Question from Steve – Trap Talk Podcast – Ask Us Anything

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Welcome back everyone to ask us on the Trap Talk podcast as always email us at askus Trapt talkpod tocom and guys this question is coming in from Steve and Steve says little bit of a lengthy question for us here uh I have heard Zach say a number of times that he and

Ricky both hold on the house call for the bird and then drive to the target with their legs on the Shelby scags podcast Z Zach asked her if she is driving up through the target with her legs or her upper body where does she get her power from when she’s driving to

The Target sh be answered uh through her hips and through her ankles the question what does that mean what does that look like how do you drive to the target with your legs or your hips how how I have my stance and about 60% of my weight is on the front

Foot but that’s it I don’t know how to drive to the target with my legs or what that means uh I still work with the first thing on my computer office every morning and listen to trap talk from the back vce podcast I usually listen to the

Podcast twice on Friday and at least once during the week great stuff all right well uh thank you Steve for the question guys how do we drive through the legs the hips you the one that a loyal listener Steve yeah for sure thank you Steve I no

I said thanks to Steve for being a loyal listener but if we’re gonna talk about this I think you need to equate it to other sports so equating it to other sports let’s think about golf or let’s think about boxing for example well when you’re boxing if you go and and I’m

Don’t look like a boxer and I wouldn’t want to get in a fight with Ricky Marshall but that being said you know it’s one of those things where you want to drive power through your body so I I I mean I went and took a lesson one time

And the instructor told me he says Zach when you’re leaning in you’re going to feel the muscles in your legs and you’re going to turn and you’re going to Pivot so most people that shoot are shooting with their arms so they grab their arms they hold the gun and then they move

Their arms left and right you know like this right well if you’re locked into that gun and you’re becoming a part of your gun and you’re pivoting from the waist that means my waist is turning and my hands are staying still my shoulders are turning and my hands are staying

Still so my hands and my lock Point never ever move my head never ever moves and I’m rotating and moving and pivoting based on those other areas of my body now if you’re doing it aggressively from the legs you’ll almost feel a turn on

The ball of your toes so when I want to go left I feel pressure on the front of my right foot so my front right foot pushes off the ground and pushes and turns me to the left when I want to go right I feel pressure on my front left

Foot I’m pushing towards that direction so wherever I want to go I’m pressing from that opposite side and I’m pushing my body to that Direction that’s what I mean from pivoting and using the body um you know know to break the targets not using the arms I mean can’t say it better than

That Zach’s looking at me through his screen like are you gonna say something so here’s what I’ll say on this question he’ll say something we don’t have to worry about that Zach is correct in some of it okay he’s over analyzing and overthink what I always say keep your weight forward I

Always say let your toes feel like they’re grabbing the concrete and then you’re moving you’re moving at your hips I really don’t feel it in in my feet changing if it does it might be just on post five going to the right but everything else you you shouldn’t if

You’re feeling too much he might be out of balance and so I would say to him is you know keep that weight forward like you’re doing and you see the Target and drive through it not arm shooting arm shooting is where your hands are fighting each

Other and and Zach does that no offense when we shoot Sporting Clays Zach tries to his his hands get too involved you know so that’s where we’re in trap you want to everything and Zach is correct on you want everything to be one and you want that weight

Forward and drive through that Target so you don’t want to pull the target to you you want to go through that Target so you know just keep that weight forward 60% is good um that’ll really help you when you transition and go shoot doubles you know especially for

Your your second shot so you’re not leaning back but make sure your feet position allows you to transition through the target so what I do is you know from post one to five I just keep rotating clockwise okay where almost on post five I’m shooting across my body

So that’s you know pretty much just you know not I think you have to realize that it’s different in practice when you’re trying to learn these techniques and then in tournament you know like if you’re saying you know hyper analyze what you feel and how it goes that’s a

Practice related question versus in a tournament I don’t think of any that stuff either so I think you you know like if for me it’s kicking it’s kicked in and my body takes over and does it automatically I’m not saying oh right target left Target kick the toes on like

It’s just a matter of if you’ve thrown enough punches you’re going to naturally throw you’re going to naturally turn you’re going to naturally pivot but you know the first time you do it I have had people train where I’m trying to say okay now make sure everything stays

Steady with your hands and and you’re moving from the waist and they’re like oh I’ve never felt that before and the first few hundred times they’re going to have to physically make that move and then it becomes natural well you got to remember your backand and trap shooting

Is what moves the gun your front hand just holds it so you want to make sure that you’re not doing any of that stabbing you know so yep hey Rick on on post five are you 12 and six with your feet that much across your body or it

Depends on the targets honestly I adjust accordingly but most likely I I stay the pretty much the same of maybe not quite that it it varies year to year it VAR how Flex we get to you know right’s hurting a little bit 11 and five you and

Five yeah yeah you know so and he’s gonna go 11 to five and maybe 12 to six depending on but he shifts it he’ll Ricky’s so good that he’ll break a Target and he’ll look at that break and I’ll see him do a micro shift in that

Direction and he’ll be right in the center of a Target and and that’s something that like a lot of people don’t have the ability to do but Ricky will will come up and still break it mind you don’t miss it but break it on the back and be like oh and just this

Tiny little quarter turn and Bam the next four he smoked balls so there’s a lot to be said about foot placement in trap shooting M yeah so if could you then compare that to post one Rick so if it’s 11 and five let’s say I’m post one my my my left foot’s always

At about you know 11 12 o’clock you know well I mean each you know I turn everything I’m parallel turn your foot right yeah yeah so and my right foot it’ be you know maybe Point towards you know 2 o’ so speak maybe yeah you know 13

1:00 you know between well I think uh you know just so the listeners know we’re going to get all this on video for you we’re going to get some great detail on all of these great questions that you’re sending in all these really fine-tuning things about trap shooting

Stay tuned because we’ve got videos coming we got some new stuff coming out for 2024 yeah yeah so some cool new stuff there it’s coming baby down the pipe yeah yeah one last question uh just are you exag ating the weight forward in doubles at all do you realize that at

All at this point or no I try to keep the weight the same okay but if possible I mean there is times that you get lazy you find oh wait got to make sure keep that weight forward on that for that first shot to absorb that recoil so then

You can drive through the second shot like a a single shot or a handicap shot as much or a little more right but never Less in much or a little more yeah so yeah because I was going to ask like for some of our lighter weight Shooters uh is it good

Advice to say just get a little more weight forward so you recover easier from that first shot absolutely all right well that was great Steve good question thank you very much and and again we hope to get out some really great videos for everybody on some of these finer details and and

Instructional things about trap shooting so stay tuned for that and as always send us your questions to ask ask us at Trapt talkpod tocom and we’ll get these two guys to answer them for you thanks everybody absolutely thank you

1 Comment

  1. Can you describe the gun that Mr. Marshall shoots —weight-fixed or choke tubes—what chokes at different yardages—etc—he does things so well I am very interested in the details on the equipment—thank you very much—if you have done this already—can you direct me to where it would appear—thanks and i love what you are doing!!!

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