The Truth: Tiger Woods’ Chances of Winning Again…

Tiger Woods is one of the greatest golfers of all time, but can he win another professional golf tournament? It’s a question that’s been on everyone’s mind lately, so in this video, we’re analyzing if Tiger can continue his amazing golf career. Will he win another major championship? Tune in to find out!

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Can Tiger Woods win again on the PGA tour and more specifically can Tiger Woods break back into the winner circle at a major it’s a very interesting question with a lot of variables at play so let’s break it down first off let’s talk about Tiger’s golf swing which is

Something that we have seen on display recently at the PNC championship and at the hero world classic which is the event that he hosts from what I’ve seen out of Tiger Woods golf swing he’s certainly getting older he’s certainly had a lot go on with his body medically

Where he’s had to continuously alter and adjust his golf swing in terms of speed and distance I don’t think that we’re seeing as big a loss of distance and swing speed as many people thought uh the ball that he hits especially off the te is still getting down there uh I

Think that that’s obviously because tiger works very close to a tailor made to get the perfect clubs for him he’s probably getting a very customized golf ball to what he likes to play there are certainly aspects of tiger swing that have faltered throughout all of the

Procedures and all the rehab that he has had to do but I although he is trending in the not so great direction for swing speed and distance I don’t think the way that he stands now it’s going to affect him very negatively for this season and

Maybe the season to come that being said because Tiger has had to adjust his swing you know the surgery on the left ankle has certainly affected his weight transfer through the golf swing so mechanically he’s not as familiar with what he is swinging on the golf course

You know if you look at his swings throughout his career though he he was always changing he was always adapting his golf swing and what many people speculate is that often came to his detriment he frequently changed swing coaches he he saw sustained Success Through that period although some people

Think that if he stuck with one coach and made less swing overhauls Not only would he have probably won more on the PGA tour probably won more Majors he also would have stayed healthier avoided a lot of the back issues that he had but all of that to say is that tiger may

Actually be fairly comfortable with all all of the new aspects of his golf swing just because he’s comfortable with new golf swings he’s been there before he’s made changes so we’ll see how comfortable he can get with the current iteration of his swing one thing that I have found interesting and probably the

Most notable pain point for what we’ve seen out of tiger in the past year is the short game it has looked pretty Rusty at times and this is kind of an interesting dynamic because when you think about someone like tiger who’s been in a lot of pain lacking stamina

Lacking the ability to practice the full swing a ton he should be able to be spending a lot of time on the putting green and working on different chip shots and maybe he is I I would assume that Tiger Woods you know pretty famous for putting in the work has been putting

In the work but as of right now that work hasn’t really translated to Great uh play around the greens his putting his feel just looks a little bit off uh I get it that you’re not always going to be hooping putts like tiger did in in his prime but the distance control on

His lag putts has really left something to be desired that that we saw across the majors that he’s played in the past couple years and even the past couple weekends here in November and December tiger just seems to be a little bit Wayward in his short game I know that

He’s played around with different Putters he’s always changing out his wedges playing around with different golf shots in terms of you know not just hitting a standard bump and run Tiger’s always had good hands out of the sand he can go up with it he can hit a five iron

Bump and run but that versatility remains to really be seen in his recent play so if we can see really sharpen up that short game that’s something that can absolutely bail him out when you know maybe that driver swing isn’t as dialed in a huge positive that I’ve seen

From tiger and I we really saw this at austa in in a couple of his fights that we’ve seen in the past few years is the shot shaping I think that not only is Tiger Woods an incredibly creative player but he is really able to hit all kinds of trajectories on command and

He’s able to do so fairly masterfully uh in his prime he did it better than anyone and even now as someone who is notably older than a lot of his competitors I feel like his shot shaping is still better than a lot of golfers many golfers who see great success on

The PGA tour are very very good at one ball flight and Tiger Woods is very very good at one ball flight but he can also switch it up and turn to different flights different trajectories and he can do it very effectively and he can do it in Rapid succession not a lot of

Golfers can hit a big fade off the te and then a low draw right in the next shot for the approach and tiger has been able to pretty seamlessly do that on the course I know that Augusta National is a course that really requires some creativity and we’ve seen tiger be able

To lean on that creativity both from a course management standpoint but mechanically as well now one thing that’s very important to understand when talking about Tiger Woods winning again on the PGA tour and especially winning a major is that Tiger Woods will not be competing as much as he did you know say

Throughout the majority of his career and even what we’ve seen from you know 2018 to 2020 right before the co shutdown tiger was playing a little bit more than an event a month he would play all the majors all the big events and then he would play a few other

Tournaments throughout the year he will not be doing that he said he he’s going to Target maybe one a month which with the off season which would total about 10 events each year again it remains to be seen if he’ll do that I do expect him

To play all the majors but he will not be having as many chances to win events and he’ll only be playing against very very stacked Fields when he does so which obviously reduces his chances of returning to The Winner Circle however it should be noted that tiger being

Overly selective on the tournaments that he plays it it means that he will be only entering events that he knows he has a chance to compete it and I think we can look at a lot of the major Champion venues especially the Masters Tournament and Augusta National as

Courses that he knows like the back of his hand and those are courses where even if he’s not playing playing the best golf that week he can still compete and even win the golf tournament because he has course knowledge and the ability to read greens the ability to hit and

Even miss Greens in the right area he knows what club to hit off of eacht I would venture to say that in 2019 when Tiger Woods won the Masters he may not have had the best week in terms of how he was playing golf but he thought his

Way around the course better than any other competitor the final note that must be considered with Tiger Woods returning to the Winter Circle is his stamina and his ability to practice and work on his game when Tiger Woods was at his very Peak and it seemed like he was

Winning every event that he played in it was because he was working harder than every other player it was because on the golf course he was thinking and physically exerting himself more than any other player and at his age and at his physical ability and now at his

Current age and at his physical ability he cannot do that he cannot practice the way that he wants to I’m sure that we’ve all heard about his you know 10hour practice days that he would have back in the early 2000s he can’t do that anymore not only is he physically unable to do

It but mentally I just it’s hard to imagine a world where he’s as focused and as hungry as he was back in his early 20s when he had very high expectations and everything to prove he now has kids to care for more business ventures that we could possibly know

Media obligations he’s not as focused on his golf especially from the practice standpoint now talking about the actual tournament weeks his physical stamina to play four straight 18ho rounds it’s there in the sense that he can play the rounds but he really can’t get around as he wishes he could considering where he

Was just a couple of years ago physically it’s frankly miraculous that Tiger Woods can play four straight days of competitive golf play 18 holes for four straight days it’s much more physically taxing than any of us can probably understand but for him to have the ability to do what is admirable and

If there’s one thing that we know Tiger Woods can certainly surprise us so at this point in his career and again this is my personal opinion knowing what I know I would be very surprised if Tiger Woods won again on the PGA tour I would

Be even more surprised if he won a major however I will say in 2018 I I didn’t think he would win a tournament again and what did he do he went on to win the Tour Championship at East Lake against the 30 best golfers that year which was

Very impressive and then less than a year after that he went to Augusta National and he won the Masters Golf tournament in 2019 with a sensational performance I’ve been wrong about Tiger Woods before I’m rooting for him on the golf course I hope he wins again I just

Know that it will be an upward battle with all of the competition that he sees in professional golf right now but I’d love to hear your thoughts people are all over the Spectrum on this issue do you think that tiger can play healthy for a year or two do you think that he

Should hang it up I know that he’s spoken about retiring only when he feels like he can’t compete so obviously he still feels like he can compete mentally and physically so we’ll see how he plays this next year feel free to subscribe to the scratch golf tips YouTube channel thank you all

Very much for watching play well and take care


  1. This is not even a question really, the man can barely walk 18 holes and the current crop of golfers have surpassed Tiger and every time you turn around he's having another surgery.

  2. Physical question. Can he plays 18 holes , 4 days in a row without limping ? Today , s golfers training it’s more demanding since the courses are getting more difficult but , let’s see how the Roll Back balls will benefit him as he is one of the few Pro players that defend that new rule.

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