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PRO & EXPERT Playthrough, Hole 1-9 – Rewind 2023 Tournament! *Golf Clash Guide*

Hey guys and gals,

This is the playthrough for Pro & Expert division with various wind for the Rewind 2023 Tournament. Playing from 2nd tee.

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Hello everybody and welcome to this playr for pro and expert division with VAR snd for the rewind 2023 tournament here in golf Clash the game you’re going to see a mix here of the Shang Basin Sierra plateau and the East Lake Golf Club for the rewind tournament here this

Year these are all the new courses we have seen during the year here in go of clash before we take a closer look make sure that you do hit the the Thumbs Up Button also subscribe to the channel and turn on the notifications for those of you that are looking to improve your

Game even more join the largest guide community on the market for 2024 premium guides scan the QR code here on the screen or you use the link in the description down below below called slol Tommy last but not least follow the info box on the right

Hand side to follow follow along here in this playr with a club distance adjustment elevation adjustment and balling Club type have in mind though that those are all suggestions and you don’t have to follow it if you don’t want to but there’s always a plan behind it so let’s go to hold number

One for hole number one of the shiang Basin we are going to play a no movement here when we do have Tailwind but also crosswind four Top Spin three left Spin and we’re using our apocalypse here to make sure that we do have all the power possible even the lower level apox will

Still reach to the same spot as here it doesn’t open up at Max P3 line Max plus 30 P3 numbers using a 0.8 ball of left curl together with circle drop overow you can see we Bounce Center farway to the other farway and then it rolls uh to

A semi long pot where obviously we could play with slightly less Top Spin and maybe attack the pin a little bit better but it is a tricky one having to double bounce over that rough whereof obviously if you clip the rough you’re going to

End up with a wedge if you end up with a wedge you play it e school plus 20 and whatever Power Ball number you are getting or having if you do have a headwind you can still play a similar type of play but then we do recommend to

Play with a P4 or P5 ball otherwise it’s going to be a lot of overpower and it’s going to be a very big gamble for hole number four here we do have actually a quite tricky part three I would say four and nine are the two

Holes that stands out of being um yet the trickiest of the nine holes that we’re playing in the Tour Championship so what I’m looking to do is to use the golad I’m aiming at the very edge of the rough line when I do have a headwind uh or a

Crosswind if I do have a Tailwind I would recommend to aim a little bit further back otherwise the ball will land over the rough and that will shoot you into the back R and that’s not what we want to do a three um a three right

Spin ball or a s spin three ball is what we’re looking for to use mid plus 10 with the golad and then we’ll see a perfect ball be very close obviously needs wind angle tweaks and such to uh be absolutely spot on but a good chance

For drop if you do want to take a more safer route you can bounce on the farway before the green uh the problem with that is that you’re going to have a very high first bound so it’s going to be very difficult to dial a shot like that

In last but not least you do have a Back Spin boost option where you can land directly on the green but it would require a special ball number three we are starting with our apocalypse and in nmt and nmt means no move Target we’re not going to touch the target until it’s

Time to adjust the Rings three right Spin and 5.8 top 5.1 Top Spin here we can decide to go either extremely aggressive to the left trying to get to a short iron or we can lay up like we’re doing here we can push the ball even

Further down left if we want that I mean there’s many different ways of playing this so which is also one of the reasons why I do enjoy playing this um hole in tournaments one ball of right curl Max plus 20 P zero and just before Circle drop overpower and here we are then

Looking to get to somewhere around 350 yards second shot is going to leave us a sniper and here we’re going to do a shake to allow ourselves to kind of have some sort of a reference point so what we’re doing here is to go for the rough bump that is just above the

Bunker and once we have found that spot you can see that we having the ball guideline plenty through the hole and the reason the ball guideline is plenty through the hole is due to the reasons of of pulling down into the bunker because if you pull from a higher to a

Lower point you will then lose distance and therefore you’re going to then land further back than where you aim so to compensate for that we are then using the ball guideline to go through the hole center the ball hit perfect and the ball will then clip the

Rough roll down onto the green and dropping nicely for another Tross it’s not shown here on the replays that I’m starting with a power four ball this find absolute Min line so make sure to pack your grizly or a backbone to make sure to find a firm Min line and

This is for crosswind but also for headwind so five and a half bar of Top Spin and I’m looking to have the ball guideline through the hole and once I found that spot with my target at P4 M line I’m switching I’m swapping to a navigator ball you can obviously play

With a ball with much more wind resistance if you would prefer that adjust here in headwind I’m using Max with no elevation P1 numbers if we are playing in direct crosswind we are playing Min numbers instead with no elevation and the reason we are switching like that is to keep the same

True elevation but using the club distance to compensate for the different wind angles obviously if you’re playing in Tailwind you can’t play exactly the same way if it’s a strong Tailwind but as we are starting at P4 Min line and swap into a P1 ball we will still be

Able to play sniper but then the ball guideline needs to be short of hole and it’s going to be the same type of adjustment as we would be doing in crosswind which is min no elevation P1 numbers I would say this this of the part 3es are definitely an extremely

Good chance for an hole in one hole number five which is also hole number eight of the Sierra Plateau we are either playing left or right it all depends on what type of wind angle it is I would personally prefer the left side if it is a headwind if it is a crosswind

Or Tailwind I would prefer the right side and the reason for that is that I do believe that the right side especially with how it’s angled there by the green that is going to be quite difficult to attack the pin if you’re not if you’re not reaching far enough on the

Drive so here playing uh with a quarterback to find a Max stretch position the quarterback is mainly used as finding a solid reference point and then swapping to a Pock and Thorn bag 5.8 Top Spin three left spin 0.0 0.8 ball of left curl here Max overpower with a slower

Needle second shot is then playing with the thorn and the thorn here can be played in many different ways we do like to go with some left spin here this will take us uh further away from the bunker and that’s always a positive thing when

It comes to having a bunker uh or a rough or the water or whatever in play because now we can then use the left spin use some Back Spin and then we can then give ourselves some margin of error because now we can can still hit great

Left and we’re not going to endang you the bunker if there wouldn’t be any left spin here and going straight at it it would possibly be the yellow ring or the inner ring that would be by the bunker and that will then put us in a very awkward

Position 20% elevation here using P0 numbers again this is from a guide shot so this could be played in many different way doesn’t have to be that specifically what I mentioned but I mentioned what’s being played in the video on hole number three we are going to put

Our Target at the top of plus 10 which would reflect using max line with apocalypse level four for an example or also other drivers that do not have the full power using three left spin 5.8 Top Spin again 5.8 Top Spin is to give even those of you that do not play with

Higher level clubs a chance to replicate what I’m trying to show adjust Max plus 10 P3 we’re going to go full blast with in this case I’m using a one and a half ball of left curl which is a tiny bit too little it’s still fine though but look

How close I am getting to the right side of the rough here lands nicely on the firway but with the roll out you see how close we’re getting to the right rough and that’s too close for comfort so we’re going to want to increase the left

Cur just slightly so max plus 10 on Drive 5.8 Top Spin three left Spin and that’s going to leave us with a grizly on the approach because I do believe there is value to uh playing with the gly instead um going to instead of playing with a sniper if having to lay

Up from further down all right so now let’s take a look at the reference we’re using a reference that is a top white ring pin check H sorry frame check blue rain now by the bunker and by the wood the reason I’m doing that type of landing position is to find a landing

Position that we can replicate which meaning that we need references having to just have a floating landing spot is never really going to be super consistent so i’ rather have this and then having spins to pin uh adjustment here now I’m using um uh here we should be adjusting uh 48%

Slider with no elevation P3 numbers I’m adjusting a little bit too little 0.1 too little hence the specifying the 48% slider instead now very unlucky getting a 360 painfully around the hole but this hole three here offers in my opinion a very strong chance for an albatross poll number seven is the

Shortest of the par fors and the thing here is that if you do have a tape wind and I would say that if you have a crosswind as well you can push to get this ball to go directly onto the green but when you do have a headwind we’re

Going to have to lay up in some way and that is what I’m doing using quarterback to start at the max P zero line using a three Sid spin ball here you don’t have to use a king maker you can use a katana as well if you would like one and a half

Top Spin three left Spin and the adjustment is Max no elevation once adjusted we are going to apply full curl to the left with the circle drop over power or sorry just before Circle drop overpower now we want the ball to bounce on the farway and roll up to be as close

To the final rough line the closer we are the shorter the wedge will be and the easier that will be also so again if you do have a Tailwind or a cross from you can attack the PIN directly but in a headwind like that we’re going to have

To lay up and we’re going to have to rely on our wedge to be our best friend in in this scenario standard EB school here as well uh with EB school plus at 10% elevation and that’s a no spin I do recommend to play the no spin always this due to we

Don’t really have room to use the max Top Spin method here and last but not least as all we’re using the Power Ball number which is a P3 ball which is the same as the power on the ball that we are using to play with Center the ball

Hit perfect I’m going to let the needle slow a little bit so I can Center the ball properly there we go and we can bounce on the we bounce on the green rolls up dead center for the eagle for hole at number eight which is also Al hole number seven of the Sierra

Plateau we are going to play this SW with a no spin we are attacking the pin with a rough bump with the rough that is the closest to the green you just want to be perfectly clear with that there is so many ways to play this hole you can

Use the farway you can use the rough further back um and also use a little Back Spin on going directly on the down slow by the green I mean there’s so many ways of playing this one both no spin is always lovely because then we don’t have

To fiddle around with the spins Max plus 20 P3 numbers here and as we are then pulling from a higher to a lower Point combined with having headwind we’re going to have to use overpower or pushup to compensate so here using Circle break overpower as a base it lands nicely into

The rough and drops down dropping dead center for an ho in one again this is a part three that can be played in many different ways this is just an alternative on hle number nine if we do have a cross win or a head win we’re

Going to have to lay up and to lay up to be as close to the first rough line if we are forced doing that the eagle is going to be the most likely outcome in the end where the albatross will be a bonus drop in my opinion because that

Shot is going to be difficult to drop from distance however though if we do have a tail win we can push the drive harder and actually get over the water if we do have at least six plus bars of Top Spin and then the second shots going

To be much make much more makeable and it’s going to be a much more fun hole to play now it’s very important that you get the ball to roll preferably a little bit longer than what I’m having here in the video would like to have if possible

Like a 5 to 10 yards longer to be able to play with the sniper cuz if you don’t have the distance enough or let’s say say that you are a little bit scared of that rough or water then I would recommend to use like cataclysm or a big

Dog to give yourself more distance but that’s going to then make the second shot be much more difficult to drop now on the second shot position myself with the yellow ring to be by the rough line ball gu line to be way right of the hold

This because the wind will push the ball right to left and we’re using 10% elevation and then true Club distance this is once again going to be a difficult drop as you could see there on the green also that the green is not flat it slopes and it will then be hard

To get a consistent bounce up here especially from that long distance getting a closer for an albatross but again tail win of T this always going to be pretty fun to play where cross win and head win is not really going to be that fun thank you so much everybody for

Watching this playr for pro and expert division with various wind here for the rewind 2023 tournament in golf Clash the game join us into 2024 with our ultimate tournament text guides for expert and master division the best guides on the market we do offer checkpoint Challenge

And tour play guides as well scan the QR code here on the screen or go directly to /ol Tommy via the link in the description down below

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