Golf Players

5 Putting HACKS Everyone Should Try

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🏌🏻‍♂️Golf lessons available with Chris at HIT Golf Academy, Forest of Arden, contact Chris for further information.



You’ve got to try these five tips to help you hold more puts by starting the ball online make use of Technology on the golf ball something like the tourist want stripe really visible line alternative the tp5 Pix is going to help you if you haven’t got that a Sharpie

Putting a line on the ball really going to help get an alignment Aid that suits you on the putter generally the more visible and the bigger the alignment Aid the easier it will be to align the putter check your eye position some golfers will put better with the eyes

Over the ball others better with the outside others better with the inside find what works for you it’s going to make it much easier for you to see the line a more stable body try this place a alignment stick between the ground and your thigh and try and keep it in place

As you hit put get the ball position correct the putter works on an arc and it’s always opening and closing if the ball is too far forward the putter face will be closed if it’s too far back the putter face will be open so get the ball

Position right it’s going to help you square the face of impact


  1. My favourite is putting down a steel rule the 1 meter steel rules have a small Grove in the back hit the ball down the rule if the ball stays in the Grove the face was square at impact

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