These THREE Mistakes Are Why You CAN’T Compress Your Irons!

Casters, scoopers, early releasers… ⬇️

In this video I discuss three major mistakes amateur golfers make that decrease the quality of their contact with their iron swing.

As this video highlights, I DO NOT believe you woke up one day and decided it would be FUN to play golf by casting and scooping on every golf swing.

Instead, I believe you LEARNED to early release the club because it was REQUIRED for you to play the game reasonably.

Just trying to “fix” your early release will not help. You need to find the root cause of the issue. Find out WHY that early release/scoop pattern is REQUIRED.

Online coaching is available on the @skillestapp to find the root cause of YOUR issues 👊

Okay golfers if you’re someone who struggles to get any sort of forward shaft lean you find yourself early releasing and casting the club and dumping all these angles we’re going to talk through a couple things you may be overlooking or some elements you may be missing that are leading you to do that

Now the first thing we got to recognize is when we play golf our intent our brain you know we have a purpose our goal is to send the ball to the Target and all these things you see in your swing are likely compensations that are being created to help you achieve that

Goal so I highly doubt you woke up one day and you said you know what I’m going to do when I play golf is I’m going to early release this thing that’s probably not what happened what we probably need to do instead is look at your swing look

At some common flaws and figure out why this has to occur for you to hit a straight shot right so the first thing I’ll ask a lot of these amateur golfers is can you show me what you think impact should look like and so what they

Typically do they set up to the ball they grip the club with the shaft straight up and down and then they push the hands forward and they open up their chest they put their weight on their Lead Foot I mean all these great things right but I want you to pay attention to

Wear the magnetic tool on the club face points as I do that okay so again grip it with the shaft straight up and down now I’m going to push my weight forward hands forward you can see as I do that as I push those hands forward that

Magnet wants to point more off to the right meaning my club face is more open so the first thing I would tell an amateur golfer that struggles with this to do might sound super simple but instead of gripping the club with the straight up and down let’s slide it

Slightly forward and then apply our grip now as you go back to that same impact position you try to show yourself right that’s going to keep that club face looking a little straighter and it’s going to give you a better chance to get back to that spot okay there’s less arm

And hand manipulation needed right when I had those hands forward and that club face was super open I have to do some crazy like shoulder twisting arm wrist twisting to get that thing Square let’s make it a little easier on you let’s just slide that grip a little a little

Bit forward and then apply our grip we are not going to grip the club with the hands or sorry with the shaft straight up and down and then move our hands forward because as we just showed you that has the effect of opening the face right so let’s Square the face Slide the

Handle just slightly forward and then apply our grip now essentially what that’s doing is it’s getting the club face a little more closed in your hands okay why is that important well if I’m a golfer who has an open Club face and this would probably be the most common

Cause for early releasing casting scooping whatever you want to call it is having the club face wide open in the downswing again we’re golfers with an intent our intent is to hit our Target by any means necessary right no one has slow motion on the second shot on your

Sixth Hole uh on their video right they’re just watching where your golf ball goes so our intent our brain is like man we got to do whatever we can to hit this ball straight well if I’m a player who has this club face wide open

On the down swing and by wide open I mean the toe is pointed back behind me kind of in the late stages of the downswing in here and I’m able to do what we want which is rotate tilt get our weight forward and our hands forward

Well you can see that that ball is going to go so far right I have no chance right so instead what you’ve learned to do if you do early release or cast is you’ve learned okay this doesn’t work but if I stall the grip and I flick my

Wrists and I early release this thing I can get that club face to point pretty straight you can see that that magnet it was pointed pretty straight there now it doesn’t look pretty it’s probably not you know aesthetically what you want to see on video but it does get the club

Face to look Square meaning at the Target the problem obviously is our hands are back we’re adding Loft to the club and we’ve severely compromise our low point right so this is you if you really like that ball teed up in the intermediate cut you don’t necessarily

Love hitting six iron off the tight stuff but you love it when it’s teed up a little bit in the rough this might be you right what we need to do instead is is get this club face where the toe is leading the heel meaning in front of it

On the way down and now if I’m able to do that same thing where I turn I tilt I rotate I get my hands forward you can see that that club is is Del lofted meaning my hands are forward but the face angle is also pointed straight now

If you’re able to do that that’s when you’re going to see that ball come off a little bit lower with a little more ball speed it’s going to feel really compressed it’s going to have that awesome sound to it but to do this what we need to practice I like to have

Players grab the club with a split grip go up to the top and what we’re going to practice doing is using this right hand or this right arm to twist the club closed right so I’m going to take this right hand I’m going to twist that face

Angle close almost where I’m trying to point the magnet back down at the ball right what we don’t want to see is this stay open because again as I rotate and deliver forward shaft Lan that club face is pointed so far off to the right I

Promise you hit one of those and your brain will Say Never Again by any means necessary let’s get this thing square and obviously that’s not what we want to do now a commonly overlooked third sort of element to this is our bod’s pivot or how we stay in flexion and rotate

Through the ball if I’m a player who early extends meaning my pelvis moves in toward the ball and my chest moves back up and out of the shot what we have to understand is you know the club head is attached to the grip we hold the grip

With our hands and our hands are attached to our arms and shoulders well if I’m in a really good posture here and then all of a sudden on the way down for whatever reason I move my hips in and my shoulders back up my chest backs up sort

Of looks like this right well what we have to understand is your shoulders are getting further from the ground right so if I maintain my forward shaft Lane as my shoulders get further from the ground I’m never going to get the club head low enough to the ground to hit the ball I’m

GNA top it I would honestly maybe even whiff it right but if I could do this early extension move that you probably don’t want but have and I early release the club I can actually get this Club head longer further away from me and down to the ground to the point where I

Can hit the ball right so as my chest backs up and out of the way again if I keep that early or sorry if I keep that shaft Lan whoops I can’t get the club to the ground but as soon as I early extend and start dumping these angles well the

Golf club gets longer and I’m able to get that club head down to the ground so those are a few reasons you may struggle with casting or an early release or not getting forward chaflan


  1. Hey – Krafty here! Thanks for watching. If you enjoyed this video, please subscribe! For online coaching information, check me out on the Skillest App – we'll make 2024 you're best year yet ⛳

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