The Strong Grip Adjustment That Saved My Golf Game!

Improve your golf game with this game-changing strong grip adjustment! Discover how to pull the grip off the club and rotate your body for consistent swings and open faces. Say goodbye to throwing and hello to powerful shots that will impress your friends on the course. Don’t forget to subscribe for more golf tips and tricks!

You want to feel from the top of the swing like you’re pulling the grip off of the club and you’re continuing to pull and continuing to rotate your body so that face looks like this every single time up in front of you rather than ever being closed one like at the

The transition phase I’d say right to stop start your transition as the lower body is kind of grasping the ground and starting to turn you’re feeling that butt of the club being pulled as hard as you can you don’t want to feel any sort of throw in your golf swing or else it’s

For sure going to go

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