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Legend of Roy Roth | Keep Hammering Collective | Episode 051

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0:00:00 Intro: How Cam & Roy Met
0:07:11 Bigger Adventures
0:09:56 Eagle Cap: First Bull Kill
0:13:13 Why Cam Started Bowhunting
0:15:39 Becoming an Alaskan Legend
0:20:53 Cam’s Articles About Roy
0:25:23 Alaska Legends & Bowhunter Magazine
0:27:22 Bob Ameen & “Roy’s Saddle”
0:29:07 Bumble Bay – Where’s Roy?
0:32:44 Cam & Roy’s Last Moose Hunt
0:34:26 Roy’s Buck
0:36:55 Hunting Stories Aren’t the Same Without Roy
0:38:38 Roy’s Kodiak Memorial
0:39:52 November 1995: How Bob Met Roy
0:41:47 October 25, 2015: A Sign From Roy
0:45:50 “Inspirational” by Frank Noska
0:50:39 Cam’s Table: Roy’s Memorial

#keephammering #cameronhanes

Every step I take I move my truth every time they tell me stop I use every comment hate that makes my feel GA up my energy and boom I them talking saying the way that I move is so reckless that is a part of my mind I’ve been blessed

With giving my blood so I am Relentless all right this is a keep hammering Collective and again a solo podcast today’s topic is going to be the legend of Roy Roth for those that know my story my story there would be no story if it wasn’t for Roy I’ll give a little background Roy

Roth and I grew up in this same small town here about 20 miles from where I live now and uh Marcola Oregon we went to Mohawk High School my class had 24 kids in it his class was uh the year ahead of me he was

2 years older older than me but um or two years in school no two years older in age but one year in school I started school very young so he was uh two years older but I graduated in ‘ 85 he graduated in ‘

84 for Roy uh he was a good athlete you know um as those no those who might not know he was a big dude uh a beast um and but very athletic he played football baseball really good at baseball Third Base quick hands uh could

Get the ball out of his mitt and over to first base quickly uh great hand ey coordination we’d go fishing me him Donnie manella would uh you know we fish for native Cutthroat there in mil Creek and basically with those fish they’re smart you get basically one cast in a hole and

The if there’s a big fish in there it’ll hit if you don’t show yourself if you sneak up if you flick it in and there’s no splashing or anything like that so we would race from hole to Hole um waiting up the creek but you had to be you had

To almost stock the holes too because as I said those fish are smart well D and I who was the quarterback best athlete in the high school than me I was you know smaller was a receiver and then beay Roy and no matter I mean we won sometimes but most of the time

Roy would win getting to the best hole and he could just cover distance when it came to something like that like you wouldn’t believe we I named him gazelle Roy cuz he was like a gazelle out there and could just jump over logs whatever make make sure he got the to the best

Fishing hole so that was where we grew up that was how we grew up um playing sports small town uh none of us of those three me him and Donnie none none of us Drank in high school anything like that didn’t party it was all about sports and uh later than

Hunting but uh Roy he we weren’t super close in high school me and Donnie were more close as friends I just relied on Roy for hunting information because he was I called him the guru he ran a trap line all through high school he was always out there

Loved hunting we rifle hunted rifle hunted at this time but he was just couldn’t get enough of being in that logging country chasing mostly big Blacktail he killed a big I think like a 7×6 bull with a with a riful when he was young um but we we didn’t do a lot of

Elk hunting at that time was mostly just for bucks so Roy was the man always made it happen I always knew where a good place to go was uh up we called it windling which is a loging area up above town there and once we got out of high school he was doing

Construction and I think he went to Lane Community College and he got a degree in construction U maybe in some type of pre-engineering type stuff maybe uh design CU he was a builder very good with his hands as I said from sports but also in in building and very creative

And just a hard worker so he was going to take over his dad’s construction business Roth construction so he went to Lane got I think a two-year degree there and I graduated and then tried to play football and we kind of you know I

Graduated on a 17 so I tried to put foot football as young by the time I came back after after that didn’t work out um Roy said hey you know I I bow hunted last year when you were gone you should start bow hunting and he goes it’s you

Know you don’t see anybody out there rifle hunting is kind of like a you know it’s a war zone out there sometimes especially up there is kind of kind of known for Big Buck country so we’d have a parade of people from town heading up the road opening morning and it was you

Know a war zone but uh he said bow hunting there’s nobody out there and you see a lot of animals you know killing him is a different thing but I said okay it sounds good so I got a a cheap bow for a bow Hunters Discount Warehouse a

Golden eagle superhawk turbo cam um didn’t know anything about matching up arrows and and bows and the bows were loud and slow and you know we we did the best we could we shot all the time we were definitely addicted to archery and uh it was at that time that

I found you know something besides drinking that I could do uh because I did start drinking after I got out of high school and and went to college and the whole party football scene um down in Ashland where I went to Southern Oregon state was uh it was

Intense so got really good at that really good at being a [ __ ] but came home cuz I couldn’t afford it down there and uh started to Bow Hunting I could dedicate myself to something more heal healthy and uh Roy and I we would just practice

All the time and uh we loved getting out uh he still kind of did his thing I did my thing I went out and I killed a bull my first year killed a spike bull I was with my brother at this time he same year he started bow hunting he was three

Years younger than me so he was probably 16 at this time then I would be 19 and uh he uh yeah it was got it done um the next year I killed a nice buck and I killed another bull like a a five by five and I killed

A bear so the next year I bull buuck bear Roy and I did a a California pig hunt right after that our first out ofate hunt we went down to WKA and hunted pigs with some other friends and um Roy was he was the man down there uh

Those pigs and dogs up close were in the brush you know trying to finish off wounded pigs is pretty fun pretty exciting then we came back and we’re like well what more can we do what bigger Adventures can we go on you know at this

Time I said we did an out say hunt but most of our hunting was within 10 or 15 miles of our house we weren’t we didn’t have any money um but where there’s a will there’s a way so we decided Ed that we needed to go over eventually after a few years

Still always killing you know I killed this big buck in the steens I think my third year bow hunting and that was uh a giant Buck Roy was there Roy was there on that is either that hunt or or uh no it’s the next year he was with Wayne

When Wayne killed a big bull there and so we were kind of on a roll as far as getting animals on the ground but Roy Roy and I want big adventure we started going to the three sisters Wilderness to El hunt uh pack in with llamas that we

Bought and uh we could load him in his he had a Nissan pickup and we could load him in there and take llamas to haul more of our gear that we wouldn’t have to pack and then we could stay longer because we’d have more food and stuff

And Fuel and we had big propane or had the propane stoves with the big green canisters and you know all that stuff wasn’t very backpack friendly uh there was no Garin in reaches back then there was no good gear for us we couldn’t afford anything but we had a lot of

Passion for bow hunting and for the mountains so we started going to the three sisters couldn’t really get on finding Bulls there is is tough it’s a lot of Timber um if they’re not calling you know it’s it’s tough to locate so we said hey uh I I told I remember I killed

My first buck over in the right on the edge of the Eagle Cap Wilderness when I was 15 with a rifle and I said um my is my stepdad uh Greg Spike his family had a big Ranch over in eastern Oregon in Ekko and my grandpa had a ranch in

Hermon which is 7 miles away I think and so I said let’s head over there let’s uh talk to my uncle and get maybe he knows someplace in the Eagle Cap we can go and Chase out cuz we couldn’t find him in the three sisters so we bombed over there no money

Uh but made it happen got in there and got in on bulls you know had no business hunting the Wilderness at this time we we weren’t prepared but we got on bulls and I just couldn’t get one killed but we were like man this is crazy nobody back here awesome country Bulls

Screaming we didn’t know what we were doing at all but we loved it so we wanted to go back that was the first week of season we had somehow figured out a way that maybe the third week we could head back over there and maybe the Bulls would be running and’ be

Better hunting and we just didn’t know how we’re were going to get there because we didn’t have any gas money well Roy being a problem solver and a troubleshooter and there is no challenge too great he had this uh collector’s edition 3030 that his grandpa had given him and so he says

I’m gonna I’ll sell this gun for gas money then we’ll have we can drive all the way over there it’s eight hours all the way across state and then we’ll have money for food and gas and we can pack in and Hunt so we did that took the

Llamas back over there packed in long story longer or shorter or whatever you want to do I could go on and on about this I I’ll kind of cut it down but we kept going deeper and deeper into the Wilderness down into the big drainage we end up seeing this dentist back there

From Eugene and he said you know where you guys headed and I just said we’re looking for Elk uh and at this time we’ never killed a Wilderness Bull and I said we’re looking for El and we want to get away from people so he says he said

Uh well he goes I got this place you guys can go and it’s where we used to hunt with Billy Cruz and you know he had died there in a in a scouting for Elk he his plane crashed and uh he had died so he said Billy used to hunt this country

That was too rugged for man and too steep for horses and nobody wants to go there and uh he goes I’ll tell you where that is and you guys can go cuz we’re not going to go there and I said it sounds perfect so Roy and I took off we

Went in there and we had so much opportunity you know just screwed up on bulls finally I got a spike Bull killed and that was my first Wilderness bulll another one I’d killed some other pretty good Bulls back home or a little bit bigger nothing nothing giant but um a

Big by five was like my best bowl at that time and then I killed the spike in the Eagle Cap so we had uh you know survived the weather got down to 8 degrees there in L Grand so up on the mountain who knows how cold it was and

We had we had the worst gear you could we had gear that people with no money have and uh and it was enough though got a got a Bull killed had a packet there was a closer trail head to get out but our rig was all the way across the

Wilderness and we had to pack 22 miles to get that spike bll out and we did it and that was uh I think about my fourth year bow hunting that would have been 93 I believe and then in ’94 Roy moved to Alaska so I was on my own but uh I just

Wanted to set a little little precedence for how Roy and I started this journey and if it wasn’t for Roy I wouldn’t even be a bow hunter uh he was the one that we learned together but he he um he was the one that pushed me get my first bow

So once he went to Alaska and then I was on my own down here my only choice was try to talk somebody into hunting which it’s you know if people if you have to talk somebody into hunting the Wilderness it’s not going to go very well I mean that’s one of those things

Where they either love it or hate it and I loved it I took some other people back there they didn’t love it it was big rugged country I would split up and say you go this way I go this way so how me and Ro used to do it so we were

Essentially on our own and um most people aren’t they’re not into that they like the uh camaraderie of hunting camp they like um they like having somebody it just it’s easier with another another guy back there just all those to it it’s it’s easier mentally mentally and

Physically and uh you get a little more confidence when you have somebody and so I couldn’t find anybody they would go maybe try it one time and that was it so I kept going I kept killing bulls but it was on my own I had to figure out how I

Was getting animals out sometimes it was trying to talk somebody uh into helping me and pay for hotel room and pay for pizza or sometimes it was you know try to hire a horse Packer if I one time I killed a bull and it was 10 miles back

And I had uh I did some flag and ribbon down to the main trail which was uh you know as I said 10 miles and then went all the way out went to the horse Packer’s house I had to get back to work I left him $300 there and I said you

Know could you go get my bll I got it hanging and it’s all processed hanging skin quarters are good everything’s good I just have to get back to work and please tell me if you can’t go get it and I’ll have to come back over here

Drive eight hours pack all the way in you know this was late September so the meat was good it was cold and snowing at this time but uh he end up going to get it point is is like I had like this whole other dilemma on how I was getting

Kills out once I once I killed by myself um so once that that happened Roy was up in Alaska just killing it I mean just becoming an Alaska Legend and for those that don’t know there’s different types of hunting there’s lower 48 hunting which can be hard I just

Explained the Eagle Cap and there’s a lot of rugged Wilderness areas down here there’s Grizzlies there’s wolves there’s Lions there’s just regular bear it’s you know it can be intimidating for people but it’s not Alaska up in Alaska it’s another level of hunting I remember I went up to

Alaska and spoke at the Alaska Bowers Association banquet and I’m like why am I talking to these guys I’m not I might be decent down in the lower 48 but these guys are Next Level they’re so freaking tough so capable what could I possibly tell them about bow hunting that they’re not

Better than me at already um but a lot of people in Alaska they’re just tough just because it’s it’s tough to live there the conditions are hard and it just makes Hardy men so they’re also not they just love I don’t know they they love the challenge of the

Mountains they’re not so much into getting a bunch of attention for it there are some very famous bow hunters in Alaska but a lot of them are just Grinders they just like to hunt they just you know provide for their family and a lot of people don’t know about them they’re

Just they’re just you know badasses in the mountains and they get it done and and that’s okay they’re not looking to be in magazines you know they’re not looking at that time to be on TV and in fact they would they would look at me

And say oh you know who’s this guy’s you self-promotion uh talking about what ever always you know writing articles or in magazine ads or on TV and it was like a kind of like a slam on me because in their eyes maybe I wasn’t pure a pure

Bow hunter or or bow hunting for the right reasons you know and I maybe I would agree with them I mean I I loved bow hunting there’s no doubt about that I loved writing and sharing my adventures and sharing the stories so to get those opportunities

You do have to kind of promote yourself because I I had to have opportunities in these magazines or on TV and uh you know if if I’m not promoting myself nobody else is going to so I I you know I would be guilty of that I guess and in some of

Those guys eyes but point is is there’s people in the crowd like a a Dr Jack Frost stud people know him uh a babam me a Frank noska um later on it’d be it’d be Jonah Stewart who really guided for and uh these guys are just man Jeremy was

Another one that Roy hunted with a lot up there just freaking tough tough great bow hunters and man I don’t know just the kind of guy that any bow hunter should or the kind of people any bow hunter could look up to and say okay these guys do it

Right so I say all that to explain the culture that Ro Bo moved into and um as I said it can be hard well for me for Outsider from the lower 48 to earn respect up there um I got the opportunity to speak up there twice and

It was incredible but most of the time what I wanted to talk about was Roy Roy in my mind from what I had seen I hadn’t hunted with everybody at that time I hunted you know 100 small group of people but I thought they were badasses and I thought Roy was the

Biggest bad ass of anyone that I knew so that doesn’t mean much my perspective it’s it’s another level up there as I explained so Roy went up there and then he started you know it it gave me great pleasure he started to earn respect from even the most badass people up there

Everybody was learning or hearing stories about this guy from Wasilla this bow hunter Roy Roth and and uh Roy I don’t think he ever wrote an article himself but I wrote a lot of articles on him as I said I was his number one fan I believed in him and

Um and you know he ALS he believed in me too he was in this um I guess in the hunting industry talking [ __ ] is just something that happens uh it’s hard to earn respect but I I also knew that Roy would never talk [ __ ] about me he we

Were like brothers and uh he always believed in me so if I said I want to write an article about you he would be like yeah let’s do it um he liked my writing he probably liked maybe the end result of seeing the adventure told and

Being able to share it with his family you know up in his cabins in his home and uh his mom and dad had a fishing lodge up there in Alaska they had these articles that I wrote framed and matted and it looked great I mean there was uh

Adrenaline overload in Alaska I wrote about Roy uh killed this giant probably would have been like I think number two caribou and killed with a recurve and uh you know he didn’t enter many animals in the in the book or get them scored but this was a giant Caribou I wrote uh an

Article called The Perfect 10 killed 10 animals in one season with his bow just a stud uh I wrote something White he just wanted to kill something white it was a a rocky mountain goat and a doll sheep those are both white animals and

He killed those with a bow so I wrote an artic called article called something white I wrote an article called uh let me see what was another uh oh yeah I wrote one one of my favorite ones it was called it’s not about the bow because Roy shot compound

And then he also shot recurve and it didn’t matter he killed with both he killed giant animals and had amazing adventures with both didn’t matter compound and recurve so the point of the article was it’s not about the bow it’s about the man and you put a weapon in

This man’s hand Roy Roth something was going to die he was the best Woodsman the toughest the most the best uh as I said Problem Solver but also the most optimistic person you’ll ever come across which is to to survive in the mountains it takes all that um and so

That article it’s not about the bow it stands out to me because I remember one time or in that when I was writing that I said what what uh what’s your greatest key to success and um or something like that he said it’s just always believing it’s

Going to happen and just being out there he’s like sometimes I have no idea what to do but I’m just out there and if you’re out there anything can can happen so it’s just you hunt you just get out and Hunt I mean as I say you can’t kill from

The couch and and that was kind of the point to to that example there was if you’re out there man you never know you never know what’s going to happen and so he was out there a lot he ended up killing nine brown bear with his bow

Which I don’t know if anybody’s killed that many still uh nine doll sheep which I’m sure PE some people have but maybe just a handful but uh n archery kills with his but on on doll sheep is incredible so killed Grizzly he killed you know whatever he he was um he’s the

Best bow hunter I’ve ever come across and now I’ve been doing this for 35 years and hunted with some amazing people very capable incredible bow Hunters themselves but none of the none of them were like Roy I’m excited to announce a partnership with ice barel CT PL lunges

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Temporarily reducing nerve activity cold therapy reduces swelling and muscle spasms get yours at and use code cam for $125 off as we all know I’ve been putting all my guests through a pretty good cardio session on Mount Pisa g rock is a welcome new addition to the

Podcast and LIF run shoot series I love the 80 lb sandbags but I’m not sure sure how my guests feel about it but what do they say pain is weakness leaving the body all the people at go rock are beasts and I’m thrilled to partner with

Them we use the rocks and sandbags on almost every episode and now you can take your training to the next level as they are offering listeners 10% off when you use code cam cam see you guys on the mountain you better not forget that we I I did want to read so

Boba me I mention an Alaska Legend up there he um sometimes these these area Legends get to know each other and Bob and Roy got to hunt together I think I’m pretty I’m not sure if Frank noska ever hunted with Roy but definitely knew of each

Other and then Jack Dr Frost he uh I think he operated on Roy’s knee one time he blew it out and and so that you know one time after we spoke at the or I spoke at the Alaska banquet me and Roy went went over to Dr Frost’s house and

Looked at all his animals so Roy definitely knew him and uh we talked bow hunting with him a number of times so um within the Circle Roy connected probably most with babam mean and there’s an article here I want to share you know I used to before I screwed up this

Opportunity like I kind of explained in my last solo podcast uh my Eastman’s career was again self sabotaged me do you want to look for any problems with uh something that I’m doing and it usually falls apart you can look right here because it’s me so I also screwed

Up this opportunity with the bow hunter magazine which was a huge honor for me I had you know Dwight Shu was a legend and hero of mine and uh he was the editor of the of this magazine when I started my Callum bleed um for them but

Dwight retired new editor came in not a big fan of me probably because of me again don’t don’t look any further than that and so I haven’t I haven’t written for them in in a while since 2009 I still think they have my name on the

Mast head so Never Never Say Never but I’m good at Burning Bridges so um point is Bob wrote this article and uh this was in let me see what year this was March of 2016 so Roy died in 2015 and this article it talks about Roy on Kodiak

Island with Bob so here’s how it starts off it’s called Roy saddle by Bob amine it’s in the March issue of 2016 it says as Roy finished building my Kodiak Buck Shack I found myself looking at him him in awe and asking myself how does he do

It New Yorker John Borland and I were there to help Roy to help but Roy did the bulk of the work whether he was bow hunting or working on a remote construction project it was impossible to match Roy’s Pace or intensity with the shack finished we

Flew back to Kodiak Roy was scheduled to guide a bear hunter for Outfitter George Westcott and I was going Mountain go hunting a week later Roy had gotten his cent of brown bear so he regrouped and along with Matt new F flew back to the

Buck Shack for a deer hunt it would be Roy’s first opportunity to hunt deer at Bumble Bay we’ been hunting deer in Kodiak for decades but it’d be nice to stay in the cabin rather than enduring the ravages of kodc weather and our usual ENT

Cap Roy and I this is Bob’s hunt with Roy but Roy and I also hunted Kodiak a number of times and always challenging that weather on Kodiak is is rough uh but uh man we had some great adventures there and he he was like so good at

Hunting Sitka Blacktail Roy was just a stud but let me get back to the article or Bob’s article so he writes we were looking for mature bucks but we weren’t finding anything we liked it was prior to the rust so the Bucks weren’t acting like crazy teenage boys on our third day we

Split up on our third day we split up for the day as Darkness was setting over the grass covered Hills of bumble Bay Matt and I were back in the warm dry comfort of the buck Shack no Roy he never came back before dark but is well past Dark 30 blank Patton once

Asked me as we sat in our tent tent W if as we sat in our tent well after dark at what time will you start to worry about Roy I never worry about him he can handle anything I said Roy didn’t own no watch he hunted till dark and then he

Turned around and head back for Camp it wasn’t in his genetic code to waste one minute of daylight he might find a buck during last Light and if there was a possibility of killing it Roy was there back in the fall of 2013 Roy dropped me

Off with our boat and planned to return at the end of the day to pick me up I killed a buck early in the day and was back at the pickup Point well before dark Roy was nowhere to be seen as it turned out Roy had killed a buck toward

The end of the day and his light was fading by the time he had the buck boned out and loaded into his pack as he walked back to the river on a well-used Bear Trail another mature Buck walked up the trail right to him it took

Everything he had to pass on the buck a minute later a second Buck a much bigger one walked up to within 10 ft of roll Roy ex Roy had exhausted his tolerance and took the shot Roy could see like an eagle during the day and like an owl in

Low light his eyes were a major reason why he was so successful as a bow hunter I’ve never hunted with anyone who could see game like Roy so now he had two huge mature cka blacktails to pack to the river of course Roy wouldn’t return for

A second load so he just packed both deer a load of about 15 lbs at the same time no big deal I’ve seen him carry 200 lb packs several miles through 2 feet of snow this is Bob talking this isn’t me telling these amazing stories about Roy

This is another Alaska Legend who is just going to tell it like it is because Bob’s been around done it as I said this is him talking about Roy now now listen no big deal Bob writes I’ve seen him carry 200lb packs several miles through two feet of

Snow that’s Roy that’s what I when I think of when I think of badass bow Hunters I see these guys and I see people tired to take shots at at each other a lot of ego and hunting but I see these guys and I’m like a lot of them they might be tough

But I’m still thinking to myself you have no idea what tough is Roy set the standard and and I can’t expect everybody to know that or live up to that to that level but that’s what I compare myself to so that’s when I compare myself I’m like like I am

Nothing I am nothing compared to Roy he was yeah that’s who I that’s who I learned um how to be tough in the mountains from so get back to the story here Bob raids meanwhile I waited patiently for a few hours that night until I heard Roy zodiac screaming up

The river another time at our buck Shack on Kodiak it was about an hour after dark when we finally saw the glow of Roy’s headlamp bouncing down the beach of bumble Bay as he got closer we could hear him singing Roy was always singing usually it was either when he got up in

The morning or as he reluctantly came back to camp in the dark after a full day of hunting come to think of it those are the only times I was typically with him maybe he’s sing all day long who knows that day right at dark and I was I

Just want to interject I remember we were when I killed my our last hunt together was a moose miles from the road in Alaska it was a rifle area but you could use a bow so we could get further back most most time people don’t want to

Get back when they kill a moose but it’s this moose sitting right over here it’s uh uh just a great bull but we were four miles back and up over this big Ridge and I got this bull killed it’s on the video is called the tribute and it’s uh

Roy and I’s last hunt together before he fell so he uh we were breaking down that bowl at about 11 or midnight and he’s singing uh same thing always singing always love the work part always love being miserable remember that night we laid in our tent we were wet

Everything was wet because it had been snowing and we were eating all our food because we’re I killed so we’re getting out of there and we had so much candy and food and we were just rappers everywhere just having the best time of our lives and singing and telling

Stories and another thing Roy would have me do is I’d pack magazines back there and I would just read him stories he’d just say he didn’t want to I mean another part of the story is like every time we’d go go out to breakfast or

Something I had to read I always had to read something so I’d read the paper and eat slow and he’d get mad but he’d say well read to me so I’d just read whatever I was reading for eating but if we were in hunting camp I’d read hunting

Stories and we’d just lay there in the tent I’d read and he’d just uh you know listen so that was a camp life with Roy’s it was pretty great but um so Bob again writes uh that day right after dark Roy oh yeah when he said maybe he

Sang all all day long who knows then he continues that day right after dark Roy finally killed a nice buck he knew he was a long way from the buck Shack so he field dressed in and packed a limited portion of the meat back punting to ret

R retrieve the rest of the buck in his trophy hours the following day the next day was a beautiful unar uncharacteristically sunny with a light Breeze it was early early November so bucks were chasing prospective girlfriends everywhere I was sitting on a ridge glassing for a particular Buck

I’ had seen 10 days earlier and I just happened to look to the north Roy was standing on the top of the ridge a half mile distance what’s he doing up there I wondered then I saw the buck Roy was waiting for the buck to walk around to

His side of the mountain I watched my binoculars as Roy drew his bow and loose the arrow the buck crashed down the mountain and ran towards a saddle below which would be a much easier packing job than if he had run the other direction The Bu staggered towards a draw rimmed with

Thick Alders and I knew I needed to carefully mark his exact location so I could help Roy find him the buck fell and rolled into an Al Alder patch I focused my binoculars and was relieved to see a nearby gut pile from the buck Roy had killed the evening before it’d

Be easy to direct Roy to that spot I looked back at Roy and could see him searching for a blood trail in the wrong direction I didn’t know if you’d be able to hear me but I yelled at the top of my lungs Roy your buck is in the alter

Patch above your gut pile the response was Classic Roy as he yelled back which gut pile I laughed out loud as I wondered just how many bucks he had down there I directed Roy to his buck as he pulled her from the alers he yelled back will

You come over and help me pack off I went while I was delayed a bit by a s brown bear in her cub I was suit admiring Roy’s two box he told me I could hear you playing as day when he yelled but I couldn’t figure out who it

Was or where you were I just thought it might be the Lord talking to me I laughed at loud over that one too by the time we made the beach loaded down with the three bucks it dark we had another mile to go but it was such an

Enjoyable evening neither of us dreaded the task at hand as always Roy carried much more weight than me and I think the extra pounds may have influenced his singing voice in a positive way I found myself really enjoying Roy’s singing on that clear Starlet night I’ll never forget that evening hike down the

Beach tears flow as I write these words so this is Bob writing again on a octob October 4th 2015 Roy fell to his death during a sheep hunt on Pioneer Peak after the initial shock of this tragic news faded I realized I had watched Roy shoot his

Last buck maybe it was fate that I got to watch those events unfold and I was there to help and pack Roy loved hunting blacktails as much as I do future Kodiak trips will never be the same for me I feel the same as Bob there when he

Writes that that any hunting memories without Roy or without Roy to to share them with after the fact either on the phone or in person it just it’s not the same you can’t you can’t replace somebody like Roy and uh you know I went up to Alaska and hunted with Roy I would

Say 30 times on some of the most adventurous uh wild hunts anyone could do you know charging brown bear wounded black bear rugged sheep um every rugged sheep country everything everything the biggest adventures anybody could go on and and I shared them with Roy so that’s it’s never going to be the

Same any any kill I have any of these memories watered down muted they’re fine the memories are great it’s not the same um so I I I can understand Roy or uh Bob’s words about Roy when he writes few Kodiak trips will never be the same for

Me or future Kodiak trips will never be the same for me to honor Roy and celebrate his love for hunting Kodiak I decided that the saddle below where I had watched him kill his final Buck would be Roy saddle I was compelled by the need to set some to sort of marker

There the first step was to conu construct a monument that I could pack up the saddle it’d be a cedar post and crossmember with Roy saddle carved into it by Jeremy Hogan I took the cedar board to Roy’s R roal service and asked many of his closest bow any bud to sign

It in permanent ink my trip to Kodiak in 2015 would be somber Kodiak pilots and so many other Kodiak residents all knew Roy and everyone expressed their sorrow and sympathy regarding Roy’s passing everyone loved Roy as I watched the island pass beneath the plane I recalled

Pilot Jack lechner giving me a hard time about not being able to convince guys to come back for a second Kodiak deer hunt year after year I returned to Cub air with a new hunting partner After experiencing where I took them and the Kodiak weather most really didn’t want

To go back Kodiak is a harshest most grueling environment I’ve ever hunted it takes a special kind of bow hunter to voluntarily return voluntarily return year after year Roy was a epitome of that kind of bow hunter he thrived on adversity the tougher things got the

Louder Roy sang he loved it in November 1995 I was on I was in Jack’s office after 10day solo deer deer hunt when the phone rang Jack answered and then handed me the phone and said this Bow Hunter wants to go deer hunting I really didn’t want to tell someone I didn’t

Know where I had just killed four bucks but I figured I’d be helping Jack out I relented and told the guy where i’ had been and there are probably still a few bucks left there two weeks later Roy Roth showed up my office in wasel with

Photos of four bucks all bigger than the ones I had killed that was the first time I had met Roy that was the first time I had met Roy in 1998 I asked Ro if you wanted to join me on Kodiak deer on a deer hunt what a roll reversal now I

Was run trying now I was one trying to keep up you couldn’t keep Roy off of Kodiak Island during the Black Tower rut that was just fine with me as we hunted together just about every year for the next 15 a better hunting partner than Roy Roth never NE has never and will

Never exist my wife Lisa and I talked about one of his many attributes we both knew I could depend on him for anything he could handle any situation never lost his cool and always kept a positive and fun attit ude Lisa knew if I was out

There with Roy I would be okay and would come back in one piece I know I know Roy’s many Bow Hunting Buddies felt the same sense of assurance and in that regard I I did I mean I felt Invincible when I was with Roy it’s uh and it sounds like Bob felt

The same he uh yeah I I just can’t explain it it’s like so that’s why I say that type of hunting partner and Bob says it in his own words will it’ll it’ll never happen again that’s what’s pretty hard to to take is that knowing that you will never have somebody to

Take the place of Roy now that he’s gone back to back to Bob’s article um on October 25th 2015 I was back at the buck Shack hunting with my brother Lauren and my mutual friend Dan Watson on the second day I found myself stocking to B Buck below Rocky R bridge I eventually

Shot the buck which rolled to a stop and a saddle because I’d been hunting mountain goats on the far side of bumble Bay I was taking a much different route back to Camp it took me a second to realize the buck had fallen in Roy’s

Saddle I had I had killed the buck in almost the same place I’d watched Roy kill his buck a year earlier after taking photos and butchering the buck I put half the meat in my pack and headed for Camp the same route Roy and I travel

The previous year I was alone in the darkness the beach felt lonely rather than rather than the star that the sky was cloudy and dark there was no conversation no singing I wonder if I’d see a sign from Roy not being a man of Faith reason told me No Such sign would

Be forthcoming in my heart I’d hoped I’d see some kind of sign indicating Roy approved of the buck I had killed a sign he was walking at my side I search the skies hillsides and darkness of the shov straight through tearful eyes but saw no recognizable sign I made it safely to

The buck Shack emotionally drained the next day with Roy’s Monument strapped to my pack I had back I hiked back to Roy’s saddle I plac a monument and packed out the other half of my buck again feeling the sense of loneliness and tears Welling in my eyes I suspect

That will happen whenever I’m close to Roy saddle the last morning of our hunt I was hiking towards Roy saddle in the sunrise I saw a young buck rubbing his aners on forehead on Roy’s Monument there it was the sign I was looking for reason told me it was coincidence I’m

Not so sure but I’m sure Roy would approve of his Monument being used by a buck as a marking post before leaving home I knelt down placed my hand on Roy’s Memorial and whispered I’ll be back next year maybe together we can get that big buck I’m after rest in peace my

Rest in peace my friend rest in peace and uh man what a great article um and this is you know I’ll show it on camera I don’t know if it’ll come in man but this is uh Roy saddle Memorial that Bob made and then he had a Roy funeral there and

Yeah I see my signature I see my signature there it says uh Roy is a legend and my inspiration than my signature um freaking sucks yeah I uh as I was reading Bob’s article uh and I mentioned Frank Nosa is just a a legendary Hunter himself I’ll I’ll wrap

Up this this first seg this is going to be an on going series because I have so many stories about Roy but I I wanted to set the stage with with this here um these stories here from just the most badass Alaska Hunters I know pretty

Much um so it kind of sets a stage for this series but yeah I could I could talk for hours about Roy and not just about the incredible man he was and uh you know he kept me on track most my life I’ve always been like honestly kind of a [ __ ] um

Yeah so uh there’s a another little writing here uh that Bow Hunter magazine included from Frank nska and I’ll end this this segment with this one and it’s just titled inspirational by Frank noska uh the the u b the title says throughout our lives we’re lucky to meet

One person who inspires us for me Roy Roth was that person Frank writes moving to Alaska in 2001 was one of the best decisions I ever made once I got settled in Wasilla naturally search I naturally searched out fellow bow Hunters guys like Jack Frost Tony Russ bobam me Dave wiy Carl

Brent and Lon lobber and many others since my move to Alaska was precisely for the increased opportunities for more Bo more adventurous more ADV adventurous bow hunting I wanted to meet and get to know these Alaska bow Hunters it was not long before I started hearing about a guy [ __ ]

It was not long before I started hearing about a guy by the name of Roy Roth and I learned very quickly that this man was a real deal when I first when I built my first home here in Wasilla Roth construction was involved that was back when Roy his

Father Ray and mother Shirley were still building houses they helped me out tremendously with planning Direction subcontractors Desir desirable financing Etc I would witness time and time again that this was a genuine demonstration of helping and and get the help of the helping and giving nature of the roths

There are so many desirable characteristics that made Roy who he was that but I cannot list them all here as a quality person friend Father husband and son he was Second To None Roy Roth is also one of the most accomplished and successful bow Hunters I had ever known

He never wanted any attention for his successes before his good friends Cameron haes Baba mean and Dwight Shu started revealing some of Roy’s great Bing accomplishments in the writing he remained somewhat of unknown I think that was the way Roy liked it but you cannot sequest but you cannot sequester

Great bow hunting achievements such as taking nine brown bears with a bow forever along with his many Bon successes there was not a tougher or stronger bow hunter to ever walk this planet the tales of his adventures exploits and Hunt hunts are legendary uh I know of no one who could

Do I know of no one who could do I know of no one who could do what Roy could do to this day when I’m on one of my adventure bow hunts and I’m and the going gets tough or I’m I am in a precarious situation I often times think of Roy

Just knowing the strength he possessed gives me strength the attendance at Roy Ross celebration of life in Palmer Alaska was very impressive the kids he had coached the hunters he had helped the church he had served were all represented Roy’s positive influence on the many people was apparent and through

His life he inspired the people he crossed paths with and in so many ways Roy Roth inspired me so that’s uh that’s just an epic picture of Roy that Frank included or bow hunter included with Frank’s peace um yeah you know it’s been eight years now since he died and uh

You know you think you you think I’d get tougher eventually this table here is uh is to a memorial to Roy says Roy tough 65 to 15 this when he was born 1965 died in 2015 and uh there a picture of our our last hunt together this was 2

Weeks before we died or uh walking along the water there on that moose hunt and then you know right here it says we must endure and that’s what we got to do we endure um you know Frank writes of Roy’s uh celebration of life and you know much like

Today I can’t I can’t be you’d think I could be strong talking about Roy but I can’t you know I spoke at that I spoke at that service tried to and you know I spoke of my dad’s service and said what I needed to say I spoke at my grandma’s

Service because family has there has to be somebody to represent the families and uh I did that and I you know of course it was emotional and it was hard and you know it’s I had to really focus but I just felt like I just had to do it

For the family but at Roy’s I couldn’t do it and um yeah yeah I mean I tried and basically broke down and I still can’t talk about him but I’m going to try because I want to I want to share some of these stories I want

To I wouldn’t nobody be listening to me if it wasn’t for Roy um as I said at the beginning nobody would know me Um yeah so uh another thing I say when I talk about Roy is legends never die and I I want people to know the legend of Roy Roth I want I think people I think I know the world was a better place when he was here

Because of the impact he had on others but uh I think some of his stories can still um have his legacy live on and still positively impact people and uh I think it’s you know I don’t know if it’s my responsibility but it’s something I want to do um yeah miss him

But you know and we go through this we go through life and there’s going to be people we love that die um and you know it’s going to be it’s going to be hard and uh this is this is one of those times but

Uh yeah I know you know as tough as Roy was um when I’m not talking about him he does he does I’m tough because of him basically other than when it’s when I’m reading what people write about him or when I’m thinking about him or uh you

Know just missing them but we’re going to share some of these stories and uh wanted to kick it off with this one um the legend of Roy Roth we’ll get into some good stories on the next one so thanks for listening guys it’s Cameron Haynes here I’m going

To be giving away this brand new Ford Raptor 2023 fully loaded badass truck you got 20in wheels 35 in tires the tax man loves coming for that money right I’m giving away 10,000 cash to offset that for the winner you get a truck And1 ,000 in cash

I want you to win this brand new 2023 Ford Raptor enter to win Cameron keep Hammering every step I take I move my truth every time they tell me stop I every com hate that makes my f gather up my energy and boom I hear them talking saying the way that I move is so reckless that is a part of my mind I’ve

Been blessed with giving my blood so I am Relentless my fault they want someone to blame they sent the hate it fuels my Pace I am Roy tough I am the change the F in dirt feeling like cams I just I am give me them odds

Nobody wants I’ll give you my heart I carry the work give me that impossible task I’ll give you that unbreakable cage give me that right up and that hurt I’ll give you that mindset that I ear give me that last question on Earth did I just die did I end


  1. Ok, so, your a butt head, making my cry so much😅
    At 62, I have only a few heroes I look up to for inspiration. You my friend are one of them, but I'm sorry to tell you that someone just moved past you on that scale. His name is Roy Roth! As always, this episode rocks!! Listen to them all, and most, several times, Roy's storys will be right up near the top. Never stop being who you are Cam!!

  2. Thanks for sharing, great for us to see a person like yourself be emotional about someone so pivotal in your life.

  3. I loved watching videos of you and Roy hunting together but man this was a tough one to watch I can’t say I didn’t get teared up on this one

  4. its good to hear the stories from you, I'm surprised you didn't move to Alaska after he did, just to be closer and hunt together more.

  5. I’ve never meet either of you but I totally understand the story Iam a solo hunter of the big woods of Michigan and truly appreciate ur story with the passing of my dad and grandpa and others keep grinding and hunt hard

  6. Sooo grateful that you shared this with us Cam … I had a sense of the friend and legend he was/is … hearing you share this is really brings it home .. Keep on Hammering Brother!

  7. It was hard to hear this story without shedding a tear! Roy will live on thru u cam and the strories! He sounds like a great human being and we all know the good ones go first. Thank u for letting us in and I can tell it was hard for u to share but I’m glad u did. Hes smiling down on u brutha

  8. At 78, I can recall hunts where there were four of us in camp, and I'm the only one that remains, but most of those were what could be called the natural cycle of life. Less than two years ago the world lost a great engineer, husband, father of two young children, son, hunter, hunting partner, and friend to so many; he was only 36. His name was Sam. His last big game hunt was on Kodiak. I just wish that I had been more like him throughout my life. I understand and respect what you are doing for Roy. Some might think that it's healing for us to share our pain, but we'll never heal, we just don't want those very special people to ever be forgotten. Keep telling the stories; we're listening, we're watching, we're hurting along side of you, but also be thankful to have known that very special, great person in our lives. Not everyone is so privileged. Thanks for sharing.

  9. that's a heavy story, I know the feeling of the lost hunters who no longer walk with us on the hunt. Long live their memories.

  10. Thanks for sharing your story, we all have a little Roy with us. Can't replace but we can push through anything together. Keep doing you!

  11. Thanks for sharing! He sounds like the friend many long for in life. Just hearing the stories reminds me to not take any breath for granted and to live each moment like it’s my last……..because it could be.

  12. Thank you for sharing Cam. The story and the love you felt for your friend And legend Roy Roth is personified through your story and the emotions you clearly show through this episode. Tears don’t represent weakness, they allow the person to process those tough things you can keep hammering despite getting choked up.

  13. I never knew roy roth…but when introduced to archery hunting in 2002 there was one archery hunter i always fallowed an read about every chance i could an continuing to do so…thats cameron hanes…your a hell of a human…just like roy…keep hammerin thats what he would want!

  14. As I'm watching this cam I'm balling in tears man . As you speak about Roy I think of my dad . I'm 32 now and lost my dad about 4 years ago to pancreatic cancer. He was my hunting buddy. He would be the only one that would just say grab your gear and let's go we'd get lost out in the woods in search of a california blacktail . Everyone else in the group would either tell us no it's too cold or No there's no deer up there in the national forest. We didn't care ..I didn't care I was sharing Laughs and a camp fire with my best friend and my father. I had just started getting into archery 1 year before he past and fell in love. Watching your videos I couldn't wait to get outa state with my old man and pack out my first archery elk or even connect on any big game animal with a bow with my old man . Unfortunately that never happened and every year after that hunting feels plain . I love to hunt but it just isn't the same anymore . Hopefully one day that feeling will return of true authentic enjoyment and laughter . Cam you are a hero and a legend to a lot of us keep doing you

  15. Loved listening to this Cam, appreciate you sharing. Sounds like a beast and such a great comrade in the wilderness

  16. Incredible tribute to the GOAT! Had me in tears along with you! Definitely makes me want to be a better man/father ❤

  17. These are great Cam. Give yourself credit for this podcast.

    I don’t miss an episode. Love your knowledge, stories, and interviews

  18. Thanks for sharing with us again details about the man the myth the legend Roy Roth 😮 I found bow hunting in my late 40s I have been hitting it hard like crazy to try and achieve my goals and I look to you and your stories of Roy to fuel my spirits thank you!

  19. Until you have lost a friend that means that much and has impacted your life you’ll never know that feeling. The gut wrenching stomach turning need to scream out. I don’t know how you felt but I know how I felt losing my best friend and it was summed up in your voice the whole episode

  20. An insanely tough man inspiring so many tough people and still able to show that it’s ok to be emotional. Cam Hanes you’re a legend! Can’t wait to hear the rest of these “campfire” like stories about Roy! #Keep Hammering

  21. Hey Cam, I am really thankful for you sharing these stories. It inspires me to constantly want to be a better bow hunter. I got my 5 year old son his first compound for christmas and I cant wait to show him the stories of Cam and Roy. Thank you sir

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