Right foot pressure in the golf swing

Golfers every day complain about their major swing error being they hit off their back foot. This is usually because the concepts of pressure shift haven’t been explained and practiced.

It seems logical that if you are shifting pressure from your back foot (right foot) you should push off that foot. That is where the problems start…


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A really common piece of advice to begin the downswing is actually to push off your back foot now if I’m applying pressure to the ground through my right foot often my the my balance or or my body mass will stay over that foot I definitely don’t want that hi I’m Peter

Knight I’ve created this channel Peter Knight golf to help you play the best golf you possibly can and today we’re going to look at how we shift pressure and specifically the roll of the right foot at the through the start of the day down swing so add a dress and when I’m moving

Uh when I’m swinging the club the pressure is going to change on my feet so let’s say it’s around about 50% pressure on either foot at the start when I get back to the top of the swing it could be 75 80% on my right foot when

I get to impact it’s going to be the opposite so it’s going to be about 80% on my left foot and then it’ll get to 95 so we’ve got this changing of pressure during the swing so let’s have a look at the timing of that that pressure and a

Couple of issues with it so the first one or the first key is that when I swing the club back and I get to say this point in my swing here so halfway back however much pressure is going to be on my right foot as in whatever the maximum is in my back

Swing let’s call it 75% it’s going to be there at this point here so from this from the start of my takeaway I’ve now got about 75% of pressure on my right foot and you can see my body hasn’t suede sideways a lot of that is just the the mass of my body

Having rotated here there’s a slight shift of my body’s Center in order for me to to achieve that it’s definitely not a sway though now by the time and this is the trickiest bit of the whole uh pressure shifting movement for players to get let’s say I’ve got about

75% of pressure on my right foot at this stage by the time I get to the end of my back swing I’ve now only got a about 70% of pressure on here so the pressure has begun to move now that’s a it’s like a reentering movement of my body so my

Body’s Center might have moved a tiny little bit to the right but as I get to the end of the back swing it’s starting to move back now I’ve still got 70% of pressure here so I’ve still got the majority of pressure on my right foot at that

Point when I start my downswing though because I’ve already begun moving this way it’s much much easier so that by the time I get to about here so roughly halfway down I’ve already got the majority of pressure onto this leg here and in fact at this point here my left

Leg is already vertical my knee is still a little bit bent here but but my my hip is over my knee which is over my ankle so my legs vertical now a lot of players will have the idea that when they start the down swing they’ve got to push off

The right foot so if I get to the to that say the end of my back swing here and I start pushing off my right foot I’m creating more of a vertical pressure which will just push my hips up and I’m actually creating more and more

Pressure on my right foot as I do that and my body will go backwards this is really really common it can come from you know having the idea that we need to try and help the ball in the air or I’m trying to hit the ball further or simply because I’m

Trying to push off that right foot there but getting this sense of almost float I’m going back pressure is starting to move now it’s on my left foot now doing it just like I did there without even swinging a golf club I could just hold the club across my shoulders I turned

Back my body’s still centered now the pressure is starting to move forward so it’s a it’s a small movement but if you have a look at the top 200 the top 500 players in the world male or female you’ll find that almost every single player will

Create this motion and in fact it’s a principle that you can find applying in a whole lot of different sports so now what we need to do is build this feeling of how the pressure is going to move so as I go back from here I’m just getting that movement

Going forward now you can see also as my as I’m starting to move forward just the movement of my foot taking the pressure off that right foot my ankle starts to roll in so I’m not sort of staying on that foot so the feel is more that the

Pressure is coming off the off my right foot rather than being pushed off so from here I go back and I get that feeling of flowing motion going the other way and so I’m taking the pressure off that foot off my right foot as I go back and through so practicing that

Movement’s really really important for giving you the control of the center of your body but also giving you the feeling of how that pressure should shift from foot to foot during this swing but it’s definitely not pushing off that right foot I’m allowing the pressure to come off if I’m if I’m

Walking as I’m taking one from one step to the other the pressures come off my foot I haven’t walked and and pushed off that foot as I’ve gone forward so the movement’s similar in the golf swing just like when I’m when I’m walking from here the pressure is coming off the foot

Just like the walk movement so practice that do it even just without a golf club to start with hands across your shoulders or Club across your shoulders make little swings getting that sense of how the the pressure flows from foot to foot then add the golf uh add the golf ball

Increase the range of the motion increase the speed and you’ll find that your body will actually stay more centered even though you’ll feel a stronger sense of pressure you’ll probably find too that that idea of hitting off the back foot is completely gone


  1. Excellent commentary Peter on right foot pressure in the golf swing! This is one of my periodic problems in properly moving my pressure points! I'm probably like a lot of senior golfers who have lost a lot of their dexterity in their body movements. Thanks for this video which now gives us some tips on correcting this situation! Well Done Peter!

  2. some suggest that the 'ground forces' are used to go back and forth, i.e. I push off on my left foot for the backswing and the right foot, once centred, to get the power in the swing. Are you saying this or simply suggesting the weight shift is the issue and not a power move in the feet?

  3. It's a tough one to implement and I'm confused as Jack Nicklaus has suggested he Ely he was pushing "hard" of the right foot towards his left foot…what's the right feel????
    I definitely push off my right leg and catch it on my left after the ball is struck so I don't engage the ground properly and lose speed etc…

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