Stop Standing Up Through Impact And Start Throwing The Club Like This

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All right guys we’re almost at the close of the Year here only a couple days left until we’re at the end of this holiday sale I do want to be your golf coach in 2024 I know that I can help you have the best golfing year of your life so you

Don’t have to keep trying to do this on your own keep getting those frustrations of having a good game on Tuesday and then by Saturday it’s like you never played before I was there for years and years and years and it wasn’t until I actually got a coach a good coach uh who

Really changed my game I knew what to work on what to do how many reps to do and I had accountability and my ability day-to-day skyrocketed I’m now very confident every day in my game whereas back then gosh I was just nervous you know to see what my game was going to

Look like every weekend and I want you to have the same confidence that I have I want you to get it better like I’ve gotten better and I know these videos will help and I appreciate a lot of the comments about how they have helped but

Ultimately you need a real plan you need the drills right the Reps the what to do first what to expect along the way when to move on in step two that’s what we want to give you I’m trying to make it as easy as possible because I know if

You just try it you’re going to love it and I can really help you that’s why from now until January 1st we’ve got a 50% off sale which really like 90% off of retail but 50% off the advertisement you get 247 access to myself and the coaches ask any questions you want okay

You get all of the community of kagoro golf members for accountability and support in there you get over $2,000 worth of training videos that’s our 15 live seminars we have 17 master class in there our practice plans like everything I’ve ever learned in one spot again for

Like 90 uh% off here and you get the monthly lesson you get a full year to work with us and just to take any risk away we’re also giving you a 30-day money back guarantee so if you have any questions you don’t like it you decide

You want to do it no harm no foul uh just send us a message anytime within 30 days will send you all of the money back I don’t think it’s going to get to that but just in case again between now and the end of January 1 to get that

Discount I do want to be your coach next year click the link in description check it out would love to work with you on so if you’re someone who struggles with consistent contact getting the arm straight through impact today’s video I’m going to show you what I did with a

Recent student of mine and two specific drills you can do to learn how to get that extension get the arm straight and stop standing up through impact how to work your body and the arms and Club through impact correctly to get that consistent solid contact let’s dive in

All right guys so as we watch some of the videos of the pros we’ll put on the screen the general concept here as we’re working through the downswing is what we need to learn to do with our Trail arm specifically and the club is learn how

To extend the arm and throw the club club shaft Club head not only to be able to do it but also to be able to do it at the right time and your ability to extend your arms through impact and do it at the correct time

Will be the main indicator that leads to your ball striking ability the better you do that the better you’re going to strike the ball consistently the worse you do that the worse you’re going to strike the ball right some of the students that I work with run into two

Different problems like the gentleman that I’m going to talk about here in today’s video either we don’t learn how to throw the club properly at all we never get that full extension right we’ll see like the players at impact or pass impact on the screen when we’ve hit

A solid shot we want this look here from face on that’s that the club and arms are fully extended away from me at about this 45 pass impact now the arrows rerun into are either not getting that full extension so getting past impact where the arms are too bent right wrist is too

Cued or we actually do get the arms and clubs straight and thrown but we do it too early not getting them straight at all or getting them straight but too early both of those cause inconsist consistencies with your contact so it’s learning how to throw and doing it at

The right time so I had a gentleman who came in to see me who struggled with this concept he said Eric I’m really trying to get my arm straight past impact I see good players do it I know I need to do it but I can’t get it in

There can you help me I said of course I can and then we walked through these two drills I want you to do this with me the first thing we did and what I want you to learn about this extending the arms away and throwing the club head is let’s

Get the club level to the ground I’ve just got a seven here as an example and if we look at this from the down the line angle we’re going to see that set up you know I’m sort of setting up in this drill with my arms fairly extended

Right away and what I want you to be able to do is take your arms back in the beginning no body just arms take the club back to about your right shoulder your right arm’s going to get pretty darn bent probably about 90 degrees the left arm can bend a little here that’s

Fine what I want you to feel what I showed my student is from here learn how to straighten the right arm and get the club head as far away from you as possible right when it gets back in line with you this would be theoretically the golf

Ball now that’s not really what we want to do in a real swing I’m going to show you how to add a layer to this but in the beginning back to the right shoulder okay for the arms to bend because we’re not turning our body straighten the

Right arm in the club head feel the club head get as far away from you as you possibly can and now as it’s getting as far away from you as you possibly can what my student was feeling and I was showing him and I’ll show you this in

The follow through is you want to have a little bit of resistance away from the club head with your chest and your head so notice from here I’m almost feeling as the club head goes away that my head and chest are resisting that I’m trying

To get the club head as far away from me as possible and the butt of the club SL hands as far away as possible now when I do that in my follow through with side Bend that’s going to be perfect and I’ll talk through that so part number one

When you learn how to throw the club head is just do it at you know right in front of you where the ball would be no back swing turn back to here extend it out back to here extend out feel that club head working away from you and your

Body working back this way the gentleman said But Eric isn’t that going to look like this at impact because I’m straight at the golf ball I said yes but what we do now is we add rotation how do we get it from here to here what changed where’s my

Chest pointing when I do it this way where’s my chest right at the golf ball right straight forward now how about if I do the same thing back here now as I’m going to throw the club away from me my chest is going to start to turn towards the

Target as I throw so now I’ve got it at that same 45 degree angle now if I bent down into my posture that looks like well we want past impact okay so here’s the here’s the recipe here get it here forward feel it getting away from me

Both arms straight now I’m going to do the same thing but I’m I’m going to turn my chest boom notice as I turn my chest that gets that club head out in front of me boom again if I took that back down impact so we took that first right and

We did this he was with me for an hour so we probably did this for 15 to 20 minutes of take that up level to the ground add some chest turn I said okay let’s make some swings down here feeling the same thing go halfway back turn your

Chest and feel the same thing that the club head is as far away from you as possible and the head and chest are almost resisting that now I’m going to show you in a moment how you keep your shoulder down to stop the standing up piece okay but first things first as we

Were doing this he said well am I supposed to feel the club head straight away like at impact pass impact at the Target I said you know what I like this 45 pass impact we’ll show Adam Scott and Grant weight there and so we just picked

A spot you know a couple feet about 3et in front of the golf ball here that as we’re hitting it feels like it’s extended at that point okay just like I’m doing this boom add chest turn out to here now when we make a swing here and we’ll

Start with a half swing and I feel the club head throwing away at that 45 when I add some speed and I add body rotation I’m going to end up in a position where the arms are going to be about parallel to the ground I feel like I’m swinging

To here but once I add some speed I’m GNA actually end up about there this would be like level one to learn this I’m going to show you the second drill we did there in a moment so once we did a couple level to the ground we started

To hit some punt shots and I’m going to feel the same thing turn my chest extend the arms away so I’ve got a seven iron here I’m going to hit about a half to three4 swing shot with that and feeling the arms extended to there arms fully extended head and chest feel back

Slightly and then we hit with that same feel and he did just about like that like that is my classic line when we shoot these videos as solid as I can hit a golf butts as compressed as I can hit it I hit ball first ground second with a

Div in front of it now again we worked through this for I don’t know 20 minutes where we were hitting shots and then we spent like the next 40 going through the details so this video maybe 10 to 15 minutes not going to go through all of

It we hit a lot of shots like that feel it level to the ground with no turn one two three the right arm is extending now turn the chest one turn the chest two turn the chest three now notice as I’m doing that what’s my right arm doing

It’s going from a bent 90° position like it would be at the top and as I’m going through there it is straightening to that position it’s like you’re throwing a punch imagine you’re throwing a punch the arm’s bent you’re going to punch someone at impact is your

Arm straight at that point or is it still slightly bent still slightly bent and then you would punch through to straight you don’t punch someone dead straight I don’t want the arm dead straight impact okay if we show a couple of these good players here at last

Parall at delivery how does their right arm and right wrist look the Adam Scott right arm still bent right wrist is still bent now from here to that 45 degree spot what ises it doing it is straightening that right arm is punching as my chest turns that right arm is

Punching I feel like my right arm’s going this way this way right so add impact is it fully straight by that point no just like the punch it’s still slightly bent the right arm slight bent and then it’s fully straight pass impact not at the ball with no

Turn chest is turned punched out past it so we’ll do one more hit with that again we did a couple level to the ground feel the right arm punching with the chest turning past impact like my chest points were the club head points at that same spot about a half seven iron

Here same thing very solid ID strike maybe about a you know 10t pull relative to my target but very very solid with a strike and that’s what we were going for with this gentleman is consistent solid contact if my arms get too bent very likely not going to strike it

Consistently solid if they straighten too soon also not going to strike it solid now part of this for him was also learning how to not stand up and stay level through impact we showed the Adam Scott he’s able to get his right arm to throw he’s got the line on his head and

Where does his head go stays level right so how are we able to do this where I said the head and chest work away from the club to resist that but also stay in posture and the answer is side Bend which means the right shoulder stays

Down so I can have my head and chest working away from this club head this way this way reaching out this way but with my should shoulder staying down my right shoulder staying down that’s what keeps me in posture from down the line and doesn’t allow me to raise up from

From face on if my shoulder came up where does my head go up away from the ground the shoulder stays down so as I’m punching the right arm as my chest is turning where’s my shoulder going down I’m punching the right arm my chest is turning and my shoulder staying where

Down and that’s a beautiful little crisp shot that’s basically what we were getting with him eliminating the fats and thins look at the divot past the ball there past the te that’s what we’re looking for so the side bend the side Bend is what keeps you from standing up

Right write that down or say that with me the side Bend keeps you from standing up the arm punches past impact it’s still slightly bent at impact but it’s working toward straight pass impact and that’s facilitated with the chest turning along with it so conceptually that’s the main drill I

Just want to Quick show you the little drill that I left him with the practice that you can use as well all right just a quick add-on here the other drill that I gave to the player you can use is with an impact bag or you can use a pillow at

Home some people get nervous about using an impact bag I’m not one of them I like what this does for us here so here’s how you practice this this is the to learn how to punch and throw the right arm with correct body motions so I like to

Set it up like this if you put a ball here knock the golf ball out I’ve got the impact bag one two feet in front of the golf ball two feet in front of the golf ball and the point of that is so

That by the time I hit it where am I at I’m at that 45 extended position so what I’d like you to do you can start with your Trail arm only and add both arms is learn how to go from delivery where the arm and wrist are bent turn your chest

Towards this bag with your right shoulder down and learn how to throw the right arm chest turns shoulder stays down throw the right arm I don’t even mind it being slly farther out there like that how am I going to get there with my arms

Bent I’m not how am I going to get there if I throw too soon I’m not so I like this turn the chest punch the right arm the shoulder stays down this is a way you can practice this with an impact bag or a pillow at home and use the same

Thing when that golf ball gets in there to strike it really solid all right guys hopefully you liked that video and that helps you you’re going to hear quickly hear from one of our members uh talking about their experience working with us as I mentioned I’d really love to work

With you to improve your game in 2024 take a listen here hope to see at kog what what’s my experience with Koro golf I had a very clear Target in mind when I had signed up which is I wanted to start shooting better scores I

Wanted to be able to play in some tournaments and have a good time not embarrass myself out there um I wanted to take some money from my friends when we’re out there playing and talking smack and you know having a good time and I’ve done all of those things

Because of the feedback that I’ve you know been able to get uh and the way that I’ve been able to use the resources that are available so no one wants to to chunk that wedge into the green right like no one wants to slice that drive

Out of bounds this is a way for me to help get more enjoyment out of the game this is a way for me to help like take all that time I’m spending and doing something that I love and I have this passion for but I’m doing at a higher

Level than I ever have before there are people that I think are really nervous about taking the leap to like jump into a non-tradition lesson setting in an online because they’re just not used to it right but when you look at the value you know when you pay monthly with Kono

Versus what you’re paying for one lesson for anybody who like is worth the time I don’t know why you wouldn’t go this route because the level of instruction is the same if not better like we already talked about plus you get all the resources plus you get the group and

All the other things that are available whereas if I go pay a 100 bucks or 150 bucks for a lesson today with a pro down at the range I get a half hour I get 45 minutes and that’s it and I’m done


  1. I bought a brand new Yonex Adx 300 Driver (carbon head), took it home and my roommate swung it in the house and put the head right through the globe of the ceiling fan light. Scratched it really bad. That ad with you swinging inside reminds of that.

  2. I think my major back problems subconsciously keeps me from maintaining side bend on the downswing. I do the best I can.

  3. A couple of days left to get 50% off our Annual Coaching Plan… entire YEAR of coaching for less than I charge for 2 hours! Crazy deal…I hope you'll take advantage while you can.

    I would really love to be your coach for 2024 and help you take your game to the next level…..head to if you want to join me!

  4. One of the best videos on making great contact. I feel like I struggle pushing through the impact zone. I’m definitely going to work on this especially with my impact bag

  5. Eric you’ve done it again! This is my exact problem that I am having now with the early extension/chicken wing that is causing me to be so inconsistent with my shots. I’m going to work on these drills asap. Thank you so much

  6. Can we use the same drills with a driver? Really now struggling with early extension and low point way too forward with driver even if not having the problems with irons.

  7. Thanks Eric this is just what I’ve been looking for , I’ve been ground shy / standing up for a while , ( really frustrating especially when I had been striking quite well before that ). Have a great New Year.

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