Hitting the irons straighter, more solid and with more consistency is something that most golfers would love, but how do you do it??

It all comes down to some fundamental concepts that dont change for any golfer, once you inderstand these and are able to use these to your advantage your irons can be taken to the next level and become a strength of your game, in this video i show you just how to do that

Hope you enjoy, Chris


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🏌🏻‍♂️Golf lessons available with Chris at HIT Golf Academy, Forest of Arden, contact Chris for further information.

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In this video I’m going to get you to hit your irons more solid I get lots of people messaging me coming for lessons and saying Chris i’ just love to hit my eyes more solid I’m getting the distance that I want and there’s very often a couple of really really simple steps

That can help these golfers so I know that they can help you as well we’re going to cover those let’s start down here on the ground because there’s something we kind of have to understand which is really really important you can see I’ve put some kind of golf balls out

On the ground here how many have I’ve got seven now this one let’s say is the the golf ball that I’m going to hit we have to understand that the golf club in a golf sync is never moving in straight lines so we can’t have the club traveling towards your target for the

Entirety of the golf thing it just doesn’t work like that we stand at the side of the ball the club is on an angle the club works on an arc so if this was the golf that I was hitting might be a little bit extreme but my golf club is

Going to basically work in and through the golf ball on this Arc so you can see how the path of my golf club relative to to the Target is always changing these golf balls here at this point my club is traveling more out to the right it’s traveling pretty straight here and then

At this point it’s traveling to the left so the golfers who generally struggle with strike and struggle with their irons are very often swinging across the golf from out to in and you might have videoed your golf single or ever maybe got some data and you’ve seen that the

Good news is that there will be a part of your gol sing which is into out we just need to make sure that where you’re hitting the golf ball not on this part here if you’re hitting any golf shot on this part of your Arc you’re out to win

That’s not going to be the best way to put some compression we want to be hitting the golf ball slightly into out if not pretty straight that’s going to give you the best results so how do we how do we do that well what we’ve kind of

Just explained there is it’s solid golf shots really come from hitting the golf ball at the right part of the swing as we hit the ball earlier in the ark the club is generally traveling more out to the right and it’s also traveling more down two things that most golfers

Need if they’re struggling with strike so the first thing I always look at and I always want golfers to check is where the ball is relative to you now we all know that as ball position however I don’t want you to think of the ball position

As just inside the lead heel middle of the heels back of the heels that’s a good reference but it’s not the best one we have to think of it relative to your sternum this golf club is being swung around your body and this is kind of the

Center point so if the golf ball is forward of my sternum then the club is more likely to be aring in if it’s behind my sternum it’s more likely to be swinging out to the right so I could take a setup and have the ball right in

The middle of my heels and I give myself a big tick and that’s that’s correct but if my upper body is tipped this way then relative to me that ball is forward but relative to the feet it looks okay so I’m going to take my golf club I’m going

To hold it right on the bottom of my button and let it hang and I can see where that club hangs relative to my heels and I need to make sure that my sternum is right in the middle of my heels that’s really really key and then

I can position the golf ball relative to that so for this I have got a six sign I forgot that I had to check I want the ball fractionally forward of Center but that’s fractionally forward of the center of me my sternum so here’s my checkpoint that drops down I can then

Double check that ball is forward that gives me the okay if I’m practicing an alignment stick down a golf club down just making sure that that’s always in the right place is really really key so that’s important don’t get that ball too far forward the next thing which is often

Overlooked is the grip where is that grip relative to the club head now we know we want that grip to be forward at impact most golfers are aware of that but we want to set it a little bit forward as well that really helps if you’re struggling with strikes setting a

Handle more forward can really really help does a couple of things I’m going to show you what they are if I took a setup here as my hands go more forwards It generally means that the low part of my swing is going to happen after the ball if the

Low part of my swing is happening after the ball by definition that means we’re hitting the ball slightly before the low points and what we’ve kind of said is the earlier we can hit the ball in that Arc then the better we’re going to be

The more solid we’re going to hit it so having the handle a little a little bit more forward setup is generally going to be advantageous if you’re struggling with the irons you start going really extreme and you start to really throw your body angles off and If Ever I do a

Video on impact and talking about hands forward the common question is well why can’t I just set myself up there why can’t I just set the hands forward and you can a little bit but if you start going to where impact really is you start to really throw off the body

Position so I would be going board nice position ready to serum handle forwards that’s my my second point and then the third thing will be just making sure that my hips are slightly forward as well putting a little bit more weight on my lead side notice how that doesn’t

Really affect my kind of upper body just my lower body again that’s just going help with my setup and impact so I’m creating a scenario where I’m not guaranteeing anything we can’t guarantee anything at the setup but we can make things more likely by setting up that W

And making sure I’ve got those things in place I’ve increased the likelihood of me delivering the club on a more fun functional delivery with a pretty good path and a pretty good low point I can mess it all up in the golf sing but I’ve

Got myself off to a better start so when we’re looking at the swing and we are specifically looking at ions here the other thing that can really really help is just making sure that in transition you are shifting across into your lead side if we look at what the greats do

The best players in the world and we look at what the amers do weight shift is one big thing that separates the two and when we talking weight shift there’s two things that we really have to look at how much and when a really Elite golfer will generally shift more

And earlier you contrast that to the golfers who struggle they often shift not enough and that shift often happens late and what we find then is because I’m not shifting enough a forwards it means that my golf club is striking the ball later in its Arc and what we said

At the start is when we hit things later in the arc it’s likely to be more shallow more across and then we get those kind of wipy shots where we don’t get the strike it drifts off to the right and it’s pretty high and we might

Get a decent result but it doesn’t feel compressed doesn’t feel solid so what we have to do is make sure that we are shifting across really early so I want you to really really feel like by the time you get your hands to round about chest height in the down swing you

Have already got the majority of your weight through this leg and trust me that is going to feel super early and the only way you can do that is start that process before the golf club finishes its movement away this little rehearsal I’m doing here is a great

One I’m lifting the lead here a little bit and I’m pushing down as I transition now I’m making that a little extreme there’s probably a little bit too much movement there but I’m creating a feel I’m creating a feel I’m able to take to the go thing in a moment to create the

Movements that I want so no reason whilst doing this you can’t make these a little bit more extreme but the more I can do this the more likely I am to get my handle forwards and we hit that ball earlier in the ark and that one was

Perfect turned it over a little bit but the strike was really solid and that little shape of that right to left is going to be absolutely fine if someone really struggling with the irons the final thing we have to just be aware of we spoke about how the Arc of the club

Is always changing with that Arc the club face is changing so have a look at the club face here this one is pretty square but as I move my club and an arc the earlier we hit the golf ball that’s beneficial for the path and the attack

Angle the club face is likely to be a little bit more open okay you can probably see a little bit more of that club face than you can of this club face so when we hit the ball earlier in the arc we can potentially hit shots

Which go out to the right that was pretty heavy but you can see that it’s gone way out to the right so we have to make sure that if we’re going to add these things in a setup we are controlled in the face as well so the

Only thing I want you to do here and this is just really key nice little point to finish on is just try and make sure that through impact you’re trying to feel like the toe of the golf club that’s this part here is overtaking the heel so just moving this way through

Impact a little bit and what that’s going to do is it’s going to mean that the club face gets a little bit better or it gets aligned more matched to the path that you’ve got and honestly if you can just do these really simple little things change when your club hits the

Board in the arc you’ll start to strike it better you’ll start to be you know more compression it’s going to feel much better hopefully a little bit like this and I would not have that one back really quite simple tips but can be massively effective if you’re someone struggling with those eyes


  1. Hi Chris I hit my driver ( in current winter conditions in Ireland) about 230-240 yards carry. I don’t think I’m doing the takeaway correctly, I know what the correct takeaway looks like, but compared to any other club, I feel I’m not quite connected as with the other clubs. Maybe a driver video on the connection and feels with shoulder and arms?!! Cheers I hope this makes sense and good luck with all your content in 2024!!

  2. Hi @ChrisRyanGolf. Struggled with a slice when starting golf, but have turned that into a draw shape. Partly by moving the ball further back in the stance and partly by learning how to release club head.

    My miss now though can be a very bad hook. I’ve been told by a pro to move the ball further into the middle of my stance, but when I do that I top the ball almost every time.

    Do you think practicing with the ball in the middle and ensuring I have a weight shift onto the front foot early in the down swing could be the solution?

  3. Great overall explanation, especially about shifting weight earlier. That would help so many golfers. It always helps me when I start hitting behind the ball. I remind myself to shift weight forward earlier and keep the handle moving through impact. I even like a more stack and tilt feel with irons much of the time, unless I need to hit more than 145.

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