in Mount Olive North Carolina so I got a pickle drop

For you it doesn’t look like it’s a giant pickle like I wonder if they just take like regular pick oh no no it’s right there so I guess like they need to do like the whole sex thing with it like it just goes up and down up I don’t know

They’re missing the boat with that on all these like the peach I was just thinking about like why like not like a big fat round ass yeah like Peach like like the peach emoji that kind of get used for that just yeah that would I would be into

That the cow drop the cow drop in maretta Georgia Marietta’s New Year’s Eve festivities including ice sculpting Cosmic Golf and the dropping of Georgia born franchise Chick-fil-A Cal okay okay I that makes sense I didn’t know chickfila originated in Georgia yeah I never knew that I never knew that they

Originated in Georgia so here’s some other ones so other ones are let’s see so let’s see tabs open what is it what are you looking at what’s go looking oh yeah he does have a lot of [ __ ] tabs up there I didn’t pay ATT yeah this is

All on the agenda for tonight oh okay okay okay so we’re not watching porn together I guess I YouTube frowns upon those kinds of Things or I’m sure he would have been have been doing that by now all right there we go so now that the computer was working a little bit slow and when to close out when I wanted it to close so what we’re gonna do is momentarily we’re gonna take a break and

Come back with our games before we get into that we are GNA get into our 800 terms for the penis so we we came across a list that had 800 different terms for the penis we now on the letter the letter H so Freya you tell us if you’ve

Heard any of these terms we’re going to read them off and we’re going to talk about them so the first one is a hatchet wound a hatchet wound have you ever I thought that would be for a vagina not a [ __ ] penis like like I wonder if

Someone would be like would you like me to give is that like when a guy misses the hole like what yeah I don’t know might be when they [ __ ] that like Freya is just giving them a hatchet wound like like I just keep hitting them with my dick until their skin fries open

And and then what if they use their dicks to [ __ ] wounds that could be kind of hot oh I’m gonna try that out and have you have you ever now that you said that have you ever seen a series called brand new cherry flavor it’s on Netflix no so

There’s a show there’s a series it is a um old school like very gory horror series and like the girl for some reason keeps on birthing random cats but also there’s a sex scene in that where the girl has like a [ __ ] right here she has

It on like her side and she hooks up with a guy and the guy like fists her like side rib vagina and like it’s weird but also like it’s it’s not weird to the point that where people looked at me like what the [ __ ] wrong with you cuz

I was like I want to see someone [ __ ] that side vagina like that’s that’s what I want to see is someone just have and did he did the side vagina come like at all like yeah I don’t know but like she kept on like dropping random kittens out

Of the side vagina and like some random biker guy would show up and collect them for like some crazy it was one of those shows that it happened in episode 4 and I was like I now need to watch this show just so I can see how we got here like I

Need to know how this happened I think you would have to be on shrooms to even Rite a type of show like that like how do you even come up with yeah hey guys in the rers room let’s pick It’s a Grind house type show that’s what I

Was out kittens for the biker guy fisted in it but it doesn’t come but she knows it could come I don’t know like what the who even thought I think that I would want to fist it first of all I want to see what it smells like and what it

Would feel like oh God yeah yeah like I have so many questions and I can you can you like fiss her regular [ __ ] and her side [ __ ] at the same time like it’s kind of like yourself a high five inside of her body like the next term is He-Man He-Man so

We all know He-Man okay yeah that kind of makes sense it would make sense if you’re into that yeah like what if you tell me put your hands on your hips He Man just comes all over You’ have to have big ejaculate for that moment too

Or else watch you have like the little drippy and you say he man then it just drips out that’s not you want the the kind where you’re gonna be like it’s a human or your [ __ ] Skeletor that’s that’s skor yeah there we go Skeletor yeah yeah and the next one is a heat

Seeking missile a heat seeking missile so if someone was like Hey you want some of my heat seeking missile like is that is that like something that you would be like yeah let’s let’s get the heat seeking missile I’d be like are you about to play Battleship like what’s

What’s a heat seeking missile because I like give the missile a 24 that that would be a [ __ ] I don’t know I feel like you’d be the biggest douchebag in the world calling your dick something like that yeah right could you imagine yeah the hell like a heat seeking

Where’s hog godamn it right you have not said yet what the [ __ ] think about that was my first thought when you guys said I’m looking at oh ho and hog is not on this list what the [ __ ] get rid of that goddamn list dude seeking missile

I’m about to level that up so heat seeking missile someone also put heat seeking moisture missile heat seeking moisture missile hog brother cranking your hog brother they have heat seeking moisture missile but not hog yes yes makees that make sense actually I looked down I was like

H is not on this list but I get maybe I mean Hog’s so common that like maybe they were like hey idiot give me some words for this and then the one after that which we will conclude with tonight and we will continue with on the next

Episode is helmet helmet so I don’t that’s a part of it had a helmet I would assume he would have like a small penis that had like a really big mushroom cap makes sense you know I’d be like do you want your helmet to rub against my

Helmet like my clip like what’s what’s going we’re gonna smash our helmets together like two Rams do it I mean I’ll I’ll do that I think that’ll be kind of fun it’ll be squishy but fun warm and inviting so let’s do it any one of you guys have a

Small dick with big helmet right me Freya what we’re going to do is we uh we play some ads here on the show from some of our friends so what we’re going to do we’re going to take a quick probably about three minute break so if

You want to hop up use the bathroom grab something to drink right here on YouTube live Roku and Fire TV we’re GNA take a quick break and we will be back with our game segment so um for those of you watching us live we will be back in

About three minutes or so right here on YouTube live with Matt from scissor Fist and Frey of Von Doom right here on the Happy Hour podcast so jerk off fast this is Crystal Rush Derek sharp the owner of curtain jerker designs who does an amazing job

I’m blown away every single time and his speed that he has getting everything back to us is immaculate get up Derek with curtain jerker design look no further than curtain jerker designs make sure you hit up Derek Derek sh man hey just want to say thank you for the

Posters all the hard work you put you man we really appreciate you man a shout out to Derek sharp from curtain jerker designs yo dude just want to say this poster off the hook hey what’s up CL this is Hall of Famer J long and I want

To give a big shout out to my man Derek over there with curtain jerkers designs if you are looking for the best graphics the best designs look up curtain jerker I did curtain jerker designs that’s who I use for any of my graphic designs and you should too thanks curtain jerker

Designs big old shout out to curtain jerker designs you see that you see that beauty that’s all you curtain jerker hello wrestling promoters the big Val bosi wants to give you a big tip if you’re looking for a graphic designer to do your next events promotional posters hit up Derek at curtain jerker

Designs a lifelong wrestling fan that’s all we all are I went through the part with the ring and I got to a part where I did ring announcing I did everything there was to do I had a match but because I have that background that’s

Where I stepped in and said hey like I do Flyers let me help you guys out hello I’m Dennis with Checker spot Brewing Company we’re located at 1421 rgly Street in Baltimore way in the shadows of MT Bank Stadium open 7 days a week for locally crafted Here Mommy where are we going to sit well Daddy booked the rental car let’s ask him hun it’ll Work what did I Say what did you say Dad let’s just check discover cars get more for your money with and save up to 70% on car rentals hi this is Malika make sure you watch the Happy Hour podcast bye ladies and gentlemen it’s the Happy Hour podcast of course we’re right here

Live on YouTube live and of course for those of you not joining us live we’re right here on Roku TV and Fire TV via pod Nation TV make sure you find the Pod Nation TV channel on your Roku and Fire TV and you can see all of our vintage

And uh current run content on there as well so what we’re going to do we’re gonna get into our game segment so we play of games with uh with all of our guests and what we’re gonna do is we’re GNA start off with extreme personal questions so extreme personal questions

There’s two questions on the card question a and question B you have no idea which question you’re gonna get until you choose a or choose B and then after that you get to choose myself or Matt to answer the other so okay what do

You feel is lucky to you the letter A or the letter B I’ll choose a because I the immediate thought was the a team so I was like yeah all right so letter A so that question is what work of art best resembles your sex life and why probably mcom

Art or M art like very dark demented art work that MRA yeah I can’t really say that worri like right but yeah um I’ve been like really into that stuff and I’m really obsessed with it because it resembles me as a whole I very like I like dark stuff and

I like demented things and I find the beauty in it that’s why I like porn so much CU sex is emotion andem motion the ra form of art that you can create with as a human body and inside of the Dark Art I see like they use a lot of the

Human body and the human form and like a tormented or contorted way and for me I find that very intimate and beautiful because it the like the deepness of it and yeah I mean it could be scary as well but when you really look into it

Like there’s so much depth to that art form that really captivates me and the that makes sense that makes sense I mean that’s you know you’re talking to a guy who has tattoos all over his arms and I have a Friday at 13th my entire back is

Tattooed Friday of 13th so yeah so I I understand 100% so for question B who do you want to choose for question B myself or Matt let’s choose you while I have you all right so question B is what type of fetishes do you have so type of

Fetish man I think I’ve been over probably every type of fetish I could possibly imagine when this shows so mine like I I don’t know like mine I I’m more of a big like I like like scenes with like Monsters and Aliens and zombies and

Like just random it’s like a mix of like what the [ __ ] kind of stuff like a lagoon monster that just came out and they like like okay well there’s this girl in a cabin a lagoon monster comes up what does lagoon monster want of course he wants sex that’s what he wants

Like stuff like that mixed with a lot of like I guess like and it’s such like a weird like genre like it well actually it’s so popular just like I guess the whole like you know Mom stepmom thing like it’s hard to not get like kind of intertwined in that genre because it’s

Just everywhere and 90% of our genre but also a lot of the horror stuff too like like if there I I remember watching a scene where there was a scene I forgot what um Studio did it but I know Sabi and demonia was in it

And they had this girl and like she was in concrete and I remember she pissed all over this girl and then made her brother [ __ ] her and I was just kind of sitting there like I’ve been to the bottom of porn I’ve been to the deepest

And and I was just kind of like this is it and like the whole time I’m sitting there watching I’m like Is that real concrete and I’m thinking to myself I’m like that’s real concrete it’s more hot to me officially now like if it’s fake concrete it’s not but if if this girl

Was like doing this like working around trying to have this concrete and close her into there like yeah I don’t know so yeah like weird [ __ ] like that like that’s so cool do you think that stems from so like people being encompassed in things that’s what I’m getting from it

Yeah yeah yeah that’s really hot do you watch a lot of like Kink Doom stuff no actually I I don’t but you know here’s ra vanilla as [ __ ] he’s just coming up was something right here here’s the thing like like I I don’t even really watch a lot of TV like

I’m one of those people that’s so busy that like I don’t get to really like watch like TV TV and it’s the same thing with that so when I do watch I just sit there and type in oh blah blah blah weird thing XXX because you know ex like

What uh I think that was probably one of the most recent ones was that and I forgot how I came across that like I just saw saw it and it was in the search results and I was like yep clicking on this and we are going to watch this

Because like I’m one of those guys that of course being you know around and doing the show and being exposed to as much as I have that just a regular scene isn’t going to do it anymore like that’s the thing like I am the angler fish like

Swimming at the bottom of the ocean like like looking for something that like you know yeah it’s just it’s weird well it’s not it is but it’s not but yeah he’s G he’s gay is what he’s [Laughter] saying so so what we’re gonna do is next

We’re gonna get into never have I ever so never have I ever it’s three she’s like oh [ __ ] it’s three random cards drawn out of the deck if you done it take a drink or raise your hand and if you want to give an explanation you can

If not we will not hate you for it so the first card is never have I ever been in a cult never have I ever been in a cult no yeah I don’t think I’ve ever been in a cult had a fan try to start a cult like thing where they were sending

Me where they got at least like 10 15 people signed up and like they all praised like this little I’m trying to think of the word right now it’s like I’m blanking out but like this whole like thing of me where they had like all these photos and like a blowup doll with

My face on it and all that so I wasn’t involved in that at all but I just found out about it concerning were you like their God like they worshiped kind of yeah like it was weird when I found out and this was like a few years ago and I was just like

Okay like this one fan pretty much made like like thing where people religiously go over and look at my stuff and I was like that’s weird I mean it wasn’t a lot of people thankfully that’s weird as hell but like I’ve had something like

That now I wasn’t part of the cult so I can’t really drink to that but I’ll still drink just because I like to drink and I’m here but yay that that works for me so never have I ever been laughed at naked never have I ever been laughed at

Naked I’ve never been laughed at naked but I have made girls like at one point in my life I was really into like when girls would like Giggle and stuff at me while I’m [ __ ] them so it makes me angry and it was kind of like I don’t

Know like I like I go through these weird phrases where I have these random like Kinks that I’m like super into yeah and at one point like I was very into like girls that were just like egging me on okay so it made me want to [ __ ] them

Harder and yeah and so now I’m like I’m really into Bratz so yeah it’s the opposite of that but yeah no I’ve been laughed at naked but not not ever at the point of someone laughed at me naked it’s more so I like and I I said before

Like we’ve taken our clothes off at the bars and stuff like that more so of laughing because we’re getting naked or laughing because we’re having a good time while we’re n like we were the type of group that like my friend will be showering and we would be drinking

Downstairs and we be like you know what [ __ ] this let’s go hop in the shower with Bobby while he’s showering and we would just take our clothes be what the [ __ ] are you guys doing we be like we’re going to make love tonight boy like you know whatever like just [ __ ] like that

After once again he’s gay it’s all good yeah and then the beginning of a team SK por now yeah I love it though as long as you had fun like that’s all that matters yeah that that’s that’s all and that that’s how this podcast started was I was like

You know what I just want to come on here and talk with people and have a good time no set agenda we’re just gonna rock and roll and see what happened you know yeah and so here’s the last one the last one is never have I ever been high

At work never have I ever been high at work do you know my job yeah I do yeah ioke weed I like I love smoking weed so like I’ll smoke weed while I’m in hair makeup and I’ll like be high for that process because it takes hours until

You’re actually shooting or like doing anything so you’re just sitting there from like 8:00 a until like 1 pm not doing [ __ ] except for in hair makeup getting ready going over lines so I’ll smoke during that but like I I’m never stoned or anything during the actual

Shooting because I have to be sloppy as [ __ ] and you can’t be that when you’re high I’m very known for being sloppy like I once I had so much saliva go through a freaking mattress that was Dripping on the floor and so that’s now why people have to put plastic on any

Item that they like I shot with Jules Jordan for a dread and I warned him about his carpet and he was just like no it’ll be fun and he was like oh my God my carpet I got so slobber but yeah no so yeah oh my God like i’ I’ve never

Been high at work but I have drink at work so I took a drink because I have drank at work and I I I’m not sure if you heard I was telling Matt I I took my wife had me take Edibles for the first time like a couple weeks ago because I I

Like I’ve drank but I never did anything else so like she was like you need to do such a good Christian boy so so like I was like okay I’m fine but I wish my old co-host Matt like unfortunately he had to leave the show but he was such a

Stoner like we went to Exotica the first year and he ate a whole [ __ ] uh what was it a Captain Crunch edible and he was so whacked at Exotica like it you got set the tone brother awesome yeah set the tone I mean why not

Have fun with it yeah and plus like if I’m not in front of the camera acting like I’ll be high as [ __ ] like directing people I think it’s more fun to tell people how to [ __ ] when you’re high as hell you’re like you know it would be cool this predicament and they’re like

Oh that’s weird okay and the fans love it at the end so my thoughts are always the best thoughts if you’re behind the camera and you’re like directing people you’re writing the scene I get high and drunk all the time and I’ll write out porn scenes yeah say I read and I’ll

Sell it off and people are like this is great I used to do that all the time with pro wrestling like something would just pop in my head when I wrestled fulltime for 20 years something would pop in my head I would make a note of it

Because I’d be like this would make a cool gimmick or this would make a cool spot to do in the middle of the match the whole get up and everything yeah yeah what was your nickname like what’ you call yourself um when I first started wrestling my name was gold thumb

And I was part of an evil group called The Legion of ungood and we were evil villains but we were horrible at being evil villains [ __ ] people like why you bu glove that was gold and then two years later I took the mask off and I became Chase Rawlings and I stayed as

That character um ever since but uh no you probably can’t see it as much on the camera but I have like replica of some of the belts that I won behind me so and that actually reminds me of our next game we just announced last week that our

Hhp Rumble which Matt you’ve been a part of both of them oh they’re wonderful disaster brother which is based off the Royal Rumble and it is based off this game which is incoherent so what we do is we invite back 30 former guests they play this game we give them 30 seconds

And 15 seconds to answer the cards the winner gets sent a custommade authentic championship belt Johnny good luuck and Jupiter Jetson both have won they won 2022 and Jupiter Jus won in 2023 this is my [ __ ] year Ray so what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna get into incoherence

So basically what I’m gonna do is Freya I’m gonna show a bunch of cards on the screen that are in drunken lingo so it’s good that you’ve been drinking and smoking because you’ll be able to pronounce these a lot better one or two things are going you’re get them like

That like some people get like that autism like Snap to where they boom automatically get them the hardest terms or your brain’s going to fully shut down looking at these cards and be like what the [ __ ] am I looking at so let me just go ahead and get these ready I’m G pull

Them up here and you are going to let me know what you think these cards say so here is the first one what do you think this says Ben cannot wait benit benit ration I don’t know benit I got it and there are HS I don’t

Know I don’t have it I think I need to get more drunk one H is entering the hole entering the hole entering the hole is one of the hints so you don’t pronounce the b well I tell people the best way to do it is say it fast but

Also kind of say it with a Southern accent oh okay say that’s probably why he got it there we go all right let’s try it ready I mean want me to answer it or what yeah let’s go oh wait answer this one yeah yeah I know it no okay you

Answer it penetration it is penetration it is 100% penetration benra okay I would not have done that what do you think that one is oh I I’m an English major I have to like I told you don’t like that or your brain shuts down like no that doesn’t seem right I don’t

Know so if you were to say this true like kind of kind of say this slow I think she just said it what you say eat me out it is eat me out yeah and the hints were a naughty entree and not sure if this is Naughty or a sign of

Cannibalism those were the hints so here is the last one what do you think the last one is mouth of a hooker it is not mouth [ __ ] you have the second part which is [ __ ] I mean you step on a leg this is honestly the easiest ones I’ve ever seen

You give out right see I’m so bad at this I know [ __ ] it is [ __ ] yeah I was like this is I mean like Ray Ray had ones on here where it’s like I don’t know how [ __ ] people fig there were ones that it was a hot

Dog in a hallway like like just stuff like that so now Freya imagine doing that but imagine having to answer those in a 15 second or a 30 second interval like that is what I would get a zero do you guys get PR place so the HH pod Rumble for everybody

Watching at home the hhp rumble will be back on June 7th 2024 we will be inviting back 30 former guests we will be playing incoherent and it will this year it will not be on YouTube live it will be airing exclusively live on Roku and Fire TV oh

My God TV so you will not be able to see us here on on YouTube probably for about a month or so afterwards it will be airing on Roku and Fire TV live we will be we already have a couple of guests who said that they will come back so

Over the next couple of months we’ll be announcing who will be returning and of course the winner will get a customade championship belt and uh it will be sent over to them and you know that’s the whole thing so we conclude this segment which this segment is called o to

Humanity we conclude this segment with nothing other than Cards Against Humanity have you ever played Cards Against Humanity oh yeah I have I actually I love it I’ve had people come on the show and they’re like I’ve never played that before I’m like you are in

For a treat so Freya of course we can’t have cards in front of you on the show so what we do is kind of like the first game we do it roulette style so what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna read off the face card and then you’re going to

Choose a random number between one and six to randomly answer that card if you don’t like it you get two rebuttal to choose a better card so the first one is this month’s Cosmo spice up your sex life by bringing blank into the bedroom so what do you think one through

Six oh like okay um let’s go with three three all right so this month’s Cosmo spice up your sex life by bringing a bust that will explode if it goes under 50 miles per hour into the bedrooms so my yes a nice card for that one are you

Satisfied with that card or do you want to no let’s do another one that one doesn’t sound sexual enough okay so now one through five what do you think one through five four four all right so four all right this month’s Cosmo spice up your sex life by bringing the hardworking

Mexican into the bedroom I’m glad I chose the number two yes yeah I’m very satisfied with that because what if I get tired what if I get hungry he’s already ready to go he’s tapped in there you go so are you are you keeping with that or are you gonna choose another

Card I like that one I’ll choose the hardworking Mexican I mean the money with the gonna hold with that so now what we’re going to do is we’re going to put the rest of those in for the next episode so we’re going to do a second so

The second one is what’s my secret power what’s my secret power so six random cards drawn out of the box what do you think one through six let’s go for six six what’s my secret power Tony Morrison’s vagina Tony Morrison’s vagina is my secret power I’ll have to choose another one

Because I don’t know her yeah I don’t know who that is either who is that like let’s see because I kind of don’t know who Tony Morris is yeah I was going to say to have have her name dropped in in that she has to be somebody Morrison so Tony Morrison she’s an

American novelist Tony okay so this is Tony Morrison so your secret power is novel writer Tony Morrison so you’re gonna have Tony Morrison’s vagina that is your secret power would have a gorilla grip [ __ ] like one of those nice juicy [ __ ] that just hold on oh

Yeah that’s the kind I like that’s my [ __ ] too so I have one of those so I I would say yeah never mind I’m staying with that card she’s a winner so you gonna stay with Tony Morris okay cool with her I’ll DM her so that is our ODed

Humanity segment so real quick let me go back to the live stream I’m trying to keep up with this for uh for the ones that are here for the live stream so let’s see so um so Jason said Freya what is your favorite horror movie what is your favorite horror movie my favorite

Horror movie oh that’s hor that’s really damn why do you have to do that to why can’t you just ask me my favorite movie of all time that’s a way easier one than just horror um well favorite movie of all time Lord of the Rings director Extended

Cut till I die but favorite horror movie why is it that the only that the movie that stands out to me is the Evo bong but I don’t want to choose that one because it’s a horrible movie but I heard of that one it’s the evil bong it

Comes to life bro oh I mean that rubber have you ever heard of rubber and it’s the tire that comes to life and it gets mad and it Fates and then it kills people yeah look up rubber rber that one up too I I watched I watched what was it

The uh [ __ ] killer Donuts or some [ __ ] what was it was terrible but I watched it it was me amusing enough I watched that winie the Pooh movie too that was pretty I actually liked it car uh I mean it had cool kills you know if you’re watching it like like any other

Old slasher movie it’s good enough I’m with it I I I I will watch the sequel I it was about an hour and a half long and I didn’t like and it was entertaining you know so okay true I would say one movie that creeps me out to this day

Like the heels have eyes that family oh yeah yeah that one’s rough to choose a horror movie that one that one that one scared me though that had that had a pretty intense for sex scene in that movie as well and I think that’s why I like hardcore sex so

Much because growing up looking back right now I watched a lot of movies like that and now I get turned on by that so I’m just like wait wait a minute there’s a minute this wasn’t supposed to work like this and see what and see what goes

On so going back to the stream also miles Jones miles asked hey Ray can I ask your guest uh are we gonna see Frey of Von Doom versus Jack slay her are we gonna see Freya Von Doom versus Jack Slayer well I love Jack and he loves me

And we were texting a while back about shooting I know that he’s in Miami now so I have to hit him up to shoot I just haven’t gotten around doing that cuz I’ve been doing my own stuff at the moment I don’t really like I shot a lot

Like I said and then I took like a mini break because like I feel like it’s important for everyone especially in my industry to take breaks for your body and your mental too because you do get especially when you shoot 17 days in a row and then you

Become yeah you get like disconnected to like for me like sex sometimes when I’m shooting a lot then it just feels like I bring that home with me and the same mindset in the bedroom and that’s not good so I’ve been taking a minute break

But when I but when I get back into shooting I I’ll get back into shooting in February like normal porn again and I’m definitely going to hit jack up because he texted me to to and I was like okay like let’s do it let’s let’s

[ __ ] it let’s let’s go I feel like I’ve slept with everyone so I’m like let’s go let’s add another notch to my bed post and I love the fact that now all these big stars are dming me and texting me to work with them and I’m just like

That that’s a cool feeling too when you have all these people that like youve looked to your whole life and then now they’re texting me out the blue and they’re like you’re my biggest crush I’m like no way you’ve been my yeah like validation any chance can you say who

I’ve been getting a lot lately and it’s been kind of like wow like that’s cool by any chance would you mind saying any of the names yeah like Kendra Lov I love her a lot and she likes me too like we flirt a lot um and then you know like Chloe

Temple’s really fun She’s A Freak anytime she sees me she plays around with her tampon string if she has one because she knows I like blood play and things like that so but a lot I love everyone that I’ve ever really worked with for the most part and yeah so but

It’s pretty funny when I show up on set and they’re like oh my god I’ve always wanted to work with you oh my God my crush forever and like my God bleed into my eyeballs I need you to and I feel I’m like who am I like you have millions of

Followers and stuff and you’re like crushing on me right now like you know what I mean so it’s been pretty fun but Jax is one of them where he he texted me and I was just like oh that’s pretty dope you know like oh cool so yeah I will be working with Jack

Soon probably in February whenever I feel like getting back into the swing of that again because lately I’ve been working on music videos I have a music video I’ve uh produced that’s coming out um the 1 of January so I’m really excited about that I was directing and

On the production side of that I can’t really name it because I’ll end up doxing myself with fans look it up and yeah stuffff but um hopefully yeah but yeah no I’ve been mostly working on mainstream stuff uh nice these few months but I’ll get back in the swing of

Things in febrary and I’ll be back everywhere have uh have you done anything with like AI type stuff or like any like the VR stuff or anything I’ve done a lot of VR I actually direct for a VR company oh nice nice it’s like real

Yeah VR is insane like when I bought an Oculus like that’s one of the main reasons why I in an Oculus was because of VR form like it’s just completely it changes the whole atmosphere of everything like you can literally look around as things are going on not like

You would like why would you look around when you can look down or look you know wherever but it it’s insane the way a lot of that works and the reason I ask is because AI is becoming unhinged and I came across a video of somebody who put a

Robot in a situation where he was working at Amazon and the robot got so stressed out he killed himself so um let me let me find the video and I’m gonna play broke my heart I was like wow like that is like when I saw that initially I

Didn’t think that robot was actually working I thought it was an art statement like an art piece that speaks to like the reality of like the common worker today and then found out that that was an actual robot produced to make that KN as an art piece and that

Broke my heart even more I was like wow a robot can’t even do this repeti this robot was programmed with AI technology to work a minimum wage job without tiring however after approximately 15 minutes of the robot doing basic work it decided that it would rather shut down and essentially kill itself determining

That was the most logical choice this is extremely unsettling considering a robot would do this imagine how humans must feel that work these jobs so uh I don’t know if I buy that dude I don’t know bu day I wake up and go to work I am that

Robot every day when I wake up and go to work I’m just kind of like yeah I mean dude I I I suspect that this this is worth a Google I I just because I feel like this is probably more like the art statement it doesn’t make it doesn’t [ __ ] compute

Me because that’s a [ __ ] machine it shouldn’t [ __ ] matter and what does wage difference me you know what I mean like like they make a mention a minimum wage job like okay but like it’s robots machine I don’t know man don’t need money like what’s the whole point yeah

Now that being said I’m glad I don’t work at Amazon but you know what I’m saying what about this a Tesla engineer that was left with an open wound following a horrific attack by a robot so I mean what the [ __ ] do you think’s gonna happen when you’re messing around

With robots like it they’re very unpredictable they’re not like human or like the animal instinct is to look into the person’s pupil and be able ble to tell what the next movement is and you can’t tell that with a ro so they’re already taking that risk I feel like if

You’re already there you should have signed a [ __ ] waiver that said I might be damaged goods too anything like that that and it says a Tesla software engineer has been left with an open wound on his left hand oh and I said see I read the article

Because I I look at these articles and I don’t read them I wait until we go live to read them yeah following horri go live to see the [ __ ] show yeah and it’s like been left with an open wound on his left hand following a horrific attack by a malfunctioning

Robot at the company’s Texas Factory near Austin Witnesses claimed that their fellow employee was attacked by a machine designed to move aluminum car parts the information report says his two colleagues said that the robot pinned the engineer and sank his metal claws into his back and arm leaving a

Trail of blood along the floor the inci inent which took place in 2021 while the victim was programming software for two disabled Tesla robots oh so he was trying to protect his buddies like he’s trying to program these robots he’s like n get off like T1000 was like no this

Gonna happen what did they program these robots with for them to even have a reaction that way because you have to program that sort of reaction to any like it’s a robot doesn’t have a free will to think or do or act so who taught it that who programmed those actions

Within that robot 2 leap this one sounds like like like all right maybe not [ __ ] but it sounds like misinformation you are dude you are like the poor man’s Joe Rogan bro you have your disining the [ __ ] out of people Jamie fact check that speaking speaking of horror movies have you ever

Seen any of the Silent Night deadly night mov movies it sounds familiar I feel like are those older they are older and they’re Christmas based ones and there was one it was Silent Night deadly night four and it was called the toy maker and he made like a robot toy and

The robot toy wanted to love and it fell in love with the kid’s mother and there was this weird like robot like force sex scene and like the robot didn’t have like a penis it had like just like that regular action figure like plain like torso or whatever and like you just get

The scene of her bent over and like the robots just trying to get but it doesn’t have like parts or whatever and she’s screaming like there’s four and I’m like it doesn’t have Parts like I don’t program that robot to be a sex robot

Yeah and and I was like I was like this was almost hot and then I saw that it did not have Ro it did not have the parts that it needed for this that’s sad I mean I’m sure he could have went into the drawer and found a suction cup

One so PR so imagine this like you’re sitting there and there’s a knock at your door one day and you open the door and there’s a robot programmed for sex standing outside your door so is Freya going to let the robot in and see what

The robot has in store or is that robot leaving out of your place tears crying oil down its little tear Ducks when you are done with that robot I would make that robot sign NDA so when it leaves with tears and a few gears missing and broken parts back to whoever

Its creator is they won’t be able to ask questions legally and I have an NDA for that so if anyone has a robot that they want to send my R oh [ __ ] so she has a she has a ready you got one ready to go huh hanging on her wall she’s like I’m

Waiting for the day when Johnny 5 shows up to my house and I just sit on his VCR looking face and this is what happens like I’ll make him do a VR porn within my [ __ ] if it was a robot I’ll be like let’s get deep let’s go like do you have

That kind of technology or do Anya send you back for your brother like what’s happening that that robot turns to a life of of murder after it meets Freya because blood and then it will or it just dies tripling anxiety I goes back to its owner and it’s

Covered in blood pissing semen and they’re like what the hell happened to you robot it was a good time I don’t know and Freya I must say we’re getting a couple of comments in the theme they’re like Freya is awesome they’re like you know she’s so open and all that

So yeah we we yeah honestly we’ve I’ve been on this show a bunch of [ __ ] times and like it it like you know it could be hit or miss like with the guests sometimes like like they were like they’re just not talkers like I’ll run my mouth I just can’t you know like

Like with some of the you start talking about blood [ __ ] and like all that I kind of like I I this is where I check out slight it’s like this is where I leave I’m gonna sign off of no no I’m here I hear every [ __ ] word but it’s

Like I got I it’s like you know I but then you know I don’t know like well what kind of sex do you like mt oh yeah there you go uh I’m like a I mean you know I like aggressive [ __ ] but like nothing like over the top weird

Or anything like that you know what I mean I I don’t know littleit a little bit of Choke what’s like aggressive though like like restrained like handcuffed like uh I don’t really go too far like that I mean I have but you know like it’s not really it doesn’t do it

For you no not really like it’s just I don’t know I mean I guess listen are you more of a lover because that’s cool too I mean some people I I I I am I am like that a bit you know what I mean like I could be a little bit like

I guess I could be do or whatever but like you know honestly a lot of that stuff there’d probably be a good chance to like you know I I could stay in like any sort of like character you know what I mean uh uh but you know and that I

Like chicks with fat asses and big tits like I’m a big dude I like I like I like thick women love them love them thick women too I’m so small though so I use booty tape they have like this booty kind of tape that you can buy at the sex

Store and it holds the cheeks open and everything so you can have sex with really thick women and be okay no [ __ ] there that’s small like me that likes all sizes because I’m like freaking a kuna matata one big one small ones ones a big of my [ __ ] head I don’t

Care I’m booing a pitch for booty tape put it there so if you just like me and Matt like the thicker lady has put it on there you go well I know that was a thing I never needed you know I feel like you have big hands like

You’d be able to hold it open I’m talking like people oh yeah yeah for sure I I can handle I can handle me some I can handle me some big L Matt’s hands are like those those like scalples that like they open a vagina with like he’s the vagina scalp that’s right

Yeah Matt so so I have to ask you now of course you do metal so a lot of the done that as you’ve come like have you ever like no I’m not really like terribly vocal but like there’s a there’s been a I’ve been reported because like I don’t really pay

Attention to it in the moment but like like I’ve been told like it’s like uh I I deliver a good grunt a lot of times huh Channel 9 News it’s been reported yeah yeah like yeah I I I uh oh yeah I said reported hello hello I took lot my neighbor is killing

Somebody no I was just it’s like just but it’s like just such a [ __ ] like big guy thing like like you know what I mean it’s like of course I make that [ __ ] noise probably figure that out looking at me nice you know what I mean I know I know

What that big boy does over there yeah certified certified hos brother that’s so funny cranking my hog brother oh my God what you guys your role play as what’s that if you guys role play in the bedroom what do you like what’s your go-to role playay oh go-to role play oh

Man Matt I’m Gonna Let You Go first well [ __ ] you dude like uh I mean I ain’t got nothing like that specific you know what I mean normally it’s just like aggressive like you know push you up against the wall kind of [ __ ] I haven’t done a whole lot of like

Role playing or really weird [ __ ] like that I just haven’t um you know it’s now like I I kind like consider myself relatively open-minded but like what about your dream role play would you want to be like a fireman or something or like what what would your

Idea role play be if you like a super freak that’s like let’s role play baby give me I mean I don’t it would it would Pro well okay first of all my the main I would it would be what she’s into okay so I over and I was like hey Matt let’s

Role play right now what do you want to do what do I want to no I why I’m asking you oh well I’m asking you what’s your what makes you think like whoa like what’s the first thought in your mind like I want to be a police officer let

Me freaking cuff you up baby or uh I have okay I did take that back I did like and now the thing is I did road work at the time but I did Rock uh the safety vest and like the hard hat yeah like basically just go you know

And like run business like that but I mean that was still that was like it like it was like a precursor and then like it’s like all right all that [ __ ] was ditched and we were just but yeah like done that but I mean that’s all like to me I feel like that’s

So [ __ ] PG like why don’t even bring that up in here like you know like you be you [ __ ] [ __ ] why don’t you take a [ __ ] three foot dildo and RAM it up your own [ __ ] while you’re [ __ ] you know like okay all right y’all like you know I more power to

You at the end of a power drill are you talking about dicka like yeah or like you could freaking put like [ __ ] a chick with the end of a sledgehammer like the handle or something I mean I guess I’d probably be down to that you could deal with that

What if she was into it yeah that would be I have the bladder of a toddler so I had to go pee and I come back and I walk back to handle of a sledgehammer in the [ __ ] and I’m just like she’s dud she’s grilling me over about trying to get go

Goddamn I think mine like like and she’s running the show now I don’t do a lot of role playing but I would always like I always kind of wanted to do like a Michael Myers kind of like you know somebody trapped and being stalked from afar you know type

Thing or whatever and it’s the whole you know you’re just doing regular tasks like washing dishes whatever and all that and you have no idea that somebody’s watching you from outside and then the next thing you know they come in and then all of a sudden you know

Know whatever happens happens like you know so you would want to be Michael Myers right you wouldn’t want somebody else being the Michael Myers creeping on I would want to be Michael Myers Beck not the [ __ ] in the room while you’re trying to do dishes and she’s

Like that’s where the blood play comes in it’s like I have to stab you in your titty first of [ __ ] animal like and then it’s just kind of like oh Michael like I know you’re stabbing me to death hey how about I like just you know cup your

Balls for a little bit or whatever why would that was my hope my balls already would you ra Jesus that was my hope when we went to Salem my wife and uh her cousin went to Salem and I was Michael Myers when we went to Salem Massachusetts for

Halloween and uh I was just kind of like I hope that like sex didn’t happen because my wife’s she’s like well my cousin’s here like BL but I was just kind of like I want to have sex like it didn’t happen but like I Salem just itself [ __ ] nerd because

Itself on Halloween was insane so there was a lot of processing that had to happen like you know but no like stuff like that so you know now that Freya has opened the door hey I wish somebody closed that [ __ ] already what is it with the yellow I

Know you have a yellow Sharpie like you were talking you have like the yellow Sharpie in your hand I’m like are you like just sitting there like dabbing it with your tongue oh you’re drawing and listen though my ears bro I’m in I’m involved I’m responding and

[ __ ] I do this [ __ ] at band practice too and uh they [ __ ] at me and I’m like I’m like Honestly though is on the next page yeah dude look hold on I got something for you okay uh I Drew this just [ __ ] around the other night I mean like I

Like DC comic book characters okay so I started doing this right oh [ __ ] now at the end of band practice I come down the next morning the next day I come downstairs and something’s been added to it you can’t really yeah so and I was like I was like which

One of you [ __ ] pricks did this and he’s and he’s like you and then like the other day he’s like hey if you go downstairs can you send me this file off your computer when you’re done drawing dicks on on superheroes I was like you [ __ ]

[ __ ] yeah but I dude I got a sketch dud I’m not very good at it but like you know it’s the thing I do and I like smoking Reaper and hang and I’m sitting here chilling hanging out so you doing good what sketch did you just do like

What are you working on right now oh oh this is uh it’s just look I actually watched a YouTube video on kind of how to do a cartoony version of The Flash and it’s just just ahead of his I actually had that penciled out the other

Day I’m just down here coloring it in because it was in front of me from the last time I was sitting down here so super cool and you said band practice so you’re in a band what kind yeah I’m in a band called scissor fist out of uh Baltimore Maryland it’s like Baltimore

Hardcore Beatdown music uh if you like punching faces and stuff it’s that kind of that kind of deal I I do what’s that can I play it at the dungeon like that kind of music I mean if you’re yeah if you’re into heavy [ __ ] yeah sure yeah absolutely do it I would be

[ __ ] honored yeah Matt why don’t you send her some of your stuff and she can play it I can do that I actually already followed her Instagram with the band page so I’ll get the rest of the socials every time I’m on here whoever I’m on

Here with I usually do I I follow I find them and they find me typically and of course if anybody missed it earlier when we opened the show before Freya came through we did announce that this episode was the final episode from roses unread and their song

Creatures as our opening theme here on the Happy Hour podcast and it will actually be Matt’s band scissor fist with our song burden that we’ll be picking up on January 6th which will be our next episode here Live on YouTube live and their song burden will be

Carrying on for the next six months for our opening theme right here on the Happy Hour podcast of course here on Roku and Fire TV as well and prya I think we’re going to go ahead and let you get ready to get out of here we’re running on the twoh hour

Mark which it’s amazing how quickly time this has been a very nice enjoyable podcast this might be one of this may be my even though I was sitting here gawking at some of the because like some of the [ __ ] like you know I it’s it’s

Just I get like that about it you know what I mean I was raised I was raised Catholic and [ __ ] like oh je like you know anyway uh those are the biggest perverts I love it well yeah I mean I didn’t listen to any of that [ __ ] but you know what I mean

Like but uh uh you have been a very very very [ __ ] enjoyable guest Freya is one absolute that’s what it is she is and as I said you know when I said you were like a dundock girl don’t take that as an insult because you you should

Though Freya you are the type of girl that ran with my crew when I was younger like that’s yeah no I was a wild child too my first ever job was a drug dealer and club promoter yeah used to go up like um when Carnage and all them first

Started blowing up I used to hang out with them all the time like I wish that social media was really popular back then because we only had Facebook back in the day and I’m 31 now so back then like when I was in my early like 20s I

Used to literally hang out with famous people constantly because I worked for iHeart Radio too wow promoters and so I’d always be up on stage so like your stories me and you Ray we would have definitely parted all alcohol like oh my God look at it like this I did pro wrestling for

20 years and at there were times where we would book our wrestling shows around our favorite strip clubs so we would sit there and we would look and we’d be like okay like let’s go to this horeshit show that’s probably gonna have 15 fans in the crowd in West Virginia they

Have Club so we would book ourselves at these go and we were requested to be the first match then that way we could go out there wrestle our match get done go to the strip club because in West Virginia they open till 4 AM drink till

4 AM do nothing but Shenanigans and then drive home and then do it again the next night and so on and so forth and that that’s the thing like people ask me they’re like they’re like how come you never made it to WWE and I’m like because we were too busy booking around

To go to certain strip clubs when I should have been wrestling for better companies yeah make it made more of a party out of it yeah so I mean I’m guilty of that [ __ ] too well I’m not the rest of my band but me everybody else

Most other guys in the band are like damn near sober I I’m the one usually get [ __ ] up we get when do you play often uh yeah we’re uh we we’ve been I mean as far as like in the surrounding states uh we’re just more like a

Regional band right now we’re on Hiatus until March sometimes I go up to Baltimore sometimes there’s a few companies out there that I work with so if next I’ll hit you up and see if you’re playing I’ll show [ __ ] yeah oh yeah [ __ ] yeah that would be awesome

That would be a great tip of the C other porn stars out there with me I’ll make them come too like yeah I was gonna say I don’t know if we got I don’t know if we got a many of them over here yeah I didn’t know that there was studi out

Here or anything like that they fly you out there so I got you nice nice and Freya it was a pleasure and I you know I I extend this out every so often to people if you ever want to come back and hang out with us and guest

Host with us it’s pretty much the same thing just with whatever other guests we have um because that’s the thing like pro wrestling was able and you know right now real quick uh we’re gonna let you get out are you still good to hang out for a little bit longer I have

Nothing going on I was just gonna play Skyrim after this but all right cool so real quick I’m gonna say this and I’m gonna get into a little bit of a 2023 synopsis for the show so pretty much everybody knows that pro wrestling was the main reason why this show existed it

Let me be able to go out in front of a live crowd perform and be able to call it on fly that is the basis of this show I go on we start recording whatever happens happens if we don’t get to our segments we don’t get to our segments

But it lets me in a live situation be able to work and figure [ __ ] out and there’s so many other shows out there thank you to the shows that sit there and tell me all the time I don’t know how you do it live we would never be

Able to do our show live and that that’s what I’m used to I don’t know anything else but hosting the show live in 2023 has been an amazing year for us unfortunately we lost our regular everyday co-host Matt um he had to leave the show of course you know Matt from

Scissor fist of course Tommy saso Eric Woodworth Ashley Pontius Jerry from Sher Pine podcast if I’m forgetting anybody anybody who’s help help us who’s came in the guest co-host Caitlyn Bell um all kinds of people who have come in hung out with the show all of our amazing

Guests for 2023 of course we were nominated for AVN last year you know we had a lot of fan voting this year for the AVN so we may very well be nominated for AVN for best adult podcast this year it’s been an amazing year of course we

Got hooked up with Rob from um pod Nation TV which airs on Roku and Fire TV that is a big thing for us our YouTube got monetized we have more social media engagements than we ever had so I appreciate the fact that you guys love our wild what the [ __ ] is actually

Happening yeah dude I got so much [ __ ] foot traffic from being on on the on the uh the episode with Daisy Taylor yes yes dude yeah no my I had the one guy like hitting me up like I knew her personally yeah how’ you get her on

Your podcast I’m like I I was like it’s my buddy’s podcast I I was like I I don’t have any further information if that’s what you’re seeking yeah and like why you do you guys only ever interview porn stars or do you guys interview other people or like it’s most it’s mostly

[ __ ] porn stars so the show if you if you guys so so that’s a good question fre I appreciate you asking that so for those of you who watch us on Fire TV and Roku you will notice we we have our current run episodes which this episode will be uploaded tomorrow our current

Episode our third episode with Natasha Nice um is currently up there along with leani Lei which is our 200th episode um those are all up on Fire TV right now and Roku but also our vintage episodes which I think right now we’re 41 42 and

46 um that are currently on there are a lot of episodes like we would kind of when we started off we didn’t have as much of adult film stars we originally did not have the mentality of doing that like th this show evolved from happy

Hour TV which was a local Access TV show we did in 2009 2010 we had Jesse Jane on the show we had Lisa Anne we had Nikki Ben we had all them and it was just us getting drunk recording it was kind of like Jersey Shore but like sort of like

Mixed with the man show and mixed with Howard Stern and somebody I I saw you had a post recently Jersey Shore that reminds me of the club yes yes Karma and interrupt you you just reminded me of that first yes they they got they got demolished so and fortunately I was able

To go to both of those clubs we were huge Jersey Shore fans I was able to go in 2010 2011 wild wild trips like they were complete wild trips I’ll remember them forever one trip I went on I was single the second trip I went on I I had

Just met my wife and we were together for a year when we went the second time but Ro trips were absolutely crazy um but no it evolved from that and people were like why don’t you keep the same theme so over time it kind of evolved

Like we we were like okay well we’re very myself and my old co-host Matt shout out to Matt um we were the type of guys that would sit there and we would be at a bachelor party a baptism uh Church wherever and we would be laughing about the most Bogger obscene [ __ ] you

Could possibly imagine I was like okay well this is what we’re going to do with the show but when we first started we had on guests that were just kind of more so normal guests and Matt you’ve been here for some of them to where

Their PR rep would not let them know how balls to the wall or show were and they’d be like a deer in headlights yeah yeah there was a time or two where this was some awkward [ __ ] and I like homie you you just truck through it yeah and

Matt would be like oh man I feel so sorry for this person but also it’s like it’s not my fault you didn’t do research but also this is what our show is your PR rep should have told you but it’s the kind of thing that over time I feel like

Our adult film guests we could be ourselves we could talk about whatever the [ __ ] we want but also the adult film Community embraced us um of course shout out to Erica icon from the rub PR we’ve been with her since day one she considers our Show The Fun show whenever

She sends guests over um you know everybody loves the show no one’s ever had a complaint like we come on we have a good time and that that’s wait till this one airs yeah authentic and it feels like just chilling with my Bru yeah yeah and I

Mean that’s the way it is I like more of an organic reaction than a whole we have a whole note and we’re just like so when you send me anything before this like no I love that because sometimes I’ll be on podcast and they’ll give me like a

Rundown on what topics so I can plan ahead what I’m gonna say and I’m like okay you didn’t do that you guys were just like here’s the link click on it come on yeah yeah and I mean that’s the thing like I kind of like put out like

Random stuff of like topics we want to cover and stuff like that but if we get to them we get to them if not I have that uncanny ability of being able to like navigate through of okay well oh he’s very uncanny yeah I this now we’re

Talking about this like we went to exotico with a whole plan and then we ended up running into a guy who did acrobatic stuff and I was like this guy’s a [ __ ] mutant like this guy can lift people and do acrobatic [ __ ] Wild yeah I was just kind of like okay you

Come with me and we went around all the guests we knew and he did like acrobatic [ __ ] with them and that’s mainly what our whole episode ended up becoming but no again thank for everybody over the last year of course the last four years were you know June will be our fourth

Year anniversary that’ll be entering us into season five we appreciate everybody who loves the show supports the show make sure on YouTube sign up for our membership tiers we have three membership tiers um the triple shot tier allows you to get entered into a pool to

Possibly come on with a guest of your choosing so if reyya is ever back and you want to come on hang out with us as long as you’re respectful and you’re not weird we’ll bring you on we’ll bring anybody on Hangout you’re weird we’re gonna boot you that’s just the way it’s

Going to work like we you know we don’t deal with all that [ __ ] but if you want to hang out have fun laugh with a guest make sure you sign up for the triple shot cheer buy some merchandise subscribe make sure you you follow pod

Nation TV on Roku and Fire TV Reya it has been an honor and a pleasure I would love really dope a guest co-host or anything like that because I I it’s me I’m a guaranteed you never know who else is GNA be with me each and every episode

So um where can everybody find you if they want to find you don’t give out your address because you’re gonna have some go up at your house and cut their nipples off and go here’s my blood please it down I my address I’d give out the Orlando one because that one has the

Red Room in it I won’t give out my address you but yeah you can find me um pretty much all over your PornHub page I’m on the front a lot um but mostly on Twitter that’s my main thing that I’m on only fans I’m on

Um I gotta this is my fourth time at Instagram hopefully it Stills up every time I have an Instagram I’m like is this is this gonna be okay and then I’ll get so right now I have an Instagram it’s staying up we’re good I have a Tik

Tok page but today I I posted a video and I didn’t realize in the the background there’s a dildo but for some reason they cleared it so I may or may not have a Tik Tok page tomorrow we’ve been banned once and I haven’t went back

We had a Hu we had kind of a big following there and then they banned us because of our language and our content and all that stuff and I was like you know what [ __ ] Tik Tock I don’t need it yeah no Tik Tok like I when I had like

When I mostly stayed up in my bedroom up in Orlando when I had live up there like lived up there I don’t know why I talk like but um yeah anytime that I’d post a video in my Red Room at all like no sex toys nothing

On my wall because on my walls I had like a wall of dicks and a wall of paddles and like things but I take that down for the videos and my videos would still get flagged and I got so this is my second attempt at Tik Tok for that

Reason so I have the same hatred towards that platform as you unfortunately but yeah you can find me on Tik Tok and all that I started a twitch literally this week because I had a huge fan base that’s been bothering me for like years to started twitch and a YouTube for

Gaming um so I game with my feet up and I pretty much hang out and I’ll talk about random sex stories whatever I’m getting into for that and then I have a huge fan base that’s into my voice so YouTube I started a YouTube recently too

Where I just read to people I’m just I’ve literally gone to the point where that I’m just reading so put her feet up while playing video games with peanut butter from her knees down yeah you can watch me play video games with peanut butter you can also

See me in Hustler magazine I was in there this year really fun um I’m in a few music videos coming out yet again I don’t really it’s kind of a weird area working in mainstream and in porn for me because I’ll be working on a mainstream project

And I’m out there and then sometimes a fan will see me and he’s like oh my god what the hell are you doing in this music video so I coming out this year um that I’m in so if you see me don’t dox me I love

You but yeah you can pretty uh Twitter is my main thing only fans my main thing um Instagram and yeah what’s your handle on Twitter my handle on Twitter is Freya Vonore doomcore um just because when I originally signed up in 20 freaking 15 somebody apparently had that name but

I’ve never been able to find another fre V Doom so I don’t know why Twitter I remember you saying that I’m like why did they do that yeah I’m like what the hell you know what I mean so but for Instagram and all those it’s the

Same fre Von Doom so you’re fine you can literally Google me I’m the only fre Von Doom out there on Google which is awesome there’s a few other freas out there but no von Dooms and none of them are also dominatrixes and douses So anything if you’re like hey I wonder if Freya does this Google Freya Von Doom twitch fre ofon Doom does Dr Doom yeah I would love to do a porner like that what okay so when you say that do you see me [ __ ] Dr Doom or Dr Doom [ __ ] the

Universe out of me I feel like that it’s two ways like you need a [ __ ] if I do make video I would make it as for whatever you say because I’m I’m kind of freaky like that you need to have Dr Doom [ __ ] you

And then you need to be a female Dr Doom where like you have like this weird like female like Dr Doom costume but like you have like an open mouth so you can do things with your mouth but it’s like the do yeah yeah a lot of a lot of ideas

Mainly crazy and weird ideas come out of the show so yeah great if any of you guys watching have any ideas I [ __ ] it I’ll do a Dr Doom versus Dr Doom scene this year let’s go WR write to us wherever that you want them to write to

Uh some scene ideas and I’ll [ __ ] do it and then we can come on and talk about it nice nice and uh also Freya as I said we’re gonna get ready to wrap up here on a on YouTube live Roku and uh Fire TV um thank you so much for coming

On to our show I hope you had an amazing time and we would love to have you back even if it’s just you me Matt and a guest normally it’s a it’s a three spot with hosts it’s just me and Matt tonight so if you ever want to come back I I

Have your contact information I’ll let you know hey these are the dates that we have if you want to come hang out [ __ ] with us and our guests we would L that oh my God I would love to if you have any models come on that you’re like

Wow this is an insatiable [ __ ] freak fre would have a have my number literally just me and if I’m traveling or something I’ll hop on online I always try my computer and my phones so and we also have our gimmicks and all that too we have our

Games we have our news articles which also lead into so much craziness that we do so what we’re going to do Freya we’re going to have you hang out for a second once we conclude to do a plug but other than that we’re going to go ahead and

Wrap up here on YouTube live of course we’re going to be back here our first episode of 2024 is going to be January 6 so January 6 we’re going to be back 7:30 pm Alysa Vera will be our special guest so she will be joining us here and uh we will

Be announcing our whole schedule for January coming up soon so I always book about a month or so in advance so you’ll be getting that in the February’s guests will probably be announced the first week of January so um you know yeah just make sure you keep on as I said

Subscribe find the Pod Nation TV channel and uh make sure you follow us on all the social medias and make sure you follow Freya Freya is awesome you know we had so many comments on the social media page she’s been one of our funnest guests that you know we’ve had so

Everybody love Freya so make sure you go over follow her you know send her some requests you know what actually send her the weirdest a us requests you possibly can that’s a request from us send us send her the craziest [ __ ] you can think I want to see what crazy [ __ ] you guys

Come up with even if it’s not your fetish or you kink if you’re like this is [ __ ] wild I want to see yeah make sure you say the Happy Hour podcast sent us and then she know you watch this episode and you are [ __ ] up like the rest of us but we’re

Going to go ahead and conclude here once again thank you we’re joining us right here on the Happy Hour podcast we will see you next time January 6th in 2024 here on the Happy Hour podcast awesome

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