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Have Celtic got their first january signing? | + Hatate and Abada injury update before derby!


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Good evening everybody quick notice before we start today’s video if you watched episode 100 of the celic the Thunder podcast you’ll be familiar with this already you’ll also be familiar if you keep up with us on Twitter however if you don’t know as we mentioned on

Episode 100 of the podcast we will be giving away £200 to a charity of our choice this Christmas time we’ve decided to go with the children’s hospices across Scotland charity Chaz and we’ve set up a just giving if anyone would like to add to to the fund there’s no pressure at all for

Anyone to donate of course at this time of year it’s understandable that money isn’t easy to throw away or what not however we would ask a donation even as small as one pound to this great cause would be so much appreciated Chaz do vital work for families across Scotland

With children on end of life support and they are so underfunded and only able to help one and three families who desperately need their help there is more information about the charity and such in the link below um but the link below will take you to the justgiving

Where we have already raised well over our Target we were hoping to raise £500 uh We’ve cleared 500 already but if we could raise any amount of money more uh than that it would be greatly appreciated so please make sure to go into the description below check out the

Just given link and if you can help out um that would be great ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the channel and the F of period is slowly coming to an end we’ve got new years of course to come around the corner and cheat us up a

Bit but before that we’ve got a derby it’s a derby that some Celtic fans haven’t been looking forward to but as usual we’ll take it in our strid it’s a very important Derby who knows it could go a long way in determining who will go into left the league title this season

But got a few things to talk about ahead of that Derby so let’s get into [Applause] this [Applause] if you haven’t already please make sure to go and hit like And subscribe it be much appreciated if you try and get towards 50,000 subscribers your support recently has been incredible so

Inconsistencies with the videos through this festive period I’m sure you can understand let’s get back to normal and let’s talk a bit about that huge game on Saturday where Celtic take on Rangers at Celtic Park just to start us off here this isn’t my full on Match previe video

We’ll do that tomorrow on the channel I’m not sure if we’re recording a podcast tonight yet or not so it might be in podcast form tomorrow it might just be in normal video form tomorrow we will Deep dive that game in this video I want to talk about some of the stories

Heading into that Derby game and we’ll save all our excitement for whatever that video will be tomorrow that’s if you’re excited a lot of Celtic fans not looking forward to this but um you know both teams have had the struggles this season it’s going to be an interesting

Game to say the least at least Celtic are back to winning ways ahead of this must win game against Rangers so I a lot of previewing to be done tomorrow on the channel but let’s have a look at some of the stories heading in to that game one

Of the biggest stories going into this game has been the question of Fitness surrounding two of our star players Rio hatti and leel abada we’ve been wanting to know if they’ll make it back in time for this game of course when they both went out with their injuries initially

The respective injuries there was a massive question marks over the fact that if they would be back for the new year if they would be back for this Derby game and Brandon Rogers has shed some light on the situation giving us a bit of an update in regard to their

Fitness does it mean that we should be playing them on Saturday that’s another question that we will cover but there is a bit of Hope um that maybe we will see them to some extent maybe a limited extent for them on Saturday but you know a positive update is better than no

Update so this is what Brandon Rogers did say following the win against dunde this was in the Scotsman H Brendon Rogers said they could be around it it’s uh another thing being ready to start of course leel looked really good on the field when he trained with the group

Last night we kept him at home to do another session to build him up we’ve missed his running his goals he’ll be brilliant for us in the second part of the Season Rio is at a good level but not at a level to start we’ll see how he

Goes over the next few days he’s training hard working well and it will be like having two new players when we get those two back so that was Brandon Rogers update I think that it would be very optimistic of you if you think that they will start this game in Saturday

And to answer the question that I posed a few moments ago would I be starting them in Saturday no I wouldn’t be I don’t think it would be wise now I know we’re talking about two players here who are of significant quality and very important to everything that Celtic have

Been doing over the last two years you know these are two players who have been pivotal to what we do on the field in the best football that we play and their absence has well and truly been felt there is no denying that but I think

Rushing them back into the side to start what’s going to be a very intense Derby game you know this isn’t one of these Derbies that not much is on the line this is probably going to be one of the most intense Derbies uh in quite a while

And to rush them back on and get them on the park when you know we still have a team that’s good enough to win the game I think that it would be foolish and I don’t think that Brandon Rogers is that naive to do so now the question you can

Ask yourself is is he keeping his cards close to his chest here is he telling some porks is this maybe him saying this then he gives us the biggest surprise in Saturday and both of them are raring to go or even one of them are raring to go

Who knows sometimes managers like to throw a we C Ball don’t they um but I would be shocked if any of the two start on Saturday um I I just think that it’s a game that’s come maybe a week two weeks too early for them but having

Their presence back in the squad having them back at lenux town and even if they’re on the bench on Saturday that’s a massive result for Celtic in its own you know that’s huge for us if we have them as options later in the game if you’ve got stalemate if you’re drawing

If it’s nil nil one all and you need a moment of magic you know with 20 minutes half an hour to goal yeah maybe that’s where you can bring on ATI or start getting their match sharpness up and maybe they can make some sort of influence happen on the game um I just

Think that starting them could end up I think that you’ve seen too many times this season including hatti what happens when you rush a player back I think that it’s happened with a couple of them now being the recent example of camon car viers who maybe came back too

Soon playing too many games too soon and we’ve seen the result of that against dunde we’ seen it with hatti coming back and then he was out straight away again happened with Vickers earlier on in the season as well these things don’t tend to work out very well for Celtic and I

Think that’s a lesson that has to be learned that 11 that we put out in the park I think it will be the exact same 11 that played against Livingston the exact same 11 that played against dunde that’s still good enough to beat Rangers at Celtic park it should be good enough

To beat Rangers at Celtic Park um but having those to as a bonus can always work to an advantage should they come on the field now it does sound like that maybe real hatti is is a little bit further on the fact that Brandon Rogers is making comments that he’s he’s

Working at very good level just not at a level to start whereas abada he’s saying you know he’s looking good maybe not at the same level I think that real maybe sounds a little bit further ahead in the recovery in Le which was always going to

Be the case with the the kind of sound of the injuries when they initially happened um but I just think that you know you bring hatat see hatti does start the game you know he’s got to be a physical Midfield guys like Jo whoever starts forers I’m not sure who they’ll

Start but just for talking sakes if it was John lrom if it was Todd canwell if it was if it was any of these players they like to be a bit dirty and there’s no hiding away from that and if if anything goes wrong andat is suddenly

Down 10 20 minutes into the game and you’re having to make a change then there was just no point so I think save them for later on save them when you maybe need that energy and they can come off and and see what they can do uh come

Off the bench and try something but um it’s good to have an update nonetheless what the main thing is for the second half of the Season these two are going to be massive for us and I’m just generally very excited to see them back

It as a gutter that the game is maybe a week or two early as I said um but having them back we can’t you can’t um understate it you know I can’t overstate it understate it whatever what I’m looking for there you you cannot um take them for granted they they’re

Massive players for us and I cannot wait to see them back in the team Brandon Rogers is also commented on our preparations for the Derby game as well he was speaking to Celtic TV um about how he’s feeling ahead of the game and listen we’ll talk about this more in

Depth tomorrow tomorrow sorry Saturday isn’t going to be an easy game for Celtic there is no denying it I think that Rangers have every right um and their supporters in their squad and every right to believe they can come to Celtic Park and get a result we haven’t

Been anywhere near our best level this season and we’ve obviously lost two of our last four domestic games as well Rangers have every right to believe coming to Celtic po but it’s that belief that Celtic need to try and nullify and and and try and extinguish pretty early

Doors in this game we can’t let Rangers ruffle our favors we need to prepare in the right Manner and as I’ve said already in this video time after time this week I’m just glad that we have managed to win our last couple games it brings that belief back into our own

Side that that kind of energy that the fans needed to go to Celtic Park and and see the game one listen it’s going to be 60,000 Celtic fans strong on Saturday if that isn’t the motivation that the team need to go on and win this game I don’t

Know what is so you know my confidence has slowly started building as the weeks went on but I understand how much of a task it is let’s see what Brandon Rogers did say about the preparation for this game Rogers said this they are going very well we’re obviously off the back

Of a really good performance and result against Dundee so we feel ready and obviously we’ll put our final preparations in place I’m really excited about the game um talking about the fans the atmosphere he said that is the Synergy of this club that connects nection between the support and the

Players when we have the supporters with us it’s a real Force at Celtic and we want that of course at the weekend and I know we’ll get it because this is a fixure that the supporters will look forward to we had a great result at I Brooks a good performance there and now

We’re in front of our own supporters and hopefully we could produce another good performance and result and that’s the thing you know I know it’s a different manager on a different side you’re looking at now with uh not different side it’s the same side but different manager different playing style

Different you know kind of energy that Rangers are bringing comp to what ever Michael be was doing and but you have to use that as your confidence your building blocks the fact that we went to I Brooks we humiliated them we we got a result which um set the tone very early

And that’s a tone we need to kind of restore so I hope the manager and the squad realized the importance of that head into this game um and hopefully the preparations are all done and ready to go and just to finish off on today’s video there has been a bit of an update

In regards to transfers at Celtic a couple of stories breaking today the first one to talk about very quick quickly which we haven’t spoke about at all on this channel people were asking in live streams but I never really got around to it because I don’t think there

Was enough kind of uh you know proofing the pudding for it or anything but Fabio Silva who was linked with Scottish clubs he’s on his way to Rangers by the looks of it apparently Celtic were interested I must admit going off his record in his

Career so far I um I’m not too first I don’t think we’re missing out on much but listen young guy might go to Rangers might do well see how that goes um but he’s not coming to Celtic in case anybody’s been waiting for anything on that that’s looking like that’ll be

Announced at Rangers in the next few days um but it was there was a lot of talk about Scottish clubs looking at them and of course at the level that both Celtic and Rangers operate it was hardly going to be Livingston or M or anybody else in for him so doesn’t look

As all that’s happening for Celtic but there is talk that Celtic’s first signing could be on its way I just refer to him as its rather than him that was strange young ho yo is the next Celtic player by the looks of it it’s getting uh by the looks of it

Evidently closer and more realistic U that he’s going to be a Celtic player currently playing for guangju in the Korean K League it’s another South Korean star at celtica looking to sign he’s commented on a move to Europe this is what he said he said a move into

Europe is slowly getting closer during the last season Scouts from some European clubs including Celtic came to see me play in p so his name dropped Celtic um and apparently a moov to Europe is getting close and it looks as though it is us so it could be our first

Signing of the January transfer window listen I’ve not done my deep dive yet I’ve only had this name Fen around for the past kind of 24 to 48 hours I don’t know a hell of a lot bit and what I will say is I can already hear the groins and

The size of the comment section because we’ve we’ve seen how these sort of transfers have panned out for us in recent times Quan uh being one of the standouts yang being one of the standouts a lot of people getting sick and tired of these kind of bargain signings from the Far

East um unless I’ve not established an opinion of the boy yet I believe he’s a midfielder um hopefully comes in to to do something for us if if he is signing um defensive midfielder more than attacking I need to do the Deep dive as I said but it looks like something

Somebody that Celtic got to pick up reasonably cheap just as long as Brandon Rogers goes out and follows this with these four quality signings that we’ve had of three or four quality signings I don’t mind and but it is a bit baffling when you think about how the last few

Have panned out but we’ll get into all of that when we when we see if there’s more to it I mean who knows maybe this European Club he’s talking about isn’t even Celtic just seems to be the the talk in the the papers and all the rest

Of it Celtic are the club that he’s referring to of course he name dropped us as well so um yeah there you go keep an eye out on that note talking about the South Korean players at Celtic Football Club it was announced morning that both o and yang have been called up

For South Korea in the Asia cup which obviously kicks off at the start of 2024 which means we’re already two players down uh we could potentially be another three players down if maida hatti and kyogo are all picked for the Japanese national team um bit of a problem Celtic

Need to get signning fast so we know we’re going to be without Owen Yang which means we’re a striker down we’re a Winger down um and then all the other players of course very very key to what we do moving up the park and attacking segments of

Um yeah we need to we need to think we need to think fast a bit of a headache for Brandon Rogers coming this January depending who gets picked for Japan right that does it for today then uh kind of fast try to get through everything in a decent amount of time so

You don’t get bold of my voice so let me know all your thoughts in the comments below um hi like And subscribe I’ll be back tomorrow as we preview that dby see you next time


  1. Rangers will play the long ball and if we defend the long ball we can catch them out on the counter attack, let's hope kyogo is on form

  2. Yes Ryan, another Kwon, (a second division player!), Now this guy, who as I understand it, has only played one season in the Korean top flight!! This smacks of a fill in signing whilst Kyogo and the rest are away, if this is so, it is completely unacceptable!!! This not what is required! What is required, is a proven top class goal scorer, not for the short term, but the long term, and for Europe also!! Its all well and good, trying to exploit a new market like South Korea, and finding gems like Bayern's Kim and Spurs Son, but don't buy from there if, its only second raters, you are bringing in, and that's what Celtic have done. All of whom, will never be good enough for Celtic in the long term. If signing such dross continues through the January transfer window and the August one, then Daddy should be having a word with his boy, at best, if not advising him, and his recruitment team that they should find alternative employment!!

  3. Why don't we get van veen on a 6 month loan 🤝, we need a goal poacher. These Asian signings are pointless especially if they are at the Asian cup and world cups we lose half a dozen players when we need everyone here.

  4. Sick of all these asian signings now really hope I am wrong probably another yang or oh pure waste time be better off with no one

  5. Hey Ryan would you take iniesta for a season dunno why we don’t go for him he’s still an amazing footballer could get him cheap still think he can do something for us deffo still has a few years in him he’s the exsperiance we need

  6. reo Hatate in middle palma , Abada , on the wings 🪽
    Huns got nay chance in hell if they win it’s a absolute f disgrace but
    Am confident we will won 🍀🇮🇪🍀💚🇮🇪💚🍀💚🇮🇪

  7. I love Koreans and their language. But isn't it weird to stack them when Rodgers hasn't even given Kwon a chance? We have 8 first squad midfielders at the moment.

  8. Hi I hope that this young man is a midfielder I have read a wee bit about him and it all looks a as if he is a very good player we must give this young man a chance regardless of his age if you are good enough than you are old enough there has been through the years young players in the first team so just give time to settle but we must buy others especially if we are losing our front 2 in Jan we really do need players so Celtic board give the cash and buy wisely so players just slip in and score goals the guy that dirty dozen have got good because in his last 10 games 1 goal in the few years he has been with wolves not doing much sent away on loans again never did much so no worries.

  9. I'm sure Abada will be looking forward to seeing all those Palestinian flags,can only bring out the best in him.

  10. What the hell is going on at celtic ,have we signed a treaty or something with south korea ,that we must only sign their lower league players ? Sorry but there are better than that in the SPL . Im getting fed up with this and it shows rodgers still isnt picking the signings. Smacks of desperation that we are talking about hatate and abada being anywherenear saturday. They are no way match fi or even part match fit.

  11. Keep signing these chinamen and Koreans. The girning when the SFA won’t postpone matches during the Asian club will be hilarious.

  12. seriously we need to move away from the Asian market. it just another place for Lawwell to sign cheap players

  13. Get yer bald up front you lot we wil win the game minus 1 ffs back the team ::hh joe. Coatbridge. Little. Ireland ::🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪🇨🇮😎

  14. I'm a bit worried about Celtic playing out from the back…I wish Joe would just kick the ball upfield and put the Rangers defence under pressure.

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