Our entire disc golf collection!

Today we are finally showing our collection. Thanks @gavinbdiscgolf for the great idea. Comment down below whose collection is better, and leave a comment if you want to see another collection video.

Today we’re going to be taking a look at our entire collection so yeah let’s get Started entire area here is like got some baskets here we got the Shelf we built this shelf completely from scratch so just got some wood crazy what Home Depot can do for you uhuh we uh they actually messed up really bad on the yeah we had to do a lot of manual

Cutting so and then we got another basket this is my track kind of trashy area right here this is all Quinn’s random trashy bags that can’t hang up all our bags right there Cole’s rain cover up Rain cover first bag is beautiful bag full of golf balls that I

Find on disc golf courses I kind of have a collection of that and then we got random stuff here and then we got the Shelf this is the main main part two all discs we got our main bags here we took our discs out uh just to kind of show

All our stuff because we want to show everything so we want to show the discs out of the bag we got a little yeah um sticker wall here we’ll show you our prize collection of stickers here yes from into day law yeah all our sckers so yeah that’s that so we’ll kind

Of get more into it here so we’ll kind of show our discs first we’ll start with um Quinns all right so basically the first shelf’s Quinn stuff second shelf is my stuff so I’ll kind of move the camera around here so this is my premium stuff and then this is my base

Plastic stuff so I’ll just start my base stuff um got leopard a shark you know just sinus kind of just so yeah all this right here is my base plastic stuff more notable things that I personally like in here it’s like my BC open P2 this bendy pure that I got from

Holiday disc swap that I really like and this Dre Gibson putter that I got from that um limber mystery boxes so um now we’ll go from like here oh these are my Bas plastic discs that aren’t really base plastic they’re a bit more to me there Yeti Pro arrs I’ve got six of

These bad boys all the yeti Pro so yeah these will interchange in my bag depending on how I like the feel stiffer a little softer so we’re not going to be showing all of our discs obviously we’re just going to show some of the cooler stuff and kind

Of show what it looks like what our collection looks like so yeah this is all my premium stuff from here um we took our discs out of our bag here so this is where my bag starts but you guys have seen the in the bag go watch it

Yeah you go check the in the bag we won’t show all our stuff in our bag we just want to put it on our Shelf to show the amount of discs in our collection but yeah go check those out so then more notable things I mean I’ve got like a c

And a c z I do like cast plastic quality of plastic Archer I don’t know I think I might put that in my bag but Brett creature nuke from the limber Mystery Box yeah got to go check out a limber video I don’t know if it’ll be

Posted by the time we release this but got some pretty sick stuff in there so be sure to check that out love this um got my two opto ice orbit discs got a diamond and a pure I love the opto ice orbit discs they’re just so amazing especially this one’s brand

New but it’s like freaking from our Liber 159 so be sure to check out that limber video very exciting stuff we watch we opened two mystery boxes two Hydro diip discs don’t know why hydro dip these very regrettable decision they don’t look good and also don’t really fly

Anymore yeah that’s kind of sad more cast um holiday disc swap disc midnight prowl um um BC open um md3 um this is kind of a special these two are kind of special um so we have a disc golf club and MVP sent us some discs so got these from MVP so yeah

That’s really nice yeah sh MVP for that Full Tilt that I actually was begging for well cuz I wanted to throw it so I I did get the ace with it go check out that check it out we got a tilt Ace of our 13 Aces that we got in Richmond and

We did do a second part to that for uh vlogas CT oh boy uh oh that’s going to be like a buzz SS now cut um C buzz and then Santa Cruz wraith that’s a notable disc pdj disc it’s part of my colle actually lost my pdj disc it’s

Might be still in our garage area here somewhere but have no clue so got this disc it has a funny quote on it they’re all Lefty holes if you know how to throw them right so yeah sh uh comment down below if you’re the person who signed

That we can’t figure out who it is but yeah I think we did look up the pdj number trophy from Raptors no Club championships is a lift I think what was cool they had like a bat it was it was right around uh hallowen yeah actually I

Got one of those too four Raptor’s discs um floppy I named this disc floppy it’s just floppy we might do a little shorts review comment down below if you want to see that if you want to see us do a review on floppy but it’s like very

Floppy like even compared to this like you wave this around like it’s not going floppy but this one yeah floppy as floppy as floppy BC Junior’s disc this was a stingray I thought this was a moo but I got it because it looked expensive and El Jor is doing it

Again nice Daredevil whatever yeah I don’t know that’s a shelf disc yeah um yeah notable discs in my bag I guess I can show MD one we did a review of that check it out an core anore gd1 oh Horizon Cloud breaker z s zon everybody needs a zos s doesn’t matter

What Paul MC Beth tell grateful Dad I bought this cuz of the Little Bears on I couldn’t resist it but yeah that’s really my collection um big germ Thunderbird you guys oh very special this to me I bag this but a team dis Mania um stamped S1 FD that a this Mania

Sponsored player gave to me at TCO tournament Capital open and cam loops um I was very grateful for this and I love this disc and and it worked out for me too because then he sold me his FD so yeah everything worked out yeah that’s kind of the notable stuff in my

Collection D disc if you haven’t seen the video go check it out yeah vlogmas day 23 um yeah um so yeah that’s my collection okay so um yeah let’s start again I don’t have a lot of Base plastic that I don’t bag like I actually only have one two three four five face

Plastic discs in my whole entire collection so nothing interesting there I mean we got this uh AVR that I covered in stickers so there we go basically has the nicer collection he has the nicest we got this uh I have less discs than Quinn but I have some nicer discs I I

Think I don’t know yes I’ve definitely uh get discs just for the collection Quinn usually just buys for the bag got this uh acce race disc that it’s been in the pond multiple times had multiple owners I got it from a friend and uh yeah it’s seen better days so retired to

The sh maybe I’ll give it away someday and then we got got my first Ace with this disc and we think the ace actually cracked it because I throw so hard um so that’s retired disc too not going to be using that anymore but special because I got

My first Ace with it so those are like special this one isn’t really special it’s just there spoiler alert also Hydro di a disc oh but that’s also got the stick and put a West Coast disc golf little thingy on it and uh very cool it was actually a cool disc

Until I hydro dipped it now it feels terrible and it looks terrible so don’t hydro dip discs only dye them because doesn’t really work it’s like for other things but not discs I don’t really think it’s even legal to throw that anymore uh got a whole bunch of Ricos

Here I’ll show my my whole Rico collection we got Rico K1 soft Rico X couple K3 hard Ricos that I dropped and back Rico um that sits on the Shelf because I’ll probably lose mine I lose discs consistently the RICO X has been in the pond like this yeah this

Rico X just this winter has been in the pond way too many times yeah I got a lot of Ricos got a couple Bergs too I’m a big Berg coplas fan uh got two burgs one I died hopefully I don’t lose this one because this one’s sick and I don’t want to I

Don’t want to throw it so got a couple Bergs as well and I have a lot of coplas I’m kind of addicted to coplas they’re just great I’m going to get a Burg X and we’ll do a review of that some other nice discs couple Eagle MCM discs Razer claw 3 Cloud

Breaker and iron Samurai feel like all your ni discs are like barely strong um probably by the time we get this out Eagle’s going to be announcing that he’s moving to MVP um we’ll see really hope he doesn’t um but yeah or maybe he’ll be on the Kama World Tour where is Eagle

Gonna be he’s going to be on the Kama world tour with MVP one or the other so maybe that’ll give these discs some more value but it’ll also make me very sad got a couple other die discs that I got from the holiday disc swap yeah Homer Simpson with sunglasses Beauty Dy shout

Out uh don’t remember his name but great amazing dyes owns a disc golf store I think called bogey nights or maybe he just got those stickers but check it out um another casted um used to bag it used to be kind of like a little flipp than the r but ended

Up just being like really similar to the r and I like the r more so just beg the r I’m a big Vinnie fan so had to pick up this Vinnie Eagle I was throwing it for a bit but retired it um we got some BC open discs

Here um all my BC open discs we got three for the in the players pack nice little uh owl stamp then we got the Raptor stamp for Raptor n um if you haven’t already go check out that Vlog it’s a great Vlog um pretty good tournament what the biggest

Tournament in Canada I think ever most people most people it’s like 600 people beautiful Daredevil Alberta Jr uh disc that tournament had like 25 people in it my MVP discs from the club uh this is not really this should be back here this is a base plastic disc

Nomad not important um got this for a CTP prize I’ve never thrown it somehow it’s beat in I’m just I think it’s CU Quinn threw it in a basket that doesn’t matter like that’s not going to beat up a disc so it’s it should be brand new

But yeah I got it for a CDP it’s pretty nice uh Warden why it’s nice no um brand new nuke brand new Thrasher that probably won’t ever throw evader brand new might switch that out another cast a disc I don’t know why I just like showing off all my cast I

Don’t know why because I just love casting so that’s all kind of from our mystery box unboxing the limber Mystery Box thing and then these are like my nicer discs so Quinn has one of these too we got these from winning the Raptors Club championships um nice little glow very glowy disc lift

So got that um what about the buzz man forgot the buzz Buzz the bir creature Buzz um yeah this isn’t as really nice I don’t know if it has any value but sick disc got it in the limber um unboxing so check that out please check it out we’ve

Told you enough times and these are my nice discs so we got Jeremy coing Thunderbird um brand new I think yeah it’s definitely brand new a lot of a lot of my discs are brand new I if I all the ones you see there are all brand new

These are all basically brand new if I if I get them and I don’t begag them I’m just not going to throw them if I’ve already thrown them and I know I don’t like it CU I like to keep them Mint Condition then we got oh no I just

Dropped my brand new Lux Vapor tilt that’s so sad so I had a bit of a camera issue there but um we’re back so yeah we got a 2023 sax Firebird these things are look amazing but they don’t carry the same value that the older ones do

Hopefully they will in the future but not like I’m going to start flipping it but always looking for to have value in the discs and then we got the Full Tilt um picked this up at the BC open the vendors there were actually like solid like they had a lot of discontinued

Stuff they had a lot of Sky gods and mind vendors and they sold these for like 45 bucks which is really good because they sell for like 80 on eBay so had to pick that up and let’s go over some things in my bag that I like we

Got obviously this bird my favorite disc in my collection so yeah amazing again three more castl discs Grim Grim Max and Grim sorry this is a grix not a grim I should know that stuff and then we got grabbed the wrong one there these are kind of that one’s notable to ride

These are kind of collector’s discs um special edition Rhythm Halo Destroyer 2022 bottom stamp and the Grateful Dead dd3 these things they’re crazy expensive but yeah Grateful Dead and then we got glitch special stamp glitch and we got a first run Zone OS those are some nicer ones so

Yeah that is the extent of our collection um we’ll go through some random stuff here I’ve got this box let’s see what’s in it I don’t even really know opening up BC open players Pack Box this fabulous box there’s your uh squash warranty um a bushel disc jockey bunch of

Towels oh shoot I just dropped it I dropped the disc jocky yeah I got this in a players pack and I never really wanted to use it just doesn’t really have a use I barely used it plastic bag definitely need that I’m going to gift it to Quinn he loves

Plastic bags sign mini some chargers for something so I’m sorry you guys got to see this qu’s wearing the plastic bag look I get B behind the camera all right yeah we got random cords for who knows what some winter gear that I never use because we

Live in Vancouver and it doesn’t get that snowy here a speaker another speaker that’s broken thust clogged in it hydr mini also kind of useless because it stays sticky and then all the dirt that gets on it sticks here we go now and then wait what was your Crystal mini

More minis my I do have we do have some trophies upstairs that we won’t really show because they’re just trophies I’ve got a tiny tiny mini tiny mini from Ace Runners uh this little controller for a basket light the bag for a third place trophy I got from TCO there are four

People in the division so a brand new dis Mania beer cozy from the BC open oh yeah some pegs for the basket we we have my membership card from 2021 which reminds me got to renew that soon and we got a scorecard here I’m Bor with the plastic

Bag and that’s pretty much it what oh we got a whole bunch of Hill Sound Stickers don’t know what that is um yeah also another questional instructions and wait another uh dis disc disc monster num Noms great notable um hot clab mini and trash Panda mini oh yeah love those I

Got some cool things in our bag TCO mini really useful extendable chair things that extend out they’re amazing I have car it in your bag you don’t have to hold it yes those we both have one of those those are we have a bunch of these Raptors old towels which

Are just amazing I love them they look amazing too let’s see if I can get this in the frame and they cost like a million dollars and we get them like every time we play a tournament so it’s kind of anno yeah um that’s basically it

For our collection if you want us to do another collection video like next year cuz it will grow and just comment down below if you like this and you want to see more of this kind of stuff so yeah um thanks so much for watching um like

And subscribe and yeah see you in the next One

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