Golf Players

Cowboys Clash, College Showdowns, and Courtside Shake-Ups on This Year’s Show

Get ready for this week’s electrifying “Final Blitz of the Year”! We’re talking Cowboys prepping for a major clash with Detroit, with Jon Machota from The Athletic and Jane Slater from NFL Network dropping their hot takes. We’re also jumping into a College Football Playoff preview – who’s going to clinch the title? Bob Ballou from KEYE TV is here to break it down with us. Plus, we’ve got Alamo Bowl tickets up for grabs! In NBA news, the Spurs are shaking things up after their loss to the Jazz, and it looks like Pop’s ready to mix things up. And, for a tasty twist, don’t miss our “What’s on Tap” segment featuring “Grilling with the Blitz.” It’s all the sports action and fun you need, all in one place!

The Blitz – 12/27/2023


On San Antonio sports St ktfm florville San Antonio sports center Spurs dropped their fifth straight game last night they followed home to the Utah Jazz Spurs now hit the road for backto backs with the Trailblazers in Portland it all begins tomorrow night Cowboys have activated offensive tackle Matt wetco off IR they

Released linebacker Rashad Evans McCarthy wants some depth in that offensive line Texans got some good news today CJ St back at practice after missing a couple of games with a concussion Sports Center is brought to you by buyers barricades the Texas Authority in barricade rental buyers barricades tocom guess what day it

Is Joe reinagle at the third time in Seven Seasons the San Antonio Spurs are the NBA champions Jason M they go back to big day as Super Bowl champions Dallas 52 Ruffalo 17 it’s the blitz on 941 San Antonio sports star Mike Mike Mike Mike Mike what day is it Mike HP

Day P day P day P day P day PP day pump day pump day P day pump day what come on here we go it sounded like the camel kind of you Peter out yeah you petered out on the camel Peter that’s all right it’s all right

And you know this is the best hump day is the last one of the Year hump day last of the year and we hump into a a long weekend yes we do and hopefully there’s a lot of that going on for everybody this weekend why

Not I hope so bring in the New Year the right way that’s exactly right so looking forward to that and it’s going to be a great show it is going to be a great show we we’ve got a lot to get into of over the next four hours yeah

Because this is our last show of the year that’s why it’s the great hump day not there we’re gonna miss you guys but we’ll be back next year next year yeah we’ll be back next year it’s like the joke that never gets old it’s always funny but it’s corny yeah I’ll see you

Next year see you next year see you next year that’s a next year problem as my kid often says that’s a tomorrow problem that’s a next month problem that’s a next year problem it’s going to be a great year I can feel it yeah I can feel it going to

Have some great football this weekend not only the NFL but you got the college football playoffs man lots happening this weekend yeah there is and and lots of great bowl games and congratulations to the Texas state Bob yes for drinking all the beer dude I I mean you you think

About one that was a great great football game sure I mean you had a couple of pig sixes he had a fat man touchdown I mean you you had a lot going on and I could not be more impressed with the showing that Texas State fans

Had up there at SMU stadium when I started seeing pictures and the the game started while we were on the air now it took forever I got home and it wasn’t even half time exactly right and the referees were awful uh they were even

Cussing on a on a mic no I mean they had a lot of stuff that you know you would have thought that they were ref in a preseason game I mean you see you know there was one I’m talking about they counted like 45 yards off against rice

And they were like no one of those state so they’re offsetting uhuh and then the the actual running into the punter on Fourth and five declined and and GJ Kenny was like oh wait a minute I’m not going to decline that if those are offsetting but you said they were both

Against rice whatever it was a cluster bleep right I mean it was well was Texas State and rice they figured you know yeah we don’t need our best for this one the smart guys are going to figure it out right so you look at you look at what you saw last night

You had 25,000 give or take at that Stadium yes you did right uhhuh the vast majority Texas State Bobcat fans yes and pictures videos from the crowd that I saw on social media look tremendous then they ran out of beer on the Texas state side in the first half there’s nothing more

On brand for the party school that is Texas state than that dude I’m gonna tell you what I don’t know what where those people have been that stock the beer coolers at that Stadium but they had to know who was coming to that ball game well I I mean they obviously failed

People in the stadium for that bowl game than at SMU games this year I know and then they went and they apparently drank all the beer on the rice side too of course they did you know and again they’re rice types I mean I don’t know what the wine and cheese selection was

Like on their side but the beer that’s just gone right and then Texas state gets the win their first ever bowl game their first Bowl win and they storm the field of course they did which was awesome I mean this was this was historic for that University and I mean

I mean GJ Kenny’s got to be a folk here they’re probably already building his statue uh maybe I would sure all I know is Don Corel the athletic director when he made the hire he got it right yeah and for them to have that turnaround as

Quickly as they did I know Deion Sanders got all the attention for turning a battleship quickly early in the year GJ Kenny did the same thing and got a bowl win in one of the most memorable Seasons uh I don’t know since the 80s since the early 80s for Texas State well

The the most memorable football season since they dropped Southwest and just became Texas state that is absolutely true but yeah Jim Wacker many moons ago back in the early late 70s early 80s there hasn’t been a coach that that school could get around honestly until

Now yeah and and Kenny had to go prove it nobody knew who GJ Kenny was oh UIW we and he did he went up there and turned that thing around because as we’ve noticed uh and the transfer portal has a lot to do with it now but Texas

State was never a destination for a lot of these good high school football players you know you look at and I’ve been saying this for a long time you know for a lot of years I worked at the radio station in New bronal yeah and even there Texas State kind of ignores

South of Sam Marcus they focus all their attention to Austin they’d rather get 12 seconds on Austin TV after a minute and a half of UT coverage than you know time in San Antonio or or or South Texas and that that’s been their mindset and in San Marcus they get Austin television

Stations so that that’s what they want to watch so it’s a an issue I’ve seen at Texas State for for a long time UTSA doesn’t play a snap yet they hire Larry Coker and automatically have become more relevant on the national scene than Texas state which was a great move it

Was a great move and you’ve seen what’s happened with UTSA foot football this is a step in the right direction for for Texas State and you know I love the uh Twitter battles that you see you know UTSA fans making fun of Texas State fans storming the field after a first

Responder Bowl win and then Texas State fans saying at least we showed up because you know UTS only had 11,000 at their bowl game well I I would have loved to have seen somehow some way and I know it couldn’t happen but a bowl game between Texas State and UTSA well I

Mean it could have happened that I mean rice is an American kick School kick rice out of there yeah that would have been fantastic it would have been although we saw what they did in the regular season um again that UTSA won it’s different now it is Bowl bowling is

Different GJ Kenny uh don Corel all those up there in San Marcus congrats man that was a hell of a showing last night it was it was fantastic and to the student body at Texas State wai go thanks for holding up the tradition of the party school that is San Marcus Texas

Yep I’d like to think I had a little something to do with that had a little to do with thatan you helped lay the foundation damn right I mean you’re old enough to remember when they open the doors and started making that a party school Southwest Texas State University

You know um then you had you know pledge kind of help carry the weight there he did he did you know in the in in the late 90s uhh you know he did his part and our buddy Chuck mckenic had something to do with that too yeah so

Yeah there’s a long list of uh legends that went to Texas State you’re sitting with two of them right now where’s Chuck oh man I’m you know I go to Sam Marcus I’ll hear stories about Old Joe reinagle I’ll hear stories about Chuck mckenic I hear nothing about James

Pledger except the stories he tells I got to tell you though that that is the most Texas State thing of every you know they won the game that’s good but that’s almost secondary now but the fact that they drank all the beer I love that it

Is fantastic well I just can’t wait to see the shirts they come up with it’s oh it’s gonna be legendary yes legendary so I’m at I’m at Parker New Vision today right with Maggie she got her one week checkup and I’m talking to Angie Cruz who does their their

Publicity and and media and all that stuff her son goes to Texas State and was at that game he is partly responsible for the legend of Texas state that is awesome she didn’t she didn’t know the story oh but when I told her it’s like well my

Son was there he did his part he did his part proud parent moment that was fantastic yeah well and that that’s what it is you know all about winning and that’s what they did now we had our rib competition last week and and and we still have bones to pick apparently

Apparently so well look Rob Thompson doing the most Aggy thing ever and claiming Victory when there wasn’t okay right now and look you were there pledge was there we never really did an official testing wasn’t official there were two red Solo cups though well there were three right well there actually was

Yes but but there wasn’t the the way we talked about how we were going to do this never actually happened right that is absolutely true Rob Thompson stood in my kitchen and said you know we can’t can’t declare a winner on this so we’ll just talk about having a great time all

Right cool that was Rob’s idea not mine that was Rob’s idea okay and then of course he comes on the radio yesterday yeah claiming Victory because he did have more uh pieces of paper in in a red Solo cup yes now he might have put them all there nobody really knows right I

Saw them I I don’t know you didn’t see people put them in the cup well I I saw a couple but it was you know it was stuffed you know and I saw one person thought it was Rob’s rib and it was mine whatever but but Rob’s idea uhhuh was

We’re not going to declare a winner here right how do we settle this thing well I I I don’t know but Rob is claiming Victory uh uh he claimed Victory yesterday on the air I I’ve kind of called called him out a little bit for uh um claiming Victory you know it’s like

He set me up like how are we going to declare a winner here and so this was Rob this morning on RR in the morning doubling down on his claimed Victory now Rob Thompson my friend rob you stood in my kitchen and said we didn’t do this

Right we’re not going to declare a winner we’re just going to have a good old time and say we had fun and then you go on the radio yesterday claiming victory in our rib competition really man it’s not a claim match s loser dude that sounds like a sore loser

To me yep it was did you tell him that at his house that we wer going to declare you were just trying to be nice in the moment I know you you didn’t want to embarrass him at his house so you say hey man it’s no big

Deal we didn’t do it right don’t worry about it but then of course we come to the airwav you say you kicked his ass that’s we all I didn’t want to bring up the fact that I saw the bowls where the votes were well according to Joe listening yesterday yours had way more

Votes than well I I I only saw one vote for J and it was in his handwriting that’s not true either I’m just I’m just saying that is not true he says he wants a rematch and a worthy one because we all ate good the true the best part of

This rematch is well what the next step should be we all do a Paka because or a tritip because Joe brought that to town and that might have been the best meat of the night let’s I’m gon be very was extraordinary too bad I threw a lot of it on the floor or

Roll see and here’s the thing and I know I’m getting people are saying you sound like a sore loser I’m not um if Rob would have won in a a way that we did because he did have more things in the cup and I mean you know that’s how it is

But he’s the guy that sat there in the kitchen and said we’re not GNA let do this I have to take your word for that Jason because I never heard that he he didn’t deny it right there well he didn’t but I’m just saying I I

Didn’t I didn’t hear that so I don’t know you also didn’t see anybody put anything in a Solo I did see a couple of people yes yeah you should blame your daughter for that she shouldn’t have set up the whole solo cup thing well and

Again and by the time she did we were all drinking heavily very it was didn’t take long no no but it’s cool either way because we all did eat well I I was good with that because you know I mean in your tri tip was good

What didn’t land on the floor that Rob knocked off the floor we could do that I I just think that um this has got to happen again and we’ve got to put um I mean get some judges and set it up formally yeah there’s got to be some

Rules involved here and you guys have got to make more than two slabs of ribs each I mean that’s ridiculous you know at the time that we set out to do this um two slabs of ribs two racks of ribs seemed like it was going to be

Plenty well no it it it wasn’t even close it wasn’t because a lot more people showed up at the house I mean the the party grew in size uh after the menu was set but then you were going to do a try to which was great except for half

Of it ended up on the floor half of it ended up on the floor I just slic the damn thing sliced it up real nice presentation and then bam yeah on the floor way yeah but kind of like the agies hanging a national championship Banner in 1939 Rob Rob’s claiming Victory here

After he literally said yeah there’s no there’s no winner there’s only one way to settle this we’ve got to uh we got to do it again and make it official well we can do that no and I don’t mean a year from now this has got to happen like

Early in the new year good luck organizing that I got no problem with that think about what it took to get this one set up well it sounds like maybe we should have more of a secret society kind of thing just like the the uh the the immediate sa sports star

Family so nobody else the plus ones I mean the wife well sure but it was originally that way and then my kid realized we were having a function at the house it’s Christmas time so she invited a bunch of her friends and then um well it’s Christmas

Time so then it kind of became a Christmas party slash rib cook and and the fact that Rob was an hour and a half late D we don’t need it doesn’t have to be Christmas it doesn’t have to be anything it could be Tuesday or a random

Saturday and and I’m fine with that a random Saturday yeah is probably better or you know I mean something maybe maybe during March Madness or or you know something like that well that’s not early January you you just said early January now you want to go March Madness

It could be a weekend uh you know there G be a lot of great playoff games unfortunately the Cowboys probably won’t be playing but you know somebody will be do you hear him the hell are you talking about well the Texans might still be playing at that time please Golf and

Barbecue we can make a day of it yeah what barbecue golf then barbecue oh make a day of it yeah apparently you don’t know how to barbecue you don’t Golf and then barbecue not when it comes to ribs don’t you got cruise control on your trigger no you know again you’re

Out of your lane sir you you know there’s things that go on while it is is going you don’t just put it on there and go play golf and come back and hope that it’s ready things are happening throughout the process you know Lloyd on our YouTube Channel says we had to have

A Super Bowl pregame that could be like a the pregame show for the Super Bowl you know I’m I’m down with that I mean that wouldn’t be a bad thing although will have spent a week in Vegas Ah that’s a good point and can’t can’t

Be that and then if we come back on my birthday I have a feeling I won’t go home and just hang out at the house so Super Bowl Sunday I’ll have something going I don’t know if I’m hosting another party uh I mean if we’re doing

It at your house well I I’m not opposed to that you know I’m not opposed to that yeah but I think that it needs to happen and it needs to be made official we need to get some official judges because you know I’m tired of both of you guys

Whining it just both of you are just whining nobody is wh so I we need to have an official judge or judges yeah and and we were gonna do that I think that’s kind of what started all two of them didn’t show up so that was was the problem is you guys

Didn’t want them to be judges you and Rudy and Rudy didn’t show up till damn near 10 o00 and all the ribs were gone I was there you were there I was there did you judge I didn’t well the problem was that I had but the problem was I had one we keep

Hearing what the problem is and there I I didn’t try R well but it was really just kind of whack yes you know it really was the whole thing it was and and I and I think that’s why Rob said said what he said and then of course comes on the on the

Air and and claims Victory well which which I’m fine with only one way to settle it have it do it again I’m gonna organize this thing oh good lord yeah I’m I’m gonna organize it we screwed now it may it may have to be like a after

Super Bowl thing that people can look forward to since football’s over do it for a big usfl opening weekend no it will just will be the stars of the show the NFL’s over we’re the Stars maybe we’ll do something for the uh NBA All-Star game since the Spurs likely

Won’t have anybody in that well nobody watches that crap anyway although look we’re 29 games into the season pop is now finally maybe GNA consider demanding accountability from his players no he’s GNA hurt their feelings that’s what he said last night or he might make some changes we’ll dive into that next here

On the blit that’s on 941 San Antonio sports star it’s RNR in the morning Thursday on RNR in the morning the real bowl season is now upon us we start to take a look at all the bowl games coming up this weekend and break it down and

Cowboys Lions mcar this has a huge huge game do we believe him we got Spurs we got blls we got Cowboys we got all you need just get here early the party starts at 6 it’s your wakeup call RnR in the morning 6:00 to 10 on 941 San Antonio sports

Star over the past decade the roof Hub has proven to be the best place to watch games with those three massive 170 in screens and TVs all around football basketball all the UFC fights and when you show up at the roof Hub show up hungry the food is fantastic open daily

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Cut you the front of the line we’re going to hyp the return on 941 San Antonio sports star it is the blitz here on 941 San Antonio sports star he’s Joe ragle I’m J cenic lots of bowl games throughout the day and over the next couple of days uh the Dukes Mayo

Ball is that the will Levis Bowl yeah well bar sto Sports just tweeted Out video of a dude pregaming at the duk’s Mayo bowl and he’s got a bottle of mayo and he just squirts it into his mouth oh my gosh that’s awful that is awful that’s that’s almost as bad as coach

Jeff trayer over at UTSA now trailer has told us before here on the blitz that he puts ketchup on steak on chicken fried steak now somebody claiming to be Coach Jeff trailer’s mom uhhuh based on caller ID it very well may have been or somebody that has the last name of trailer

But while we were talking about ribs somebody claiming to be Coach Jeff trailer’s mom called in and said that he does indeed put catch up on everything including ribs need to try it ain’t happening well I don’t know about ribs but the chicken fried steak when we talked about that that’s disgusting no

It’s really not the ketchup and the in the uh in the gravy it it is absolutely fantastic no it’s not now I’m not GNA put ketchup on a steak all right now little A1 sauce if I’m at Salt Grass or something maybe that’s our but you know

Mean so you go Salt Grass is the lowlevel steak that needs a little no it’s all you know it’s not bad but I mean I can get away with it there no I’m not going to ro Chris or or J Prime and and put you know anything on the steak

Because you don’t need it you don’t need it but apparently you do it salt gr oh not no but I can get away with it there you really can’t I know I really can’t you really shouldn’t yes I can do that no but I’m telling you gravy ketchup

Chicken fried steak we tried we tried that at Longhorn you didn’t try anything well I did I did I watched you do it I put a little ketchup I tried it uhhuh it wasn’t good I don’t remember that and again kind of like you’re talking about with your steak at uh

Apparently places above Salt Grass they don’t need it no gravy doesn’t need the help it adds the flavor no it to the gravy and it looks disgusting by the way well who cares what it looks like well I mean you put it in your mouth it needs

To look appetizing it’s all going to get mixed together anyway yeah but it gets mixed together when you don’t see it anymore but I’m telling you it’s fantastic you do that you can also do that with with chicken strips steak strips like my good friends at Dairy burger and Alice Dairy Burger yeah

Yeah they actually you put salsa see well in the gravy see I kind of get mad like if I go to a Dairy Queen and get finger my a cup of gravy yeah but I’ve got ketchup for the fries yeah I get a little irritated with some of the

Ketchup from the fries gets mixed in with the gravy as it’s getting to your all get mixed in there fine but it’s not not at the beginning which is where it matters when it hits your taste butt you don’t want that weird look on your face

Well look I’m just telling you that uh it some of us know what’s good some of us don’t obviously Jeff trayer and his mom they know what’s good yeah no Joe ryel knows what’s good no no dude you came in here sporting Taco Bell tacos today and you were

Jealous I didn’t pick you up some no you know how bad the Taco Bells were now I was running late today and and so I needed to go somewhere quick and I was passing a Taco Bell that had no line so I jumped in do they

Ever yeah it’s been a while since I’ve been there in the daylight so I come in and Laura who’s the only person in this building working that isn’t on the air right now yes she is the only one that is actually working from the office like oh you went to

Lunch yeah I got some tacos you want one she said no she had some sort of Frozen lunch that she opted that over Over The Taco Bell but I was in a hurry so well I mean it happens I don’t mind Taco Bell taco you should have gone to Dairy Queen

Dude I said I was in a hurry well Dairy Queen’s you’re never you can’t go to Dairy Queen when you’re in a hurry cuz there’s always a line no even even if there isn’t align and I’m not going to Dairy Queen and getting tacos if I walk

Into a Dairy Queen even if I’m thinking I want a belt Buster I get up to the counter and I say steak finger basket it just happens wow yeah I’m not a huge fan of the steak fingers there you just tried to tell the people you know what’s

Good and then you’re going to follow it up with that statement Dairy Burger in Alice has the best steak strips there are there might be but you’re not going to Alice to get them well you really should well what are you what are we doing after the show we don’t have to

Work tomorrow we want to take a road trip to Alice and go to Dairy Burger B good dinner let’s say we get out at 6 we could be there by eight8 eight I’ve seen you drive 7:30 well maybe 7:30 maybe maybe well J you’re going to have to stop and pee how

Many times what depends we taking Ries never sir never of course 15 it is well I hope that was uh Jeff trailer’s mother they called in and and next time ma’am if you would talk to us yeah that that would be awesome we’d love to have we’d love to have you on

The show did you keep her from coming off the on the air did you ask her if she wanted to come on and she said no she just called to tell you now the the caller ID said Linda was that is that his mom I mean I’m sure it’s available

On the Google box we’ll we’ll Google while we talk to Abel here on the blitz Abel what’s up man what’s up guys what are you eating Abel sounds like you’re eating something sure am I’m mean a burger from Good Burger too McDonald’s brother McDonald’s sometimes oh dude please yeah

Dude sometimes you just got to go and get something less than 10 bucks this is true and every now and then you just need a good big mat so what I’m saying is I was talking to to pledge and I saying you guys should do a four team Barbecue Cookoff

Called the carne bowl and it’s going to be the blitz versus RNR four teams kind of like the college football playoff okay and then the two winners will compete again for the ultimate Championship be rigle min Rudy Jay and Rob I don’t know that Rudy Jay ice is

Not an entry for this and that’s apparently all Rudy Jay can do well you know if he calling him out on the air I think that might Inspire him to like actually step up and make something instead of consume something see here’s here’s the problem I wouldn’t try Rudy has a

Brother-in-law who is one hell of a master griller yes he is right Rudy Rudy would show up claiming his when it was made by uh his brother-in-law I I wouldn’t I would not trust Rudy at all in that kind of situation I I would not so apparently uh Linda trailer

According to Google is the name of Jeff trailer’s mother Linda please call in anytime you are welcome here yes yes as is your son yes although Care Bear can call in too sure of course absolutely I mean they’re almost like the first family of San Antonio right now they are absolutely they

Are although catchup dude I’m telling you it’s it’s uh it’s underrated it’s an acquired taste it’s underrated no I’ve been doing it since I was a kid I mean do it yeah yeah exactly a lot of things you’ve been doing as a kid that people frown upon well you know you know it

Happens some habits are hard to break like bed wedding that’s exact you know eventually you get over it sometimes yes sometimes uh uhhuh you know Pop’s got a lot of young kids on his team he really does um but he’s he’s seemingly about to put somebody in timeout we’ll explain coming up next

Here on the blitz on 41 San Antonio sports star hey have you been arrested accused of a crime any of that if you are or have been you need a great legal team that’s going to protect your innocence that great legal team I want to recommend is the L Hood Norton Law

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It’s Dallas Cowboys football a 941 San Antonio sports star this Saturday the Cowboys welcome the Motor City kitties to the Big D it’s a football Beauty Saturday night Cowboys and lions at 6:30 M Parson is on the ball and he’s still still alive he’s still running to the

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Hardware on Thousand Oaks at the end of the season locally the best overall record wins the San Antonio grand prize of $1,000 worth of tickets to any event from awesome tickets sign up today at SAS sportstar outcom it is the blitz here on 941 San Antonio sports star

He’s Joe ryel I’m Jay cenic that to have you along on this Wednesday this Wy Wednesday hump day a lot of people commenting on the YouTube channel and if you’re there make sure you hit that Thumbs Up Button subscribe to the San Antonio sports star YouTube channel although some of you are really

Revealing about yourselves on YouTube like Vince Travino he said catchup is the only way to go with steak it’s the best well again I I I can’t even go that far little A1 though it’s good now he does say catchup on a chicken fried steak is the best it is

Good but you’re telling me that you’re gonna you’re you’re going to get a nice bone in ribey a nice filet monan a nice Porter House and I I I don’t know um a New York strip and you’re going to grill it up and put ketchup on it no I’m not

But Vince is Vince is going to and I’m sure there’s a lot of people that will do that too um look there there’s certain places that I draw the line but I I I don’t understand you can you can draw the line at a steak yes but not a

Chicken fried steak but give people crap that don’t like the idea of drawing the line before it gets to the chicken fried steak all really chicken fried steak is a hamburger covered in in crust is it not I mean basically yes not quite I mean that’s basically what it is I mean

It really is it and I don’t squirt the ketchup all over the chicken fried steak I have the gravy and I put the gravy inside the or the ketchup inside the gravy yeah yeah so and all of that is just I mean the flavors that come out is

A pop I mean if you enjoy that it’s delicious right delicious in your mind one I think it looks disgusting well who cares what it looks like I care what look there’s a lot of food that looks like crap that’s still pretty good there is and there’s a

Lot of food that looks back at you like you refuse to eat any kind of fish that has a face on it that with the eyeballs looking at you well I don’t really like fish anyway in that way so you don’t like the idea of going to a barbecue uh

And there’s a whole hog out there and you know because because the pig’s looking at you I don’t want it’s still it’s still bacon it’s still ham it’s still pulled pork but it’s looking at you with Cute Apple in its mouth well exactly and you want nothing to do with

That I can go to the store and buy bacon that doesn’t have eyes or the ham that doesn’t have eyes that’s looking at me eating it yeah now Vince has really lost his rocker he said mcbs are the best oh my gosh dude I I can’t even protect you

There Vin that’s horrible tastes like a sponge with barbecue sauce on it see and that’s what I worry about if we do a another rib contest and Rudy’s involved he’s going to go get some M ribs as his entry well there’s a reason they don’t sell those every day right they just

Come around once in a while dude that was one of the most disappo a while to get all the rib parts to be able to make one one of the most disappointing days of my life what’s that I couldn’t wait to try the MC rib yeah when they first

Came out uhuh went to McDonald’s got the McRib and took a bite and I went oh yeah y yeah it was awful uhhuh are they available now I don’t know are they you’re a mcgb fan aren’t you no I hate the MCB that was the stupidest thing

Ever made it’s horrible and pledge eats anything yes now if there was a MCG grip sitting there pledge would eat it he’d about it but he would eat it probably no I don’t know not even that no he would eat it see I I don’t understand our YouTube channel everybody

Everybody tries to be funny yeah everybody so John sober says Joe likes fish sticks that’s a fact is that a problem I mean I don’t understand you eat like a 5-year-old and that’s more proof of it I don’t understand that and ketchup goes great with fish scks by the way

Yeah ketchup you use to make things edible well that’s why I want to go to Fred’s Fish Fry because Rudolph says that next is a square fish stick you know I’ve never been to Fred’s Fish Fry I haven’t either but that’s on the bucket list well it was on the bucket

List and I don’t know enough about this to really talk about it except for things that I’ve read in the express news and what I’ve seen on social media but and I get what Fred’s is doing but you know the whole Spurs basketball jersey thing and now they’re suing all

Those people that you know were having fun with their name and then they came out with their own basketball jersey to sell fed Freds did yes I thought that’s what they were suing for because somebody came out with that but but they came out with it using their logo so and

I get it you’ve got a protect your your logo and your brand but to sue a bunch of guys and then and then turn around and do your own uhuh I I I don’t know I I mean I don’t know fish sticks huh fish sticks yes Rudy Gonzalez says when are they coming

Out with the m Lobster don’t know I won’t be trying that either we had a mclobster in uh in Boston in that I didn’t try no it was a lobster roll well it’s a mck lobster that’d be the same thing it’d be similar yeah except for if it’s McDonald’s if they use rib

Parts to make the MC rib are they using Lobster parts to make the momster yes it would be my guess it’s McDonald’s is any of that stuff real well yes I don’t know I mean was it 85 with the where’s the beef that was one of the greatest

Commercials ever yeah but it was a knock on who McDonald’s well sure because there was no beef it were they were fake they were beef parts and now they’re selling fake burgers that are veggie burgers well for vegetarians have to eat something well I mean that’s a whole

Debate in itself why the hell are you a vegetarian especially if you’re related to a guy that eat nothing but meat I I mean it there there are there are weird questions in this world that need to be answered yes um cows are grass-fed so in a way they’re vegetarian right

Sure now see pledge just pulled something up from Fox News it says Taco Bell sued over meat that’s just 35% beef wh what’s the date on that article 2014 oh so they may have changed that since then I mean although 35% beef is more than I

Figured dude I told you the story about Poncho’s Mexican buffet and Corpus Christie using Alpo although we were told that wasn’t necessarily true I’m pretty sure it was looked like CPO and they served it in metal bowls that looked like it’d give it to your dog but

It was delicious by the way Pon flag used to love going there yes that I think it was a thing that they tried to use Alpo it one time or Alpo looking stuff uh now see Fred’s just rubbing it in he just bragging now he’s listening from the Windstar Casino you need any

Advice there Fred let me know yeah I’ll give it to you go ahead don’t listen to Joe double down on that Fred right now oh double down on that huh ah is Greg Popovich finally getting frustrated as a fan as a Spurs fan I’ve been frustrated for a while

Uhhuh Greg papovich last night we’re 29 games into the season Spurs lost last night they played good for a while it was it was a good game that’s the story of the Season it was a good game until it wasn’t but pop seems Surly at the beginning of the game watching on

Television he seems Surly with this players seems early with the refs where the line change he seems well I where is it it maybe it might it might listen to the man carefully it might be time for him to think about an adjustment that was one of them but you know we we’re

Still searching for consistency uh we’re not consistent offensively or defensively we go in spurts and really haven’t matured enough to understand that winning an NBA game is difficult and calls for consistency it’s a 48-minute game and you can’t you know be consistent on offense and execute or execute on

Defense for you know 20 minutes of of the game you’re not going to win that way you know they’ve got you know they got a great player in marketing they’ve got some older guys 30 31 years old have been around they’re mature they’re physical uh will does a

Great job with them coaching and they come after you for All 48 uh we still haven’t figured that out yet part of it is youth part of it is probably uh I need to uh demand from certain people it’s time they have to be more consistent or I make

Changes a couple of things there that pop just kind of you know indicted himself talking about the Utah Jazz and the veteran leadership that they have you know Utah is not very good no I mean they’re they’re not very good but they have veterans guys that are 30 years old

Spurs have none of those guys or though maybe mcbuckets there’s not a good mix of veterans on this team we know that but we knew that going in they’re a young team but wmi is a rookie Jeremy’s in his second year Kell’s around Devon’s been around the

These other guys have been around they should know how to be Pros by now but we 30 games into the damn season now you probably might think that you might demand some consistency or you might make a change I I know young teams have a longer leash to say but demanding consistency early

Would have probably been a a better approach uh I I don’t know you know at the beginning it was observation phase I don’t know are we out of that now we’re going to demand consistency I mean there’s only 50 some odd games left in this miserable season that was supposed

To be about winning well yeah we what a third of the way through even perhaps a little more than that I mean math is hard but 29 out of 82 it’s not quite a third but I get 41 is halfway you said there would be no math well no I’m

Trying though I try to improve myself yeah good luck I just don’t I don’t get it and this Greg papovich that we’re sitting here having to watch and listen to um just maybe I I just don’t get I don’t know why and and it baffles me because I’ve

Watched Greg papovich pull a 19-year-old Tony Parker off the floor and berate his ass in front of 18,000 people on more than one occasion and it worked Tony Parker is a Hall of Famer I just I just don’t understand that the the kids of today can’t handle that for some reason

I think the the Tony Parker situation very different because there were so many veterans on the group the expectations were higher I I agree with pop you have to be more patient with the young team but how much patience do you have if you’re teaching and not correcting immediately on consistency

He’s been saying the same thing for 30 games now um five games in eight games in 10 games in you know we’re only getting a good 20 minutes out of 48 and we’re still now 30 games in only getting a good 20 minutes out of 48 and now you

Think you might want to start demanding consistency I I get you can’t coach this group the way you did that group that had a Tim Duncan had a David Robinson had a sea Elliott um well how are you going to coach him it’s a same it’s a

Game of basketball isn’t it well I do you Pat him on the tush and go try harder young man I well I I think there though if you had a Tim Duncan that could pull Tony aside and play good cop bad cop I I get you can’t coach it

Exactly the same but this is so to the other end of the spectrum that you’re 30 games in and now you want to tell me that you you might start demanding consistency um so so just and again it’s not like everybody’s rookie it’s not like they all just picked up playing basketball in

June right they all know how to play basketball and again outside of wmy those that are getting consistent minutes they’re not rookies they they they should know already how to be a pro or much more of a pro than what they’re showing night in and night out the

Problem is with this team as I see it is they don’t know how to play as a team there’s a bunch of individuals out there uh and they’re all trying to win the game by themselves that’s what I see and and you can’t do that I don’t care how

Good you think you are uh how many years you’ve been in the league you’ve got four other guys on the floor with you and they need to be involved um wimy is is I think he’s hurt I’m not he looks hurt pop says he was hurt pop said he

Didn’t look like 100% he’s not going to play in both games in Portland it doesn’t matter at this point in time I’d rather put guys on the floor that that never play I’d go grab some guys from Austin what do you have to lose at

This point in time put them on the floor let them play maybe they’re hungry maybe they’ll play like a team maybe they’ll be more consistent than this group that we have right now I can look at a stat sheet here and I can see well Kell Johnson that was great coming off the

Bench you know he scores what 26 points last night uh okay okay what do you freaking do they lost by by 12 couple years in the league and the only habits these guy guys have how to lose and it’s it’s a bad habit they lost 23 of their

Last 24 ball games and there’s no consequence none and it’s like all right well on to the next I I I’d like to see Pop do something I mean at least I would think that he he hasn’t cashed it in or mailed it in and just letting these

These group of youngsters and I’m sick at that too oh well they’re so young I don’t give a damn are they getting a paycheck I mean you hire a 19y old you’re paying him that he better perform I don’t care how what he is it doesn’t matter there’s no learning curve in

Professional sports go win okay I’m I’m really irritates me I’ll be honest with you Kevin Durant’s irritated too well he’s always irritated so we’ll explain the latest with Kevin Durant coming up next here on the blitz on 941 San Antonio sports star all the bowl games basketball NFL this weekend

You want a place to go watch all those games you know the move is the rub there at 281 in Redland Road they’ve proven they are the best place to go watch a game over the last decade with those three massive 170 in screens and TVs all

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Including the GI bill at Mr W fir we have always offered the lowest prices on fireworks and we always will we never charge additional hidden fees and we price our fireworks more than 50% less than the other guys no joke when you shop at Mr W fireworks you can be sure

You are getting the lowest prices on fireworks around and the biggest selection just look for the Big W on our sign and you are in the right place visit mrw to find a location near you Mr firewood from our family to yours Happy New Year America’s best high school football

Players are coming to San Antonio it’s the All-American bowl at the Elmo doome Saturday January 6th Trevor Lawrence CJ strout and Micah Parson played here join us for a day of exciting football to see the stars of tomorrow at the All-American Bowl followed by the San Antonio sports Allstar football game

Presented by Valero it’s the All-American bowl at the elamo doome Saturday January 6th tickets on sale at the Dome box office and Ticket Master on your right to work check out Rob Thompson and Rudy J there RNR in the morning ktfm Floresville and at SAS sportstar dcom San Antonio’s Sports

Center we’ve got some bowl games tonight in fact we’ve got the Texas a& Maggie’s taking on the 20th ranked Oklahoma State Cowboys it’s the tax act Texas Bowl at NRG Stadium you can catch that game right here on your home for Aggie football San Antonio sports star beginning at 7 o’clock Texas State

Bobcats congratulation on your bull win and for drinking a lot of beer so they ran out Sports Center is brought to you by buyers barricades the Texas Authority and barricade rental buyers barricades tocom guess what day it is Joe reinagle that’s the third time in seven seasons

The San Antonio Spurs are the NBA champions Jason M they go back to big day Super Bowl chions Dallas 52 17 it’s the blitz on 941 San Antonio sports star Mike Mike Mike Mike Mike what day is it Mike HP day HP Day Day HP

Day HP day H day H day H day H day here we go oh what a glorious hump day it is here we go now you kind of ran out of gas after the second one on that no I really did not I could I keep going as long as you want

Do the whole segment I mean would you I’m happy guess what day it is Hope day HP day HP day H day HP day m m m m Mike what day is it Mike PP day P day I mean I I go all day I’m sure the people listening and

Watching would love it yeah I’m sure they [Laughter] would see generally when when Joe starts to run out of breath I mean one if you’re watching on YouTube you can actually see it happening it’s like a car wreck in slow motion the face gets redder and redder although with your red

Half zip today you’re blending a little more the normal but then you go um and and it just gets weaker it’s like you try to change the octave because you you’ve you’ve run out of there well it you know you think that I’m a professional over here really you know

You want to make it where it’s like it’s it’s entertaining and it’s different and it’s are you yeah I mean you know pump day pump day see yeah it’s not the same that’ll open you up not sure what that was it’s hump day youo it’s it’s it’s

It’s like your golf swing you try to make sure your swing is the same every time right you try yeah yes you don’t just say well you know what I I’m gonna try uh this kind of a swing here what you sound like that and all of a sudden

You know off to the right and it’s not even in the lady tees and you’ve lost the ball yeah um well yeah you know you’re doing this and and I like for people to know the difference because really when when I’m on you can’t tell the difference between me and

My good friend the camel over there let’s hear tow Rin angle hump day hump day see it’s the same thing toe hump day see hump day Joe to what are you an orchestra leader over here what the hell I’m just directing traffic I do love that Camel greatest commercial on

Television Geico made a huge mistake getting rid of that huge I mean the the the lizard Union the the GetGo types with like a word with you he doesn’t have the same Pizzazz as the camel see I mean you have the lizard do that well the lizard couldn’t do that

You know what the lizard has that the camel doesn’t stamina lizard’s been doing it for years camel only does have to do anything he just sits there lizard has been in all kinds of situations dude let me tell you something that lizard doesn’t hold a

Candle to the camel p d you want to read uh Robert jimenez’s comment there sure what’s it say hey Jason he’s humping as hard as he can it does Robert there’s no question there’s no no argument you’re not going to read the rest of that to last as you get older

Yes I never lasted that long when I was younger I mean I’m just saying I don’t know what age has to do with anything it’s like ah so that’s the way it is let’s do the headline Blitz this is Jason and Joe’s headline Blitz two guys two opinions never enough

Time I hope that Rob and Rudy talked about this a little bit this morning on RNR in the morning I I didn’t wake up in time to hear their show why do you hope that they did well because this is the kind of story that would scare the holy

Crap out of one Rob Thompson this is Rob Thompson’s greatest fear on earth a Tesla robot attacked a human engineer at their plant up in Austin now apparently this robot’s got like claws it it’s designed to pick up Tesla’s uh the shells and move them from one part

Of the factory to the other right well this robot decided it was going to attack one of the engineers who was trying to reprogram the other robot that does that job too like he knew he might be replaced ah and he took the engineer out took his iron Claws and grabed the

Dude he was Bloody it was it was a mess there was blood all over the floor what are you laughing at pledge H with the movie The Iron clock I’m g i I see what you did there okay so when you look at

It I I I mean you know it was this the robot knew what it was doing dude none of this surprises me I saw iroot with Will Smith yeah I knew this was coming yeah I mean doesn’t surprise me at all yeah they’re gonna take over yeah they’re going to turn on you

Obviously I mean you know this poor dude at at the Tesla plant found that out firsthand can you imagine now the crazy thing is this happened a couple of years ago but as they’re going through all the reports about accidents in the workplace it finally came out ah I think they they

Tried to hide it according to the report the guy went to work the next day he wasn’t seriously injured yet there’s blood all over the place and a robot attacked a man well dude it’s like when I shave man there’s like a crime scene if you cut your face it’s like

So I imagine you might have just hit a a soft spot and a lot of blood how often do you cut yourself shaving every now and then every now and then how do you cut yourself shaving you never cut yourself shaving dude it’s been a while since I’ve cut myself

Shaving I mean the way the razor blades are made today um I I honestly I don’t I don’t know how you you cut yourself anymore get in a hurry that’s the problem like do you use a cheap nothing knockoff razor well it’s yeah well no I

Don’t know if it’s it’s not supposed to be I get a it’s a mail orderer razor you really it’s a service right so I get razors like once a month really you get one of those I do huh it’s very convenient if you go to the store you

Wondered why Robert Craft make so damn much money you tried buying blades at a grocery store I got to tell you my razors last me a long time yeah and I use the uh uh the I think it’s the mock uh whatever five or whatever Robert

Craft thanks you oh absolutely um see I don’t I use it I use a blade maybe three times and then it’s got to be sharp dude I I’ve got my blades last me three or four months right that’s impossible no it’s it’s not and I’ll tell you why I use a shaving

Oil it’s called Shave Secret shaving oil and see the the oil keeps the blade sharp your shaving cream has salt and stuff in it which erodes your blades really yes I did not know that no the guy that that that uh does the shave Secrets the one that was telling me

About this right and I thought all right whatever then you start looking at it and you start testing it and it’s true I haven’t used shaving cream in probably 10 years now where do you get this said oil buy it at Walmart you can go online

I’ve been using it for years um but it as you’re shaving it’s actually sharpening um that’s impressive the blades I didn’t know that shaving cream is designed to destroy your blad so you have to buy more of them I’m a barbasol guy yeah yeah that’s going to change

Well apparently or you’re going to keep cutting yourself with your uh mail order razors well yeah they’re actually good razors are you go with the uh the Harry’s or the dollar I right now I’m a hairy I’m a hairy guy they got good blades I guess I don’t know but it’s

Just it’s convenient well it’s convenient for what for me because they show up at your house shows up in the mailbox yeah I mean it’d be just as convenient for it’s a hell of a lot cheaper by the way it’s cheaper but it’s no more convenient than Maggie when

You’re at the store I need blades uh you put them on your list it’s not like you’re going to the store buy them yourself either way well that’s why I say that’s why I get them yeah doesn’t matter yeah I’m in good shape fact I could probably sell you some I got so

Many I mean they keep coming right I got a whole package that it’s not even opened yet and there’s so if you need any razor blades Minx yeah I’m good I got like a threeyear Supply yeah you buy them at Sam’s and there’s all those pack and you get them forever

Would you spend about a bazillion dollars on those things less than you spend in a year for your subscription you think yeah it’s like mine’s like 10 bucks a month yeah and if you buy them at Sam’s or a Costco yeah it might be your outlay

Is more but now you’re just said you spent $120 a month on razor blades give or take you know the package of whatever is 40 you’re spending more you’re just not spending it all at one one time well I I wouldn’t have to if I if I could stop the subscription I

Mean you really can cuz like oh I know what I could and but restart it right I mean because you saw that light bulb it was the the confusion and he was trying to proc like you know what you’re right I’m spending $120 damn dollars on razor

Blades but it’s only $10 a month it’s 10 bucks a month yeah don’t have to outlay that that large amount of cash at Costco 40 bucks it’s $40 I I don’t know you have no clue D it’s not 120 you sure no the sports star beard growing contest

Will never happen no because neither neither guy on the blitz can grow a damn beard I certainly can’t I I think I could do the goatee though no I no I could I could do that maybe will the problem is it just it gets once it gets

Itchy it’s got to come off I I shave maybe twice a week my little brother showed up at the house the other night with a full beard yeah did you recognize no although on him it looked pretty good yeah yeah wasn’t bad you sound jealous it was a little bit yeah not

That you want a beer it’s that you can’t I well yeah it’s just like right in here see I got a spot right over here that just for whatever reason man um if you’re watching on radio yeah yeah you know the the other part that I’ve noticed because again like like last

Week I I don’t know I went almost a week without shaving my hair has yet to really start turning gray uhhuh but right here on my chin that stuff was gray it had to come off that’s the other thing too it would be because I I don’t have much gray hair either

Pretty proud of that you should be yeah I am you you should be uh Cowboys they’ve got the Lions this week they do big game according to Mike McCarthy big big it’s huge you’ve lost two in a row toughest game on the schedule he says that every week when you’ve lost two in

A row it’s a big game yeah well that it is we’ll dive into what the Cowboys need to do this week to get a win on Jimmy Johnson Ring of Honor night as we continue here on the blz don’t forget that game is on Saturday you can hear it

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Look at all the bowl games coming up over the weekend as it’ll be our last show of 2023 and of course it’s NFL Gumball time we got Ravens Dolphins we got Tampa Bay Saints and of course Cowboys lons we look at it all and the Spurs are headed

To Portland for a backto back when be will he play the first or the second game now back to the blitz Joe [Laughter] p a little bit better he’s trying a little bit little bit better well here the other one and the one can you play the one he did today

No can you turn up Blink 182 it is the blitz here on 941 San Antonio sports star he’s to ryel I’m Jason on this Wy Wednesday if you want to go to the Bolero Alm Bowl tomorrow night tomorrow night stay tuned uh probably in the next 10 15 minutes

We’ll give away not only a pair of tickets to the game from our friends at USAA but a parking pass well that’s sometime more valuable than the tickets you ain’t lying there man well good I’m looking forward to that that should be a good football game I would think in the

Dome tomorrow night yeah I um I think so uh of the Bowl matchups it is one of the better matchups typically that tends to happen but I do think we have a chance at a really good game now Arizona both two starting freshman quarterbacks but the Arizona freshman’s been playing a

Little bit yeah uh the kid for Oklahoma this will be the first time he started because their quarterback Dylan Gabriel hit the frankly anytime Oklahoma loses I’m a happy man so uh and I’m very conflicted here because my daughter who goes to Arizona State said who are you rooting

For in this game because she knows how I feel about Oklahoma and apparently I have to feel that way about Arizona because she goes to Arizona State yeah but dude you cannot root for Oklahoma that’s against the Texas Fan law it’s not gonna happen can’t that I can just

Root for a good game I probably won’t even bet on this one what but what’s the spread do we know I I mean I’m sure we’ve got devices that tell us find out not even looked because I don’t want a rooting interest in this game outside of

I don’t want to go watch a bad football game in person so I I hope that we have a good game although if I’m rooting for anybody it won’t be uh Oklahoma um and look I’m rooting for a team that’s coming to the Big 12 versus one that’s

Leaving the Big 12 Arizona is minus two and a half huh the over and under for that is 61 that’s not enough you don’t think dude it’s so hard to tell on bowl games well you play with two freshman quarterback um you don’t know um yeah might have to look at that I

Kind of like uh the cats giving up to two and a half yeah and I can’t I’m not near the longhorn fan that you are but there’s just something about Oklahoma that I don’t like there’s a lot of things about Oklahoma that I don’t like actually yeah you know and I’ve SE

Them here before and win yeah look the the Valero Alamo Bowl is typically a good football game I mean they’ve they’ve been very fortunate over the years that most of their games are are very competitive all the way through it it’ll be a it’ll be a fun one uh that

That’s for sure now you you look at the Cowboys uh Dallas Cowboys because there are other Cowboys that are playing tonight you got Oklahoma State against Texas A&M in the Texas bowl tonight yes um the little brother version of the Red River shootout and again I have no idea what

A&M is going to look like playing in this game tonight I have none right because they’ve had so many guys hit the portal you have a guy that’s going to coach the team that’s moving on to Syracuse as soon as this thing is over I don’t know if he’s recruiting tonight

For Syracuse or for Texas amm it’s just kind of odd um when you look at it now the Dallas Cowboys um Cowboys lions and this Lions team isn’t what we’ve seen through the years right uh they they’ve clinched the the division for the first time in 30 years

Uhuh they have an outside shot at getting the one seed Dan Campbell doesn’t want to come in and lose to the Cowboys as a guy that played for the Cowboys um but the Cowboys have lost two in a row and I said a couple of weeks ago you

Know the Cowboys could be looking can get a three-game losing streak now I thought they’d go get a win in Miami I was wrong on that yeah you were can they can they go get a win at home where they’re a completely different team against a game Lions team and Mike

McCarthy was talking about what he really likes about Detroit good football team uh I think really running the football and stopping a run um I think you know those are two strengths of their their team um playing playing very well actually I was very impressed with them last year playing playing here you

Know um at AT&T so um this is this is going to be you know we feel like Saturday night and um you know a lot lot on the line you know as far as playoffs um opportunity as far as the seeds um you know we look at as two teams that

Have the potential potentially fighting for the number two seed so um it’s gonna be a great game fighting for the number two seed yeah is he talking about the Lions the Li and the Cowboys still with an outside side shot at that too if the Eagles trip well but see that’s the

Thing Shireen Williams was on with us yesterday here on the blitz as she is every Tuesday and she said that the Lions really they they’re not going to be up for this game because they have nothing to play for and I beg to differ I mean when you look at what happened to

San Francisco uh last week now granted they’ll probably end up as the number one seed I I would still bet on them but I the Lions absolutely have something to play for they’ve got the number one seat on the line and I I don’t think that

They’re going to walk in here and I don’t think Dan Campbell will allow that to happen I think he’s going to have that team ready to play and this is not going to be a cakewalk just because the Cowboys are at home you know it’s not

Although I think two losses in a row certainly gets your attention and it better if you’re the Dallas Scout right but because all San Francisco needs to get the one seat is is a eight keep winning or a Detroit loss and a Philadelphia loss and it’s theirs I mean

The the Lions getting the one seed they need a lot of different things to happen I don’t think Dallas could finish no worse than the fifth because they’ve got the tiebreakers over everybody that’s behind them so they’re going to have that and in the lead that they have um but with Philadelphia you

Know the way they’ve been playing kind of like the way Dallas has looked the last couple of weeks I mean it’s kind of up in the air so if the Cowboys can correct some things and clearly with the move that they made they got rid of a linebacker who yesterday got arrested

For a little bit of weed uh but he gets released and they activate Matt Wesco they need the depth on the offensive line because truma was awful the other day yeah but well let go get a bey better has played three games in two years he can’t be any worse geez he

Can’t be any worse H he could be I mean a guy that’s going to come in has played three games since he was drafted I mean in two years sounds well rested to me well yeah okay but they’ve been high on this guy how do you know he’s still

There I guess I mean think about when stepen Jones was sitting down with us in Oxnard they were excited that he was finally healthy because they like what the guy can do they talked about Wesco the way they talked about Terence steel and he just hasn’t been able to get

Healthy if he’s healthy enough now I I I mean quite honestly I think meu and pledge could be a better option than what chuma was the other day against chub right I can block just as well as that guy H and time I mean I’m no I’m

Kidding uh well dude he didn’t even try oh you’re coming this way okay I’m gonna go that way he avoided all contact with that chub guy on more than one occasion I can do that and you got another big rusher with the Detroit Lions in Hutchinson yeah he’s pretty good yeah

He’s pretty good too so look I I just think it’s gonna be a good football football game I don’t think it’s you know if Cowboy fans it’s just the Detroit Lions um you you may have your hearts broken again don’t be thinking that just because you’re at home this is

Going to be an easy football game it’s not this is not your father’s Detroit Lions that’s what they’ve been telling us exactly right that’s what they’ve been telling us let’s give away some almobile tickets we’ll do that not now oh but before 4:00 we’ll do that all

Right we’ll explain more coming up here on the blitz on 941 San Antonio star it’s Dallas Cowboys football a 941 San Antonio sports star this Saturday the Cowboys welcome the Motor City kitties to the Big D it’s a football Beauty Saturday night Cowboys and lions at 6:30

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Ay it’s the awesome tickets pro football pigum Challenge on 941 San Antonio sports star you’re shot at $50,000 nationally while weekly winners locally get a $50 gift card to Five Oaks a hardware on thousand Jes at the end of the season locally the best overall record wins the San Antonio grand prize

Of $11,000 worth of tickets to any event from awesome tickets sign up today at SAS sportstar outcom it is the blitz here on 941 San Antonio sports star he’s Joe ryanel I’m Jay cenic add into the third quarter at the Military Bowl Virginia Tech leading to Lane 20

277 and they played that one up at Annapolis home Navy the weather is awful for that one pouring rain it’s got to be cold yeah West Virginia North Carolina get going in about an hour in the duk’s Mayo Bowl later on tonight the Texas Bowl A&M against Oklahoma State a game

You can listen to here on 941 San Antonio sports star and you think about uh uh the the poor weather for that Tain Virginia Tech game uh we’re going to have great weather tomorrow for the Valero Al bow highest 64 tomorrow sunny day 68 right now one of the great things

About the Valero Alam the weather is generally fantastic and a kickoff it’s not going to matter because they play inside but we got to talk about some things are going to be happening outside the game tomorrow joining us now on the buyers barricades guest line our friend

David evit an assistant VP uh um at USA’s Educational Foundation David he went to West Point he’s an army type oh you guys going to be all right we’re fine you’re fine we’re we’re we’re fine M that Navy guy and so I I just hope you

Guys will be all right David you’re a a Madison grad too right I am yep yep prodct of Madison High School yeah there you go then I so happen to have my Army Navy uh halfzip on see I prepared it I prepared you had no idea did you I did

It just happened to be that way no I I knew it’s it’s in the rotation good quality stuff uh USA a big part of the Valero Alam bowl is the official military appreciation partner of the Valero Alam bowl and and I’m glad the weather’s going to be fantastic tomorrow

Uh because starting at noon with the tailgating you guys have one of what sounds like one of the coolest tailgating activities I’ve ever heard of yeah I mean it is it is you know you’re in military City USA and then as the official military appreciation sponsor of the game we’re bringing a

Flight simulator to the fan Zone there before the game so get there early get in line I mean when would you ever get a chance to sit into a cockpit of an fa 18 Hornet and be able to fly it like a simulator um any other any other place

In military City the USA brought to you by USA so it’s it’s it’s gonna be a really really cool thing for the families to get on out there and check it out now David do you get like a a quick class on how to do this or you

Just get in there and everything already already set up for you because I this is a this sounds like a really cool thing to do but want to know what the heck I’m doing yeah we got people there to walk you all through it it’s it is a really

Really first class experience it’s pretty cool so uh is um Top Gun theme song playing inside yep you I mean you you can you can uh tune it in your head there Jason I mean cool thing is we’re giving away uh a bunch of cowboy hats branded

Um with both the team’s colors so you can wear a cowboy hat um like you’re in the cockpit with it like one of those foam cowboy hat kind of things right yeah yeah wow you know as a as a longhorn I’m not sure uh which had I don’t want more I love

It there’s there’s some there there’s a lot of Tru to that you know my kid goes to Arizona State I’m a Lorn fan um so I’m not rooting for Oklahoma in this game and my kid said I can’t root for Arizona I just hope that I see a good

Football game and sounds like I’m going to be in l a lot uh doing a flight simulator because of I mean if you’ve ever had an opportunity to do a legit flight simulator it is one of the coolest things you can do now we’ve got to experience many times all the

Different activations at the Army Navy game presented by USAA and this year Joe actually climbed up on a on a on a on a boat and was firing guns and then we were in a Humvee that had guns attached to it too and Joe was like a 5-year-old

Again and that’s what we’re all going to turn into tomorrow on the flight simulator right oh yeah absolutely I mean I’ll tell you it is first class it is a really really cool time if you ever just wanted dreamed of being Maverick jump into that simulator and you’ll get

To experience it it’s pretty cool and David you guys are going to honor all the veterans that are in attendance tomorrow as well during the game yeah so we’ve done a couple things so this year um we gave away a $7,500 uh sponsor scholarship ship to a

Military spouse um Maria Garcia who uh she’s the wife of Air Force veteran Jupiter Garcia and uh Maria is in school to become a special education teacher and she’s almost there and so we gave her a scholarship uh to help her with her studies and then we also gave

Tickets away to um several Military Support organizations and Wounded Warriors here in San Antonio uh to attend the game for free so so that’ll be really really cool and for all the listeners out there if you come out to the game and you see a veteran walking

Around just take a second and say thanks for your service I think it goes a long way uh to to recognizing those who served and then you know we’re also proud to to do several different activations throughout the game uh we military moments stand to be recognized

Those kind of things so um you know all throughout the game you get just have a little bit of flavor of military City USA in there and it just makes so much sense and one of the cool things is we’ve gotten to know everybody over at USA through the years and talking now

With David evich the USA Educational Foundation is is a is an arm of USAA and you guys do all kinds of cool things that um it just kind of makes you proud that you guys are based here in San Antonio with all the different things that you guys do yeah absolutely I mean

Life in the military can be hectic and it can sometimes your personal finances go by the wayside just because of that that hectic life and so what we try to do is make it real easy for you to kind of take command of your personal finances and just understand some of the

Basics like what is a budget you know how to manage your debt how to manage you know the cash flow in and out every month um and and we try to make it really easy and we tailor it uh to the life of the military so and and it’s

Free to anyone not just USA members it’s free to anyone um that could use the the help and we’re happy to try to make it simple and easy to understand for you absolutely and and you think about everything that you guys are doing again the F18 um that’s cool so on the simulator

I’m just curious are you actually on the simulator taking off from an aircraft carrier I yes I believe so yeah but you know what you got to show up to find out that’s a hell of a SE man I love that that’s awes show to find well

Because I can tell you having having flown when you take off from an aircraft carrier you drop and and then you go up and as you drop everything comes up if you know what I mean it’s one of the scariest yet coolest feelings in the world and I’m just curious on the

Simulator if they actually have that kind of sensation it’s a simulator yeah oh yeah yeah absolutely so of course it will just want to warn people you know maybe you get in the simulator line before you’ve been in the beer line too many times don’t tell people that let them

Experience it just like you did probably didn’t know it was going to drop not like that see not like that I remember the pilot cuz I was a Pao photographer I was going up to take some photos and stuff and I just remember he said right

Before we’re about to go he just in in your ears he’s like hey if you throw up just throw up in your glove do all over the cockpit like oh great I’m not I’m gonna be fine yeah didn’t last long it’s gonna be fun it’s gonna be a fun time we’ll see

You down there tomorrow at the in the simulator line yeah love it I love it look I’ll be looking for you guys appreciated David evit with the USA Educational Foundation and we’ve got a pair of tickets to give away all right right now to the Valero Elm wo tomorrow night Oklahoma against

Arizona you get two tickets and maybe more importantly a parking P yes yes that’s that’s a valuable piece of paper in honor of Roger stabach okay I can go for that caller number 12 right now 21656 ESPN 656 3776 caller number 12 those tickets will be yours again from our friends at USAA

Always appreciate to find Folks at USAA and that’s going to be a lot of fun uh tomorrow that flight simulator and it opens at noon dude I I I’d love to go into that thing we we’ll make it happen okay good we’ll make it happen I mean you’ll be on

A different flight tomorrow before it opens I see where you’re going now I I just uh you know there’s got to be one there’s got to be one hanging around at USAA doesn’t there you think they just have a flight simulator just hanging around you’ve been in USAA they’ve got

Everything else I I mean it’s is true I wonder if they do have a regular flight simulator over there I don’t know we’re gonna have to find out I mean because they if you get a chance and I’m guessing this is like one of those really cool ones they they have one down

At the Blue Angels Museum in in Florida nice that’s that’s uh pretty damn incredible now see I’d like to go to a place like that that’d be fun it’s uh um it’s just one of the coolest things and I think about some of the stuff I did

While I was in the military and and that one was still one of the highlights taking off from an aircraft carrier and I had a pilot that was uh messing with me plenty because honestly there were times I didn’t know if I was upside down or or not because you get to

A certain um altitude and everything’s blue well the ocean’s blue yeah the sky’s blue you have no idea and then when you’re coming in the land they’re like well there there’s the runway and you look down and it’s like standing on the counter and you got a paper clip on the

Floor and you’re gonna land on that thing very cool it’s uh yeah you know we take for granted how talented and how good those Pilots are I mean they really are and that that’s incredible that they can land on something like that well a they’re landing on a moving Target yeah

Right for one and you stomp in a hurry you do you really do and and it’s not just the Jets the other aircraft uh that take from an aircraft carrier are are like that as most of my flying was in a ch46 helicopter so those aren’t quite as

Um I want to say quite as fun but it’s not the same as being in a jet very cool that’s G to be that’s be cool anybody tomorrow stop by and see the good folks of USA and look there’s so many different things going on down there with the different activations and and

Sometimes you you know you go to a game and and tailgating and some lines you go is this worth standing in line for I can promise you it USA does nothing unless it’s done first class it will be and a flight simulator that’s pretty freaking awesome that really is awesome that

Really shooting that Gatling gun was pretty fun too that was it was a blast D there were so many different things I don’t want to run into that boat anywhere that they’re against me if if you see that coming I mean I’m running well you’re not going to go very far

Well I you see you see those guys pull up mean those were Special Forces I tell you they were those aren’t normal thing you’re not going to see them coming you’re not going to see them coming and if you do it’s over for you anyway exactly right I mean I mean let’s be

Honest was Inc all I can tell you and I know so many people tell us after we come back from the Army and Navy man I got to go one year it’s it’s on my bucket list the game everything is worth it and go but when you walk around the

Parking lot and you see all the different things on display a you wonder what’s Defending Your Country because it’s all on display in the parking lot but then you see all the cool stuff that our our our soldiers our military has and the and the and the kids that are in

Charge of that it it’s pretty damn impressive they’re pretty damn smart I mean they yeah I was like whoa I was impressed I mean you had trouble getting in and out of no I had no trouble out Rudy had trouble getting in and out of let’s let’s make sure we

Get that right problem you weren’t really sure well remember we were trying to open the doors and I was told you’d move the gun and you were like it moves well I didn’t know it moved I mean well Rudy went up through the roof like they

Sun roof permanently up there to get up to the gun on the roof the 18 we we had an 18 type scene I tell you what it was pretty cool it really was and it it it should be a bucket list thing get out there and do that because you’ll be

Proud to be an American that’s for sure when you go out there it just gives you the Patriotic chills does we got our winter pledge all right that didn’t take long Virginia Tech handle to Lane pretty well yeah it’s now 34 to 20 and a driving rainstorm that’s

Miserable and they’re in the fourth quarter 12 minutes to play I think if I was a play I just want to put my raincoat on and sit on the bench and and hope the clock continues to run you know think about it this is a game that UTSA could have been in yeah

You know it was this one or the Fenway Bowl well they’re probably happy right now they’re not playing in this one well I I mean and again tan interim coach how excited were they I’m I’m sure the players were excited but I mean you know you look at so many of these bowl

Games and you a lot of times you either have two teams that don’t want to be there or one team doesn’t one team plays well um I think tomorrow night in the alamoo bowl you’re going to have two teams that want to be there um you know you look at Oklahoma their expectations

This year I don’t think they’re disappointed coming to the Valero Alam Bowl I know University of Arizona is thrilled to get to a bowl because sometimes while the game ends up being pretty good or the matchup is good the team that ends up here is is somewhat disappointed because they were hoping to

Play either on New Year’s Day or in the playoffs you know like Texas a couple of years ago um really Texas and Washington or when Oregon was here I mean there are times where the elm bable is at that that part of the ladder where sometimes

It is a bit of a disappointment I don’t think we have that uh for for this game tomorrow night last night we had a hell of a bowl game with two teams that wanted to be there in Texas State and rice and I’m just super proud of the

Bobcat fans that went up to Dallas supported their bobcats in their first ever bowl game and they did Texas State’s brand right they drank all the beer in the stadium in the first half on their side and uh in about 5 minutes of the third quarter they went and they

Drank all the right kids beer too I’m just so thrilled well do Rice kids actually drink beer I mean I mean they may not I don’t know what the wine and cheese selection but but honestly it’s SMU stadium so I’m sure you could get a nice bottle in chuder board there we’ll

Have to ask IND if he had any beer or trouble getting one Indie Indie kooo was there Indie a’t paying those prices well here’s the thing we’re talking about Indie kooo I’m sure he was you know he was invited by somebody that flipped the bill for him to go just

Saying I I I mean well he left disappointed he went to race he’s used to it he’s used to losing yes yes that is correct he’s used to losing oh my gosh although I will say this those rice helmets last night were pretty awesome yeah they were great I

Like that look that that was that was a good look for Rice you can’t the Texas State uniforms are just clean yeah just that was a good I mean both teams that was a strong uniform game and and GJ Kenny some of those designs that he has

For Texas State we we’ve seen it UIW I mean from a Carnet word but that old Texas with the with the Bobcat logo down in San Marcus yeah that and the take Texas back that that’s goodlooking gear absolutely and they uh they did did Texas State proud Texas the Longhorns

They have arrived in New Orleans Bob Belo from Ki television has already been in New Orleans uh I just just saw he posted some video from the airport at Texas’s arrival so I don’t think he’s had a hurricane yet you don’t know Bob but he’s got 20 minutes before he’s on

So uh he’ll do a solid Bob beloo at 4:15 talking Longhorns in the playoffs here on the that’s on 941 San Antonio sports star if you are shopping for a new vehicle you need to go see my friends at aner Christ their Jeep Dodge and Ram

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With Contico and San Antonio in the Hill Country listen to this message I received first message hi Chris this is Santa Claus hey I’m calling to give you a heads up last Christmas so many people asked me for for a kinetical water softener but getting all those kinetical

Units in and out of the sleigh up and down the chimneys well it’s not so good on my back so I’m going to forward all those kinetical wish lists directly to you here’s Mrs Claus uh yes Chris thanks again for install in our Contico I just

Love how soft my man’s beard is and my skin feels silky smooth even here at the North Pole oh oh oh so if it’s okay with you I’ll handle the toys you handle the water softener thanks Chris by the way the elves just love your jingle call 66 pureo from all

Of us at Contico Merry Christmas oh and Chris I’m not a fan of the gluten-free cookies byebye cono I feel good if you’re a man and you live in San Antonio or the surrounding areas you need to pay close attention to what I’m about to say are

You having issues rising to the occasion do you constantly worry about whether or not you can perform have you complet stop having adult time is it something you just don’t talk about guys we have a solution Mojo with 100% guaranteed meale enhancement pill that’s fast effective and was designed to reignite Passion

Performance and confidence in the bedroom yeah be ready at a moment’s notice with the Mojo mail enhancement pill from purine nutrition and for those of you who have used Mojo check out Mojo enduramax touchdown a new formula that improves the potency and effectiveness of Mojo get fast results last longer and

Be the man she’ll never forget Mojo and Mojo enduromax 100% natural mail enhancement formulas only available at purine nutrition call now 21494 2210 that’s 21494 2210 or visit us online at theur ktfm florville this is 941 San Antonio sports star your home for the Aggies San Antonio’s Sports

Center Dallas Cowboys have activated offensive tackle Matt Wesco off of ir they also today released linebacker Rashad Evans McCarthy wants some depth on that offensive line Texans getting some good news today quarterback CJ stra back at practice after missing the last two games with a concussion he is trending toward playing this week

Against the Titans and the Broncos are benching Russell Wilson guess what day it is Joe reinagle that’s the third time in Seven Seasons the San Antonio Spurs are the NBA champion Jason M they go back to big day Super Bowl champion Dallas 52 17 it’s the blitz on 941 San Antonio

Sports star Mike Mike Mike Mike Mike what day is it Mike H day H day HP day HP day HP day HP day here we go I got to warm up the pipes HP day H day the pipes are warm baby you went a little long on that one

That was a good one was it that was too much of a Thrust just wanted she never said [Laughter] that that’ll open you up W where’d that come from I don’t know what day is it hump day hump got of breath best day of the [Laughter]

Week that’s like you you got a nice Ferrari going down the street and then you got Rudy J so you’re saying Rudy’s not a Ferrari and you are is is that literally what I just heard exactly what I just yes so what is uh Rudy J Ah that’s like an old Ford

Pickup well what you’re saying is he’s Old Reliable and you’re going to be broke down half the time and you can’t take it outside if it’s raining so what do you you have against Ferraris um the fact that I can’t have one but I can’t

Get an old for truck neither can I but that four truck’s going to start most of the time day of course I don’t know there’s so many jokes about Fords found on roadside dead picture repaired daily bleeped over rebuilt Dodge I love chocolate balls in my mouth

That has nothing to do with this conversation James I bet it’s appropriate at any time no well it sounded like he might have had a couple of those balls in his mouth when he did the hump day hump day hear that do that again pledge needs a clean recording do that

Again I’m not falling for that banana in the tail B in the [Laughter] what oh I love you what day is it hump day Mike Mike Mike Mike Mike what day is it Mike hump day dude you’re losing it what are you talking about that didn’t sound at all

Like the guy dude it is perfect no that last one was not perfect it really was that was a swing and a miss man you you swung a one that was down in the dirt dude it was perfect there you go what was that I know why that reminds me

Of a here we go that reminds you of what just an old just kind of making it down the street play all he’s a dune buggy play it again oh to Ry so easily entertained you know I I am my best entertainment you really are I mean I know you’ve got

Siblings but you’ve got only child syndrome and you can entertain yourself well and I’ve been doing it all my life so entertaining yourself yes I have been yes it’s a wonderful thing you have to depend on anybody that way yeah when you are your biggest fan it’s everything’s great you write

Yourself fan mail no no don’t have to encouraging notes that you leave on your mirror sometimes yeah yeah [Laughter] sometimes oh it’s a great hump day I’m gonna tell you what it is a fabulous hump day last hump day of the year yes that too last show of the year for us yes

That too Robin Rooney they’ve got to work tomorrow morning oh that’s too bad well except Rob isn’t coming in yeah Rob’s that’s too bad for it’s too bad they don’t play bowl games at 6: [Laughter] a.m. don’t pick a scab man I’m just saying it’s it’s a shame boys were mad

That we got preempted a couple days and they don’t well and and then of course when we go to Vegas they’re going to have to go to work at 3 o’clock in the morning because their show out there will be 4 to 8 wow they’ll be done with

Their show before you and I get back from the bar I mean before wake up anyway yes 8:00 they’re done I know hope they bring breakfast to the house before they pick us up so we can go to work ah it’s gonna be interesting who’s gonna be

There though that’s the question well I mean right now I’d say San Francisco and Baltimore yeah but that’s too easy that’s too easy so Cowboys no no okay well that’s not happening here we go I tell you what I actually think and you didn’t know ah I

Have said Cowboys right I’m just saying that San Francisco Baltimore’s too easy the colors of the logo look like it could be San Francisco Baltimore in the last couple of years colors of the logo of the Super Bowl logo this year and and and look I mean it’s an odd thing but

The last couple years it’s kind of worked out that way scripted well I mean there you go so they they put that together honestly if it were scripted the Cowboys would be there every year did you see the ratings for The Last Cowboy game I the ratings for any Cowboy

Game did you see the ratings for all of the games on Christmas day yeah they were incredible yeah I mean close to 30 million people watching and about two and a half watch the NBA well is that what it was two and a half yeah yeah

Well Steve Kerr didn’t watch he hated it well disgusting he was paid to watch but you know he wouldn’t have you know it it it does bring up a question and I think it was Mike Florio that suggested this although I could be wrong on that

Um with the success of the NFL on Christmas day will they start making it a tradition will they snatch Christmas day away from the NBA which means there might be a random Tuesday NFL game and how that would screw with teams or Wednesday games for that matter yeah but

With the addition of that 17th game they could work sches where a team could play and instead of playing on Sunday play on a Tuesday or a Wednesday and then you know kind of like they do with Thursday games and you can’t go Sunday to Tuesday

Obviously but you can go Tuesday to uh the following Sunday but there’s there’s a little bit more flexibility in the scheduling around Christmas that wasn’t there in the past H because the regular season would be ending this week and you’ve got the playoffs with that extra week and going into January that’s now

In play the the NFL is going to take Christmas day away from the NBA they could if they wanted to it’s like that you know big bully is go take your your lunch money they could absolutely do that and and just the NBA could do nothing and they

Had to be miserable this year I mean and you if you’re Adam Silver the way that Christmas Day fell and you got all these football games on he had to be miserable yeah he really did and he knew it was coming he knew it was coming

There nothing he could do about it not a damn thing he could do about it the NFL is King and it’s not even close and then right behind that this time of year the college football playoffs yeah um Texas long horns they’ve made their way to The

Big Easy Bob Belo he’s already there and he will join us next here on the blitz on 941 San Antonio sports star if you’re dealing with any issues at your house let’s say you’re Plumbing your heater your AC you know there is one company to call in that is quter Moon Plumbing

Heating and AC 21651 5899 65158 99 at quter Moon they are full service big job small job residential or commercial their service trucks are fully stocked and they have all the equipment needed for any job at quarter moon they do not have commission sales reps they’ll provide estimates and

Second opinions and they have a great experienced staff that has earned an A+ ranking with the Better Business Bureau and at quarter moon they are Green certified two 651 5899 is the phone number 65158 N9 or online at cortoon it’s RNR in the morning Thursday on RNR in the morning the real

Bowl season is now upon us we start to take a look at all the bowl games coming up this weekend and break it down and cowboys Lions McCarthy’s buness has a huge huge game do we believe him we got Spurs we got blls we got Cowboys we got

All you need just get here early the party start starts at 600 it’s your wakeup call RnR in the morning 6: to10 on 941 San Antonio sports star the South Texas RV superale is back at expo hall at the Freeman and boy do we have a great show this year after years of

Supply chain and disruptions our dealers are loaded with RVs and they’re making deals a full array of Class A B and C motor homes gigantic Fifth Wheels toy haulers teardrops and popups so go on over to South Texas RV superale decom buy tickets in advance no need to wait

In line we’ll see you Thursday January 4th through Sunday the 7th at expo hall doors open daily at 10:00 a.m. South Texas America’s best high school football players are coming to San Antonio it’s the All-American bowl at the Alamo do on Saturday January 6 Trevor Lawrence Christian McCaffrey and Micah Parsons

Played here join us for a day of exciting football to see the stars of tomorrow at the allamerican bull followed by the s Antonio sports Allstar football game presented by Valero tickets are on sale at the Dome box office and Ticket Master just three words tell you

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Including the GI Bill if you’re a man and you live in San Antonio or the surrounding areas you need to pay close attention to what I’m about to say are you having issues rising to the occasion do you constantly worry about whether or not you can perform have you completely

Stopped having adult time is it something you just don’t talk about guys we have a solution Mojo with 100% guaranteed meal enhancement pill that’s fast effective and was designed to reignite Passion performance and confidence in the bedroom yeah be ready at a moment’s notice with the Mojo male enhancement pill from purine nutrition

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More visit us in store or online for low prices on the materials you need because Lowe’s NOS savings Lowe’s knows proos selection varies by location while supplies last discount taken the time of purchase see sales associate for details I’m eony Lauren and F’s new scent sooth and restore is so good I

Wrote a song about Itze like sugar smooth sh butter what could be better than being with each other Now the gimm room show hey Jim room here and back in the military city of San Antonio weekdays at noon on 941 San Antonio sports star are we back now happy that was a f Breeze commercial that’s what that was wow I thought sometimes it messes with

Us too I thought was like a you know in one of those soft moods well I mean it happens every now and then see in the in the broadcast World there are some producers directors that will tell the the guys doing the show all right you’re

Back in 10 all right and you’re on right and pledge just plays music and I know it’s time to go sure well I heard that and I’m like the hell is this I’m but he wasn’t looking at me like dude go you’re on right I I wasn’t getting the look he

Wasn’t even paying attention which again um well you’re used to that too right yeah exactly right keep your mic down yeah I have no idea it was great music nice and that was actually a commercial for for Breeze and you know that how because I heard that for

Breeze maybe on your side of the the glass window you saw where it was a for Breeze commercial running I just want to make sure fze gets their money’s worth cuz I had no idea what that was well they’re getting it and then some little bonus coverage forze well apparently

Fabreze is owned by fizer because PG FG so H really so they fizer Co shots and fabreeze I think fizer is kind of known for something else too I didn’t know that yeah I don’t know yeah huh well there you go last a little longer you didn’t know that I didn’t know I

Didn’t know that you’re such an idiot you’re so full of it too yeah we’re talking about products on air have you ever heard of the company Stanley like the the tool company no apparently it’s it’s cups ther oh yes yes yeah I know what you’re talking about yes I’m just seeing this on

Twitter right now uh Stanley is a 110 year old company that went from doing about 70 million in sales in 2019 to 750 million in sales this year because of one water bottle well they’ve got those yeah the you get them in like Academy or dicks or whatever

And I I don’t have one Maggie does it’s it’s like like kind of like a Yeti cup but it’s more of a comfee cup looking got a handle on it got a handle and a straw yeah yeah right you know I don’t really care for the straws I’ll be

Honest and their classic legendary bottle looks like an old thermos like when you were camping and the fact that they sold 70 million of those so I I didn’t know Stanley was a name brand on these things until I saw some lady was in a in a car accident and her car

Caught on fire and everything in that car burned except for her cup and then she opened up her cup and Ice was still in there yeah and and I saw on social media the guy that run Stanley their CEO bought that woman a car whoa yeah he

Said first and only time we’ll ever do this but he would have had a a a whole bunch of people burning their cars yeah so but that’s I I didn’t know Stanley was a company you know it’s kind of like these uh Yeti coolers and then the other

Coolers uh Artic and uh I don’t know the ones they sell at HB what’s that Cody or something like that yeah something like that and you know which is the best one right I mean ye he’s got a cult following I don’t think it matters they’re all made of the same stuff now

Aren’t they I think it does matter it doesn’t well maybe it does no like I don’t have a a Yeti Yeti well I don’t have a Yeti Yeti either but I got a great flight by Yingling cooler that is designed with the same stuff as a Yeti

And it works the same it works fantastic you know and in that case you know it was the perfect price for you but they’re not quite as expensive as Yeti but with Yeti you buy a Yeti and you get a sticker and then and then if you have

A truck you put the sticker on the truck no I don’t do that well I mean I’m just saying it’s part of being in the cult I look I don’t need my beer to be cold overnight because it’s probably not gonna last that long that’s say more

About you well I’m just saying I mean look that’s impressive I get it all of that but I mean you don’t put your beer in a cooler to leave it there well I mean we just had a party at the house the other day we did

And had a couple coolers in the backyard and one of them has a broken handle uhhuh I’m ready to get rid of it so I’ve been looking at the different coolers uhhuh that have wheels and a handle right okay because that’s the other thing with some of those yetis they

Don’t all have wheels mine doesn’t have wheels and if they don’t have wheels no it’s heavy no now you know who does have wheels who has wheels Bob Belo from Ki television still have wheels I thought they took those away from him well I mean it’s because he’s had too

Many uh hurricanes down there in New Orleans uh but but he’s finally got up to the line bought the hurricane he has a hurricane in one hand a phone in the other and he’s now on our buyer barricades guest line Bob beloo man how how’s your Wednesday what in the hell are y’all

Talking about Yeti Wheels like what am I what conversation am I walking into here well I I mean I need a new cooler for the backyard because somebody at my party the other night broke the handle on our cooler so I’m getting a new cooler and

Which kind do I want oh and I want a Yeti but one of the bigger ones that has wheels on it cuz they sell some of those big ass coolers with no wheels well you make too much money then cuz those things are about a bazillion dollar well

See that’s what I’m saying I don’t want one of those I’m been looking at the knockoff Brands like the the the arctic ones or the Cody ones at at the uh at HB I’m not spending $600 on a cooler that’s unbelievable right yeah yeah I keep my

Beer cold for a year it won’t last that long I agree with that I like that that’s good yeah that’s good I do listen I do not have a hand grenade or hurricane in my hand uh I’m got to be live at 6 y your bosses are

Listening they are no I don’t think they’re listening I just it’s very it’s a disappointment uh we we drove here yesterday uh didn’t really even go out last night because we had a couple things we had to do we went up got up this morning went to Arch Mannings High

School spent some time there uh just got back from the airport Texas landed safely talked to Sark and a couple players Jordan Whittington jayen Ford now we’re back at the hotel about to slam for the six and I do not have a hand gr or a hand grade or a hurricane

In my hand it’s very disappointing so what you’re saying is Bob that you know I appreciate that because I know what slamming for the six takes but yet you still got on the phone with us well I mean slamming in my world and and your world Joe when when by the time

You got to to you know years into your career you’re like I could really start the the six CL show like 5:15 and I’ll be fine that’s why like Bob Belo and Vinnie vinetta I mean you know that helped that a lot how many minutes is your six o’clock segment 6 o’clock we

Get 2:15 10 o’clock we get three but we’ll get a little bit longer obviously this week so when you say slamming how long does it take to show pictures from uh a high school that has all the Mannings retired numbers not pictures it’s video all right it’s video it’s

Video and listen Jason you got to think about it this way so you got to come back you have to ingest solve the video into a computer you have to edit that video you have to send it back to the station you got to write scripts that

Match your video you’ve got to get everything in suit like all the graphics have to be like there’s a lot that goes into it it’s not just a uh Joe’s pretty face on the air what it’s looked like it always looked like hey it’s just Joe’s

Pretty face on the air doing great work in TV because somebody else did all the other things you just described you know in Joe’s World his name was Marcus Floyd I’m not sure where your photographers name is but he’s the one how did you say it ingesting the

Video into the right now I promise you the photographer yes yeah I mean I’m sure there’s going to be video of a gate that swings open that says Manning family field and then you’re probably GNA have video of some trophies from the uh Hall of Fame uh from the high school

Hall of fame that two two for two y yeah Cooper Eli and Payton there’s only three you know Arch doesn’t have that yet but it but it’s coming and then uh you know every Manning wore number 18 there so I mean you know their jerse is retired um

And you’re show and then you’re going to show video of an arrival of a plane on an airport and um and you’re gonna say they’re here I mean it’s done you have nailed our six o’clock show and I did that in less than two minutes and 15 seconds I’m glad you tweet out

Everything Bob did you did you hey did you mention Texas is focused no Texas is focused well I figur that I figur you were going to say that for the standup part yeah that’s a it’s a business trip and and and you’re probably going to do your standup in Jackson

Square that’s uh probably Bourbon Street if I was gonna do it somewhere see that good I gotta say Bourbon Street for later in the week no you you start off in Jackson Square uh yeah we did Canal Street last night was we uh depending on how slammed

We actually are will depend on where we go but um yeah I mean like like you just me I mean it took you a while to get through all that there’s a lot that goes into it well that’s it and and and you got to do one night do one night in at

Frenchman Street okay yeah I love these suggestion I need this stuff Frenchman Street’s far better than Bourbon Street Bob you know damn good and well you’re GNA do this live shop from the same location every night and because it’s easiest and the hotel lobby turn the camera turn the

Camera exactly right you know just it’s different directions I get it it’s okay um and you work in Texas is back uh Texas is back yeah we already we actually did that last night amazing you said that uh Sam Ellinger said that when we were here five years

Ago and Joe testor said it a dozen years ago Tor said it yeah yeah yeah so so when we were here five years ago uh Texas beat Georgia Sam got on the mic and yelled Texas is back but we feel like it’s actually the truth now which

Is kind of nice it’s kind of nice to think that Texas football is back where it believes it should be well in the playoffs that’s certainly a first step but Washington stands in the way so you mentioned that everybody said Sark said Texas is focused um what leads him to

Believe that yeah it’s a I mean that’s pretty much what I asked him you know Joe Joe and I have always kind of been on the same same wavelength here yeah uh I I’ll say this um if this team was younger I made doubt some of the things they have said but

There are so many guys that have been in this program for so long that have lost so much I mean Christian Jones was here as part of like the 2012 class I think Jord whittington’s been here eight nine years now you know those guys have they’ve seen a lot and there’s so much

Good leadership on this team um and Sark kind of brought that up he was just kind of you know look when you go when you come back to work he was like we had a a great work mentality and and the guys did they kind of didn’t want to stop practicing um and

And that’s what kind of Jay Wht was just talking about that he was like you know if you don’t love all the preparation and all the work that goes into this sport to make it great like you don’t really love the sport because the preparation part is the fun part he like

We have a lot of fun with each other every day in practice and in in film sessions and outside of stuff like they’re really they’re just a closely knit team and we hear some of those cliches from some of those guys sometimes you’re like okay I mean how

Many times have we heard that we came back this off season we’re really close and we went to the movies together we played ping pong together or whatever it is we’ve heard that for years but you can tell there’s a genuine sense of it with this team especially for the guys

That have been here for a long time and have lost I mean you know five- seven or eight and five or what go to the alamoo bile 50 years in a row like these guys are excited and and really again that no knock not knock on the Al by the way

Love D didn’t sound like tremendous job yeah uh but we you know we love those guys but like I mean this is a chance to do something number one that Texas hasn’t done which is make the playoff and number two you know try to go win a National Championship which hasn’t been

Done in 18 years and uh whatever that math is 54 once in the last 54 years so um you know they’re they’re in a they’re in a really good spot getting here and and like Sark even said you know they’ve got work to do while they’re here like

They’re they’re not coming here just to go enjoy New Orleans they’re going to enjoy it but they’ve got a lot of work to do while they’re here to make next Monday night fantastic and and the fact that they get the late game on Monday it will follow the Rose Bowl uh all eyes

Will be on this game and Washington is no pushover and you know my wife went to Washington State I’ve got to follow some of this stuff just to talk to to that side of the family and and they’re such a veteran team um they’ve got great receivers and Michael penx is certainly

Talented and Washington is good really good in close games Texas is a veteran team they got an experienced quarterback not the same level experience that that penck has but and Talon all over where does Texas win the battles is it in the trenches down front to take pennx uh off

Of his spot and throw off their timing how does Texas’s defense slow down that Washington offense I think if there’s one thing you point to it’s that and that’s probably the lwh hanging fruit in a lot of ways just because you know the Washington offensive line was was named

I think it’s the Joe Moore Award for best offensive line of the country and then obviously tandre SWAT Byron Murphy just create all kinds of problems for teams so that matchup is obviously the biggest one and the way you throw Michael pennx who is a uh very he’s

Timing oriented so he I mean his balls are it’s all about timing with their offense you disrupt the timing by getting tandre s by Murphy to push off the offensive line and then get some pressure on pennx again because I mean the Texas defense is like 94th or 95th

In pass defense this year so if there’s one weak link that’s the one and so you you kind of look to that matchup the matchup that I keep saying I think is going to be enormous is as much as we talk about what penck and the receivers

Can do Dylan Johnson has been great running the ball this year and what’s made that Washington offense go is obviously a little bit of a sense of balance and I think Dylan Johnson is is just hug huge in this game um and if Texas can slow him down obviously that

Changes some things um Texas the Texas run defense has been off the charts good uh their third down defense and red zone defense has been the best in the country pretty much all year so those matchups to me are critical I also think we don’t talk enough about what Steve sarkeesian

Give Steve sarkeesian a month to come up with offensive creativity and what he’s gonna do offensively like that’s what I’m almost more excited than anything to see because the Washington defense is certainly susceptible and sark’s creativity is off the charts um so I think it’ll be really fun to see what

The Texas offense can do uh given a month to prepare for a team that that you kind of know what you’re G to get all right Bob I I know the answer to this already you know you you believe Texas is going to win this football game

What uh what by what kind of spread do you think is it going to be a cakewalk for Texas on Monday so I yeah I mean I said before the year I thought Texas was going to win the national championship I’m certainly not going to back off that but

Um I said that I said the same thing that happened to Alabama I think is gonna have I think Texas wins by double digits that does not mean it’s gonna be a cakewalk uh you know they they Trail Alabama 1613 going into the fourth quarter uh and they still won by double

Digits so I I do I think this is going to come down to the fourth quarter but I just think in the end Texas is gonna do what it’s done all year be really dominant um and and because of how deep they are have the rotations to be able

To be really good in the fourth quarter again and I whatever the double digit number is I don’t know but I think they win by double digit all by double digits a very non-committal double digit 10 is double digit show could be 90 I mean who knows you know well and

Again you need it to be in double digits because I looked it up after I said it a minute ago Washington over the last two years 10 and one in games decided by a touchdown or less oh yeah that’s a good stat yeah I like that one uhhuh they’re also let

Give a number I’ll give you a number we go uh we’ll go 4431 wow all right like that’s still double digits Washington by the way nine and overs teams in the top 25 but I think I think I think Quinn eers has a big game um because if there’s a weak

Area on Washington’s defense it’s their secondary I mean it’s one thing to watch Bo Knicks carve him up but we also saw cam War to carve up that secondary that’s where Texas is going to play a a big time uh be the big difference in

This game I’m with you I mean I I I couldn’t agree more on that hey Bob go get that video ingested and cut will you let’s go y’all make sure you stream it on this afternoon at 6:15 we will defend where I end up going and and if I

Even make it to the six o’clock show well do you do you have great dinner plans for for tonight or at least this week I mean you going toos are you going we got to do the 10 we no we got all kinds of stuff I mean you could you

Could do a live shop from uh uh dragos um you know watch them do the grilled oysters you go to jockamos you can do a live shot out there well that’s an expensive I will tell you the the really good news is every Texas press conference this week for the next three

Days is at like 9:30 in the morning we’ll be get just about everything we need knock it all out and then uh be done around 6:30 so we might have to go get some Bob how important that is see I thought I thought I thought you pissed

Off Sark he’s making you guys be at a press conference at 9:30 in the morning that was not his decision that’s decision aesome that’s perfect is it yes is it you wouldn’t want it any other way you just you you walk right back in from

Your night out you hop in the shower you go to the press conferences take a little nap I think that’s how that’s supposed to work if I’m not mistaken he’ll have it all ingested and cut by noon are you kidding me you mean his photographer will well he’ll be taking a

Nap you heard him say he was getting a nap Bob’s got to look pretty all right he’s got to be pretty I learned from the best T boys are ridiculous man have fun bob all right boys uh hopefully we’ll do this again next week with uh one more

Game to talk about that’d be nice yeah well we’ll do it either way next week on your drive home from New Orleans yeah you’ll have nothing else to do yeah you can give me a shot then yeah we we’ll do that Bob BL enjoy New Orleans man appreciate you all right

Guys talk to you soon good stuff bobaloo from Ki television in Austin on the buyers barricades guest line where they provide traffic control rental and sales for San Antonio and Beyond online at buyers barricades tocom Jane Slater from the NFL network will join us at 5 o’ but

Coming up got to get into the uh end of the Russell Wilson error yes in Denver error or error error error that might go down as one of the worst trads in history yes next on the blitz on 941 San Antonio sports star it’s Dallas Cowboys football on 941 San Antonio sports star

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The San Antonio area and Beyond buyers barricades the Texas Authority in barricade rental learn more online at buyers barricades tocom that’s buyers barricades tocom it’s the Mike McCarthy show every Friday morning at 6:45 and9 with RNR in the morning do you like a certain amount of chaos conflict is good

Yes I guess you know I like healthy chaos I don’t like the BS a look at the Cowboys upcoming game presented by AA best bail bonds and 941 San Antonio sports [Applause] Star it is the blitz here on 941 San Antonio sports star he’s Joe Ryan angle line Jon couple of games left in the NFL regular season you know we’re off tomorrow and Friday because we’re preempted for bowl game so a quick reminder now to go to SAS sportstar

Outcom to get your picks made for the a awesome tickets pro football pick them challenge weekly winners get a $50 gift card to Five Oaks Ace Hardware over on Thousand Oaks at the end of the year Grand Prize winner gets $1,000 worth of tickets from a awesome tickets and

Looking at the leaderboard right now oh 10 people in line um that could win that ,000 well there nobody’s run away with anything one good week somebody that’s not even on the leaderboard now could jump up there somebody has a bad week they could be screwed you know it’s kind

Of like a pledge having a huge lead like three weeks ago and now it’s minuscule yeah it it’s kind of like that in our little Prime picks that we do two weeks to go it’ll be interesting yeah you know the Russell Wilson trade didn’t make sense when it happened

Right well not the way that they did it I mean they gave up a ton and paid him a ton all of it um I mean Pete Carroll uh I mean it’s it’s looking more and more like a Jimmy Johnson Level fleece of the Minnesota Vikings just different numbers

And people involved because that contract uh that five-year contract that Russell Wilson signed with Denver hasn’t even kicked in yet right now they’re benching him for the rest of the season so uh he because he has injury guarantees of $37 million if he can’t pass a physical by March so they don’t

Want him getting hurt in these last couple of games right Jordan Schulz from The Bleacher Report says um in his article that the Broncos approached Russell Wilson two days after their October 29th win over Kansas City and at that time threaten to make him inactive for the of the season

If he did not adjust his contract and defer the injury guarantee trigger date that he has for 2025 that 37 million Russell is not willing to adjust his contract now he’s benched they’re going to look for trade Partners hell they might even just flat out release

Him and eat the money well I tell well I guess they could do that but I you know Russell Wilson and his agent need to be talking to Broncos ownership because if that’s actually true look the Broncos signed that contract just like he did if Russell doesn’t want to give up that guarantee

He doesn’t have to do that it’s a contract yeah but if he’s not willing to work with him on the financial side of it they can do exactly what they’re doing now well sure they can bench him all they want to but he still got a

Paycheck coming in well yeah I know it’s it’s like you’re still going to cost 39 but we’re saving a potential 37 by not getting hurt cuz if he gets hurt in the next couple of games sure then they they would owe him that money and you and I

Were kicking it around in the office earlier because it certainly feels like Shawn pyton is ready to move on and and that argument that they had the other day on on the sideline there was no it wasn’t a two-way argument that was all Shawn pyton you could just tell that’s

Not his guy he’s he’s ready to move on um what an egomaniac that dude is financial implications be damned we know you’re not a fan of Shawn pton but I I I mean we started kicking around his contracted about 40 million per there will be teams that will line

Up to take that deal Russell Wilson has not played bad this year Shawn pyton has gotten a lot out of Russell Wilson who it’s all Shawn pton well he’s the head coach and he’s the quarterback Guru and in last year we all thought that Russell Wilson was dead in the water with his

Career right and and uh and there was reasons Pete Carroll moved on from him he knew that the guy had lost it Russell Wilson has proven this year he hasn’t lost it uh he’s had a good year throwing the football it’s all because of Shawn pyton

Well I’m just want to be clear that that has nothing to do with Russell Wilson it’s all Shawn pton Russell Wilson was a dumpster fire last year with Nathaniel hack so it’s all Shawn pton nobody is saying that everybody’s a dumpster fire with Nathaniel hacket oh that Dar in

Rers yeah right but it’s not all Shawn Payton but you have to give the man credit for what he’s done and and in some ways maybe resurrected Russell Wilson’s career well he can go somewhere else and fail for that team uh but he’s not going to fail for the Denver Broncos

Right he he he’s just not but there are some teams out there that could use a good veteran quarterback right I could see him in Minnesota if they don’t bring back kurk cousins after that K his injury uh I would imagine Pittsburgh would be interested in a veteran

Quarterback who’s a quarterback away or or a quarterback and a couple of Parts away you look at some of these teams that man if they just had the right guy at quarterback could they get it done well who’s to say that Russell Wilson is that

I mean I you’re gonna take a hell of a chance and pay a guy that kind of money um I I I don’t know that Russell Wilson is that guy well none of us do but 40 million for a quarterback is isn’t that outrageous I mean look at what Daniel Jones is

Getting right um you look at at um what’s the word um sorry I was getting hand signals for pledge and I didn’t know what they meant you you look at some of these quarterbacks would you rather take a chance on Russell Wilson playing at the level he’s played this year for

Denver or or some guy that you’re just not sure of but his contract’s up and we’re either going to move on from him or we’re going to pay the guy which is what the Giants had to do last year with Daniel Jones I look at Atlanta you know

They they keep going back and forth with their quarterbacks Washington you know what would they do with a veteran quarterback if Eric bmy survives what could he do with a guy like Russell Wilson I I I why would you want to pay those guys and Washington’s not a

Quarterback away they got a lot of work left to do they traded away half their defense certainly all their defensive players so why would you do that it makes no sense plus they’re going to have a new a new coach he’s going to have a lot to say about that Ron river

Is not going to survive he’s GNA be out so I I just don’t think Russell Wilson is the answer and if Denver’s looking to trade this guy uh I I don’t think there’s going to be as many suitors as you think there is if they uh outright

Release him well Whi which is a possibility that is a possibility but that’s going to cost them they’re going to eat a ton of money anyway well they are and part of me and I know because it’s Sean Payton it’s difficult to have a conversation because

You’re just you but but part of me I want to credit Shawn pyton for convincing ownership this isn’t the guy this is going to screw us financially this was a bad trade but we can’t keep doing this right I I like and we all said it when he signed the contract nobody could

Believe he got the contract that he got right so but but but they’ve decided we’re moving on from or it appears they’re going to move on from him by benching him for the rest of this year and do what go with Jared stum are they

Gonna see if he’s the guy I mean yeah I mean he’s gonna get the start the next couple of weeks maybe he is maybe but if if Shawn Payton’s a quarterback Guru and he’s done such a great job with Russell Wilson this year why didn’t he keep him

Why didn’t he make him even better next year if he’s the guru that everybody says he is I mean like I said it’s it’s difficult to have a conversation about think that’s a legit question If Shawn Payton has decided to move on maybe Shawn took the job thinking he could

Work with Russell Wilson right um and if he’s decided he can’t I mean Russell Wilson has played a lot better this year in Denver under Shawn pton than he did last year with Nathaniel Hackett so I think the entire Denver team is is better and and and let me let me shock

You Shawn Payton’s a hell of a lot better Coach than Nathaniel Hackett okay don’t tell that to Aaron Rogers I hate to break that to you but yes he is but when you look at it if he’s decided you’re not we’re we’re not a good mix right because they had have had success

And he’s not afraid to jump a veteran player’s ass in public which I would think of all people you would appreciate that he’s not cuddling Russell Wilson even though he’s making a gazillion dollars isn’t a veteran guy was Russell didn’t do anything to be chewed out for

He’s standing on the sideline not doing anything Shawn Payton’s pissed off at something else and sees Russell Wilson yeah it happens he’s an egomaniac and I what I don’t understand honestly and I know you love Shawn pyton who you I don’t apparently he’s a quarterback Guru apparently and he had one quarterback

Who was pretty damn good in the first place I just I Dre bre had a great career going until he met Shawn pyton the guy the guy he is overrated as hell he’s making $18 million why didn’t he take a pay cut well I mean what has he done he doesn’t

Count against the salary C maybe they should move on from him yeah well I mean it would cost them a lot of money and he might want to move on because that charger job is pretty attractive sure as hell is with the quarterback that they have no question it’s comical but

Imagine a guy like Shawn pton and and and think about your love for Shawn pton would you just call him an egomaniac an egomaniac this guy yes imagine if one of his players decided he was going to make himself Captain so you know by now everybody’s probably heard this story

About Jer Alexander with the Green Bay Packers made himself a captain for their game against the Carolina Panthers now he has since been suspended for one game for conduct detrimental to the team because he went out for the coin toss and actually almost screwed things up

With his announcement now I I heard the story and I thought well that’s that’s pretty bizarre uhhuh now I hear Jer after the game this was before the suspension this was after the game he was making these comments when he was asked about crashing the coin toss so

Were you supposed to be a captain cuz the team announces the three game captains and you were the fourth and you called the toss what happened there oh yeah I mean you know it’s only super you know I don’t think coach knew I was from Charlotte you know so so you just

Did that on your own I mean I mean you know I mean it was like a you know the guys backed me up you know so they knew I was from here did you realize you almost made a big mistake on the call though what’ I do well you said we want

To go on defense yeah which in theory could they could have said then you’re electing to kick to to uh kick off which you would have lost the opportunity then receive in the second half yeah no I told him that uh I said uh I want I want

Our defense to be out there and they all looked at me like I was crazy I’m like I mean it’s pretty simple what I say like I want the defense to be they like you mean defer I’m like yeah I guess did you say

That was on he heard you oh really no he was just like defer I was like yeah everybody was like yeah everybody was laughing I’m like what y’all laughing at it’s pretty obvious what I’m asking for so did anyone say anything to you when you got back to the sideline why would

They yeah he’s been suspended for a game for conduct death he’s from Charlotte decided he was going to be a captain apparently and that makes sense if you’re playing in your hometown coach would make you a captain why didn’t they make him a captain yeah well a coach

Didn’t know so I just did it for him yeah so you know he did him a favor I mean wouldn’t you know that he’s out there though if you’re the coach well once he’s out there I mean what are you going to do you’re going to go yank him

By the shirt call him back can you imagine if that official doesn’t bail him out the trouble that he’s in holy cow so nonchalant about it wow you know and and he’s wearing like ski sunglasses in his hoodie while giving the interview yeah now he’s suspended oh my gosh

Cowboys Lions let’s talk about it Jane Slater from the NFL network will join us next here on the blitz on 941 San Antonio sports star first I want to talk about Park curse New Vision I was back in there today and it was so great to be

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That’s 21494 2210 or visit us online at the pure RNR in the morning is Rob Thompson and Rudy J morning 6: to1 ktfm florville and Sass sportstar dcom San Antonio’s Sports Center Cowboys made a move today in activated offensive tackle Matt Wesco off IR they also released linebacker

Rashad Evans we’ll talk to Jane Slater the NFL Network about that coming up next Texans get some good news today quarterback CJ D who missed the last two games with a concussion returned to practice today he is trending toward playing this week against the Titans and the big news the Denver Broncos benching

Quarterback Russell Wilson Sports Center is brought to you by buyers barricades the Texas Authority in barricade rental fires barricades tocom guess what day it is here we go Joe reinagle that’s the third time in Seven Seasons the San Antonio Spurs are the NBA champions

Jason M they go back to big day as Super Bowl champions Dallas 52 Buffalo 17 it’s the blitz on 941 San Antonio sports star Mike Mike Mike Mike Mike what day is it Mike HP day H yeah boy we a little double action going there it is a great hump day it is last one of the year it is the blitz on 941 at San Antonio sports star he’s Joe ragle I’m Jay cenic and on the buyers barricades guest line jamee Slater from

The NFL Network so much going on with the Cowboys a two game losing streak the Lions coming to town they’ve released a player they’ve elevated an offensive lineman I I I’m curious Jane the idea of Matt Wesco is he finally healthy or chumo played so poorly they just need

Somebody else just in case Tyron Smith can’t go Saturday well listen I mean I know they’re talking about depth there but uh I had somebody not internally in the building but a former player uh that was looking at the tape and we were kind of talking about the pressure that Dak

Was getting against the Dolphins and he said I don’t even know how chuma adoga has a job in the league oh I mean that was their that was their observation when just looking at the way that he played and so look I think that they need depth but you know Jerry Jones says

It looks like Tyron Smith is trending in that direction and the vibe I got at the start of day was that there seemed to be some hope that he would play you know the back thing continues to be an issue maybe they get creative and they move Tyler Smith back over

There which would be kind of unfortunate we’ve seen him do it uh but yeah I mean it was I mean four sacks on the day against them and now you got Aiden Hutchinson on the other side of that line uh for Detroit it could get ugly for Dak well it really could I’m

Assuming that Zack Martin came out of that game in Miami o okay I know he was a little bit dinged up questionable going in but but he’s okay right no question with him yeah it doesn’t seem like there’s going to be a problem with him well that’s good news certainly when

You look at Wesco Jane he hasn’t played he’s he’s played three games in two years that’s got to be I mean doesn’t exude a lot of confidence well it should tell you everything you need to know right because they’ve had all sorts of offensive line depth issues in recent

Years and the fact that he’s only played that many games tells everything that you need to know um you know awesome Richards has done a really good job for them obviously Tyler Smith has provided a lot of position flex but this was an issue as we headed into the season

Remember we said that there were some concerns about this offensive line and that’s why I thought it was look you’re better with a Tyron Smith on the field that’s 80% than not having him at all but I did think it was curious they were bringing him back just knowing all of

The injuries that Tyron Smith has had in recent years I mean I don’t think we’ve had a season in last couple of years where he hasn’t had a NE Stinger or a back issue you know ad nause him so they’ve got to make some tough decisions moving forward after this

Season but you do hope that he can at least hold up and get you through these you know next couple of weeks in the postseason you know Jane you think about Tyron Smith when he’s out there he’s still one of the best in the league not what he was but still better than

Optionb for sure and and again I’ve been saying for years I think it’s been since 2015 that he has started started every game he misses three or four games seemingly every year I know the Detroit game is important you don’t want a three- game losing streak but is you’re

In the playoffs you’re not going to finish worse than the fifth seed do you think the Cowboys staff is discussing you know what I don’t care if we lose this one to Detroit I’d rather have a fully functioning rested healthy Tyrant Smith in January than on December

30th agreed but you also don’t want to get your franchise quarterback killed out there yeah there’s um and so you know especially when you’re playing Detroit you know I think that’s something that you’ve got to seriously consider I mean I think it’s a very real possibility that you could obviously

Have him sit when they go on the road to face uh the commanders the following week but you know against this particular passer with that being said I mean Washington’s still defense um but I would be a lot more concerned about Hutchinson and the Detroit Lions and you

Know Tony Pard I was talking to him about you know just that defense specifically today I said you know Mike McCarthy said something curious this week he said that you know we talk about the 49ers we talk about the Eagles but when he looks at the tape he actually

Thinks Detroit is going to be their biggest challenge of this season and when I asked Paul why he thought that was he kind of took like a slow breath and he goes all of the all of the coverages they have and I said like and he just started rattling them off he was

Like cover one cover two cover three cover four man shells and so it seems like when they looked at the tape it was a little little daunting to them as to what they can show and then you know my next question then was to Dak you know

How do you combat that particularly with CD lamb who if you get CD lamb 10 receptions in a game they’re 4 in one this season I think they almost have 10 more points on average in those games and CI didn’t know that but he only had six remember in the Miami game

And dak’s only thought was that he could motion for him you know misdirect essentially the defense and see if they can quickly adjust which can be hard I’ve heard other teams say sometimes when you go on motion it’s tough but I think we’re going to see a lot more

Motion uh this week against that defense just to you know help them out but again dak’s got to have a little time back there in order to do that and if you don’t have a healthy offensive line and you’re not and he’s constantly under dress it’s going to be hard to execute

That Jane was there anything to the CD lamb I I know he was frustrated last week got all the attention in the first quarter and then uh they didn’t go back to him in the second and third and he seemed a little frustrated with Mike McCarthy anything at all to

That well you know it’s a it’s a good point because you know as I was trying to cushion it with CI today I said you know look I know it’s it’s easy to get emotional after these games but after looking at the tape do you know do you

Still feel that way about being absent he paraphrasing here he W he still stood on it you know he stated on his business still and so you know his thing to this coaching staff uh and I even said you know have you and DX talked about it and

It didn’t seem like there was it didn’t seem like they were upset over that and you know when I talked to Dak about it he did say you know they rolled the coverage over to him double at times they used the safety you know he was able to get to branded

Cooks but I said did you see any missed opportunities and he said you know maybe one or two so I don’t know if there’s a disconnect between these two or not I mean I know I don’t think that there’s any I don’t think it’s locker room cancer type stuff if that makes sense

But I do think that there is some frustration because this is now the second time we’ve heard this this season remember it was end of September that he said if you give me the rock I’m gonna get it in the end zone and he’s had the

Season that he’s had I don’t know why you’re not taking those shots at him because we were we also brought the fact you know you took that shot with 327 to go to Brandon Cooks and he was getting covered by Jaylen Ramsey you know so

Like I don’t I don’t know what to make of it is is my point so I don’t want to put words in anyone’s mouth what this team has gotten better about than they have in recent years is kind of whispering outside of the locker room which I think is good for the culture

And good for moving forward but I do sense a little frustration there of just like man like why aren’t you coming to me Jane Slater from the NFL Network here on the blitz on 941 San Antonio sports star and I think anytime you lose a game you’re frustrated especially you lose a

Game that you felt like you could have won because that game you know kind of like the one in Philadelphia and there are no moral victories there are a couple of plays away um you know a screen pass where you know Dak had CD on

One side and he went the way C based on where the coverage was coming in the Blitz and you know the Tony Pard play you got your butt in the end zone but not not the ball that’s the one everybody wants to get mad at the fumble

By Hunter I’m more mad at the play before with with Tony Pard use your speed die for the pylon or if you’re going to try to run somebody over don’t go back in first I mean get the ball into the end zone I did respect Tony Pard for saying today because he was

Asked did you say anything to you know Hunter Le ke for you know fumbling with the goal line he said no I’m more mad at myself I should have gone to the outside versus you know or gone I think what was it inside versus the outside he got

Stoed when he went to the outside right there’s so many plays in that game but he was just saying that he should have trusted himself and gotten himself in the endzone versus what he did on that play So I appreciated his ownership on that one real quick Jane when saying he

Did didn’t trust himself because on that play it he didn’t say he didn’t trust himself that was kind of what we were saying about his speed but he was saying that he should have he should have taken a different route than what he did okay

All right yeah well I mean yeah I don’t need that to be clickbait well I mean because my thought was he didn’t trust his speed to get to the corner so he took the shortest distance possible which meant running over a guy and we know Tony Pard isn’t

Really known as a guy that’s going to run through you to get get to the end zone and this goes back to the point that I harped on at the beginning of the Season whether you know fans were frustrated with Zeke or not a guy like Zeke would

Have barreled that one in there because he just imposes his you know his physical strength and if you could have just gotten Zeke back on you know a$1 million doll deal how might he have helped you in some of these situation it’s a hill all continue to die on I

Mean I know people are like move on he’s you know with the Patriots whatever but I just I felt like there was a way and there was if he would have been com with which I truly think he would have been um I don’t think that Zeke was your

Every down back but I think he really could have been those back in those third down situations for you Jane I’ve got to ask you about Micah Parsons I obviously he’s been chirping quite a bit about not getting any holding calls and there was stuff all over social media

This week Mike McCarthy I know he said it’s not an issue Jerry Jones said it’s not but are you hearing anything or or people ring around Micah in this situation and what do you think he’s trying to accomplish with coming out publicly like that look It’s Tricky right because you

Continue to call out the refs and get and and myself I’ll be honest as an NFL Network employee I kind of feel like I can’t really get in the weeds here too much um but with Micah it is interesting and you know I think we talked about this a

Couple of weeks ago what I love about Micah is that he is authentically himself and he’s not afraid to say what he’s thinking but sometimes I wonder if him vocalizing some of these things helps or hurts the team and I’ve kind of gotten just a little bit of a sense of

Exasperation from some people in the building about how do you manage that and so while I appreciate that he’s speaking out and I I to be frank I think there’s a lot of players that are speaking out this year I mean there have been some egregious situations I mean

What was it CD lamb got the wedgie in the amazone and that wasn’t holding uh and so I mean there’s I mean there have been some egregious takes there and and I do think it’s something that the NFL needs to look at and whether we know about it publicly or not

I can only imagine that jerus is having those conversations but I would also say as a team you can’t consistently be complaining about the refs you should be putting yourselves in better situations to win where it shouldn’t come down to some of those calls you know it’s like

Chicken or egg because I think you could make the argument on the well we shouldn’t fight that hard and have some of these games come down to calls I get that but then my other argument is you shouldn’t have games come down to just those calls well and again you’re the

Most penalized team and then you’re not drawing Flags when you think yeah you should be drawing flags and you know exposure apparently isn’t a penalty because that could have been pass interference holding that that could have been a variety of things and in any other workplace environment you’re going

To the HR office but what’s so funny about this is like Shawn pton one of the one of the reasons he told me that New Orleans was frustrating to him was because it was a small Market he didn’t always have uh the flexibility to fight some of these penalties he felt like he

Was always picked on always penalized whatever and here you are America’s team Jerry Jones he’s constantly chirping in Roger Goodell’s ear he certainly gets an earful of it and now you got the Cowboys being the most penalized team in the league so you know I I don’t think they

Necessarily pick on on these players but I mean Micah does have a point but to some extent it’s like let your owner handle it yeah yeah yeah you know maybe I I don’t know I mean we’ll see if he gets a holding call this week I I think

We’re at 30 some odd quarters now that Mike Cap Parson is not drawn a flag which seems incredible just incredible yeah not not one you know just throw him a bone in the first quarter just hopefully the Cowboys end the losing streak Saturday night game make sure you follow Jane on Twitter Slater

NFL Jane Slater from the NFL Network have a great rest of your week appreciate you appreciate you guys bye-bye good stuff James Slater on the buyers barricades guest line where they provide traffic control rental and sales for San Antonio and Beyond online at buyers barricades tocom you know this is

Our last show of the week so instead of Friday doing Prime picks we’re going to make our picks next here on the blitz on 941 San Antonio sports star tell you I want to tell you about something I’m really excited about it if you’re a poker player you need to be excited as

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Redland Road Wy man the the hype is insane I love the guy I love his game I love him playing for that coach I love him in that community and I I think it’s a great thing it’s the Jim roome show where wemi and Rome Ru weekdays at noon

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Morning the last show of the Year we’re talking Cowboys looking at the bowl games will the Spurs ever win again and figuring out when the next rib cook off is now back to the blitz Jason Joe where’s my trophy Jason and maybe next time we do try tips Joe maybe we’ll get

To taste all of yours next time ah that would be nice yeah he wants a trophy too it’s hang a band or what the hell yeah right I mean you know it’s an inseason tournament that’s kind of what it is hang it up it is the blitz here on 941

San Antonio sports star he is Joe reinagle I’m J cenic it’s Wednesday it’s our Friday yes it’s our our last show of the year it is hope everybody has a happy New Year this weekend we’re pre for bowl games um over the next couple of days I

Mean we could be preempted today and you could be listening the West Virginia and North Carolina and the Duke’s Mayo bow where apparently they’re trying a new mayonnaise in the booth which probably wasn’t a good idea a habanero garlic flavor in which uh Matt Barry said my

Mayo hormones are raging I’m sure not sure how smart it was to rip that habanero before calling a play because it damn near killed him I just saw that clip on Twitter wow yeah good stuff so uh let’s pick games something we normally do on a Friday but it’s a

Wednesday it’s our Friday what the hell let’s do it Prime picks on the blitz two weeks in a row James Pledger sizable lead has shrunk because he’s come in dead last both Joe and I went 8-2 last week on our picks and uh ironically picked different games that we lost

Uh but we are both 160 on the year very respectable fledge went six and four last week he is now 104 and 56 on the year so we got two weeks to make up four games yeah wow s so I put all my picks in and pledge just copied me pretty much

Didn’t he yeah he did that’s what I did that’s exactly what you did wow you know cuz kind of like our rib competition there was no blind taste test we just throw out there and go and I picked first and now pledge is copying me um I

Hope Joe picks very differently than me I feel good about my week I think I will let’s start with tomorrow night’s Valero Alam Arizona against Oklahoma you know it’s it’s hard because both of these guys have a freshman quarterback but Arizona’s quarterback’s a little more experience experience

Arizona wants to be here I I I’m going with Arizona well I’m not going with Oklahoma come on never picking Oklahoma except when you do uh um although I will pick Oklahoma State tonight Over Texas A&M in the Texas bowl a game you can listen to tonight here on 941 San

Antonio sports star I I I just don’t even really know who all is actually going to show up for A&M I don’t either uh you probably say the same thing about Oklahoma State so I’m going to go with the Aggies just because uh I want to be

Different than you two guys and I think they got a shot in the Rose B oh go play sorry yeah Oklahoma State least Mike gundy’s coaching so yeah yeah but Elijah Robinson’s coaching and they love him they do but he spent all afternoon on on the phone with his

Realtor in New York that’s all right they love him they love him uh roseb Michigan Alabama in a playoff game I’m going with Bama I think Bama right now is the best team in the country I agree Bama is playing about as good as anybody I’ve been leaning in bama for for

Weeks Michigan’s going to win this game Michigan and Jim Harbaugh are going to win this game they they they are well that will delay his departure to uh the Chargers I I mean he’s gonna sign that no NFL clause in his contract I doubt it yeah we we’ll find out Sugar Bowl Texas

Against Washington man I want to have some uh St here and go with Washington but I just don’t think Washington um I don’t trust them so I’m going with Texas I’m going with Texas but I tell you what a shot if if Washington wins this game it’s because the defensive

Line can’t put any pressure on Michael penx Jr yeah that that’s the the the one area that I think has to happen is is penx has to be off schedule he is their offense is all about timing they’ve got some great receivers I like the UT defensive line and I think Quinn Iris

Can pick apart that Washington secondary this will be the best quarterback that Texas has faced this year I don’t think there’s any question about it why do you hate Dylan Gabriel I don’t hate him he just not as good as Michael pinnick and Jaylen milro yeah well milro was not milro when Texas

Played him literally it’s the same guy no not really I’m taking Texas too I think Texas and Bam are on track to meet again in the national championship on to the NFL the Miami Dolphins and the Baltimore Ravens I’ve been on the Ravens bandwagon for weeks now I’m not getting off you

Know I I this is so stupid but I’m gonna do it just because I don’t trust Baltimore I think they got really up for that game against San Francisco and they’re just not going to have quite the same Mojo I’m Gonna Take Miami in this

Ball game which is a long shot on the road but I’m taking Miami I like Miami because it’s at home for them but I’m taking Baltimore just because lar Baltimore isn’t it yeah I think it is it is in Baltimore yeah it’s in Baltimore well then I trust Miami

Even less it’s on the road don’t let facts get in the way of a good story exactly I I’ll d double check the uh schedule I do believe it is in Baltimore and they’ve got a chance to clinch the one seed they’ve got plenty to play for

In this one uh the Cleveland Browns against the New York Jets oh boy Cleveland Cleveland think about a team playing as good as anybody anybody Joe Flo man come back player of the year he’s being mentioned as yeah Miami is uh uh at Baltimore yeah uh noon on Sunday

December 31st so it’s going to be cold still want the fish yes I do good uh we’re all taking Cleveland I’ll taking we’re all taking Kansas City Kansas City and Cincinnati Kansas City can’t be as bad as they played last week they’re going to bounce back if you listen to Travis

Kelce on his podcast I mean you know there’s a lot of accountability in in that locker room right now with the Chiefs what do you think it is about the Raiders with the slow starts I don’t know they’re good defense just can’t just can’t can’t catch a rhythm and it’s

Not just it’s not just the Raiders it’s been uh it’s been a lot of teams that we’ve played uh just trying to catch a rhythm and catch stride uh knowing that uh knowing that we got guys that we can win with and um it’s uh it’s just a it’s

A frustrating experience right now and um every single day we’re going in here fixing it I promise you guys uh and it’s not just one guy I I’m it’s not just me playing like dog it’s not just uh us not being able to get the Run game going

It’s not just us not being on the same page passing Wise It’s everybody’s in this thing together everybody at some point um isn’t being accountable and we all just got to bring it together man um and put it together and I think uh we we’re taking a lot of learning learning

Shots uh and and unfortunately we’ve lost a lot of those games years past we’ve won those games found a way to win at the end special teams same thing yep it’s it’s really just our defense that’s keeping us in games um we were we were really you know banking on the defense

Giving us one last drive but we played so trash as an offense that we put the defense a really really tough spot there at the end of the game and it was uh one play can just you know seal it and uh and that’s what happened there in the

Fourth quarter and it’s just it’s frustrating when you know you got the guys and you got everybody that you need um and just things just aren’t going your way R yeah that that was Davis Kelce and and his brother on on their on their podcast I hope Michael was listening to somebody holding

Himself irresponsible instead of everybody else Tak in Kansas City in this one did you did the swifties pointed out it looked like Travis also had a hickey on his NE God bless him yeah are you mad at him are you jealous I mean you wonder why the guy doesn’t

Seem to have the same energy on the football field she’s zapping him he’ll take legs she got a lot of energy well we know she’s got stamina that that her her concerts are impressive yeah you watch her show man she’s uh Houston against Tennessee she doesn’t quit CJ Stout’s

Playing this week I’m taking the Texans I’m taking Tennessee man they want they want revenge against the Texans Texans are pretenders you can want one hand and bleep in the other and see which one fills up first give me CJ sh chocker pled was it Tennessee that knocked out

Strad to begin with no it was the Jets no it was the Jets Keen beat your Titans oh that’s right yeah wearing the Oilers uniforms uh although Will Lis is likely back too so we’ll get the rookie quarterback match up uh Dallas in Detroit I’m taking the Cowboys they’re

At home it’s Jimmy Johnson night I want to take Detroit so bad here but I just think Dallas will get it done at home and and they’ll win this game I’m taking Dallas I’m going to take Detroit that’s the one thing that they do well that Dallas has had trouble with I don’t

Think they’re going to have Jo and henkins to help Shore up that run game they’re going to get to the second level on those linebackers and they’re going to open holes for jir Gibbs and Montgomery that would not surprise me if they did that yeah I’d be more surprised

If fledge actually picked Dallas uh but he brings up a good point about that cboys defense we’ll talk more about that John Mota from the athletic joins us next here on the blitz it’s Dallas Cowboys football a 941 San Antonio sports star this Saturday the Cowboys welcome the Motor City kitties to the

Big D it’s a football Beauty Saturday night Cowboys and lions at 6:30 M Parson is on the ball and he’s still still alive he’s still running to the goal line presented by AA best bellbond the law office of Jesse Hernandez the Texas Chun claw ewal cabota Mother’s Window T

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Antonio sports star he’s Joe ryanel I’m Jay cic it’s it’s a Wednesday that feels like a Friday for us because we’re off the next couple of days so don’t make it feel like a Friday for you we had to bring in our buddy John Mota from the

Athletic as he joins us on the buyers barricades guest line and John I’m I’m curious for for you is this game a little bit different coming up Saturday night with the Detroit Lions coming to town well it is from a perspective of I have uh five or six friends coming in

From Detroit for this game and then to hang out for New Year’s Eve and that so yeah it is it’s a little bit different and obviously because the team is uh oh I’d say about as good as it’s been at any point in the last 30 years then yeah

No it is it is a little different for sure well John even you had to celebrate a little bit right with that division championship I was I was pretty happy I was pretty happy for the city uh especially considering how the Detroit Pistons are playing right now and then

Just the fact that I mean it’s been I mean 1993 that such a long time uh to go without winning a division in a really for the last 20 years has been I believe the best League of parody you feel like you should just have fallen into that

But uh a lot of good years from Brett Favre a lot of good years from Aaron Rogers have stood it but uh but yeah I mean yeah you know my whole life it just it always seems like they just come up short when when you start thinking

Something’s about to happen and and you think of them wasting the careers of of Legends like Barry Sanders and Kelvin Johnson true yeah yeah wasted careers let’s talk Cowboys since the mid90s and and you know it’s interesting with Jimmy Johnson going into the Ring of Honor Cowboys on a two

Game losing streak could be three how do the Cowboys defensively uh I want to say stop the Detroit Run game because that’s impossible but how do they slow him down well they the the number one thing is you just can’t see that defense that you saw uh at San Francisco or at

Buffalo the one that just letting you know David Montgomery and jir Gibbs break tackles that would be that’s a recipe for there but you haven’t really seen that from the Cowboys at home you know that you’ve seen that in some maybe a little bit against Arizona and Arizona

And then San Francis a couple weeks ago in Buffalo but outside of that I’m pretty sure tackling you know a lot of uh and and and really brand a physical brand knocking the ball out things like that that’s what you saw against Miami I think that’s what you’ll see against the

Lions and that’s that’s a good start there and obviously if Jonathan henkins the guy who’s from Detroit was would be able to play um that would be huge for them too because he’s he just significantly upgrades their run defense and and uh there’s a chance he could

Play uh not a great chance but there’s still a chance he could play uh on Sunday that would be a huge help there you know John when you look at the defense and I thought they played well I mean you got a credit to uh uh for that

Game-winning Drive last week after Dak was spectacular on their go-ahead drive so I’m not so worried about the defense what does concern me though is that offensive line there were times that Dak Prescott was running for his life and um I mean he didn’t have any time at all

That’s got to be a concern going into this game Saturday as well for sure um I mean there’s a a decent chance that you get Tyron Smith back and so that would be a huge positive there other thing is that just this team has just been night and day in

Terms of its Communications at home compare down the road and they would Faire a little bit better let’s say if they were playing that Dolphins team or Buffalo or you know this Lions team this a they playing atadium I think that helps a lot in that area um but yeah I

Mean there’s just a couple plays there you know in the second half that with with chuma uh set them back those are those are some some huge plays and you can’t have that not against good teams you’ll lose those games playing like that huge plays in determining that that

At Miami so uh I will say though that this is just this just a different Cowboys team at home and not just this year I mean you go back to last year too and they haven’t lost at home season a year ago uh this is the best team in the

NFL at so it’s hard for me to sit well this happened at San Francisco at Arizona or this happened at or Miami I I just this team just played too well at home for me to sit there and I’m telling you right when that game ended I I I was

I would have I was as confident as I am now that that the Cowboys will win this interesting you know you you think about the offensive line the health of Tyron Smith and whether he’s able to go Saturday or not this is one of those where that extra day might have made a

Difference for Tyron but they elevate Matt Wesco and I know Steven Jones told us in Oxnard on the blitz that they really like him and if they could get him healthy he could be the guy and compared him a little bit to teren Steel in his development but we haven’t seen

It he gets elevated today I is that more just because chuma DOA was so bad or they really just need the extra depth or is they’re more concerned with uh Tyron and maybe even Zack Martin on the offensive line I think a part of it is is with the

Tyron Smith issue uh and the other thing is that Tuma I believe it’s a toe injury uh that he suffered dur in the game and so he showed up on the injury report today and so because of that I think that it’s a little extra insurance there

That great depth on the offensive we’ve talked about that a bunch um but I think that that’s that’s a move to hey what’s the best depth piece we have right now and they looked around and they’re probably like it’s probably will let’s go and so because of that that’s why

They made but I don’t think that I maintain that for them to make a deep playoff run which it looks like as of today will probably include game most if not all their games on the road you’re going to need that best five offensive line and that means obviously Tyron

Smith comes back so I think if you get to a level where you’re starting chuma or Wesco you’re probably in trouble which kind of leads to the point maybe John that even if Tyron could play this week maybe you don’t play him and I know you still have

Designs on winning the NFC East but wouldn’t it be more important to have this guy ready and uh in the playoffs than to to start him against the Detroit Lions team this week yeah no doubt especially if it’s the type of injury could be made worse

Out there so I mean Jerry said earlier in the week that they gave him an injection I just assume that’s a quarter Zone shot and uh to try and help things out and and maybe loosen up I mean seeing him walk around I thought it was

A good sign he was moving pretty well but then also just the fact he was in the locker room uh because tyron’s a guy that a lot of times will you know he’ll kind of avoid the the times when you know Locker Room’s open and media’s in

There and so uh he’s probably pretty close to playing but I’m sure that’s consideration as well is if we you know 10 20 30% better for the start of the playoff why don’t we just let him sit these next two weeks that’s got to be part of the

Equation it does although you still have to protect Dak Prescott make sure he doesn’t get hurt this late in the season John Mota from the athletic here on the blitz on the defensive side another game where Micah Parsons doesn’t uh draw any Flags which seems incredible especially

With some of the photos and videos that are that are floating around with Micah constantly talking about the lack of calls is he actually maybe hurting him self in drawing said penalties from those referees that’s so funny that you ask that because about uh 30 minutes ago uh

Myself Todd Archer a few others Clarence hill we just had this exact same conversation the media work room like is this is this helping do do is this really gonna start getting him calls like this could be backfiring on him uh I think you could go either way because

There’s a part of me that could see them calling one let’s say early in this game uh Saturday and I and I would expect the building to erupt if that happens um but then there’s also part of me where these reps I mean I don’t see you know they’re

They’re their job obviously is to be impartial but they’re human beings like everybody else I don’t know how they’re not seeing this stuff of where you know Aiden Hutchinson in Detroit feels like like that’s happening and Max Crosby and TJ Watt and and Miles Garrett and these guys all these Elite Edge rushers

Probably feel the same way but Mike Micah between during games or I’m sorry after games during the week and then also on his podcast has clearly been the most vocal and so there’s a part of me I think human nature is just like where they’re probably getting kind of annoyed

With the we get it he’s a special athlete we’re sick of he in this um but my biggest takea away from this is that opposing teams off coaches have to just be saying basically hey this guy beat you just kind of grab him a little bit because they’re not calling anything

Against them man it’s been over two months so I mean know if it means you got to grab him a little bit do it and let’s see if they’ll throw the flag they haven’t this they haven’t for a long time man you go all the way back to

October poor guy well maybe if he’s getting held he should just fall down uh you know I mean you know like NBA coaches can uh you know talk refs into making calls right uh does he need to flop because some of the holds aren’t slowing him down and maybe that’s why

He’s not getting the calls he has maintained this season and even in the past that he’s a big NBA fan and he is said and he said it again today he will not turn into a guy that flops so to your point I I I would think that sense

But as of everything that when he’s been asked about it including today he says he will not turn to the flopping because he hates how that happens in the NBA well Jerry says he can get there anyway so it doesn’t matter whether he’s being held or

Not yeah I I just I feel like Jerry doesn’t want to I think I don’t know I I sense a Jerry Jones over the last few years with these teams being a little bit more more superstitious being a little bit more cautious with things like that like I I a little bit less

Jerry wanting to stir the pot with the W uh just like it’s kind of like when you when you get him talking about injury he’s he’s kind of dialed it back and even Super Bowl talk like he won’t even say the word superble you know getting

To where they want to go and things like that so I’ve I’ve sense with Jerry Jones during this time with the Micah Parson’s ref issue that he’s trying to be really cautious not to stir something up um but in a in a way throughout he is also

Weaved in there that he believes that the Reps need to call it a little bit differently for Micah because of the fact of how gifted and special of an edge rusher he is Saturday night Cowboys Lions a special edition of Monday Night Football Jimmy Johnson going into the

Ring of Honor I know you’re from Detroit what’s your gut feeling about what happens in this game John yeah I mean a lot of people will point to yeah you know when you know they EMT Smith got the rushing record that team doesn’t play play well they

Close Stadium they didn’t play well when they open AT&T Stadium they didn’t play well um I just I no in these two teams better than any other teams I know in any sport really uh I just it this lines up so much for for a Cowboys win the way

They’ve played at home uh Detroit coming off of winning the division I there could be some kind of like you know exhaling from them they finally got this monkey up they’re back they finally won the division they know they know they get a to host a playoff game uh I could

See them maybe taking their foot off the gas just a little bit in in Franklin I still think it’s going to be a good game I obviously don’t think it’s going to be a blowout but I would just be very surprised if if if the Cowboys lost this

Game I would say my biggest thing about when you look at the two SK schedule the Cowboys schedule if if the Cowboys had done what the lions are doing right now nobody would be sitting there talking about how it’s this great story but it is for Detroit because they’re coming uh

This is their building right now this is their first time getting into the playoffs in in a while whereas the Cowboys this is their third straight season you’re expecting more out of them and so um I think it’ll be a great game but yeah I my money would be on the

Dallas Cowboys if I was best make sure you follow John Mota on mot subscribe to the athletic for the great coverage John hope you had a great Christmas enjoy New Year’s with your buddies from the Motor City we do guys thanks for having me on appreciate it John Mota from the

Athletic here on the blitz on the buyers barricades Gest line where they provide traffic control rental and sales for San Antonio and Beyond online at buyers barricades docomo what’s on to the blitz want you to know what’s on tap presented by Samberg join what’s on tap brought to you by

Sams bger joint online samsur where you can see their full schedule get your tickets that menu they got live music tonight Matt Kirk is out there Ruben B on Thursday night Friday night the Wilder blue on Saturday night night bird a Fleetwood maack and Stevie Nicks

Tribute band and then on Sunday a New Year’s a New Year’s Eve bash with the dam Torpedoes a Tom Petty tribute band that is fantastic the damn Torpedoes are awesome they’re great I want to go back to Wednesday though you just said Matt Kirk yeah you don’t want to you don’t

Want to finish that Matt Kirk and prins I have no idea who his friends are I think he’s I think it’s pronounced way farers sure not gooey fars well you’ve screwed it up so many times I I didn’t want to get added to that list because Matt Kirk really is

The star of the show Absolutely hey Wednesday tonight out of Green Hall slim Bob and the fabulous stump grinders are out there also at the Majestic Theater Wicked which by the way runs through January 7th and then Thirsty Horse Saloon a great Place Gary Hobs is out

There tonight on Thursday night out at the Aztec the toes are going to be out there the Alo doome has the Valero Almo B Oklahoma and Arizona paper Tiger has Kay fle and Sabino going to be a big weekend Friday night at a Green Hall and evening with

The Mavericks Frost Banks Center has Parker McCullum country music star out there you’ve got Gary Owen at the Tobin Center Stony Laro at floors Country Store should be fun absolutely Saturday night um Green Hall still has the Mavericks the uh Redbird Listening Room has Dale Watson and Schuler King is at

LOL Comedy Club Sunday night New Year’s Eve right Green Hall it is New Year’s Eve with the Mavericks Fross Bank Center well you can celebrate with the Spurs and the Celtics that ought to be over early you can leave for a New Year’s Eve celebration I think it’s a 6:00 start

Yeah you can leave about 7:30 are we at the point with the Spurs where you’re seeing who’s in town to go watch them and not us yeah exactly yeah Boston is good team and CEO Derek white see what else is going on a lot of New Year’s evees bash cowboy jansa has

One yeah don’t know what’s happening there either but it’s a party they’ll have one yeah they’ll they’ll have one so say so right there on the uh on the on the paper what’s on tap brought to you by Sams Berger joint online at samser Matt Kirk and the W fars yeah

Is that is that what it’s called the first time I saw that I’m not kidding I don’t know where we were but I’m like I asked Maggie I said what is gooey what is gooey SP that’s a random question to ask your wife

Gu y gu y is how it is so it’s the wayf fars right but it looks like the gooey Fair it’s got the two little dots that go over the U yeah I just don’t know how to make that on the keyboard well there

You go see pledge I would have had it if You’ have put the two dots I know man we were a couple dots short yeah do we have Extra Innings with pledge tonight we do all right and then we have the agies tonight yep Andrew Monaco Andrew Monaco so the agies

Against Oklahoma State Oklahoma State in the Texas what was that I’m not falling for that banana in the tail pip I just want to say I hope everybody has a safe and happy New Year absolutely be safe everybody have fun uh Rudy is in tomorrow no Rob right pledge is getting

Up early are you even going home tonight probably not well then how are you going to drive Tom to work if if you don’t that’s Funny’s gonna have to take an [Laughter] Uber nobody knows what the hell we’re talking about just everybody needs a friend like he’s an Uber

Driver yeah he doesn’t even charge Tom apparently doesn’t even charge man he said he was going to take you to dinner like it sugars or something or the purple Orchard what was it purple garlic that place yeah yeah yeah yeah happy New Year everybody happy New Year everybody

Extra Innings with pledge next ladies and gentlemen the weekend it’s the blitz with Jason and Joe follow Jason at Jason menx and Joe r

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