Golf Babe

Dan’s Going Blind, Babies, and We’re Becoming Pro Golfers!

Thank you Helix Sleep for sponsoring! Click here to get 25% off your Helix mattress (plus two free pillows!) during their End of Year Sale, which ends December 31st. If you miss this limited time offer, you can still get 20% off using my link! Offers subject to change. #helixsleep

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Oh and we’re back kind of to another por another po very close not going to lie I went for the bounce like the bounce was intentional and it was close um was the bounce intentional M swear to God all right all right I actually thought I had

A better shot if I B we don’t need that where we’re going buddy um welcome to the most intermittent podcast on the internet kind of feels like my life right now um we need that on the other side yeah well no because you face y bottle’s got to go she’s got to move

There you go you’re safe not to catch on fire too that would make for a good episode buddy it just lights and then launches down and it looks super cool I’m going to sit here and let it happen too my I’m Usher I’m gonna let it burn you

Know so it’s an early 2000s reference for for the kids out there only old people listen to this they love that 100% I’m a drink troll or whatever they call drink Goblin yeah drink Goblin you got to have a couple I mean I got a Red

Bull over there I got a l lroy that I already finished I’ve got a coffee Dan just made me and a water so I am full drink Goblin as well so these are fellow mugs I love these mugs they but they they cost $80 a piece very

Expensive really good [ __ ] I’m not going to lie um all their [ __ ] Top Notch little premium yep so is that price tag it is but as long as the product follow suit yeah you know what you’re getting you know what you’re paying for type thing yeah I don’t like too many fellow

Products at this point I love them these cups are great very insulated they only make like they only make if you’re measuring you’re doing 16 to one they’re only doing 20 you only get 20 grams of coffee in these will you tell me what this is cuz you said smell that tell me

What it smells like that’s the wildest coffee that has ever been sent by Kyle it’s not flavored as as far as mhm there’s one note that as soon as I say it you’re going to be like oh my gosh it smells like um flowery almost it’s

Weird that is a peach a little bit of honey oh peach rings I think peach rings oh I could see that yeah and the beans before you grind them smell like candy it’s it smells very sweet very very very sweet wild this one’s like a black te it

Has a yellow label I don’t even know what I don’t remember the name of it um but this one’s less wild that’s very wild very herbal yeah I like that it’s got a lot of Botanical in it uhhuh it doesn’t remind me of coffee it it drinks almost like tea yeah

Like a a really strong black tea 100% weird cuz it doesn’t have that um I mean all coffee got just a little bit of bitter in it like straight black coffee yeah little bit acidic little bitter know I always get underdeveloped pal mhm you say underdeveloped I didn’t say

Underdeveloped palette I don’t know who said that dude all right real quick before we get back into the episode I want to talk to you about the sponsor today’s video Helix sleep if you’ve been around the channel for a while you know me and Dan both love our Helix

Mattresses I’ve just been traveling a lot for the holidays and I am very excited to be back back sleeping in my own bed because I love it so much Helix sleep is a premium mattress company customized to fit your needs conveniently shipped to your door and

All you got to do to experience this yourself go to a back/ bbon junkies to Auto apply a discount code I’ll uh you know get to that later if you want to save a little money and then you can take the Sleep quiz which

Will go over are you a back sleeper a side sleeper do like a firm mattress a soft mattress and then that will get you to the mattress that you need to fit you the best helixs also is running the Elite Series which is even more premium mattress for your money with Helix you

Can always sleep safe knowing your mattress is fiberglass free as you can see the mattress comes rolled up in a vacuum sealed bag it’s very easy all you have to do is cut open the bag itself let it air up for a couple hours and

You’re good to go you got yourself a new mattress that mattress comes with a 10-year warranty and they offer financing options available for flexible payments to fit anyone’s budget we personally have the midnight Lux uh and me me and my wife are both side sleeper so it uh cradles us it’s it’s that

Medium you know so you can sit on your side it doesn’t hurt your hips and your shoulders when you wake up we also just got the Helix weighted blanket which my wife will tell you how much she loves that because you get the comfort of a nice weighted blanket but it’s knit so

You don’t get too hot and if you’re a warm sleeper I’d also recommend checking out the built-in cooling cover as an additional add-on me and my wife both love it so right now if you want to save 25% click the link in the description below or check out the pin comment you

Get an auto applied discount code for 25% off and upgrade your mattress start sleeping better support the people supporting us and hey let’s get back to that video um okay so here’s here’s we brain’s underdeveloped yeah that apparently that’s gracious dude I can’t even figure out my eyeballs anymore I’ve

Had that happen before um I think like two or three years ago um at Gabby’s parents on like Christmas or something like that I just woke up and my vision started get like Blurry okay and Gabby wanted me to like look at on her phone I

Go I can’t see right now she’s like well good news I doctor yeah let me help you through this she know eyes she goes go take um Excedrin like right now she goes you’re about to have a migraine I go what yeah glad she told me took Excedrin

Because after that I was like wow it feels like there’s just like a vice grip going through my temples and trying to touch completely debilitating um yeah I it was I had to lay down and like take a nap hly 2 hour with medicine reset for a

Minute I couldn’t read um and like what you talked about like the the miniature vertigo um where it was like depth perception was like there it didn’t exist anymore yeah and she was like yeah um it’s just an ocular migraine what she says that yeah it’s

Just not come to find out I feel so bad for people that I these are like things some people deal like consistently or for long periods of time 100% And um hey is my brain stem just melting through my spine right now like what’s happening

Yeah things are not going well in life I was out here packing boxes and everything was cool and I like we had stayed up very late the night before which TDR we we streamed um and then we shut it down at like 11:30 or something like yeah something like that and then

We were just catching up I had my launch monitor here so we’re hit we’re ripping shots we’re playing um closest the pin game and smok cigar of those didn’t realize what time was Dan goes oh I go what he goes I don’t I don’t think we

Should play another one I was like huh he goes it’s 3:00 3 in the morning it’s 3 in the morning here just hitting golf balls 3 in the morning it’s like oh [ __ ] um and you know what would have kept ref in that tail you would have

Said it was of course yeah dude if it’s midnight sure play another one what C and then I was like oh no but I woke up felt fine not hung over no headache no stomach ache no nothing completely normal well we were we were drinking Waters and we had a couple pores

Afterwards but um like I refilled my water like once or twice my big um Hydro Flask and was like yeah we’re just ripping and hanging we were like sharing a [ __ ] glass over there basically so it wasn’t even like we were crushing a bunch of whiskey okay for a second I

Didn’t know we were sharing a glass killing I would take like a sip and we weren’t throwing a lot in there i’ I’d fill up it yeah just a little half an ounce or something cuz I just you know I wanted a little taster to go with uh some some

Some golf Y and you know I’d hit a couple shots I’d go back I’d pick up my glass and be like it just be EMP did I drink that and then I look at Dan go are you drinking this he goes yeah every time I walk over

There every time I take every time it’s your turn H I walk over take a little sip thought I had losing my mind but I woke up felt completely fine went downstairs I took a shower went and talked to Ricky made coffee like completely normal morning come out here

Start packing boxes and then we’re looking for a forklift I get an email back on a forklift and there’s a number on it and it started with the six I know now but at the time I I was like that’s really odd the the six is black but the

Weird part is I’m so I’m trying to focus on a six right yeah the six is black I can see the numbers after theal Vision yeah and I’m like but I can’t see the six so I move my eye like the seven now I can’t see the seven but I can see the

Six and I can see everything around it but not it whatever I’m looking at whatever the hard Focus so then I’m like this is really weird and I’m like I’m just going to I’m just going to like chill for a minute might be an eye strain issue cuz I’m looking at my

Computer screen too yeah maybe it’s eye strain whatever you just kind of close your eyes I like I’ll just sit here for a minute and just you know chill and then I go inside I told Ricky I go I can’t see things anymore like I was

Looking at Ricky I’m like your face has like black a big black dot all in front of it and uh back to that’s really weird real quick my wife I thought she was at work yeah have her probably phone number um eye doctor yeah I thought I didn’t

Want to bother her so but I’m sitting there and I’m like man that’s that’s a little wild that you were like ah you know I can’t see you know the thing that I enjoy doing in my life I don’t want to inconvenience the one eye doctor I

Didn’t it didn’t feel it felt like something’s wrong but it didn’t feel super severe you know felt like it’ll fix itself hey Tracy I felt like it would fix itself you have never said something more Boomer in your life being like can I see well let me tell you oh

Man it’ll fix itself it turned into what felt like one of the most severe issues of my entire life I um came back out here and I was like start the video again start packing a box and I was like oh I’m going to throw up and I was like

I need to go inside immediately so I I walk inside as soon as I get inside I was like I am so dizzy I have to lay down like I don’t know what’s going on and then the you know the vision thing still messed up and um I Ricky had

Brought me food I hadn’t eaten yet I had drank a glass of water I had had a cup of coffee MH I ate the steak Ricky made for lunch yesterday and it was like oh I’m going to throw up like for sure now so I went

Upstairs I laid down and I’m like maybe if I can just get somewhere and lay down so I go upstairs and I lay down and dude immediately cold sweats I’m like well here she this is what this is motion sickness your your motion sickness really ruins everything dud yeah so then

I went in the bathroom threw up um went and laid back down and I’m like I have to take I don’t know what’s going on but I have to take a nap I just know that I have to I assume you would be laying on your shower floor at this point in time

Just bed I got back I had to dude I took uh two Excedrin Ricky brought me two exed took two Excedrin two ibuprofin um three Tylenol I didn’t take any Ty was like these things don’t the only thing that’s ever helped with a headache for me is exed I don’t know why

So she’s like you try to take Ibuprofen well the my right eye it just felt like like literally somebody had like Dwayne Johnson my eye socket dude thed it just the people’s elbow like flying through the air off the top your pressures are a little high it was a monster dude well

And so then I fall asleep wake up literally 45 minutes later same exact [ __ ] headache still dizzy as [ __ ] y yeah Vision still rocked and I’m like maybe I need to go to the AR I don’t know what’s going on cuz I feel usually a nap fixes all of my

Concerns um we went through the rest of the day Ricky left Ricky was like I think that you have an ocular migraine of like I’ve never had a migraine in my lifetime never once uh I’ve had a couple not nothing like that um like just really bad like debilitating

Debilitating like we don’t the sun doesn’t exist right now type of migraine I’ve had like maybe two or three of those in my life and I’ve only had that one ocular mag where it was like kill me sure yeah well so then after that truly

What happens I can’t I I I come back out here cuz I’m like I’m feeling a little bit better it I’ve taken two naps now both short 30 to an hour maybe both okay yeah yeah I’m like I’m feeling a little bit better I come out here I sit in that

Chair soon as I sit in the chair I look down at the box I’m like I’m going to throw up I’m sick again so I go back in the house the headache is comes back way worse than it already was it’s wild to me that you were like you know what I

Feel okay let’s push [ __ ] well I was like I need to get this [ __ ] shipped I need to clean like just unfortunately there’s a little task list I really wanted to get done and so I go lay back down again don’t throw up again thankfully go lay down again and I’m

Like I just have to like take another nap I’m not even tired is the problem so I’m laying here with my eyes closed my head’s [ __ ] feels like somebody just keeps hitting with a hammer um Ricky had a a date night with her friend so she

Goes she her and Lindsay go and I’m sitting there and I was like there’s got to be a way to relieve these like at home right so I’m like Googling ocular or cluster headache my you know cluster that one but when you said um migraine I was like oh yeah cluster migraines

Apparently happened like the reason that it could have been one or the other cluster migraines happen usually directly behind one eye oh and my only headache was directly behind my right eye got and it felt like it was like pushing out and it felt like is pounding

And so we’re sitting there I’m sitting there I’m laying in bed swear to god dude all of these these people are like I’ve had these for years the only I have to go to a doctor they have to give me like opioids basically and I was like

What the [ __ ] like it’s sad dipped into your your stash of like ketamine don’t have it yeah no don’t have any so then I was sitting there and I was like other just searching for other reliefs well so then somebody was like um they prescribe um me medical marijuana for

These oh because if if you’re not motion if you’re not dizzy yeah it will resolve the headache yeah so just and I’m like exent didn’t touch it ibuprofen didn’t touch it we live in Michigan bro they delivered your house yeah I just hit a pen a little cuz I’m like I’m dizzy

Already which is the we’re going down we’re walking the finest line I don’t know we’re walking it’s medical we’re walking the finest line was it medical when you it was medical when I did that it was it’s medical then dude you have medical you have headache you get

Migraines too yeah we both do that’s why we’re here so anyways I’m but I sit there I’m like we’re walking a a one font line oh yeah ra because I’m dizzy and if this sends me into Oblivion I will die tonight in this bed because you

Won’t be able to fix ever I won’t be able to fix anything I’ll be dead so um really just a tiny amount just the smallest amount and 15 minutes later it’s just dull now okay and I’m like holy [ __ ] could have done this all day then I was immediately pissed right cuz

I’m like so another thing that does help um you get like really really warm water your feet in it really yeah why uh it dilates the blood vessels in your feet and what’s what what do the blood vessels in your feet have to do with something rotates your blood a bit more

Pulls it out of your brain free flowing little Free Falling yeah I think that one might be uh a little homeopathic and a little buddy I was willing to try anything yesterday done it felt like it it helped yeah yeah interesting next time I’ll just smoke weed and do that

Yeah honest like I like after that so then I took took another nap but I was in bed from man noon 12:31 range until 700 last night with this situation oh yeah came out here to the two times and got sick and went back inside and um but we’re

Just going through it it was bad oh Gabby goes stress can have those like manifest I don’t I’m not yours Mak sense I’m not in a space current I actually feel the best I felt in the minute The Distillery um stuff was a little [ __ ] I know but I but I feel like

We like that a lot blew up a fort truck charger and truly wasn’t that the Charger’s fine we’re good on the charger thank God you know we don’t have to buy one of those um the charger F charger fine you know what that piece that we brought

Good what weird how that works and had somebody just wired incorrectly it’s weird you get what you pay for shock back to fellow products not not an ad spot but yeah honestly dude you know what it is an ad spot rocked my [ __ ] in the AM liquid IV Channel sponsors all

Down below yeah you can click a bunch of links and get a bunch of discounts truly there is a helix ad in this video somewhere someone goes someone asked if um we had like discount code something I was like in the description yeah now here was everybody could be interested

Or uninterested in this but yeah we’ve got some awesome re-ups for 2024 on ad spots we do we are partnering for the whole year with Helix yep we’re repartnering with zbiotics we’re partnering we’re scheduling the whole you’re with into of the am yes we are these are all the brands that we

Actually do um VI and love and yeah are like it it there are brands that could throw us a [ __ ] ton of money and I still do not want to work with them uhhuh well we turned down a couple several and like he turned down some I don’t know we’ve worked with in

Of the am for what four years now I think yeah they had they were one of the first ones truly um we reup uh with Alec Bradley for the Year this is what me and Alec are fighting I know you are I know feuding mostly on his end

Yeah yeah mostly yeah no you’re in a good spot yeah you’re in a great spot you’re going to open that I stole his wine you’re going to open that Carter seller someday and enjoy the hell out of it yeah probably in like uh four weeks

Yeah give yeah but yeah so it’s kind of cool because so normally I don’t not everybody knows how it works but normally what happens is our guy Rockwell manages our contracts for us and um how it normally works is usually Sean and do like a test spot Y and then

Sometimes depending on how that test spot goes sometimes nothing else yeah ag1 was that situation we ran the test spot we I we like the product we like the product and it was like well it’s like you know this might not be your space either yeah that’s 100% true um so

Sometimes we run a test spot and then sometimes um there’s no more sometimes we on a test spot and they’re like let’s do three over the next three to six months they’ll set a timeline um and so often they’re not like here’s a 12mon schedule yeah so for us to have three or

Four 12 month schedules for next year first time ever for us yeah which is beautiful like consistently knowing who our Channel partners are going to be and then having the ones that we like we have SE we between the two of us have a lot of Helix mattresses we have get one

More Helix blankets we that blanket is amazing I think between the two of us we probably have eight Helix pillows um like we have a lot we both have a lot of Helix stuff at this point and like zbiotics is something that we like product wise one really done apply to

You like when you travel oh man in-laws they got newed so they got a California king upstairs it’s about that hard me and Gabby got got done with the holidays and go can’t wait to go home yeah 100% snuggle down into the mattress just and just actually be comfortable goodness gracious dude but

Um like the problem is he bought a mattress for himself they like you old people like them hard mattresses they like their backs are hurt in the morning yeah hips back spine they like to have to literally roll onto the floor and then try to get up later some you know

What I just had the chiropractor come here actually yeah yeah but no I think like that was really cool I think that um that also sets us up to know that we have a certain amount of money coming into the channel which is awesome honestly like truly a reliable thing we

Broke didn’t break and everything spend a Yeah well yeah we spend a lot we break a medium amount news is I haven’t broke anything that big yet not yet I’m G to say yet um it’ll happen lens oh yeah but we it thinks it’s we think it’s

Fix I think that’s the only expensive thing you’ve ever broke yeah it’s pretty expensive though I was very upset about that for like probably like a solid two week long period of time I was over at the day it happened yeah it happened I

Was like no [ __ ] I was over to the for truck then when it happened cuz I didn’t do I was like we’ll buy a new lens and knew two weeks we’re on a live stream two weeks later you’re just [ __ ] I rate still yeah I was like buddy it

Doesn’t yeah we’ll eventually figure like it was it was um [ __ ] happens we’ve had that lens for for a while 100% but um like it it w like an avoidable accident some sometimes that’s it’s not like the for that hey that I mean that’s not avoidable that is nothing in under

Control the hydraulic fluid is my fault I’m going to take 100% blame for the hydraulic flu mess cuz I just kept driving it cuz I was so mad at some point I was like you [ __ ] you dude I got to thrown that lens through a wall yeah

After after after learned the tripod you could have burned the tripod to the ground oh we watch a uh an Olympic Javelin thrower I think I just grabbed the tripod back here I could probably get it through that [ __ ] door um dude that would have been incredible uh but

No I think like that’s that’s a really cool thing to line up for 2024 for The Distillery what we’re going to line up for 2024 is we’re going to start doing Barrel picks in 2024 for other people that’s what we’re going to do we have one scheduled in middle middle ASA

Feb yeah so um somebody else did reach out and it’s not Matt Porter because he won’t come to Michigan listen this is a point of contention I texted Matt and I said hey buddy if you want to do a pick you’re more than welcome obviously always if you don’t

Want to there’s no hurt feelings you can do one down the line I know that’s why I texted him oh yeah that’s fair my feelings are hurt I don’t have his number remember he called me and told me to lose it deleted it that night so um

He was like you can just send me some samples or Sean can drive a car without brakes out here that’s what he did so I was like okay well uh you know my my goal and I just keep bothering Jared uh and we’ll just keep bothering Matt but

My goal truly is just to have Jared and Matt come here yeah I would like that that’d be fun Jared from Barrel King Matt from Barrel King Matt from ADHD whiskey I would like for them to come up maybe for a couple days go through stuff

If they want to blend stuff they can if Matt wants to do a pick they can hang out with Jared that’d be a lot of fun he just teach us how to blend better yeah Jared’s a genius yeah I I think uh we’ve talked about before um learned a lot on

That trip yeah um and I do feel that we kind of walked away better because of that trip I Distillery wise yeah heads over heads over Tails or whatever that saying would be that yeah what’s the word hands Over Feet it’s not that that was worse that’s

Farther you know what I don’t yesterday I thought maybe I’m having a stroke or aneurysm maybe I did I think you did maybe I did my head still hurts behind my right eye which is wild yeah feels like I have a concussion this is what it

Feels like oh I see what you’re say this is a post concussion feeling feel a little slow um I still a little uh baty a little wavy little soft everything and then uh I coughed inside and kind of like you’re looking through a GoPro where you just like got that fish yeah

And then I coughed in the house I coughed one time didn’t think anything of it almost put my hand through the [ __ ] wall I was it hurt so bad I was so mad instantly I almost punched the wall hey Hulk well my this is a problem

I don’t we went over this with hold the other day yeah I don’t I get sad My Sad emotion is anger though which is not healthy it’s a very unhealthy it’s a flaw okay yeah when I feel sadness it’s it’s it turns into 100% anger okay I

Don’t ever feel sad outside of being angry oh interesting isn’t that interesting I don’t have I my cob mechanisms are so [ __ ] up that I can’t be sad and then realize I’m sad and then be okay while I’m sad I literally get so angry while I’m sad that I’m like that’s

It God’s fault somebody’s fault this part whatever this is a faulted issue even if it’s nobody’s fault and then it turns into anger and then I have to like go away I can’t I just can’t deal with I don’t that’s it’s [ __ ] up it’s bad

It’s bad I told hold I go it’s it’s a bummer like I’ll cry and then I’m anger so mad your coping mechanism is [ __ ] sadness let’s just be mad we got we’re pissed at the world it’s way easier to be mad than it is sad oh well for a guy

That likes feelings you don’t like feelings I cry a lot yeah but I’m angry a lot I feel like you just oh yeah isn’t that weird oh I was talking I was texting somebody the other day and I said I just turned manic yeah well you’re in sleep deprivation stress no no

Like when I’m mad oh if I’m mad um it’s usually like I I just now need to be busy yeah distract yourself yeah guy used to work with used to piss me off cuz I’d go clean sure cuz he just knew like all right I don’t want to talk to

Anyone I’m just going to isolate I’m going to go be busy for a minute and it usually you know when I was at work it was clean yeah I was like yeah like I have to be here yep so I these are my options uhhuh yeah it’s either I’m going

To stab you mhm or I’m going to go clean yeah I didn’t like the idea of jail yeah so it was always clean yeah and you’re not going to get away with it there’s too many cameras there yeah yeah you needed less cameras yeah like oh my gosh

Somebody stabbed him you’re holding a bloody knife buddy I don’t why’ you do it so many times that was aggressive oh I was 56 oh I only thought I did it 50 weird um yeah one yeah right now it is um my body is just sleep deprived stress stress life yeah my wife

Is at 38 weeks right now yeah and um excited you’re like you’re I mean you guys are at the Finish Line truly you excited yeah that’s cool yeah I told you already cried on the way here [ __ ] Brad Paisley um he’s got a song that’s uh called anything like me yeah about him

Having a son and wonder what he’ll be like mhm [ __ ] you man I don’t need this probably like skinny frame based on your genetics I don’t know man it could go either way it could go either way but who was I talking to the other day I was

Like I said something about Jeremy and and they asked a question about him and I go oh no him and Sean are the exact same size I I got like two inches on him yeah and then he he started laughing and I go their dad’s a very similar size too

And their mom short he’s short but he’s smaller frame guy you know what I’m saying yeah we’re not big people and I their mom your mom’s tall yeah I think my mom’s like um like 5 seven I she used be like 5’8 probably probably she’s pretty tall but she also same frame

Small frame wild it’s wild you guys have like that genetic was so strong you know what I mean it’s wild um I never met my either of my grandfathers actually um well I did when I was a baby they died when I super young um but my mom’s dad

Apparently was that same build really he a small guy how why Grandma tall though the hell of a genetic dude grandma like six foot tall really yeah she big cow oh [ __ ] dude she’s just a viking yeah pretty much just throwing Hammer shop I bet [ __ ] monster yeah I love that

Idea like I love that idea I’m glad that you like she just a freaking Beast dude uh yeah grma was big gal that’s crazy she’s just holding your whole family walking around just like a [ __ ] animal I uh for a while baby was measuring at like 94 percentage or

Whatever like that for height they go that’ll die down yeah that’ll die down how tall is Gabby 5’6 probably around 5’6 57 okay I’m 5’11 yeah neither you’re super tall you’re you’re not short but you’re not like super tall you’re not Rob War short I’m average yeah like I’m

Average you get those cowboy boots on you’re it’s nice though six oh I’m six you’re six how long you think this labor let’s take some bets on this let’s just assume a normal Labor uh you want to play like we going over under on it yeah let’s do that okay um

So I’ll pick the the number you go over under okay I’m going to go 30 hour oh under you think under okay I it’ll be under okay I do I hope it’s under I hope too yeah are we talking um from like Hospital start let’s say like or like

Three minute contraction start no no not three minute contraction start that won’t be like that the um I I I go from like she’s in bed everything’s set up you know they’re taking care of her Hospital in I hope we’re way less than 30 hours for that

Then yeah I think I think it’ll be less than 30 on like her just getting there into the bed and being ready and so many of our friends long labors Ricky had a long run not not like 50 but like Holden was a real solid 24 ktie with their

First was like 60 yeah yeah that sounds like a nightmare yeah was it was yeah um yeah I remember Holden was a long labor Holden was very long you just got stuck in there he wouldn’t come out he was two weeks late he really loved it he’s a big

Fan of being in there you know what in a few years he’ll love being you know in in there too yeah wellon isn’t that weird it’s kind of weird you know what else I was thinking about this the other day a super weird thought um do you

Think that the reason that is going to get if if you have kids around chill you know what I’m saying I okay I’m going to preface this real quick I know that look yeah so I’m very excited I’m trying to word it correctly y do you

You have you ever thought about how Okay obviously when you’re a baby in theory now that I know this is not the same for everybody generalizing statements or whatever if you’re breastfed MH babies are generally obsessed with boobs yeah obviously it’s their food source if they’re being breastfed adult men become are obsessed

With boobs yeah has to be instinctual yeah has to be now the part that’s [ __ ] though this is the messed up part okay go ahead what how why does it become sexual does this it doesn’t provide life anymore why why did titties become yeah isn’t that weird um because it’s like a

A genetic thing so it’s there are a few things that most guys look at subconsciously and don’t know it hips is one hips is know hips breast is another breast makes sense hair okay why the hair um so it um it’s a sign of like fertility I think oh

Interesting so thick hair mhm mhm means you have good genetics strong genetics so they like there are a couple things that subconsciously guys always look at without realizing hair is one of them yeah hair’s on I breasts make perfect sense I knew hips y hips make sense big

Hips get them babies going out get them babies pushing yeah um that’s so interesting yeah so thick hair interesting how many babies do you want to have how many babies do you want Gabby to have with you that’s a better question two I think two is the number

Yeah we’ll see how one goes you have to yeah everything changes after small part of me was kind of just hoping for twins o get it over with yeah one trip everybody knows the rule got the best friend built in just baked right in now good news one of them’s cute probably

Both of them cute bad news one of them both of them are you know I mean [ __ ] is rough a coin flip hear me on out no baby is goodlooking first week fir well yeah are you going to you when people are like look my newborn and everyone’s like like

Oh it’s so beautiful usually parents are the ones as a this is another instinctual thing yeah um we’re usually the parents be like damn like look at how beautiful and now I think where that obviously where some of that comes from is like that is a life that we made like

That’s a beautiful thing right and and so that becomes beautiful now I tell you what dude some babies don’t P that we can get better though do you know what I mean and I don’t say that to be mean that’s just the truth it’s just

It’s real life dude this is okay this is Dan um finding or telling me that ugly people exist yeah dude well but like the problem is is like I dude you got to probably say 80 to 90% of kids are pretty cute yeah you know I mean or

Adorable to some extent yeah man that poor 10 to 20 though and I’ll say in that subsect of that 10 to 20 of ugly people some of them get that little ugly duckling you know hey you weren’t cute kid you got there though puberty that happens 100% train I actually I think

The percentage of getting out of your 10 to 20% um group yeah after you’re a teenager pretty high fair I go 70% I bet 70% of ugly kids turn into pretty good-look adults yeah and I’m not saying they all have that last subset just that small little wedge just a bummer man

Just ugly man it’s just a bummer hey man we’re not talking I’m not trying to convince myself I’m a good look person well no you don’t got to be a 10 yeah but to be in the ugly duckling group oh yeah that’s a standout yeah that’s a one

To three you know in a place where one’s there are okay so here’s my real conundrum I want to say names right now of people I know but I don’t want to edit this so yeah okay we’re just going to roll over that y yeah buddy that’s

The best place to put a helix at I’ve ever seen you got to cut one in anyways they they can’t it’s got to be in the first like couple minutes does it yeah everyone wants to ad integration in the first likees I know a podcast

I will say they got a new person didn’t beat me up over 9 seconds oh they got a new person one minute dude1 seconds I even messaged Rockwell I go they’re going to beat me up over n seconds told that yeah gives me a jumping point they go approved just approved yeah justed

Use use this and go on yeah oh I love that yeah this is what what I really what the segue away from that what the nightmare with the contract stuff truly becomes mhm is the marketing group yeah that we have to deal with it’s who you

Get yeah there is a group in Detroit that can go [ __ ] themselves and I won’t say the name because I do because the people probably the people they represent is truly one of our favorite and it’s not somebody I mentioned earlier I don’t know if we’re re-upping

With them this year now I haven’t heard anything so but we love them yes and the product their Marketing Group which is an outsourced Marketing Group it’s yeah it can [ __ ] themselves awful and they’re in Detroit so I hate them they roll that baby on down

When I invoice somebody and they send it back three times it I I am like you know what I we’re almost to the point where you don’t have to pay us yeah I like it’s like what are we doing and then you mail me a check mail you a check what

Dude why don’t I mail you an invoice next time then and then you can mail it back when it’s wrong so we went to Meer last night um Aaron and Katie are coming over U like the last get together before we have babe um we’re sitting there and this lady in

Front of us is taking stuff out of her cart like one or two items at a a point yeah and just setting them grouping everything up and then she’s changing the groups and then she’s moving the groups there was she doing this at in the checkout line on the conveyor belt is she

90 probably in her 60s that’s not that old um 60 is not that old I would go I don’t know if she has OCD or something but she’s like just moving stuff around Bel moving no still checking people out there was a a good 45 second Gap that

One item had not left her cart she just shuffling around around I look at Gabby go I’m gonna need some blood pressure medication if we ever make it out of here yeah was like what is going on sure I I I chose the wrong line yeah because

The line next to us just ripping right everyone’s having a great [ __ ] time and I’m stuck behind this lady and then she’s putting it in her bag in a certain way she pulled out a checkbook I would have probably [ __ ] lost it bought her groceries and said [ __ ] leave I ma’am

You know how easy they make it to pay right now I don’t even have to slide it I just touch it whip that baby and I’m like I I [ __ ] can’t and Gabby goes there was someone I think one of her co-workers said very similar thing

Happened and the lady wanted to pay with a check mhm didn’t have her ID so that they had to void everything are you kidding me wait for her to go get her ID and then redo it and was like there’s there is a very good reason that human beings should no never

Use checks ever they run like debit cards now too so like legitimately they put the in their little check thing and it Go and it reads it and it instantly makes a draw in the bank okay just use a debit card yeah right and you’re also at

A grow you’re at Meer or something oh yeah you’re not at some nowhere stop using checks nobody if somebody’s going to steal your [ __ ] it’s because you went and Order Christmas presents off this Chinese website that didn’t have any protection on your credit card payment and they stole it through it wasn’t

Because you were at Meer and you tapped it yeah I actually heard that the tap is the safest thing ever I heard it’s safer than the chips or safer than all that [ __ ] well the the chip is the tap well but but there’s chips without Taps right

So heard that because you’re there’s no insertion there’s no ability there’s no ability to read the card yeah so the T where are are at unlike um all the yeah that’s when you put your card in it’s stealing all or is the safest thing ever so far also here here’s a little life

Advice use a credit card because if someone steals your credit card that’s fair they’re stealing the credit cards company they got really good lawyers they’re going to figure this the [ __ ] out for you if you use a debit card they’re stealing your money and no one cares about

Someone stealing your money but if they get their money stolen oh they’re on it that’s fair that’s fair we were told that and I go that’s I’ve never looked at it that way it makes sense my problem is is like what the unfortunately what it adds to your life

Is another step yeah right now I got to go pay this thing off not like we’re ever at our [ __ ] computer like because I wasn’t tracking both at the same time that’s fair now if you got if you became used to only using your credit card that would go away you

Would pH that’s what I do I only use my credit card so I just get Amazon Points I just use my Amazon card get a couple percent back and eventually I just usually dump that money in Christmas so I I get a couple free gifts for people

It’s like all right cool you’re a very frugal person yeah PE I it would be significantly easier to live outside of your means if you only used a credit card yeah because you’re not it well there there’s um you could set the limit like a study

On that that um if people pay in cash yeah you’re much more frugal okay because of that physical um like no no no people pay there’s there’s obviously like an attachment with cash so if I give you a $10 bill we know that’s $10

Okay now if you have to give me $9 to pay for something you’re like well [ __ ] now if I go hey man throw me 10 bucks on PayPal like Boop done all right cool see didn’t there’s no physical attachment to that where it it’s you people overspend

With credit cards for that exact reason they just it’s not real just gone yeah yeah I mean $100 is easier to spend without $100 bill feels more significant than aund than a debit card with $100 on it even you know what I mean like which is wild because it’s the same exact

Thing yeah but thing with $100 you ever brought bought Prov ones no Christ dick they’re like 50 bucks brought my dad like this big pack of 100 bucks 24 balls I’m assuming three I don’t know like it didn’t feel like I got enough for a 100 um yeah but your

Dad’s not going to lose him no he’s a faway isn’t he for what they’re going to Ireland next year oh that’s cool so he goes I’mma only use these inel like and I was like I just they’re going to Florida here and I was like oh I just

Assumed you could take him down there and PR like have some nice golf balls have a good trip that’s cool and he goes I’m going to SA for Ireland I go that’s super cool that very cool cuz their their whole thing is he just they’re going to go um

And golf some links that’s what they want to do it’s like that sounds like a blast damn can I go what’s that trip cost I don’t know what a links courses cost probably like over 100 100 to 200 probably in there that’s less than I would have expected I don’t know well

Like that Arizona course it’s not like you’re going to um the the old cour you know you’re not going to play St Andrews okay that’s probably several hundred and probably booked out for ever in a day um it’s very hard to get on pay a caddy too

I think yeah like it’s a whole thing yeah there there’s a lot that goes into those but I mean there are link style courses all throughout Ireland and Scotland and stuff like that um that are probably much easier to get on man I’d have such a hard time let’s pretend

Right now that you and I just could afford to do whatever we wanted and golf anywhere we wanted and we had the time to do so right let’s just pretend that right we could pretty much go anywhere way less yeah that’s maybe a month well we got those partners for

Next year so we got like we got like a month of that sure and then we’re both divorced yeah um the locks have been changed we’ve become the worst dads of all time y um but in this hypothetical World we’re allowed to have time to have the money to there’s no downside yeah

But it’s it is current day so it’s you and you and I I couldn’t afford the golf balls right now right yeah here’s the problem mhm I cannot golf with a caddy the way that I currently golf does that make sense oh yeah you can’t carry my bag sir there

There are several like shorts where people are like caddy for an average person he was like I don’t know you think it’s 198 or so he goes I don’t know man just get out whatever Club you think you can get it there with and uh

Chunk it out into the woods here it was like it’s the most accurate cuz you’d feel like such an [ __ ] he’s like I want you to know that this it’s going to go left to right you got go about two cups High you just I’m pulling that

[ __ ] putt to the right never went left I’m actually in a bunker now like and he’s just like why am I here man what am I doing I and some of those courses you have I think you have they have they provide caddies or whatever

Yeah it just yeah you pay for it because the people who go there are good at that point in time we’re getting someone to carry our bags and have a laugh with I don’t really need you can tell me what what the the course is playing and where

I should be aiming but realistically I need you to tell me um which tree my my ball is going into cuz that’s going to be yeah if you can help me find it that would be invaluable second set of eyes is sp a lot of time looking for golf

Balls which is a problem basically half Sasquatch every time I play uh golf because I’m just in the woods dude when we went to Sandy Ridge that was a problem for us that is an Open golf course well okay the problem is that ra might as well have been the [ __ ] lot

Of leaves and the rough literally was unwalkable through like oh they stopped mowing buddy it was so it was ankled deep and it was like how do you want me to find a golf ball and they’re like we don’t don’t hit it there dummy our real

Mower is going to find it and shoot it out at speed of sound thanks for that that’s so true the um I got a couple new somebody yeah talk about that somebody uh I got a couple pxg wedges for Christmas I got a 50 I got a 60 and a 52

I already had a 56 and I love the 56 which is why I wanted those ones yes just complete the little set here now the 50 the 60 and the 52 are nicer they’re the sugar daddy twos yeah my other one’s an 0311 so um they’re beautiful they’re gorgeous yeah but I

Almost don’t want to hit them so 100% that well I definitely you know what my problem is I don’t want to hit them outside yeah you want to hit them off a m smash it into the ground there’s dirt everywhere it’s a [ __ ] mess so but

Somebody on one of these was like ew pxg wedges like that’s [ __ ] stupid or something like that I’m like here’s the thing like if I if I like them though I love that 0311 I love that 03156 love it I’ve only had that wedge only used that

For every wedge shot now is my wedge game good nope you had a pitching wedge and a 56 yeah and the pitching wedge is a 42 40 was 42 41 or two yeah you’re right bottom 40 cuz we were both shocked that it was that low I thought it was 47

Yeah and when we looked it up it was 42 was like oh God yeah no wonder I can hit 130 yards or whatever the [ __ ] when I’m not going to oh you’re hitting like 180 with that thing right now Jesus but it was it was one of those

Things where it was like dude they are beautiful got some midsize golf friy grips on them and uh I got to go to dicks and get my I’m assuming it’s not that hard to to grip your own clubs regrip your own clubs no maybe I’ll just

Do that so need like the it’s like the double-sided tape you put on there and then they I don’t know if they use acetone or uh alcohol or something like that but yeah so it um just softens everything up and you just slide it on

There let it harden up if it’s that easy I’m just going to go buy all that stuff myself yeah cuz it’s like I think it’s only like four bucks of dicks to have it regripped you have to buy the grip obviously I think a lot of tape is well

A lot of tape that I used to make was um made with or we’d use taline to soften it and it just make makes it mushy and then it dries and then it’s back to normal basically or it became it adhered and then you’re good it’s so weird dude

But I uh now I have to buy a golf simulator cuz Sean left his here for like two weeks and my plan worked is what I’m hearing you you got a sky track I do have knows that you got a sky track and then um I’d really like to go what

The picture James sent yesterday was that on his Meo oh was that at James’s I no Oh I thought they I thought that was Kawasaki’s place or is that on the 30 don’t know him so they weren’t there oh yeah that’s like Saturday or Sunday or something well James doesn’t have a

Projector oh he doesn’t so that wasn’t his house where were they I don’t know where now I don’t know where they now if he left out well but so what I’d like to do is I’d like to go hit james’ Meo yeah and then see which one I like cuz now we

Can use both of them and like all like yours her driving range closest to the pins of blast oh dude I mean what we played for 3 hours yeah literally just like a great time and I play the day before with kefir my brother-in-law and

That was it’s just like in what did you say 250 a year or something yeah and that’s which is like yeah you the game improvement the bag and then like access to like 20 some courses yeah that sounds awesome 250 a year yeah I told Dan I I’m

Just going to pay it 250 a year seems reasonable to me yeah I pay 250 year just for that close I mean yeah I think cuz I originally said I don’t need anything other than driving range I just want to try to dial in my swing which I

Was at the end there after you moved my hands a little man I like how you did it after we were done um but anyway didn’t think it help uh that just being able to hit it and have that feedback my favorite thing in the world and then it was like dude

We were playing that game I was like oh see that’s fun it’s so much fun it’s fun it’s low stress you can take it as serious as you want and it’s like a cool thing like somebody’s over you’re like oh you want to go do that for a little

Bit yeah why not want to have a couple drinks smoke a cigar do whatever you know yeah sounds great sounds like a d I want to do that yeah yeah um yeah so I want to hit james’ Meo plus and then go from there but they also have I’ve seen

Good reviews it’s only like 700 brand new the rapso mlm2 pro looking one and then that does indoor outdoor okay I would love to play around with one of those yeah yeah do do what you talked about shop around after I’ve already shopped see what we got we got cooking I

Know it would be cool um my dad just got the the Garmin r10 oh well that was one of the ones I just went I saw that the other day yeah so um has he used it still in the box steal it from him bring

It over and we’ll hit and do it and see what happens okay I mean if he doesn’t care obviously I’ve got the ke’s house and he’s leaving to Florida he’s not even going to know we’ll put it back in the box when we’re done 100% one of us I

Will shankab ball directly into it be like I’m buying a g r they’re only like 6 700 too yeah okay they’re cheaper dude that’s when Kefir was here he’s like okay he goes listen these things are really cool and and all of that whatever like that aside you’re telling me with

Current techn ol those can’t be cheap you know what I mean and I’m like they should be super Budd if it wasn’t golf they would be cheap that cuz mine just uses uh highspeed cameras two two cameras in a laser or something like that it’s like okay that cost $13 to be

Made in China um the I think the the the plus uses radar with it okay so it uses um like radar and like it’s it’s just a little bit better yeah and I was like all right cool man but if you’re going to tell me hey you got 4,000

Backspin or 5,000 backspin these numbers are almost useless to me at this point in time just tell me did it go 50 yards to the right or 30 yards to the left yeah we’re working dispersion where are we at yeah we’re working dispersion there’s no control yet not for me I’m

I’m a nightmare yeah it right now is we’re back to like hey man make sure you make contact with that ball correctly at the end what I hit five shots had seven yards dispersion on track I go I need the bottle that felt great 15 yards of

Distance too felt great same Club mhm like 140 140 140 I mean almost on the dot every time and then it was like two yards three yards two yards three yards like it was crazy yeah yeah that was um what we both what we did learn though is

Out after like 150 we’re both dog [ __ ] oh we can put it pretty close from 150 down um between the two of us if you like a scramble after that it’s a nightmare coin flip a lot of Rights for both of us actually oh yeah yeah lot of

Rights I think I got it figured out though you know we didn’t try that method with like a wood or a hybrid no we did not that’d be interesting cuz that to see if it would have continued yeah longer hopefully in Theory come find out we

Just got to get her to 150 and then pre yeah yeah just the drive’s got to be within 150 yeah Klein’s going to carry you on that tournament too I’m hoping yeah tournament on the 30th is that Saturday oh okay yeah Satur that’s what

I thought it was so oh I would have been so bummed if yesterday was the tournament that’s why I asked I said wait did Dan golf then I saw told me you were I saw you posted Dan golf or whatever and I was like was I supposed

To golf to yeah I was sad I told cuz we were talking about it and I was like oh that tournament was today and and I was like oh no Dan Dan told me he was like out [ __ ] yeah no that’s Saturday okay it’s on um makes it’s on another Sim

That I’ve never played like a different um it’s overhead yeah he’s got the same setup basically as uh golf HQ yeah he’s left-handed and so it’s his daughter so he was like I wanted um a Sim that I can you know use use with my buddies and my

Myself my daughter and stuff like that um he was like so I had it was either a behind yeah he goes and those he was like the setup wise um can get a little funky okay so he was like I just paid up for the over thehead one because it was

Just way too convenient to have between right and lefties yeah for sure well if you can afford for C you know if you can afford certain things here just afford certain things here yeah like that’s why the MEO plus being behind I love that idea yeah I love not not worrying about

Smacking a ball into something you know I mean yeah you don’t have to move it around cuz they sell like people have things where um it’s like a hitting mat thing so basically you can have it set up and it’s on like an arm so it’ll just

Switch to the other side for lefties and then it like so it’s consistent every time that you move it around is what you but money every mind you you and I how many left-hand golfers do we know like that we golf with with um zero so like

For us it doesn’t really matter not at all but and I bought that setup for me so between you know not sleeping with a newborn and wanting you know a break or something just go out there hit 20 30 balls cold day yeah yeah yeah especially

Now in the winter I think we’re going to Arizona in the in January oh yeah might buy a bag and bring the clubs out one of like the the hard cases that’s what you said yeah not get my sh the first time you’re you’re expensive shaft gets

Snapped and there’s just a there’s a loose uh driver head just sitting in there you’re like there’s just a paradigm floating around I got those for such a steal truly you did such a steal I paid less for a uh Paradigm driver and a paradigm 3-wood with a hazard smoke

Black and a hazard smoke gray um stiff on the two with new grips on both I paid less for that set those two than it would have been for one new new paradigm driver also wild you know what we had some information about your Club head speed and stuff you should be

Going extra stiff your driver so I smacked remember when Klein was like here use mine yeah and I smacked the [ __ ] out of it straight down the Fairway weirdly out of nowhere he I showed Klein mine and he’s like I have the exact same driver but it’s a seven which means

Extra stiff mine’s a six and a half you need which is a a regular stiff yeah is what it is and I was like oh [ __ ] and then you said that the other day with the club speed it this is generally and was like Klein’s was extra stiff yeah in

That and K’s got really high club head speed yeah for sure yeah it’s all it’s it’s we said it before it’s an ugly swing but it’s got good mechanics yeah so he gets insane Club head speed yeah he’s I don’t he unloads very well my dad

Was like kind a good golfer I was like very good golfer yeah he’s like really I was like best we know about scratch golfer and he’s like really and I’m like the last like four times I’ve golf with him there has been a nine where he was

At least two under yeah like consistent now I know we’re not playing the hardest courses in the world consistently under though you know what I mean like [ __ ] do we 3 one him in a scramble we tied yeah and while James off like [ __ ] that day

Yeah what the [ __ ] James he was supposed to be on our side for the ringer yeah like James is a he was supposed to be your and I ringer yeah James is a consistently good golfer was every every time I have golfed with him in the past

So twice a year um and then like you know what time to [ __ ] the back M yeah but James had this great idea cuz we were starting this Golf Channel it’s win Earth and would we shoot would we shoot four usable videos probably oh yeah I

Think we got got four we shot six or eight total yep we had I think probably have four usables but James had this idea where he’s like why don’t we just like stream golf simulator Hangouts like one night a week and it was the greatest going to do that for sharette James and

So um if we’ll get like a set up like we have the computer here with a capture card in it like a PCI capture card yeah multiple inputs um we do three cameras Oh yeah and we’re good yeah we just need to have go rip another one of those from

Costco those computers and then just buy the exact same uh capture input done and done dud but it’s like dude if we just do three cameras just boom mic it oh wait what call it a day he’s going to have to buy a computer to put out there

We went through that in the chat this morning the golf chat this morning all we got to do is add a capture card Capt card into that he goes well I need to buy a computer and I said I just buy one of the ones at

Costco cuz Ricky and I were there like a week ago yeah they had nice ones like with with video cards in them still got 30 series cards in right bet yeah well there was a 40 60 in one of them excuse the 4070 something like that there was

One with a four in it yeah um but anyways the he’s like oh do you have a membership and I was like yeah and he’s like when do you want to go to Costco with me and so okay that’s the he’s going to buy something like that and

Then he needs a projector still I think I have not even looked at those for I didn’t look either I have but I would say under six probably for like a good one yeah there’s got to I can’t believe that I don’t know where you threw that old one away that white one

Yeah it might be in a box or it’s just gone I might have just tossed her yeah which is unfortunate cuz that one was a good good one that would have work was fine yeah that was a 4K projector that was a 4K projector yeah um not a short

Throw though it wasn’t it wasn’t very expensive truly that was a relatively cheap projector in the grand scheme of things probably like it was probably six to eight they been in there I I thought it was four I think the first one was like two first one was 150 or something

It she was that’s the one I got piece [ __ ] that’s what I’m going to be using well if we if I find the white one I’ll let you know if James buys one in uh because might still be over there realistically I don’t need that great of

A projector like I don’t care you can use your ltop yeah I can use my laptop it’ll just be nice to have the everything up on a screen hit screen though right yeah yeah that see that’s what I’d like to buy one of those and

Just put it in front of this door we could do it that’s my goal we just need to get the door taken out and just have someone put a wall in there yeah what would truly be nice if this was just a wall we had also put a um uh an air uh

Vent in so when we’re running the overhead you know what would be really cool if I was truly if I was going to have this door taken out I think I would have them just quote how far how much money to go that way just go to the edge

Of the cement or something I don’t know go out that way little ways I pitched that once and you said no well I don’t want to take the door out was my problem I know it feels like such a it feels like a it’d be nice just go like a 10

Foot out I mean you wouldn’t even have to use all the concrete but you probably want it well that see cuz that was at some point you’re just like man why didn’t all the way to theend well that was why that was the other reason I didn’t want to is cuz

We don’t have anywhere else to put a basketball hoop or anything like that right yeah like eventually we’re we’ll have cement or tarvey up here so we can move it but right now we don’t have that you can ashfold it it’s so a fortune dude it is a fortune yeah

Oh my gosh yeah cuz I was like hey just quote don’t like forget all that down there we have a long driveway which is unfortunate from the cost perspective it’s like just do this just do up here give me a parking lot over there you know never mind immediately never mind

Where they quote you a whole another zero it was like 30 grand dude so my my parent you know my parents D like a quarter mile a decade ago it was a while back yeah they got quoted and it was like 10 to 15K to ashva theirs and they go I’m

Good for the whole thing yeah yeah and that I mean that is literally a straight oneliner for them so it’s load the machine and go baby they we’re not doing two passes just all the way down one pass and they were like 15 grand yeah

They told me and they were like oh no I’m good what’ they say I think they said they have the the Crush ashalt like you do too yeah keeps washing out yeah one guy um was like hey they they were just going up and down the road they

Were pulling out like a County Road or something like that yeah and the guy was like hey I’ll make you a screaming deal um we’re just selling this off really cheap and you’re basically paying for labor at this point it’s the they got it done they want get and they came out

With like a um um a bobcat with a roller on it it had like a little shaking thing so like really compacted theirs is held up pretty well has it ours is held up really well everywhere except the up the driveway oh I hit one today I strut out

Yeah it’s bad and I was your wife was outside she turned around was like what was that I was like ah my suspension the I mean I don’t know how damaging like there is a UPS FedEx and USPS here every day yeah every day you got stop hoarding

[ __ ] and it’s like dude I don’t it’s got to be like why that keeps I don’t know it’s like so beat up every time you just they hit it and it way worse yeah shit’s worser dude it’s way worser what was uh from what time is it an hour yeah we’re

At an hour even yeah we go a little longer um what was your favorite one favorite whiskey you tried this year and it doesn’t have to be the best whiskey TR this year just your favorite one oh [ __ ] for any particular reason not like you know

Well it was Heaven Hill sure B and bond why in Arizona uhhuh at Mitch shop oh yeah we were with experience the Ruben yeah um I’ve always said that’s probably one of my favorite stories of the year yeah um that experience we were hanging out smoking cigar it was just me you in

Mitch’s office yeah um Alec and um Ryan pretty much hanging out and then Allan was hanging out with Mitch just catching up for the last 30 years and everything like kind of melted away a little bit we just sat there and shot the [ __ ] um and I was very happy in that

Moment in time yeah we could have done that for hours for that reason it was that whiskey cuz that’s what he poured us which was so funny um cuz we just sat down and he was like yeah you guys want to drink and we’re like sure yeah and

He’s like I got this Heaven Hill Bott I was like sure man and you and I had just Rec cracked ours which is funny yeah we just bought a new one and tried it we loved it um and then I would say r one yeah that was mine experience yeah um

Hanging out in Missouri MH bottling our first [ __ ] yeah learning a lot um and then bourbon 3 yeah first thing we bottled yeah at at HQ at HQ yeah Ry one was mine and it was based it wasn’t based on the whiskey so much as it was

Like that like the experience of first time we had been with our barrels ever in person um and not knowing if any of them are going to work and this is like crunch time yeah and Jared’s doing us a huge favor and Jared and Rachel pull out all

The stops for us at Barrel King and have their staff come in I mean they’re like literally just giving truly just like yeah we’re here to help Open Arms whatever you need tell us Rising tide [ __ ] and our barrels are there never seen them touched them you know whatever

And then we’re just praying to God Sean are just all we want is just two good barrels out of eight yeah or whatever you know and it was like we just need and we and there’s even a backup plan but we just want two good barel and dude when you hit stuck the

Bung puller in that [ __ ] Rye one and you twisted and spins around we’re like What yeah never mind you we we even had less far less experience then than we have now with all of that stuff and even then we were like that’s not right something’s wrong you know and then you

Pull out and it looks like coffee basically yeah and it’s like still right now to this moment the most unique 955 MGP I’ve ever had in my life oh you know there’s another good one Eagle Rare at Barrel prooof poker table yeah um Barrel proof we we Buffalo TR don’t listen to

This uh we smuggled a little bit out of our pick yeah um and uh we just had it sitting at the poker table just hanging out couple guys got murdered too yeah just not caring yeah and um it was a very comp buck hunt too was a very

Stressfree um time yeah in a very stressful time for us uh cuz we had everything going on and it was a good dial back from our like normal trips we we we know we normally bake in like a hangout or like chill and that’s what like most people wanted to do that trip

Was just chill that just wanted to hang out for that um yeah no I think that that the getting all of the Sagamore barrels all of the barrels from Sagamore that full 89 Barrel truck yeah that day like that was like a non like drinking related act

Thing that I would say like was a top moment yeah because unloading like those barrels being like these are home now you know what also really cool what’s that hsh yeah on the rim of the Grand Canyon yeah that was cool when we when we went down to Arizona um to hang out

With bore that one like truly it was like that’s a once in a-lifetime opportunity for me sure drinking F whiskey in that place yeah and uh like I know people like there there are certain things that people say I’m like cool it was like the um the

Feeling of standing at the Grand Canyon is not something different um I think that’s unexplainable yeah I think that I don’t think that you can explain what that looks like and and have it actually hit yeah you know what I’m saying you you you you see pictures yeah it’s a big

Hole Yeah and then you get there like that’s fake huh yeah as I’m standing on the edge CGI greenen that doesn’t look real and then he’s like here’s a telescope look at the Village down there and you’re like where yeah they had a spotting scope and it was what this

Seven miles or something like that down to it yeah and you’re like and you couldn’t see it with your eyes yeah well you could you could see little dots after you knew it was there after you knew where it was otherwise you a’t seeing shitu and you look in there and

You’re like oh there’s a bridge there’s houses you’re looking 10 miles across your whatever you’re like what is going on no one evil can evil jumped that whole thing to his wild yeah end end dude I swear to God is that that’s like a te that’s a story isn’t it wasn’t

He going to jump the wasn’t there something with Grand Canyon something like that did he jump over part of it I don’t remember man dude that sounds so familiar obviously not the 10 m stint he didn’t but um and then one of the worst moments was flying in that plane on the way

Back I legitimately like my my body was like we’re going to die we’re going to die we’re going to die we’re going to die and it was like hey we’ll be fine and and when I can’t convince myself we’re going to be fine it’s like oh man oh

No dude the only the only thing that saved the only thing that makes that flight not one of the worst things I’ve experienced in 34 years truly was that I did get motion sick that’s fair if I would you had like 17 drama yeah if if

If to that experience I had to add motion sickness I might not be here right now because I don’t know that I could have surv I do truly believe motion sickness can kill you in the right scenario you yeah yeah and I was like when that started happening I’m

Like we have an hour of this and if I get motion sick and I have to deal with the fact that truly the back the four of us in the back of this airplane yeah think that it might not be okay because nobody thought it was funny anymore yeah

Nobody’s joking anymore um what do you what are you look into forward to this year for um anything whiskey I guess I’m looking forward to like a bunch of projects coming to fruition yeah I like I like breakdowns then no I don’t I won’t have one this year okay I might

This will be a good year we’ll see yeah you probably will we’ll see um the I am looking to projects coming to fruition I’m looking to um releasing The Omen line really a lot like I’m very much looking forward to that like us I’m looking forward to us blending our own things

Like having our own Blends on Market rather than just single barrels um I think that’s a that’ be a fun one yeah I feel like that’s an evolution it’s a next step I feel like that I Evolution might be the wrong word just because it hasn’t been that long anyways yeah be a

Real quick Evolution but I do think that it’s a next thing up um I think that’s a correct thing I think I truly right now in this very moment like in the past couple weeks um cuz the worst thing that happened uh this year from a business perspective was the stuff that we

Haven’t talked about out loud yet yeah patrons know but other people don’t know um so then that’ll it’ll come out in January but the um Cliff fers then it’s we were in this Purgatory state for about a month and a half uh and I do I the way that I

Need to resolve my own problems is like there’s this there’s a problem yeah and then generally I have a relatively directional mindset right we need to go get over there I just we’ll figure out how to get over there but we got to get over there I know the end result is over

There some and so for me when we hit that Purgatory it was like I don’t even have a direction to push in now and I don’t I that that truly is like that’s the worst possible mental space I can be in uhhuh um well I think like for a

While there we were open ocean drowning it felt like it was like you said there is no direction to swim I’m not seeing land the Titanic it [ __ ] us um that was the first time I’ve ever felt lost in any of the business stuff we’ve done I’ve because other there have been other

Times where I felt like this is a pain in the ass and I don’t know how to do it but it felt figure out aable you know what I mean this is the first time where I’m like I don’t know how to figure this out um because you and I didn’t want go

The direction we knew the direction we were now going we didn’t want to go that direction um purely emotional it was 100% that’s the only reason um we felt so stuck sure um any anything else that we’ve had that even like a little bit of emotion it was like all right this sucks

Band-Aid it [ __ ] like we just need to plow through this get it done we’ve had an idea and we could talk about here’s the end and I don’t like we just didn’t want to talk about what the actual outcome was going to be so it was drag your feet on everything

Um push back on everything and um I was very guilty of it too um probably way more than you and uh I had I had longer I had come to terms with it earlier than you which is the only reason I think that it was that right I think that um

Everyone’s like what the [ __ ] are you’ll fig you if you’re a patron you just know if you’re if you watch the if you watch The Distillery videos you’ll know in January and and the funny thing is it’s not the end of the world I had a lot of

Mentor phone calls with a lot of people I consider mentors that they all said very similar things in which is in different lights different conversations none of them were together they all said the same thing in the end when you think about it is they all had the right thing

And they were just trying to in their words guide us to correctly yeah and they did all of them cuz they’re like hey man you know the end outcome basically and it’s how each one of them hand these are your options and this is what happens in this and this is what

Happens but um I think that that was so I texted Sean was it Saturday I think and I said hey I’m GNA I’m just going to like put all this out to patrons today the stuff that we’ve been going through Saturday or Sunday it was last weekend yeah and um it was like

Made me cry hopefully there’s support there right and come to find out y’all are supportive as [ __ ] it was the most support we could have ever asked for what we needed it’s what I needed and it was an immediate like it was perfect because it was like

The day or two before Christmas mhm and it was like we’re both going to be somewhere with family on break basically whatever and it was like to remove that then and My Hope truly My Hope was I’m [ __ ] it I’m telling patrons they’ll be supportive and we’ll when we’re done

It’s as simple as that right and um that’s exactly what happened everybody was very supportive and then it was just like a holy [ __ ] [ __ ] like we now that there’s not only direction there’s like M I feel like there’s like a momentum to it I feel like there’s Walk

Don’t there’s not talking about things usually makes it better so it’s like we only had each other realistically and five six other people um at some point it’s you’re just hitting your head against it’s a [ __ ] until we can talk about it and get that weight off your

Chest it’s like damn dude is heavy that hit and then um it turned out truly perfectly like truly made the holiday is even better it did less stress less worry less and truly I think so now all of that to say going into 2024 I think

Truly what I’m most excited for is to just [ __ ] go yeah and there’s no I wonder if when is this coming could this happen there’s none of that [ __ ] it’s like go do cool [ __ ] make cool [ __ ] do a better job than last time that’s it’s a

Simple is [ __ ] do just we’ll do what we do and be good with it you know and I love that like I love [ __ ] everybody else we’re good you know and like there’s no concern there’s no worry we gotta worry about like a fork truck you

Know what I mean not like a [ __ ] any other things so yeah I am looking forward to getting some new barrels I’m looking forward to that hoping some of those gals are ready you got me my uh saw Barr R and ready no Brandon’s been sending me barrels all morning to buy

Finishing barrels all right all of them well take his advice he’s like try this try yeah one of them and this is a with all due respect statement one of them’s a real good time Barrel buddy like I mean that with all due respect it

Was how many Liquors we can put into a barrel just keep reusing what is an a maple French Oak Peach Brandy Barrel I sounds great maybe yeah it’s got a smell better than that Brandy yep frenchoo we like fro I yeah yeah yep we have other processes coming that will

I’m excited for those the cubes and everything yeah so we we’ve talked about before um instead of doing finishing barrels we doing like finishing cubes uh much more controllable uh much more affordable less impact yeah like softer impacts I’m hoping for softer impact and at some point Dan’s going to ruin our

Whiskey somebody’s with ambera I I I put in a phone call I know they won’t call me back good um I put in a phone call to someone who sells it and they’re just actually gone till January 2nd so that’s fair but um ambera I’d like to do an Amber release

That needs to die I would like to um I truly think that uh we’ll have a wave save contract 2024 which is great it’s already I’m very excited y um they do these other did I tell you about their other bar the spiral Cuts yeah that’s

What it is very cool looking I asked him if we can get like it’d be fun to play with that cuz you and I do not know the outcome or like yeah what happens expectation of where that whiskey going so that wouldn’t be like a dump a bunch

Of [ __ ] in them it’d be like hey let’s try two yeah yeah um we to try two different Mash BS and see what happens exactly good luck let’s see what it imparts on each of that cat but yeah so I don’t know I’m excited for those we’re going to contract to Ste more

Stuff and we’ll start Contracting St with somebody new yeah which is cool I’m excited for that two contract distillation agreements this year it’ll be good year we’re almost like a real whiskey company yeah almost how many barrels did we sell this year on accident um we three for por four for

Pores you count i w yeah I would um well we did Bourbon One Two Three Ry one two three one two so six yeah there you cool eight dang eight barrels that’s not bad at all and there’s one Ved right now man that doesn’t seem like a lot eight yeah

Well we didn’t start selling them till August and then we didn’t sell anym until well what I was going to say is like it didn’t seem like a lot but it felt like a lot of work went into those eight yeah it did and now we’re like ripping Barrel transfer travel across

The country for four of them yeah learned a lot this year MH learned a lot on how we screwed up things mhm yeah you got screwed up yeah they never I think I we talked about that yeah you got to do it yeah CU you you felt really bad and I

Was like buddy we we went into it saying we know we’re going to [ __ ] things up um we’ve never done anything like this so it’s it’s all growth like like you talk about it was like we were very dumb naive to everything in this industry um

Or you know we didn’t think we were really were sure um so it’s you have nowhere to go but up it’s just all growth yeah yeah for sure yeah it would have be um getting sentimental no it’ll be like that though I I was I was never truly I

Was never worried about you and I really [ __ ] up whiskey yeah I feel like um I feel like we’ll [ __ ] it up and we’ll figure out how to fix it blending or finishing yeah that’s fair whiskey is such a fixable thing dude how Wild is that yeah talk about something nobody

Knows like consumer wise consumers have no idea how bad barrels can be how till you drink people put [ __ ] [ __ ] Whiskey In A Bottle they don’t care at all in truly mhm they don’t care at all they just don’t care yeah I you got to Buddy like

If we put something in a vatting tank and you’re like damn that turned out bad it was like all right we’re figuring out what we put in to make it t we’re going to start staving that tank as you know anything there’s there’s a fix we got to

Find it but there’s a fix or a blend I’ll find a a big enough Barrel that we can put her in finish that baby up we’ll do something man I just I now that there I do think that your your limit is there’s a fix in into money loss

Eventually yeah we’re going to do enough things that Holy [ __ ] this has to be Whistle Pig Boss Hogs pricing to make any money but I do feel like man if you really put out some [ __ ] yeah and you stood by it you’re an [ __ ] I feel

Like that yeah much more much more now than ever before CU don’t cuz I thought people were a-holes before on doing that they like come on and then we learned through this process it was like dude you can do a lot of a lot there’s so

Many processes you can do um to like bring some [ __ ] whiskey back you could do a lot with a little even yeah and I think the other thing when I say stand by it I mean like if you think it’s good truly you’re not an [ __ ] it that just

Different Strokes different folks things right if it’s like truly why does that tastes like you put chlorine in it oh yeah hey man that’s you did that cuz eventually like I said we’re going to do ambera and uh I’m not going to like it oh you’re going to love

It I’m just not going to like it we’re going to we’re going to get some Amber in there it’s going to be soft we’re going soft Amber finish yeah because I agree on the I don’t I don’t I truly as an ambera fan don’t want an overfished

Ambera release yes he does I’m not interested in that at all yes he does he wants that cast strength that that is true ambera just like you’re drinking a candle oh dude I had some Rio the other night rapping gifts just not good man buddy I love those too rapping gifts in

Rio wait ring gifts one of the greatest gift wrapping whiskies of all time wait it’s the 28th yeah this is the this would be the 24th some oh okay I was like you’re pitching this was like two days ago no all right dude just cuz it’s real intense

Whiskey but it’s a lower proof it’s nice dude it’s very christmy it is fair so all right let’s get out of here yep thank you guys for watching we’ll give you a little bonus content because uh we we’ve been very inconsistent this month but we’ve also put out been very

Consistent a lot other three pieces of content this month this is the most content we’ve ever put out in a December oh hands down because we’re putting videos out on Wednesdays right now yeah or Tuesdays sorry yeah goodness gracious and then didn’t miss the Thursday and then here’s a Friday yeah goodness

Gracious don’t expect that next year [Laughter] folks all right cook now we’re getting up it’s good I’m glad you push recording


  1. I was taught in college to use a credit card because then someone is not stealing your money…and then "you are never paying 100%" so if you get 1% cash back then you are automatically getting a discount…in theory

  2. There’s also cold masks that you wear while your feet are in the hot water…the water pulls the heat from your head downwards…

  3. I get migraines all the time and I’m sure it’s from diet and lack of sleep, I use to be on a prescription for them but that drug company stopped making the drug so I went to 2 excedrine migrain and pounding monster energy. I suppose any highly caffeinated drink would help as that’s one of the ingredients used in excedrine.

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