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CFP previews and Florida State reaction with Josh Pate | Always College Football

Josh Pate joins Greg McElroy to discuss the impact of Florida State suing the ACC and what impact it will have on the conference and all of CFB moving forward. Plus McElroy and Pate dive into the Alabama/Michigan and Texas/Washington games. Also McElroy breaks down the Penn State/Ole Miss and Missouri/Ohio State games and talks coaching changes, portal moves and so much more.
0:00 Intro
2:30 Josh Pate joins the show
3:40 Greg and Josh talk FSU being left out of CFP
7:18 Greg and Josh talk FSU’s standing in the ACC
11:03 Josh shares his advice for ACC teams
13:58 Did You Know – FSU had an incredible year
15:30 Greg and Josh look ahead to the Rose Bowl
20:20 Greg and Josh look ahead to the Sugar Bowl
24:10 Josh on what a Washington NC would do for recruiting + perception
26:36 Washington isn’t this year’s TCU
29:05 Did You Know – Ole Miss has a chance to make history
30:06 Goodyear Cotton Bowl Classic Preview
38:48 Capital One Orange Bowl Preview
47:04 Chick-Fil-A Peach Bowl Preview
54:36 Did You Know – Notre Dame is SCORING under Freeman
55:02 News & Notes: Mike Denbrock to Notre Dame
55:50 News & Notes: Jerry Kill resigns
56:15 News & Notes: Trevor Etienne to UGA
57:47 News & Notes: Walter Nolen to Ole Miss
58:45 Did You Know – Arizona-Oklahoma history
1:00:10 Thanks for Watching

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I would be very nervous as I’m sure they are that in the future the SEC and the Big 10 get so big that they have all the weight in the world to throw around the room they have to sign off on expansion they have to sign off on a new playoff

Contract just like everyone else does and I don’t think you’re ever getting their signature in 2026 and Beyond on a playoff medar rights deal that includes automatic qualifier status and in other words grants the same guaranteed access to other conferences as it does to them A lot’s changed A lot’s changed since we

Were with you last we’ve been off for a week we hope you guys all had a terrific holiday break whether it was spending it with family whether you’re watching bowl games I know I’ve watched a million of them I even watched some NFL I even watched some NFL on Christmas day I will

Admit I was all in on the triple header in the NFL I just couldn’t get enough football and I hope you guys have had a terrific week we have not been here in a while so A lot’s changed to help bring us back into the college football mix we

Had to bring in Josh P he does an amazing job at late kick with Josh Pate so we wanted to have him on I was on his show a couple days ago so it’s been great to be able to kind of Bounce things around with him between the

Conversation that we have here today and the conversation that we had last week on his show we basically have had I mean an hour to just kick around all these awesome college football topics including what’s going on with Florida State where are they what are they doing

And what could happen with them here in the next two or three years you don’t want to miss that we’ll break down the playoff games as well with Josh Pates we’ll talk about those games with him we’re also going to break down the other New Year’s six games that are coming up

We have the Peach Bowl we have the Cotton Bowl we also are going to get into what I think is a terrific Orange Bowl I know people are like well Florida State’s opting out all this other stuff I I get all that but I’m still excited about the game goodness gracious so we

Will break those games down we have some news and notes too offensive coordinators is on the move from the Bayou to South Bend going to talk about Jerry kill and his uh immediate resignation and retirement so happy for him going to talk about a move that just makes me feel uncomfortable in the

Portal I’m just never going to be okay with this particular move and other moves like this move so we’ll talk about that and Old Miss lands another big fish in the portal we’ll tell you who and what it might mean for them on the defensive side of the football here in

2024 and Beyond so without much further Ado let’s kick things off let’s late kick things off with Josh Pate so happy to have the king of YouTube college football I think shows in general clatt can have his numbers and all that stuff but late kick with

Josh Pate is the number one show on YouTube and if you don’t know that I just have to check our comments every time yeah this Show’s fine but it’s no Josh Pate which is perfectly okay because I am a consumer of late kick as well so Josh Pate joins the show Josh we

Appreciate it my friend how you doing yeah I just want Gregory I just want you to know I don’t send those people to your comment section it happens organically and you know you’re doing you wouldn’t be calling a playoff game if you weren’t doing good work brother

Well I think it’s producer Colin with several different uh you know I think he’s probably going around and and just constant propaganda is it producer Colin I mean he hasn’t worked all month so he’s basically been off so maybe he’s had time to get on some of the burner

Accounts and go go Full Throttle look if he is then that constitutes a raise like that’s getting the job done if I’m going to give you off time I expect you to spend it constructively sounds like he’s doing that buddy we’ll get things started with the Florida state angle and

You and I was on your show uh just the other day and I think we see the world through this through a similar lens um nothing about what happened to Florida state is fair nothing about what happened to Florida state is right um but based on the committee’s

Criteria it’s hard to really it’s hard to really look at it feel like they got it wrong but it’s also hard to look at it and feel like they did the right thing either so I guess just kind of open-ended to you how do you feel about Florida State’s exclusion from the

College football playoff well uh so I think I’ve I’ve gone in-depth on this three or four times on my show I had you on we went in depth again and like di hard P1 listeners and viewers of my show will still hit me up and say I still

Don’t get how you feel because it’s not like fortune cookie logic or bumper sticker logic you can’t sum it up that quick um so my feeling is is dual in nature first off I’ve got my own personal feelings and like I told you the other day I readily admit the

Committee should never go by my protocols if we went by my protocols the world would burn to the ground so I’m one of the very very few people who say both I think this but it shouldn’t be this way and I think Bama should have been in now whether it should or

Shouldn’t have been that way is another conversation but I thought they should have been in in other words I would have put them in if I’m running the playoff but that’s based on my own criteria then we we period that sentence is done Greg then we go over here to the other lane

And this is the lane that the committee drives in this is the lane where the protocols and the criteria have been at least we thought established over a decade now and I thought based on what they’ve done throughout history up until the week before the selection Sunday was

Announced when all of the sudden Hancock comes out and says oh we’re not interested in most deserving that’s not even in our that’s not even in our uh dition that’s not even in our language we’re interested in putting best for in up until that point they had operated a

Certain way and then I thought they swerved at the 11th hour for reasons that are endlessly speculative in nature everyone has a theory on it but I thought they swerved at the 11th hour I thought Florida State got screwed as a result of that and so as you can see

That sounds very convoluted cuz I just told you I think FSU got screwed but also I think Bama should have been in it all has to do with which lens I’m looking through the in the in the committee lens I think Florida State should have been in in the JP lens we

Got the right four teams in it’s and it’s hard to push back on any of that I think you and I feel the same way I mean there are days where I look at what happened to Florida State and I I feel bad about it but I acknowledge that it

Was probably the right thing to do uh at the same time we are living in an imperfect system and if you want to have frustration you don’t necessarily have to have frustrations with the outcome he should have frustrations with the process or he should have frustrations with the

Criteria or you should have frustration with the fact that we just have four teams in the playoff when it could have been 12 this year but because of the alliance we decided against moving to a 12 team playoff in 2023 so all of these things could have been avoided and yet

They weren’t so I I get the frustration with Florida State fans I don’t know if they’re ever going to forget what happened to them but I do think if if I’m a Florida State fan I’m crazy optimistic about the fact that there are as of this moment automatic qualifiers

Built into the 24 playoff and the 25 playoff I am the best program at the moment in the ACC now I think Clemson’s coming I think they’re going to be back next year and probably going to be very competitive but if I’m Florida State I know I’m not thrilled with my alignment

With the ACC but I’m thrilled that I’m probably going to have a very very manageable path to a playoff spot for the foreseeable future so how would you handle it if you were Florida State and you were trying to figure out what’s best for the future of the program with

Your current relationship with the ACC so I’m a little bit in the other side of that camp I wouldn’t feel as confident i’ feel Ultra confident in my program I feel confident I got the right guy I’d have a ton of trepidation right now and they do obviously with the movement

That’s happened down there as to the future of my alignment with the conference and and what is and isn’t going to be automatically given to us in the future so you’re right like the next two years we’ve got AQ status attached to these conferences and certainly if if

Florida state had a season even remotely comparable to what they just did over the coming Seasons they’ll be in no problem and they probably would be anyway if we’re being real with ourselves in any kind of 12 team format but man like nothing is certain Beyond

2025 I guess it is and I would be very nervous as I’m sure they are that in the future the SEC and the Big 10 get so big that they have all the weight in the world to throw around the room they have to sign off on expansion

They have to sign off on a new playoff contract just like everyone else does and I don’t think you’re ever getting their signature in 2026 and Beyond on a playoff medar rights deal that includes automatic qualifier status in in other words grants the same guaranteed access

To other conferences as it does to them because they don’t have to Greg and so that’s why I think the Florida states of the world are moving as quickly as they can within the world of Collegiate Athletics to get out of their current setup in the ACC and and migrate to one

Of those conferences but look here here’s the end result okay as a Florida State fan you have no control over that Mike norell doesn’t even have control over that and honestly Mike norval probably wouldn’t even know the future of his program any more than we do right

Now on that front but what you do know is they’ve proven to be one of the best portal organizations in college football now they’re recruiting at a top five level there’s zero doubt about whether Mike norell is or isn’t cut out to make the G5 to P5 jump which is always

Treacherous Billy Napier is dealing with it right now at Florida and so like a lot of the boxes that are within your control are checked in bright green Sharpie I’m of the belief the future will sort itself out like I cannot Envision a world in the future of

College football where a Florida State Falls by the wayside where a Clemson or a Miami Falls by the wayside whatever the future entails those programs will be part of it I just think it’s so foggy when you look off in the distance we don’t exactly know what that looks like right now it’s

Impossible I mean I I I don’t have any idea but every single person that quote in the no says that realignment is not done like it’s it’s it’s going to continue like when it two years from now three years from now I mean I talked to Kyle Whittingham about this last week he

Go yep we’re in the Big 12 for now but who knows this whole thing could shake up again in three years who knows uh so I think that it is kind of chaotic but I do think that among all the teams that are not in the Big 10 and the SEC there

Is no one that’s better positioned than Florida State Clemson and Miami like those are the three without question that are in the best spot to potentially make a move I would also probably add North Carolina to that quartet because I think North Carolina can add a lot in

Hoops and it’s obviously a bit of an untapped resource for the SEC and the Big 10 if they were to expand everyone wants to get to North Carolina I think Virginia one of the two Virginia schools Virginia Virginia Tech doesn’t matter either way getting to the Commonwealth

Would be beneficial to both of those leagues so if you were advising the teams in the ACC what advice would you give them to make sure that three years from now when we press the reset button and start from scratch they’re well positioned to be a

Contender and maybe uh even in a new conference at that point uh communicate and it’s just like it’s so easy and it’s so hard H how far how far down the wrong dead end roads have we gone in this sport because of lack of communication and Greg even when we had communication

It was this pseudo back Channel garbage that brought us things like the alliance which is just an utter disastrous chapter in the history of our sport so communicate man it doesn’t even matter I mean if I’m Florida State and I’m Miami yes they’re my bitter rival yes I’m

Competing with them on the field on the court Etc but dude in the grand scheme of things a higher tide raises all of our boats and conversely you know 13 Cannonball shots to each of us will sink all of our boats so we can’t afford that so let’s just communicate uh the way

That the Big 10 and the SEC do a pretty good job of the way that the Pack 12 did a horrendous job of and so there’s there are two case studies right there of of kind of Divergent paths you can go down as a conference and if you’re not going

To be even part of your conference just like keep the lines of communication open and then in the short term you’ve got to best position yourself uh not just on the field in terms of results but behind the scenes they know exactly what I’m talking about with this you got

To make sure your infrastructure both tangible and intangible is beefed up to the point where when I walk past you I cannot ignore you on that aisle you are inventory in this conversation you are inventory and you’ve got to be a a property that I cannot do without

Whether I’m a television executive or I run a conference and sometimes those those those things merge I can’t do without you um that takes coordination that takes alignment behind the scenes and hey you know another program I wonder about by the way not to just go

Down a rabbit hole here but I don’t think I I don’t think like 80% of even hardcore fans even know that SMU is joining the ACC next year just to throw just to throw a random program out there and you’ve at the same time got programs fighting and clawing and and you know

Over broken glass try and get out of the ACC and every now and then you hear Rumblings that hey man this thing could be moving really really quickly what is SMU even joining and they’re declining taking a media rights check just to get in the conference I don’t know man I

Would be signing every contract in pencil right now I know the lawyers forbid that but I would not sign in pen sign that thing in pencil yeah I think that’s good advice communicate and collaborate I think is is something that would be a a good first step for sure

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Soon to a game near you all right let’s get into some of these playoff games uh let’s start with the Rose Bowl that’s the one that kicks off before the sugar so we’ll start there Bama Michigan uh you have a great sense of of the Bama fan base you have a great

Sense of the Michigan fan base you have a great sense of both teams uh what are you most excited about when it comes to that matchup uh how how successful Alabama is in testing a lot of the theories about Michigan you know there’s a theory out there very prevalent that U

Michigan has beefed up their statistical profile by feasting on total inferiority in the Big 10 and in terms of offense now I’ve got a theory I call the freeze point and that is if you don’t meet a certain level a certain caliber of play you could you could never do anything

Against the elite teams in college football now if you do meet the freeze point like and the reason I call it that is if you don’t get below 32.4 de it doesn’t matter water can sit at 33° forever it won’t freeze but once it’s below 32.4 then it’s only a matter of

Time to see how long it freezes most teams don’t get below that against these against these Elite programs but if you do then you can do some business against them no one aside from Ohio State and I include Penn State in this no one aside from Ohio State offensively got below

The freeze point against Michigan this year Maryland had a shot to do it otherwise no one had a shot to do that Alabama does and so you’re talking about a top three defense in in virtually every statistical category and yet I could also Envision a scenario Greg

Where we’re watching it and you know you’re you’re winding down the clock in the second quarter getting towards halftime and already that box score looks kind of wobbly for Michigan and defensively they’ given up percentage wise a lot more than they normally would um I could see that I could also see

Them giving Alabama a ton of issues moving the ball I think that there there’s always this feeling and there is in this game amongst both fan bases you’re setting yourself up for heartbreak that there’s going to be some massive huge Edge that’s someone has I

Don’t see any huge edges here like I see incremental here incremental there fractions of inches over there and here I think JJ McCarthy’s capability will be put to the test here if you’re a believer that he was banged up in the back half of the Season which overlapped

With facing the best defensive teams they faced all year then maybe the three-week layoff gives him time to heal um I also think that you know Michigan being able to force short Fields this year was huge for them you look at their offensive numbers they’re they’re pedestrian but you have to take that

Into the context of how many short Fields they were set up with I mean that’s a very complimentary football team uh defensively they score a lot and when they don’t score they set the offense up short Fields um if if bamama can prevent that if you told Nick sabbin

Nothing more than you’re going to force them to start inside the 25 inside their own 25 every drive next Monday night I think he’d feel pretty confident about what the results going to be but here’s what would make me most nervous I don’t know how you see this game but what

Makes me most nervous if I’m Michigan is what if Alabama pressures JJ McCarthy which I think they will and what if we can’t run the ball effectively against them which I think they’ll struggle to do that’s what made me lean Alabama a lot more so than before I looked at the

Game because there is no path if Michigan can’t run the ball there is no path there’s a path if Bama can’t run the ball I don’t see one from Michigan it’s hard to push back on that I do think there are aspects of the Auburn

Plan I think Hugh fre had a really good plan being able to create holes and seams in the Run game utilize some quarterback run I do think there is some there is a piece of that plan that could be applied to Michigan’s plan uh so I do

Think that it’s going to be difficult for them to consistently create big plays I think they could Churn it out shrink the game shorten the game and and this thing could very well be a 1713 ball game but I really think it comes down to turnovers I mean I I think JJ

McCarthy is gonna have to play out of his mind but bam is also going to have to be really smart when it comes to when they take chances because with their defense Michigan’s defense a lot of Zone a lot of eyes in the back field and they

Force a lot of turnovers so I think if Bama has a clean sheet offensively with zero turnovers they’ll be in a really good spot but if they turn it over the door opens and we already saw that’s what happened when they played Ohio State door opens pick right down the

Field six yards I think they had to go uh so they didn’t exactly go right down the field it was pretty pretty easy for them but turnovers I think might ultimately tell the story in this one moving over to the other game and and think I I personally think that if

You’re a casual your word uh if you’re a casual this game even though it doesn’t have the helmets that you’ll have with Bama and Michigan uh and the tradition of Bama Michigan this game is going to be more appetizing because I think it could be a track meet I really believe

That Texas and Washington both have Elite offenses both have liabilities on defense at times especially in the secondary and at safety in particular so when you look at this game are you thinking it’s going to be a high-scoring affair like everybody else is as well

Yeah yeah I am um you you got a good one man that that night cap is going to be a really good one I think the public knee-jerk reaction when they saw this matchup set was Heavy Texas and then I think the public started to dive in a

Little bit more and they say oh wait Washington’s got the number one passing offense of the country Texas pass defense in the 90s depending on you know which statistical category you prefer the most might this be a matchup nightmare for Texas and then I think

There’s a third dive you have to take so we have to Triple dive this thing in order to really arrive at what I think the picture is that we’ll see unfold in the super doome and that is yes those stats are what they are but contrary to

The title of a show that used to air on your network a lot uh numbers do lie they lie to you all the time if you don’t know how to interpret them you got to know Texas you know this because you’ve watched all their games I’m not sure everyone watched all of Texas’s

Games this year and stands they got up big a lot and teams had to play catch up a lot and that means throwing the ball a lot it also means a certain kind of softer defensive coverage from Texas a lot and what it did is it stacked up

Passing yards against them even in WIS and so yeah man if Texas is up 24-3 I don’t doubt Michael penx is going to be able to move the ball through the air it’s if he can move it through the air if it’s 10 to 10 early in the second

Quarter that I care about and I still think he can I just think if they if they’re successful with that it’s just going to be because Washington’s that good it’s not going to be because Texas is a nightmare on the back end of their defense but what they need and what they

Had in those two Oregon games is just chain movers on third down like Oregon on paper should have won both of those games because Oregon on paper going into it looked like a huge Edge team on third down well I got the numbers in front of me um they were Washington being they

They were 15 of 26 on third down 17 of 30 on third and fourth down versus Oregon Texas has the number two third down defense in the country okay so yet again I find myself looking at a Washington game saying third Down’s going to determine this but I’m not so

Confident in that Texas statistic cuz Oregon was top five both times they played him and it just didn’t matter um I also think that Texas is you know I saw him in the Red River game against Oklahoma that was their worst turnover day I mean they were inside the the 10 a

Couple of times and came away with zero points if Washington could force that that’s a big deal but I think the other thing Greg and you’re you’re probably going to have as much fun trying to explain this to a national audience as anyone has all year is Texas will not

Severely out aete Washington and the national expectation is you’ll tune in and you’ll see you’ll see Washington trying to punch up athletically just to stay in this game that is not the case this wide receiver is insane the offensive line just won the Joe Moore

Award so finally on the back end of the season cub and Company have have beat the propaganda Bell enough to where they can get him some recognition I picked Texas to win this game I have learned my lesson picking against Washington though obviously not to the the degree that I’m

Going to pick them but man there’s like a it’s like a 5248 5347 proposition in my mind not in terms of final score but percentage wise could be final score too yeah yeah I think that also could be the final score so it’s going to be

I I I don’t think there’s any skill in saying this is going to be a last team with the ball win sort of situation I’ve never thought there’s skill in knowing that I do think it’s decided in the fourth quarter though it’d be hard to push back on that lastly we’ll get you

Out of here on this you work at 247 uh and part of the CBS then you guys just do an amazing job I like I’m not great at recruiting you guys do a great job you’re all over it but Washington winning the national championship would do what for how people perceive

Recruiting rankings and things like that because if you look at their composite I look at the 247 composite Washington they’re going to have seven guys drafted in the top 100 picks I mean they have that many guys but would there be a would there be an altering to how we

Perceive teams moving forward because Washington would really be the first national champion that we’ve had in what 20 25 years that didn’t check all those crazy Personnel boxes as far as recruiting rankings are concerned so since you’re so close to it how do you you think that would alter the the

Perception of how you can recruit and and whether or not you have to recruit at the highest possible level to win championships I’ve never thought you have to I thought if you can get a franchise caliber quarterback in and have him play that way you can you can

Get it done with a pretty good roster that has exceptional dots across it if you’ve got an exceptional room like a wide receiver room it really helps if your exceptional room is your offensive line room I think it would catch a lot of people off guard I don’t think it

Would catch so many people off who have seen Washington a lot this year um but also just if we’re talking data you were the math guy I’m not but I know in data and clustering you always have to account for the possibility that there going to be one or two dots that are

Just way off the chart and Off the Grid and we call those outliers we don’t shift the X and Y axis all the way over here to meet the outlier we just circle it we say look at that an outlier all right well we’re going to still think a

Lot of what we’ve already thought I mean you got to be good lines of scrimmage you’ve got to recruit them from the high school level you got to be good in the portal at times and especially a quarterback if you’re going to use it and if you do that and you’ve got a

Phenomenal head coach and an organization that is built on Rock Solid value and principle you’re going to have a shot but even then it all has to come together like they won how many one possession games this year like that’s the way it would have to come together

And if all of those all of those tumblers align you don’t have to be a top five recruiter you got to be pretty good but you don’t have to be a top recruiter but if you want to play a B minus game a couple of times along the

Way and win it you absolutely have to be a top five or top 10 recruiter it’s amazing though the amount of casuals and like I said your word I think it’s very appropriate that are comparing Washington to TCU from a year ago and that could not be further from the truth

Like have you not heard how many people have asked you that like I feel like everyone thinks oh yeah they’re going to be just like TCU why because they’re purple and they throw it around the yard I I don’t I don’t get it like I have you

Not dealt with that I feel like I’m talking like myself around crazy pills man like mugatu style because I just don’t understand why people are having that comparison Greg I have never um I’ve never had staffers with a team that’s going into a national championship game just nonchalantly telling me game’s over man

Like we there’s no chance we’re losing this Monday night that was Georgia last year and it wasn’t Cockiness it was a matter of fact we just won the title when we beat Ohio State I mean there is zero chance this team is going to get obliterated I know

Some people at Alabama who were assisting Sabin because he went out there and he did some of the pregame coverage for ESPN and it’s like they’re trying to what do we even say like like what do we want him to say there is no path for TCU everyone knew it behind the

Scenes no one wanted to say it up front because you wanted to to at least maintain the illusion that you could get a game no that is not this year if Washington’s in that game that is this this year’s Washington team would body bag last year’s TCU team let me put it

That way yeah absolutely kill him buddy this has been terrific uh as always um I maybe am secretly rooting for Washington just so you have to explain the JP poll to everybody I really really want that I want you to get your ey Josh out and

Have to explain that is there is there a possibility that like will there be like a I think you’ll have to play your music that you always play right in the event and just rip and memorium JP Pole well look if that happens um this is going to

This is going to be a mutually assured destruction situation because I happen to know there is some some fuzzy b-roll of you throwing the horns down in the Rose Bowl Circa 09 so if that needs to be floated and dug up I will be the one

To it up if I’m going down you’re going down with me that’s perfectly Fair we’ll go down together buddy this has been terrific always appreciate your show you do an amazing job you do it the right way check them out late kick with Josh Pate on YouTube you can download the

Podcast wherever you get your podcast he does an amazing job so Josh we appreciate you brother I appreciate it buddy hey college football fans whether you’re on the field or in the stands make sure you’re well protected like having a solid defense to shut down that wide receiver in the final quarter

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Breakdowns we’ll get things kicked off on Friday night the goodye cotton bow Classic this will be December 29th 8:00 P.M eastern time from AT&T stadium in Arlington line opened around Ohio State slight favorite that things now flipped just a little bit Missouri is now a slight favorite at about 1 one and half

In some places it’s two you always got to check the transfer portal you always got to check whether or not guys have opted out and as of right now things are a little bit fuzzy as it relates to Ohio State um we know Kyle McCord’s not there he’s transferring to Syracuse we know

That Julian Fleming is not there either he also has entered the portal there could be many more opt outs including Marvin Harrison uh who was not with the team at practice on Tuesday so there are at the moment at least couple of guys that are potentially not going to be

Available in this game so we will operate under the assumption of these guys playing why not right let’s just let’s just pretend like everyone’s going and we’ll break them down accordingly okay we’ll just do our best and if things change at the last minute then scrap the breakdown and do what you got

To do all right let’s start with Missouri because I don’t think people are as familiar with Missour I I know they’ve had a great year I think everybody acknowledges and respects the fact that they finished 10 and two their two losses came in a tough close high-scoring battle against LSU and they

Of course played Georgia better than anybody in the regular season so we look at Missouri and the key player for them is Cody shrer uh really a remarkable a remarkable season for Cody shider I am a voter in the do Walker Award I thought Cody Schrader probably should have won

It was perfectly fine with olly Gordon winning it he’s Elite as well but this is really more about what Missouri has become now if you look look at Eli drinkwitz’s offense in the past they’re a stretch Zone team they want to get to the perimeter and they’ve had great

Success doing that not just at Missouri but at his prior time at NC State as an OC and then when he was the head coach at App State there for the year it’s what they do they run a great Zone scheme off tackle stretch Zone and it’s

Tough to stop because you have a decisive Runner and Cody Shader that’s been amazing you also have a 3,000 yard passer and Brady cook who who I think is universally underappreciated now he’s not crazy Elite I don’t think he’s going to get drafted in the first round but I

Do think he’s a guy that has a really high ceiling he’s been really accurate has made great decisions and they have a blue chip 1200 yard receiver in Luther Burton they also have a first team all SEC left tackle in Javon Foster they have a great defensive end in darus

Robinson they have an incredible Corner in Chris Abrams drain but if you really look at what it all comes down to this team’s emergence this year is in large part been due to what Cody sher’s been able to do in toading the rock over the last five games he averaged 196 yards

From scrimmage and 6.3 yards per carry all right remarkably consistent remarkably efficient and he also ran for 112 yards against Georgia that’s a ridiculous number especially when you think about what George has done traditionally to running backs but I do think maybe the guy that you need to

Know a little more about especially considering who they’re playing against Chris Abrams drain is their Corner that is Elite now they did allow uh a quarterback to put up you know over 150 on the passer rating on just three occasions this year they lost to LSU and

Georgia and then they had a surprising near lost to Florida those were really the three games in which they didn’t play great in the back end but the secondary for Missouri has arguably been their best attribute especially on the defensive side they are really good and

Chris Abrams drain’s a big reason why on the season he’s got four picks 10 pbus he allows just 36% completion and he allows just a 12 a 12 on the qbr and remember qbr is a scale from 1 to 100 well really 1 to 99 having a 12 means

That you’re doing a pretty good job all right it’s pretty amazing when you think about what he’s been able to do and in the event in which Ohio State is at full go which I don’t think they will be but let’s operate under the assumption that

They will be Chris Abrams D matched up against Marvin Harrison that one is one where you’re going to need to get your cut popcorn ready because that’s going to be a pretty dang impressive match up between the two Missouri’s path to Victory is very clear they have to run

The football and they have to be more inspired and I think they will be if you look at what Missouri is potentially looking at their first top 10 finish in 10 years and if you look at their current opt out situation there is not a single guy from Missouri that has opted

Out so it’s pretty clear that they’re going to be the team that’s more intact and probably as a result of the lack of opt outs they’re clearly going to be the team that’s probably a little bit more motivated but can they play over the course of a 60-minute ball game against

A team that’s got crazy juice we know exactly who Ohio state is everybody knows what Ohio state is and they played up to the top they played really well on the road in Athens against the Georgia Bulldogs but will they be able to repeat a comparable performance against Ohio

State for Ohio State I think the key player is Marvin Harrison he’s been the guy all year long uh when you look at just how he’s accomplished he’s been amazing if you look at what he had last year he’s been amazing so it’s really been two straight years where he’s been

Just absolutely ridiculous he became the first receiver in Ohio State history to record thousand yard seasons in consecutive years last year 1263 this year 1211 went for 28 touchdowns in each of the last two years as well so 14 this year 14 last year it’s ridiculous all right those 14 touchdowns it’s a

Four-way tie for second in the country he’s had at least one touchdown catch in each of the bucke guys last eight games and hauled in two touchdowns in a game during a three-game stretch that was against Wisconsin ruter and Michigan State so he’s really been amazing he’s

Going to be I think by far if he goes the most important part of what Ohio State’s trying to do offensively trayon Henderson their running back is also Elite now if you look at what trayon Henderson has meant to this team when he’s been healthy it’s been a completely

Different looking unit a completely different looking unit and if you look at the time that he missed he still had nearly a, yards he went for 854 and 11 touchdowns but he could be massive to kind of take some of the pressure off of Devin Brown and knowing too that if the

Strength of Missouri defense is in the back end in the secondary they’re probably going to have to try to run the football I mean he did an amazing job against Notre Dame uh who on 14 carries he went for over a 100 yards he met missed three games but really down the

Stretch he had a 100 yard games in three of the last five games of the year so it’s going to be really massive for trayon Henderson to play at a high level if they’re going to go into Dallas and get the win and then finally how well will Devin Brown play

Because we know that McCord’s out and McCord’s been very solid but Brown this year has played a little 12 of 22 for 197 in a couple touchdowns he did throw a pick but he’s played in five games he’s been around enough or is it going to be true freshman Lincoln K Holtz

We’ll see either way Ohio State and whoever their quarterback is they’re going to be well positioned to run a very quarterback friendly offense and in the event in which it’s brown he’s a guy that went right down to the wire with Kyle McCord even into the season with

Kyle mcord as that quarterback Derby was back and forth all the way until the very end mechuka Cade Stover Marvin Harrison assuming all those guys go they still have a lot of weapons at his disposal so ends up being the quarterback if it’s Devon Brown or if

It’s K Holtz either way they’re going to have plenty of players available to them and in the event which they go with freshman they’re still going to have dudes so they’re going to be in really good shape I’m taking Missouri to win the game usually when I’m evaluating

These games it’s it’s almost always about motivation it’s always about motivation and whether we want to acknowledge that or not and I think Missouri is going to be really fired up to be there I can’t say that for certainty with Ohio State I can’t now I

Think Ohio state has a has an advantage from a talent standpoint I think they have an advantage from a big game experience standpoint but I think Missouri wants it more and ultimately that’s why I think they’ll get the win let’s go next to Florida State and Georgia the two teams that narrowly

Missed the college football playoff and it’s crazy too because both rosters are going to look very different from when we saw them in the regular season just a couple weeks ago 26 Florida State players have entered the NCAA transfer portal and seven have decided to declare

For the NFL draft they’re going to opt out of the Orange Bowl game so they’re going to be at about gosh 53 scholarship players in this game thereabouts not going to be easy for Florida State when you think about the fact that one guy that entered the portal is back that’s

Joshua farmer but other than that they’re going to look very different than what they looked like in that 13 game regular season if you look at Georgia uh they have had 15 players into the portal uh but they’ve brought in four players and really none of those

Players decide to go the draft so there should be in a pretty good spot Marvin Jones Jr did transfer to Florida State but he’s not draft eligible so Bulldogs should be pretty much intacted at least at the moment like I said it’s not really 100% certain not 100% certain but

As of right now Cedric van pran their Center is going to be playing Malachi Starks he’s going to be playing sounds like Brock Bowers uh is dealing with an injury so it’s not likely that he’s going to be available for the Orange Bowl but still lad makoni might be back

These are all things that we’re still trying to figure out but at the moment it should be pretty good for the Georgia Bulldogs when you look at what Florida state has Florida state has excellent Personnel they have really good players so we’re going to get to them in a

Moment but we’re going to start with the George Bulldogs because their key player is Carson Beck and he is back he’s waited a long time as George’s starting quarterback felt like one year wasn’t enough there’s unfinished business so he has decided at the moment to return even

Though I really believe that if Carson Beck put his name in the NFL draft I think by the time the draft process played itself out he’d probably play his way into the first round I think he might even play his way into the top 10 I think he’s that good I really believe

That so it’s got to be frustrating that his only season as the starter they did not make the college football playoff and they obviously won’t win the national championship but coming off of back-to-back natties the bar has set been very very high bar has been set

Very high for Georgia now Mike Bobo I think did a really good job as the offensive coordinator this year now Todd monin filling those shoes was going to be really difficult it’s going to be really hard Mike Bubba stepped in he brought Carson Beck along nicely they

Didn’t really open things up until they played against Kentucky week five or six that’s when things really started getting going when they played against top 20 opponents though Carson Beck was at his best completed 74% of his passes 15 touchdowns against just two interceptions when they played against

Top 20 opponents so the better the competition the better Carson Beck seemed to play I also think what’s amazing is that he was able to navigate throughout the season without all of his weapons available on a weekly basis there were weeks when Brock Bowers missed there were weeks when lad makoni

Missed there were weeks when both missed and then they were out without Rah Thomas who missed multiple games there at the end of the season with a foot injury the offensive line has also been without some great players at times ratti has missed some time am Marius

Mims has missed some time his Right Guard and his right tackle have both been out but Carson Beck’s been steady and he’s been the guy that’s guided them to this position I think he’ll have a big big opportunity to go against a really quality high quality secondary

That Florida state has out there in the back end lad makoni is massive now he’s obviously one of the most reliable one of the most experienced but he has had a very difficult year back injury early then he had an ankle injury didn’t play until Auburn that was on September 30th

Then he came out played against Florida bowled out against Florida I might add six catches for 135 and a touchdown when they dominated Florida but down the stretch there wasn’t a whole lot he sprained his ankle against Old Miss and we didn’t see a whole lot for him but

He’s an amazing route Runner he’s got terrific top end speed and he’ll be the go-to guy in the passing game for the Georgia Bulldogs heading into this one if you look at how Georgia wins the game I think it’s pretty simple solution they have to be able to run the football they

Have to be able to find ways there’s going to be some young receivers out there there’s going to be some guys with a little less experience but those guys have a ton of talent we’re going to get a really good look at what George is going to be in 2024 by watching the

Orange Bowl game here in 2023 this is an offense that has great great talent now the defense is not quite the same as they’ve been in the past they’re excellent at safety even teetering on the edge of being super Elite at safety I would say I think they’re excellent at

One of the corner spots I think the other corner is just okay at least at this point of his development but he has gotten better as The Season’s gone along I think the defensive line is not what they’ve been in 21 and 22 particularly on the edges of the defense now Mikel

Williams was a little banged up early really never found his footing until the end of the season he I think is going to be massive for them as they go into this one Chaz chain already announced that he will be back next year he at times has

Been up and down as well on the edges of the defense so will Florida State be able to attack the edges of the defense that’s been a problem spot for the Georgia Bulldogs Edge defense against the Run can Florida State take advantage but with Florida State it’s pretty

Simple uh it’s all about their personnel at the running back spot whether it’s Trey Benson Lawrence toafili they’re going to have to take the pressure off of Brock Glenn Tate RM maker decided to enter the transfer portal he will not play in the Orange Bowl game so it’s

Going to be all about being able to run the football now Rodney Hill also entered the portal so how will they divvy up the Reps I would think toofy will get a line share he announced that he’s going to be coming back so that is significant when you look at what he

Could mean for Florida State in this game you look at the rest of the team offensive line for the most part they will have few guys that they’re without their defensive line they’ll have a few guys that they’re without it’s really unfortunate because I would have loved

To have seen Florida State at full strength heading into this game we’re just not going to have that and it’s going to be a I think it’s going to going to be a little frustrating frankly because I would love to have seen how they would have competed even in the

Absence of Jordan Travis I would love to have seen them compete against the Georgia Bulldogs with Georgia at full strength and Florida State at full strength so we could get an assessment as to whether or not Florida State should have been in the college football playoff I would have loved to have seen

It but I understand guys got to do what’s best for them and guys don’t feel like playing in the matchup is worth their while that’s their own personal decision I won’t be critical I’m just disappointed as a college football fan because I’d have liked for them to have

Gone out there at full strength and said see this is what we could do but we’re just not going to have that luxury how does Florida State win their defense has to play out of their mind uh I mean I I think that’s it’s it’s pretty simple the

Defense is going to have to play out of their mind now we’ve seen him do it already we saw him do it against Louisville but this is a significant Step Up in quarterback play with no with all due respect to Jack plumber Carson Beck is not not going to go 0 for 13

With an interception on passes that are thrown 10 or more yards down field just not going to happen I also think that it’s going to be much more difficult for Florida State to cover the receivers because if you look at Louisville if you look at some of the teams they play down

The stretch the receiver position not quite as good as what they’re going to see when they Tee It Up Against the dogs so they’re also I think going to have to make sure that they continue to apply pressure I know they’re going to be without some of their key pieces up

Front but can they apply pressure to Carson Beck because when when pressure is applied he does drop off just a little bit just a little bit but going to be very important I think for Florida State to apply pressure and we’re going to get a good look at what they might be

Moving forward but either way Florida State’s going to have their hands full I don’t see how they can beat the George bolos I just don’t see it I’d love love nothing more than for them to shock the world yet again but I’m trying to find a

Pathway to Victory for the nlls and I think the only way they do it is by turning over Carson Beck and forcing a couple short Fields because I’m just not confident in a brock Le Brock Glenn Le offense to consistently put Drives together enough to where they can knock

Off the Georgia Bulldogs and let’s go finally to the peach bow this game will be Saturday uh December 30th at noon eastern time from Atlanta Penn State is a slight favorite about three three and a half in that vicinity nothing’s changed at the moment as far as opt outs

And guys that aren’t playing tieno Johnson is not going to be playing Olu fashanu will not be playing at left tackle and they will be without their Edge Defender chop Robinson they also will be without Manny Diaz who decided to leave as his as the defensive coordinator and become the head coach of

Duke and currently ol Miss is going to be without Cedric Johnson their defensive end so ol Miss for the most part intact but really when you look at what Penn State is they’re a really young team so most of their guys should be back most of their guys should be up

And most of their guys should be playing in this one let’s start with the old Miss Rebels their key player is Jackson Dart uh he’s going to be coming back it’s massive they had a great offseason battle between him and Spencer Sanders where Spencer Sanders came in highly decorated player from Oklahoma State

They also brought in Walker Howard from LSU they also I think we wondering all right what is going to happen with Jackson Dart will he be able to elevate and he has I think he’s done a great job a great job this season he’s certainly in the upper tier amongst the

Quarterbacks in the SEC he’s actually 11th nationally with 161 passer rating and join Jane Daniels is the only two quarterbacks in the SEC with more than 2900 passing yards and more than 300 yards rushing so he can do it not just through his through the air with his arm

But he can also do it with his legs and most of those offensive weapons are back including quinon Judkins who we’ll talk about in a minute he’ll have plenty of talent at his disposal on the perimeter The X Factor in this game is going to be Quin sha

Judkins now if you look at what Quin Shan jins did this year it’s going to going to be a little underwhelming based on preseason expectations based on what he did as a true freshman in 22 but he was banged up most of the first half of the Year rib injuries didn’t run with

The same level of intensity but he did get better as the season went along so it’s going to be massive I think for Miss to be able to get him involved run the football I know it’s not going to be easy to run it against Penn State but

Michigan did find a way to Victory by exclusively running the football I don’t think Old Miss has the same type of offensive line as the Michigan Wolverines have but I do think that the way that you can attack this defense is by taking the air out of the football

You have to run it you have to be physical they’re an Elite pass rushing unit they’re an elite athletic unit so they have to run the football and they have to be able to create some issues I think for the Penn State defensive line who’s good but they’re more athletic

Than they are capable of holding up for 60 Minutes against the run if you look at ol Miss how do they win well I think they’re going to have to create great balance on offense if you look at Penn State’s defense they held nine of their 12 opponents to 15 or fewer points

That’s pretty dang amazing it really is it’s amazing this a ridiculously athletic group so you’re going to have to have quinshon Judkins playing at his best to kind of limit the aggressiveness of the movement and games and the speed that this defensive front seven will

Play with I also think it’s going to be really important for Jackson Dart to keep plays alive with his legs might have to run around might have to scramble some and if he can that could take some of the pressure off of this passing attack because I don’t think

They match up great with their receivers against the Penn State secondary and if you look at Penn State’s numbers in Rush defense they give up just 2.16 yards per carry that’s third in the country but I do think you’re not going to hit a lot

Of big plays on them they’re going to be fast enough and athletic enough to recover I think Lane keen’s smart enough to be able to create some misdirection create some issues with those guys and take advantage of their aggressiveness and maybe go the other way with some

Quarterback run stuff so it’s going to be fascinating I think to see how things go with ol Miss in this game and as for Penn State the key player is Nick Singleton uh I mean Nick Singleton he is a terrific terrific football player we know that all right we know that but if

You look at how things have gone for him this year just 700 rushing yards and eight touchdowns now KRON Allen has actually eclipsed Singleton in a way but I think in this game in particular Singleton’s speed is going to be very important now KRON Allen very very fast

As well really fast but Singleton speed and the big play potential of him is something that I’ll be paying close attention to if you look at KRON Allen he’s kind of a bully man he wants to run physical he wants to run over guys this is a dynamic one-w punch that really

Complement each other well and they combined to average nearly 187 run rushing yards per game that’s 24th in college football so you look at that one-two punch in the offensive line even though that Olu fashanu is not going to be playing they should be pretty good

Going up against an M miss defense that gave up nearly 152 rushing yards per game that’s 67th and the country they also got gashed by Georgia 300 yards in a 52 to7 route there in the beginning of November so that’s going to be massive it’s also going to be huge to take a

Peek at Drew all in this game now one thing that he has had had trouble with because look he’s done a good job he’s been smart with the football 23 touchdowns has really been smart just one interception right you love the touchdown and interception ratio but

There is a little bit I think he can be more aggressive I’m not saying he needs to force the football but he’s got a ton of talent I think he can make some throws that he passed up on but in a bowl game man let it all fly Mike uch

Was fired after they lost to Michigan because the passing game was just a 200 yards a game or so 204 to be exact that was 91st they hadn’t produced enough big plays and Aller hasn’t thrown for over 300 yards since the season opener against West Virginia so they got to

Find some explosive plays through the year because that’s going to complement the Run game which should probably have some success you look at Keandre Lambert Smith you look at Tyler Warren this defense gives up 220 passing yards a game they’re 60th nationally so there should be some opportunities down the

Field in event in which they are presented to Penn State they have to limit quinan Judkins that’s the key that is the key they are so Stout they lead the country in Total Defense they’re third in Rush defense and those Stout numbers Stout Stout numbers have allowed

Them to really control the line of scrimmage the one outlier in th those performances was Blake corm going for a buck 45 there when Michigan beat him 24 to 15 outside of that they played really well just about all the time the Judkins even though he missed missed some time

It wasn’t really at his best this year he came on and got much better as the season went along so if Judkins can’t create some big plays I it could be difficult for ol Miss to manufacture a ton of offense in this game and if the game’s put exclusively on Jackson Dart

Shoulders I’m not sure that that’s a path to victory for Miss I’m taking Penn State in the game I think they’re better on defense I think they’re a young team that’s probably a little ticked off with how things have gone down the stretch and the perception of their program this

Would be a massive one for James Franklin as well he has not fared well games against top tier competition I believe om Miss is top tier but I think Penn State gets done and they’ll take care of business there in Atlanta every college football season goody year knows the importance of

Winning on the road the road will always demand confidence the confidence to handle whatever the journey brings and to perform under tough conditions and just like the players and the fans of college football goodye is ready are you ready for the road visit to find the right Goodyear tires for

Whatever Road you’re on this season goodye more driven some news and notes just cleaning a few things up Mike Den Brock has opted to leave LSU to become the offensive coordinator at Notre Dame he of course did an amazing job this year and creating big plays if you look at LSU

Yeah they had three losses but I can promise you it wasn’t because of the performance that Mike Den Brock’s unit played with Jaden Daniels of course won the Heisman so a lot to like about the higher for Notre Dame I think it’s a great hire I really do when Jared Parker

Left you want to keep some semblance of continuity Mike Den Brock’s been at Notre Dame three times so he understands the culture he understands what it takes to recruit there and for Notre Dame fans that are crazy like our producer Mark I think they feel great about the fact

That Marcus Freeman was able to go to LSU steal someone from Brian Kelly which to me is loow hanging fruit get over it guys come on Jerry kill has resigned at New Mexico State what a great great run he had there of course taken them to back-to-back bowl games getting to the

Conference Championship Game this year beating Auburn and the BET biggest game of their season so a terrific job by Jerry Hill he’s going to step down though what a great run happy retirement coach we thank the world of you and we appreciate all that you’ve done for college football Trevor ATN has decided

To transfer from Florida to the Georgia Bulldogs it’s a weird world that we’re living in it’s a weird world man I just you know what’s crazy to me like I I think look I I get it like you opportunities present themselves I get that I don’t understand

I just don’t understand how you could possibly transfer to a rival and we by the way we see it all the time and we saw a guy transfer from Miss to Mississippi State we’ve seen guys transfer now from Florida to Georgia uh we’ve seen guys trans like I get it it

Like it’s part of it and the transferring to a rival it’s like they should put something in place where you’re not allowed to transfer to your rival not because etn did anything wrong he didn’t it just as a guy if I were to think about a guy on our team when I was

Playing at Alabama that transferred to or from Auburn just how awkward that would be I I just don’t get it so totally supportive of vtn he’s a terrific player and with the injuries that Georgia had to the running back room this year I think it’s a great spot

For him to step in he’s really good he’s a three down back he can catch the ball out of the back field as well I think it’s a huge get for George but my goodness man it’s just so backwards that these guys are I get entering the portal

I’m fine with that I have no problem with it whatsoever every player is entitled to their own thing they can do whatever they want I will never get comfortable with a guy playing for a rival after his first school I just well just mind-blowing to me but I digress

Walter Nolan the outstanding defense of tackle from Texas A&M he was at one point the number one player in the country according to several different Publications he is transferring to ol Miss which is a huge get a huge get I mean the rich get richer Lane kein has

Mastered the portal I don’t know what he does or how he does it but he has mastered the portal they’ve already gone out and added a bunch of great pieces on the defensive side now you have an anchor there in the middle of the defense coming off a great year Walter

Nolan had a really good year for Texas A&M now you’ll get him at year number three so so probably be his last year at the college level anyways that means he’s going to have a great year he’s probably going to be he’s thinking about his professional prospects he’s going to

Have a great year for all miss that was a huge get and if you look at what Pete golding’s done on that side of the ball they’re significantly improved defensively you look at what Walter Nolan could provide some of the other guys they’ve added in the portal what

They could provide they are certainly on the upward trajectory there on the defensive side of the football in Oxford Mississippi introducing the AT&T 5G helmet the world’s first football helmet designed to level the playing field for death and hard of hearing players radio communication continues to be the primary way professional football

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Bison that’ll do it for us here at always college football please continue to like rate and subscribe wherever you’re getting the podcast you can go and subscribe and give us a rating give us a give us a review whatever you want to do all good we appreciate you guys

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Way we know how so we hit some New Year’s six games already we’re going to hit the college football playoff games coming up on uh the show tomorrow might hit a couple other bowl games as well so you don’t want to miss that because we’re going to have another show later

In the week that you will be excited about so for all of us here at always college football for Mark Jake Jack the the Jack I’m Greg we hope you have an amazing day and remember it’s always college football hey guys it’s Greg maroy thanks for watching Always college football

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  1. FSU is the victim of the feud between Disney (ESPN owned) and Florida's DeSantis. It has nothing to do with football. You can blame Disney's Bob Iger sick payback and Florida's Governor DeSantis for his deranged antics.
    A 1 LOSS team over an undefeated team? Only in the Russian Football League.

  2. FSU got screwed only because the cfp, sec and espn(disney) are in cahoots. GA is gona spank FSU because this isnt the 23' FSU team. I truely feel bad for the kids who did everything they needed to do to win and accomplish what was asked of them. Only to get screwed by 13 bias people. The orange bowl is a pointless exhibition game. Only thing is the before hand for the kids and to make money for the school and for the people who screwed you over

  3. Toafili isnt playing. Didnt you see the 2 deep rooster for game? FSU has barely anyone from offense and several from defense.. im a huge NOLE fan but this i feel is gona be ugly.. neither team wants to be there. Plus this is definitely NOT the 23' Noles team.. its a pointles exhibition game

  4. Theory: CFP kept FSU at 4 for ratings the last 2 weeks of the season. Then FSU used up their usefulness and the SEC was put in and FSU left out.

  5. What people forget about FSU situation is two of those committee members are AD's of two other rival ACC schools, Miami & NC State. Don't sleep on the logic, FSU may be doing this also to hurt those school's programs as well. I can see a scenario of let's leave the ACC and lobby for the two now 'power conferences' to shut the door on those guys, if they come calling. From what I've read I'm hearing that the SEC would not want Miami or NC State. They already don't want FSU since they already have a presence in Florida with UF. I don't believe Big 10 would take NC State, they much of a brand no matter who would consider them. I'm reading SEC would only want UNC. Sure it sounds convoluted yet, it's the angle I'd work if I were FSU as an ultimate 'kiss off' out the door of the ACC.

  6. I have ZERO respect for either of you. Talked all big BEFORE the CFP announcement then immediately flipping. Shame on both you cowards. Get that paycheck don't protect the sport.

  7. How much pimp money did they pay you, Josh? Shame on you and that disgusting clown you’re engaging with. Both shills for a fraudulent system and cash cow hillbilly conference.

  8. Hey Josh – you can’t have it both ways, my friend. You’ve lost your good name pushing what the filth network and its trailer park conference want you to spew. You’re nothing going forward.

  9. Greg, please get this – FSU fans will never forget what you and your filth of a network did. Please move on and deal with it. If you have an ounce of decency in you you’ll come to regret the damage that’s been done to the sport at large. You’re a child.

  10. Please stop dissing TCU! They beat Michigan and they got to a national title game. Yes, they were no Georgia but not many teams are so give some respect pls.

  11. You can’t talk about next season on feeling good for FSU! They were not given the shot they absolutely deserved! ESPN sucks.

  12. Josh Farmer NEVER ENTERED THE PORTAL, last year ,yes. Toafili isnt playing, never was due to surgery. WE DON NOT HAVE 30 GUYS IN THE PORTAL!! This is why i unsubscibred not to mention how you switched your narative in the 11th hour!

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