Slice No More: Master Your Golf Swing with a Strong Grip!

Are you tired of slicing your shots to the right? In this video, we’ll explain why a strong grip can help you eliminate that frustrating slice. Say goodbye to those embarrassing shots and start hitting the fairway consistently. Don’t forget to subscribe for more golf tips and techniques!

How does like why does my strong grip work with my swing right cuz like I like i’ I’ve shown people if I grip the club normally right oh you’ll slice slice to the right I can’t even make contact with it I can show you it’s disgusting yeah

So how when I get this is it because of the rotate or like why am I slicing it with a normal grip is it like just a whole different pattern oh I mean your release pattern once again with you’re having the face like this when centrifugal force grabs hold of you well

Once again if you were just to neutralize this grip your natural muscle memory already wants to do this to make the face open a little bit and it’s just going to exaggerate your problem every single time that’s why I don’t mind a really really strong Club face cuz then

We have to rotate our body we have to get our hands full


  1. Why slicing with normal grip? You would have to look at 10 variables to answer that. By now, your swing has probably made adjustments to hit the ball fairly straight with a stronger grip.

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