Golf Players

1983 Brier Semifinal – Werenich vs Sparkes

Curling Legends Podcast Presents:
Ed Werenich (Ontario) vs Bernie Sparkes (British Columbia)
Begins with the Labatt Brier Report with Don Duguid and Don Whitman. Semifinal begins at 00:35:14
Brier Semifinal
Sudbury Arena, Sudbury, Ontario
March 12, 1983
#curling #brier

Related Podcast Episodes:
Bernie Sparkes –
Paul Savage –
Don Duguid –

At the 1983 laat Brier and subury two ranks British Columbia and Alberta remain unbeaten through three days of play with the DC quartet of Bernie spark Jim Armstrong Al cook and ke Bower Leading The Way with sixth win the sixth win Don do good tonight for British Columbia at the expense of

Prince Edward Island an 8-3 victory for the rink from the west coast and tonight we also saw some of the challengers begin to falter just slightly well and the more games you play they seem to fall back in the pack but Bernie Sparks is just curling great as his whole team

Is Denny Maran the Young Junior Champion former Canadian Junior champion from Quebec came into tonight’s draw with a three and one record but he ran into an open switch against Jack McFarland and his rink from Northern Ontario well it looked like Marian was really going to make a charge and stay

With the pack uh and I think you’ll look at this shot and reflect back on it lying five Northern Ontario he’s trying to draw to the corner the 4ot third in it’s a little difficult for him but you see he’s a little bit heavy goes right through the house and Northern Ontario

Steals five on him the biggest end of the competition so far as Northern Ontario went on to a 7-1 win well Alberta’s Ed lukovich unbeaten had his hands full tonight with Charlie Sullivan of New Brunswick well Charlie threw this one very poorly wide of the broom a

Little bit heavy and he’s trying to make contact with the Rock on the right hand side and it goes by and Charlie wasn’t very happy with that shot because you cannot let Ed Luc have a free draw for three especially to take control of a curling game you see

Lit lets it Go and right away Mike chup runs out past the hogline to help him sweep it you know he’s had great draw weight all week chernof and you’ll see he just pulls up short and you hate to miss those free looks and in most Brier games you can’t

Afford to lose that free draw for three but tonight fortunately for Ed luic it did not affect his Alberta Champions and they were able to go on to a 64 victory over New Brunswick to remain undefeated with five straight wins we’ll return to our coverage of the laat Brier right after this

Get right out of thece when feeling up down That take a good look at this one At Mr mik till April 10th what a Deal BC preserved its perfect record tonight with an 8-3 win over Prince Edward Island but Don this afternoon the BC Champions got quite a scare from Kirk Zola of Saskatchewan well you’re always afraid of the western rinks I’m sure Bernie Sparks is curl Kirk before so he

Knows what he’s capable of doing and anytime you’re playing as AAS sketchin rink you’ve really got to be up for it the first three ends were blanked then on the fourth Saskatchewan picked up a pair the first time in 44 ends that anybody had picked up more than one

Against BC and Z here makes a free draw for three really control of this game at this point the score is 5 to one and it looks like Saskatchewan is gaining momentum that’s after six ends of play but in the seventh British Columbia fought back well there’s a rock right

Behind the two that he’s got in the top of the 12 foot and this is probably the most crucial shot this year that Bernie Sparks has played he has to make a double he cannot afford to just hit one of them throws the outter look at this great shot he spills both Saskatchewan

Stones and British columia Now lies three on from a degree of difficulty we picked this as our shot of the day because it certainly was if he didn’t make the double he could have been down 61 so this is our shot of the day by Bernie Sparks of British

Columbia with his last Stone of this seventh end Kirk Zola tried to get out of a jam he tried to hit and roll but unfortunately for Saskatchewan he rolled too far and this afforded of course Bernie Sparks to get right back in this game so scatch going up five to one this

Is a big draw he plays the out turn Keen B just keeps it clean and he puts it right in the forefoot a big three on the seven for BC they then stole singles on eight and nine they gave up one in the 10th and one at 76 on the extra end now

The mark of any true champion is strength and consistency at all four positions and while the BC rank still has a long way to go Jim Armstrong the third feels that the team really does not have any flaws technically our hitting ability we uh we keep the game relatively simple

And uh um we don’t run by too many open shots but we do have the ability if if necessary to uh to go to the quiet game uh all year we seem to been getting down early in early in games we managed to get back get the two or three points

Back we may not ultimately win the game but we seem to always be close putting together a Brier rank sometimes involves considerable planning discussion and negotiation among the participants but for Sparks Armstrong cook and bow it was simply the realization that they weren’t going anywhere on their

Own seemed that we were all slugging out slugging it out against each other in various competitions and uh last year when Jimmy came to join Bernie and I uh things worked out very very well and we were short one player for this year and uh so we decided that you know Al would

Probably give us our best chance at winning anything and so far it’s worked out very well Al cook had been skipping his own forsome and the BC second admits that leaving the Tad The Prestige and recognition associated with the role and moving to a less glamorous spot involved swallowing considerable

Ego very much so it always comes down to the old the old adage uh would you rather play second on a winning team or skip on a losing team and right now you’re sailing along in a pretty good spot as second on what so far has been a

Winning team yeah I have no complaints so far Spark’s trip to subury this year equals the record of 10 Brier appearances by Garnet Campbell and he has played on three Brier and world championship teams 66 68 and 69 all is second for Ron North and of those wins one stands

Out probably the first one 1966 that was the you know you always dream of getting there and when we did win it that was probably the the sweetest one so far you really were the first Canadian rank to carry the distinction of going into the silver broom did you feel any extra

Pressure on you in that uh first really World curling Championship I don’t think there was any great pressure on it uh and the fact that Canada was expected to win it every year at that at that time and it certainly changed now because all the Europeans are equally as good as the Canadian

Teams now what about the uh family rivalry the family competition Lindsay Sparks your wife has won two Canadian championships there’s no rivalry we try and help each other it’s uh we have a good good attitude at home about it we don’t see each other all withered but

It’s it’s a good good atmosphere at home she’s uh very active she plays more than I do actually she plays more games in the year than I do well of course she had those two Canadian championships uh do you curl in mix competition at all we

Try we don’t seem to last too long but uh we have tried it we actually went to Province one year in 1979 together and but we do try every year they ever do get serious about the next I think they’ll be tough well you know with the new mixed uh rule uh it

Would be a question of who who would skip the ring that might prove to be a bit of an argument well Ed wenck of Ontario managed to gain some ground this evening even though he had the buy he tightened his grip on third place in the standings because of the Dennis Maran

Quebec loss to Northern Ontario now this afternoon wenck defeated newfinland the fifth straight loss for Newan land during the first five ends the Ontario Champions applied constant pressure and it was only some clutch shooting by Skip Gary o such as this double in the fifth that kept new and Land close but when

Wck scored three in the sixth it was pretty well game over that’s true Don I made a real good draw around the guard he could see maybe half an inch of it but you know when his Rock halfway down I thought he’d made it that’s the kind of thing that happens to

A guy when uh he’s 0 and four and he hasn’t had any good luck all week he rubbed the guard raised us in for two and gave us free draw for three so just bad luck for Gary and good luck for us good luck indeed for Ontario and wck and

His Champions are very much in the chase well they’re going to be tough when it comes down to the end of the Bri they’re going to be tough we’ll return with more coverage of the Brier after This now Jordans announces this exciting breakthrough carpet prices that defy comparison Jordans now offers a choice of luxurious nylon plush carpeting at three incredibly low prices choose a fashionable Dupont nylon for just $16.99 An Elegant velvet flesh for only $1 19.99 or a dramatic Ultron Saxony for just

$21.99 nylon plush carpeting now just $699 $1 1999 and $21.99 hurry for this spectacular Jordan’s breakthrough I’m M Ali founder and president of rander we rent top quality cars from 8.95 a day cars like these GMS Fords Chryslers and compacts for 895 only at rander from coast to coast

Try Us you’ll be pleased we’re R and proud of it while the City of Sudbury is the heart of a world-renowned mining District this community of 160,000 first developed as a lumbering town but after 1900 mining increasingly dominated the area’s economy and the names of several important mines in the area perpetuate

The memory of the first Prospectors such as Thomas frud who discovered the Copper Cliff and frud mines and like many other areas of the country the railway aided development with the first train arriving in Sudbury 100 years ago and the city then served as Regional headquarters for the CPR one of the

Highlights of the city’s 100-year existence was the 1939 visit of King George V 6 and Queen Elizabeth and this year as the city marks its 100th birthday the laat prer is one of the highlights of its Centennial celebrations and there’s been a lot of excitement at the Sudbury Arena in other

Action tonight Saskatchewan not recovered I’m sure from that setback this afternoon two British Columbia had 11 straight points scored against them by Steve Ogden at Nova Scotia bowing 111 and in tonight’s other game Gary o of newfinland finally hit the wind column as he picked up juices on five ends

Defeating the territories 104 British Columbia leading the way six wins Alberta one win back Ontario suffering just one loss so far Nova Scotia and Quebec still very much in the chase for a playoff birth with two losses Manitoba is also in it a three and three record

For Lloyd gunson after two losses today Northern Ontario bounced back Jack McFarland with two wins today but Prince Edward Island saskatch in the territories New Brunswick and newfinland I think will require an awful lot of luck over the final few draws if they hope to get into a playoff position well

Especially when you have two teams at the top who haven’t lost it’s very difficult now for anybody with three losses this early in the Brier to try and catch that last playoff spot so it’s going to be very difficult for him in looking ahead the key match tomorrow involves British Columbia unbeaten and

Ed wenck of Ontario and wenck’s only loss last night to the other unbeaten rank Ed lovic well you know it’s going to be a great game because they both basically play pay the same type of game they like to come around guards and gamble a lot so it’s going to be an

Interesting game and whoever gambles the most could win the game well that Ontario British Columbia game will be the highlight of tomorrow’s play and on Thursday night for those who are wondering the two unbeaten rank should they still remain that way meet on the 7:00 draw for Don dug I’m Don Whitman

Good night from Sunbury day four of the lat Brier and Sunbury has produced a new leader Eddie luwi and his Alberta quartet have replaced Bernie Sparks of BC at top the standing Sparks now shares second spot with Ed wck of Ontario and those two were the principles this afternoon Don dug of

What has to be the finest match of this year’s Brier well I’ve watched a lot of curling and I’m telling the people of Sudbury were treated to the finest exhibition of shot making that I’ve seen for a long long time jumping into a three nothing lead was wck after picking

Up two on the first end and a single point on the fifth Sparks got one back in the sixth it was 3-1 at this point and Sparks made a very vital shot right here well a big shot because he’s trying to come off one against the boards squirted across in

Front get by one of his own ATT was with one of his own and spill the Ontario Rock and just an unbelievable shot by Bernie Sparks and that’s the reason we picked that shot as the shot of the day he has to hit about a quarter of an

Inch of the rock against the boards and like it’s only three inches from the boards get by one of his own guards hit his own rock onto an his own uh the Ontario rock as it spins out of the house and not only that a shooter on the

Right hand side ends up for second Sparks was able to steal one Ontario got back on the eighth end but then in the ninth Sparks got the Miss from Ontario that he was looking for well Eddie werick here trying to get an inside roll you see the long guard

Out in front on the right hand side and the one biting the top of the 12 that belongs to BC wernick’s trying to get an inside roll and he gets a little bit of an inside roll John Kaja trying to get it in further behind the guard Sparks

Comes down trying to duplicate the same shot he gets a little bit of a roll and that’s how precise and how exacting they were curling all day this one on for 10 end now wck comes down they don’t sweep it all the way down the ice and look at

This he gets the inside roll that early Miss had set up this potential double and as the skips exchange Shots Sparks needed to hit and stay to get his pair he threw a little bit more weight on this one CAU about a half the Rock Paul Savage trying to

Sweep it out of the back but no it hangs on in the back 12 so Bernie spars gets a pair on end number nine and it’s tied at four Ontario and BC heading home Sparks was able to put a rock behind a corner guard Warick with his first stone tapped it

Back but his shot Stone was fully exposed Bernie Sparks here trying to get an outside roll a hit and roll to the right hand side of the for foot get a little bit of Separation because he has this second Shot Rock behind those guards on the left they sweep it all the

Way down the ice and it rolls about a foot he would have liked maybe to roll over to the edge of the on the other side we it comes down and he doesn’t miss these kind of shots no mistakes by the 35-year-old Toronto firef fighter and he wins it

54 move into a tie for second spot with Bernie Sparks now the leader Ed lukovic had the Buy in the afternoon after defeating Quebec 9-2 on the morning draw the evening he had his hands full against Gary Oak the youthful new finlander well Oak is actually playing a

Take on the second Shot Rock of Alberta he’s trying to hit it and roll behind those two guards in the front he really overthrows The Rock The Rock stays very straight and he misses it and you can see he doesn’t believe that shot lugt then comes down instead

Of playing a draw just decides to tap one of his own rocks in and he hits the edge of the for foot two for sure a measurement revealed that they did score a triple and Alberta went on to a 6-4 victory over Newland as cool hand as he

Is affectionately known is the lone unbeaten rink at this stage of the 1983 Bri we’ll be back right after This it has also been laced with Nostalgia an opportunity for he and wife Janette to visit the Mind site where Lloyd worked over 35 years ago I remember the trip out here very clearly because uh uh we were in Winnipeg a friend of mine and myself and we were out of work and

Decided that there was work out the mines in Sudbury or heard they were hiring and decided the way we’d come out here is by freight train and uh which we grabbed a CPR Freight in Winnipeg and headed east and that was probably one of the worst experiences we ever had in our life

But uh we got a good job out here and uh uh worked at a number five shaft at in the greaton mine I worked for quite a while uh uh at the 52 level what type of money did you make while you worked out here I don’t really

Remember what it was but uh it uh I you know I really don’t remember it was it was considered good uh well in those days saving wasn’t my strong point what are we get into right now oh some of these buildings look like they’re we just got into it

Yeah yeah this is the mine yeah while Lloyd took a look at some familiar above ground facilities the 54-year-old man at Tobin expressed no desires to venture below ground he was quite happy to talk with mine manager John Kelly and renew acquaintances with some of the older employees you remember

The old place it looks very familiar sure I uh I recognize the place very well I think there’s a fellow over here Tony uh durus that uh worked here come on in Tony Tony this is uh and his wife Janette Tony burus you worked back in the same time that I was

Here right I’ve been here since 1941 1941 yeah was before my time so you fellas both worked in here in 45 46 you were both I was the cage Center on the cage CER oh you in the cage Center yeah you like to go back in again try it over

Again well probably I wouldn’t mind it but I probably couldn’t stand it today well I guess we have to Get glad to meet you again all luck Thank you very very nice meeting youy thanks very much pleasure thank you very much came back to see us very good okay thank you for well on the curling ice Lloyd may have felt like he was below ground he

Was in trouble in both matches and he had a tough time against Steve Ogden of Nova Scotia play on the seventh end with the score tied at four and Ogden’s lying three and the only shot that Lloyd gunelson has to freeze up to the Nova

Scoti in the back of the for foot the sweepers sweep it down the ice then they stop and they should have really maybe stayed with with this rock a little bit more because it just pulls up a fraction short and there’s a little bit of separation between the two

Rocks and that allows the opportunity of course for Ogden to play a wide open head he throws the outt at it the sweeper stay on it all the way and Rock runs very straight there starts to curl a bit at the end hits it on the inside

And scores a big four point while it may have been a bad day forun a good day for Nova Scotia as Nova Scotia won by a score of 10 to5 the second win of the day for Nova Scotia and they are very much in the chase for a playoff position

Although they had quite a squeaker in the afternoon and with Ted mcfan of Prince Edward Allen H makes a good shot here he actually moves the Rocks around and he’s Shot Rock but it’s questionable who is second Shot Rock one of his or the yellow one belonging to McFadden

Mcfaden looking for three here but unfortunately he just scored he made the triple kill but picked up a pair not enough as Nova Scotia Steve Ogden was a winner by a 65 score and Ogden now with a 5-2 record still very much alive in the chase for that playoff

Bird we’ll be back to take a look at other scores of tonight’s action at the Brier right after this Message fer for Bernie Sparks he had to go to an extra end before posting an 8-7 triumph over Dawn string of the territories Eddie warin kept pace and remained tied for second spot with a 74 triumph over Charlie Sullivan of New Brunswick and Ted mcfan of Prince Edward

Island eak out a 54 win over Jack McFarland of Northern Ontario so the standings look like this Alberta the lone unbeaten rank Ontario and British Columbia sharing second spot Nova Scotia and Quebec still have a shot at a playoff position Nova Scotia has the best off opportunity it would appear

That the other provinces are pretty much out of it unless the leaders completely collapse and that is not likely to happen well much of the after hour social activity of this year’s Brier takes place in the 11th Ender room at the inco Club a different team is hosted

Each evening and last night the Manitoba rank of Lloyd gunon Bob Davidson Gordy Patterson and Harold johanneson were the special guests but whether it’s Manitoba BC or the territories the most popular individual is a 25-year-old new finlander by the name of Donald Ryan the native of Corner Brook is a

Professional musician he plays the bass guitar and is the leader of a rock band called hover Fist and it doesn’t take a great deal of coaxing to entice Ryan to join the local group and perform unfortunately the new finlanders haven’t had the same Rhythm on the curling ice

But as onario skiped wenck commented earlier in the week they may be the best last place team to ever play in a Brier I think that’s a rather accurate assessment the newlanders have been in most games they’ve played well they certainly have you know they miss they

Seem to miss a key shot at very crucial time and gets some down in the game and they always come fighting back but just don’t seem to be able to finish it off now looking forward to the next two days can ED Luka remain unbeaten well he’s

Got a tough game tomorrow of course he’s playing Bernie Sparks and I’m looking for a game similar to what we had this afternoon between Ontario and Sparks the VC and it should be a great game that’s the highlight of tomorrow’s activity undefeated Ed luit of Alberta against Bernie Sparks of British Columbia lucit

Leading the way through four days of play here at the Brier in Sudbury for Don dugat I’m Don Whitman good night and he says this is probably going to be his last World Cup Downhill race he was third in the British championships this season but Brian figures that he might be retiring this

This year well he was 60th at Pont Cena that is a Ro’s only downhill result of this 8283 [Applause] [Applause] season and we welcome those of you just joining us from the molsen world downhill in Lake Louise Alberta you are looking at Brian oor from Calgary gear number 51 the leader is helmet hopl the story though is that France cler will finish second and win the World Cup

Downhill Championship Ken Reed fell in the top part of the course Todd Brooker fell near the bottom neither were injured the top Canadian is Robin mcle in the number 15 position skier number 52 from Great Britain Martin Bell he is only the second British skier we will

See here today we’ve seen barteli it’s interesting the British don’t even ski at home in fact D when they hold their downhill championships on the main great in B there Felix bchuk is the winner of that Brian oror was third as I said earlier and uh they do some skiing in

Scotland the British but once they make the ski team almost all their competitions and and everything are in Europe but they do have the British somm and giant Som championships this April in Scotland this is the last World Cup Downhill race of the season and after this most of these downhill Stars taking

Off maybe a vacation in the sun in Hawaii or someplace and then in about a month they’ll start preparing again for next year 1984 Olympics in Saro Yugoslavia well you mention the sun we have had just a magnificent day here at Lake Louise and Bell stands in the number 49

Position Jeff McKinnis skier number 53 he’s 20 years of age from Miss Saga Ontario and after this race today he’s going back to to Toronto the Toronto SE club and uh doing a few small and chess races and after that he’s going back to school to finish his grade

13 for all these younger Racers it’s a great accomplishment to make it to this race at Lake Louise there was a great Criterium selection for these Young Racers to make it Jeff McKinnis is one of them that was able to do it I know Steve P orski back in Toronto will want

To hear this Sony of Canada one of the sponsors today has donated $10,000 to the ski Association the 10 ,000 is so that F borski and the rest of the a team will not have to pay their $2,000 assessments some great news just announced here by Sony Canada in Lake [Applause]

Louise yeah I think that’s that’s an incredibly generous thing to hear and Jeff McKinnis from Miss Saga will be the final skier we see here today he will finish in the number 48 position and so that’s it it’s official the final standings in this 83 molsen World downhill helmet Huffer from

Austria the winner he came down in the number 17 position after France clamber had taken the lead in the first seed there you see Conrad caman the Swiss Geier the rest of the top seed rabber in the nine position Melly Phil Mayer doing very well finishing in the number 13

Position and the top Canadian in the number 15 position Toronto’s Robin mcle Ken Reed and Todd Brooker did not finish as they both fell here’s the great story the final molsen World Cup standings and congratulations to one of the greatest skiers of all time France clber wins it

By three over caman from Switzerland and Ken Reed finishes in the number eight position Todd Brooker also finishes in the top 10 with 67 points and look out folks for Brooker next season well it is all but over here as we have a look at the spectacular

Scenery in Lake Louise and we are ready for the official presentation of the molsen World Cup trophy once again here’s Ted Reynolds it’s now my pleasure to introduce Mr Jim Black the president of molson’s to make the presentation to today’s winner Jim it is a tremendous

Climax a thrilling race that ended up a wonderful season a very exciting day and exciting especially for Canadians with their attention focused on their on their top Runners and a disappointing day for them too with them Smalling falling but a great first World Cup race

Win for helmet uh and and he ought to be congratulated for that congratulations you must be very happy oh very very happy and I know you have something special in that box Jim something very special for helmet pair real Western Canadian Spurs oh it’s say nice you can hold that up that’s good

They are handmade they are of silver and gold it says Molson downhill and they are the prize presentation and if you come back next year maybe you can win a horse okay thank you very much gentlemen our winner Mr helmet Hoff liner of Austria and of course second was France clamber

And Conrad cataman was in third place Ernie let’s go back to you all right Ted thank you very much uh a great finish really for France clamer and Hoff lener of course but as we look at the new champion in clamer we now look at the past champion of 19 82 and I

Know that next year you’re going to go back at them because of two of your old buddies and you’re going to be ready and I’m looking forward to that Olympic meeting that uh well you’re going to have well it’s going to be a great meeting as you say because well France

Was 500s of a second behind me the last time we did it so let’s see what happens next time Steve looking back at the year now the season is over you must have some thoughts that stick back there you’d like to express well it certainly

Was for me this race is a landmark in Canadian skiing for many reasons first of all in the internal National scene whole fenders finally started to win races he came through had a great race and won on a very difficult course then there’s clamber who great who did it

Again it’s unbelievable five World Cup victories I won one by the skin of my teeth and I know how hard it is he’s won five he’s a phenomenal person he’s very happy but then we get look at our you know from the Canadian point of view

Robin mcle today while he wasn’t as good as we may have hoped was his second best result in his career it’s been his best year ever and I think it’s just fantastic then we go of Todd who is under tremendous pressure and unfortunately just didn’t handle it and

That is the kind of thing that just you have to learn and take the experience and go with it maybe something that similar happened to me and Aspen a few years ago and finally uh Ken Reed Ken is as I said earlier been uh one of the major characters in Canadian ski and

Made it what it is today and uh we’re certainly going to miss him on the team and I hope he has every success in the future Steve thank you very much for being with us today good luck to you next year I hope you win the world and

The Olympics thank you very much Sports weekend continues right after This the radio Tire let man Splash through spring and Blaze through summer and storm through fall but winter icy winter could still turn winter driving into slapstick comedy it was still man three nature one so Uniroyal invented the radios with ATT traction compound that bites and grips through winter ice

And snow see un Royal for the next generation of radios the all seon poor season radio thus there’s nothing as good as pan pizza at your Hometown Pizza Hood restaurant Pizza Hut now has two new stores to serve you better one on Robson Street serving the West End and another

On 12th Street in Delta home delivery is available from any of our nine locations in the Lower Mainland all that pizza Hood Pizza H Pizza of pan pizza Sports weekend brought to you by molsen Canada’s name in beer since 1786 Brewers of molsen light an exciting afternoon on Sports

Weekend watching fron clber win the World Cup Downhill title his fifth the Steve podborski has said a disappointing day for the Canadians but you must remember as Steve pointed out they’re under tremendous pressure tremendous pressure for the past couple of weeks they tried their hardest they did not

Win but it does speak well for the team coming up for next season and clammer of course a very popular winner if a Canadian could not do it certainly they would back him because he is one of the all-time favorites we have some time now

Before we go to curling to bring you up to date on the National Hockey League and what is coming up uh in the standing so far this year I think we’re going to be able to see some yeah there we go here’s the game last night the Evan

Oilers downed the Rangers by a score of three to one that game was in Edmonton and uh Andy Mo was outstanding in the Edmonton Nets there he’s picked one of the stars in the game in the Norris division we see that Chicago’s on top they play in Toronto tonight Minnesota

Next Detroit Toronto and St Louis battling it out for that uh well there’s two playoff spots alive there the Oilers with their win yesterday have 91 points the same as Chicago still Calgary Vancouver Winnipeg Los Angeles fighting it out for a playoff spot that Vancouver total is not quite correct but there are

Four teams fighting for three playoff spots there Adams division Boston locked up but you see that Hartford is out of it so that division is all set for the playoffs with Quebec in the final spot there and then Philadelphia on top in the Patrick division the Islanders there

They’re starting to move up playing much better hockey as they move towards the playoffs they’re going to be tough remember three time Stanley Cup champions Washington having a great season the Rangers who lost last night have uh well 65 in a total of points there New Jersey and Pittsburgh are out

Of it that brings you up to date on what is happening in the National Hockey League and uh Sports weekend continues with a Brier semi-final live from Sudbury Ontario Ontario meets British Columbia for the right to go against Alberta tomorrow in the finals do What This portion of sports weekend is brought to you by leats we are proud to bring the best to You hi everybody well two Bri veterans are playing this in the seminal of the 1983 Canadian mening championship here in Sudbury the veterans Bernie Sparks and Ed wck wck with a second place finish in the round robin standings with a 10 and one Mark Sparks in his 10th

Ryer finished in third spot with an eight and three record Don dugga they provided some exceptional curling throughout the week we look for more of the same this afternoon well they really did Don and for BC to win I think Bernie Sparks is really going to have to

Continue making those circus shots and he’s going to have to get an exceptional performance out of his F front end against Ontario because the Ontario team is very strong we’re down to skip rocks just two stones remain to be delivered in this opening end Bernie Sparks missed with his first

Stone that rock in the 12T Circle sitting at about the 8:00 position as you look at the house from behind and relate to the face of a clock that enabled Eddie wck to draw into the eot with his first stone and now Bernie Sparks with his second Stone of the end

Has successfully removed that shot Rock belonging to wenck but W wenck now has an opportunity to pick up a pair on this opening end this is following a similar script to what we saw during round robin play wenck was the winner by a score of

54 he picked up a big two on the first end well that’s it’s always nice to get off to a good start and Bernie Sparks threw an outturn on the one on the left hand side and unfortunately for him drifted a little wide there you see it

Just in the 12 foot but now a tough shot for Eddie wck first stand the rock is over on the right hand side it is shot Rock belongs to BC so it’s a question of being a little bit careful hitting the broom they jump away Ka harison brushing

It hard really leaning on the brush and starting to curl on him he may roll out out of the ring so AED opport for Ed to pick up a pair on the opening end of this 1983 laat Brier wck is forced to single for a single

Point and a bit of relief for the BC curlers and after one end of play Ontario leads BC one to Nothing I’m not [Applause] He fly around you through the going all the way going all the way high above the world The hello I’m Harvey burrett in our television advertising we seldom promote a single product however this one is too good to miss Kil marck Berber of 100% wool is made by bremworth it’s been well received in the New Zealand market and we now have the pleasure of introducing

It to British Columbia this handsome Berber carpet is made from top quality wool yarn and provides an exceptional value for under $35 a square yard come and see bremworth Kil Marik at Bur Main and 20th Expo baseball is back on CBC the 83 season opens April the 12th the Expos

Begin their battle for the pennant a fast hard-hitting team loaded with stars like Gary Carter Tim Reigns and Andre Dawson this is one of the top teams in baseball they could win it all follow the Montreal Expos on CBC in 83 back at the Sunbury Arena I’m Don

Whitman with Dawn do good as we pick up play on end number two with Ontario leading British Columbia by a score of one to nothing three rocks have been delivered and now K Bower the lead for the British Columbia Champions will attempt the removal of the Ontario Stone

Sitting just outside the Rings the only other Rock in Play Just across the hog line that was delivered by ke Bower with his first stone up this end B pushes that onario stone through and gets a bit of a roll so there now are two stones sitting out in front of the

Rings and Bernie Sparks having the advantage of last rock that is a good setup for him he’s got one very long guard on the left hand side of the sheet and one short one about 2 and2 ft in front of the house and he may be able to

Utilize those by drawing around him maybe with his third man’s first rock and try to score two points and Don this young gentleman here John kaaja has just put on an amazing display of curling all year and in this Brier in particular he’s just been unbelievable kaaja has had the top

Percentage among those throwing second Stones here at the Brier a remarkable 84% his first stone is going to come up just short of the r there are now three stones in play on the very first end wck missed an opportunity to get off to a big start he

Was unable to stay with his final Stone on a takeout of a BC Rock he rolled out picked up just one know it’s really interesting I was talking to the curers before the game this afternoon and they said all sheets run the same at this Arena so there

Should be no problem with uh not giving a although that time inside of it wed on the guard but they said all sheets run the same if there’s a run on the outturn side wide ice it will be in all five sheets not just the one so that makes for good

Curling Al cook not happy with his first delivery as he wrecked on a BC Stone sitting out front and attempting the removal of that Ontario Stone just outside the ranks Kaja the youngest competitor in this semifinal 21 years of age he’s a student at York University

Here wck yelling right off he’s got lots of room and that’s why he’s calling him off he wants that rock to curl a little bit more now it’s starting to move in fact it’s really starting to move oh a misjudgment or either that that rock might have picked up something dong cuz

That just went left curled about a foot and a half in the space of four feet so I wonder Don if uh the large crowd in the Sudbury Arena has affected ice conditions when there is a large Gathering such as this we saw evidence of it last last year at

Brandon at the Brier where there were actually puddles forming on the ice well the humidity really builds up in the building but before they even started curling the lights were all of teams were practicing and they had the doors open so it was very cold in here at the

Beginning of this game but as the game progresses the humidity the people in this Arena it could maybe get a bit sweaty and the rocks will really start to curl Al cook does not really get the rooll he had hoped for with his second Stone and The Rock just delivered by the

BC second said in the top of the 12 foot that’s the one that Ed wck has asked his third Paul Savage to remove this has been quite a Brier for Paul Savage he has curled very very well without the responsibility of calling the shots at the tea head he appears to

Be much more relaxed he says he’s having more fun his wife and his sister claim he’s tighter than ever well he’s played very well all week also left-hander got great control he can play the quiet come around game if you want or the straight takeout game he had an interesting comment last night

Regarding being a left-handed he said the curling Stone doesn’t know whether it’s being thrown with a left or a right hand little inside R for like roll a little bit more but good shot second Ontario lies one those two stones bunched together and I think Bernie Sparks would like to see Jim Armstrong

Spill them both he could spill them both if he hits him just about the center or even hitting that one on the left hand side going away that means hitting it on the inside he could drive them both out but I think Bernie Sparks is asking Jim

To just play good takeout weight maybe hit that one and roll to the right hand side well Jim uh this week had to leave his dental practice in Vancouver to participate in the Brier and he said says his partner Nancy Scott has had to look after all of his patients so she

Has been busy she’s probably doesn’t have time to watch the game today she’s working overtime he has also played very well this week some shot sweep but he wants to hit the one on the outside get a little bit of a roll oh HS them both look at the

Spinning action on that rock that he’s thrown and with some effort on the of skip Bernie Sparks Armstrong is able to remove both Ontario Stones one- nothing is the score in the second end of this semi-final match the winner will go on to face Ed lwit in

Tomorrow’s final that will also be seen live on CBC television Neil Harrison like the skip Ed wck is a firefighter in Toronto although they don’t work out of the same station Paul Savage in the past has skipped Ontario ranks in 1970 73 74 and 77 in the Brier

As a matter of fact in 1970 at his first appearance that was the year that a chat by the name of dawn do good won the Brier and went on to the world title oh I remember playing against Paul you know and the ice was very swingy and he only

Had one shot we were lying two or three and we were about two or three up at the time he threw a spinner down the ice because the rock was really curling too too much for him to make the shot so he wanted to put a lot of spin on it so it

Stay straighter I saw this thing coming down the ice I couldn’t believe it as I walk in back I said Paul what are you doing he says I used to make those all the time he’s been one of the fun people this week at the Brier as well and outgoing

Personality it’s interesting that uh he and Savage don’t usually have many discussions at least they haven’t during the Brier you’d think that with both of them being Brier skips and uh having skipped their own ranks that there would be a lot of conversation it’s been an interesting uh

Combination because I’m sure with Paul Savage’s skipping experience he’s really settled Ed werick down into the skipping Roll James Peter Armstrong the BC third will get a roll and he’ll be behind cover that Ro Armstrong really took off on that CER line that indicates to me that there’s a little bit of a hill just about two or three feet in front of the

House so when the ice gets a little bit Keener that rock is really going to curl so on the outt side so it’s really going to be interesting to watch that particular area and that’s going to the home end the even end so could really come into play well even

Though you’ve been retired for a couple of years done do good you still have that ability to read ice because when the ranks were out practicing earlier today you were out there holding the broom for the Ed luuka foram and they were kidding you they said you haven’t

Missed your lost your touch doie at reading ice well you watch it all week you should be able to read it but interesting uh you know I was watching them practice and just watching them throw and release the Rock and that luk winch went down to the other end and

Threw it as hard as he could knocking all the rocks and I had to jump out of the way and then he had the nerve to laugh good shot and is Right On Target onario lies one but that could be interesting the comment you made about possibly being a

Hill right on the center line just at the top of the 12 foot it could be interesting in later ends well as the ice gets Keener it’s going to curl a little bit more but all week long we’ve watched this ice and you know it curls

Just naturally that seems to be a real dip in the ice and that could prove industry when it gets down in the later ends let me tell you Bernie Sparks his 10th prior appearance equaling the record established by Garnet Campbell of Saskatchewan this is his favorite turn the out

Turn they on it oh and he’s going to hit it on the inside I think it roll away yes now what will Ed werick do will he try to bury one behind the corner guard in the other side I think he will and he’d like to and he’s going to

Pick the in turn which is really interesting but the thing for Warnick he’d like to get it in this area and hopefully move it back and just kind of duck it in around there right in around that corner Corner guard because it’s a new turn for both teams and if he gets

It in pretty good it’s going to be difficult for Sparks to get on it wck with the ever present toothpick you know Eddie werick has really impressed me not only this week but in 1981 he got off to a very bad start when he was skipping an 81 he lost

His first two out of four games and then he won his last five games in a row and he’s just an excellent curler Warnick says that he hasn’t had to make the spectacular shots this week that we have displayed on our Brier reports on shot of the day because his

Rink has kept things pretty clean and he has never really faced the difficult shot when he’s come to throw last Stone he’s he’s never been in trouble I think maybe one or two times in uh in 11 games and that just tells you how well his team is playing they’re really working

On this one Savage watching it closely is he going to have enough he’s got beautiful L on if he can just get it in [Applause] it’s great work by the Harrison and Ka to brush that stone the guard and onario lies one well in every curling game you

Always try to hold the opposition to one point when they have last rock that means that when you have last rock you have to gamble and try and get two so you can control the game it’s worked out on this end where Eddie Warnick is going

To force Bernie Sparks to take one so he’s done his job but there’s always the chance that maybe uh Bernie might pull up a little short be a little bit heavy wck will score one be up two nothing and have control of the game well it’s interesting that spark so far has thrown

Three takeouts he has not thrown a draw yet in this game but you know then again he’s played on this ice all week and it hasn’t varied that much as far as draw weight is concerned front end as soon as he lets it go the front end knows how he releases The Rock

And they can tell pretty well as soon as he lets it Go whether he’s light or heavy and they think he’s obviously light here because they are beating it all the way down the there’s the in action Jim coming out look at this second draw throw it to

Theep anding it to theot Bernie catches a piece of the button so Sparks picks up a single point on the second end and two ends of play Ontario and British Columbia are all even at One out of when feeling up down If you run a small business profits can get squeezed when inventory doesn’t match up with production what you need is a tool for modern times the IBM personal computer not only can It help you plan ahead it’ll balance your books and give you more time to make dough and the cost

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Look you’re watching sports weekend on CBC television where earlier you saw France cler won his fifth World Cup Downhill title and now you’re watching the Brier semi-final going on in Sudbury we’ll go there in just a moment just to bring you up to date on the National Hockey League game this afternoon the

Boston Bruins are leading Philadelphia by a score of two nothing and they’re playing in the second period okay now let’s go back to Sudbury third end action from the Sudbury Arena in the 1983 laat Brier Ontario and British Columbia tied at one k Bow’s second Stone of the end

Comes to rest in the 4ot Circle his first stone was removed by Ontario lead Neil Harrison and again Ed wck is asking Neil Harrison to take that British Columbia Stone out of the Rings and they’re playing it very clean so far Don they’re not taking any chances they’re

Just trying to read the runs in the ice they should have a good idea has two draw weight now because they both throw a couple of draws the stone delivered by Harrison just bruls out of the Rings all members of this Ontario rink play golf and Harrison is quite a table

Tennis player he’s the champion among the quartet and as the other fellas say he gets lots of time to practice at the fire hall I’ve seen firemen in the wintertime fighting fires and they have no easy job I will second that Al cook the British Columbia second his first stone of end number

Three this is the biggest crowd to watch action here in the Sudbury Arena I think the building is completely sold out for this semi-final game as I’m sure tomorrow’s final involving Ed lukovich of Alberta and the winner of this game will be interesting dawn after two ends both

Third men are curling 100% Jim Armstrong Paul Savage both cting 100% well they had near identical percentages through a week of round robin play 82% for both of them kaaj hits and rolls into the top of the 12T we mentioned that he attends York University he’s going to have a problem

Later this month he has some exams coming up he hasn’t had a great deal of time to prepare oh you heard cook yell easy he said he might have just over thrown a bit rock one’s very straight on the outturn side coming down the odd end he

Gets a good pie rolls over the corner of the 12 good shot by Al cook Al cook began his curling in Winnipeg as a matter of fact at the same Club you curled out of dawn the Granite Curling Club yes I remember L seen him throw a few

Rocks can you believe this Albert Olen taught him how to grow from aino Memorial Albert of course is on his way to the senior Championship with Lloyd gunson who competed here this week yes the manitobans skipped by Lloyd gunon are the defending Canadian senior Champions gunon with a different rank than he

Participated of course here at the Brier his record three wins eight losses in Brier competition Kaji gets the hit hand roll off that stone and onio lies one Ontario has the advantage of last rock on this third [Applause] end quite a number of onario supporters in the crowd here at the Sudbury Arena

As a matter of fact a lot of them drove up last evening from Toronto from the avenly curling club after it was determined that Ed wck and Company would be in the semi-final this afternoon you see the ice that Bernie Sparks is giving Jim Armstrong here it’s

Just about on the it’s on the edge of the rock so the ice runs very straight throw a little bit inside though it will Cur on you this one is starting to move on Jim Armstrong gets a good piece of it oh just about got a bad

Break and drove it on that one in the back but the shooter rolls out Ontario has the shot Stone removed and British Columbia with that biter at the top of the 12 foot lies one I love this call by er erck DC is lying Shot Rock just biting

The top of the 12 one 12 foot he has one at the back of the Rings you can see it on the left hand side they’re not even in play and he is drawing down to it and that’s just the type of game he loves to

Play he likes to move the Rocks around a lot Don I think all week something that we have seen and you have commented on is the fact that none of the ranks whether it was last place New Finland or first place Alberta were frightened of any shot well you know the game is

Changing uh like when we were curling we used to try to hit and roll behind a guard now they don’t care where the opposition Rock goes they want to just tap it back maybe three or four inches and roll in behind cover they don’t care where the opposing rocks go as long as

They put their Rock in the right position Paul Savage with the attempt to draw oh the really working on it B’s got nice line it just depends on his weight oh they might have left a little bit too long now it’s starting to move look at this I love it look at that

Shot I think the only safe place for rock is behind the Sparks and Armstrong now discussing just what they’re going to do see that’s one thing I like about the Ontario team is they attack they just constantly put pressure on you they don’t care how many got the they’ll put

A rock in a position where you’re really going to have a lot of trouble getting it out they force the pressure onto your shoulders well Jim Armstrong and Paul Savage had as we mentioned earlier the best percentages among the thirds competing here this week and I think think Armstrong has the

Distinction of being the biggest man in the competition 6’2 240 lb if curling ever comes into body contact sport I want him in my side right the curling Rock looks like an acorn in his hand got a nice touch though he can make shots with the best of

Them really working on this one he’s got beautiful line just a pushing is he going to pull over too much in the zone he’s going to be on his own doesn’t remove it but rolls over in front of the Ontario Rock so now BC with that delivery by Jim Armstrong has the shot

Stone and when Armstrong just nudged that other British Columbia Rock he moved it but did not take it off the Rings so second and third shots belong to British Columbia our first and third I should say second shot Stone belongs to Ontario and Ed wck is asking Paul Savage

To come down hit the shot Rock on the inside and if he hits it on the inside he could touch the other BC Rock and end up lying two well now wck and Savage are going to have a discussion and that’s a contradiction to the comment we made earlier about

The two of them rarely discussing shots during the week but when you’re down to this stage the semi-final I suppose it never hurts to solicit another opinion well I think Paul and him are just discussing weight and he’s giving Paul an intern Paul being left-handed of course he’s

Throwing the intern at this rock whereas if you were a right-hander you’d be throwing the outt with the broom in that position right on the edge of the Rock he’s going out a little bit wider so they’re going to have to be very careful how that Rock runs he wants to

Hit on the inside not on the outside kaaja Harrison really brooming it oh great looking shot Beautiful by Paul third he delicately removes that British Columbia Stone Ontario Now lies two well that’s how flexible Paul Savage is first walk plays a draw to the outside of the ice makes a perfect free

Shot then comes back with a delicate hit Paul has uh shed some weight got to what he was a few years ago at one time he tipped the Toledos at 190 lbs he said right now he’s about 175 uh very colorful man just an exceptional curler and just a a lot of

Fun to be with at any time whether he’s curling seriously or you know just socializing he’s a great man well his wife Barbara and his sister Mary are both here watching the action and Bernie Sparks wife Lindsay is also here watching this semi-final game Big Shot here for Sparks he would dearly

Like to make the double now it’s to curl across just AE really is it to roll a great well he drove that shot Stone back onto the other Rock but it stayed in play because of a stone that was just outside the Rings so that presents an interesting call now for Ed

Wck or just clip or just clip this but you got to just clip it you hit any piece of it just going to spin out there okay well you got to be fairly firm yeah I’ll try right there and even if we just hit this one

On the inside and get the Flop on here that’s not bad well that’s the way Eddie werick wants to play it well he trying to come off that outside one because I think if he hits that that first one he’s just going to drive it back on his own he wants to

Come on the one on the left hand side and maybe get a little action on a shooter to spill them both we just saw wck do something that I’m sure many viewers are wondering about as a skip when you’re making your way to the other end are you checking

The ice surface for any debris that may be laying there well that’s the the your rock is going to take really that that’s the responsibility of the front end to look after that because you’re concentrating on the shot or the weight that you’re going to throw and that

Should be the responsibility of the front end really to make sure that the path that the rock is going to travel down is clean here you see a great overhead shot Eddy werick with the outturn would like to Spring off that one on the left hand

Side that he’s got to hit it just about perfect if he’s going to spill both of them he’s got a lot of w great shot byck gets British colia stones and Ontario is left L one at the back of the 12 foot well he’d like to have had hit that

First one a little bit thinner and maybe saved a shooter to offer some protection for that one in the back that 12 foot but unfortunately he hit it too thick made the double kill but a shooter rolled away and it one at the back is now exposed well we mentioned earlier that

Bernie Sparks is playing in is 10th Brier Listen to This Record 1966 68 69 the Brier and World Championship is second for Ron northcot of Calgary a second in 1970 in 1973 and 74 third at the Brier in 1972 7678 and now 1983 he has skipped his own Brier

Rank he has more trips to the Bri than John K has been curling his fav turn the out oh Sparky loves to throw that out so British Columbia lies one and I’m sure that Ed wck will now be attempting to blank this third end yes he would he wants to maintain the

Advantage of last rock that would give him a little bit of control having the last Rock play in the even ends and where the Rock sitting it’s very easy to roll out because it’s on the edge of the Ring right next to the boards there you see our Top

Shot he’d like to hit just a half a rock on the outside nearest the boards boy as soon as you let it go the yes yes hard well rolling out is the secondary concern of prime importance is to hit that Stone and remove it but he does

Both well that was a tough way to blank the end but he did so at wck will retain last Stone into end number four and after three ends of play at the 1983 laat Brier and Sudbury it’s Ontario 1 British Columbia 1 at Mutual Life most of us learn about being a parent the same way you do firsthand so we understand your hopes for tomorrow because we share them and when you go to buy life insurance for yourself we know who you’re really thinking of because we know what you know life is a

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Place taste the difference sheritt makes call the Sheridan value line 80026 6 89330 cars may have gotten smaller but repair bills have gotten bigger what used to cost $200 could now cost $600 so look after your little car right including changing the oil and putting in a new Fram filter when you should

After all a Fram filter doesn’t cost much a big engine repair does but the choice is yours you can pay me now or pay me later this is the 10th Brier appearance for Bernie Sparks the first was in 1966 and Sparks says the caliber of play has improved tremendously since he won a

Canadian and World title with Ron norcot I can remember distinctly that um you almost figured on having you almost call him by uh for three or four games and all he had to beat was um Alberto Su catchu and Manitoba and uh perhaps Ontario and and you know if you beat two

Or three of those teams you you almost won the pr and now it’s uh just anybody beat you at any time because all the teams play well and they all skip it well now and that was probably the biggest difference at that time they skip it so much better now than they

Used to the front ends are better I don’t think getting as many misses out of your front end as as as we used to and uh also the ice is a little bit different than it was say 10 10 12 years ago it’s now it’s much straighter you’re playing the center only uh

Primarily and uh the game has changed a little bit that way putting together of Brier rank sometimes involves considerable planning discussion and negotiation among the participants but for Sparks Armstrong cook and bow it was simply the realization they weren’t going anywhere on their own seem we were all slug out slugging

And out against each other in various competitions and uh last year when Jimmy came to join Bernie and I uh things worked out very very well and we were short one player for this year and uh so we decided that you know Al would probably give us our best chance at

Winning anything and so far it’s worked out very well Al cook the BC second admits that leaving the tea head and The Prestige and recognition associated with that position and moving to a less conspicuous spot involved swallowing some Eagles very much so it always comes down to the

Old the old adage uh would you rather play second on a winning team or skip on a losing team third Jim Armstrong has had one of the best percentages throughout the week and many people view the likable dentist as one of the keys to VC success Jimmy

Is the the hug shot player in our our team he uh thrs the kind of rock that uh you can bury on straight ice with or he can play uh he can bring the weight up nicely he can he can do almost anything with a rock that he wants to and you

Know you have to have that for a third man you can’t have somebody that throws one type of rock only um ke and Al are the guys who try and keep it clean for us and if the game is going right we keep it clean in the

Front end when we make your points with Jimmy not all the curling trophies in the Sparks home belong to Bernie wife Lindsay won two Canadian ladies championships here at the sbur arena this afternoon she is a rather nervous spectator there’s no rivalry R TR help

Each other it’s uh we have a good good attitude at home about it we don’t see each other all winter but it’s it’s a good good atmosphere at home she’s uh very active she plays more than I do actually she plays more games in the year than I Do well I think sometimes my experience in the game myself is almost a detriment because I can always anticipate what could go wrong with the shot and I find that I’m a very nervous spectator and uh I’m really pleased with the quality of play here it’s fantastic

To watch and I’m I’m really delighted to be here but I find that I get rather nervous when uh Bernie has to make a key shot well I don’t know whether this spectator is nervous or not but I do know that he would much sooner be down

There than up here right Al hackner well I think this is probably the best I felt uh in three years you know I’m not nervous at all very relaxed and I’m really enjoying this Al hackner the defending Canadian and World Champion and Al uh we’ll get some comments from

You as this end progresses and as we look at things British Columbia lying to right now as John kaaja who throws second stones for Ontario attempts the removal of that BC Stone sitting in the 12T The Shot Rock back in the 8ot just biting the

Four Miss by and we have not seen many of those all week Al hackner I think John kaj’s performance this week is uh something to you have to be here to believe it this fell is just throwing a rock very well and uh um his percentage has just been

Outstanding I think that can be said now for the entire front end of Ontario kaj Harrison and Paul have just been unbelievably accurate so now Bernie Sparks calls upon his second Al cook to remove that shot Stone sitting at the back of the fourth right on the money and British

Columia Now lies three fortunately for Eddie wck he does have last Stone on this end oh chance for a double on the right hand side but werick is going to ask kaaja to play the out turn and maybe get a little bit of a roll to the right hand side and behind those

Two well kaaja missed his first stone he’s going to get a bit of a roll with his second will it stay in the Rings no it just rolls out well kaaja won the Ontario junior Crown in 1980 and was runner up to Denny marshand of Quebec for the Canadian title but he

Admits the play at the Brier level is more difficult than a junior uh I tried uh staying on the tea head and battling it out with the big guys and didn’t do quite so well uh and last year I had an opportunity to play Vice for Paul Savage uh which was a real

Thrill for me and I learned a lot and uh and uh knew then that I wasn’t ready for the te head and uh getting an opportunity to play with Paul and Ed was uh just fantastic and I’m really happy to be playing second for two great

Curlers and he’s delighted to be in a semifinal at the 1983 laat Brier here in Sudbury against Bernie Sparks British Columbia but at the moment Ontario is in some trouble you know this has been somewhat the style of the Ontario’s play all week uh I really think right now Ed warning

Even though uh Sparks rink is uh Ling a couple in the Rings he’s not really too worried I’ve seen him uh leave many opposition Stones around and uh sooner or later down the down the course of the end uh you see exactly why he’s left in there he’s snuck around him he’s buried

He’s hit and rolling before he know he’s got a two or three end on the board I don’t think he missed too many important shots all week and of course that’s his big his ability to bail his team out he hasn’t had to do it much but you know

When it comes to the the cold freeze he’s capable of doing it BC nowes three I question that call a bit uh playing the intern draw you know I might have uh with reference to Bernie Sparks he has the advantage at last Rock I might have maybe put the

Rock over in this area here around the guard on the left hand side get a little bit of SE separation because you put it where he has now there’s a chance there could be a triple kill coming up well we have seen spectacular shots this week triple kills even that

Quadruple Kill by Ed lukov an opening day where he moved six rocks I think uh nothing pleases Ed I mean uh I mean uh Ed lukitch more than to have a three or four rocks in the Rings and uh just blast them out I think he gets a real

Charge out of removing that many stones of one shot well he can certainly throw the high hard one Don dug discovered that today when he was holding the broom for him when he was practicing I think many curlers could probably throw a lot of weight with their delivery but I don’t think anybody

Contrs it more accurately than Ed ltch well on the basis of a 10-1 record in Brier round robin play we’d have to agree he gets one he gets two is he going to get all three not you know [Applause] we for a trip let me tell a little more

He would made the triple so I think maybe a little a questionable call by Bernie Sparks would you agree with that all would you maybe gone around the corner guard I think I would have you know you got your two rocks over that edge and you go around the corner guard

You place one in there uh you forcing uh Sparks to come at you I mean uh wear it to come at you at that point by Plumping all your rocks together uh you’re just setting them everything up to uh remove them all at once see the game hasn’t changed that much since I

Curled love it Al hackner had no choice but to agree with you well this is going to be an interesting battle as the afternoon progresses Al between Armstrong and Savage both have been exceptional all week you know their stats both both both thirds shooting in the in the 80s I

Believe they’re the only two thirds all week that shot in the 80s and uh you know we’ve seen some uh some great shots you know they always say the third set up the ends and these fellas have been making some great come around some great

Hit and rolls and uh a lot of times uh wck and Sparks just nothing to do but just throw a guard well Armstrong removes that Ontario stone at the top of the 12T so BC lies one just on the edge of the 12T Al you had a disappointing Year and that

You failed to qualify out of Northern Ontario perhaps for some of the viewers across the country who aren’t familiar with exactly what happened where did you lose we lost out of our club play we lost a very opening round game and it forced us into situation where we had to

Win six in a row to qualifi for the Zone play and uh we managed to win five straight but uh lost that six Wi on the last rri Al I’m going to ask you something I know and I can just speak from my home Province and I know a

Little bit about provincial playdowns and other areas but in Manitoba you can get out of your own club to uh try and represent your Province you can go to three or four different spiels in the province to get a Zone spot you can go in the Manitoba Bond Spiel and get a

Chance at one of eight spots in Ontario or Northern Ontario you can correct me if I wrong if you do not get out of your Club you don’t get another chance do you that’s right we we have the one spot out of our curan club and uh if you don’t

Grab it you’re watching yeah would you like to see a different system get more than one chance well as a matter of fact for next year we’ve uh we got a system coming in there where uh there’s a spot opened up uh before the club play Down

Start and if you have a chance of getting that feeling that you can’t come out of your so at least next year I feel it’s a step forward for Northern in our area and giving some of the better teams a second shot out of well Paul Savage

With his second shot of this end puts the stone on the edge of the 4 foot Al hackner after uh two close calls in the Brier finally made it to the Canadian championship Throne last year and then went on to that memorable World title defeating Switzerland in the

Championship game played in garish this year’s World Championship takes place in Regina and some of the national champions have already been declared Don Cooper for example is the United States Champion he beat Bud Summerville of Wisconsin Cooper from Colorado Springs Keith wendorf of Germany will be there gippi D Molen of

Italy igil ramell of Norway Stefan hasselborg of Sweden Graham Adam of Scotland Switzerland Denmark and Canada still to declare their Champions and new country this year Austria will be competing in the silver Brom with Arthur bab the representative tough shot here for Bernie Sparks and he’s really having a

Long hard look at it Third Man Jim Armstrong’s got the broom right on the center line because the Rock at Paul Savage puted now they’ve moved the broom a bit taken about another foot of ice and I think Sparks is just going to play the

Draw down to it kind of corner freeze it on the one on the edge of the for foot B uncook obviously know he’s got lots of weight they haven’t started to sweep but now they’re starting to make a move on it it has to be in there it has to be in

The four foot area for shot they can’t afford to be second shot oh did they leave it yes they left it a little bit too long but in good position they moved off that stone for just that fraction and up just a touch short well I would think Eddie werick is

Going to take a long hard look and maybe putting a guard just about in this area here the danger for of course for wck is that he doesn’t want to come in too tight and maybe set up a double off his own onto that yellow one you like that magic little pencil

That done to good us as out I think I’d like to have that out in the ice the way move those rocks around I’d like to be able to place any rock where I want it he never makes a mistake up here that would be a great thing L you could Skip

And I could uh be up here telling you look at I’ll play this shot play that shot well JZ what are you doing next year Don I think I’m I’m interested listen don’t laugh ever since Lloyd gunelson one man I told about my phone is ringing off the hook lyy had a tough

Week partly buried I like that going to swing you see how they lost well they’re going to try and just rub that stone a little Do You Hear What Eddie wernick said there he said look at tell the guys to watch it uh they lost his because it really started to swing

And they did lose it because about another six Ines they had a great shot Z made the observation earlier in our coverage of this semi-final that on the center line just at the top of the house there seem to be a bit of a hill a

Bit of a valley the Rocks seem to react very quickly and rather strangely well this sheet seems to be uh swinging quite sharply I know during the round robin play uh we saw when you had to uh go out farther just a little bit wider uh a

Very straight spot if you take the ice on the edge of the 8ot that that rock will not move anywhere it’ll sit right there but a couple inches inside less ice and way it goes I think the concern here is that if they don’t hit this one just right they

Will put that BC Stone back onto the Ontario Shot Rock well I think they’re just debating whether to play a guarder play it right down to the edge of the forefoot you know I really like Eddie wck style of play here you know at the

Start of this end uh before he he chose to draw around that guard many teams might have said well why isn’t he hitting that open Rock in the on the edge it belongs to BC he could hit and roll anywhere behind two guards but uh Eddie wck says there’s there’s one way

To get this rocker on the guard to make sure it’s there that’s to draw it there and they’ve set this end up because of that very aggressive call well let’s see if they can continue their aggressive play with this delivery by Eddie wenck he’d like to get it in

Tight here doesn’t want it too far out so that maybe he can use it with his last Rock Bo he’s got a lot of weight this is where it should start bending right in about this area Harrison jumping on it Kaja really bending the brooms they want to get

It oh they’re trying to pull it well by now Gooding [Applause] shot onario Now lies too but does that present a double opportunity for Bernie Sparks well to make the double he’s going to have to hit that outside one very very thin he’s going to have to hit

About a quarter of a rock there is a chance he might be able to make the double if he just gets by that long guard and promotes his own onto those two in the four foot as they look at something like this in addition to making the

Shot I suppose Al that they’re also debating what could go wrong if they miss it exactly you know a lot of times when you when you you’re deciding which shot to uh to call it a situation you have to look back well what’s the worst thing we can do at this situation

Sometimes you have to realize that uh maybe your opposition has made a couple of great shots and uh you’re forcing this situation while okay we’ll give you a two end here but we don’t want to give you three well Al hackner we’d like to thank

You very much for joining us here on the booth and uh I know you’re going to enjoy the balance of this match and the championship game tomorrow and next year we hope you’re successful in getting out of your Club at least oh thanks joh well Armstrong and Sparks are still

Discussing and debating their strategy well the big thing about throwing last rock is you have to have one shot in your mind when you’re walking down the ice and there’s two possibilities there he could play the rise on his own and make the double kill that way but the

Danger is he has a long guard out in front that he has to get by to make that particular shot there you see the long guard on the side there’s not much room you can only see about a quarter of Zone Rock conversely the other shot is that

He’s going to play a double but he has to hit the double very very thin to make the double he has to hit it on the high side just off the center line of course this guy’s been making them all week so I wouldn’t bet too much money against it good weight by

Sparks they yelled right away he’s still on the other side of Center he’s looks he’s going to have a great shot just judging by that Center Line the rock is starting to pull over oh he oh he just oh he just ticked that one now it’s a

Question of who is shot and very quickly you see I think it’s still the red one da Armstrong move in to take a look and from our overhead camera it would appear as though Shot Rock does belong to the red stone that is the Ontario Stone Paul Savage giving it the once

Over from up above there you see the two rocks and just judging by the way werick jumped over the side of the forefoot I think he feels that they are shot Rock again Armstrong and Sparks take another look I don’t think there’s much doubt we’re going to have a measurement at the

Conclusion of this end if those two rocks remain Untouched by this final Stone of Ed wck but it would almost appear as you said Don by the position of the broom being held by Paul Savage that the Ontario curlers are confident they do lie shot Stone you be the judge as you

Look at it from our overhead camera this is the time you want the fat rock well this is a big shot for Eddie wck an opportunity to pick up a pair they’ve only been able to exchange single points so far wck did have a chance for a pair in the first end but

He was unable to control his shooter and keep it in the Rings well we watch as soon as he releases it Harrison and kaaja jump right on it they know how Eddie releases The Rock they can tell how fast it’s going they start sweeping it right away

Make a judgment you’ll see them then they’re off it they’re on it climing over the hog line they’re really working on it they leave it too long they are brushing it oh he’s going to be out right in theot just a great shot Again by [Applause] [Applause] Eddie reest if it is two those two rocks just on the edge of the foot and very carefully members of the rank removing the other stones and we have our first measurement of this semi-final a very vital measurement getting two at this point of the match would give them a definite Advantage

Alec Mo doing the measuring and the rock that is not shot he’ll kick out of the way so the one that he kicks will not be shot the one he kicks will not be shot it’s very very close but it is the so it’s number for the onio chion by

Eddie w four ends of play Ontario leads VC in this laat rer semi-final 3-1 for the 21,000 Canadians who own and operate laats Brewing our beer is a matter of personal Pride and it shows every step of the way so when the Good Taste of laats keeps coming through that’s our pride coming Through laat when Canada gets together over a beer Canon proudly presents the new ae1 program while the pro photographer it’s even more advanced and for pro quarterback Joe thyman it’s even simpler to use no matter how tough the shot shot the new program mode automatically sets the camera for the best possible photo

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Weekend on CBC television and again to bring you an update on an important news story here in sports anyway the wolver Hampton Well in wolver Hampton today Sebastian Co broke his own world record in the indoor 800 meters his time was 14491 which is more than a second better

Than his old Mark and we have a final score at least it appeared to be a final Boston had defeated Philadelphia by a score of 5-2 in the only NHL game played this afternoon all right let’s go back to Sudbury now well Ernie you uh have a busy

Afternoon today in the sports weekend studio in Toronto but you’re going to be join us joining us for the fin tomorrow and I’m sure you’re going to see some great curling we’ve seen it all week well as a matter of fact D I’ve been watching very very closely and it

Appears that you had one of those Briars where well any one of four rinks could win it but uh just to get back at Doogie a little because a a world champion from Manitoba it must hurt a little to see the Manitoba rank do so poorly this year

Because Manitoba has always been well one of the top provin in the country for curling strength the past couple of years it has not been there doy what happens well Ernie I took a verbal beating this year because it was the worst record manov has had in a

Long time three and eight is not very not very good but it was one of those years that a team came out of the province they curled very well in the provincial playdowns but unfortunately they lost it all when they came to subury and Ernie we’ll look forward to

You joining us tomorrow for the championship game between Eddie lukovic of Alberta and the winner of this one either Ed w of Ontario or Bernie Sparks of BC and at the moment wck has the edge he leads 3-1 playing the fifth end John Kaja at second stone is asked to remove

That BC Rock sitting out front kaaja a political science major at York University he has a high percentage on the curling ice and he also has a high average at school he maintains a b average in this his third year and anywhere that is laugh John kaaja threw

That rock overhead and that’s the hardest rock I’ve ever seen him throw you know we talked on at the beginning where you always try to get two when you have last Rock and that’s Eddie wernick’s type of game because if you get two with every time you have

Last Rock and hold your opposition to one when they have last Rock you’re going to beat them every time and so he gambles a lot when he has last Ro cuz he plays with a lot of confidence well both you and Al hackner made interesting comments about the strategy employed by Eddie werick

They’re not at all afraid to uh play the gambling type of shot well I think that’s knowing your team uh playing to your team’s strength like he knows Paul Savage can make all the shots and John Kaja you know Ontario junr Champion he can make all the shots as can NE Neil

Harrison so that’s playing to your team’s ad your you know their advantage uh that they can make those fine fine shots they’re not a scared of anybody kaaja trying to remove that British Columbia Stone in the 12T he’d like to hang on to a shooter he does and Ontario Now lies

One the thing about kaaja that he has a lot of spin or a lot of turn on his Rock like a normal thrown curling Rock should turn one and a half to two and a half times down the ice I think that when Kaja lets it go he’s got about four and

A half to five which means he’s maybe putting a little bit of a turn on it a little bit of a Twist when he lets it go and that spins a lot it stays a lot straighter Al cook who when he lived in Winnipeg curled with a very famous name

In Canadian curling circles hoe wood III at the Granite Curling Club and I played for Hollywood’s years ago they won’t be happy with that one well I don’t I don’t know whether that’s a mistake or whether what you refer to as bait you know the used to be and I

Remember when we were at curling we used to have say the opposing team had a rock in the forefoot and you tap the Rock and like you want to draw down to it but you tell your third man look it tell your second man to just drop it short of the

Rings because we want to get something started and that would fool the opposition they think we were trying to freeze they thought we made a mistake by stopping in front of the Rings they would maybe play a silly shot and then we’d go right around it it’s called

Baiting and werick does it a lot yes he does Paul Savage was telling us last night that they will do that quite often right now he’s trying to go around that stone that was just thrown in by Al cook across the hog line speaking of savage you know he’s curling 100% after four

Ends and that’s unbelievable if your third man curls 100% in the game you are not going to lose and the thing I like about him he comes around guards fairly close but he’s got always always in the area that you want him they’re trying to let it Bend see

Kaaja using a little body English on it there it is right on the for foot exposed a bit open it on the outturn side in front of the T line is a good shot for Ontario but it’s going to maybe give Armstrong an opportunity to hit and roll to the

Inside there you see the long guard right on the center line you see the Ontario Rock in the foref foot Bernie Sparks see about half of it he’s given Armstrong oh about a foot foot and a half of ice and he just wants Jimmy to

Come down tap it back maybe be about two or 3 ft and just roll to the inside little in behind cover and it is now well Jim Armstrong prior to this match received the Ross Hearthstone award he was honored for exemplary conduct both on and off the

Ice quite an honor for the BC third a very popular individual certainly deserving of that award that rock is not he is not going to hit it on the inside but he’s got nice W so Armstrong nudges the shot Stone belonging to Ontario to the back

Of the 4 foot Ontario still lies one but now Ontario has to try and remove that stone in the forefoot and it is partially protected by a long guard take your chances here if it’s perfect right there right there the face same that’s exactly where you were across the face

Slightly so Paul Savage and Ed wck continue their discussion as to how they’ll play this shot but what they’re talking about is where they’re going to put the guard they want it in this area and they wouldn’t mind if it come a little deeper in just about there but they don’t want

To certainly go in any further than that I thought for a minute they might come down here and play the takeout and maybe get a little bit of a roll over into this area here but they’re not going to take any chances they’re going to play a

Quiet draw maybe to the top of the 12 foot because they are shot Rock in the back of the 4 foot that’s an amazing statistic Paul Savage through four ends and and one rock on the fifth curling 100% here Paul yelling whoa he knows he has lots of weight he certainly doesn’t

Want to move that yellow one belonging to BC because if he does they’re going to be shot Rock oh he’s got nice line kaaja Harrison watching it very closely starting to make a little bit of a move exactly where I penil it in how do you like that nice touch

Well through five ends now Savage is still curling 100% Shot Rock belonging to Ontario at the back of the 4 foot British Columbia has the advantage of final Stone on this fifth end well Bernie Sparks has taking a long look at it he’s looking for the in turn

He’s giving Jimmy Armstrong the inter turn draw he would like he would like to come in this area here but he would like to get it back maybe and a little bit in this area here to be shot Rock he’s trying to negotiate the Rocks into a position where maybe they can

Play a tap back and get two or three this end but he’ like that Rock full in the forefoot the danger here for Armstrong of course is he’s playing the intern and there hasn’t been too many intern draws played that maybe just a little bit of a

Guess as to the ice that they need to get into that area here’s what he’s looking at 126 ft dealing with maybe about two or three inches that he has to get to oh they jumped on it right away he might have rolled that rock is starting to curl

They’re really beating it oh he’s going to pull on the guard they’re still beating it no sir he’s on the front one oh just a slight rub the stone delivered by Armstrong stopped short of the Rings Ontario still lies one well I think for uh the The Savage team

They want to put a guard and they want to guard it up in this area here or even out here a little bit they’ like to move it anywhere there to offer protection yeah I’ll probably throw a little extra weight so if it comes in here that’s I

Don’t like that but I you know did you check out this run no I didn’t like he came out here Eddie and turned it in yeah like I don’t last when you had your free you right there and you end up just getting let’s go there that comment is interesting Paul

Savage with his experience and watching the ice realizes there’s a little run in that particular spot in the ice well he threw one down there and that’s that’s the thing about a good third that he’ll communicate to a skip the skip is not only watching all his teammates throw

But the other teammates throw so he might have forgotten how that rock reacted down there and Paul Savage is just assuring him Eddie I took there and I ended up in the top of the for foot Eddie right away said that’s it Paul give me ice over

Here but interesting he said that Jimmy Armstrong turned it in turn it in means that you’re not coming straight out the broom you’re kind of rolling it much like you snap hook a golf swing you rolled it inside inside the broom and it took off

Soon as you start turning a rock in it will start curling very fast for the 35-year-old firefighter a very big shot here on end number five really has to plug up that opening there really working on it they have to start bringing it cuz the rock is still a long way out

There oh it didn’t curl very much took a little bit too much ice and stay right out there there’s still an opening for Sparks to come through that hole Ontario still lies one well there’s an area here where Bernie Sparks can come right through and he can come down here and make contact

With this rock just over here make it and maybe roll to this area here and he’d be in good shape because the one on top of the four foot will be fully protected and if he gets the roll he’ll be protected by the rocks on the

Right hand side how do you do that magic it’s called action on the shooter Ontario lying one but they could get themselves into some difficulty on this fifth end if Sparks is able to execute this shot because they would then be lying too this is a very big

Shot because if Bernie Sparks makes this hit and roll there’s a chance he could get three because it would be very difficult for Eddie werick to get at any of the rocks in the house he’s taking ice the edge of the forefoot he’s not going to throw much

Weight he just wants back 12T weight hoping that he can come through the open oh he’s got a lot of weight he might have turned that one in they are really sweeping it they have to get it by the guard is it getting by he’s by the guard

He’s going to be by the guard he’s got a great shot now is he going to get the roll perfect shot by Bernie [Applause] Sparks 41y old Bernard Lesley Sparks born in fla’s home Alberta 41 years ago makes the shot of the semi-final so far and he’s been doing this all week Don

Well it just a perfect ex execution by Sparks he he got a little bit of a bad break there yeah but the thing is Paul if we play the hair of the Guard if we play the hair of the guard and miss it he’s got free draw for three whereas I can

Play that with draw weight and just tap it right into here maybe why I play enough way to knock it out see yeah then I can hit and roll right there like you’re going to play at it like yeah no I mean this one you like

That he had good boight he justed that yeah I know he did enough to move it and get a I’ll be I’ll be at least bored I got to kill it I know but it was moving pretty good his was he had lost he had normal takeway now Paul Savage is going to

Leave the Rings and move down the ice I think they’re going to call the other two members of the Ring into this discussion well no it looked as though Paul Savage was going to go all the way down the ice and uh confer with the other three but now wck is talking to

Harrison and Kaja well you heard Eddie wck say board weight Armstrong threw board weight on that or Sparks rather and that you’ll see he’s got a long way to throw that rock but he’s concerned about the weight whether it’s going to come over enough he wants to move that

Rock and he can’t see very much of it I’m really surprised maybe that he isn’t playing the outturn at the one on the side of the foref foot as opposed to the the inter turn this is a very delicate shot he just has to Heir that guard he

Has to just by he’s well by it now it’s starting to move Bo going a cur enough no he’s got too much weight he may go right by it no he’s got a great shot at Double I can’t believe that what aot [Applause] byd were selected a shot of the week and

I really didn’t have to make any difficult shots he right that when he needs it he can come up with the spectacular look at this shot now that is absolutely one of the finest shots I’ve seen he can only hit a quarter inch of that rock to make the double he does

It rules over hits the second shot but not only that he’s behind guards he doesn’t push the other one on the left hand side far enough to lie three but he doesn’t care he’s got a shot Rock and let me tell you they’re curling the lights out here it’s

Beautiful well those two shots that one you just saw by Eddie wck and the one just prior to it by Bernie Sparks typical of the type of shot making we have been treated to throughout this entire week well that just a small sampling and like you said has been

Going on all week not only for wck but for Sparks for lucit for a lot of teams that played here this week and now Sparks is faced with a very difficult draw to the forefoot and I’m just waiting for Jimmy Armstrong to put the broom down and I’m not sure what he’s playing

Here you know it looks to me well I can’t figure this out he Armstrong’s got the broom on the edge of the yellow one is he trying to play a double kiss and then come through and make contact with the shot Rock that’s exactly what he’s doing can you believe this

Try he is playing one off off the Zone onto one of their Reds and then onto their shooter no no he was trying to play the angle race NOP well it’s a [Applause] steio number of shot making by both Bernie Sparks and even more so by Eddie werick

And it’s now a 4-1 Advantage for the Ontario Champions over British Columbia at the Midway Point Eddie wck is standing by down at ice level Eddie that was the shot of the day yeah I finally made one this week Don I uh the ice good today but it’s a

Little trickier it’s uh f a little faster and swinging a little more so uh you’re probably going to see a little more aggressive curling Eddie I thought maybe I was looking at the outturn you could see a little bit of that rock on the right hand side of the for foot I

Thought maybe you might have gone to that when I was sitting on the hack Don I noticed that and I almost changed and then I thought no I got a good feeling about this one I haven’t made a real good shot all week so uh maybe it was

Time and it was never changed your mind on a shot he that’s right well I’m sure you were a little disappointed you didn’t get off to the Good Start you had anticipated you missed the chance for two on the very first end yeah I felt I

Just underw that rock a bit done I knew that if I threw it up early in the end it would I had the whole house to roll to one side I only had about 2 or 3 feet the other side I made a little mental mistake being a little excited out here

And uh hope we can correct that later all right Eddie thanks very much for taking time to chat with us as they clean the ice and the score here at the 1983 laat Brier semifinal after five ends of play Ontario 4 British Columbia One This is the M1 England’s busiest Motorway the M1 has the highest accident rate in all of Britain but here’s an amazing fact there’s an automobile Tire used on the M1 that provides such extra safety a car insurance company actually offers lower premiums to people who use them

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[Applause] bookstores exclusive coverage of major curling events continues on CBC Sports weekend next Saturday from Madison hat it’s the uni Royal World Junior men’s final and then two weeks later the Pepsi Junior final from Halifax March 26th our live telecast comes from St John y Brunswick with a unique SE mix featuring

Teams of Two Men and two women April 9th Penny Lorac the newly crowned Canadian Champion will represent this country in the Pioneer World ladies Final in Moose Jaw Saskatchewan and just a week later the Brier Champion will go after the silver broom the men’s World Final in

Regina Saskatchewan it comes to you live with semi-final and final action it’s the climax to an extensive and exclusive season of curling coverage all the major events in curling broadcast live by commentators Don Whitman and Don do good the two-time world champion curling comes to you on cbc’s Sports

Weekend yes we have more exciting curling coming up for you on Sports weekend we’ve had an exciting afternoon so far Bernie Sparks is standing by Bernie two great shots on that last end Yeah Eddie made a uh a servery shot to save himself a three Ender I think uh I

Think we could have made the three if he hadn’t made that and we we had to play the ray because I don’t think we could go through the hole in a draw is falling if you got too far out and uh um to to go through it we had to take to

That spot Bernie what do you have to do to counteract shots like lerick made I think do a lot of praying right now Bernie you Trail 4-1 good luck over the final five ends of this match thank you Bernie Sparks the 10 time Brier veteran from Vancouver actually started his curling

Career in Claire’s Home Alberta his father was the ice maker at the cla’s home Curling Club it seems that’s a familiar pattern for a lot of champion curlers start them young get lots of ice time that way if your dad’s an ice maker well Bernie is definitely up

Against it in this semifinal however he has fought back from behind in other matches this week well you know when a guy makes shots like that and he’s made him all week Eddie wck you know you’re almost afraid to put a rock in a certain area because you’re always looking to

Say well look if I put it there this guy’s going to make the double triple kill roll type thing on you so you know you have sometimes to you react a little too over cautious but I would think Bernie Sparks has got a really attack now and start throwing up some Corner

Guards trying to hide in behind cover and throw caution to the wind because it’s very difficult to come back from a 4-1 lead uh against a team like Ontario see he’s starting right away he’s going to throw up a corner guard and the reason for that he’s going

To put up a corner guard he’s going to hope that maybe wear a hits it on the nose so they in turn can can get around that guard in behind in the Rings behind cover so that it makes the other team shots more difficult they’re not just playing straight

Takeout well you know on that last end Bernie Sparks made that rather spectacular double and I’m sure his team is saying wow what a relief we’re going to get right back in this game and then wck duplicates the effort well these look if misses that shot free draw for

Bernie for three so one shot turns that game around uh by four points and you know there’s usually two or three inss in a curling game the reason you win or the reason you lose and I’m sure Bernie will reflect back on that one shot this is going to hurt Neil

Harrison with his second Stone of this sixth end misses that VC sitting out in front of the Rings an indication from Bernie Sparks that he wants that stone up front raised in well now Sparks is going to come out and confer with Jim Armstrong we talked about the experience

That Bernie Sparks has in Brier competition Jim Armstrong has seen a few briers himself in 1973 he was on a rank that was second in the Brier when it was one by Harvey minki in 1974 he was the skip of the rank that finished third to Hector J in

73 he was on the BC mixed champions in 71 the BC Junior Champions and in 1967 the BC high school Champions they’re going to throw up a corner guard they’re not too concerned that that rock in front of theirs is protecting an Ontario Rock in the for

Foot they want to get some rocks out in front so they can hide behind and they’ll deal with that rock on the button belonging to onario later on in the end see Edy wck knows it he’s going to have a long hard look at this and say

Well maybe should we run it off or should we maybe protect this one and steal another one and be up five one it’s a bit of a gamble but I think you’ll run one of those guards off probably the corner one you’ll try to roll the corner one off

Roll into the Center and offer a little bit more protection for that one in the forefoot he’s asked young John kaaja to fire pretty good weight at this Stone and kaaja compli with the request will he get both of them oh he’ll get a good piece of it and roll off his

Shooter kaaja nicknamed The Little Old he was telling me Alfie Phillips gave him that nickname well I think they’re referring to we have a big O in Winnipeg and I think who’s a fiery competitor and I think John Kaja is that way too Mar Michu of course the 1972 world

Champion he’s the Big O John Kaja the little o and this is Allan cook and Bernie Sparks in this end will throw up a couple of corner guard hoping that either Ontario hits it on the nose or misses it and draw around it but at some point he’ll throw maybe two or

Three of those Corner guards up and if Ontario run him off kaaja again going after that corner guard that was just thrown up by BC same shot for John paja it has to bend a little he may get the double here he has got two well really it doesn’t change things

For onario as a matter of it works out a little worse for them because number one they’ve exposed that lock in the for foot on the right hand side to center now good shot by John Kaja you’ll see he makes contact with the one on the left

Rolls over hits the BC rock out but the way he hit it it’s open on the outturn side and look at this Bernie’s going right to the attack so while people applauded for that shot it really uh didn’t work out that well for Ontario course they have to get this one

In Alan cook Armstrong ke bow sweeping they have to get it into the house somewhere preferably Frozen against it good shot by our handheld camera look at that Don there are they going to get it by oh they just get it by oh he just touches it rolls partially

On the left hand side of that guard Ontario still lies one you commented on the fine view of that rock as provided by our cameramen well Bernie Maguire Bruce lefave Peter brimson Martin Kaiser and Len dubetz are doing a fine job this afternoon have we got the statistics through five ends well yes

Paul Savage did make both his shots on uh the last end so he’s still curling 100% well they might have docked him uh two percentage points uh for that one guard that he played it didn’t completely cover it now that is really critical critical marking Warick asking Paul Savage to

Play the inter draw come right up to the face of his Rock and if he stops a little bit short it’s not a bad shot because he’ll still protect the one that they have in the four old left-hander there he goes here Paul Savage yelling lots of

Room lots of room wck calling up to sweep they want it in tight but that rock is hanging very straight in that area outside the center line now it’s starting to move a bit [Applause] it down could put it in aot Ontario still with the shot Stone Paul Savage 35 years of

Age he has his own company in Toronto Bow’s Information Services he’s involved in the communications printing business doing some radio and television monitoring press clippings publishing medical books in the United States he’s got one on how to quit smoking I think I’m going to suggest he provide you with a copy

Don I’ll give it a try I’ve lost the weight now I’ll give it a try delicate shot here for Armstrong Bernie Sparks giv giving him ice in the center of the 8ot area he just wants to come down and maybe free or tap it back and hope that Ontario can’t put on the

Perfect guard with their next shot so that they can maybe promote the one that Jimmy right now this is one of the features of the top three ranks Sparks wck and luwi they play a very aggressive game we’ve got an interesting end building up that’s getting pretty crowded in that

For foot I’ll tell you that Ontario now I two well with three skips on one Rink one would suspect that sometimes there might be lengthy debate as to which shot to play but Paul Savage who has skipped Ontario teams in four previous briers says there really is a minimum of

Discussion three of us get involved is when Eddie calls a bad shot he agrees no that’s true I uh I’m a firm believer that uh it’s a team game if I my concentration in Wander especially a thing like the little bad Brier I might hear a big Roar in the next sheet so

I’ll look over and I’ll just put the broom down maybe in the wrong spot so I almost insist that the guys watch the ice so that if I make a mistake they correct me well Paul Savage watching the ice on the last end certainly helped oh it certainly does boy and that’s one

Thing all players must do is watch the running course of the rock because you may have to duplicate the shot that the man you’re playing opposite against just made so everybody should watch the ice they should watch it as good as their Skip and know it as good as their

Skip Savage playing a guard they’re lying two in the 4 foot dropping it out in front they don’t want it too far in another good shot by Savage now how do you get in there it’s time for a Jimmy Armstrong circus shot as Paul Savage moves back to view the

House from the other end Bernie Sparks is contemplating his shot and getting to that button is becoming increasingly difficult well that’s the danger when you have last Rock you’re trying to score two points when you have last rock you want to play it to the Sid so it doesn’t get

Congested like this and it’s easier to get in the 4 foot if it doesn’t work out for you but when you have last Rock and you play in that area boy you’re playing with fire you can get burnt can I use the line now yeah yeah

Go ahead that’s being a fireman has an opportunity to put out the spark oh done some days well Jim Armstrong has a very key shot here for British Columbia if he hits that one right in front pretty well on the nose he’s going to drive it onto his own and he could

Make the double kill on the foref foot but he doesn’t want to he can hit just about any part of that rock make contact he’s got a good looking shot there’s one two oh good yes indeed what aot by James Peter Armstrong the 32y old British Columbia

Third gets his r out of a jam look at this shot he just hits the guard that Paul Savage put there drives it straight back onto one of his own makes good double kill and lies to and you know that was the danger of Paul Savage’s

Guard Going In Too Deep if he leaves at another two feet it makes it that much tougher for Armstrong to raise it back so now Eddie werick well he could get a double here I suppose well he’d have to hit it very thin to make the

Double but if he hits and sits right there it’s going to be difficult for Sparks to get more than one oh it’s the long way out there they haven’t touched it yet is it going to bend sir he’s missed it oh he justed it and now he poses an even greater

Problem for his next Stone in that he moved that rock just over an inch or two and really hasn’t got much of a rock to throw at well I think what Bernie Sparks is going to do he’s going to come down here and try to touch his own in that area

There and with his shooter just touch it here and trying to roll a shooter over in that area there and push this rock just further into the 4 foot area Bernie Sparks has a great chance here on end number six to get back into this game this semi-final at the 1983 leat

Brier 4-1 as you see the scoreboard the danger here Don is that he wants to make sure that he rolls his shooter out of that area there where the two rocks are in the for because if he just Taps it there and stays there it’s going to allow W an opportunity for a

[Applause] double Armstrong Y come on he’s going to be short they’re really working on it into the top of the 12 but he still Li just two and now the Ontario Champions are taking a close look could they go with the inter to that St on ours because if you play this

One here we get C we can really hit hit on the nose you’re going to bang over and take that one out this one’s going to go the back be ly to well they’re talking about maybe coming down in this area here and hitting this rock and

Rolling in the open and holding well I don’t know that whether that would go across the face or not I think we’re better off to play that yeah how about then draw in here try tap that kill this one is I could end up hitting that one raising him in

On red one I don’t mind it either because it comes up that line pretty good that one never it Clips this one jeez that’s ugly isn’t it well again not only are they discussing what they could do but they’re also just reminding themselves of what could go wrong if they miss the shot

I come down there but if is there I think you know with the same weight you you got to hit three4 of that rock and make sure that that yellow one you just got to try and roll over across the face that I try a triple yeah let’s

Try it this this rock we can roll it across the face we hit three qus just end up there he I like his style you want to try a triple let’s go for it you notice you got all the team members involved and it’s a bit of a gamble here because

If he doesn’t hit this right he could maybe he’s trying to hit this one here drive it back onto these two here and what Paul says is he’s trying to this one this rock here Will Roll across the face of this one again wck talking to kaaja and

Harrison as he settles down in the hack well all the discussion that is taken place on this end certainly refutes the comment of Paul Savage that we really don’t discuss too many shots they’re going after the triple kill will they get it one two he’s got believe

That oh my goodness what a shot by anywhere be let me can you believe this they talked about rolling the rock across the face of the red one on the left hand side you couldn’t have thrown The Rock any better because that’s exactly what happened the

First yellow one he hit watch it it’s going to roll across the face of the on the side of the 8ot and wck ends up Shot Rock well Eddie wck last evening in a discussion we had with him was joking about not the shot of the day all week

In our selections on our Brier reports he’s made made two of them today did you hear the remark that paulse sa said he said and he save some of those for tomorrow that has to be disheartening for Bernie he had the end built up just

The way he wanted it on the fifth then a spectacular shot by wck he had things going his way again in the sixth another spectacular shot by wenck now the best that Sparks can get out of this end is a single and I’m looking at where they’re holding the

Broom it looks to me like they were maybe looking at playing the angle double but Spark has just changed his mind he just wants to play a cold draw into this 4ot area here to cut out the rock on the right hand side belonging to werick so he’s decided just to play the

Cold draw as opposed to maybe looking at this double kill over here this angle shot he’s got ice the edge of the 8ot be interesting to see how the rock will react out there a little bit heavier because generally most of the rocks are played down the center line so

It’s going to be an interesting draw shot for Bernie Sparks and he certainly doesn’t want to give up another Point here it’s bad enough he’s going to be two down playing the seventh end if he doesn’t make it or if he makes this one but if he doesn’t he’s going to be a

Little bit more down they’re really sweeping it looks like he’s got weight the rock is starting to cut they’re worried about it pulling on the guard it is starting to move over as he by oh they just get it five but is he a little bit [Applause] the number up a

Single and after six ends of play Ontario is still in front but their lead has been reduced to Two Budweiser salutes all the people who help us go in the Snow yeah this bud’s for you if you like your beer with that distinctively clean crisp Beachwood a taste and smoothness that says buttweiser this buds for you on our next Fifth Estate the mixed blessings of a successful Indian band millionaire band Chief Ron derkson is being attacked by

Some fellow Indians and the department of Indian Affairs if the Indian way has taken handouts from the government having 95% welfare having housing where there’s no bathroom the health standards are gone if that’s the Indian way I’m going against it and the hell with them The Fifth Estate Tuesday at 8 8:30 in

Eant land on CBC television Ang on CBC television one of the great entertainers of our time Superstar guests what a show Paul Anor Anor Monday night on CBC Television that guy ought a be a show visit a celebration of Canadian Cinema the most coveted entertainment award in Canada the 19 83 Genie Awards with host Dave Thomas March 23rd all right you’re watching sports weekend on CBC television and we have another update here in Hungary today

Revelation of a soccer Scandal involving 50 soccer teams referees players officials and gangsters who rigged hundreds of weekly games players were bribed in almost every game and the Scandal could do irreparable damage to soccer in Hungary and no no doubt that will affect some of the other countries

Uh soccer countries some of which have investigations of their own underway and so that brings you up to date once again all right we’re all set now to uh go back to Sudbury Ontario or are we all set to go back not quite yet huh okay I

Suppose that we’re going to talk to Don do good and Don Whitman all right gentlemen we’ve watched some just great shots here today and just very very impressive but I think I have to make a comment here that because uh let’s put it this way the great shots are coming from veteran

Ranks veteran players who’ve been to the post before and the winner today has to continue it tomorrow against another veteran rank I’ll defer to the veteran in the broadcast do that well I think the uh these two teams that we have two in the semi-final one in the final Ernie

Have played a lot of cash bills they’ve been around a lot of console or tanker playdowns a lot of briers so they know what they’re doing they know ice conditions they know how to act react uh to Arena conditions well doie you know they they used to say that when you got

A little older you know the nerves got a little shaky remember Garnet Campbell once said I had to go from third or from skip to third I couldn’t take all that pressure doesn’t seem to bother these people well it’s certainly not today Ernie and all week uh they’ve just uh

Put on an amazing display of curling they’ve made all the shots imaginable and they’re still doing it so I don’t think nerves is any part of the Warnick team or the Sparks team or the luk witch team incidentally I just love the way that you’re marking up on that

Telestrator your your actions are good your comments are good but your circles aren’t too good I’ll work on it Ernie okay we’ll get him to improve that for tomorrow Ernie when you join us here at the Le rer in Sudbury for that championship game it will be Ed lwit

Against either Bernie Sparks of British Columbia or Ed wck of Ontario and I don’t think we could possibly see any more spectacular shot making than we have already witnessed this afternoon but the way Luca played during round robin competition we might see some some brilliant

Shots and if W it curls this way he’ll require brilliant shots oh he will like uh these are three very very good teams and you know much to the credit of Bernie Sparks you know he’s had two amazing shots thrown at him and two ends it looks like he’s going to maybe score

Two or three in both those and Warnick comes up with some great shots Bernie Sparks with his last Rock drops it right in the forefoot so that’s got to be a a lifter for him and that’s a difficult thing to do to come back after a guy’s made some spectacular shots after

You know we called a shot that Bernie made earlier in the week against Ontario in round robin play as the shot of the week it was a carum off a stone sitting near the boards on the left hand side he had to roll across the Rings just nip

Past a guard raise one of his own onto another of his own onto the shot Rock and he made it and that’s what the folks in sbur those who have been in attendance at this 83 Brier have been treated to and you know Ernie made a comment

About the nerves going well that’s one of the reasons that Paul Savage dropped back to third Stone well you know some point in your curling career you got to say well I can’t skip anymore I’d like to play for somebody that I really have a lot of confidence in well obviously

Savage has got a lot of confidence in anywhere and it can rightly so I know that in our home Province we got a lot of great curlers they all want to be skips you know and some of them are excellent curlers they should be playing

Lead or second on a a good ring you know I’d sooner be the best lead in the world than an average skip but our Manitoba curlers they don’t understand that well that’s the comment that Al cook made back a few ends when we heard his remark about he’d rather play

Second on a championship rank than skip one that was struggling and not going anywhere well you know the uh and take a look at John kaaja he dropped from the tea head or from the tea head to Second Stone exactly right you know when when you win

The for World Championship or a Canadian Champion you get the same prize as the skip you know I can understand some of these curlers they’re thinking you know you’re just as an important part of the team at playing lead as you are at skip just unfortunate some people like

To see their name in newsprint or whatever and that’s Don DG Good’s editorial comment for today but your observation is well taken Neil Harrison had no reluctance to drop back to lead when they tried to put this Ontario rink together they wanted John kaj at second Stone he had been throwing

Second Stones Paul Savage dropping back to third Jim Armstrong dropping from skip to third for Bernie Sparks when they decided to amalgamate a couple of ranks and ke Bower who plays lead has never ever had any desire to skip a rank he’s quite content on the front end

British columia still lying one that stone in the top of the 12 foot same side it’s easier I think you want across face hey this is easy too but I’ve seen one go by let’s go this way if it run straight you just hammer it and the two ladies sitting in the

Crowd wearing t-shirts that say don’t monkey with the wrench the nickname for Ed werick are his wife Linda and Paul Savage’s wife Barbara you heard Eddie wck Don say about across the face that means that you’re pulling across the front of the Rock and hitting it kind of going away

But he’s now changed it he’s going to hit hit what we call on the high side I think had they swept that one they might have got that shot Stone they might have got it past that’s why they went to that turned on because if he

Doesn’t chip the guard off he’ll get the The Shot Rock they’re not too concerned about the Rock and the 12 they to make sure that either get one or the other but certainly not miss both of them cuz that rock should not come into play in

The 12 like it could easily draw to the 8ot they’re worried about Sparks getting something in the 4 foot area and that’s why they’re trying to run off the front L you know we talked earlier about Jim Armstrong being a dentist he was out of

Practice for a full year in 1980 he was changing a car tire when he was hit by a car a hit and run accident the tire iron went through his hand he suffered nerve damage required two operations he was off work for a full year his case

Finally went to the Supreme Court but he was unable to practice Dentistry for a full year Sparks asking Jim Armstrong to play The Intern draw around the two guards that are in the front of the house the left hand side he’s got nice line and nice weight

He may not be full in the 8ot now they’re starting to really spe but it’s coming into top the 12 into the 8ot good shot Jim Armstrong hits the eight as VC Now lies two H we can roll right behind his I think you got to play regular Paul

So if you hit that you might kill that one yep more there yeah this will move wck talking to Paul Savage says you can come down here Paul and just make contact with his rock and roll your shooter over in this area behind his own right in that area

There if he hits what he sees that’s exactly what’s going to happen well that’s some of our viewers ERS think that we’re perhaps favoring Eddie wck and his Ontario Champions by hearing their comments prior to the match wck volunteered to wear a microphone Sparks tried it felt

Uncomfortable with it so as a result we are only hearing the remarks from the uh Ed wck R there’s the roll well they didn’t touch that rock all the way down and that rock just curled in the last six feet or Savage might have had his first Miss of the game

He has curled remarkably well in this semi-final game this is his fifth trip to the Brier he has never gone to a world championship we’re playing the seventh and the score is 4-2 in favor of Ontario BC has the Lone Rock in the Rings right at the moment and we’re awaiting the first

Stone of this seventh end from Bernie Sparks the skip of the British Columbia Champions well Bernie Sparks is going to change the shot for Ed Warick he’s going to try to draw around here and just kind of duck it in in this area here just behind that corner guard he’d like to

Get it a little deeper maybe in there and about in that position there what he’s doing he’s changing shots for Eddie werick as compared to the shot that Paul Savage threw with the intern I think from a strategy standpoint that’s something you always attempt to do is to prevent provide just

A little different shot than the one before will you try at all times never to give the opposing skip the same shot twice in a row change the shots up for make it a little bit more confusing for him so that he has to think a bit more about

Weight line how much ice he’s going to take this rock is not pulling over he’s well by the guard now it starts to make a little bit of a move but it’s behind the KE line it is partially covered by the stone sitting at the top of the 12T British Columbia lies to

Unfortunately for Bernie Sparks on this seventh end he does not have the advantage of last Rock Eddy werick is coming down to try and play the double he might make it straight back but if he hits about a half a rock you see Paul he’s going to

Indicate maybe that he’s going to hit and roll behind the guards on the left hand side and hope that Bernie Sparks with his last Rock doesn’t put a perfect guard on that rock in the back of the foref foot there is a chance for a double on this [Applause]

Shot that’s how far they got to throw it that’s pretty awesome isn’t it especially after the shots Eddie wck has made shows you how precise these Fells have to be when they’re throwing good shot by our hand handheld man good job there’s the brushes right in front

Of the running course of the rock Savage watching the line the sweeper just trying to keep it straighter and now he has rolled to the other side of the Rings he has second shot and is behind c what does Bernie Sparks want to do now well you see

That’s what type of game m plays he’s saying to Bernie Sparks okay Bernie if you don’t throw on a perfect Guard we’re going to get two he’s forcing Bernie Sparks to make exacting shots there’s two schools to thought here sometimes the best guard is second

Shot maybe throw it in the 8 foot in the other side and say okay well maybe we’ll give up one maybe he’ll hit and roll out we’ll steal one and if you get one we’ll try and get two back the next end you know what interesting when we were

Talking to Bernie last night he said that during the week in round robin play they won only two tosses to determine which rank had last rocked in the opening end and he said the toss at Brier competition particularly here in Sunbury has been so critical and he lost

The toss again this afternoon well you know if you lose the toss and the other team scores too especially with good ice conditions as we have here in sedbury sometimes it’s very difficult to come back well it’s been an uphill struggle for Bernie Sparks in this

Semi-final he’s going to try and lay the perfect guard well regardless of where you’re looking in this afternoon we hope you’re enjoying the action from the Bri in sbur and he certainly doesn’t want to come in too far he doesn’t want to come about a foot in front of that rock and

Allow wernick the opportunity for a double they’re watching it very closely they’re waiting for it to pull over now it’s starting to come over he’s got a good looking shot he’s going to be second shot but chance for a dou for [Applause] Eddie well that was the key thing for Bernie

Spark he had to become second shot and also provide cover for that shot rock well when you’re up four to two there’s no question he’s going to play the double it’s just a question of what turn they’re going to throw they don’t mind if Bernie Sparks scores one because

They’ll have last Rock and be one up playing the eighth end but if he makes the double like he’s really got control of this game so it’s no question what shot he’s going to play yes if he should make two here but psychologically he doesn’t want to miss them both because that would

Give the Sparks team a big big lift that’s right but if he should pick up to he would be leading 6-2 with three ends to play and although the lead is not insurmountable it would be difficult for Bernie Sparks out turn Mar pretty nice weight he kind of

Floated it back a bit Paul Savage is going to have to watch the line that rock has got to come about four or five in off that line now it’s starting to move where Nick yes is he going to hit it right oh shot again birdie Spar I just saw walk back

He is shaking his head he cannot believe the exhib that Eddie is putting on here today unbelievable in three ends wck has taken out seven BC rocks with three of his own Eddie wck has shot lights out this afternoon here at the Sudbury Arena in this Brier

Semifinal what a display of shot making we reiterate our earlier comment about the Brilliance of Ed wck who leads 62 after seven ends A new Prelude from Honda Grace Yourself quality at labat it also means supporting the best of BC sports and activities so you’ll see laats in a lot of different places involved in a lot of different events we do it because of who we are 21,000 Canadians just like you all working toward a common goal and a

Part of that goal is to hear the call for laat when Canada gets together over a beer if you’re planning a trip to the United States Latin America Eastern Europe or Western Europe or even Africa or the Caribbean why not take us along Radio Canada International and keep in touch

By shortwave for a free program schedule call or write your nearest CBC station Radio Canada International a friendly voice from home back at the Sudbury Arena we’re playing the eighth end of this semi-final and those three Paul Savage Neil Harrison and John kaaja have all been named to the Brier Allstar team the

Skip and you might be surprised at the way Ed wck has played this afternoon is Ed lovic and lukovic of course curled a brilliant 85% through 11 round robin games well you know uh you can only pick four players on a team but I’m telling you there was a lot of great Shooters

Here there’s nothing wrong with Jimmy Armstrong he was in the high 80s for a percentage Bernie Sparks of course played brilliantly but the curing here has been unbelievable and you know at the end of that end I saw Bernie Sparks turn around just shaking his head and like I said

Earlier he doesn’t know where to put the rock there is he’s powerless to do anything against the shooting of Eddie werick he he can’t do much more than he’s doing the BC Champions have curled very very well they have had the ends built up three successive ends five six and

Seven a double by wck a triple by Weck and then a double by wck well that’s unbelievable shooting and I don’t think Bernie Sparks will play a takeout now he is just going to freeze to anything he’s going to put the rocks out in front hoping he can get

Something started and maybe just maybe wck might make a half a shot so that he can get two and get back in this game but the way it’s going playing the eigh end your four down against a team like Ontario it’s going to be very very difficult ke Bower the lead curled with

Wayne Sakowski of Calgary in 1975 then with Ron northcot however he did not get to the Brier until he ventured out to the West Coast 1976 and again in 1978 with Bernie Sparks this is his third Brier appearance the first for John kaaja of course Kaja was the Ontario junor champion in

1980 but I think we’ve seen evidence this afternoon in relating to the earlier remark by kaaja about the big difference in junior curling and the Brier well Brier curling is all pressure as is your tanker playdowns in uh your local Province it’s all a lot of

Pressure and you have to have a lot of confidence and you have to have a lot of confidence in your teammates and your Skip and what he calls and it’s just one pressure pack game after another and looking at the stats done Paul Savage is at 92% now and Eddie

Warick is at 89 and surprising you know they give bonus points in when they chart shots and uh I don’t see one bonus point on here oh yes I do I see one for Eddie wck in the very first end but that’s amazing like have a eight-point

Must system in curling like to me he would have got 12 points for each of those shots he played yes on the eight- point must he would have indeed got more than eight points of course now erick’s got a very comfortable lead he just going to run at

Everything he’s going to kill everything you don’t care whether he takes out his own rocks he just wants to keep it nice and simple wide open give Burnie spks one or even give him two cuz he’s got perfect control of this game he wants everything out of play

He’s quite content to get Bernie Spar one with the final Stone he leads by four right about now I think Sparks and I remember I used to look around and see if there was a couple extra rocks around that I could use put it behind the hack

Where they can’t hit him or do something John gaja is quite a golfer carries a two handicap and has been in onario junior playdowns in the past he said to more one of the advantages about curling you never have to look for your rocks Al cook puts the

Rock in across the hog line just short of the Rings but Paul Savage will attempt to remove it they’re going to try and keep everything clean now well the Sudbury committee and members of the group promoting this fine City in Northern Ontario in evidence in the stands at the

Sudbury Arena the white t-shirts and we were presented with the white t-shirts as well as the hard hats the other day this Committee in Sudbury has done quite a job in staging this Brier it’s interesting too Don that’s Bill groom who is the chairman is also the coach of the Northern

Ontario junior Champions he’s had a busy year yes Roger sve of coniston will be taking the Northern Ontario rank to Halifax for the Canadian junior Championship March 22nd uh 27th through April the 2nd and of course we’ll be there for the championship game Jim Armstrong nothing in play as he prepares for his

First stone of this end end number eight at 62 in favor of Ontario over British Columbia the winner will advance against Ed luuka of Alberta in tomorrow’s Canadian men’s championship and again W Nick moves out and uh says to Paul Savage let’s run this one off roll out ourselves well

That’s going to be the trend for the next three ends unless there’s a nose hit guard out in front that maybe Bernie Sparks could draw around you see the purple hearts that Adorn the sweater of Ed werick he also has those four Canadian firefighter Championship crests on his sweater Paul with his out

Turn now it’s starting to move for him picks it off cleanly again another perfect end for Savage you know really interesting out here the Ontario team use what we call as an artificial broom it’s three fingers and it’s a very difficult broom to sweep with like you

Really have to be strong it doesn’t react the same as a corn broom like the spark rink has you have to push it one way and pull it back so it’s very demanding you have to be physically strong to use that type for broom and you know in watching this

Semi-final perhaps our viewers will agree with both rinks using the brooms it adds something to the game the noise the the whipping of the broom on the ice creates excitement within the arena well you know when cook and bar get going on a draw shot like they’re

Really in Rhythm together and there’s a nice reaction nice Rhythm to it and it’s exciting you hear the noise you hear the slap of the brooms and it gets people involved in the game they’re enthused about it and that’s that’s one thing that the brush takes away from the game

Of curling there’s no noise it’s on the ice doesn’t react at all just into the top of the 12 BC lies one it’s interesting that the Ontario rink switch from the broom to the brush at various times yes they do and it depends I think for a hit they

Use the brush are the broom rather and for the draw they use the brush because they feel the brush it never leaves the ice it’s always in the running path of the rock to keep it straighter and of course make it go faster but for hits they don’t feel it’s as essential so

They use the broom I suppose there is the other Advantage they can also work closer to the rock with the brush well you know when you’re down low and you’re Brushing in front of a rock like you really uh you don’t don’t get too much of an idea of how close you’re getting

To the Rings because you’re down very low to the ice up high when you’re playing a hit you can pretty well tell in relation to what rock you’re trying to hit how the rock is reacting Here Paul saage yelling hurry they don’t want that rock to hang around they would like to sweep it right out of the ring look both work it they don’t care whether it’s in the in the house at all what they want to do is Bernie Sparks will put this one in they’ll hit

It on the nose and say okay Sparks hit it on the nose take your one now we’re three up playing the n10 they blank the n10 three up coming home with last rock you can ask for more than that Ed wck who has made the routine look look or the spectacular I should

Say look routine this afternoon and it’s got must be very tough frustrating for Bernie Sparks oh it has just can’t get anything going you know you have one end you got six seven rocks in play and you look like you’re going to get two or three and you you

Don’t get any you maybe have to draw life and death to the 4 foot to get one then you’re playing the eighth end and there’s not a rock and play they’ve peeled everything off they’ve hit anything off that you got nothing to hide behind so you know that’s they’re very good at playing

Either game the Ontario team and they’ve certainly come up very big today and just as quickly as that Stone comes to rest Ed werick he’ll head to the other end and attempt to remove it well at this stage can Bernie Sparks really afford to blank end number eight

With his final Stone well it’s uh he hasn’t got much hope in this particular end he’s not going to score more than one unless wck misses this rock completely if I would think he would blank this in and Main last Rock playing the N hoping maybe to

Get two and be two down coming home without last Rock it’s going to be difficult for him to get back into this game something uh pretty drastic is going to have to happen to the Ontario shooting Let It Go y they’re really working on it this time W would like hister to

Remain in the Rings but first he make contact he does in the ring foring to hit it and roll out there to take a point that’s right there’s always a danger when you sit there that the other guy comes down he’s trying to Ru out that he hits it on

The nose and he has to take his point and here you’ll see Sparks and Armstrong are talking about what do you think should we take one and only be three down maybe steal one the next end or maybe two or should we blank and hopefully get two or three in the next

Stand well that’s what they’re debating whether they go for one or they blanket knowing Bernie Sparks I think he’ll throw it through just going by ke bow hasn’t started down to this end so that indicates that he’s certainly going to throw it through just checking with Al cook what

Do you think Al should we take one or it’s really six1 a half a dozen the other what you do I I might think he will blank it with the positioning of the broom by Jim Armstrong that would indicate they are going to blank the

End but even when they blank an end they watch the progress of the rock see what it does how it reacts that’s right birie thre an inter which is very he does that but he picks an area in the ice that he hasn’t thrown a rock now find out it so

Throws the final of end number eight to retain last Rock for end n he Trails by four in this laat rer Semifinal Of the award-winning cinematography of Ken Greg 25 years of Excellence with CBC CBC television special people a special Place Don Whitman with Don dog good at the labat Brier in Sudbury semi-final action with onterio leading British Columbia 6-2 playing the ninth end a deuce in the fourth and a deuce in the seventh the big ends for Ontario but it was the shooting of Eddie

Wenck on five six and seven a double a triple and a double kill that bailed his rank out of some difficulty and prevented Bernie Sparks from building the end that could have brought him right back in this match you know this is the second game these two teams have played and Bernie

Sparks has only scored one two Ender on Ontario so which tells you that the Ontario team is very strong defensively as where as well as being very powerful offensively it was an interesting week the top two teams luuka of Alberta wck of Ontario finishing with identical 10 and one

Records L luit awarded first place because of his victory in round robin play over Ontario Sparks yesterday clinch third spot with an 8-3 record defeating Steve Ogden of Nova Scotia in a showdown battle that was a strong performance for the Nova scoa curlers they finished seven and four they were in fourth place

One of their best efforts in some time in AER the shooter rolls out so does the BC Star John quad was very close there to making a double on the one against the board it’s pretty difficult to hide behind that one but I think that’s what

Bernie Sparks may have to do to get two points here and then take those dividers and put them across the hog line mhm exactly you know the ice is running so straight um you know it’s very easy to run rocks off it’s very keen so that if

You hit three qus of a rock the rocks are still going to spill off so it’s very difficult to uh hide behind unless you hit the rock right on the nose oh there has been that consistency with Brier ice ever since da Lewis have Regina was hired as the permanent ice

Maker well he’s a magic man with ice no matter what arena you go to you know because water conditions are different what from Province to Province and he just does an amazing job every year Co is very close to missing this one he catches a corner they both go out of

Play John kage has uh really got a good delivery but you know he really swings The Rock High look how high it is up everything comes back together but watch him he comes right out in behind The Rock he starts out flat footed and then ends up on his toe versus broom is

Always there for balance so he’s got a very impressive delivery and to to perfect that type of delivery you really have to do a lot of practicing cook works for BC telephone he’s a toll technician in charge of long dist Communications I accused him the other

Day of going around to all the payones and the quarters well it’s disappointing for this British Columbia rank what has transpired so far but they have really curled well their percentages are also High well they are if you look at their uh 93 for ke bow 79 for El cook hook 81

For Jim Armstrong and 78 for Bernie Sparks and here they’re four down conversely Neil Harrison is curling 81 John I’m sorry 65 John Kaja shooting 79 which is below his weekly average big difference third Paul Savage shooting 93% and Eddie wck the skip shooting 87% well there’s the first break for British

Columbia Savage did not want to do that he wanted to take that stone he delivered out of the out of play as well it stays out in front of the Rings and I’m sure that Sparks will now try and go behind it with Jim Armstrong’s first stone of this ninth

End well that’s uh that’ll be considered a Miss for Paul Savage because he wanted to roll a shooter off and clean the front off and he hit it and now BC is going to draw around it hopefully in behind to offer some protection for the rock that Armstrong’s throwing and that

Way they’ll score their two points they have the advantage of last rock or at least make the shot difficult for either savage or werick there it is on the right hand side Bernie Sparks giving ice on the other side of Center Line the center of the foref foot Jim Armstrong the UBC Dentistry

Graduate Bernie spark shelling come on there’s the corn broom bow and cook sweeping it he’s got good looking line it’s just a question of weight he’s got nice looking weight now it’s starting to curl over he’s coming by the guard by a good 68 in Bernie spark sweeping it deeper the

Deeper it the it shot by arm of [Applause] the I think they have decided not to take any chances to run the front well they really don’t mind if Bernie Sparks gets two here they’ll be two up going home with last Rock but what they don’t want

To do is hit that guard just a little bit off center and leave it there so BC could draw another one in behind and maybe score three on this end there you see it’s right behind that rock wck got the broom beside it and he doesn’t mind there is a chance he

Could drive it State back but he’s not really too concerned about that he would like to just take the front one off the bonus shot of course would be that he clear all three of them but I don’t think he can do it he’d have to hit that

Rock fairly thin and wouldn’t make contact with the one on the back of the anyway here it comes Ka Harrison they’re sweeping it hard all the way they just want to run the front one off and they’re successful be interesting to see what they score on

That because that’s a that’s a good shot that’s a four-point shot because he did his job a lot of scorers might say well you know he could have driven it straight back had a guard been shot rock that would have been a four-point shot but no way when you’re four up you just

Want to clear the front ones off in scoring is the degree of difficulty taken into consideration no it’s not no the shot that you call and if you make it you get your Four Points degree of difficulty has nothing to do with it so obviously it’s much easier for the

Leads in seconds to score higher as far as percentage is concerned than the skip well the degree of difficulty as you go down the line second third and Skip is a little bit uh more but you know a lead to start if you’re too down you have to

Put the rock somewhere between the house and the hog line on the center line or over in the corner you know and if you slip into the house it comes sometimes spoils the whole end for your team here’s a here’s a good call by Bernie Sparks he’s trying to play a

Guard cuz he know he’s he’s got two sewn up he’s got last Rock but he wants to play another guard hoping maybe that Ontario hits it on the nose and they can draw around get three that way that’s a good call times the game of curling is almost as

Much a cerebral battle as it is physical let me tell you it’s very physical you play two three games a day and it’s uh it can be very tiring front end wise be very tiring mentally exhausting for the skip I think Al cook might be just a

Little weary after pounding the ice on that guard by Jim Armstrong Eddie werick playing the in turn and he’s not too concerned about taking the shot Rocco he would just like to make contact with either the guard or the one in the house either one he’ll be happy

With he’s going to get the rock in the ring he could [Applause] not but if you’re lucky enough to get by the front one he played a superb shot he tightened up the ice purpose because if he misses the the one at the back he’ll always chip the guard but he just got by that front one I tell you to beat that man today

You probably have to use 12 rocks against St and even then I’m not sure of your chances there’s Bernie Sparks still a chance here the guard is out in front he’ll try to put it in the four foot area hope that wck misses his last Rock but it’s got to be pretty frustrating

For Bernie Sparks no matter where he puts the Rock and it comes up with a big shot they’re really sweeping this one it may be a little bit light B cook sweeping it very hard he’s going to pull up short he is not going to make

The Rings he just going to be in top of the 12 foot but not Shot Rock now werick will just draw to the other side Paul Savage has already tapped the ice on the other side of the fo look at Paul he’s down all the other end cleaning the

Ice second I don’t care what he throws yeah if I get second shot doesn’t leave a double don’t leave my not turn [Laughter] double well that’s in in reference don’t leave him an outturn double in reference to the fact that Bernie likes to throw the outturn that’s his preference not

Only that he made about three circus shots against Eddie werick in the game during the round Robinson he don’t leave him on outturn Double Y it’s interesting that when wck went down to the hack he made a comment to the sweepers as to the weight he was

Going to throw was going to throw a seven so they obviously have a system worked out they use the number system one to 10 how they will throw this [Applause] G now Sparks has got an opportunity to score two and there’s that is what they did not want

Well that rock really dug in very fast I think as we look at it with our overhead camera that BC does have second shot yeah there’s a little bit more spread in the outer edge of the 12 foot on the yellow one than there is the red

One so there’s no question the yellow one is shot rock this is a difficult shot for Bernie Sparks though remember the hit that Eddie werick played down there he had ice on the edge of the rock it ran very straight I I think Sparks might be a

Little uncertain as to just where to position the broom on this one because they haven’t played over there well he know he saw the rock that Eddie wck threw down there but Eddie wck threw pretty good weight he wants to make sure that he just throws enough weight so

That it’s going to curl a bit you got to curl into it because the rock that is in the top of the 12 foot just maybe is covering a portion of that red one belonging to Ontario so Sparks can’t throw the same weight his Weck he wants to play just a tap

Back but he has to make sure that he pushes it right through the to score two because I’m sure that if Ontario steals one here the game could be over yes if Ontario were to steal one here I think the gloves would come off you see Bernie throwing nice and

Quiet here’s his last drop Armstrong yelling whoa whoa whoa whoa he certainly doesn’t want to roll out either now it’s starting to work Armstrong yelling hurry hurry hurry he’s got it is it going to roll too far yes it has to far chti Columbia only scores one well unfortunately for Bernie Sparks

He does not get the two he was looking for and that was his concern as he positioned the broom on this ninth end with one end remaining it’s a 6-3 lead for Ontario look out Mar I’m back okay Mr Shing Bean handle that now what is this that’s there is Moose Tau him everything I know we’ll see the job’s done moose all right all right you did good had me a good teacher you got any more wagons you want

Fix flame Top Guns I’m going to get him Budweiser salutes all the people who make the music we Love yeah this buds for you if you like your beer with that distinctively clean crisp Beachwood AG taste and smoothness that says buttweiser Sunday David Steinberg is your host for super variety with his guests Natalie and Renny SAR Jeff trooper and many more Super variety from Vancouver Sunday is this an entertainment story

Yes television yes I know that voice are we talking about front page challenge we are indeed join Sunday on CBC television well the Sudbury Arena has been full for this afternoon’s semi-final battle and I’m sure there will be as many perhaps more for tomorrow’s Championship involving Ed

Lukovit of Alberta and it looks like Ed wck of Ontario 63 is the score playing this 10th and the Ontario champions in front and you know you dream about games like this and I’m sure Eddie werick has had a few of them but let me tell you some of

The circus shots he made you know the fifth the sixth the seventh uh he made unbelievable shots and it just completely deflated the BC team you know they had things going their way had onario in trouble and one or two shots great shots by Eddie werick turned this

Game right around it not a oneman show but you know just about Ontario lead Neil Harrison peeling off British Columbia Stone and rolling out himself well there are only six yellow Stones remaining at the far end three of them have to be in the Rings to

Tie yes and I’m sure all members of the Ontario team are counting them situation here on the 10th end and trailing by three you can’t afford to throw up too many guards no that’s right you you can afford to throw up five because you need the other three to

Score it’s not too good for Bernie Sparks uh but stranger things have happened in curle you know it’s you get one nose hit you get one around they try to peel off a guard and they miss it then you get another one around they remove the guard

You put a guard back up you know it can happen but uh against Ontario I doubt it very much like I’ll be very surprised if they have to throw the last two rocks not the way they’ve been curling today certainly off the shooter that’s an interestings you made

About the spin on The Rock when you’re attempting to roll the stone out of the Rings see he’s playing the outturn he’s going into the Rock so with a lot of turn on his rock you hit the rock and it just spins off like it takes its natural turn and

Just keeps spinning so the more turn you put on the rock it spins right off it it’s like a shooting a with a pool Cube you know you hit the ball you put stuff on it it jumps to the right hand side you put right hand siding on it that’s

Exactly what John Kaja does well we is an accomplished pool player as a matter of fact uh few years ago he was quite a contender for the Ontario Snooker Championship BC tired of throwing up guards are going to just attempt to put it in the house places the stone in the back of

The 12 foot a little bit more difficult to position to hit if you’re playing with oh just about a foot foot and a half of the Rings there there’s one thing about it if you hit it you’re going to certainly going to be out of Play If you hit it on

As Eddie wck say coming across the face because you going to slide into the boards with your shooter there’s a spin on his Rock good shot there they’re sweeping it hard didn’t fight hit it a little bit too full stays in the back of the OT Bernie Sparks I think will freeze

Down to that one he’s got to pull out all the stops that one’s going to offer him a little bit bit of backing hoping that Ontario if Jimmy Armstrong makes a good freeze here that they drive it onto one at the back and you’ll have a draw

For two but when you don’t have last Rock it’s pretty tough yes firring a Monumental Collapse by this ter rink wck Paul Savage John kaj and Neil Harrison they are going to advance to tomorrow’s Championship that will also be seen live on CBC television against Alberta’s

Atov the only position that um BC is out curling Ontario is at the lead position deal Harrison is curling 67% while ke B is curring 94 but from the second third and Skip on down it’s all Ontario second John kaaja is 81 Third Man Paul Savage now at 88 and Skip Eddie

Werick is at 87 while second man hell cook is at 81 Third Man Jim Armstrong is 81 very respectable percentages and Bernie Sparks at at 73 well if Savage can remove this VC Stone the best Sparks and compan can hope for is a tie and it looks as though he’s going to do

[Applause] that and they have been hot I just saw Paul tap his head like bo am I thinking I know I can take those so now Jim Armstrong must put it in the Rings the final hope of a years of curling you know you curl very hard to

Get here you get into the playoff and this is the only chance you have your third man’s last Rock You have to put it in the Rings and hope they miss three of the remaining rocks Jimmy Armstrong a great C and great competitor he is puts it in a spot

Right around The Rock in the well if Savage can now come down and nudge that stone out of the Rings it’ll all be over I tell you annoying Paul Savage he doesn’t want to pick that c out of the back he wants to play the ray back well the lone loss that this

Ontario ring concurred was early in the championship and they dropped a tight one rock decision to Ed Luca wit of Alberta and it was a brilliant shot by lucovich that turned things around in that game he made a quadruple kill you know here we are into the final

Tomor Ontario versus Alberta between the two of 22 23 games they’ve lost one each that’s unbelievable here’s Savage going to play the straight back race is he going to get it sure he’s got beautiful shot will do it a fantastic display of turling this afternoon in the semifinal here in the subury

Arena and Ed wck Paul Savage John kaj and Neil Harrison move on to the [Applause] Final [Applause] Now your F around through the snow all the way all the way high above the Worldest cut off from the world victims of their own violence until one man took an back everyone are you telling this board you can cure Psychopaths yes I am in charge of therapy I doing for the records Sunday on CBC television two Canadian Champions Victor Davis a determined winner Alex Balman

Serious injury couldn’t stop him the Fast and the fu Furious Wednesday Ed wck the 35-year-old first class fireman from Scarboro who this afternoon made the spectacular look almost routine brilliant shot making and ends five six and seven and Don I have never curled in a Brier I have not

Covered as many as some but I don’t think in those that I have witnessed I’ve ever seen more brilliant shooting than we’ve been treated to all weekend again this afternoon I don’t know why you’d be surprised it’s been that way all week oh they’re just an outstanding

Team you know and tomorrow uh I’ve heard people say that uh luuka is the finest curler in the world he’s going to play Eddie weick well let me tell you we’re in for a great great curling game it should be exciting here at the Sudbury Arena tomorrow afternoon Ed lukovit of

Alberta the 1978 Canadian Champion against Ed wck of Ontario and you’ll see it all on CBC tele see you tomorrow here in Sudbury exclusive coverage of major curling events continues on CBC Sports weekend next Saturday from medison hatch it’s the uni Royal World Junior men’s final and then two weeks later the Pepsi

Junior final from Halifax March 26th our live telecast comes from St John y Brunswick with a unique seag mix featuring teams of Two Men and two women April 9th Penny Lorac the newly crowned Canadian Champion will represent this country in the Pioneer World ladies Final in Moose Jos Saskatchewan and just

A week later the Brier Champion will go after the silver broom the men’s World Final in Regina Saskatchewan it comes to you live with semi-final and final action it’s the climax to an extensive and exclusive season of curling coverage all the major events in curling broadcast live by commentators Don

Whitmann and Don doood the two-time world champion curling comes to you on cbc’s Sports weekend and what a semi-final we had today at the Brier remember the final goes tomorrow live from Sudbury earlier today helmet Hoffer won the downhill at Lake Louise but a second place finish by

France cler won him his fifth World Cup title Canada’s Todd Brooker who had a chance to win it all fell with a few 100 yards to go the race today concludes our exclusive World Cup coverage for this season and we look forward to 8384 a reminder of the games coming up

Tonight on cbc’s Hockey Night in Canada Buffalo is out in Vancouver in a very important contest for the Canucks or after playoff birth that game will be seen on the Winnipeg West Network then Chicago is in Toronto and that’s the big game for the Leafs as they battle

Detroit and St Louis for a playoff spot in their division the game will be seen in Ontario new jerseys in montre all and the Canadians appear to be shaping up as the playoffs draw near and that game goes to the Quebec region so three games on Hockey Night in Canada tonight check

The listings for the time in your area and tomorrow it’s the Brier final from Sudbury Ontario it’ll be Alberta against Ontario you’ll see it all live starting at 2:30 p.m. eastern time we also have a preview of Formula 1 Grand Prix racing which starts tomorrow too so check your

Listings I’m Ernie afanas in Toronto Sports weekend is a presentation of CBC Sports our executive producer is Jim Thompson producer Dave Naylor and the director Brian Wayne The molon world downhill was produced by G FY and directed by Jim Marshall The Brier producer is Hugh KS the director brand Haywood this is CBC what take to brew a great light Beer join the movement to light got Joy the movement to light CP holidays and Woodward’s travel can jat you to Britain in July


  1. Thank goodness CBC coverage evolved over the years to showing START of ends from 1st rock to last as opposed to joining in progress

  2. Do you have any videos from the 2005 World Men's Curling Championship and the Curling competitions at 2006 Winter Olympics including the finals as well? It would be nice to see it on Youtube as well. Thanks

  3. Do you have the videos of the Brier finals from 1993-1995 as well as the 1994 Scotties final and World Championship finals from 1993 and 1994 as well? It would be nice to see them on Youtube. Thanks.

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