Golf Players

The Very FIRST NiNE – Flying my aircraft

This was a special flight for me, as I wanted to share my flight on the very first production Flylight NiNE aircraft. This wasn’t its first flight as I had 2 shore engine break in flights before this one.

Every time I fly the NiNE I am just surprised how much this aircraft has to give, it is like a fighter jet, it goes where you point it, it has speed, climb rate, smoothness in the controls and really puts a different grin on your face that the ADAM doesn’t.

I hope you enjoy this video.

I frequently get asked about the kit I use, all links or names are below.

compass mount

Chin guard/ visor air dam:
Neoprene Air Dam

Compass Silva Un70.

My PeaBee radio and communications set up is:
ICARO SCARAB Helmet with MicroAvionics PM100 Bluetooth (Vlog modified by MicroAvionics)
My Airband radio ( I have the appropriate Licence) is : Yaesu FT450 FTA .

Engine instruments:
Trailtech TTO Tech and CHT

Fuel gauge – Tiggy Aviation
Tiggy fuel flow and quantity device – Soon to be an upgrade coming out.


Electronic Conspicuity device
SkyEcho 2

Camera and Microphones:

Flight Briefing room
Video Camera 4K Camcorder ORDRO WiFi Ultra HD Vlog Camera and a ICE BLUE microphone

Flying cameras
GoPro 3+, GP6 and 7 with audio adaptor.

Camera Mounts/ cases

Flying Clothing:
FlyKandy Jacket and trousers
OZEE flying suit EXEAT and 30seven gloves
Sealskinz mittens

Editing software
Adobe Premier elements

Music – Epidemic Sounds – Subscription.

This thing don’t half shift and it really is minimal effort AOS what have you done what have you done AOS how how how how hi everyone and welcome to the channel new subscribers all subscribers hi everyone and it’s always nice to see your comments in the comment section so

If you’re new to the channel give it a think about subscribing uh I said the Channel’s been developing over a number of years and it’s always great to build a new community around this channel anyway those that new will not have seen this aircraft before but those are old

Will know all about the nine don’t worry it’s not going to be all about the nine I still have my PB there’s been a lot of questions in the comments about am I keeping the PB yes PB is moved back down to the Southwest so when I’m away from

Here I can do more flying in the southwest anyway now here’s my nine now I have to admit I have already flown it I’ve flown it a couple of times it’s more to do with the braking of the engine getting some of the settings dialed in with the wing uh I wanted to

Make sure it was okay before I started bolting any cameras to it now some may go that’s the why have you done that but I wanted to just make sure the aircraft was safe No cameras no pressure no stress of flying a brand new airplane especially when it’s your own uh

Everything’s a little bit real at that point so today the cameras are on and we’re going to go up and see how this aircraft performs but while the Sun is shining we haven’t had many flyable days there are just so many little things and the thing I really do like is these

Lovely lovely winglets and just how shiny I’m trying to keep them as shiny as possible there are some uh some bags that go over them to keep them secure so there was a comment recently I can’t remember was on Facebook or on the comment section of the video this is a

Pleno 303 and people have asked me why I’ve used the co why I haven’t used the cosmos big a vzi fan for the moer 185 um it was there there was a number of reasons and I I don’t want to go into too much detail other than the fact that

Between the two engines the 303 would produce more horsepower uh and the fuel burn was a little bit less so in terms of the two and between the two I was more happy to go I was happier to go with this engine and the other thing

That also sold it for me um as I’m as I like to not Tink as the wrong word but I like to get things to be just so it’s got a float bow carb and there’s the float bow carb right there uh and that means I can adjust it all the way

Through the M now on the first two flights wow this thing is so smooth it is lovely just move a throttle and it sits and stays exactly where you put it uh the other main thing is look at the size of this propeller yes I am short

But this is a 1.5 M propeller and the noise that this thing makes is just amazing uh so hopefully I’ll try and get some of that noise on the on the video footage the other thing to look at when the differences between what are the difference between the Adam and this

There are a number of differences and I tell you what we’ll we’ll talk about that in Flight right then so let’s get the aircraft ready to go I’ve done all the main Wing rigging I haven’t done the lifting side of it oh get you out of the

Sunshot I haven’t done the lifting side of it but it’s just a standard normal um lift up and click but this wing and I don’t know whether many have got it but look at that you’ll even know what the aircraft is on top so I’m going to

Complete my checks and I’ll join you in the uh in the aircraft right so copit checks um I’m going to talk a bit bit more about the wing in flight so join me for that um but the main thing is this is my first dual start and first radiated

Engine so the warm-up checks are a little bit different the starting checks are a bit different and this has got a choke but it’s a manual choke at the engine so the first start of the day you got to get in start it and then take the

Choke off and then it’ll start after that and today I thought I’d actually try the pull start so let’s see if it actually does start um and we’re going to go for that so ignition on not touching the starter security I am secure awareness Master is on which feels weird doing

That now having actually have an ignition switch which is on uh awareness we’re going to go clear prop and start the engine and throttle is closed yeah oo [Applause] it’s razor idle so yeah it starts on the pool start micro avionic cool connected good thing without the M micro

Avionics headset oh hello hello hello is that um it if you don’t use the Bluetooth within about 20 seconds it turns the Bluetooth off to save power so that’s really good uh 50° by believe to be limits all clear and I’ll be doing the power at the other end when I’m Clear Dar more traffic golf Charlie Mike Romeo foxt is backtracking Runway Z one uh correction 1 n hard darm you think after all this time I know where I am and what the registration is oh water we had an absolute bucket load of water come down last night first video Vlog on the

Aircraft I can see now why for years on aircraft dashboards they have the registration you think wouldn’t people know what the registration of their aircraft but jumping in and out if it wasn’t written up there I wouldn’t be quite sure we were in station wise what am I flying today o

Lots of standing water that means my aircraft’s going to get covered yeah the main thing about this aircraft is getting used to a different engine because again 7 years most the paramotoring is either a top 80 or a a Bailey four stroke or for about 7 years musters and

So I know them inside out but the Pini brand I’ve not really had that much to do with them oh yuck so this is again learning yep I’m at the right temperature learning a new engine and this one has a radiator and if you spot something on the

Radiator that you think should or shouldn’t be there let me know in the comments anyway I now I’m clear for a little bit so we’re just going to go off and I’m going to have a play with my aircraft and say we’re going to talk about the

Wing there is no way I’m going to hold this engine to do a Power check I don’t think the Brake’s going to hold it either no brake just slides wind yep down the runway instruments have all been checked and set no I don’t want to finish the flight [Applause]

Now no want to keep going fuel is as was before with L us a little bit trim uh so in the event of not achieving what I believe to be full power cuz the taco isn’t reading accurately uh I’m going to bort ahead um and there are

Fields to the right so I’m happy with that so let’s go flying the nine no let’s go flying my n darm traffic golf Charlie Mike Romeo Fox foxr is ready for immediate departure on Runway 01 hard doore full [Applause] power and we’re away climbing like a bad out of hell

It’s reducing the power slightly it’s quite strong winds today so I don’t think I’m going to be seeing much in the way of ground speeds that are high into wind but what a glorious gorgeous day so much moisture in the ground every every moment that there’s some warm

Air there is um Cloud popping off so yeah those that have seen Paul’s video Paul batterton link up here will notice that the bar pitch is very light and we’re talking about fingers but in roll it does need a little bit more Oomph to uh to initiate a turn and then it sort of stabilizes and it’s quite light so what I’m going to do today is I’m going to get Above This Cloud one thing I love about winter is you can get above the cloud a little bit uh easier

Due points always a bit lower and then it should feel a bit smoother as well not that it’s not smooth today anyway so one thing I’ve already asked is what’s the difference between this and the adom well in the UK the Adam can be flown without a license as in sub 70

Or SS SDR um and the reason for that is due to the requirements of what the aircraft is meant to perform like and the main one is a stall speed of less than 23 mph or 20 knots there’s no way on Earth this is going to achieve that it’s not designed

To be a sub 70 Wing So for those that were hoping to upgrade from a fox or an Adam for the next sub 70 Wing this is not it however in the SSD our world single seat deregulated in the UK uh it is the thing now there are other comments that

I’ve been receiving going why don’t you just buy a cheap quick or a cheap Quantum or this that and the other and I have generally from an engineering Aviation engineering Logistics background the one thing that always scuppered aircraft is space spares if you can get hold of spares

Quickly it doesn’t matter generally how bad an aircraft performs or a car performs or anything if you can get those spares quickly you don’t mind doing a bit of I’ll just swap that out that’s not a problem however if you’re been grounded for 6 months because of a little dink or

Something that’s happened with your e or something’s naturally failed or needs replacing um that’s the thing for me as to why I went for this and spent a nice sum of money not going to lie a nice sum of money on a new airplane where I can get bits and I can

Speak to the manufacturer so that is the reason why okay I have seen some very nice Quantum kicking about but I just I just don’t want to be tied in to that type of machine and very rarely on my own have I found a need or

Want to fly U with a passenger I do genuinely like flying on my own with other people but I do like flying on my own don’t get me wrong I do like the the sort of duel seat teaching aspect but equally so there are times where you go

I flying on my own there is no second seat to fill it’s really easy to start pull out rig it go fly come back in I’ve had a blast for half an hour 40 minutes an hour I’ve gone somewhere I’ve come back and if not Bluetooth uh music to my

Headphones that’s some definitely smooth air so let’s have a look at this airplane let’s go back onto the foot throttle now the first thing you might have noticed is that the engine just stays where I put it that the thing for me is is why I’ve liked this this carburetor

It can be tuned across all the range and for me leaving my foot wherever I leave the hand throttle I leave it there I’ll move it back everywhere I leave it it’s not chasing the RPM um as much as I’ve tried to work the magic with the wall bro carb on my my

Moner there is still times where you go I just want the thing to stay put and this engine will do that my ground speed at the minute is 42 mph I’m actually pushing forward so let’s relax off 43 44 344 now I know the 2,000t spot wind today is 25

Mph so if I’m doing 40 odd mph crosswind I’m quite pleased with that on something that’s going to burn about the same as what my moner does in terms of going places I’ve got performance now now let’s see what happens with a bit more speed I’m just gently going to pull on the

Ball 47 48 that’s my ground speed by the way I’m not really I’m just resting my hands on the bar but oh boy does it go quick there’s 50 51 52 okay let add a little bit more power and we’re back to level flly so my ground speed cross

Wind is around 50 m hour with only just a touch extra RPM again so that’s good to know so I’m not darting around a bit here cuz I’m just putting my thoughts together so the wing the wing let’s go back to the wing the main thing with the wing is that oh

That’s why I’m right on the bottom of that cloud so let’s get away from the cloud shall we it’s got a few more batters and it is significantly smaller those of old will have known about the Chaser and I believe the chase is about is it 10 something square m 10.7 square

M the people is 13 sare M now the reason you probably worked out already the reason this is called the nine is because the wing is 9 square m now if you go back to my real first video of where I chat to Paul jeur and Ben Paul

Wanted a seven which I think would be absolutely mental and I don’t know of many uh paramotor engines again this all comes from the paramotor paratrike Brethren that would be up for that sort of power I think you’re definitely going to be back into into the sort of

Two-stroke rotax area Zen Z um hear engines Etc so you’re going to need a lot more power for that to to achieve that sort of speed nice little change of uh RPM and it’s not moving so yeah the wing is 9 square m it’s strutted for the

Main bit it’s topless the Beauty and the difference between a strutted wing and a king posted Wing is there’s less drag on a strutted uh Wing there’s no wires on top there’s only these A-frame wires here um which are allowing me to control the aircraft with the control bar uh so

Yeah that’s the main difference there is a lot more buttons so there’s three under surface lower surface battern and an additional seventh that was quite funny Ben said this to me when I rigged it the first time and said you’ll you’ll think that there’s a Batton missing but it’s that

Short it’s that short that it disappears up inside the button bag and you kind of reach around and find it which had to do this morning significant differences uh um again a wing is not just a wing and they’re all tested and designed to do different things now this Wing has got

What they call venting now that is a big topic big topic for discussion um and I’m not going to talk about it here cuz it’s it’s at the edge of my knowledge of of how it fully works but on this Wing I can vary the venting and the venting

Does actually have some benefits to how you fly but at the minute I’ve got it all closed I’ve got the vents all closed um and I might go around and check and see if it will affect in later flights I’m going to get away from M towers and

Then we’re going to go and see how my aircraft stalls you’ll have seen it in the previous video If you haven’t seen that video where I’m um pushing Ben’s machine um a little bit further same engine configuration slightly different wing and there are subtleties that are different from the testing development

Wing that Ben had it is we just setting this engine and leaving it alone I appreciate I’ve talked in previous videos about the carburetor mod but it really only works in a very small RPM range if you can get it to sit there it’s perfect it goes outside it’s

Jumping it’s going I don’t think this Wing stalls in the correct sense of stalling as in breaking away breaking away air flow because the quantum doesn’t really stall it does this thing this mushing thing and I think that’s what happens with this aircraft it’s not actually stalling in the sense of the

Air flow Breo breaking away from the rear training Edge and moving forward allowing the bar to come back or resulting in a bar coming back um but it definitely starts losing lift and then the nose starts lowering and I think that’s a really nice way but to get into

The front stru and be doing that and realizing that you haven’t you’re in a bad configuration uh would be the first part of uh realizing you’re you’re making a mistake right then Wings level and we’re going to do this in the Glide so bar back close the throttle okay there it is absolutely

Nonevent absolute nonevent hell’s good Heights engine location Lookout is still current right right then let’s try that again absolute non-event right then so you will see lots more about this 9 video um and again if you’ve got any questions about it I will put a little

Picture on the screen right now of all the specifications from AOS that have worked Ben and AOS have worked closely together um to make this uh wing and trike combination um so if you’ve got any questions that are further than that um then either drop me a comment in the in

The comment section below or importantly you could contact Ben at flylight because he will um he’ll be able to give you a bit more information than I will because he’s the designer of it I’m just a I’m just the guy that owns production aircraft number one of

The nine and that is quite a nice thing to be able to say saved up for a long time for this don’t worry uh but yeah I own production aircraft number one of the flylight 9 but air us you make a cracking Wing you really do all right Dore

Traffic golf Charlie Mike Romeo fox. inban from a Northwest four miles to run for overhead join for Runway uh9 right hand Dar Moore for those in my last video where I was referring to a Jeremy Clarkson power moment uh here’s a bit on the screen as

To why it’s funny from a a UK perspective because he’s a little bit of a character um and had I gone you didn’t get exactly what I mean so here’s why and there’s the Finish Line power this thing don’t half shift and it really is minimal effort and

Literally two fingers either side over the bar really does want to at least it recovers From The Far Side of it that’s 59 I’m into wind at the moment that’s 50 51 and the bar relaxes back and we just zoom back up mental absolutely mental how does it

With minimal effort so one thing I do like about this machine you can make it go down oh yeah but I did get caught out and I will admit to this on camera I am so used to Flying the adom you kind of switch to Big aircraft

Mode when you fly the bigger two seats but I lined up on Final the other day uh I went to line up on Final and forgot to turn soon enough and overshot it because this thing doesn’t turn as quickly as the Adam does and I thought oh fine Adam that’ll turn that’ll go

Nicely uh and overshock and had to get myself back online um so yeah so in that respect it was a bit um bit of a mental embarrassment there turn early dve or earlier darm traffic golf Charlie Mike Romeo Fox drop final oneway 1 n hard

Doore there we go J that’s how you do it I don’t know the Glide path of this yet so this is kind of why I’m doing all these little flights cuz I don’t quite know where my visual reference points are so let’s try that it’s going to be a bit of a wind

Gradient today I’m going to come in short okay there’s more straight foots on the Rak oh still have that roll control still have it all the way to the ground AOS what have you done what have you done AOS how how how how anyway I hope you enjoyed that video I’m

Really sorry in some kind of way that I couldn’t take you or didn’t want to take you on the first flights just because I didn’t want any of that pressure but that was nice just to take you with me on that flight it’s not ideal conditions today it’s probably blowing about well

At least um 10 12 mph down the runway and didn’t even notice any of it today but and I think that’s the main difference between this this machine and the uh and my Adam is that I can fly them in two different weather Windows cool well before uh off well

Before this battery dies and all the other batteries dies I really hope you enjoyed that video I say a little bit just more of a flavor of what this Nine’s about um don’t worry the PB still in the picture it’s just in a different part of the country and you will see see

More Adventures from that uh as I said if you are new to the channel and want to join me on re Adventures give us a click give us a a like and a comment um it’s all about Community that’s all I’ve created the channel for information education and a community uh and it’s

Apparently all around the world so thanks for new subscrib thanks to the old subscribers and until next time everybody fly Safe


  1. You've gone through a lot of effort to make sure they don't call you "Capt. Slow" anymore. I bet they still do. 😂

  2. Thanks again Giles. About the cooling on your engine: Is it because of low temperatures now that you use the shield or is the radiator to big?

  3. Great video. Ive been looking forward to this. Hopefully 2024 will be the start of my journey if all goes to plan 🤞

  4. Great Video, and looks a lovely aircraft. I like the 9 detailing 😊
    Completely agree with spares point. I’ve just been grounded for 3 months waiting for bits to fix my Gyro. However, it is amazing fun when it works 🤣

  5. I agree with you about enjoying flying on your own in the aircraft but nice to fly with other aircraft, I also like the fact that with SSDR you can do mods without all the need to involve others and you don't have to pay someone to check your airframe for a permit or the cost of the permit. Yes we could both buy a second hand 2 seater, which is nice to take someone for a flight but that is not very often and you have the option of using a work's machine I am sure.

  6. Great video Giles. What’s the storage capacity like on the 9 Trike? Just wondered if you’d be able to stow some basic lightweight camping stuff for a little camping tour for a few days away. Also, I’d be interested to know what the real world fuel burn is like on the Polini 303 at typical cruising RPM and how many hours you’d get from your 23 litre tank.

  7. Number 001 – woohoo! And you clearly love flying it! As you say, every wing is different, so you need to account for that and not assume they will behave the same.

  8. That will need to be classified as an LSA in the U.S. and if it has a charging system, it will need a transponder to fly within the 30nm veil of class B airspace ( where I fly). Does the Flydemon you use transmit ADSB or only receive?

  9. You've come along way on your Pea Bee journey and now the start of the awesome Nine journey, so best of both worlds. Great to see you enjoying it 😀

  10. Great video Giles! It looks so amazing and I'm glad you're happy with it… you're gonna have some fun! 👌🏻👍🏻

  11. What a great review. Thanks so much for taking us along for the ride. I need to learn more about the venting.

  12. Great to see the continual improvement of your journey, from the basic PeaBee that was modded over time to the advent of a new machine. I'm sure many a happy hour awaits you, and now you have two machines so you'll never be without wherever you are. Thanks for sharing buddy.

  13. Great stuff. Nice to see how it's stall is benign and yet it's a much more high performance aircraft.

  14. Can you explain more on wing venting. What are the benifits from it.. i know most new wings have venting.. so your next video plase explain to us how it works.. thanks

  15. Radiator cover for winter flying? Interested to hear more about the wing vent system.
    The HG gang use vents for better performance at higher speeds. Apparently keeps the tips from inflating at high speed. All new to me. Looking forward to learning more.
    Congrats on almost 7K subs! Your channel is really growing. 💪

  16. Very inspirational Giles have been watching and following you now for a while you’re very professional and knowledgeable and produce amazing content really making me want to go ahead and try out trikes and save to buy one lol just gutted there’s no instructor or anyone who owns one around Derry Northern Ireland none the less fair play and keep smashing it

    Can I ask what would be figure to purchase a sub70 new or used ?

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