SOOO Close To Shooting a “PERFECT ROUND”! // [-18 FCCS Rd5]

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So this morning definitely didn’t go as planned okay so I just pulled up to the course I was going to be playing and apparently they Clos Christmas Eve and Christmas so we’re going to be going to Champions Point best place to finish the championship series and we’re going to

Have to play two courses there we’re going to play the shorty shorts and the longy long so we drove another 35 minutes to another course which is actually perfect so I think we’re going to start out on the most popular layout here 6182 ft par 65 18 holes tomorrow’s

Video we’ll be playing the longest layout that this course has to offer and hopefully we can still play if you guys haven’t watched the previous four videos this is the fifth video in my Christmas gift to myself and to you guys where we play rounds with just my bag trying to

Shoot as far under par as we can those are my new Putters which you’ll see what they’re called here in a second there’s a couple interesting rules for every 10 Strokes under par I get a gift and you get a gift the gift for you is more Revelations about who my potential

Sponsor is well not potential who my sponsor is which will be announced in 2 days as of right now on the 3 first or at least that’s my plan do play two off the top of course disc golf rules but I also get one rigan per round where I

Have to throw the roll out and have to take it no matter what right now we’re sitting at 30 under par for the first four videos if we get to 40 I get a gift that I really want for myself hopefully we can do that in this video cuz we’re

Going to be playing the shorts I’ve added about an hour of driving today since we’re coming to this course which I’m really excited about cuz I had played the other one that we stopped at earlier this morning I’ve never played this course Champions Point and I’ve heard it’s really good I’m excited that

We’ll get to play two layouts here I definitely know it’s going to feel like two super different courses so not too worried about playing the same course over and over again cuz this one we’re going to be playing white te’s to the red baskets a shorter layout which is

Funny cuz the short layout is still a par 65 and 6700 ft which means there might be some Eagle opportunities here because at 50 under it’s not obvious but it’s very likely that you’ll be able to tell who my sponsor is going to be and I

Get a gift for myself that I’ve been just kind of like waiting to buy all right we’re going to get started fast hole one red right ahead of us 176 should be birdie time here and two off the top skip it in with a cap wrap

Oh that my first get in the hole on coverage what a momentous occasion I think I might have left that a little bit short that’s I I was really wanting to just like park it and then skip it in if we miss whole one I’m going to blame people watching

Me because I get nervous there you go good start Focus up I honestly thought that like we get a look at the long to see kind of how those are going to play I think these pads are honestly pretty spread out that it will feel like two very different

Courses this is really nice property it’s called Lake it’s called Lake haata Preserve I’d heard about it when I lived here but I never made my way out here it’s a little bit West of Orlando but it is gorgeous holy cow I haven’t looked at the layout cuz honestly I’ve been

Scrambling to try to figure out this video this is a 429 ft 4 let’s take a quick look at the layout the shorty shorts here we got a 430t par 4 745 par 5 4134 4084 4514 394 oh my gosh there’s so many par fours okay I’m not going to

Think about any scores today I’m going to try not to I’m just going to say this one time and we’re not going to mention it again no no promises but if I shoot like 15 and then I can shoot five from the long Longs there’s potential to get to 50

Under which I didn’t think was possible based on the two courses that I was going to be playing that I drove out to earlier this morning I knew well I knew there was it was possible I just didn’t think it was very likely 50 under might

Have just come back on the table and that’s really exciting for me and also really exciting for you which makes it a little less exciting for me because I really want the thing at 50 but I don’t want to give away the goose for I have

My announcement date it is kind of good news that it looks like we’re not playing the baby shorts just the shorty shorts cuz there is a green pad up there C 435 through the woods there’s no mentions of OBS on these signs so we’re going to play the obvious path and water

And fences OB whatever UDS par is and whatever the udisk or the t- sign says are obes is what we’re playing [Applause] so okay I was relatively happy with that except still was a little bit low so not [Applause] bad oh God all right that’s the only second shot today I just wanted to warm up the back end a little bit more should have a pretty easy up shot for another birdie no Eagles

Yet two down this is a fun little warm-up course before it get to the long especially give my body some time to wake up well three is a par five 745 and honestly I mean it looks just like a par 4 just kind of up and to the right low

Ceiling to get out Gap though so I don’t have a great roller I think though we’re going to try the Z’s Moon cuz we haven’t thrown that thing that much yep oh yeah that is going to be big oh man I got to keep rexing rollers that’s

Massive that way down there and try his forehand real fast that’s fine too yeah that roller is 120 f pass that we might have like a mid-range in rollers are so fun to practice they’re much harder Endeavor cuz there’s no midf flight and the midf flight helps like keep the disc straight

Up and like give it time to flip I’m going need to find a little flipp your disc and like keep practicing them somehow cuz for some reason on this trip this last week and I’ve noticed this about my disc golf game a lot the more I just like think about something and like

How I need to work on it and then I just like practice it a couple times off the tea without like trying to invest all my energy in working on it I tend to just figure it out a little bit I can fine-tune it with actual concerted work

But sometimes starting that work just as fun like messing around kind of takes away like the inhibition that you have of like I need to figure this out I need to do this I got to blah blah blah and so instead of that you’ll just end up

Kind of having fun with it your body likes to do things that you tell it to do and so if you have a general idea of how to do it so throwing hard Ander nose down I found that starting training off with fun like second shots that have

Zero consequence is very beneficial in me learning a lot of skills in disc golf so maybe that’ll help if you’ve been struggling with that I like this course a lot cuz it’s like a shorter course it’s definitely like it feels more like a warm-up course but yeah 320 out but

It’s like a lot of different shots already and we’re three holes in I think we’re going to try the guava just punch it hard and flat under the low [Applause] ceiling I think I parked it that’s [Applause] money nice four down through three well four 217 I’m thinking xzone kind of hard and

Flat through this Gap Let It Fade itself oh gosh I don’t know if I was just Hing there or Lan for sure wow what I think we’re just going to throw a touch back in it’s a little headwind I would try to roll it but I think just a touchy [Applause]

Backand oh that’s a good use of the rigan baby I forgot about the Rolan on a couple holes that I should have taking it in recent videos maybe this is too early in the round but it’s out of the way but it got us another birdie so we

Are chilling oh looks like we got a 412 ft par 4 might be a four-and shape but feel like I have 380 in the bag right now cuz I was ripping those destroyers the other day like down there snaking I mean it actually looks like you could

Get a Rollo down there I think we might try the Athena I tend to throw this guy pretty NOS down on these an heisers so as long as I get it kind of pull it from left to right through this Gap in that low ceiling it should hold over a good

Bit maybe it could be like my Striker Destroyer but I think the Athena is to play stay up yeah I didn’t brace into that at all oh man I got to throw that thing more that’s perfect honestly one difference that happened there is there was much more of a force over anheiser

Instead of kind of snapping it out and pulling it through the Gap I don’t know if that difference makes any sense but it’s really just that I I like really rip my body there instead of trusting putting it out an angle and letting the disc work that way also I parked it with

A cd1 you might not be able to see it down I’ll show you when I’m up there but it’s l it’s underneath the basket that disc is really good so that’s the cd1 the strike is pin high right over there this was the only bad one well not this shop but the

Athena still took a birdie which we’re fine with I guess on to the next so now we talk about 50 under par want to quickly talk about 60 under cuz 60 under is a drone for myself and 60 under is also you guys basically knowing who my

Sponsor is if you like put two puzzle pieces together you know didn’t think that was even close to being in the carts but we’re on a pretty good Pace right now I mean if we get some more of these Eagles it might be in the cards

I’m not going to say that it is but I’m really liking this course and even from the longest I’m looking I’m like seems pretty attackable I’m excited about it all our basket’s down at this Corridor right there these guys are playing the hole we’re probably going to be taking

That left side on a little turnover you kind of got to get it down fast so I would think Rollo but I think it’s going to flip too fast dude that dog is taking a dump right in the middle of the Fairway what is this guy doing I feel

Like this guy’s way in over his head right now we could throw like a roller that we just put down I’m I’m bad at like placing exactly where I want I like when I have more of a range in this little Gap here but if I put it down in

The middle of this Gap here with this cd1 I think it’ll be kind of a perfect little shot but I also don’t mind like throwing just the Hiser flip to turn is he just not going to pick up after his dog I do wish I had a slightly more

Stable like flip up forehand disc like the interval that I had which I lost in like the second video I think the best play is probably the turnover with the cd1 didn’t get a lot of skip just inside Circle too I knew that they’ probably

Have to dig into the ground and threw it a little lower than I needed to if I really wanted to get there oh dang it might be worth it to practice with these Putters throughout the offseason cuz so far they’ve landed farther from the basket than all the

Other Putters that I’ve tried butting with have when I juice the basket pretty bad it’s a par o be touchy nice thank you you guys too all right 450 par 4 we can’t miss another one that was a pretty good rip I thought the head would flip a

Little more so I put a lot more Hiser on it I put it I’m putting with if I want to F with it throughout the next season I’ll end up seeing I don’t know but I need it in a softer plastic for sure cuz I like Plastics that just like hit and

Catch the chains now it does not I do like what it’s making me practice though so I’m going to continue working with him for now maybe throughout the offseason who knows but I think we might have gotten ourselves we might we might have gotten ourselves a circle two look

450t slightly uphill Par Four strike is a good disc stay up a there we go what are we thinking I corrected for we talked about this in a recent video I corrected for keeping my elbow out like pretending like I have like a little medball or something between my chest

And my upper arm so my elbow stays out and it really helps imp part more spin but we’ll take it easy bre I guess we’re just getting Uber lucky we got a 389 ft power for probably wait for the kid to leave a good idea it’s going to be a bit short but

That’ll play oh I didn’t want to leave it low I left it way too high kind of fun to allow yourself to play these super easy pars oh come on Brutal so annoying that that’s a pry but I think we’re 8 down through eight somehow I do think we’re kind of getting

To the end of our easy par fours there might be another par five all right 515 pretty far left it looks like so we’re just going to try to throw something a little high over the top oh where’d it go oh no I thought that big heer got over everything all

Right this could be the worst up shot of the day or the best up shot of the day cuz trying to rush a bit we’ll go Ultra actually we’ll go Firebird spoiler it was a good up shot 9 through nine I guess all right we

Got a couple really big groups on 10 two of them so we’re going to sneak through 11 and if we get the chance to play 10 cuz it’s kind of by The Cars we’ll do that on the way back before we start round number two straight through here

Looks like we got two more holes with soft pars this is not one of them actually we’re just going to take the wide skip route since we got the fireb in hand a little deep but that play So we have the potential to shoot my first perfect round ever whatever that means

On this course we just got to make sure that we really capitalizing all these EAS par 3s cuz we’ve been missing some outside Circle PLS if we get to 18 12 comes into play on the long course it’s a 60 under this is a little tweener [Applause]

413 touch aiser instead of anheiser yeah yep yep that was bound to happen should we try to skip it in for the two probably not but maybe if it happens it happens oh all right our basket is up left just a touch of flex out of the hand honestly

I can probably just throw it from here and throw aiser just like that I think that’s perfect hanging out 131 time to take out the fun Disc glitch or xzone xzone no how do I do that I got a eagle as part five now that’s embarrassing dude I just can’t play this

While I guys it was always a roll out that’s embarrassing dude brutal basket can’t believe we just lost our perfect Pace in 134 hit the pull so you can see the guy with the green disc way over here he is kind of looking at the basket is it’s kind of in

That cluster far to the right it is a 6117 ft par five so hopefully we can get the eagle we got to make sure that we get right though so I think roller might be the play could be a forehand but I I think I’ve been really

Liking this sine cd1 on a roller cuz it goes pretty straight it’s got to miss this Branch so a little bit slower of an angle and I think as long as it finishes should be pretty [Applause] money yeah that’s going to be awesome that’s so perfect oh my gosh

That is so far like I don’t think I’m going to air shot there we’re going to try the strike I need to get a different disc than a strike I guess because I have strike and strike and I keep messing them up in my head God that’s so

Huge that’s so far the thing likes to go honestly throwing these rollers today has made me so excited cuz it’s like an actual part of my game that I’m using and I feel like it’s just so exciting to like unlock new potential parts of your game thinking about oh should I get long

Distance roller disc short like the Rollo is probably perfect little super fast flipping roller disc and then you got the cd1 which is stay straight for a while but will hook up and then maybe like getting like a strike or something flippy like I don’t know it’s just so

Exciting to think about okay I kind of lied this is the cd1 pretty close to the basket the strike is farther that this is so good looks like we do have some Obi right and [Applause] left all right we got the eagle back to per PA three more part 3es shorties and

We can get our first cheater 18 under round I’m ranging back to the sign I got to know 468 dude let’s freaking go I’m so happy that’s like a controlled call line also I cannot wait to play these Longs I’m so glad we weren’t on the shorts and that

We played well cuz if we were trash playing these shorts that would not bod well for me but we’re playing pretty good another eagle I’d like to apologize to you [Applause] all can I please have another R again never mind good news we get still

The glitch I mean if we we we could throw it in oh it’s never going to turn oh no sit down well outside the circle look 8 9 10 11 12 well I’m going have to range it I got like 33 might be one of those you flip

You’re in you don’t you’re out 35 yes good news it still looks busy out there but not quite as busy so if we finish these last two holes should be able to rip through that last round even from the Longs relatively quickly we’re going not to that yellow one but you can

Kind of see some chains maybe there’s like a Skippy forehand or a backhand not get too fancy it’s only like 215 or so [Applause] look like I definitely needed that skip to get me a little closer maybe about 20 25 stay up got me tailing open up the

Hand we made it with like now I’ll make it with subscribe and you guys will do actually look inside dang I mean great for my throwing stats but 16 down happy for me and you guys that we went to this place instead of the other one cuz I don’t think I was

Shooting 16 at one of the other courses now it’s time to go sneaking the hardest course of the entire weekend but arguably I think it’s going to be the most fun course by far first gift time for me and you solid round today Blast Of course and the last round is one that

You’re not going to want to miss not just because of scoring or anything like that but just because it’s phenomenal round of disc golf but we did get to 46 under which leaves 50 pretty close in the cards especially because that means I get a really nice big gift for myself

And you guys get a big hint I was a little mean to you yesterday but we do have some good news first good news it seems like what I need to make my announcement video is going to be here the 30th so I should be able to have my

Announcement video on the 31st second good news I get to buy myself a new editing software I’ve been using Premier Pro and it’s been a little bit of a pain in my butt and I want to learn a new one but I shoot in something called 10 bit

It’s stupid camera nerd stuff you don’t need to worry about it but that means that the free version of this program you can’t do it so you got to pay 300 bucks for it but we shot 400 par so I’m going to buy myself the studio version

Of Da Vinci resolve if you’re not a camera Runner you don’t care but it should make a lot of like different cool edits and effects a lot easier for me so the videos will be getting better for you that’s why it’s a gift for me and

For you but the gift for you is that this is what the custom stamp drop did look like because we’re going to be dropping some stamps with the announcement video now this is what it looks like dep pixelated even more closer some of you might be able to tell

If you have your premonitions you might be able to read your own interpretation into it but I’ve also been feeding into it you know I’m kind of like feeding the Beast that is a speculation machine cuz it’s a little it’s fun it’s fun it’s fun

Also I was pretty mean to you guys I was like hey sorry for the bad news here’s who my sponsor is and then I put this on the screen that was really mean to me so I’m going to narrow it down for you it’s neither of these guys hope that helps if

You guys want to watch the rest of the series check it out right over here there might be some more information and teasers and spoilers coming at you tomorrow for the last video in the Florida Christmas championship series this has been a blast of a series to

Create hope you guys have enjoyed we’ll see you tomorrow appreciate you


  1. Could be a mix of sponsors. Using the foundation bag, maybe there’s a finishline sponsor, I feel the putter is an Aviar star, the Rollo is being used too, too much of a mixed bag, so my feeling is Infinite as the big one.

  2. You will love Resolve for the longterm. Only a slight learning curve to do most things if used to Premier. Fusion is a different beast but worth learning the basics.
    I went cold turkey a few years ago after Adobe saying over and over it will be more stable and never happened. Built a $5,000 desktop to finally realize it was the software the whole time. Resolve can crash but Premier was 25 times more and rendering was a couple hours a night vs Resolve a few minutes for the same stuff.

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