Golf Babe

Car Camping in Rain Storm – Air Tent

Car Camping in Rain Storm – Air Tent ❤️AB

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Filmed on Sony a7RV Camera, Rode Video Pro+ Mic, Rode Wireless Pro Mic, iPhone 15 Pro Max, dji Pocket 3 gimbal.

Most products I used are on my Amazon Page:

I’ll bring you back for some bacon okay sitrep it’s absolutely chucking down  picture perfect that could be on a postcard okay   welcome back everybody to another camping with  Tony and Bruno uh it’s been a while I think the  

Last time we were out was over a month ago uh  this is going to be the last Camp of the Year   2023 and just yeah I wasn’t meant to go camping  but suddenly something uh popped up and I could  

Go so we’re going to do a one nighter the  weather’s rainy Grim um but mild pretty warm   in fact it’s very warm 20° Centigrade super War  so we’re off to a familiar campsite we’re going  

To eat some great food just chill out chat about  the year do some great camping with uh some new   gear as well and hopefully enjoy ourselves for  this last camp and in case you’re wondering why   I go camping in the rain uh it’s because  then there’s less people around they tend  

Not to camp in the rain uh they go somewhere  else and also in the rain there’s less bugs   and midges and stuff like that you don’t get as  hot all right everyone I’ll bring you back uh at camp is

Oh my God look at this what it’s like  a million people wow no that’s not happening nightmare thousands of people hundreds  loads and loads of them they probably all know   who I am as well nightmare let’s get out of here  quickly oh that’s a shame the campsite is full  

So absolute nightmare this is just this is this  time of year this is what happens it’s full I   mean I’ve never seen it like that before but I’d  say I’d say there was about 20 tents 20 tents here

Oh that sucks so this is why I don’t camp in  summer and it is summer here in New Zealand   that’s a shame I’ve just come all the way  out here and I’ve got to turn around go  

Back but I have another spot that I can try  so we’re going to give that a go you sure I   just crossed the uh stream so I have to cross  that again the river um but the other spot I’ve  

Got is up a mountain which is further along  the main road that I came on so we’re going   to give that a go but this was definitely a  noo not with all those people there and and  

It just no no that’s not what I do all right  everyone I’ll bring you back on the main road   okay I don’t know what this guy is doing  but he seems to be checking the depth of  

The water see if his truck can make it through  which I doubt it can or as we don’t have that problem all right easy peasy let’s get out of here all right so yeah cross the river  um let’s try out the mountain see if that  

Works I’m hoping because the mountain is just a  single Lane oh this Road’s so bumpy that I can   find a spot just to Camp I’m sure vehicles  and people will be going past but at least  

They won’t be camping next to me which is uh  a pet peeve of mine and uh everyone you know   is entitled to go camping it’s great it’s  just not the sort of thing I want to do uh  

I want to camp in solitude without anybody  else around uh so I don’t have to worry   about them so I can film not be interrupted  stuff like that so I just have to find the   spots that have that sort of place available  all everyone I’ll bring you back from up the

Mountain okay we’re almost there we’re on the  mountain we are in the clouds uh I’ll tell you   elevation and everything else when I get to  set up camp but we’re yeah we’re about just  

Under 10 minutes to where we need to go it’s a  long climb up so I’ll bring you back from our campsite we’re at 1300 M we are in the clouds very very thick out there  peace soup as we say okay not far  

From the campsite now in fact I’ve  camped here before right on this spot very muddy all right last bit up the mountain  sheer drop off to the left we’re now 1, 1400 M just got to get past all this land slip  stuff and hope no one is coming the other way

Cool all right see you at the campsite  okay welcome back everybody right we’re   on the mountain we’re at, 1400 M temperature  has dropped it’s drizzling nothing’s too bad   we’ got to get Bruno out get his treat  uh and then let’s get camp set up and  

Hunker down come on Bruno oh the truck  is covered in mud right do you want your treat so in case this is the first time you’re   watching Bruno always gets his treat  at the Bruno what’s this oh it’s this

Retreat and he’s been doing fantastic  sit pretties so let’s see if he does one now okay come here there you sit sit pretty good  boy wow excellent good one go on then all right   everyone we got a massive tent uh I’ve got the  zempire Pronto tent now we’re actually parked  

Let me just swivel the camera around a bit for  you to see but we’re actually parked on the side   of the road here and I’ve had comments before  like isn’t it dangerous to park on the side of  

The road not particularly hardly anyone comes  up here we’re so high this is so rugged this   track is so dangerous that a lot of people just  don’t come up here I think of the times I’ve been  

Up here maybe seen three cars that’s it of every  time I’ve been up here uh the track has recently   own been opened uh just for these holidays um  because there’s logging operations going on so  

What I’m going to do is I’m going to plunk the  tent right here just by the side of the road   um and then adjust the truck to get the awning out  uh and Hunker everything down so let’s get on with it

Oh there’s Carnage in the back of the truck  stuff is falling everywhere was a rough road okay so what we need is the  tent itself and it’s not really   that windy so it’s not a big deal it feels  it where the camera is but here we’re quite

Sheltered so I’ll probably  only have to use minimal guidelines now believe it or not this is the start of summer so it comes with a patch  repair kit it does come with a   pump and pegs but I’m going to use  my own pegs and I’ve got the electric pump

So this is an all-in-one tent the outer   pitches with the inner at the  same time makes it a lot more convenient especially if it’s windy or  it’s raining and as I said it’s an air tent so it doesn’t have your  traditional poles it’s got air poles [] that’s the back

There this is the front now I haven’t set this tent up for oh months so I’ve forgotten where everything is okay I think you can Pump It Up  from just this one here there’s   two valves but I’m just going to  Pump It Up from here now usually  

You’re meant to Peg it down first but  I don’t think I need to it’s not that windy okay now I’ve got an extension cable for this because the cable it comes with is a bit too short okay I’m going to set this to about 10 and 1/2 PSI  

I want it quite firm okay  I’m going to set the timer now for I’ve got some massive 16in  staks these things are just huge so I think I’m actually happy with this  spot so I’m just going to stake it down here

Got a new Hammer it’s rubbish should  have used my old one this is too small so you can help it up a bit  if you want doesn’t really matter but as soon as you do  the wind’s going to want to take it right C right that didn’t take

Long a I should have put my other Hammer  this thing’s rubbish just shows I got   this on Amazon it’s just na too much  vibration my other one from Coleman   is way better okay so it’s it’s pumped  up all done now I’ve just got to guy it

Out definitely get a 12volt extension  cable if you’re getting one of these save you a lot of hassle my my truck is absolutely caked in filthy   mud it’s so gross you got to  be really careful if you touch

It now I do have a rubber mallet  that I could use to put the pegs in but I’ll just keep I’ll persist with this  rubbish hammer don’t get me the wrong the pegs   are great it’s just this thing is rubbish okay  let’s peg this down and how spooky does this place  

Look really with the cloud it’s pretty spooky  right now I’ve learned from last time in the   last tent the last zempire that you have to guide  these out on the windward side as long as you can don’t go short long is good she said  okay but this Hammer is so rubbish that  

It’s difficult to actually Hammer these  in I don’t know what they were thinking   so what happens is the Hardy hit it sort  of moves a bit and it’s got such a small   surface area so dark you can’t get it’s  just rubbish I can’t explain how na that is

Yep worst Hammer ever okay so  we’re probably going to guy   we’ll guy the whole lot out just because  you never know on a mountain what could happen and the wind could get pretty violent  here so what I’m going to do is I’m going to  

Guide it all out it’s going to take me a while  there’s a lot to it and I’ll bring you back okay   okay it’s all guide out hey Bruno Where Have  You Been um well not guide out what I’ve done  

Is I I haven’t bothered with the corner guys  just because it’s such a strong structure but   if I feel I’ve checked the weather forkast  if I feel it’s going to get worse later then  

I will now one of the things about this tent  that I wish they would change um is put a zip   here and a zip here to be honest that’s the only  floor in this tent because uh you can’t have the  

Sides down pegged and have the main bit rolled  up you have to have the whole thing rolled up   or you have to roll just this little side axis  which is Tiny I don’t know why they’ve done that  

I haven’t got a clue uh hopefully in the next  version of this tent version three they will do that cuz that’s the only annoying thing about it so really all you’ve got cuz I guess it’s  designed for fair weather but that’s your  

Access if you fold the door up which is fine  I mean I’m probably going to leave it like this the only thing is that rain  will then come down the tent and   in that’s why I want them to change it  so you can roll the whole thing up and  

Have a barrier from the side you see  there’s no barrier from the side here now but it’s a minor squabble  a minor thing and it’s really   only a pain for filming the other  thing I could do is set the poles

Up yeah I could set the poles up and have this  thing set up properly I just don’t know how   good they are in the Wind so I’ve got a couple of  poles with me so we can do that so let me do that

Now oh but the thing is I just really  don’t want to I’d rather just use the   awning you know what no I’m not going to  do it it’s too much of a fath to to set  

That all up what I’m going to do instead is  lift this whole thing up the rain is coming   from behind I don’t think it’s going to go  in the tent and if it does we’ll work it out but if you’re listening zempire  look at the Coleman dark star tent  

Dark something the one I tested a while  ago because that has a great door side   side panels main door really awesome setup  but that tent because of the poles is pretty   weak I wouldn’t trust that in a massive  storm which is why I’ve got this one with

Me so I’m sure this is designed  to always have the holes on the awning so now you can see what I mean there’s  no side panel here to protect from sideways rain or wind for that matter so in the rain you have to lower this

Down yeah that’s the only thing it needs a better   door right the palace and this  thing is a palace let me show you look at the size of this  thing it’s a four person tent   so they say are four to squeeze  on the [] floor there’s so much

Room so much room and you can stand up fully  I know you can’t see me but I’m here stand up   fully no problem got full ventilation if I  needed it I could lower I’ve got side flaps  

To lower down everything got ventilation at the  back I will need that later but right now what   we got to do is work out how to position the  truck to have the awning uh and this awning  

Is pretty windproof so let’s get on with that  okay so because the awning is on the left hand   side and the wind is coming from this way  I want to be able to use the the tent as a Windbreak like that that’s completely a  great Windbreak and I want to be able to  

Have my table here and access the just  this side of the truck if I have to uh   so I want to actually Park I want to  park the truck at an angle like that   then I can open it all up and it’ll  be good so let’s get on with that

And in case you’re wondering where Bruno is he’s  watching me right there you might see him come running he there Bruno I wasn’t leaving you oh that’s  awesome I think that’s going to work well because oh you know what no I  need to move forward more okay  

Move forward another what push up against that tree have you seen Bruno running around he’s under  the camera now oh yeah that’ll work okay let’s   get this warning out and strapped up so this is  my new warning it’s from Bush swacker I think it’s

Called the dark extreme something like that  I don’t know it’s pretty serious piece of kit though in case you’re wondering this is over 7 foot high so whilst my last awning was  pretty good the Dy this is just   way better okay now I’ve just  got to remember how you do it

Look at this it’s a serious piece of Kit oh yeah and it just makes it over the tent look look at that what an awesome tent and  I’m just off the road in fact I’m a   good meter off the road here  but look at the coverage I’ve

Got okay let’s get the rest of it set up  actually first thing I want to do is put   some poles down now there is a pole  right here you can move them around   but I’ve got so many poles on here we  should be okay and you can guide them

Down it’s just to stop the  massive downdraft from taking it away so I don’t want this pole near the road it’s good so I can guide these down well I’ve got an echo  here now if I want to um we’ll see it’s a lot of  

Wind I might actually take this pole off here and  put it here just to give me some protection here   in case there’s a big Dow drop because this one  will come down right in the way of the the tent  

So yeah I need to move it over so I’ll bring you  back after I’ve moved that one overo okay it’s   done I oh my God I love this setup I really  do now I haven’t got it completely covering  

The front of the tent there’s no need if it  rains the rain is coming this way but what I   have got is protection from the wind I do have an  awning wall if I wanted to put it up but this is  

Acting as such a great block who needs it now  one other cool feature that this awning comes with is lighting oops wrong cable so if I plug all these lights in we will have light which is really handy to  have a lighted a lit awning not lighted pretty simple to

Do it’s funny the wind is definitely  picked up which I didn’t think it would so I might have to guy everything down after roll okay and this comes up here into here check it out and you probably can’t see  it but all the lights are on now that’s cool  

Right I don’t need them this second so  I’m going to turn that off unplug that right I need to get on my gear into the tank get  it all unpacked so let’s get on with that come  

On look at Bruno what you doing he was Miles  Away having fun wow the wind is really picked up right I’ve got my king Camp bed ire table this T so big I can just  hang out in there if it’s really Grim my airpad king Camp airpad woo excuse me Bruno’s bed and

Blanket pillow sleeping bag now  sleeping bag hm I might have made   a mistake with the sleeping bag uh  I hope the sleeping bag’s going to   be warm enough it’s the basic zempire  one and I’m not sure what it goes down

To hopefully it’s enough I’m sure it  says in there but we’ll figure that out later this is the awning wall set for  the awning just in case I want to use it my camp chair and my spare clothes in my  new Ab camping bag check it out that was a merch

Pug and all my paraphernalia excuse the ass shock I think that’s everything  I need from in here for now uh I’ve got a match for Bruno toon  and a Jerry can with a surprise in it for later all right let’s get everything set

Up right so the way that I’ve got this whole  thing set up is I think the awning is going   to leak water onto here so at some point I  am going to have to put this up if it if it  

Rains okay I need uh I need my pump hang  on oh oh it’s nice to get in out of the wind so the last time I used this tent was with Bruno and it was when I got back from my holiday  

Uh early 23 and talked about Brucey  passing away this is the last Camp of 2023 and I will be talking about some of  the things that happened right I’m going   to have my head up that end the reason  for that obviously is the road is there  

Even though I don’t think there’ll  be any cars I just don’t fancy it [] okay we just pump the bed up yeah was bat except I’ve done it the wrong way around okay all right and then the

Pad so you might be wondering why I bother  using one of these instead of just a popup   bed because whilst those popup beds are  great and pretty comfortable they’re not   as comfortable as this thing this thing is  just lovely to lie on now the problem with  

King Camp pad is it doesn’t fit in the  bag if any air gets in it this is what happens so Talk Amongst  yourselves while I take this out okay and the same deal let’s just pump this up and that’s it the p goes under the straps on both

Ends and you can actually strap it on if you want to with the strap there just  to make it nice and tight okay and my sleeping bag which I don’t think  will connect to this it’s the Zen bivy but  

I’m sure it’s not very warm one it is oh  it’s a 10° fit okay that’s plenty I was   worried then right so I’m going to deal  with this later there’s basically a whole   thing that you attach to your pad but I don’t  think this will work on this pad let’s have a

Look oh I should have kept my mouth shut it works perfectly okay yep it worked these Zen bivy pads are the uh bags   are so comfy okay but I don’t  know if I need to do all this now oh I can’t be bothered but  basically that will connect onto  

The pad and hold my pad my bag tight  tonight and there’s a slot to put your   pillow like that goody goody okay  br bed I don’t know where Bruno is Bruno he’s just having a great time Bruno there you are look what’s  this is that your bed what’s this  

He is that your bed what’s this Bruno  oh he doesn’t want to go to bed right now he’s not that stupid that’s his  blanket woo okay let’s get my chair sorted oh it’s good to be out  I tell you it’s good to be out cuz we’re going to need  a refreshing drink shortly

Uh okay where am I oh [] here I get asked so many questions about this  click chair I don’t know it’s a click high back   and it does the job it’s not the most most comfy  chair in the world oh I’m hot now I’m pretty hot

Baby oh we need a cold drink  but I need to set my table up this is camping with Tony we have luxuries we don’t slum it if we can help it little features about the zempire  table look it’s got a beer bottle opener although I usually  use cans so that doesn’t help me

Now I can have this on a high setting  or low and I quite like it low like that that is perfect let’s get a beer from the fridge I think we’re going  to go with a cassel’s milk stout yummy cassel’s milk outout yum going  to sit here we’re going to chill

Out okay now I have cheers everybody hello Bruno   I have tied Bruno up cheers happy  New Year oh it’s we getting clagg in oh oh I needed that hello my lovely I needed that let’s get Bruno’s water there you go

So I’m just going to chill for a bit I’ve got  to get the starlink set up because there’s not   a lot of signal here yeah so I need to get the  starlink up um cuz I need to contact my wife and  

My son so I’m going to do that I’m going to have  this beer then I’ll bring you back for some late   lunch because it’s actually pretty early Believe  It or Not 2:00 p.m. and I’m hungry so I feel like  

Some bacon or something or some eggs so I’ll  probably bring you back for that but thanks   again for coming everybody hope you’ve enjoyed it  so far we’re just chilling end of year chilling

Cheers all right I think it’s time for some B can  just move this there you go okay so what we need is I’m going to need a knife yep my Cutlery box okay my kitchen table ha it’s got this handy  little bin thing on the bottom I didn’t know  

Until Nick M2 Overland that built buil this  whole canopy sent me a text after watching   one of my videos and said you know I was tying  the bag up outside said you know there’s some   hooks under here for your for your bin okay  let’s get cooking we’re going to have some  

Bacon and I will do some for Bruno as well  just a little bit cuz he’s been a good boy   and he’s lying here nicely i’ I’ve taken  the lead off him now and he’s calmed down and I know people hate seeing him tied up  but sometimes it’s for his own good so look  

I’ve put this up this is the awning for the  tent and the wind was getting through so i’   I’ve mounted it to the truck I could lift  it up even higher uh but this is fine it’s  

Fine for me now I’m just just touching it but  what it’s doing is it’s stopping any of that   spray coming in I wish they’d sort the side  panels out but whatever it is what it is I  

Can keep going on about it it won’t change  until they fix it though okay we got some bacon got some beautiful pesel Manuka bacon now people always say to me Tony  you need to get a pair of scissors and  

You’re right I do there’s a lot of things  I need to sort out but I keep forgetting my last video [] was on the mountain in a   major flipping storm it was that was  just outrageous in another zempire

Tent and it was just the most ridiculous  wind ice and snow you can imagine that was   just awful in every way but the tent  did such an amazing job I was just staggered okay now I’m using  my Otani Grill it’s supposedly

Windproof all right Bruno we’re going  to take a bunch of bacon out of here you probably can’t see him he’s right at my feet loitering how many pieces but he’s  going to get a piece he doesn’t get much cuz he’ll have his dinner soon as

Well so I’m I don’t have breakfast so  I haven’t eaten today so I’m on the   carnivore diet if you don’t know what that  is look it up I’m cheating a bit cuz it’s Christmas but basically the concept  is you just eat meat or animal

Products look at this I’ve got this new  non-stick pan but it’s got a floor is   that burns because this is wooden a wooden  handle wooden handles don’t go so I’m going   to have to try Fab uh metal handle for  this cuz I like the actual non-stick pan []

Itself and it bows look at that  it’s completely bowed look how   it bends I don’t know if you can  make that out but it’s completely bowed it might even be melting you know what I might have to ditch that

Pan and use this pan instead in fact  I will oh my gosh look at that so I   got this pan on Amazon wow look at that  it’s complet completely contorted I don’t   know if you can make that out it’s bent in  half look it was round now it’s oval what  

A pile of junk what a pile of junk so it  burned on the handle and it’s completely melted you got to be careful and  you got to not trust the reviews   on Amazon most of the time they’re  complete rubbish now this is a proper pan this is my transer non-stick

Pan all right this is going to take ages to  cook this so I’ll bring you back for some bacon okay Bacon’s ready I’ve pulled the whole  thing out because the wind was cutting in   through there so by bringing the whole shelf out  towards the tent there’s no wind here much better  

Okay bacon is ready we’ll put a little bit in  Bruno’s Bowl you can’t see him but he is right here oh boy does he love his bacon got to let that cool down though that’s plenty for him now as a

Carnivore because I don’t have any fillers  or anything else I have to have a bit more so   yeah it’s a lot of bacon but all the fat has  come off it if you saw this pan it’s oh it’s  

Like a third of an inch of fat in here it’s  amazing I’m going to cook dinner with that tonight oh a still sizzling check it out look at that yum lovely  Manuka bacon ha exciting right so we just need Bruno’s to cool down  then he can have his so you see what I’ll  

Do is just put everything back over here don’t  know if you can see see that you see me moving   this look I’ve got to watch Bruno cuz he’s got  his eye on my pan my plate there you go keep  

That there okay what I might do is just add a  little bit of water to Bruno’s Bowl to cool it down and just to make it easier  for him to eat oh that cools it immediately okay let’s eat still got a little  bit of beer left oh Cutlery oh there’s always

Something okay so yeah with carnivore diet you   can’t have tomato ketchup anything like  that Bruno here you go watch him okay sit good boy wait go on then on appey  everybody so even though I’ve got a  

Table I can’t help it I just need on  my lap I don’t know why I’m used to it m crispy oh yeah m this will see me through to dinner okay everyone have my bacon  the rest of the bear I’ll bring you  

Back for a tour around camp and just  a little walk to show you where we are ah sitrep the weather has changed now it might  look bright on camera but I can assure you it’s   not it is absolutely Grim so let’s go out and  see what we’re dealing with in here we’re quite  

Shielded the tent is shielding us I’ve put  a few more guys out it’s not going anywhere   I hope um but let’s go and check out what’s  going on out there it’s just unhook Bruno hold on hey Bruno okay let me just unhook you hold on all right come on right so come

On it’s Grim you can see everything just moving ah uh I don’t know if you can make out the  speed of the cloud going sideways in the   rain but you’ll see I’ve put a few more  guys out um I’ve also guide the tent the  

The awning down that Stak looks quite High  down there but there’s loads of room I’ve   put rocks on the guys it’s not going anywhere  even if a huge gust of wind comes it’s all gu out the only thing I haven’t  done is guide these two corners

Um there and there which I could do but I’ve  got rocks attached to that point there the   tent is pretty much hunkered down but look at  what we’re dealing with look at the road is gone look at that I’m glad we didn’t  drive up in that hey Bruno still got  

Your bone yeah I’m glad we didn’t drive  up in that nightmare can’t see anything   over the edge again we’re like, 1400  M up here I think camera’s getting soaked and there’s my setup so look at the  trees moving behind it look at those trees  

And then look at this trees these trees  here are completely calm we’re just in a   great spot here it just bounces over the  top of this Ridge here you see it’s Dead   Calm on the other side but the wind is  definitely picked up the storm is coming  

Out of nowhere there’s no warning of this  isn’t that right Bruno he’s in his happy   place he loves it when we’re storming oh he’s  bouncing he’s the gazelle what you doing so happy oh so it’s Grim really Grim temperatures  dropped a bit it’s not cold cold at  

All I haven’t got a fire with me because actually   we’re in a um fire restricted time  cuz it is summer here so no fire is allowed so you see I’ve got the awnings the  awnings are tied down and I did manage to  

Make that roof higher up here I just draped over  the top of the the canopy cover see there’s a bit   of water coming in up here I don’t know if you  can make that out I it’s coming in everywhere  

I mean look at it but the tent is dry see all up  here this side is completely dry so we definitely   pitched up in the right dire Direction let’s just  hope it doesn’t change direction all right well  

I guess I’m going to just sit this out bring you  back around dinner time welcome to another camping   with Toon and Bruno and ab camping I find the  storms I find the storms I might watch a movie  

Got my computer down here watch a movie just chill  out it’s nice in the tent like if we come in here in here it’s absolutely calm it’s lovely out there Grim just Grim can you hear the rain so  the water is going to pull it’s going to  

It’s going to pull up here come down and  drip down there and it already is doing it   see it’s dripping down this leg can you  see that that’s the floor needs to come   out more so it doesn’t do that and then  it would be the perfect ENT wouldn’t it

Bruno but I’m I’m fine I’m  warm I’m dry truck’s doing its job we’ll see how much this awning can take but I’ll bring you back later [] [] okay sitrep it’s absolutely chucking down  it’s it’s just suddenly in the last 20  

Minutes just got so violent I’ve really  got a knack of finding these storms so   I have had to tie down all of the awning  points you can’t really see this one in   the middle to drain the awnings off down  there you can see this one is draining off  

Onto here and then flowing down here  this is a waterproof door I hope it’s waterproof so far so good it looks waterproof we’ll see see how long  that lasts if it’s not waterproof then we’re   in trouble but it’s the same material  as outside so I’m assuming it’s 100%

Waterproof it’s not leaking okay so it’s not  leaking it’s good so all that water is draining   there we’ve got all the rest of the water draining  down here there’s a big puddle forming over here  

Bruno’s at my feet he’s just under the truck here  I you probably can’t see him and I’ve tied this up   completely now so I’ve got both Wings open I’ve  got lots of head height now and it’s giving me a  

Little bit of extra shield because I haven’t got  this corner bits if I had the corners if they did   it the way I said and it came out to here like the  Coleman this would be completely protected just  

Like the Coleman but it’s not so it’s dripping all  the way down here so zempire if you’re listening   you must fix that on version three proper side  and then an awning at the front just like the  

Common one and I’m just sort of sitting in here  out of the breeze out of the rain just chilling   with Bruno it’s what it is I don’t know how long  this storm has me to last for I think it’s another  

Hour or so maybe longer I don’t know but you can  see everything is gone down now I’ve got bricks   everywhere cuz I’ve run out of pegs again no one  comes up in these conditions no one it’s just me  

I’m the only one stupid enough just for you guys  all right everyone bring you back later right it’s   hours later welcome back everybody it’s cold I  think it’s now down to almost 10° Centigrade um   the windchill is making it cold plus I’ve just  been sitting here doing nothing so I’ve got got  

My thousand Loft Stellar on just because it is  cold I feel cold time to eat he’s hungry Bruno   definitely wants his dinner Don’t You Bruno so um  mine’s going to take a while so let’s give him his now he has his special diet this is pure lamb it’s called

Zwe made in New Zealand no  preservatives nothing else no fillers very very good for him is it your dinner time  you going to sit like a good boy good boy go on then right so what I  got is wagu steak wagu Sirin steak to be

Precise look at the mbling on  that mbling mbling look at that   now obviously I’m not going to have all  of that that’s a lot but I figure two   should keep me going they’re not  that big at all so I have two of

Those so we need to get the pan on might just  move Bruno out the way a bit sorry Bruno there   you go um he’s on the lead just because he’s had  his play he’s been playing for hours and um yeah  

I don’t want to want to lose him he’s still a  puppy and he still acts like a puppy and he could disappear now I’m I’m going to cook these  down here sitting in the comfort and warmth   and wind protection of the tent standing up  here with the wind coming through here it is  

It’s cold it just feels cold so we’re going  to sit down cook these here you’re nice and   easy I tell you what the wind has just it’s  onof but it’s been Relentless sometimes and   everything is held up so far fingers crossed all  my guy lines have held up we’ll see uh fingers  

Crossed hoping for the best here so I’ve got the  Bacon Fat here because anyone who knows cooking beef cooking steaks in Burger fat is yummy can I eat two uh you know what I’m not  overly hungry cuz of all that bacon  

That would just be gluttony usually  I go for it but no I’m going to have   one put this back in the fridge tell you  what temperatur dropped okay let’s cook these okay mind out Bruno go on no not  that way don’t Bruno is very unaware  

And he wraps himself around he wraps  himself around the tripod every time   it doesn’t matter so he’s probably  going to take the camera with him now yep yep there he goes  let me move this again hang on all right so we can turn this  down a bit doesn’t need to be that

Hot ah we definitely don’t need a panire that should be fine ah having a zesty drink [] that hits the spot so I’ve just been  chilling I watched a movie but I stayed   in the tent because it’s just Grim out here  it’s just Grim I’ve had a few Grim camps in  

A row but when you’re on a mountain and the  wind chill is is just this you know is like this it really gets to you really gets  to you so what we’re going to do is   we’re going to cook this up few minutes  on each side and then just leave it to

Sit because that’s what you’re meant  to do anyway so it be crispy on the   outside and beautiful on the inside  when I slice this up and I think on   while we’re waiting while we’re waiting  for it to to be ready but you can see  

How quickly I can cook one of these up I  can always cook another if I get really hungry I forgot to season it but I’ve  got salt here so I’ll do it afterwards   um while we’re doing that we’ll make ourselves  a little cocktail as well to go with dinner I  

Think we’ve earned it he’s sitting here he’s  just eaten his entire dinner I’m trying not   to make eye contact with him he’s sitting here  and he he’ll just eat and eat and eat he wants  

Some of this now but he’s eaten that was a  big portion of food he just had as well so   chances are he’s not going to get any of this  cuz he’s had bacon today he’s had everything  

You know I’m going to give him a teeny tiny tiny  morsel of this and that’ll be it just a taster so literally that’s all you need to [] do and you’ll end up with a beautiful  medium rare and then you just let it sit preferably in

Foil so it doesn’t get cold  all right think we’re [] good so quick so quick and you know  what I think I’ve actually   got foil here hang on I might have something ah thought I did wrap that in the foil just for a few

[] minutes let that sit so while  that’s doing that let’s have a cocktail Jerry can check it out  what’s in the Jerry can my drinks   that’s right a little bath and look  it even says AB camping cigar time on  

It don’t if you can make that out  so I think what we’re going to do is this SP later going Chuck a little  bit of Jin in bit of Bombay Sapphire this thing even has a light in it  a bar light just here yeah so you can see  

Your bottles it’s outrageous a Jerry can  bar Isn’t that cool and personalized as well so they’re indestructible okay  let’s mix this up up may you know find out all right so we got in here  got some lemon some tonic oh that wind we got some massive craft  ice cubes look at these massive

Balls I come prepared you can see the wind  howling through this Gap but   it just keeps changing direction so  there’s no way I could sort it okay tonic and lemon okay wipe my knife this wind oh man there we go oh God it’s like  a wind tunnel here just in this

Spot really need this all to  die down hopefully it does soon cheers a gin and tonic with lemon at, 1400 m m okay let’s eat ah oh it’s just night and day difference let me just turn  the camera thingy around so I can see what I’m

Doing it is a night and day difference  sitting here being there unbelievable   I mean with that windchill it’s  almost worth putting my beanie on CU it is it does feel chilly I  am feeling cold and I’ve got layers

On I think I might have to can see  my breath oh that’s better it’s just   the damp Mountain Air just gets to you a salt and pepper o and you know what else I just  saw was Tobasco no I don’t want better  

Tasco Basco on a mountain having to  deal with the consequences not worth it oh it’s going to be crispy on the outside pepper that thing up the rock salt ah okay one appe te everybody see how  this is oh it’s rare not medium rare

Rare but it just melts it just melts now what   I’m going to do is cut a bit of fat  off and let him have that cuz he’s loitering no pepper salt on there okay  there you go Bruno come on then come on good boy okay oh this wag you

Steak cooked in bacon fat absolutely delicious I used to eat raw steak  all the time well not raw but rare h actually miss it cheers everybody wow oh gosh it’s so windy I don’t know if that  Colman tent that popup Coleman tent I don’t  

Know if it would survive this to be honest  I don’t think those those poles are strong enough there’s a chance I’m  going to have another one of these but we’ll see all right everybody  I’ll bring you back after I’ve had this and

This so cheeky I’ll bring you back  for cigar time thanks for coming on   this one everyone this is a pretty Grim end of the year okay welcome everybody to  Cigar time so I think for our drink I’m going to have a Japanese

Whiskey on the rocks now Bruno gets an ice  cube come on then here you go come on cuz he   loves ice cubes here you go up up you going  sit pretty good good boy you you can’t see  

Him but he sitting pretty he’ll chew that ice  cube up loves ice oh right back to the table   it’s been a while I have to say it’s been  a while since since since I’ve done a cigar time it feels good to be back and fitting that the last one of the

Year oh it’s raining where’s that come  from it’s sunny over there uh it’s fitting   that the last one of the year should be  in this spot one of brucey’s favorite spots oh excuse me oh cheers dry throat need

Whiskey oh I think that fixed it yes the fitting  that it’ll be here one of Bruce’s favorite spots   one of the last spots he camped in fact I  think this was second last spot that he camped

In now people will be thinking well hang on a  second you said you were going to do a video in   the RV in my new camper van which isn’t new it’s  a 1996 or 97 Isuzu yes I was going to that was the  

Plan oh what a nightmare so you won’t believe  what happened but I tell it before we get to that oh yes Monte Christo number four uh I want to thank everybody who supported  the Channel all these years uh especially  

Over this last year um everybody who has  commented who’s um contributed to the channel   who’s liked subscribed everyone who’s bought us  coffees on buy me a coffee our members on by me   coffee all our YouTube members W it’s really  howling wow um everybody’s bought merch the  

Hoodies are are a big favorite uh AB camping  merch all the super thanks and everyone else   that’s just supported the channel been involved  in the channel love the channel uh we do this  

Because we want to do it I do it because I  want to do it but having you along um is a   bonus and when I’m not in the mood sometimes I  just think well actually maybe I will because  

I got things I want to say and talk about and  it’s therapy and it feels good so thank you again so oh there’s so much to cover and I’m going to wing

It h oh the RV so it went in to have its uh cut  and polish and I got it back it looked beautiful   I drove it home stunning and as I got home as  I turned into my parking area outside my house  

Just to turn and reverse it to get it ready to  go out again to do the camp I nicked the top of   it against a steel beam that juts out that I  couldn’t see I’m so used to just pulling into  

This spot in my my truck and then reversing but  of course the RV is so much higher and it tore a   hole like that in the roof at the front of my  new RV I couldn’t believe I could have cried  

I was so gutted worst thing that could possibly  have happened so buddy has a hole in him and uh   oh and contrary to uh what Luke at outdoor gear  review said the the the name is Buddy the name  

That he came up with that was he came up with  that that gives you an sight into the mind of   Luke at the outdoor gear review it’s a filthy  mind I’m not going to repeat what he said I’d  

Called it but he came up with that name um I have  the text messages to prove it anyway so yeah it’s   it’s been damaged so it was requiring some work  anyway uh so they’re going to do that all at the  

Same time so I’m getting the interior the the  the cushions and everything else reupholstered   they’re redoing the roof lining cuz it started  to Sag a little bit and then just fixing the   front or top so it doesn’t look so weird it had  a big black strip along the top before they’re  

Getting rid of that so we we’re doing all that at  the same time so I thought that’s it I can’t go   out camping anymore because Brandon’s home um my  son uh from Spain and he you know he’s been gone  

Almost a year uh and then I found out that they’re  going into another town tomorrow so I thought well   I could sneak out and do one Camp before the end  of year I haven’t camped for ages I was clucking  

To get out out I was going to go down to the  campsite you saw that on the video uh I might   have to beat my language I can’t remember what  I said but I pulled up honestly it was 20 2510  

There that’s not me that’s not my thing I don’t  do that so I just turned right around I don’t   even think I stopped and I did notice out the  corner of my eyes someone spotted me and went  

To say something but I knew if I stopped and  started talking uh that there could be more   people there that know me and wanted to chat and  photographs stuff and I needed to get to Camp so  

I just turned around so I’m sorry if you saw me  and I just turned around and pulled away I’m sorry   I just I had to get out I had to get somewhere to  start camping and start filming uh if this wasn’t  

Going to work out then I was going to go home  and give up on it it’s a busy time summer here   uh so and here we are one of the last places that  Bruce uh camped at so yeah it’s been it’s been a  

Horrible few years is uh death wise I’m afraid  to say I’ve lost a lot a lot um my mother uh my   mother-in-law my father uh a very close friend uh  cousin as well um all in the space of four years

Yeah and my uncle it’s just it just seems to  just I don’t know what’s going on nothing to   do with Co or anything like that and then to  top it all off this year I lost Bruce and what  

Really upset me the most was I was away when it  happened and you know he he died without us there and yeah that that hurts that  really hurts it still hurts a lot that um yeah so

To over one I’ve lost to over one we’ve  all lost I’m sure we’ve all lost a lot to them so I’m that 2024 is a good year with no upsets just a normal  nice year of Family Friends camping having fun and  

Filming it and having a great time we shall see  now if you’re wondering where Bruno is he’s behind   the tent I did end up pouring some bacon fat  there and he’s gone rifling under the Rocks trying  

And find it Bruno come here come on he’s right  there behind the tent I don’t know if you’ll see him I can hear him there he is  hello have you found loads of   bacon fat come here have you found  loads of bacon fat luckily we have

Bruno and he obviously missed Bruce the most  uh and he has adopted so many of Bruce’s uh   characters characteristics because he was  the closest with him he spent every second   with Bruce except when I was camping with Bruce  cuz Bruno was too young to come and Bruno has  

Just become a fantastic companion so loving so  loving he it’s just harmless absolutely lovely   dog loves everybody loves Strokes loves  cuddles loves his mom he’s just he’s so   affectionate it’s unbelievable I couldn’t have  asked for a a happier healthier more friendly

Puppy oh sorry sorry you usually like oh you  do like the smell of cigars he does like it he   doesn’t like the smoke but he likes the smell  of the cigar he just doesn’t like the smoke I  

Know it’s weird isn’t it so what else is going  on the truck I’ve had the truck upgraded so the   engine again this is another reason I couldn’t go  camping was it was down in Christ Church having  

Some modifications done to the engine uh so my  local guys at McKenry Ford here in plenum put   on a really super heavy duty clutch and then it  went down to the guys um down in culen uh where  

They um upgraded the turbo and everything else  and the mapping and stuff like that so it’s got a   stage three turbo kit on it now so much more power  so much more more torque makes a huge difference  

Coming up here I can just stay in second or third  gear whereas before I had to drop down into first   gear um it was a bit of a nightmare but now no  problem at all loads of power in fact so much so  

This must be one of the only Ford Rangers in the  world that wheel spins in first and second gear   when you pull away from Stand still it’s so much  more powerful if only Ford just delivered it like that

But thanks to all those guys for working on it  um the truck has been brilliant the M2 Overland   kit is obviously massive Game Changer on the  back of the truck it’s just changed how I I  

Camp and um yeah it’s all come together and I  think uh pretty much nailed it now so that’s   huge um the RV when will I be getting it back  so I can do some camping I honestly don’t know  

I don’t know I’m not sure sure when that’s going  to happen um but as soon as I do I will get out   there camping another thing is uh our PO box and  all the gifts that we receive on the PO box and  

All the memorabilia for Brucey it’s not forgotten  uh we have opened it all now and we photographed   uh everything along with the names of everyone  who sent it to us and I’m sort of showing them  

Now in a in a bit of a a montage uh what they  are so many gifts so many things for Brucey it   was lovely I’m not putting anyone’s names up  just because uh privacy but thank you so much  

For everything everyone sent to us uh I turned up  at the PO Box sometimes and there’s just massive   packages there um and it’s so sweet it really is  and all of the the other gifts from people that  

Have gone to the PO box are amazing amazing um  and to get them from all over the world in the   most random countries possible you can’t imagine  we got viewers in every single country I think  

In the world it’s incredible the channel has been  a great success um I think we’re at what 220,000   subscribers now and we’ve had I think 67 million  views and we our average view duration is over   an hour it’s incredible incredible the success of  the channel has been amazing and I’m going to keep  

Keep doing it while you keep watching uh I don’t  do shorts I don’t do filler videos I do proper   camping videos I don’t do day camps nothing like  that um I try not to do any clickbait it is what  

It is if it says it’s raining it’s raining if  it’s snowing it’s snowing uh if it’s heavy snow   then I’ll say it’s heavy snow um but I try not  to do clickbait I try to keep everything as real  

As possible including my cock-ups my screw-ups  of which there are many um I’ve been camping   for a long time and there still always screw-ups  and you know I first started camping when I was  

A kid tiny in the in the Scouts and then we did  a lot of it in military when I was training for   the RAF and we we camped in brutal conditions in  horrible places uh in foul weather absolutely foul

Weather and all of that experience has helped  me with the can do attitude don’t give up Don’t   Panic military training really helps with all  of that um and you watch things like Bear Grills   you know doesn’t panic just gets on with it  you got to find a solution and a lot of the  

Camps that I do the weather can be pretty grim  and you’ve seen the last few camps I’ve had to   really hunker down even this I had to guy down way  more than I thought I had everything is strapped  

Down you can’t tell but the wind is ripping  through here now I’ve got this microphone on   so you can’t hear it at all probably the noise  is deafening and it just occasionally the whole   thing starts moving the umbrella on the top of  the camera is going to go flying I swear it is  

It’s it’s just holding on I think and then we get  these persistent gust like now incredible if you   saw the clouds coming past they’re shooting past  let me move the camera for you so you can see see  

I mean look at that it’s just can you see the  clouds hitting the hill and bouncing over the   mountain that’s Mount patriarch up there can  you see that the speed and when you stand out   here it’s completely different it’s howling  absolutely howling and I think it’s going to  

Rain again it feels like there’s rain coming  I can feel some droplets it’s all right Bruno but I think we should go back in oh a load of  water just went flying off the top of the top and  

Got me straight in the face then I’ve got to keep  this door here this door panel like this because   the raindrops the drips coming down here I don’t  want to go on about the problem with this tent  

On the corners because the rest of the tent is  awesome but I really genuinely hope they fix that   and that they listen zempire is a great company  zire is a New Zealand company they produce great stuff the scene of the crime from last  time when my lighter didn’t go out and  

I put it down it burnt everything and  that’s the burn mark on the table from it where was I PO Box gifts everything else training so yeah um other things plans for  next year I think um just do the same but find  

New spots try out some new gear I I tend to buy  everything I test I’m not that I’m offered lots   and lots of gear and I usually turn it all down  so all this stuff I usually buy I bought this  

Tent even though Z zire would probably give me  one for free I bought it um all the gear on the   truck I buy so I buy everything and then test it  thorough so I can give you an unbiased review if  

You receive gear it’s difficult to then call it  out so unless it’s sponsored gear and I only do   sponsorships on the understanding that I get to  test the gear first I get to test it first if I  

Like it then I’ll accept the sponsorship otherwise  I won’t do the sponsorship I’m going to probably   do a lot less sponsorships this year because  they stress me out um it feels like work and   I really just don’t want to do them that much  unless it’s something that I really enjoy and  

I think is a really cool product then I might be  interested because it might help you guys who are camping wow this wind I’m glad I set the tent up this  direction cuz here it’s nice and calm  

But it is just ripping past it I tell you  this new warning I’ve got is awesome it’s   not budged at all very strong the flapping  is just because I’ve got the this the tent   awning up in the air but I have to because  of the rain I need that rain cover which  

Is what this is providing me perfectly so  that’s working out actually very very well yeah and it’s going to be a great night  I’m actually looking forward to going to   bed because it’s cold I’m pretty tired I’ve  got a comfy bed here it’s going to be a good  

Test of this tonight to see how windy it  gets I’m fairly confident though I mean   everything is guide down there’s not much more  I could do I’ve got poles out guys down bricks   you know Stones attached to everything they’re  usually they’re pretty strong stronger than uh

Pegs what else okay comments comments  on the videos always an interesting topic uh so for 2024 I announc well I’ve  started it already but basically I will   be allowing comments on videos while that is the  latest video if that makes sense so I release a  

Video maybe every two weeks sometimes three weeks  like this time a month um I will keep the comments   enabled on that video Until I produce a new video  then I will pause the comments so instead so this  

Is a new feature that YouTube have given us so we  can pause comments instead of disabling comments   if you disable comments it wipes out all the  comments that were already there and no one   can see them once you pause comments you can  still see all the comments you can’t add any  

More comments um now why do I do this a couple of  reasons but mainly it’s just for my mental health   just for my mental health I’m tired of reading  the occasional snarky nasty comment and there  

Are quite a few there are people out there who are  miserable with their lives and they take it out on   YouTubers and they take it out on people like me  um they got nothing better to do but to just try  

And dig and they’ll get personal and I’m not going  to put up with that so by pausing the comments on   older videos that’s it I don’t have to deal with  comments on there anymore and those negative  

Comments it frees up so much more of my time I  was spending hours a day sorting comments I’m not   going to have a moderator for my comments because  then it wouldn’t be me checking the comments um  

So my compromise is you get chance to comment  on the video at the beginning um while that is   the latest video and then after that move on to  the next video it’s already working for me it’s  

It’s uh my life is much nicer without those nasty  comments and it’s been a couple of weeks I’ve been   doing this three weeks so that’s going to be the  future of the comments section what else if you do  

Want to comment um on an older video or you want  to contact directly or well not directly but if   you want me to see a comment or something you can  go to the fan page which is on Facebook the ab so  

I’ve got an actual uh Facebook page which is AB  camping outdoors and there’s also a fan page if   you go to the ab camping Outdoors page you’ll see  the link to the fan page and you can apply to be  

A member it’s free it doesn’t cost anything you  just join and one of the moderators on there will   approve you and the fan page is there for the fans  it’s not my page all I did was create it uh but  

It’s there for the fans of the channel who wanted  and fans of camping so as long as it’s relevant to   the channel they allow the posts uh the moderators  uh my wife Anne is one of the moderators and she  

Has final say on things because she’s actually  an admin everyone else is a moderator so she   can create new moderators uh and she’s sort  of like the final say on stuff it’s just that  

When I’m so busy I mean obviously I trust an  to look out for me and do the right thing on there so lots of people on there who go camping  and they share their stories and the photographs   of their campsites and how the channel has  motivated them to get out there go camping  

With their dogs without whatever and I love  it it’s great and I’m I’m glad that now fans   of the channel have a place they can go and  actually chitchat it’s it’s nice it is nice  

I enjoy that and Facebook is obviously uh one  of the social media places that I I post to I   I honestly again I’m just too busy to look at  the comments there’d be thousand but they you  

Can post there for that there are requirements  you have to be a member of you have to subscribe   I think it’s none of this costs money by the  way you have to subscribe to the ab camping  

Page and you have to have been a member of it  for a particular amount of time I think it’s a   week or so then you can comment it’s just to stop  the scammers and the spammers and the nasty people  

Because they can’t be bothered to hang around  and wait uh and then there’s Instagram and I’m   on Twitter as well so there’s also the ab camping  uh email list where I actually email out whenever  

I release a new video that’s all it’s for so  you get a notification by email that a new video   has come out because you don’t always see those  notifications from YouTube It’s A peculiar Beast YouTube this Monte Cristo does not want  to stay a light first time I’ve had this  

Problem but it might be that it got a little  bit dry in there usually I keep them in the humidor um I was going to do a Q&A that’s going to come  out probably in the next video uh in the New  

Year in 2024 uh another thing that I get asked  about is can I reduce the length of my videos   make shorter videos because 3 hours 2 hours is  too long uh no I’m going to keep doing them this  

Is just this is the way this channel operates I  do have another Channel AB camping plus where I   I’m still trying to work out if I can reduce  the size of the videos to go on there to make  

Them sort of half hour it’s very difficult and  a lot of work it really is a lot of work and I   still don’t know how many people really want  to watch that if they can just watch the full  

Version and fast forward or rewind so we’ll see  and I keep promising to do a live stream I just   haven’t got around to it uh I’m not a huge fan  of live streams but you never know it could just  

Suddenly pop up and in very I I bet you it will  just suddenly pop up soon so AB camping plus   channel that is where I will live stream I will  not be live streaming on the ab camping channel  

Uh this channel will stay exactly how it is that  is it’ll post long videos only and Community posts   only okay Community posts you can comment to  your heart’s content they will not be paused   okay that’s I’m saying okay a lot but basically  you can you can comment on those no problem I  

Will not be pausing the comments on those whoa  it just moved moved the whole thing whoa okay   that was that was Bruno’s Bruno’s Bowl hello Bruno  oh he comes cuz he’s heard his bowl his bowl move  

Come here hello he heard his ball he’s oh hang  on something for me that was a huge gust of wind wow it’ll be interesting to see how this  tent holds up I’ve actually never had it   out in a major wind storm before what  and I hate wind why do I keep getting

This this this could be a tricky night if this  keeps up but the rain is stopped and the sky is   clear there’s a little bit of cloud cuz there  is still some water drops but I can see in the  

Distance that it’s clear what we’ll do is after  cigar time I’ll do another quick walk uh with the   GoPro uh what the osmo uh what have I got pocket  3 and show you around again now that it’s cleared  

Up and you’ve got a I’ve got a I can’t explain  to you the view I’ve got but it’s beautiful but   I’ll show you that after cigar time which is  coming up pretty much now so look it’s been a  

Hard year it really has uh when I lost Bruce I  really contemplated stopping doing the channel   yeah I really did but I Carri it on because I  love camping and I love talking to the camera  

As you can tell I love talking uh I cop a lot  of abuse for the amount of talking I do and   it’s all for good fun but um it’s just me I’m  a talkative guy what can I say I like talking  

To the camera I like talking to all you guys  I loved meeting the people I met um when I did   do meet and greets in Singapore and I met people  in the states if you ever see me say hi honestly  

I will always say hello back and chat I bump into  people all the time they recognize me um they see   the truck so next year 2024 Big Year Brandon goes  to us University us College that’s decided now at  

The moment he’s in Spain at Golf Academy in Spain  in um Malaga actually where is he sanrock near s Grande it looks like he’s going to a college  in the US I won’t say the name of it yet um  

But it will be most likely around Florida so  I know we’re going to be spending more time   in the states which I can’t wait I love going  to the states I really do and I I I don’t know  

What it is I have a good time there and the  people are always friendly and um that would   be great so an and I will be doing a lot  of trips over there I’m hoping to do some  

Camping over there I really want to but I want  to camp over there in the winter that’s what I   really want to do so I want to see some us  snow remind me of when I used to work over  

There in paloalto in California we used to go  skiing nearby so I want to do that so that’s   coming as well so in America you might see  me uh you might see me in the UK because we  

Got friends our best friends are in London uh  we always try and stop off in London so you’ll   see us around and I’ll always let people know if  I’m coming out will I do meet and greets again H I’ll be honest most probably not because it  

Took too much organiz Ing and we it  was too difficult getting the times right so we probably will not be doing  meet and greets I really would love to   you know maybe the impromptu ones but  not an organized one this yamazaki   is really nice it’s very pleasant  the yamazaki single maltt Japanese

Whiskey yeah so just keep your eyes peeled on  community posts and the Facebook page and the   Facebook fan page that’s where I’ll make the  announcement of where we might be if anyone’s   around and then impromptu we might just say  right we’re going to be at this bar blah blah  

Blah but I’m not going to do the organized  meet and greets like I was going to last time   uh just because that was actually difficult  to to work out um and it it kind of infringed  

On our on our holiday so we won’t be doing it  like that all right I think I’ve rambled long enough so let me show you what’s going on  out there and again cheers everyone it’s   been a great year I hope you all have  a Happy New Year I’m desperate to get  

This video out before the end of the year  it’s only a few days to go um so cheers   have a great New Year and I hope that 2024 is a  beautiful friendly peaceful year for everybody and that we will have fun  camping in Grim conditions cheers everybody bring you

Back all right let’s show you what I was looking   at so I was sitting here so  my view was this look at that view holy moly hey Bruno look at [] that [] wow the Valley can I zoom down there  check it out I’m sorry if there’s loads of wind

Noise look at the clouds just [] flying oh it’s brutal what do you think Bruno  hey look at that drop see now   you can see earlier you couldn’t see anything that’s quite a drop I know I’ve shown you  this before look at the cloud layer over  

There that’s amazing look at that that’s  chucking down with rain over there I think   it’s going to rain here again we’re taking  a bit of a beating to be honest the wind is   really picked up Suddenly every single  guy Point attached look at this this is

Crazy and look at the state  of the truck it’s absolutely filthy but it’s so cool got my starlink  up there this truck can handle pretty   much anything and has handled anything  both my flares over my wheels fell off  

They were rubbish I’ve got new ones just  arrived that I got to fit so those screw   on so those won’t fall off by law I have  to have them um just to cover the wheels  

Properly but yeah they fell off on the mot []  away what’s he doing can you see him in there that’s his bottom Bruno’s bottom hello Bruno  where you going oh oh he’s disappeared oh he’s   gone right down there where you going what  you doing there’s a nice little spot down  

There I think I’ve said this before it’s lovely  down in the trees you could camp down there but   these Pines are dying I I don’t know if  they’ve been poisoned but they’re dying uh so they could be dangerous if they fell  on you um you’re not allowed fires up here  

Anyway open fires if you got a fire pit that’s  okay but yeah this is a high fire zone come on   Bruno where is he there he is cheeky he loves  it up here I don’t know what’s up here up this  

Spot here but he explores up here all the time  it’s just a playground a playground for Bruno   and Bruce was the same just explored that’s  what we got going on we got the lights on on  

The canopy over there you see so this canopy  is so cool sorry the oing I mean not canopy   this bushwhacker you change the color of the  LEDs to stop uh insects there so if you make  

Them orange like that like that oh that one  insects aren’t drawn to it looks a bit like a lightsaber a very strong frame double double  Channel frame this bushwhacker there’s the logo   in there but it’s so strong so strong apparently  this is the strongest canopy awning sorry I keep  

Saying canopy the strongest awning you can get  for a truck bushwhacker it’s Australian it’s a   serious piece of Kit and it’s huge it really is  covers a big area and I’ve got the walls for it   as well so the walls will would if I come  back here the walls attached to the velcro  

That’s up here I’m not a fan of velcro I think  think that’s something they will have to change   to ZIPS eventually but you just velcro them on  I do have the wall I have Wall number one with  

Me but my tent is there so that wouldn’t work  and someone’s playing in the puddle yes we can   all see you hundreds of thousands of people  are watching you playing in the puddle Bruno yep okay everybody I will bring you back for  bedtime it’s late now it’s it’s 9 it’s 10 9  

And yes it’s still light because it’s summer  here in New Zealand again southern hemisphere   is opposite so we’re we’re we’re in summer now  um look at can you see him behind me up here I   don’t know if you can see him climbing up the  hill he’s going to disappear now and I’ll have  

To call for ages he’s going to climb all the  way up let me turn it around so you can see him he’s going to climb all the way up there  and then he’ll disappear over the other side  

He’s like a mountain goat we’re watching you  Bruno we can see you see watch see oh no he’s   not now I’m watching him he won’t do it but  before he would jump over those and just carry  

On all the way over okay he’s not into it now  right so as I was saying we’ll bring you back   oh you don’t want that zoomed in we’ll bring you  back for bedtime thanks everyone catch you later   welcome back everybody it’s a few hours later  it’s freezing cold the wind is hling occasionally  

You’ll see it um everything just pushes in on  this this Frame this the material the material   here but it’s cold I’m glad now uh this is a  20° Fahrenheit bag which would be just perfect  

And the beauty of the zivi is it connects like  this so you it’s connected to the pad I’ve had   this a while now they they sent this to me  a while ago um I didn’t pay for it I’ll be  

Honest it’s uh but I do love it I do love the  zenb product and it just Clips in like this   different versions have different features Zips  or whatever but you see this skirt here stops  

The breeze so when you do it all the way up it  becomes windproof and as comfy as comfy as your   quilt at home oh it’s so nice this this bag this  zivy so what is this this is the light is it the  

Light and fast quilt I think it is yeah good to  20° F which is what – 7 Centigrade I’ve pushed   this before to its limit I think um you meant  to wear clothes in it but it’s nice it’s warm  

It’s cozy I’m going to be warm in here I know  I am I’m going to snuggle in be just as warm   and comfy as home now Bruno is somewhere under  here I can’t is that his face over there Bruno  

You going to come over say hello to everyone  oh he’s toasty oh I’ve Disturbed him hello puppy he’s comfy he’s buried under his under his  blanket this is a down blanket the one tiger down   blanket a he’s going to kick this off later  I’m sure but right now he’s enjoying it I’m  

Surprised that he hasn’t kicked it off already  but I think he’s just worn out he’s been having   so much fun out there so we’re all sealed in it’s  it’s a drafty tend okay this is not a winter tend  

Now it’s summer here outside it’s I guess it’s  about 10° Centigrade now um maybe I’ll try and   find out what that is put on the screen but  it’s 10° Centigrade Google it but windchill  

Really affects it and I feel cold my arm is cold  outside in here it’s fine in my sleeping bag in   the quilt but this is going to be a cold night  with the air rushing through cuz the ceiling of  

This tent is vented it’s all mesh that’s the only  problem with this tent is you cannot seal it off   from the breeze so it blows air I look you can see  it pushing here see that that’s the wind blowing  

So what happens is because the wind’s blowing  it’s blowing fresh air up through the vents and   you can vent at the back and everything for when  it’s hot but I don’t want to I want to seal it  

All in because it’s cold you can’t do that up so  you won’t get condensation because it’s so well   ventilated but also it will not keep any warmth  in here whatsoever even if you heated it straight  

Out here comes a I can hear it here comes a gust  watch this here it comes that’s loud that’s really   loud I can hear it in the trees it hasn’t hit us  yet it’s pushing okay now it’s pushing against the

Tent I think it’s gone over the top  of us but before it put really hard   pushed in I’ve got it guide out  there’s not much more I could do sorry tired really tired it’s almost 11:00  all right everyone I’m going to hit the sack he’s  

Already gone look at him under here look hello my  puppy a what you doing maybe he’ll turn around in   the night and come over towards me he tends to put  his head my side hello puppy it’s it bedtime very warm oh he likes his tummy being  tickled he’s very warm under here  

And he’s grumbling little grumbles all  right everybody bring you back in the   morning unless something major happens in the  night which I hope it doesn’t let’s cover him up oh there you go he will kick this off I know he  will he’ll get too hot with it on cuz he’s got a  

Thick coat but I’ll bring him back in the morning  good night everybody oh I need to tunker down in here yeah oh it’s cold all right  good night everybody see you in the morning morning Bruno morning puppy morning oh  oh my gosh morning morning everybody hello my  

Lovely tea bagged hello do you have  to sit directly on my head hello my   lovely morning everybody that was a rough  night when I could sleep I slept like a log oh but the wind thank you for makes hello I know puppy warning yeah the wind  was horrendous and it still is  

The gusts are incredible but the  tent seems to be fine that’s good thing time to get up did you have a good  sleep you now I know you did you were snoring he loves a good snore right I’ve got to  

Get up out get a coffee on isn’t  that right BR so bring you all back okay sugar and pee peee and coffees mind out Bruno mind out  good boy it’s okay there you go   all right let’s do this always difficult to film he’s going to try and sneak out Under the

Tent and that’s what he does oh so easy for him okay let’s see what we’re dealing  with here oh oh we’re in a bit of a   white out up here in a bit of a white out  Bruno oh but I can see in the distance the

Valley look at that it’s lovely I don’t  know if that’s really coming out on camera amazing views up here  when you can actually you see something so did everything hold  it looks like everything did hold   everything’s in one piece the awning looks good okay

Yep everything held perfect good  stuff isn’t it Bruno you had a good time and it’s not that cold it’s just  the wind chill I think it’s warmed up   a little bit actually okay time to  get a coffee on which will be very  

Quick uh because of the electric kettle  so let me get set up and I’ll bring you back for for oh okay it’s 10° Centigrade but  the wind chill makes it a lot   worse so it’s nice just hunkering in front of the

Tent we’re definitely going to get  a coffee on and then we’ll sort out breakfast coffee time water oh it’s chilly but just the wind going do a couple of instant coffees nice and quick sometimes I  just can’t be bothered with the faf the wind coming straight through here oh I could  

Have set this up differently if I had  known I could have moved the truck more   that way set the wall up then had that  windbreake but luckily the tent is so huge that it operates as a Windbreak called by itself because it is a big tent  it’s four person tent and you can  

Just Hunker at the entrance to it and  there’s no wind at all is there Bruno   he’s at my feet cuz he wants his  bee but I need to have a coffee first almost there I don’t need to  boil it just want it hot there you go oh

Okay everything is easier with  the truck canopy excuse the ass shot a it’s getting dark again what  time time is it 7:30 okay so what am   I doing 7:30 and it should be beaming  bright hot Sunshine but we’re on the   mountains and when you’re on the  tops Anything Can Happen can’t it

Bruno I know he’s desperate  for his breakfast I’m going   to have to give it to him oh Bruno gets what he wants but I tell you what it’s chilly  you know jeans and camping do not match   they’re not good bed fellows so I’m going to  steal bro’s blanket here cuz this thing is

Amazing yeah um jeans they’re rubbish for  pretty much anything they’re rubbish no   Brun you get hot in them when it’s too  hot wait hey you meant to wait okay sit   good boy go on then you got to have some  discipline for B Collies or they’ll run a mock

Oh yeah so Camp what did I think  well I could have pitched this differently I could have pitched it differently I think it’s the first time  I’ve used this combo it’s   also the first time I’ve used this awning on the

Truck um what could I have done differently I  could have what I should have done is parked   the truck where I wanted it put the awning wall  on secured that then put the tent up when I wild  

Camp that’s what I usually do I usually put the  tarp up first um because then I know what I’m   dealing with uh in terms of cover Extra cover and  Windbreak so if it’s really windy or it’s really  

Chucking with rain always top goes up first then  I set then I’ve got a dry area straight away that   I’m under and if necessary wind protection and  then I put the top uh the tent up but for some  

Reason uh I keep setting the tent up first when  I car camp and I don’t know why it’s probably   because once you’ve set the truck up with the  awning it’s really really difficult to move it and so then you’d have to make sure that  the tent is definitely in a nice place  

So yeah I just got to tweak it a bit so  next time I think next time I’ll try it   next time I’ll set the truck up with the  awning and the wall or walls depends how  

Windy it is and then I will try and fit a tent  whichever tent it is in with that uh to match it I had to get up twice last night to pee  but those of you who are camping Pros  

Know that you don’t walk outside you  just have a pea bottle always have a   pea bottle even car camping just makes  life so much easier not having to come outside oh okay I’m definitely definitely having eggs for  breakfast I’m not an a breakfast person but  

I’m quite hungry that one steak last night and I  had some snacks but that’s left me hungry so I’m   going to finish this coffee and I’ll bring  you back I think just eggs cuz I had a lot  

Of bacon yesterday so just eggs yeah scrambled  eggs I think all right bring it back for that oh   that coffee was amazing right before whatever  happens happens cuz I think oh look I got my   glasses on you don’t often see me with glasses  but I was reading my phone before the weather  

Really kicks in oh do you like my new Beanie  by the way my new merch this one is so warm   let’s go and have a little walk with Bruno and  see what’s going on the wind is howling but I  

Want to take take Bruno for a little walk  I need to stretch my ankle first thing in   the morning so we’re going to walk up the hill a  bit and see what we can see come on Bruno let’s  

Go for a walk oh the sun’s coming out briefly  oh no there’s a lot of thick Cloud coming our way [] wow that wind chill oh but it’s just so magical here it’s one  of my favorite spots up here but it’s just such  

A shame that it’s going to be closed this  could be closed for a couple of years it’s   it’s open at the moment for the two weeks  around the holidays but then they’re going   to start logging operations further down and  this will all be cut off again for whatever  

2 3 years such a shame oh my good lord it’s  cleared look at that look at the lake oh wow   zoom in a bit I hope you can all see that gosh  it looks so low there’s not been much rain at all oh it’s just this is why we do it for

This this is why we make the effort  to drive for hours for these rare moments where the weather breaks  and you get some incredible views   and I’ve got the whole place  to myself all of this no one around ah it’s good to be

[] out this wouldn’t be a bad little  Camp spot here I think I’ve mentioned   it before for a small setup small  tent wow it’s really calm here this   uh these trees here are are giving  us all this protection from the wind so it’s actually a nice calm spot right

Here it’s still got great views it’s  maybe not as sheltered as where I am though and it’s uneven yeah the  ground isn’t flat which could   be a problem depending on what sort of tent I’ve bought

I want to come back up here at some point  and camp where I did right up there in that   Grove that was nice and secluded oh but this is  probably my last chance to Camp here as I say  

They’re shutting it all down even though we’re  kiwis we’re new zealanders and This Is Our Land   public land unfortunately the Logging company  says it’s too dangerous for anyone to come up   here while they’re doing logging further down and  here’s what sucks the most the Logging company is

Australian they’re not even new zealanders so an  Australian company is blocking us from accessing   our own land because they want to log the Timber  and Export all of the Timber [] overseas explain   the logic of that to me please I wish someone  would how that’s fair how that works I don’t  

Get it I really don’t get it I’ve got nothing  against Australia whatsoever I love it and I   got some Australian mates I love them but  how is this right what a weak government   that we have weak governments we have in New  Zealand that we allow foreign companies to  

Come in here pillage take everything out and  deny us access to the land at the same time   something’s got to change New Zealand just  gets abused and no one seems to do anything   about it the politicians can’t be bothered  I don’t know if it’s corruption the councils  

They charge rates they just want the money  but something’s got to change this sucks I   can’t imagine that happening in America imagine  China coming into America buying a whole ton of forest then saying right we’re going  to Mill all that Timber we’re going to  

Knock it all down and Export it back to  China oh and while we’re doing it which   would take I don’t know 3 years members  of the public can’t gain access to the   national parks in that area because it’s too  dangerous while we’re doing logging so tough  

Imagine that well that’s what’s happening  in New Zealand all the time and it’s got worse and it makes me really angry the this we’re not  going to have access to all of this for years and they’re not even Milling this  stuff this is all Native Bush This is  

Protected Park like like like National  Park it’s all but but the logging is   all the trees that we had to drive up  to get here and they have to maintain   a road access here that’s part of  the the restrictions part of the

Law and they’re using safety as an excuse  to keep us out I just and then the timber   is being exported overseas you can’t even buy it  in New Zealand and it’s goes out there cheaper   than we can get it here yep I’m angry I’m so  pissed off about it something’s got to change  

Someone’s got to grow a spine and say no this  isn’t right you can’t block access to National   Parks just because you want to make some money  look at the road I don’t know if you can see it  

But it’s all the way in the distance um goes  across the ridgeel line and all the way along   there that’s where we popped over it’s beautiful  so exposed right should we head back Bruno come on  

Then you get to lead the way he’s so springy  oh there’s no pine cones up here Bruno if we   had a pine cone I could throw it for you not  even any sticks I’m not going to throw you a  

Rock sorry going find a stick you can find a  stick go on find a stick oh there’s a stick okay let’s see there we go a nice  big stick for you oh yeah okay hold on he is like a gazelle his agility is  incredible he can jump so high as well  

Higher than Bruce ever could he’s got  longer legs than Bruce he is actually   bigger than Bruce was but he’s all Leg he  so springy right everybody just thought   I’d give you that view and have that rant  let’s have another look at the lake oh cuz  

I just can’t get enough of it that is  just picture perfect that could be on a [] postcard and I’ve actually camped beside that Lake uh  so if you want to find the video of that one  

See how beautiful is down there it’s just a  the thumbnail is a picture of uh I think I’m   in an A-frame triangle pole tent sitting  by a lake um maybe I’ll try and remember  

To put a link up but I I will forget cuz I  never remember um camping by a lake in the   rainforest I think that’s what it’s called  but I camped just on the edge of it it’s so  

Beautiful but there were so many insects it was  crazy I had some great food look at him come on Bruno okay I think we’re working up to   some breakfast now some [] eggs and  then a gentle pack cup where’s your stick he’s so fast he’s so

Fast [] right come on BR let’s get back to Camp oh I have to do these morning walks just  to get my ankle working again physio is going   well hopefully by the time uh autumn and  winter comes I’ll be hiking back up the tops again just got to keep up with the

Physio gosh you can really see the Valley now through the trees let’s go up on the edge of this cliff [] whoa okay steep look at [] that lovely oh and you can just see so  that is sheer this is a sheer drop down  

That’s quite a way see the angle and  in the distance you can just see the   awning for the truck just there [] and  then there’s the road there’s the road   going down which is just [] perilous I was  going to put the Drone up but I God it’s too windy oh Bruno come

On too windy for the Drone [] all right bring you back for breakfast [] everyone right let’s do this now that he knows I’m cooking he’s come back um what do I need I need a spatula  kind of thing which I got in here

Okay eggs for breakfast you’ve had your  breakfast I don’t know if you can see him but W this beanie my new merch beanie oh  my word that’s so hot oh we’ve got sunshine yay and no more rain okay now usually I would mix butter

In but I don’t think I need to  because I’ve got uh Bacon fat in here this heater is so quick this stove yeah maybe I’ll just have a whole bunch of fried eggs who no’s licking my plate yeah I’ll do fried eggs just easier a lot less fast where’s my

Towels a lot less FF wow the wind wa oh no it’s taking everything I don’t know if you can see my breath oh I’m looking forward to some eggs  yeah the wind just suddenly kicked off there sunny need an actual

Spatula got to put it in my kit  I thought I had one but no I don’t got everything else okay salt pepper Fork we golden uh you can’t see him  but he is here he’s had a massive   breakfast okay no comments about  oh give him give him some of your

Eggs if anything he’ll have a raar egg I could put  a raw egg in for him actually very good for their coats and he loves aora egg okay there you go Bruno go on there you can’t see him but he’s   enjoying that I moved the camera  slightly over just because the

Wind okay I might do turn these  over oh I get to do a flip it’s   very difficult in this pan cuz this Pan’s  got a moving handle there you go that’ll work almost like over easy but multiple eggs yum great success look at that you  know what I can’t remember last  

Time I cooked breakfast at Camp it has been a while because I’ve been on  Carnivore and I just haven’t wanted breakfast yum come on appe tea everybody oh yeah you know what would make these better some Tabasco tell you what this tent has taken  a right pounding and it’s done very

Well bit of Tabasco should Elevate these eggs from good to Great oh yeah all right  everyone I’m going to enjoy my eggs and I’ll bring you back for packing down tent for okay time to pack everything away tell  you what that sun it’s coming out it’s  

Warming things up quite a bit yep time to pack  everything away so I will Fast Forward from now all right that’s everything squared away except  for my camera bag got to loaded all up in the back  

Of the truck and then the main work begins  putting all this down so let’s get on with that now someone made a comment that I could  deflate the tent with this pump no you   can’t doesn’t work you can’t use a device to  deflate these tents I don’t know why it says  

On the instructions don’t use them to deflate  them you have to let the air out naturally   and push it all out and I have tried it I have  tried deflating the tent with the pump did not

Work what what did you all think of my  bar my mini bar right now one thing I do   have to do is take my little step ladder  out cuz I’m going to need that to put the   awning away cuz the awning is colossal and  being over 7t high it’s really difficult to reach

And you’ll see from that pack down I actually  used my pump to deflate the pad that helped a lot now there’s no way I’m leaving anything  in the tent with Pock because there’s no   pockets again zempire if you’re listening  fix the door put some pockets in give us  

A way to seal up the entire interior  of the tent maybe a pro version of the   Pronto that is made for those conditions  uh cuz you don’t need separate rooms and   things like that just that or just a  few tweaks maybe they’ll ask me I don’t

Know that’s my camera camera  bag all my gear camera gear yeah I was fed up with using those  massive duffel bags this is a lot smaller   can scrunch down to nothing doesn’t have a  hard base you wouldn’t have anything valuable  

In there but for clothes stuff like that  pretty handy so that’s why I asked for this one these phone pads don’t go anywhere without them I   use these as backups but um they’re  excellent especially the thermarest one all right the bit that I always  dread putting the tent down

So I think what we’ll do is put  H put the warning away first and   then the tent yeah in that order yes let’s do that ah so I need to unplug the awning cuz of the lighting wow it’s windy oh this is going to be fun putting this away

I can’t believe this wind has just picked up  just as I want to put this away the timing is unbelievable unbelievable oh I’ve got to get on with it so oh   but maybe I shouldn’t it might put  too much stress on it if I do it now no I’m going to go for

It oops for I love how the poles all of the  guidelines everything can just stay in here don’t have to get rid of any of it and then   when I get it home I’ll open  it all again and dry it all out but my last one the Dy you couldn’t do

This okay moment of the truth okay okay it’s going to be a bit more finicky  because I’ve got all the guidelines attached and that is not how it goes I can’t remember which way I did it might have to look back on the video  to see which way I’m meant to do this  

I’ve Got a Feeling these ones come in first  and then I always forget when I’m doing these things always forget now this is why you need the ladder cuz the awning cover is so high okay is that the right way doesn’t seem it no that can’t be it oh maybe it

Is yep it is the right way okay so got to somehow roll these  up with all these cords in I’m   making life hard for myself by keeping these all on for some reason that just  doesn’t feel right but it is okay that was pretty easy actually I was only the  

Second time I’ve undone it  so I’m put it back together again wow that’s a that’s a lot  easier than each of the ones I’ve had before done what do you think Bruno you  can’t let me let me show you what he’s

Doing there’s the camera and there he  is King of the castle Bruno what you doing what you doing you’re so handsome okay he’s funny isn’t he  right we got to get all the pegs out we going to do the tent up a bit

And then let all the air out so what I think  I’ll do is let the air out first so we got to   zip it up let the air out uh yeah so and zip the  door up okay oh tripped over a peg careful of the

Pegs so it’s important to leave  leave a little bit of a vent at   the bottom but don’t do it on the  side CU When you then set the tent   up it’ll be a nightmare with the Zips  and they won’t close properly or open properly and that goes for all

Tents okay so I’m going to let the air out [] [] whoa it just blew the toggle it blew the toggle flying you meant to let both out for the Rocks did a great job of holding everything okay let’s take the pegs  out with the world’s worst Camp

Hammer I can’t emphasize enough how rubbish this  thing was just some cheap generic Chinese crap on   Amazon it’s on my Amazon page because the the pegs  it comes with are actually superb well I bought it  

For the pegs not the hammer I just thought I’d  give it a go but do not get this Hammer it’s rubbish for that for for that and that’s how rubbish the hammer is even  the cord has come out you know I’ve used  

My cman hammer for years and years and it’s  still perfect with the cord and everything   look at that that’s lasted half a trip and look  it’s falling apart already Just Junk absolute junk up so I’m not even sure it’s worth  putting this back in the bag just  

Because Bruno’s standing on that rock up  there let’s see if he stays there hang on you see him look at him King of the castle he’s just just looking out  standing on the Rock on the edge   of a cliff hey [] Bruno he’s so so  entertaining yeah I don’t even know  

If it’s worth putting it back in the bag  cuz to be honest excuse the ey shot it’s um it’s going straight out back at the lockup  when I get back to the lockup which I’ve now  

Got to store all my gear in and then I’ve got  to inflate it there let it dry out so there   really isn’t much point so I’ll just roll it up  that’s what I did with the last zempire tent the  

Massive one on that massive blizzard storm that  I did I just rolled it up and chucked it in the back it’s not pretty doing that but it works you see for for what you get the size of this tent  for the size inside it packs down pretty small considering and it’s not very

Heavy okay that was easy hey Bruno all right so I’ve just got to put the star  link away then we’re good to go and I’ll   bring you back all right everything’s  packed away go Bruno up up up good boy

Bo I’ve checked the site there’s no pegs nothing  like that left I’ve done my walk around all we   got to do is head back down the mountain still  too windy to put the Drone up um it’ll probably  

Crash so I’m not going to be doing that um but  you saw me driving up I I’ve I’ve filmed this   location many times before so I’m not going  to bother this time I just wanted to say uh  

Thank you very much for a great year everyone  that supported us myself and Bruno and Brucey   of course we really appreciate it we hope you  enjoyed this video it’s the last one of 2023 go   easy on me it was spontaneous and there was no  planning involved at all just came out and did  

It thank you again to all of our YouTube members  people who bought us coffees on buy me a coffee   everyone who’s bought us merch all the super  thanks and everyone on patreon and everyone   who’s left comments and thumbs up and subscribes  to the channel doesn’t cost you anything to  

Subscribe to the channel um but I just want to  thank you again everyone I hope you all have a   great New Year I hope you had a great Christmas  but I hope you have a great New Year and we’ll  

See you in 2024 hopefully with more RV camping  after I fixed it because I crashed it more of   this type of camping car camping and more wild  camping and let’s see if we can get up in some  

Decent snow storms on a wild Camp as well thank  you to everyone who sent it stuff to our po po   box as well that’s really much appreciated and  I hope you enjoyed seeing all those different  

Things that we got this year that’s it 2023 it’s  all finished bring you back in 2024 thanks again   for coming from me Tony and Bruno in the back  bab camping thanks everyone catch you next time


  1. Car Camping in Rain Storm – Air Tent ❤AB

    Join the channel here:

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    Please goto to signup for notification emails when I release new videos.

    Camping Video List:

    If you'd like to contribute a drink to me or a treat for Bruno:

    Mailing address:
    AB Camping and Outdoors
    PO Box 424
    Blenheim 7240
    New Zealand

    Filmed on Sony a7RV Camera, Rode Video Pro+ Mic, Rode Wireless Pro Mic, iPhone 15 Pro Max, dji Pocket 3 gimbal.

    Most products I used are on my Amazon Page:

  2. Lol, for as many times as youve said, "Excuse the a$$ shot" Ive never noticed until you point it out. Thanks for the heads up? 🤷‍♀️😂

  3. Has been a wonderful ride this year thru highs and lows,but allandall you kept smiling.Happy New Year.Cant wait for 2024.👍

  4. Hi Tony! Loved this spontaneous camp with sweet gazelle-Bruno!🥰
    I enjoy this camping area, I’d be pissed at your government too. They all do ANYthing for money.🙄😣
    Happy New Year to all✨♥️🥰💥🎉

  5. Tony I love listening to you talk and what you have to say it's part of why I watch you and Bruno and I'm learning a lot about camping and what tents work well and which ones to avoid and don't change the length of your videos as it's like I'm there . Cheers and I'm sure your new year will be a great one lots of love to you and Bruno and Ann and Brandan from Down south near Oamaru . Happy New Year dear friend 🎉

  6. Tony, you have been having the kind of year like myself and my family. My husband and I were just talking and counting our blessings. He is cancer free now. My younger brother, who is 8 years younger, is healing from his massive heart attack. I had 5 friends who passed away and 2 family members. 2024 has to be better.

    We were also talking about how cool it would be if you, Luke, and maybe Steve Wallis would plan a trip together maybe 6 nights 7 days. That would be an awesome camping video's. I think all yours and their followers would love to see that happen. Camping will never be the same again! Once my husband gets stronger, we will be going back to camping. However, a camper. I love all three of you and think it would be epic!❤❤❤

  7. I just wanted to say thank you for not stopping the channel. I'm disabled and miss camping myself. With you and your videos I still get to see some amazing views along with your entertaining personality. Basically just thank you for being yourself.

  8. Happy New Year from Buxton in the UK, hope it's a good one. Thank you for all your hard work, loving the video's. Big hugs to you both and your family. xxxxxx

  9. Hi Tony and Bruno.😂😂 we have been watching your vids for a long time. Always loved coming with both of you whatever the weather. Mamorable times with Brucie too. We wont forget him😊😊😊 Brilliant your channel has been a great success. Wishing you and your family all the best for 2024. Take care . Luv and huggs for Lovely boy Bruno.

  10. enjoyed the video. i still cry when we think of bruce. Had a beer while u had your drink. Wishing Miami Fl had some days with your weather and mountains. Looking forward to 2024.

  11. Im so sorry about the negative comments, usually I dont comment because I love your videos..happy new year to your family..much love from Chile

  12. Hi Tony & Bruno it was a lovely camp. I like your new bar. The scenery is spectacular. I love the camp videos. I hope you and your wife and Son and Bruno have a wonderful healthy. Happy New Year’s.2023🥂⛺️🎉

  13. Thank you Tony and Bruno for the video to see this year out and the lasr cigar time for 2023…Merry Christmas to you and your family and have a Blessed New Year❤🥰

  14. Tony may you and your family be blessed with an abundant and safe new year. Looking forward to seeing you and Bruno on your new adventures in 24.

  15. Thank you Tony & Bruno for another great video. Wishing you & your family health, peace, & , happiness for the new year.
    I cried when you spoke of Bruce. Bruno is so beautiful.

  16. I stumbled over ur channel over the Xmas holidays and have been binge watching ever since. It took me a little while to figure out ur niche but ur videos have truly a calming and zen like influence on my otherwise stressful live. Happy New Year from Redondo Beach California

  17. my dog loves a raw egg as well, the shell is very healthy for them as well if he will eat it 🙂 Mine loves the shell haha.

  18. Hi, I love your videos, and I am in love with Bruno, thanks for all your videos, I enjoy them sooo much, have a great 2024 and make lots of videos for us to enjoy!!!

  19. Hi Tony and Bruno and happy new year.

    Could you possibly do a bit of a chat about your upright fridge? I'm in 2 minds whether to go upright or traditional top opening one??

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