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LIVE☘️Notre Dame Sun Bowl Post-Game Reaction

#notredame #football #notredamefootball #collegefootball
x @AlwaysIrishINC

IR sh away the IR sh away the IR sh sometimes it’s good to just yell about football what are you doing don’t do this to me Harry the Ohio State it’s Ohio State what do you mean the it’s a poison I almost stroked out and died

Over it I’m glad to be at the party I’m mad were this late you ain’t a captain of nothing but a sinking ship that helps the defense without their been doing a CH thing do a CH thing a call in line 312 98815 you tell Johnny all you’ve heard and seen

Irus irus irus irus virus yeah right irus irus irus irus virus yeah that’s right Ah that’s right welcome in welcome back everybody Pat I think you’re in already I never I never took I I’m all out of sorts Pat from I know I’m out of my routine I’m scaring the golfers I

Have no microphone I’m gonna get the bill from the the The Townhouse Association or whatever is going to come for all for all the things that uh that I’ve caused the golfers to do while they’re trying to putt out on this green and I’m yelling uh so thank you everybody for

Bearing with me it’s been a a week where we’re out of sorts I haven’t been able to take calls like we’re trying to do we’re trying to do the best thing uh the best we can Pat what a great way to end the year if you had to be in this game

What a great way to end it [ __ ] I I’m I’m taking receipts right now yeah for all the people who said no wi wi 10 games this year what did I say at the beginning of this season John uh 10 and two that’s what you were

Thinking you were not say 10 two I didn’t say don’t do this to me Johnny Florida style where’re now oh I’m echoing Pat I can hear it echoing around the hole how come how come you’re so calm with gouby but as soon as you get on with me you’re screaming already I

Can hear my voice echoing like it’s dark there’s nobody on the course it’s just funny man they’re not used to a lot of noise around here but all I’m saying is you wanted 10 wins in the regular season don’t tell me you wanted the 10th one to come now of course I of

Course IED John hold time on I wanted 12 wins in the regular season I but but I I live in I live in reality and I didn’t think this team could get to 12 wins in the regular season and I thought this team could win nine games this team won nine games and

Then they won the 10th with the Bull game congratul to Marcus Freeman that’s what the hell stupid it’s the ESPN because I have that T I don’t have my extra screen so I have the tab open to pull the stats and then ESPN won’t let you mute it so then they want to

Play their car commercial that’s what happened John did it what a good way to end the well we didn’t it’s calm down a little bit I mean we won this game that we didn’t want to be in but if you had to be no I don’t care I’m not talking

About the game I’m talking about we made it to the end of the season oh well yeah yeah I mean there were some close calls but yeah we’re alive by the end of this season mean the only thing I regret right now the only thing I regret is that nobody

Can call in today and tell me to go f myself like you did after Ohio State game well they’re just gonna put old way they’re just gonna have to it this time it’s great but really really the idea is everybody knew this wasn’t like the

Dream Bowl to end up in we all had bigger goals than being in this bowl but the reality is if you add to be in it and then you have all the instability and all the moving pieces you did better than what I expected them to do today I

Expected them to win it looked a little better than what I thought and I love it quite frankly and there was a lot of young guys all over I it was it for this moment you did the best you could do I couldn’t ask for much more so this this

Show this show can easily go two ways it could be a retrospective for this football team in this season or it could truly be a look forward and I think it needs to be a look forward because this defense like I okay let’s let’s get out

Of the oh Oregon State they their coach their players yeah n Dame had that too uh n Dame’s defense absolutely dominated they’re they’re so good and if anybody is sitting here and watch this defensive performance today watch this defensive performance all season and isn’t sitting there pushing their desk

Up with a freaking full staff man this defense is g to be un this defense is going to be better next year than it is this year I think with what they’re returning with what bringing in yeah and and addition by subtraction with certain players I think

I think this we’re we are set for a a really good defense next year when it comes to the snan football team the best in the country it’s G to be a good blend and when you got the news of a couple more guys that were GNA come come back

Up front especially Mills and and cross year that was like man I’m excited about the blend here and uh I think it’s going to be great I thought that the Notre Dame defense was going to be the most reliable unit on both sides of the field today and that

Showed from day one um so they did great let’s hit a couple of these chats I don’t want to miss them when we get uh too far into it so the defense I went in thinking they were gonna carry the day and they absolutely did absolutely did

The other thing is for the long layoff and all the moving pieces in the new o line and a new starting quarterback for all the moving pieces Notre Dame came out ready to go long drive scored right out the gate Play Good de play good defense went 94 yards or whatever down

The field is they started they started good on both sides of the ball and for a bowl you always worry about that in a bowl not a prime time bowl and then you don’t have your starting quarterback I was impressed with that they came out ready to play play good on both sides

The ball to get off to a good start I love that in this moment that’s exactly what I asked for and I got it exactly exactly no I I was I was was very happy with the defense I was very happy with the way they played I you know what I

Actually I I thought the tackling the one thing I always one issue I always had with the defense was the tackling I thought the tackling was was much better yeah in in in this game so y um let’s hit a couple chats James em Modi $10

Holler great game hope see a lot of Notre Dame people at the ND Virginia game tomorrow praying for Jaden Mickey’s Family and enjoy the stream uh James works at Notre Dame Asher um went to the tailgate thank you for the donation also um that was a kind of a cool moment to

See Mickey playing in the midst of all this and kind of in his mom’s honor and that’s been a long-term battle our hearts are with them um but it’s kind of a cool thing when a guy is like a football guy football family and it’s

Like Mom would have wanted me to be here to honor her and play so our our thoughts and prayers are with the family there um and thank you James for the the nice message $5 all from stepen arado I apologize for saying ND would score 38

Uh 10 and three let’s build on this that’s the idea is moving this all forward 188 dalah Hala from just one and D gal peanut peanut butter game most fun bowl game since I don’t know because cocktails well there you go hey take the blowout take the blowout Pat with the $5

Holler different pack not this pack nice way to finish a because you bought your own always Irish shirt that’s a lot more than $5 nice nice way to finish a disappointing season 10 10 wins is a thing lots of young talent for Endy going into a playoff or boss 24 happy

New Year here’s the deal with that Pat I think we can all agree 10 and two is the bar now 10 and two should get you in almost every year if you’re Notre Dame that’s going to be the new bar from now on there’s really not much else to

Discuss there is no it’s got to be you’re either in it or you’re out of the 12 team success or failure has never been more clear moving forward no I I I don’t I don’t disagree but I mean technically it wasn’t 10 and two the bar

Coming in I mean that’s what we had from from LSU guy but there’s still Nuance 10 and two because that’s not a playoff year so there’s Nuance on like a good year but not a great year now 10 and two gets you into the tournament it changes

The way you look at 10 and two does it not you know but here’s here’s my thing with that I I do think there’s there’s going to be there’s G to be a 10 and two team that doesn’t get in somebody’s got to be 13 right yeah someone’s got to be 13 and

With Notre Dame and the way they set up and and the way they position themselves and their automatic disqualification from from the top four does that mean a a 10 and two team gets kicked out of the top eight top 12 does that does that you know there’s we

Don’t know what this is going to look like so I don’t want to go I don’t want to go around saying that Notre Dame has guaranteed the playoff at 10- two Notre Dame’s got to be in a top 12 if nine and three is in a top 12 fine

Whatever if I’m Notre Dame you know when they first came with the playoff John we said not’s got undefeated you got to go undefeated to be in the playoff yeah I think nor Dame has to be 11 to1 to to be safe to be safe yeah I think because

There’s kind of there’s buyin too with Conference champions and yeah there’s there’s there’s there’s scary stuff there yeah Dr John how you doing bud I think you’re gonna be able to feel we’re gonna be able to feel it out a as we get going $10 holler from Homer TD let’s go

Looking forward to the offseason with always Irish happy New Year John aad Happy New Year to you too I know uh Homer TD was busy with a house full of grandkids he was uh probably taken care of over the holidays with a lot of moving parts and travel and stuff going

On there um good good to hear from you Tony V1 rotate with the $ Five Doll holler also these announcers are horrible they obviously ate ND it was never something they did something good it’s always OSU did something bad or they’re missing players dude these guys

Were aw so bad these guys were awesome on the PlayStation game in 2002 like it that was it dude they were awesome because they were the guys on that Sony PlayStation you know e Sports it’s all in the game they were hot back in 2002

You give me the music C CEST CBS music and you got those guys now I mean they were they said love LA Speed yeah love la speed the way they lack preparation come on pass names Bon had six different names in this game fa Fon fian F FIS I

Was so mad I was so mad Joe so I’m sitting at the golf course watching and Joe’s like why do you keep yelling at the announcers I because they idiots he’s like you’re not mad about the game you’re mad about the announcers but the the the touchdown

Pass that that angelli missed to to rear was it rear him where he should have been wide open walked it in into the endzone and and he says and and Danielson says he goes now if that was if that was Sam Hartman he he you know

He has he has experience with this tight end so he would have known which way he would have broke I go this guy hasn’t played either these guys are they they haven’t played like what are you talking about have you not watched one not have you not watched any film of Notre name

This year oh yeah go read his statline you know he ISS like they also uh Mike uh Mike Evans was playing Mike Evans Mike Evans was playing in the game I didn’t know that but I’ll take that potatoes O’Brien with the $10 Aller thanks for another season

John aad only 11 teams on the schedule next season who will be the 12th yeah I don’t know wasn’t it supposed to be Miami and then they backed out of that or something happened so I don’t know I don’t know maybe you you’ll know better

Than me but I heard a rumor that because of the the Pack 12 blowup that one of those two teams might get at it because they have a scheduling issue yeah um or they’re or they’re just gonna they’re going to back they have to they have to put somebody

On so they’ll probably they’ll probably end up back filling with um a um uh you know an HBCU again yeah a $20 all from the local Source happy New Year thank you for all the content looking forward to to 24 I am as well this is a beautiful way

To turn the page and go in um Pat I don’t know if this lasted the whole game because I was setting up towards the end out here they had one rushing yard for most of the game like I mean Notre Dame’s defense Notre Dame defense was

Awesome and you know what else Al was getting aggressive he was sending dudes on thir he was like screw it it’s the Tony the Tiger go get him the Corner Blitz the corner Blitz on that that that that uh off tackle run where Morrison morson just blows it up three yards deep

In the backfield I was like dude Al’s L knows what’s coming before they call it yeah he knows yeah and then Pat I wanted to ask you about this too I realize Den Brock’s not situated when we’re not into all that yeah that offense looked like it was put together

Differently in this game to me yes no I I agree but I I thought it looked a little different as far as like early on I thought the Run pass balance was pretty good I liked the Run game and then some a couple passes mixed in

Here’s the other thing there was a lot of um move in the pocket a little bit to help Angel and buy and I love that I love and you know what else that helps Pat that Els that o line that’s trying to get put together and gel and they

Moved the pocket to kind of move him out and buy some time and then he was able to run a little bit and did better with that than I remember him doing when he did take off but they were buying more time so I I liked what I saw there and

Steve angelli I Pat I don’t I don’t know what really he missed a couple throws you wish you would have felt some pressure and bailed or got rid of the ball a little quicker a couple sacked a couple times but overall really good job byan jelly he did really good today

Yeah he did good today I I got so I got what I expected out the offense um it wasn’t let me this is this is kind of a weird way to say it it it wasn’t better but it was better you know what I mean yeah like it this Notre Dame should

Have hung 54 points on this team yeah if you have Joe Al and Blake fiser and Ese and even Hartman you probably you probably couldn’t you Hartman probably would matter but if you had if you had those guys and maybe or Rico Flores Nord Dame Hanks 50 on this

Team um Pat somebody put it you see how often they showed Hartman uh yeah that’s that’s because they kept women watching somebody put on there showing Hartman in the sunbowl is the same as showing Taylor Swift on all these NFL games like like the best looking star in

The building or whatever we got to show it and then I thought that interview was a little awkward because there’s not really a good answer for Hartman when they’re like oh you the decision to sit out or whatever I just felt like it was a little of an awkward moment because

You could tell he felt a little weird about it too yeah but I I will I’ll I’ll give him this he’s there you know I was Joe Al there and I’m not trying to dog on anybody if they weren’t there Joe Al pretty sure Joe Al

Was there walking around and like a lot of those a lot of those guys who who who cam Hart I I don’t know if they were there or not I mean they they didn’t call it out if they were I understand why they call out Hartman but he was

There he was supporting the team he was being a part of it he just wasn’t playing I think I think he made not just the best decision for him but the best decision for Notre Dame because stepen J needed to play this football game yeah I give I’ll give a hat tip I’ll

Give a hat tip to Sam Harman he he look the guy came here and he gave it his all did was it the best season no the thing could he have done better yes could could Notre name have done better for him absolutely yeah if you’re not mik

Ghouls be it’s hard not to like Sam artman like he’s a pleasant dude he says the right things he’s one of the guys like he was at the basketball game the other week with the younger quarterbacks like he’s just a hard guy not to like even though ghouls be I know things rub

Him the wrong way it’s just it’s hard not to like the guy but but the thing is man the greatest news about this is you got a big blowoff blowout Bowl win you got your 10 wins and I feel like everybody just expects things to get better all those guys make

A plays are younger a lot of them are going to be a part of the team I just feel like there’s is there reason for real optimism or we doing the whole Notre Dame thing again where we buy in and want to buy in and then we

End up like miserable but it’s hard not to feel momentum man the roster changing the coaching staff starting to come together where people feel more comfortable so I I would it it’s not a notre dami off season you know what I mean yeah got he so let’s go

Let’s go what what do you mean by that too many things are in place where they’re supposed to be too many things have happened where like okay let’s go let’s Row the clock back a month because we you and I haven’t been able to do this since since all this stuff went down

Um the the quarterback coach gets fired and you got four kids leaving the portal in the wide receiver room or I’m sorry the wide receiver coach gets fired you have four kids leaving the wide receiver room and people are freaking out Freeman doesn’t know what he’s doing all this

All this stuff he has rebuilt a wide receiver room he has gotten a wide receiver coach I don’t care what anyone says Jared Parker was pushed out the door to that head coaching job you know no he was pushed out the door to had coaching jum you knew Jared Parker was

Not coming back all right so he is he has rebuilt his his coaching wa wa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa you’re breaking news you’re breaking news you think this was all in the works like even when the Stucky thing was going on that in Freeman’s mind he was

Thinking I’m going to be free of all this soon enough yeah so you think that that that was all coming through the but and you say but say push him out who wouldn’t want a head coaching job even if that’s at a lower level but but the

Fact that he I there’s there’s I it’s it’s hard it’s hard to guarantee it like I can’t I can’t say this is exactly what happened but you damn well know like you you ever get a recommendation from somebody Freeman probably gave the most glowing recommendation to Troy he

Probably called Troy he probably said this is my guy he 39 a game baby 39 points a game yeah 39 points a game we don’t do we don’t we don’t do what we do without this guy all right I’m not and I’m not saying he hwi Troy either but we

Know that they’re best friends we know their wives are best friends yeah we know Marcus Freeman was tying himself to an anchor if he brought that guy back yeah it’s uh Hey man it all looks like it’s working out and that guy gets a

Promotion out of it he gets to be a head coach Marcus doesn’t have to be a jerk everybody wins right now everybody’s in a good mood Mark Carter with the $10 all Faison is a rock but angel was the MVP Jordan Faison is he’s one of those guys

He’s gonna move right into Notre Dame lore of like the next guy who like didn’t come here to do this but ends up being a fan favorite he has got juice he’s got wiggle he’s got jiggle I just love it the dude is slippery he’s quick he’s tough it’s just beautiful that guy

I love that dude and the other thing Pat is the passing offense looks a lot better when Jaden Thomas is upright what a difference it makes when that guy’s able to be a guy you could go to you know they they showed the stat about his performance in the first four

Weeks of the year and then the rest of the year and I was like do they not notice that he was hurt no that’s the first thing went through my head the second thing I went through my head is holy [ __ ] after he got hurt the offense

Slid yeah he’s just he was just he’s just a good player and and I was really happy to see him back happy to see him perform happy to see that it’s still going to be part of the team next year yeah now here’s the next part of this

Pat and it gets kind of tricky the next part of this is what’s gonna happen with Angeli and minie in this quarterback room like before I started I was seeing a lot of the chats saying is Angeli trying out for another team like what are we doing here and I’m really I don’t

Know how it’s going to work out and where does falling this and do he feel like he’s not getting a shake you’re not going to hold on to all these guys it’s it’s a matter of if and when and who because you’re not old on to all these

Guys it ain’t gonna so so so minchi I don’t I don’t think there’s there’s a reason for minchi to transfer period uh you know it’s a freshman for Angeli I just don’t see it I just I don’t I I think I think Angeli you know drunk Vios say Angeli has legit talent I

Agree I think he does I think he’s been he’s been underrated I think he’s taken some big steps this year credit to Gino um but yeah and and jelly and jelly played well I don’t I don’t look at this as a tryy out for another team I’d look

At this as look I’m here I’m ready to play Let’s play football yeah you know we we’ll know tomorrow if he’s going he’s got to go tomorrow right isn’t it isn’t it doesn’t it close tomorrow it’s either tomorrow the think it’s tomorrow Saturday see I don’t know what to make of this

Because would it be a good thing or a bad thing if it turned into a real competition or is it just over because you’re paying one guy all this nil money does that make him default the starter or not like what happened there is isn’t there a spring portal Tad where if you

Don’t win a there’s a spring portal but it’s after spring is over that’s correct yeah yeah and so you would hate to lose them and I get that that sentiment but also people want you to go after the best guy in the portal you can get so it’s like you don’t

Know it’s just hard to figure out I was told somebody told me today that uh there was 1,800 kids that entered a portal I don’t know if this is correct I’m I’m re I’m regurgitating something someone else something someone else told me 1,800 kids went into the Portal 3 5

30% something like that found a new home yeah that’s that’s a that’s a compelling number if that’s true and if that’s the case you know if you’re Stephen jelly and the only resume you have is this one bowl game where you’re playing against a team with that’s kind of ripped apart

Lost coaches and players is that is that enough to get you a new home where where you want to be the Riley Leonard like sure you want to go down to a Mac team fine go you can go down to a Mac team I I don’t I think I think Angeli

Has a better chance and this is what I said about Buckner this is what I said about Buckner you have a better chance at stay of staying at for stay to stay at Notre Dame then you do to go somewhere else to to find the field

Sooner yeah and you know what else too and jelly just seems so Notre damy to me doesn’t he seem he does seem very Notre damy very notely like I don’t even know that I could tell you exactly what I mean by that he just seems like the most Notre

Damisha dude and I’m telling you this if you ended up with Riley Leonard and then and jelly would be a hell of a backup and and you have and then and you know what I even liked Pat I even liked seeing car at the bowl game just soaking

It all in he wasn’t dressed I even like just seeing CJ Carr there just kind of seeing all the seeing what it’s like doing the travel and and all this stuff and then with that portal thing Pat I think you got a lot of guys that maybe think a lot

Of themsel and they get in that portal and then you you don’t end up with the suitors and then that leaves you in a weird spot it leaves you in a very weird spot no I yeah you’re right you’re it does and that’s why I just don’t like

Angeli can go somewhere he could probably find a home but does it give him what he needs do it give him what he wants is it is it is it better than Notre Dame and I don’t think he has his degree yet and I think he could take

Some hard lessons learned from Pine and Buckner and be who are both now back at Notre Dame yeah and say maybe maybe that’s not the right way to go yeah and uh Homer thank you for that question really good one um I for it already slid

By Pat but somebody asked a a question and it said is Angeli and rkg in our eyes maybe like rkg plus he’s turning into yeah like I’m not ready to go dude but I think I don’t want to do I don’t want to do I don’t want to do Brian

Kelly isms I don’t want to do yeah but that’s that’s why exactly why that phrase comes out you know what I look at you know what I look at angel if he plays his cards right what what I can hope for angelli you remember you remember McDougall I mean we’re going

Way back into the 90s yeah right 93 I he played one season and and he played on one of the best teams nor Dame’s ever had so that’s that’s kind of where I see and maybe some guys some guys need four years they need it and and andell’s had

Two years now because what he’s he’s a well he’s a red shirt sophomore right he’s a junior eligibility wise so he’s had three years now and he’s got he’s got two years left I just I just I think the best bet is for that kid to stay

Here but even if he chooses to go he chooses to go I’m not going to be upset with him at all yeah you know Marcus stream his whole thing about uh I need four quarterbacks on the roster the harder tries to have four quarterbacks on the roster the less likely it is he’s

Going to have four quarterbacks on the roster well you’re always lose one you’re always gain losing one exactly exactly but he’s not he’s not gonna keep going back to the portal to get a guy because eventually he’s gonna have Carr we’ll see what happens with minchi he’s

Gonna have Deuce you’re not gonna bring someone from someone from somewhere else in to start over these guys yeah and then that ties right it’s perfect ties right into merch thank you for the $10 holler I’m tired of all these transfer quarterbacks coming to andd to take us

To the Natty just to always fall short why can’t we just develop for once also thank you for the content John happy New Year thank you very much for the donation here’s what I think starting with this next line of quarterbacks that’s the plan they want they want this to be the

Last time and they’re hoping they’re recruiting guys with a high enough ceiling and a high enough floor that they’re not in that position anymore but the other mistake you can make is hitching Your Wagon to a guy that isn’t the right guy that could burn you just

As quick so you can only Tie Your Wagon to the right guy and they’re thinking CJ Carr and or dece are going to be those guys so the hope is this is going to be the last one because I’m going to tell you this there is no comparison over that last

Like half dozen quarterbacks from the Kelly era and the kind of guys these guys are going after and getting it is a different level of potential at the quarterback room oh for sure for sure this way there’s no Ste there’s no Stephen jelly there’s there’s no Guy where

You’re sitting like is this guy gonna work out or not yeah oh look at this Luke haltz with the donation I think it’s sarcasm go figure great defense and the greatest firsttime start by Notre Dame quarterback in the last 40 years and maybe of all time and I don’t know

If he’s being I don’t know if he’s being sarcastic or what um no merch I merch I understand you’re he says I’m just tired with frustrated with the transfers I get it because there’s no development it’s all or nothing that one year and if you don’t do something great there’s no

Development and you have to start over I totally understand now liking that but the only way they’re not going to do that is if they attach the wagon to a real dude and that’s what deuce or car need to turn into that that’s what they’re I mean that’s what they’re

They’re hoping for trying to trying to get to be yeah yeah yeah and so that breeds stability it just it kind of you know what you have there isn’t like all these questions in a mad scramble it would just be nice to know you have a guy that’s developing with the team and

The guys around him and they’re all getting better for a few years together I I don’t I don’t think that’s a lot to ask for but you got to hit your wagon to the right kind of guy Cory Ruth with the $5 Aller thank you I think Freeman is

Using the portal until the kellier guys are gone there is a little something to that especially if you look at the quarterbacks we’ll find out next year yeah there we’ll find out if that that very well may be the case I I hope that’s the case I hope I I do hope

That’s the case but we’ll see I they’re really hoping for that like I from what I’m hearing that this staff is so high on car more than some of the Notre Dame fans have cooled on him a little bit even a some of the media’s cooled a

Little bit on car the staff is all in on his traits and they I know nobody likes to hear traits but they they really like what he’s looking like and then everybody tells me deuce is the type of athlete at quarterback Notre Dame is never just don’t see that body typee at

Notre Dame very raw but you don’t have that type of athlete at Notre Dame a lot so um they want to be done with it this will be the last go around and then maybe maybe we could get further with this guy in this iteration of it than we

Did with the first couple that’s the Hope use that good defense bring Den Brock in here you have some better athletes see if you could cook up a playoff appearance year one well shouldn’t that be the target I mean that’s that’s that’s the the ultimate goal right is that you you’re

Bringing this guy in for the playoff appearance you’re bringing this guy in to to give you the look he’s he’s exactly he’s exactly what Notre Dame has been looking for an offensive coordinator what Notre Dame has needed say what you want about Tommy Reese some hate some don’t hate he’s he’s he’s

Clearly doing well at Alabama yeah Notre Dame guy I’m happy for him and he needs to do well in his next game for exactly I’m all in on Tommy I’m all in on Tommy I want Tommy to National Championship at Alabama I’m I’m all in on that say what

You want about Parker he’s gone he’s not here anymore if you liked him sorry if you didn’t like him good for you he’s gone forget about it it’s all about Den Brock now and you want to if you want to go back and look at Den Brock as

Offensive coar Notre Dame you know you want to go look at him as offensive coar of Cincinnati you want to go look him at offensive coord of LSU the one thing I do know is he’s been calling offenses for a long time he’s he’s not going to

Get flustered or or he’s not going to put put us into a situation where he doesn’t know what play to call it’s not going to be predictable he’s not just going to drop to a a run play because that’s the safe thing to do he’s he’s

Going to be creative and he’s he’s 60 years old people might be thinking well what does that matter we could have had you know a younger guy that’s got you know he’s he’s a brilliant bright guy yeah we got a guy who probably isn’t going to go

Anywhere anytime soon and now we got two coordinators that are like that um that’s the balance Pat they don’t you love the balance it’s just about perfect Pat because you got old head who doesn’t want to make it all about himself on his and his ego on defense old Ed who

Doesn’t want to make it about himself and his ego on offense both those guys just want to run their stuff and off the main guy in the middle and let him be the guy it’s beautiful Talent been begging for it I’ve been begging for this for the longest time nordine fans

Have been wanting were wanting Brian Kelly to to be the CEO to to let your offensive coordinator do the job to let your because let’s be honest when Tommy ree was the offensive coordinator until until the Cincinnati loss in Kelly’s last season he was calling the offense

And he had he had that the small stretch with with with chip long but he was calling the offense and then and then um now he now you have an actual situation where the head coach can look over everything and and this this sounds dumb to be excited about if you’re a notame

Fan you’re probably like we should never be excited about this now he can actually learn to be a coach yeah I know when Marcus Freeman was hired what I was getting when you’re hiring a guy who was two years younger than I am I know what you’re getting yeah and I was

Willing to accept that as long as you put the resources around him for the first two seasons I don’t think the resources were around him I do think they are now and for from when I’m being told the Notre Dame Administration has said the hell with this we’re going to

Be Notre Dame again let’s let’s wind this clock back to 1988 and win she okay I’m not gonna go that far with it but I’m gonna say this Pat find of my drapes my wife likes them I can do nothing else about it does the carpet

Match the drapes at Pat’s house H all I want to I have hardwood floors oh I missed the live shows oh God I so I am so glad I am so glad my wife Miss the live shows I really do um oh my God what were we even

Talking about oh 88 what were we talking about now I’m off I said I said it’s it it appears from this oh no no no no no wait wait wait Notre Dame is Notre Dame Administration wants to win again you know how harshly I critique the administration as far as

The the concept of right wi Notre Dame’s this worldwide brand you don’t feel like you need to put as much resources into what made it that being football being Elite that grew the brand for a hundred years whatever I am the first one that always Nails them on that point yeah Pat

In the last like month I gotta admit there are a lot of changes going on some of them a lot more rapidly than I ever even on the high end was ready to give Notre Dame credit for I am told nil is never gonna be a problem if Notre Dame

Wants to get a guy Notre Dame can make a competitive offera with anybody in the country but it has to be the right situation and the right guy they’re about to announce the expansion or the renovation or the new football facility that’s about to come through they’re

Getting a little more wiggle room with some of the transfer like the amount of guys they’re able to work with and they’re starting to loosen the Reigns on a little bit of that and Pat I gotta tell you they want to support Marcus they I know people are I’m a Marcus

Lover and everything whatever I’m telling you it matters the kind of relationship that guy has with those power Brokers matters they like him and they want to support him and they want to work with him they correct and and you I I caught I caught an LSU show where they were

Complaining about why did Notre Dame just get why did Notre Dame just decide to get behind Marcus Freeman and not Brian Kelly and I I was putting in there I was say what’s the obvious answer to this question of course they wouldn’t respond to it um and but it was it was Brian

Kelly yeah you got a guy that didn’t want to work with people and now you got a guy that is he’s he’s doing everything he can to work with people yeah and now Pat that didn’t always used to be the case I want to be very very fair here but over time

That relationship soured and it was basically a standoff Pat they wanted things of Kelly he wasn’t willing to do Kelly wanted things of them they weren’t willing to do everybody was kind of waiting for somebody else to make the move and that’s how that just kind of

Fizzled out um but I I’m telling you they really do like Marcus they appreciate the way that he works they appreciate the relationships and the way that he treats people and I always get made fun of when I say that matters more than people want to admit around Notre Dame it does it

Matters it it does it does no I drive a I drive a Honda Odyssey and well my wife drives a Honda Odyssey and I drive an iPhone 50 the people are freaking out because I put my Northeast wing of my house wait till you wait till you show

Them a a a tour of that seller you got in the basement buddy oh the dungeon geez you got the people down there making the always Irish shirts or something down in your basement was it was part of the Underground Railroad oh man that it is your basement is scary

Place uh but it was it was a joke it was a joke my house is not that old all right where this is a really good questions stop hump faking honestly I a question for Notre Dame fans what are Marcus Freeman expectations now and what is his window very very interesting because I

Believe I heard from Freeman’s Camp they would be interested in having discussions about maybe an extension onto his original deal but you know that wasn’t going to happen kind of the way some of this year went what that looks like aren’t the expectations you got to

Be in that playoff every year people are gonna be pissed off whether that’s 11 one whether it’s 11 and one or or 10- two or 12 and0 I think it’s playoff or it’s a failed year from now on whatever that that number is it’s playoff or fail

Well okay yes fine correct it’s it’s it’s playoff or failure that’s that’s fair um it’s not like if you go if you go 10 and just put Drew Pine is in Pat’s dungeon and I don’t know why that’s so funny to me to just picture Drew Pine

Down there and you like putting food on the top step and then locking the door anyways um so isn’t it funny how the littlest thing sends us off the cliff here the littl totally kill my TR thought it sends us yeah no you’re right you’re right let’s get back let’s get back on

Topic because my my wife said she went to go pick up the kids from her parents and I have four minutes before she gets back so let me get this out uh because then I have to leave um the yes the the objective now from

Not from here on out is playoff now if you go to three playoffs in and over four seasons yeah that’s that’s that’s you’re not make meeting your goal but it’s not firable but year three John he’s coming up on year three and you and I both know what that means

Yep that’s the expectation your three is the expectation okay Lou did it era did it Frank did it Divine did it it’s your three Kelly went and got embarrassed it’s your three yeah it it is is uh and man what a this this Valley with Freeman up and

Down just a rocky first two years on the field off the field all of the moving pieces it it has been up and down I honestly feel like things line up stability wise pretty well for next year like just when I look at it like offense defense I have pieces I trust leading

Those units there I have enough guys returning that I like um One More Thing Before I Let You Go P what did you make of the offensive line all reconfigured what did you make a them it definitely it definitely it looked like a first week offensive line not a not a week you

Know 13 offensive line yeah uh but but I think the the the left tackle I can’t say his name he’s he’s gonna be every time everything he’s advertised to be yeah Jag also yeah also they look looked bigger all all they looked just when they took the field they looked God damn

Where were these guys these guys are a lot bigger than what they look like before and now I guess you know it’s all different guys so that Mak sense but I was like were we really playing I know I heard other people mention it that we were playing with an under undersized

Line uh I didn’t I didn’t really notice it until these guys took the field yeah it’s and you know what else too and gouby looks at all of this with the training he does and know how to look at he knows what to look for he’s been saying it too this roster is

Changing and they’re getting longer and more athletic and they’re getting deeper and every time the page turns I mean I’m not trying to be this guy but the further you get away from Kelly’s way of building a team and into this new verish of how they want to do it it’s it’s

Getting longer and more athletic and deeper now it needs to all come together on the field though it all of this ex and the quarterbacks and we don’t want to do it all has to come together at some point like the biggest thing is it it looks different when you look at these

Kids they look different they’re bigger they’re stronger they’re faster they’re they seem more ready to they they seem I don’t know if it was a coaching decision for these guys not to play Young during Brian KY time but there’s clearly not a concern with playing some of these younger guys on this team

And they so they look different they’re playing younger they’re getting more experience they’re faster they’re stronger they’re bigger but all that is great all that is great until you until you tie it together yeah and and they got to play together they gotta play like a team and I’m I am

Very I have very high hopes for this team next year with Den Brock coming in with Leonard coming in with the offensive line the way it looks with the running backs that we have returning with the rebuilt wide receiver room and what I think think is going to be one knockout

Defense yeah I’m excited about this defense you know me I’m a defense guy so I I I watch I used to watch the Bears with Brian eracer time eracer and T and and Pena Tillman and and and Mike Brown and Lance Briggs I used to watch bear

Games when the defense was on the field I would watch and when the offense when when and k k mcnown or someone came out I shut it off I was like I got no interest in I would just watch it for the defense yeah it’s and you know what

Else too if you want to think about that week one Texas A&M I feel really good let you know if you can feel like you’re running a really good defense in there and then see what you could get on offense that’s a good I like your chances in that situation if you’re

Gonna play defense like that I’m interested I am not as I am not as worried about that game as most other people are for for two reasons number one Texas s is going through a hell of a transition they got a new coach and they’ve had a lot they’re going to have

A lot of roster turnover they got a whole new coaching staff very rarely not name is going to be a top 10 team to start the season very rarely can you can you hold off a top 10 team at the start of the season and I don’t think I I

Don’t think A&M has fixed their problem I don’t think their jimo Fisher was a problem but I don’t think he was the only problem I think their boosters are a problem their boosters have karp lanch to their head coach and that’s going to be a problem especially for a guy like

El golden and you you’re you have to fix that problem to fix what A&M is doing yeah it’s and you know what I I joked about and also you can lose a game next year Mike Elco is almost too classy to play in this oil money with those guys

Like I think so much Mike Elco I almost hope he goes to them and go I get what you guys are doing with good intentions but can we reain it in and do it a little more controlled you know what I mean like yeah because I I just think

The world of them but again I want to think like you do elco’s gonna do good things there but it shouldn’t be a finished product week one they got a lot of loose ends to try and put together and it’s week I get that it’s at home

Look at me I’m already getting worked up Pat we just got done with the last game this year and now I’m all upset about that game but but the reality is Pat that is your next big opportunity your big moment in a big game against a big time team in a

Situation that’s Notre Dame’s next moment to make a stand and you know all August we’re going to hear the SEC people Notre Dame doesn’t belong they’re going to get blown out they’d go six and six in the SEC every year you know whatever and you need to go in there and

Shut that up that’s your next opportunity nothing you could do today was going to change the overall narrative and it shouldn’t even if you want hundred to nothing that’s going to be your next time to be able to walk in there in an SEC environment and go you

Ain’t all all that you think you are we’re taking this winning your place exactly no hey Marcus frean is set up for a run like Kelly had in 12 he’s set up for it he’s got he’s gonna have a better coaching staff he’s gonna have better players he might actually have a

Football team that can do it yeah and and the other the other thing that I Ponder is I’ve been really thinking about this if Al golden stays and there’s no NFL thing or anything weird with that and you have golden and den Brock and and you absolutely have trust in both of

Those units the guys running those units how much does that free Freeman up for the stuff he needs to get better at and I don’t know how to quantify that but it has to free him up even in his mind to know that he he could trust

What’s going on out there and then I would like him to take a jump in efficiency in his part that’s exactly what’s going to happen and I think he’s he’s in a position where he’s got a defense coordinator that has been a head coach who’s got an offensive coordinator

That’s been around forever he can actually rely on these guys to make these decisions and help him and and it’s not going to be it’s not going to be should we run it yeah let’s run it you no it’s GNA be I’m gonna run it you

Know I’m gonna throw it I’m gonna do this I’m gonna do that and it’s gonna be Freeman saying do it yeah do it let me worry about the timeout let me worry about let me worry about yelling at the referees let me I mean that’s what

That’s what he needs let me worry about the the little detail that that I’m seeing on the field that you’re not seeing in a box you know it’s just it should free him up to be uh a head coach and I think Freeman has all the parts to be a great head

Coach and in three four years maybe he can hire an offensive coordinator or defensive coordinator with not a lot of experience but we’ll see right now let’s go beat Texas A&M yeah and I think the ideal you gotta go go ahead go ahead I think the ideal secession plan on

Defense would be Al golden to mickens that would be ideal because they love that guy he’s an upand Comer Freeman’s guy all of that from Cincinnati that’s what I want yeah no I I agree you if you could keep him around long enough and

And then be able to do that to where Al goes and then mckin slides over and he’s under Al that’s a beautiful scenario there I I I said I said the biggest thing for for the coaching staff was well it was Finding finding the right offensive coordinator keeping en and now

You got to go keep mickens yeah you got to go keep mickens you got to figure out a way to keep him so you know the Hat tip to to goil more I know he’s always big on that uh we got we gotta keep mickens on the roster yeah yeah nope I

Absolutely agree with that so I don’t know man this was if you had to be in this bowl game it was beautiful like that’s what if you’re if you’re gonna have to be in this this is what you wanted like Notre Dame kicked the sh sh

Out and I know that and then it’s like I keep hearing well look it out down and out Oregon State that’s the point this is what you do to a team that will do to a bad football team right Notre names played a lot of teams that aren’t great

We made them look better than they are this is what you do when you play a team in EP when you when you have when you when you play a down andout football team this is what you do to them and order did what they’re supposed to do to

Them and so yeah good job Notre Dame great job Marcus Freeman great job to to to the players and the assistant coaches and I think now we got a nice ramp to lead us into this to to the spring for the always Irish Spring Tailgate blue and gold

Tailgate I’m telling you excited I think spring is gonna have a lot of excitement P people are actually finding a reason to really get excited and my number one reason is the number one biggest part of this I was afraid was gonna hold it all

Weigh it down has been freed and and it turned from a negative to a positive I’m sorry dude that Den Brock thing was that big of a deal just for me to have confidence of a guy that could put together game plan to maybe get a first down against a good

Team I loved all right I gotta go I I got so much more but I gotta go have a great rest the show Good to see everybody Merry Christmas Happy New Year thank you for spending the time to get in here and uh everybody wants to know

What you’re G to do for New Year’s Eve they want to know your your party give them that on the way out what’s the party play are we having a sleepover with the girls all the kids gu what I like to do I used to like to I used to

Like to uh let my kids watch New York and tell them that was New Year’s Eve and then we go to bed yeah um but this year my wife got me roped into a uh New Year’s Eve party that the kids are invited to so I don’t know what I’m

Gonna do I guess I’ll just have to stay awake till midnight for a change yeah well drink your beer man drink your Miller lights yeah Guinness man I was rocking Guinness today have a good show Happy New Year everyone always Irish Nation appreciate it take care bye

Thanks for being here Pat have a good meal tell everybody I said I later see you oh man I love it when Pat joins he livens things up here’s a good one Irish Blue Devil forever John you still thinking Miami Ohio as the tailgate game we are so we’re gonna do

One of them for blue and gold and we’re gonna have the full setup I think gouby is going to try and go we’re going to have the same group same setup and then we have selected um Miami Ohio as the official game one for next year figuring early enough in the year

The weather’s still warm we should not have enough losses that there is no vibe and no energy those are what I look for and it can’t be a huge game because I am not in the mood leading into the Ohio State game is not the time for me to have a public

Tailgate where I’m out doing the meet and greet and all I just I can’t that’s too much that’s too much like I just couldn’t do it in my brain to be like Ohio state was too big of a moment for me to want to be glad anding in the

Parking lot like I ain’t wired for that for Ohio State Central Michigan go for it Miami go for it so it’s going to definitely be Miami Ohio everybody’s invited and when I say everybody I mean everybody okay um what else did I want to mention here let

Me do I had a couple of these chats look at this I I appreciate the people giving me our time you’re not even taking any calls bring up the callers I don’t have my phone I don’t have my my other screen I don’t have any of my

Autant I don’t have my mixer I don’t have my mic oh Cody Coons that damn Clemson game kept Freeman for breaking Weiss win record after the first two years you know what you guys I’m I gotta tell you that um that Clemson game still bothers me that Clemson game still

Bothers me I can’t let it go I can’t let it go like you had Clemson dead to rights Dabo was arguing with the fan base like the he was saying you know maybe we should lose a few more nobody should come it was he’s arguing with the radio callers

Everybody’s losing their minds they’re down ready to be and then we and then we get we just said no no no no no you need CPR here you go and we brought it all back to life it was unbelievable brought him all back to life where’s the golf clubs that were on

The wall John we’re leaving first thing in the in the morning to go home so we take everything all the decorations off just so they don’t get moldy or wet in the salt water air whatever we have here um so the Clemson game bothers me because you you were not ready to play

The plan was the worst you could ever imagine possible on offense um the Louisville game pisses me off because it was their Super Bowl and we weren’t invited weren’t interested in playing and you found out they’re not a world beating team but they looked like it against us and then Ohio State Notre

Dame mad them beat and any one of a dozen other decisions or plays goes a little different you win the game so I don’t know it’s very very frustrating very very frustrating hey John is it chilly by you 50ish here in Otter Creek we are in hob

Sound right by Stuart Florida and it’s probably like 50 maybe a little warmer than that but it like I’m outside it’s warm enough I have jeans and a little uh jacket on we didn’t get any uh we didn’t get much sun here in Florida um John at any point during the

Game did you scare Little John yelling today no I did not I was relatively calm writing my notes minding my own business he took a little nap we had no disasters no blowouts for me or little Johnny everybody remained unscathed I didn’t get no tan at all Adam no son I got a

Little son but not like like pool son so you’re not getting any tan from me the Ohio State game still makes me ache it’s that One’s Gonna Last that One’s Gonna Last like that that is bigger than a one game sit situation that was a big moment we let

Slip by and you know what you got to look at it as you got to look at it as now that that’s over and the pain is what it is Notre Dame wasn’t ready yet it wasn’t their moment all the things that conspired to us ending up losing that

Game tell you you’re not ready yet you didn’t deserve it yet you didn’t earn it yet you’re not there yet there’s no other way to process that now other than one well you could do it two ways depression eternally or or look at it as a sign from the

Football Universe you’re not there yet you have not done enough you have not earned that enough and use that as motivation so when you’re in that moment against Texas A&M you make that one play pilney 35 the biggest takeaway is the Improvement in recruiting Freeman and his priority on recruiting show today

Pilney this is going to be the engine that drives wherever the Freeman era ends up going this roster is changing for the better period this roster is changing for the better they are getting faster longer deeper and more athletic they are now it all has to come together it doesn’t really mean that

Much all of those individual pieces have to come together and form a winning unit and that part remains to be seen but you got to have the ingredients this roster is getting a lot better it it just is it just is you’re getting deeper Notre Dame’s not in a

Situation anymore where it’s like if the starter goes down you’re like oh well the whole we’re losing this game we have to play one backup and we can only we only have starters so it’s like I come on so I I don’t know it it’s but listen I understand people that say you

Know recruiting whatever potential whatever it all has to come together that is 100% correct and Notre D John let us call your cell phone even if you called my cell phone I don’t have a way to hook it into the streaming thing I don’t have my

Mixer that hooks it all up and does it you want to and if you called me and I put you on speaker there’s gonna be a big Echo um what I’m saying is it all has to come together but the ingredients have to be there and you’re starting to get those ingredients this

Roster’s it just looks different it’s put together different the way these the way this staff evaluates talent and looks for what they want is different I see people talking about the kicker I gotta tell you can you just make the kicks can you just make the kicks I know 70% or over

The year whatever but it’s like you can’t miss the one you miss against Ohio State and and it’s it’s always with this Kicker look at how big of a leg he has look at how far he could kick but if it isn’t straight it doesn’t do me any

Good it doesn’t do you any good it’s just like my a 300 yard drive but if it’s hooked or sliced what does it get you 300 yards doesn’t do you any good in a field out of bounds it’s got to be straight you have one freaking job just one just

One Adam Bowers yes John we want your cell so we could blow you up at all hours of the day oh if I pull my cell phone out I’ll be getting trolled called all day you think the troll chats are bad wait till they do that Mark with

Glasses Victory chain still in Chicago all by itself if so it’s probably been stolen it’s on the desk where I used to record man it’s on the desk where I used to record and I didn’t bring it because I did I just didn’t want to travel you

Know what am I gonna pull out a big chain jewelry and explain to them why I’m beeping at the airport what am I gonna say I’m flavor flave let me through this is just a part of how I travel or what oh man I did see the hookie m

I I just I don’t need a kicker that that brings me more stress I need less stress in my in my life oh what else I had a couple more chats I wanted to get to here when is everybody going to realize that transfer portal is going to be a

Factor moving forward the second the transfer portal became where you don’t have to sit out that’s not a secret I understand this is sarcasm the second they made the no sit out transfer thing you knew this is going to be a big factor every year but the the what you’re referring to is

A is a Nuance because we were talking about the quarterback the starting quarterback specifically at Notre Dame not going to the transfer portal to fill a bunch of ancillary spots and depth guys maybe get a receiver here get get this or that quarterback’s different when you’re interrupting that flow of development of

Your young guys and you’re doing that the transfer quarterback that’s going to start when you’re doing all that that’s different because it’s interrupting all that development and it’s one or done and if you don’t win it all it’s a big disappointment Notre Dame wants that to

Be over they’re still going to use the portal for all the other stuff I’m just talking about getting portal happy to where every time a guy you grew in a house it becomes his turn in the line you get jumped that’s what people are talking about being frustrated with Notre Dame the

Portal overall isn’t going anywhere Notre Dame’s going to continue to be more involved in it as the years go by here’s something else I’ve seen a little bit too I’ve seen this what are you talking about what are you talking about the streamyard thing I don’t even know what you mean by

That do you mean give the streamyard link out so anybody could come up here like Pat did because I don’t know what you’re talking about if there’s an option here to call in through this I don’t know but if you just mean to send out

The to send out the link so people could jump in here I don’t know what you mean by the streamyard suggestion is that what you mean I don’t know here’s something else we need to think about and I saw this Twitter as the game was ending okay the

Link is what you mean okay I I understand um people were saying and Jelly’s better than we thought like there was a Twitter thread and it was saying and jelly looks really really good here do we have an awkward and even um even Homer TD your camera’s very good

You are rocking a bit of gray in your beard well I did talk about Brian Kelly for five minutes maybe that’s why you saw more gray Tony and I think it’s also the lighting out here on this patio right above my head I don’t know I don’t know um there was a thread

About and jelly did so good does this make things turn awkward for Marcus Freeman when when if he could come in there and push Riley Leonard I don’t know I I don’t know if I don’t know Angeli’s ceiling I don’t know Angeli ceiling can do any of you feel like you

Have a really good gauge on the high end of exactly where Angeli’s athletic ceiling is and then this is where Patrick comes in great win but angelli played against team that was crushed by the portal and Pack 12 collaps we need to chill a little but the boys played quality

Football it’s a good question to ask it is a good question to ask and I think it’s fair if we want to credit what happened today I do think it’s fair that we remind everybody their team was in shambles like great job by us but they were struggling to put a team out

There Patrick says I understand John but the goal is to win a Natty college football at this level is no longer devel medal and jelly deserves a chance to compete for the starting job that’s it I agree with you and jelly definitely deserves a chance to compete for the starting job for

Sure but what gets very interesting is when you do nil and you go to a collective and you get a bunch of money released and and earmarked for one guy are there expectations at come with that I don’t know that’s what I want to ask wherever that money comes from are there

Expectations with that or is it just we want this guy we want to secure him then you go do what you’re gonna do or is it we’re not paying this much to get a guy to come here from duke unless that guy’s gonna play Marcus are you on board with

That I don’t know how that works that’s one part of this nil thing I genuinely don’t know the answer to I don’t here’s the thing and jelly deserves a shot but it’s bigger than that good teams play the best player they don’t play favorites playing

Favorites is not the way to build a good team totally fine I like I want you to run out there and have a real competition I think that’d be healthy and good for everybody I really do I really do let me make sure I didn’t miss any of

These chats there’s been a bunch of them and I want to make sure I honor all the super chats $10 Aller from the V1 rotate if you’re a quitter an opt out of a bowl game and an opportunity to be a part of something special such as uh as

Winning as a team you should have to sit in the stands like the rest of us there are mixed reviews on that rotate very mixed reviews on that I have heard both don’t you love that Hartman opted out but he’s still in there being with the guy supporting the team it isn’t

That great that he’s there supporting them on what a team guy I saw tweets all day saying that and then I also saw a tweet saying if you opt out why the hell are you there like if if you’re healthy and you opt out why are you there you’re no

Longer a part of this I’ve seen both sides of that that seen both sides of that pilney 35 $20 hour thank you we will see OSU again sooner than later if we continue to ascend as a program they will be in the way and the 12 team

Playoff opens the door for a rematch game of the century too that’s the other thing think about some of the unique cool playoff matchups we’re going to get teams that usually don’t line up and would never rep play each other that are going to crisscross in weird ways in all

This I’m here for it it is going to be intriguing you’re Notre Dame could end up in some awesome really creative playoff games it’s really really G to be good to see pilney with the the recruiting again I agree py a part of the reason I was

Okay going down the road of having a head coach younger than I was was only if I trusted him as a guy personality wise and I do totally and if he had Relentless work ethic in recruiting and he does totally and the staff does totally you were starting to see the

Fruits of that labor this roster starting to turn over I beg people if we could all be a little more patient with this and I know trust me you guys I’m at the oldest end of the first generation that’s never seen Notre Dame win a championship because I was too young to remember

It I’m the last guy that wants to pay to preach patience to Notre Dame fans but I’m telling you this Talent is changing and if we could all be a little more patient with this supporting coaching staff the increase in Talent Marcus getting better at his part that’s where things snowball in a

Good direction and we’re just about to start to get into that phase not quite there but just about to get there you could see it building you could see the roots you could see the seeds planted you could see it it’s just it it hasn’t all

WRA together just yet and I think that that’s hopefully where this is trending Adam Bowers $5 hour the future is bright I love this show in the patreon I’m calling it within three years we’ll be national champions we have all the pieces now again Adam thank

You so much for the support uh both here and on patreon I’m really seeing the roster change rapidly rapidly and in a good way it is it’s just you still need some leaders to emerge you need the right stars to come together to support each other like

There’s a lot of things that have to come together man but the balance on this staff right now breeds so much comfort and confidence just the balance Al golden over here running his thing not no ego wants to support Marcus make him the main dude Den Brock over here old had

Seen it all no ego wants to work to make Marcus the main guy make him look good the trust and balance Factor here is awesome it is exactly what you want it’s exactly what you want then you pair that with that talent and the head coach getting better at the ingame stuff

Hot damn now we’re cooking now you’re in a position next year where I’m not doing this from the Tony the Tiger ball but it’s something bigger oh Mark with glasses I love you God bless you car has potential where have we heard that that before Mark it’s the fairest thing for you to

Say I can’t tell you that’s not fair all we ever hear about as Notre name fans is potential potential potential potential and then it’s failure failure failure failure and you never get any of the potential my whole cognizant existence of Notre Dame food has been based on potential and nothing

Else I totally understand that fear but I’m telling you it’s being built different it’s being built different I don’t know how I’ll say that th this this it’s being put together differently and it makes me think it makes me think about this follow me here down the path on this Notre Dame

Theory and these are some conversations I had early year one when things were really rough with Freeman and and getting this all off the ground and multiple people said to me we had these discussions and they’re saying John what if this thing needs to be burnt down to the ground way more

Than it already is and it just has to totally be kind of bottomed out and rooted out and re regrown and it and it couldn’t be a situation where you just pick off from where you know 10 or 11 wins and just go straight from there

Up what if it really had to be rooted out from the ground level and then regrown back up and I’ll be damned if entering year three it doesn’t feel like that’s what we did all all of the previous Brian Kelly and Notre Dam and and and and Reesey not Reesey pieces

Reesey it’s gone it’s Freeman’s DNA all over this now it’s Freeman Freeman Freeman Freeman and that excites me and it’s also a lot of pressure because once you don’t have all that ancillary Notre Dame guy support EV then it’s you on an island and then you either sink or

Swim and that’s why it was so important that Freeman knew what he was doing with that offense and and figured all that out and you ended up you ended up out leaving this cycle with the offensive coordinator that knows Notre Dame loves Notre Dame knows your head coach loves your head

Coach just coached to eisan and the number one offense in the country that average 46 points a game what’s not to like what’s not to like I’m just telling you things are changing things are changing it is just I feel bad asking Notre Dame fans for a little more

Patience but I’m telling you it’s being built different this time it really is being built different this time and I already see people putting in the chat my number one complaint about Notre Damon signing day is early Signing Day Notre D’s way up there and then that the

Half flipper day comes after the new year and then you log in and you’re like top 10 Notre name and it’s like 17 or 18 and then I’m mad it happens every year maybe it cannot happen this year what do we got to do to get a hat

Flip if we’re flipping hats get some cats to flip some Irish hats Stephen I’ve been alive for a Natty but I don’t remember what it was like you guys that’s my dream that’s my dream can we flip some Tom why can’t we flip somebody get in

The Flip Game there aren’t that many top 250 guys still out there go find one committed somewhere else and go look what we got cooking come on over here baby look at this look at our guy he’s back Kent it’s good to see you man merry Christmas happy New

Year I’ve been emailing back and forth with Kent a little bit and uh it’s just it’s good to see you out and about great win guys next year be great sorry I’ve been absent Kyle McCord literally drained me I’m so passionate about my team the dude mentally and emotionally

Killed me Kent you’re a real one man and even when he wasn’t on the chat he was emailing me back and forth we kept in touch God bless you Ken I hope you and your family had a good Christmas and a good New Year um so I’m just

Saying we’ve been down this patience and potential track before but never with Notre Dame being built differently it was a lot of Notre Dame doing the same stuff and then you just in your mind hoped it would be differently this time this time they really are building it differently the

Way this staff evaluates Talent 100% better than any Kelly staff did this staff knows what they’re looking for they evaluate at a different level than any Kelly staff they’re just better at it and I think they work at it more it’s changing and it’s going to be

It’s it’s changing and I think we’re GNA like it let me see what else I add here what else did I click on Tom Chris thanks for the $10 holler good win not the season we hope for but the off season will be exciting thanks

John for all the content all you guys do to give us a place to vent and celebrate that’s what we’re here for man and I I’m excited to see you guys too hopefully you’ll be at the uh blue and gold tailgate man I saw these guys at the blue and gold

Tailgate the nil event with Hartman they were at the uh the real game tailgate man I love the you guys hop in the car hit the road from Kentucky come over to South Bend it’s beautiful thing oh man all right I wanted to look at just a couple stats

Here and then we’ll wrap this up we’ve gone we’ll go an hour and a half that’s better than what I Brian Kelly salary probably ate up 90% of the football budget that guy unbelievable all right let’s take a look at a couple of these stats and then we’ll get out of here

And jelly 15 to 19 three touchdowns no interceptions though that’s the big thing you had the little fumble on the run but no interceptions like that’s what you needed from Angeli is not to let anything stupid happened and sure enough you got it done the Notre Dame rushing game it seemed like at

Times like it it wasn’t fully clicking 244 you’re going to take 244 in this bowl situation look at this you guys this is really a low bar Jordan faon 115 receiving yards I totally realize that’s a low bar but for Notre Dame to get a receiver over 100 is a

Good day in my book a month ago would have taken us four games to add together all the stats to get a guy to 100 yards I’ll take what I could get two yards rushing two yards rushing two that’s all the stats I needed to see two St two yards

Rushing that’s unbelievable Angelia the the best firsttime start for a Notre Dame QB yeah I don’t care oh I know it was against a team with a lot of problems yeah that’s why you’re supposed to do this and I’m telling you what else that defense did exactly what I needed that

Defense to do they did it exactly everything I needed that defense to be today is exactly what they were I just love everything about it it’s exactly what I wanted it and we went into this saying the defense is going to have to carry the day to make this all work the

Right way they’re going to have to carry the and they did they did it’s a beautiful thing what a great way to end the year you’re in a bowl game nobody wants to be in and you just kick the [ __ ] out of the team if you had to

Be in it this was the best way to do it so I commend Notre Dame for that what do I need to happen next couple things number one I need Tommy Rees to open up a can on Michigan I need Harbaugh to jump to the

Chargers or the bearss or to go to the NFL to get ahead of sanctions or whatever then I need Brian Kelly to leave LSU and dry and go to Michigan you want that that’s my New Year’s resolution is for me to react to see all of that happen it would all be

Hilarious it would all be hilarious so that’s what I would like to happen Brian Kelly of Michigan would just be the ultimate touch them all cult with a new leader and a guy that loves that attention Kelly would love that cult attention they would just be all over

Kelly in a way we question him they would just love him he’s the new leader they would wrap their arms around him and he would be the new cult leader and he would be presiding over the big house and the LSU people would be all mad they

Would be all miserable they would want to be mad at Kelly but then that would show they agree with us that you can’t trust Kelly fully and they wouldn’t want to do that to be aligned with not it would put them in a bad spot scrambling I want it all to happen okay

Tommy dial up open up a can on them guys harod jumps to the NFL to get out of trouble and then our man Brian comes back to the north and he goes to Michigan it would just be a touch them all moment a touch them all moment all

Right folks we’ve gone an hour and a half I got a couple articles to write a post game to rec a postgame show to record to put out tomorrow as a video I really appreciate the patience you guys have with the technology I don’t have my microphone like it my timing’s been off

Haven’t been able to do the call-in shows I really appreciate you guys sticking with me when I’ve recorded stuff here and put it out really really appreciate it um so I just want to thank everybody also right as I was getting ready to come to Florida we did pass the 10,000 mark on

YouTube that was a big number for me a priority of me to get to by the end of the year I wanted to push it a little bit and we’re almost near 102 now so again I appreciate it there is none of this stuff without you guys getting

To the 10,000 was a a level that was a big deal for me to reach um all the donations for you guys you bring in here it just it all helps um it all helps Tex what’s the 24 sub goal man I’d like to get aggressive and gain like four or

Five thousand people in a year by trying to really crank it up a little bit and maybe do a little more wrapping in other college football teams not just Notre day but other bigger happenings to pull more people in keeping it Notre Dame focused but bringing in some other stuff

So if we could gain another four or 5K or something that’d be a really good little bounce off 20K would be doublin that’s asking a lot in a year but I would love it I’m in a niche of a niche of a niche it’s seasonal it’s not all college football

It’s just mostly us it’s a niche of a niche of a niche so even if you got it cooking it’s hard to get it to grow um but man I I love doing this with you guys so thank you guys to uh yeah Luke Holtz I remember when pigskin was saying

Let’s get this man to a thousand so he could go live Luke you have been around a while you’ve been around a while because that was many many years ago uh where I was under a thousand and went on pigskin Peach show trying to trying to

Say Notre D at a chance in the playoff game against Clemson and look how that worked out look how that worked out Brian Kelly’s caddy I don’t think I will be getting that invitation that is more than fine with me in fact I’m certain I’m never going

To get that invitation and that is more than fine with me everybody does their own thing I have my Lane I’m happy to stay in it everybody else has their Lane they stay in it we all do our thing uh all right everybody go watch the rest of

These games tonight have fun I’ll be traveling tomorrow and then I’ll be able to get back on schedule um but man thank you guys for everything just all the viewership you this call-in show after the games is the reason why this thing grew like this that’s where we got a lot of

Action it wasn’t all good we had some bad long nights uh but that’s what it’s all about so um but thank you to everybody and uh I got some new segments coming up on always Irish stay tuned after the new year mark with glasses help me on uh

Something here I got a new segment I think you guys are gonna like so stay tuned for that I’ll drop a teaser of it but I’m always the wheels are always spinning so thank you everybody for the whole year I really really appreciate it $10 all on the way out Ryan Elliott Good

Win going into the offseason good things to come looking to 24 thank you very very much I love you guys there is none of this without you thank all of you very very much enjoy the rest of the night


  1. About scheduling HBCU that would make our SOS to low and 10-2 would be overlooked for playoffs. No FBS school should be playing a HBCU or a FCS school ever

  2. To me, it looks increasingly likely that Freeman asked Hartman not to play in the bowl game to give Steve Angeli the start. And that was a good move.

  3. I said 10-2, but I thought we`d beat Ohio State 🙄. Oh well. Hopin for 11-1 next year. Awesome post game show, Happy New Year! Go Irish!!! ☘🏈☘

  4. is it not effing obvious that Angeli was and is much better than the 6 year guy. If he isn't guaranteed the starter position he should leave. Freeman is not a QB whisperer. Lincoln riley may be but Marcus ain't.

  5. Great bowl victory…The future looks bright for Irish Nation!!..Happy Year John and your family…and to ALL THE IRISH NATION!!…Go Irish…Stay safe guys….Can't wait til spring 2024…Yeah!!

  6. Much love to you and your family, John. I love your content and I’ve been following you and your page since 2017. I hope to be able to meet you in person one of these days. Go Irish! And thaaaaaaaaat’s right!

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