Golf Players

Champions In Training: Noah Goodwin

Two time PGA Tour Canada Winner Noah Goodwin, gets a lesson from Cameron McCormick!

Watch as they deep dive into how changing body movement can alter club path numbers!

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What are we defining as success at final stage of Q School it’s like elevating your status yeah elevating my status but there’s finishing the top five yeah there’s an angle yeah exactly PJ tour yes Sir what sort of uh shift in B FL have you seen have you seen the ability to launch the drawers a little bit more to the right are they still launching On Target turning and so for the first few days I found it very difficult to get the squat

And my hands lower it was almost like I wanted to squat but my hands still wanted to come across so I was ripping cuts for the first few days of it um yes the draw has gotten better and everything more start right path the biggest thing is just I can tell in

Launch angle and everything as soon as I get to like eight iron I’m we’re finally seeing the dynamic LOF closer to what we want right launch angle and I can just see that more like penetrating ball flight and I I would speculate just knowing the history of Noah Goodwin our

History and your history individually um that as you’re moving into squat the first few days in fact this one being a decent example of what you might have experienced in the first few days despite the fact that it wasn’t a cut that was a online starting draw is that

You weren’t disassociating the rotation piece right so what moves the swing direction from if I’m just aimed and it’s statically facing parallel to my target line or down my target line and I rotate x amount my back swing well now the virtual swing Arc has shifted dramatically to the right agreed yep

We’re trying to squat some amount move our hand path down some amount without aggressively rotating our rib cage open because that’s the facet that would then move the virtual Arc further to the left and start to tip the swing Direction More To the Left Right yes also just has

A little bit I mean the more if I really grind on the swing path part I can hammer it out yeah it’s just be nice if it was just a bit easier yeah like when you describe something as I need to grind on it yeah we’re a week away from

In that rocker ship to be in the a it’s uh even though I need to grind on it a little bit I can feel the progress that’s already been made it’s kind of like we talked about last lesson also so any technically any downward force that

I produce is going to be more playable than what I was doing before some amount is better yes exactly we get to our final resting state yep so I’m kind of realizing that and trying to I’m trying to do a lot right now but at the same

Time I know any work that I have done yeah is going to be better than what it was before yeah so a quick description to the camera is the uh objective is for Noah to be able to play particularly through his short irons balls that launch right of Target and turn back

That’s the stock trajectory or stock flight that he’s expecting to come out when he’s standing over a shot and then Noah returned was it week and a half back right a week and a half back with a lot of early rotation um little to no un waiting and so therefore we tried to

Expose two things in transition actually pre-transition it was the unweighting a movement into more more like a half squat sensation hold off the trunk rotation to get the hand path down which shifts the swing Direction therefore the club path a little bit further out to the right so that’s kind of the update

On where things are at and where just a short number of days before he leaves for final stage accusal where what do we Define his success at final stage ofus schle it’s like elevating your status yeah OHA my status but there’s Anish in the top five yeah there’s an angle yeah

Exactly PJ tour yes sir let’s hit two or three more pitching wedges and then we’ll get to Adar there’s a 1.4 right launch oh I don’t think that’s correct on trackman cuz it registered down 11 attack angle did it feel like a down 11 attack angle I’m very unsure of attack

Angle right now just because of the squad and then holding and everything more I feel you it actually very well could be cuz did launch to the right though didn’t it it did great okay good and take a stance make normal back swing so see knee line right knee pull back behind

Left if we had a stick across these it would aim out to maybe where we drive our cars through as we come come underneath the bridge yes I want you to hold that knee line that knee line angle as you feel the downward leftward move don’t leave the hand path up there bring

The hand path down to about hip high and try and plant the hand path in here close to your right thigh okay not in line with your right thigh in front of your right thigh but close to it right so that’s the combined Sensation that I want you to blend together hopefully in

The downswing we’ve got knee line closed we’re shifting down and left as that hand path comes on in I want you to pump once down into that place and then cruise on through so it would look a little bit like this if I’m demonstrating it so it’s I’m up I pump I

Work back up and I crise on through striking one okay all righty one up knee line down left that again at least I had downward Force down left beautiful exactly do that again brilliant that was a 7° swing Direction shift from bow one actually 8 degree

Went from minus three to sorry minus5 to positive three so I think squatting right yeah the question you might have been about to ask was what is this action in the effect I don’t know it’s a more so what what was I doing before so I was yes squatting some more but I’m

Not getting there right I’m more there correct so it’s just trying to hold the hips a little bit in order to shift halfth hold the shoulders allow the hand path to work down those those things in conjunction move the swing Direction out to the right gotcha yeah correct yeah

Were you squatting yes you were how much more than uh November 30th mhm a small amount more we’d like even more we’d like more unweighting right as your left arm gets to about the end of your back swing sustained into as you start your down swing before we kick in that

Vertical component of that so gotta all that will happen and did happen in that one rep despite the fact that you hit it fat good now slowly blend it all together gotcha there is no polish top there is no pump down come it is one continuous motion done

Slow accentuating that maneuver you like 50% 65 75% speed just accentuate we’ll use dialing back speed as a tactic right there’s a speed accuracy tradeoff the faster we go the less successful we potentially are in integrating a new move so we slow it down some amount to improve the accuracy of the performance

Of the move ready gotcha super job a little bit more hand poth and the club gets down into the ground okay okay more deep HTH and I say deep I’m talking about its movement down the elevator yeah vertical feeling to the movement yep gotcha super job super job smooth speed accentuated move

I wouldn’t see your left knee in fact I’d see the back of your left leg your right knee would be kicked further forward and the reason the knee orientation would change here at we’ll call that handle hip height because your pelvis is more open because your and

Your rib cage would be more open right and I think we’ll see that you’re probably three two to three Ines lower um through this downswing than where you were let’s say starting out so let’s take a look at that let Deep dive knowing that if we if we like what we

See we can start to blend in mhm what more speed to it Y what about your right hip pocket it’s height yeah it’s low versus the after see quite a dramatic shift yes it is rib cage dramatic shift and that head height change as viewed from down Target

Line is probably in the order of an inch and then that shifts That Swing Direction closer to zero and you’ve got enough down so the swing Direction doesn’t need to be positive it just needs to be a little less negative cuz you have five six seven down on a short

Iron which then allows a negative one swing direction to produce a club path that’s 30 degrees positive and then you would do what with the face just close close it you just release it the draw so now let’s blend more speed into that same sensation yeah gotcha good I would even suggest since

We’re expecting more speed to show up in this next swing that rather than the rehearsal being uber slow let the rest will be a little bit more Dynamic gotcha good there we go okay far away good job start right draw very nice oh really nice so that’s

A perfect example right here you’ve got a minus one4 swing Direction but you’re down seven you ling a club halfth of the 2.7 yeah and that’s that push draw you’re talking about that’s also la punching 2 and 1 half to 3° lower which is a comment that you made walking in

Relative to I’m a better performer irrespective of what sort of ball type I’m playing whether it’s a high spin low spin High launch low low launch if I move this way cuz my I bring my window down yep same thing perform the same way beautiful beautiful beautiful 2.5 in the clubp well done

It’s getting hammered by that change in the wind up there wind is ho probably 25 off the right now yeah that’s really nice wonderful job start right draw yeah it’s actually a lot easier to feel the initial squat down as long as I feel like I’m holding

The angle to the right yeah so what you’re describing there I think is long as the knee line is still angled in a closed Direction the pelvis is more um uniformly aligned to the Target the more I get open the harder this has got down that would make sense what’s changed in

My left leg that’s different than the downward move in a squat it’s extended y right% I’m not going to I’m not going to be squatting down when my lead leg is in any way moving towards full extension there the principle of a squat is the knees are in Flex yeah in some sense

Yeah in some ways I almost feel like whenever I started trying to do the move mhm I was still very focused on maintaining my left rotation as well with my left shift yeah and left shift yes I agree left rotation just happens for me yeah

And I was still trying to it was almost like I was still trying to do it when I’m always going to do it I don’t need to try so much no you’re tornado yeah yeah we just need to temper the timing of that tornado to get the other stuff

Done that allows us to hit the shot you intend to hit exactly beautiful beautiful back here thank you in fact let’s not I want to see this move off the ground out here all right oh my gosh the cross country event has to be AB abolute Carnage today absolute chaos

Out there who would want to be playing the p 3 in this weather it’s hot enough in just dead Cal conditions right here gotcha you want a ball striking test come play the path through the horse course at Trinity forest and 25 M hour winds in the winter

Time with the greens moving at about 13 13 might be generous right now yes yeah or too conservative mean yeah yeah yeah good super super super that launch Rod of your target lines trying to turn back you were aimed a little bit too far right of that that

Post and if this is troubling to you we can talk about how to reduce the depth of the divot reduce the arc height but I want to see three or four more here if that’s okay yeah no worries me at the end of the day I could

Just hold a little bit more which is the don’t have off pie right that reduces the radius of the Swing prevents the club from getting quite as deep in the ground you read my mind basically super well done start right draw what would the divot tell a story

Of relative to like the swing Direction and club path I guess what I’m asking here let me ask a more clear question okay if you see if you stand back and know where you’re aimed and you see the divot traveling in a direction relative to where you’re aimed

Yes what amount of left divot would be okay does that make sense the divot is an indication of the of the portion of the Swing is traveling through the ground which from that we can then infer a rough swing Direction estimation right so I

Guess I would if I were to just look at this divot and not look at the depth of the div dep y exactly and just look at this I’d probably believe that I had a little bit of a left path right now left swing Direction yes left swing Direction

But then whenever you kind of tie everything in together I realize that I actually have a right swing Direction and it’s just the releasing of everything my hands and everything through the ground correct so in all actuality you don’t have a right swing Direction you’re yielding a right path

Because of the down on that swing Direction what you have is you have a soft left swing Direction relative to where you’re aimed gotta so if I just toss this down and cause you to be fixed with your aim to that post yeah y so

Come on in and we’ll do a brand new divot here I say this only because if you’re out in the golf course looking at your divot and inferring the quality of the swing from that yes then we need to be a little bit more sure as to what we can

Um glean from the divot right same move lovely lovely if we take the second Club okay the one you’re hitting yes and we just kind of stitch together the middle of the first point of contact with the club and then the end of the last point of contact that

Describes an angle relative to our Target line that’s tiled to the left some amount yes what number degrees will we estimate that is it’s like a degree and a half two de and a half 2° so a degree and a half 2° that should still enable given the downward angle of

Attack for you to produce the club path that you’re looking for it does that mean we tap the brakes and stop working the sensation no we have room to work it another degree or even a degree and a half if we wanted to and then it would

Just mean for rotate the face more correct one more and then we’re back in gotcha I’m going to try to just for feels and everything really try to shift this one out to the right and rotate the face just so I can see you can calibrate to how much the range

Yep very nice job that wind shifted in off the left that time sitting out of the bay it was hot off the right and tell it’s a I mean it’s very neutral quote unquote but that’s why having some tech to where we don’t have to infer draw conclusions we have a

Little bit more of a means to be exact with reading our feedback is super important yes try and encourage that exact same thing you just did outside gotcha the L the L very aggressive amount of um the feel ball launched at blue flag turning back to Target so the amount of that feel

Produced a swing Direction that’s 9/10 of a degrees to the left yeah mhm highest ball speed yet on a normal swing speed and a launch at 19 and A2 I see no reason why we don’t continue to do this and do it for another 50 60 shots here right now yeah carry

On N it could have been better I know we’re trying to make a really big change right now so I’m trying to be gracious with myself and understand that again anything is better than what it was but yep I know where we can get with this and how much it would improve everything

I mean the reality of it is when you count the four shots outside in this session right here you’re you’re 20 shots in right and you’re able to do that that would be close if it was an unconscious movement skill mhm if you were doing that without thought that

Would be our final resting state y we’re not there yet only from the unconscious part right feel like my butt’s trying to hit the ground every time I start the down swing good for you so I didn’t mind watch your rehears there but you were absent any uh

Movement to the left side there y where the ball launched tells a different story than where the swing Direction and club path are also the face to path I think you did a good job add more add more even if it means you need to again that speed accuracy

Trade-off that I mentioned earlier in the session even if it means you use intermittent adjustment in that transition speed meaning you swing some at much slower to integrate more of it as a um building block to being able to integrate it at full speed gotcha nice job really nice

Job positive one there we go yep so we’re going to keep repping y but before we keep repping let’s just make sure we have complete Clarity here by you teaching it back to me teach me about this collaborative relationship of rotation of horizontal movement of your body and

Then the vertical movement of your body what is it going to provide you more of so I get left really well and I rotate very very well the downward force of the unloading the semi squat MH um in the simplest way forces my hips and everything not to kick out which the

Biggest thing is I don’t get stuck um beyond that it allow ows me to then actually drop my hands produce the right start that we want to see especially in the lower irons and then also allows for my arms and wrists because of that because I’m in more of a position of

Loading here I can then hold deloft in order to produce the lower trajectory that we wanted to beautiful so think about it from a relationship at the hula hoop statically it’s just parallel to our stance line directing down the target line an amount of negative rotation tilts That Swing Direction

Potential to the right if we can just hold off on the excessiveness of rotation through your lower body that then would grab your rib cage and bring it with it Shifting the potential swing Direction more left in your intent then we achieve the deliveries you’re currently achieving Yes

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