Golf Babe

Help! I Cannot Stay in My Golf Posture?

If you want more pars, but for the life of ya, you cannot stay in your posture throughout the swing, then let’s check your balance points. They play a key role in with posture during the backswing and downswing.

STOP guessing. Get professional help.

Christina Ricci is a PGA, LPGA and TPI Level 3 Coach. She teaches locally in New England and travels to Florida, Arizona and California throughout the year, hosting her MORE PARS Camps. She has a line of MORE PARS Training aids you can find using the links below. She offers remote coaching through the myPGA App.


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So if you’re a player that loses your posture and you can’t figure out why you’re swinging and you’re falling off balance and you’re in your toes and you’re like what gives me I give you more pie come to camp oh watch this tip all right so players that are in their

Toes aren’t going to be able to get into the butt move they’re not going to be able to leverage the ground and you’re going to lose tremendous power and you’re going to come out of your posture but why does this happen today we’re going to talk about a popular culprit

And that’s the takeaway all right so if you’re in your setup and your hands go too far out like that it’s going to move your pressure points to your toes and then players stay there they stay in their toes and they never recover so then they fall off balance so if you’re

A player that stays in your toes because of your takeaway all right you’re not going to be able to leverage your Bot you’re not gonna be able to get into the butt move and if you can’t get into the butt move and I can be able to leverage the ground

Properly all right so you’re going to come out of your posture and it all stem from the takeaway so what you’re going to do is you’re going to lay a shaft down it’s going to be your pal so you’re going to lay a shaft on the balls of your feet

All right now from here you’re going to take your hands and you’re going to drag them straight back so you’re going to feel like your hands are going to go right over the shaft all right that’s the feeling you need instead of getting your hands moving away and into your

Toes which that is going to create a whole domino effect and you’re going to come out of your posture it’s going to really challenging to recover from that so drag your hands straight back and then you’re going to be able to sit deep get your hands deep get your butt deep

So then you can stay in your posture right that’s really important point if your hands go out it’s going to tend to put you in your toes so just lay in a shaft like this at the range get in your hands to feel like they’re right over the shaft versus out here

This is going to help you get into a proper backswing position so you can really stay in your posture another popular reason why you might be coming out of your posture is that you’re setting up in your heels I see this quite a bit really far away from the ball but Way

Beyond the ankle line and you’re in your heels all right you’re gonna have a hard time saying in your posture as soon as you take the clothes back you’re most likely going to go right into your toes so you really need to make sure you get your pressure points over your shoelaces

All right get yourself right on top of the ball here all right we don’t want to be in the heels because then your body’s going to want to counter balance that and then you’re going to most likely come out of your posture that’s a really important

Point all right so if you need more help with your posture come to Camp head to and if you can’t come to Camp just yet head to and sign up for my virtual camp or download my app tons of tips that you won’t

See anywhere else that are going to help you stay in your posture


  1. I have tremendous problem staying in posture. I top the ball all the time. When do i come out the posture to hit the ball not clear to me. Sooner or later u need to extend after impact otherwise there is no power generated.

  2. Seems so obvious after you point these things out, but I would never put it together on my own. Thanks.

  3. Thanks Christina I've been playing nearly 7 months.
    I'm afraid I'm too old and too unfit to swim across the pond for lessons.
    However your videos are excellent not only for highlighting faults you may have but also an early warning of where things might be starting to go wrong when you're making adjustments to your setup and swing.

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