Golf Players

Coaches Show Week 7 – Special Guests Anthony Vitale and Marcello Margott

In the latest episode of The Coaches Show on Major League Paintball’s YouTube channel, host’s Ryan Gray (Head Coach of AC Diesel) and Mike Bianca (Head Coach of New Orleans Hurricanes) sit down with Anthony Vitale of BKI and Marcello Margott of San Diego Dynasty. The coaches discuss the upcoming Paintball Combine and what to expect from the event. Marcello Margott also shares his insights on the growth of his coaching career over the past several seasons.

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You know what that is discipline selfish no joke we’re legitimate [ __ ] do this do it do it 100% cuz I’m trying to we recognize that we are Limitless Got To Be A Champion become a champion right winning is a habit because we create habits that lead to good execution and success welcome to the coaches Show episode seven we hope you had a safe and joyful holiday uh we have an awesome show lined up for you today uh from San

Diego Dynasty co-host of play the game podcast coach of divisional teams New York Wrecking Crew the Las Vegas Misfits or golden Misfits if I recall Team USA 9 man that’s a mouthful man Marcelo Margot okay also on the show Anthony Vitali will join us as well to talk about bki the paintball

Combine and Team USA Paintball let’s get into it man I feel like uh there could have been about 15 other tags as we’re introducing Marcelo right like most recent uh World Cup MVP uh four time world chant like I it just seems like his tags could go it’s like when Tiger

Woods steps it you know steps up to the first T box and they introduce him and everybody standing around like twilling their thumbs and like okay like get it over with right like we get it he’s the best so right so it’s you know we we when we started the show we really

Wanted to have like we wanted to highlight coaches right and we’ve kind of started with all these professional coaches and um SK brought up on his show talked about Marcelo and how kind of their relationship Dynamic had changed as Marcelo uh has been coaching some of these teams and you and I started

Talking about wouldn’t it be cool to have Marcelo come on kind of describe how that has changed him as a player where now he has a better understanding of what we do as a coach and how um kind of critical those you know 45 to 25 seconds are that we’re trying to make

Decisions so I’m really excited to get uh get into that with him um and also like his involvement with bki his involvement with the combine his involvement with tmusa it just all kind of melded together uh to get Anthony in to talk about it so really excited about today’s

Show let’s do it let’s get let’s go yeah before we jump in let’s bring Marcelo in we can kind of get his opinion on some of the the recent player moves oh that’s right that’s a great idea how’s it going fellas my my goodness how cool to sit in the green

Room and hear you guys say all those nice things about me usually people are saying the opposite kind of things you know so example some of the opposite like he’s not a champion too defensive too slow you know doesn’t leave the back Center all all the things all the things

That’s right who says that yeah who does say that I think in Chicago I saw you in the snake multiple times like yeah you’re I think you’re playing that role maybe maybe better than anybody else for sure so appreciate it appreciate I don’t know the hip shot on

The last guy I don’t know from a technique perspective I was like well I’ll give him a seven yeah you know the hip shot has actually been making a a huge uh Resurgence so I think there’s a lot of technique and validity to it actually so um I don’t know we’re gonna

See in 2024 maybe more people are gonna start doing the doing the hip shot let’s do all I know is I have now seen Jacob shooting out of like like above the tower I think you know he he is moving the gun any laying down behind back

Center at World Cup you know like prone I it was like the weirdest thing Jason Jason Edwards Jason yeah Jason yeah oh man yeah he uh he goes all out he fully sells out on but you know it’s a game of angles so why not right like we have

This idea of what perfect you know quote unquote perfect fundamental paintball should look like but once you do Master that and Jason’s obviously a master of that has been for many years totally it’s okay to kind of manipulate things to give yourself a little bit better of

An angle I mean I do it with off The Brak shooting all the time there’s things that you know I teach in my clinics and with the teams that I coach that I’m like this is absolutely how you do it over and over and then they pull

Up a frame of me and they go huh and I’m like well let me let me explain like the layout was a little different this way and so here’s why I did that not really supposed to do it that way well in this scenario you were you know and here’s

Why but it’s going to take you a long time to understand that so let’s do it the right way first and then learn how to or when to kind of and break those rules you knowability adaptability and creativity absolutely we certainly want to dig into

That stuff here in just a little bit um because I I do think what you just said is really important to talk about to make sure players understand like just because you see it on the pro field doesn’t mean you should try to do it totally yeah absolutely so before we

Jump into those things let’s talk really quickly about some of the player moves that have happened over the last few days so we have um and by the time the show airs it it will be a little bit old but still think your your perspective on this is really important so Zack gerer

Formerly of NRG announced his free agency today uh and we know um a lot of chaoses happened with NRG you know selling the spot to blast camp and then I keep hearing merge with the bears but I I keep also keep hearing there’s only two players

Going I thought okay okay so we don’t we don’t like to talk too much about conjecture like we but I everybody I ask is like I get different answers so it’s you know like even when you talk to Allen like I think Allen said three uh

But then when I talked to the Bears guys they said two oh so I’m like they’re still sorting out the details there’s still some confusion here so yeah there’s still some confusion here so um AC diesel uh picks up Cody macowski what do you think about that I mean I

Think it’s a huge move uh you know you have a lot of guys now though so I’m curious to see what you guys do with the roster but from a uh player perspective I think I think two things I think uh diesel could have kept the same team and

Done way better this next year um it was strange how many things didn’t go that team’s way it was it was strange you know it’s like the only way to put it guer I think guer is a a very smart and aggressive to and will you know I think

Whoever picks him up is gonna is gonna get a new element that uh you know if you need an aggressive smart too well there you go um what was the other one was it the was another energy announcement wasn’t there yeah Kyle Bowen has uh signed with Baltimore rabo okay

Signing some people now I do want to talk about Cody though so one of the things I saw when I watched all their film from last year was it looked like the edge guys um got in situations where they had to do things instead of were

Getting to do things and so from my perspective getting Cody gives them an opportunity that when they can and when they want now they can do those things a little more freely without having to worry about who’s going to be here to close totally absolutely

Yeah so and and that created a lot of penalties and you know some of those things you know you mentioned things just not going their way um you know I think sometimes they well a lot of times they kind of brought those things on themselves right by putting themselves

Down points and then you know trying to force things get a little selfish those kind of things so there was also if you don’t mind it was like Misfortune too you know when when Mike came in they had their best performance in Philly they’ lose a one-point game to heat who was

Playing fantastic who knows if they win that game they go on maybe they make it to the finals right and then JB gets hurt uh the next event so they’re down him in Chicago and they’re actually still looking really good Mouse is it’s a perfect snake form but then mouse gets

Hurt so it like it doesn’t really tell the true story of that team you know and people kind of look at it as this like Mega failure and it’s like things were like this close each time of being a completely different story and we talk about it on our team and I’m

Hypercritical of all of our wins I look back and I’m like yeah but we should have lost this event and we should have lost that event we shouldn’t have made the semi-finals in that one you know like there’s so many things that you can look back on and and these these games

Especially on Sunday are so close one or two things go a certain direction and it changes the entire story so sure you know if I was in your shoes looking at that I that’s what I would be expressing to my guys is hey we’re like actually

This close it’s not as bad as as it as it appeared and uh you know we’re we’re right there so let’s fix a few things and work on a few things here and have a much better year I mean that’s you basically just said what our very first team meeting is

Going to be yeah I mean that’s it’s not we don’t have to burn the boats totally I mean we’re right there AB it’s just a couple of small errors a couple little selfish things and and of course and you mentioned this in the beginning you know

We’re gonna have to make a couple of changes to the roster because we have a lot of bodies right right so um I do think that was another problem they had last year was there were just too many guys on the team like youve got to put

People in a position where they can get into some some Tempo and Rhythm and uh but then also not be worn out you know when you get deep on Sunday so it’s a weird balance as you know it is absolutely yeah so and the other thing you being Uber critical that’s why

You’re a champion yeah that’s why you’re that’s that whole that’s that whole learning thing that we were talking about last show yeah if you if you walk away from a win and you’re like okay we’re good moving on that’s not good you know if you don’t yeah if you

Don’t go back and critically break down everything that happened and still find the motivation that you need to still do the work you’re not going to be on top very long right I have this theory that I’ve said for a long time and I wholeheartedly believe in it until you

Get to a point to where you’re playing fivan xball you know the format we play until you get to the points where you could pull up off the gate as soon as the buzzer sounds and shoot five paintballs and shoot five people in a row every every Point there’s work to be

Done you know once you if you ever reach that point and you do it every time then all right cool hang it up you know it’s over but but uh until then there’s there’s room for improvement that’s right we use that on the canes we talk about it’s continuous Improvement yeah

It doesn’t matter as long as the needle is moving in the positive direction that’s where the needle needs to go if the needle is staying still we’re doing something wrong if the needle is moving in the opposite we’re doing something really wrong so we need to adjust it

Immediately so the fact that you are critical that you go back and you look at these opportunities that’s I think that’s what makes Champions I agree with with Ryan 100 per. so Kyle Bowen signs with Baltimore Rebo um I I don’t even know what the roster looks like at this point they’re

Making so many changes and it appears they’re just picking up tons of players yeah yeah that seems more like a depth piece than anything I don’t I don’t see him breaking into the starting five especially with the madting Frank back you know Frank’s a dynamite player so um

It’s probably more of a a practice piece and a depth depth piece which is is important um there is also and again not trying to throw r i we were hearing rumors all offseason that a couple of the guys were going to go to the Iron Man but I don’t think that that’s

Happening May maybe one of those moves like I don’t know maybe they thought it was gonna happen but I don’t see it happening um we we did get a confirmation that oh you did okay okay cool um yeah so it seems like a depth piece right which is is good you know

You want depth it’s great for practice um and it it keeps your your starters kind of motivated you know you have somebody that could take play time from you um but I don’t again just with the roster they have and you know how well they did at World Cup fourth place uh

You know you add Frank who can instantly be a starter I don’t know how much play time he’s gonna get but we’ll see I think Kyle had the best World Cup maybe of any of the snake guys I mean he played fantastic um you know I was going back

And watching film um you know I went back and watched every game that was played he played exceptionally well U maybe Danny Shau was a little you know more creative than him but he he had a very solid World Cup um but I do think that was an interesting snake yeah it

Was and I I I didn’t watch most of uh I didn’t go back and watch any of the games I watched every single game while we’re there but it’s hard for me to remember his performance other than I I do remember a few times seeing him do

Well on the snake side but to me it’s more circum circumstantial rather than like actually earning uh earning the kills if that makes sense you know like sometimes players just aren’t looking your way and you get into a good spot and you produce like you should right uh

You could drop the ball in those positions but um my question is is he the type of player that can consistently earn that like if his team’s down bodies is he making those good moves or is it because you know he ends up the play

Calls to where he goes to the snake on the break and the other team’s not in there with them you know and I’m asking because I don’t remember I don’t remember their games you know we were never in a position to play them so I wasn’t hypercritical of them um but yeah

You know that like that’s kind of what I look for when I’m looking at Players too is like a player could kind of go off on the snake side but you’re like well yeah I mean your two shot the runner off the break you made it on the break you you

Did what you’re supposed to you crawled down and then you had three backs you know like excellent you got three yeah you’re supposed to you know now it’s like when you both go to the snake insert bunker and you have to win a gunfight you have to communicate you

Have to put your mirror in and then also wrap and put the back Center in and beat your your opponent to the snake or they beat you to the snake you have to make a good counter you know like that’s the type of stuff that impresses me you know

And I’m just not so sure that I’ve that he’s done a lot of that that I’ve recognized but I could be wrong I’ll go back and watch too if you’re if you’re saying it was you think he was like the best snake player at cup that’s huge so

He was uh I think he had maybe the best all-around event yeah go back and watch some of the NRG matches there’s a couple times in five on fives uh he goes down and yeah does real work and did it did it it the right way where he didn’t he

Didn’t go right to that you know small cake and come up and try to shoot a bunch of people he played around in there got really creative went over yeah went over to the mini win and then came back to the to the cake like did it

Smart baited guys to shooting the wide came up in the next Spot Shot a couple people like he he did it well he did it well I was impressed yeah yeah maybe he will get some some starting time then we’ll see right uh gotta earn it gota earn it absolutely all right so

Let’s talk a little bit about um your coaching stuff so we’ll start kind of with uh the combine the combine and bki so how did you get involved with uh bki and the combine ah well Anthony and Lori have been amazing ambassadors of the sport for a long time I’ve heard about the

Combine for what feels like 15 20 years you know they used to always host it at their indoor field in Boston it was was kind of this fun event that some of the top Pros would do you know Ryan Greenspan Nikki Cuba uh you know it was

Like a a cool fun thing that uh I always heard about never gone to never participated in and I think the first time that I was invited to teach at one of the combines was maybe 2015 it was like when they were doing the Winter Classic thing and so it was done in

Florida um I believe that was the first time sorry if I got that wrong I know maybe he can come in and he he uh can correct it but uh it’s been a while now I’ve been working with them for seven eight years you know um and I just

Really love the mission I I love everything that uh they’re putting into the game you know it’s if we want to be a legitimate sport we need these types of platforms for players to be able to come showcase their skills their abilities and and prove themselves so to

Have a space that you can come and get graded and scored and have your information kept in an actual database in a place where you know if you come there’s professional players there there’s coaches you’re you’re able to get recognized right because we all know how difficult that can be in the sport

If you’re a kid from you know a small area in Wisconsin it can be really difficult no matter how good you are to to Showcase your skills to anybody unless you travel you know unless you have a platform or a space to go go and

Do that so from day one I was always a huge believer in in the mission of the combine and and the goals of what it was supposed to be um and so I think you know it’s the same with everybody all the pro players that are involved in the

Combine and obviously you know Anthony and Lori uh the mission is really valuable it’s really important it’s something we all care about so it’s been a great great thing to be a part of um we’ve been able to discover so many amazing players truly like players that all deserve opportunities on teams and

Many of them have gotten opportunities on on teams just was it 2006 I mean I think YouTube was around but there was definitely no Paintball content on there about you know how to how to snapshoot you know breaking down film and stuff like that so there is this massive database that

If you want you can log in you can sign up and you can download yourself with tremendous amounts of information that’s going to help you become a better player you know so just really all in on it I think it’s an amazing opportunity for people and I’m thankful to be part of it

Yeah I I uh have got to watch you kind of grow up in this I was coaching xfactor in in 2007 when you were playing on the Iron Man yeah and um I felt like the tank was bigger than your waste it certainly felt like that for me too

Yeah well with it’s a great segue Let’s uh let’s bring Anthony in awesome hey guys I just realized I missed memo on the hat but uh a that’s the Italian Christmas hat anyway so we’re good you know it’s the holiday yeah you gotta have this scall

Gotta have I’ve got a scall right behind that door behind me there you go Ryan left out I think as the only non- Italian non Italian yeah that’s okay I’m good it’s okay yeah I I’m uh I’m kind of used to being uh unliked it’s fine hey whoa unliked wait a

Minute so Anthony um how did the combine come about uh like I’m not the greatest at uh time frame but it was 20 plus years ago when uh we decided we were losing some players and in our local series and we wanted to put teams team captains together with players that were looking

To get on teams and we just emulated the NFL combine one year I think we had Greg Hastings come out the very first year that we did it in Boston and we had a lot of the New England hurricanes the pro seven Man team that were playing

Mpls at the time uh helping us as well and uh you know we had the little Pennies on their back back then and and they would uh go out there and run them through some drills and we’d have local captains out there with their pads of paper and just kind of looking at

Players and trying to pick them up and fill their team so the next year they could have a team to stay together or sometimes new teams were just forming from all those players getting together and networking okay did you say pen Pennies on their backs pennies yeah like a like

A penny like a penny like a penny uh is my accent but it’s a no no no no like but like like a coin right no they’d have like a number on their back like a like a Marathon run pinned number got it oh man all right I love you I was just

Trying to figure out what that was it’s a Boston thing must be Marcelo knew what I was talking about got it got it so now that you’ve you’ve got 20 years of experience doing the combine now like what is the goal so back then you you were trying to give players

Opportunity to get on teams to fill out rosters for your league so now what is the goal for the combine U Marcelo referred to it I think it in 20156 when we started to really look nationally for the combine and we started to really try to get players

Across the country involved as well as coaches and Scouts from across the country to actually look at some of these players that wanted to get recognized on a national level and I I think we’ve done that pretty well and then in 2019 when Team USA kind of got

Brought to us um we we kind of integrated the Team USA program into the combine okay so the combine now that’s how you fill out the rosters for Team USA for U6 and u19 that’s how you get your invite to the actual Team USA tryy out the other three teams the women’s

The men’s and the Masters now are all being really just fulfilled through through uh professional leagues okay okay so while players and and um Marcelo kind of mentioned this as well like while the players are there trying out do other like coaches and other teams that aren’t necessarily

Participating in the combine do they come and watch we really try to work with the local field that’s hosting the event to try to have some divisional Scouts as divisional coaches there that you know could potentially be looking at some players as well definitely part of

What we intended for the combine to be yes that’s awesome so if a player shows up there like how many players do you normally have at at these you know larger Regional combines we have seven we max out at 72 when we had some of the big real big National Combines we maxed

At 120 and then the local combines we we try to be less more like 24 to to 40 it depending on how many fields you can run how many professors that are there that can actually run it efficiently I know Thomas Taylor for instance we he does

One locally where he just runs like 20 players because it’s only him doing it he’s been at a combine before he’s coming to the combine in Texas so he has some familiarity with running the drills correctly so we allow him to kind of like franchise and run a local one and

He runs out of his field at impact okay but the the major ones like the next one that you have is um in San Antonio at xfactor paintball correct and what’s the date February 3rd and 4th okay February 3D and 4th xfactor Paintball Park and who will be the

Professors there oh you’re definitely putting me on the spot this is we have a lot this year we have eight so we have our six bki professors as well as Thomas Taylor and Kyle Berry coming so Marcelo Ryan Tyler Nick Nick and Kyle wow where do people sign up paintball

Combine decom right now was um I think there’s less than 20 spots available you guys yeah I was gonna say Johnny on the spot that production quality [Laughter] [Applause] yo but uh yes paintball combine decom if the deadline to get your name in uh on the back of the jerseys is December 22nd

So the majority of the players are going to get their names on the back uh for sure so um December 22nd is that deadline please yeah paintball combine tocom and this we’re looking really good for Texas Texas obviously is a hot bed right now for pro teams for for players

So we’re really excited to go to Texas this year we’ve been on the west coast the last three years what if a professional coach showed up just to watch we expect that I think Ryan Bran’s gonna be there I know uh Grayson’s making a an appearance for the 10-y year

Anniversary of bki so yeah we got a lot going on I’ll be there Ryan will be there there we go I’m gonna come watch Mostly because I want to be able to um we we want to be able to do some things where that we can share with people here

On the show too about how to run an appropriate try out is that material that you have right now like on bki is there is there any material on there for team development coaching that kind of thing or is it mostly driven toward the player Rusty did a really good master

Class on coaching but I would love to have uh either one of you guys come on board and help uh bring some more knowledge and a different perspective for coaching we always say you know coaching’s like golf teaching a golf swing there’s lots of different ways to

Do it and uh and lri preaches this as well some people are visual Learners some people learn better by uh reading and some people like the X’s and O’s of it so if you can attack learning and teaching from several different angles that’s when you can really get efficient

At it as well as effective yeah agreed I I think any coach worth his salt learns how his players learn you know understands how his players learns as opposed to making them learn how he coaches so uh I think that’s important this is this is Fant fantastic this is incredible

Information so real quick I want to I want to shift to Marcelo what are your responsibilities with Team USA in un9 like coaching that aspect of it and how does Anthony and you work together on on making all that happen so Anthony has been fantastic throughout this entire

Process and actually has a really great knowledge of the game so it’s awesome to uh kind of pingpong ideas back and forth so it starts at the combine combine is where we first get a look at players that we want to invite to the try out and a lot of the conversations are

Between Anthony and myself of you know certain players that he might know a little more about that I I don’t outside of what I’ve just seen at the combine right and and same thing with me there might be players there that I know more

About and so uh we get to a point to where we decide you know we want to bring 25 kids to the triy out bring him to the triy out in Boston it’s a three-day full actually the triy out’s not three days that’s two days right

Aunt we’re doing two days this year two days two days uh where we uh get to structure a practice weekend um where I want to look for fundamentals are really easy to notice you can you can kind of point that out pretty quickly but how are players processing the game right uh

And then not only how are they process processing the game once they start giving them instruction how are they dealing with that are they able to you know deliver things that you know the concepts that we’re trying to go through or or like the intention of a game plan

Um so all of these kind of things get taken into account um and Anthony gives really good feedback but he’s really given me kind of full rein on it you know I think at the end of the day I probably have the the final say on on uh

What players actually make the team um and that’s an interesting thing about coaching too and and I talk about it all the time there there could be you know two right individuals both of you are right in your your Concepts or your game plan or what you want to do but if the

Team is split on who to follow then it doesn’t quite work you know you kind of need that one you need you need one person to take control right so I I’ve told D I’m like hey if I’m doing this then I I want control of like the

Players that are actually going to be on the team because those are the tools that I Envision using in in certain scenarios um and when I’m building a team I’m looking for I’m looking for everything right because I like to be really dynamic in our play calling so I

Need players that can be really versa to players that are smart intelligence is really important to me being able to talk to players about the game is a huge part of uh of my hey guys I’m so sorry I’m getting this like weird feedback I

Don’t know if you are too but it’s uh something as well yeah Anthony I think it might be on on your end yeah oh really yeah do do you have anything else kind of connected or it could be a case on the phone like where the speaker is it will

Make the thing vibrate a little bit yeah let’s see yeah that that that seems to much much better sorry a sometimes if there’s like sitting on table Yeah Yeah much much better much better um thank you but uh no so I’m I’m looking for pieces that are going to

Complement one another it’s not necessarily the 10 best players actually sometimes it’s like a player that might individually be better than another player just doesn’t quite fit into the team that I’m trying to build and that’s a a tough situation to be in sometimes you know it’s like well yeah you know

Maybe you’re a better player than you know the ninth player we picked but you just don’t fit into to what we’re building here right and and that’s I think every every team and every coach should really look at it that way because a team should be filled with

Players that complement one another you need players that can do different things not all the same thing you know uh you need you need players that that also have a good understanding of the game so uh you know in in like all the tryouts and and the practice I’m having

Conversations with all the kids and just trying to like get a feeling for how they view the game and how they understand the game uh effort is a really big thing that Anthony and I both look at and I think most importantly we address this at the start of the the

Whole tryy out is attitude um neither one of us are going to are going to deal with any sort of attitude on Team USA one it’s a tremendous honor to play for Team USA uh in my career there’s been a lot of you know amazing wins and my time

With Team USA as a competitor before coaching the kids is some of my greatest accomplishments in my opinion it’s uh some of the victories that I hold dearest to my heart like you go overseas and you compete in a foreign country where nobody is rooting for you you know

Everybody is rooting against you and it was always such a special experience being around the other top Pros uh in the league that when you’re in the US you’re like mortal enemies you know but when you’re over there it you there’s something that brings you together and it’s you’re you’re you’re fighting for

The honor of of the United States like it’s a tremendous honor and so we really Express that in the in the start of the camp and I don’t care how good you are if you if you have a bad attitude and you’re not a good teammate Anthony and I

Were like there’s no chance just you know on to the next you’re not going to be around um because at the end of the day it’s probably goingon to hurt the team actually you know and so it doesn’t matter how good you are if if you have a

Bad attitude and you’re not coachable uh you’re not going to help us win period yeah that’s just the way it is you know and there’s been so many amazing kids that have come through these triy outs and and uh this uh uh the combine that their attitudes are phenomenal you know

It’s amazing there are so many kids that are so interested and so uh willing to be coached you know and go through this process it it makes it really hard for us but that’s what we’re looking for you know and I I think that’s it’s the same

Thing in the Pro division you know again it’s like you you could be the best player and this is something when I was younger my attitude was not great you know I still struggle sometimes you know it’s like okay kind of calm down but attitude is so important it is such a

Crucial part of being uh a good player or a you know good teammate or winning you know the difference between winning and losing if you have a player that just consistently loses they’re cool but they they’re your best player you’re going to have to sit them you know

You’re like you you can’t be on the field right now because you’re you’re putting yourself above the team and above the the situation so we always address that make sure that’s never an issue luckily it hasn’t really been um and the process is brutal it’s tough because there’s so many kids that really

Deserve a spot you know you want to give it to them but we have we we’re taking 10 you know we’re taking 12 and there was 25 of you at the triy out and so there’s some hard phone calls that have to be made and um you know it’s a it’s a

Long grueling process but you know I think so far in the past last couple years we’ve we’ve made the right decisions and you know made some tough calls but the team has done pretty well yeah I I got to spend a little time with the guys this year and Drew and

They are really fantastic young men for sure absolutely so like number one they’re good humans right yes so I tell people all the time like hey I like you might be a pretty good player but if you’re a fantastic human we can probably help you with the rest yeah well you

Know it’s like that old saying how you do anything is how you do everything right y so with the New York wrecking crew and with the Misfits and definitely with Team USA that is a a massive and with Dynasty actually it’s a huge criteria to play on Dynasty is are are

You a good human like do we want to room with you are you somebody that that we’re gonna care about because I think that’s important you know if you’re somebody that goes about your everyday business in the right manner then I think you can become great at whatever

Whatever it is you set your mind to so that that is certainly a massive Criterion in all of the teams that I coach as well is like I’m not going to have some punk on the team I don’t care if you’re good I’m going to make another

Kid who has a better heart and is is a better teammate I’m going to make him way better than you you know and and you’re gonna get left in the dust period so that’s uh you know I love that you said that yeah you know good humans

That’s 100% it I think you can do a lot with that I’ve written seven blogs on the on the topic actually about tryouts and about being a good teammate and these different things that go into a good culture not just a good culture but a winning culture absolutely those are

Elements that have to be there and the number one of the when I used to teach clinics uh one of the things I would ask because these teams would be like hey we’re not doing well what do you think the thing the the issue is what’s the

One thing and I’m like well there’s no magic bullet but raise your hand and don’t throw any names out but raise your hand if if when someone’s on the field with you you don’t trust them and if anyone raises their hand I’m like there’s your problem and that hasn’t

Been squashed so a trust issue is Major so these are types of things to hear you say all this stuff is fantastic especially to hear you say this about Team USA which by the way huge fan if I can help Team USA in any way I would

Love to be involved in that somehow which brings us actually to an excellent question that that Ryan was actually talking to me about and I think we need to get this out there for Anthony how can the paintball community help USA Paintball I I would love for them to

Find it necessary to get their really good players like we just talked about it’s that full packaged player the the one that has a good attitude that’s coachable that has the talent to drive the passion and get them to a combine get them to a bki clinic in front of

Some of the professors so somebody can vote for them and and uh and we can get them noticed and get them to be part of the process I feel like the Team USA organization does have several advantages over a lot of the other countries um we have the greatest

Coaches we have you know the greatest player base for players and um we just need to get them you some people don’t know about the combine still you know they they’ll talk to me about Team USA two weeks before the event and they don’t understand that it’s it’s a it’s a

Full year process at a minimum we have some players that are trying out that Marcel and I are looking at and saying he’ll be ready next year and um and then that’s the process so for that particular play player it’s a minimum of a two-year process and um some of our

Players have been with us for four straight years and you know Wrecking Crew is formed really around trying to keep those young kids together playing together again shout out to Rob because he gave us a great platform to have those kids continually grow and allow Marcelo to work with them continuously

Throughout the year so we have an unbelievable core to always come back to you know un un fortunately that’s running out old but we still got another year baby so uh yeah and we have so many young kids though that like we said aun the last like year or two it’s like next

Year they’re going to be ready I can’t wait to see them this year because I know I have some of their parents they reach out and they express how much their their son has been working and how much they’ve been at their field I can’t

Wait to see it I just can’t wait because we’re like loaded with young excited talent and they’re good humans you know like I love I love these kids I I don’t know how El to say it I I truly do because they’re just so deserving of the opportunity right and there’s so many

Excited young paintball players right now that that’s why I think the Sport’s in a really healthy place like we didn’t have this when I was coming up you know uh you could argue we had more opportunity to turn pro because rosters were bigger you know and you play two 25

Minute halves you don’t have that now so it’s a little harder to to crack into the pro ranks but there’s like more opportunity than ever before with this kind of stuff which is just tremendous you know so how how early can a kid come into the combine and begin that process

To to get noticed and get into the program if you will so there’s several ways we we have the bki summer camp too that ends up being a great tool for us to kind of watch players develop that may be a little younger or a little less polished

Than we’d like to see them at the point where we could choose them for the team and we’ll they’ll matriculate through the the summer camp so you know Colton started at the summer camp when he was I think 12 years old um you we have people that have come through the summer camp

Um that help us give us those extra looks so between the combine the summer camps bki clinics the professors really get to know these players and it’s not one player it’s not 10 it’s not 20 there’s like a pool of 60 80 players that Marcelo and I are looking at over

The course of a year here and and then with they you know go through that process of I think there was 32 at the tryy out last year and we had to take 15 players so and there weren’t 32 slouchers there were 32 people that deserved invites so it gets tougher and

Tougher all year to H I’m sorry every year to choose the team and so could could a player who’s 10 come in and start they could certainly come to the combine I I have but that’s what I mean come in and start the process yes yes through the summer camps and through and

Through uh the combine 100% um you know I’m excited to see the little guy from Texas there that’s been you know winning some tournaments with his dad there they just won d4x ball once they won in Chicago I was right behind him in the

Pit and I went right up to him and I said all right I want to see you I’m coming to Texas in February I want to see you at the combine and he’s going to be at the combine you know and he’s he’s 12 years old and he’s out there playing

And contributing on a D4 xall team team and winning world cup so you know that’s that’s the start excuse me I’m no I have to do a shout out to to my young friend uh Master William Newberry oh will Will’s the man I love that kid what I’m glad to

Hear you say that because I get on to him all the time about being respectful and playing with his his brain right remember the mind is the weapon I’m always telling him that so yep he hard worker so Anthony before we before we let you go is there uh is

There any other way the community can help support Team USA you know absolutely I mean we try to create some cool little products there’s always a you there’s a donate button on the Team USA page so if you go to Team usap and you and you look

There um we would appreciate anything you can do if we do put out some product or even just sharing stuff that we do put out that all does help um but ultimately it does take a a village to get over there and to support the team and and

Again we’re we’re lucky to have Marcelo and you know Nikki came in coach last year as well and we’ll certainly be leaning on on Ryan and other players uh other coaches that are over there SK you know helped us out last year as well there was more pressure on the next team

That hasn’t won yet you know you can’t be the team that H you know drops the ball so right and then I felt really bad for the u6s who had to wait two or three days and then play on Sunday and not drop the ball and those guys were playing

D4x ball as well and they were literally played split deck playing d4x ball for the for the finals as well as playing for the USA Gold in the finals and we had to like say no we can’t do that so and then obviously the 9 played Semi-Pro

And won so there’s a lot of things going on over there and um hopefully everybody’s excited like we are to go back there and uh and repeat I think Mike and I if everything works out we’ll both be in Drew this year we’re going to do a coach Clinic um

A couple of days before the event maybe the day before the event so if everything works out we should both be there and we obviously we’ll do whatever we can to help support the team 100% very cool we’ll be in touch then for sure Anthony thank you so much we

Appreciate you uh giving up your time and uh do you want to give out socials anything you want to plug before you you jump off no I’m good I appreciate you guys bringing me on and this content that you guys are creating is amazing so please

Keep doing that um the last thing I’ll say is um well you know Marcelo is obviously an unbelievable player but I I actually think he’s a better Coach than he is a player so if uh if you can fathom that a little bit he he’s he’s really good for the program um he’s

Undefeated at summer camp and uh so Ryan doesn’t believe that he doesn’t believe that it’s five in a row he says he has to check the facts Ryan Greenspan so can you send him the the note the the proof you know he was like I was like bro you

Literally undefeated man I don’t know what you want from me you know like yeah we don’t you know he’s got to make up something he’s gotta make up something I bet your P I bet your pits are just so Merry Christmas guys thank you Anthony take care Anthony all right take care

Guys man that guy’s awesome he is oh Anthony’s one of the greatest yeah I’m so lucky to have uh uh become one of his friends honestly he’s become a great friend in the sport and he’s so good for paintball I people don’t realize how hard he works there’s times where we’re

Like an you’re taking on too much honestly you’re taking on too much you know uh love it but it’s he’s just it’s non-stop all day and he cares so much about about paintball you know and he’s trying to do so many different things to help paintball grow you know people

People hashtag grow paintball and and all that grow the sport but what are you actually doing he’s actually doing it you know he man out on the Forefront right yeah for sure well and he also like if we would have said all of the things that he’s actually involved in

Like in the introduction kind of like you out we could have yeah we like he has committed paintball he has Boston paintball he is the owner of the wxl heroins team yeah like people don’t know that he’s responsible for the Twister Milling yeah yeah he’s responsible for that he’s like largely responsible for

The W nxl even being a thing he’s largely responsible for the webcast on the semi-pro Premier field you know like I forgot to ask him some questions about the heroins we should have thought about that well really I was trying to narrow this to kind of the combine USA

Paintball um so this show will actually come out after December the 22nd so what we’ll do is we’ll cut that part out and make sure we get that out into the socials uh before December the 22nd so people can see that part know to go sign

Up beforehand so they can get their name on The Jersey um I think what you guys are doing with the combine and what I I got to experience of the young men um in Drew for USA Paintball it’s fantastic like that if we could extrapolate that

Out and get it into the regions where everybody was kind of involved at some level especially with that 16 16 U or U6 and u19 levels man we we’ll be in a different space in the next 10 years absolutely 100% the program is fantastic it really has shown an incredible that

It is growing the sport I mean it is the spear point of growing the sport and you need to tell William to up his communication and it’ll be even more dangerous oh I’ve been telling him that for years he uh he’s a little bit of a robot out there sometimes yeah that’s

True no but I you know that’s like one of the greatest things and it’s also you know I I I try to paint the picture at the first uh practice we have you know once we’ve selected the team and then we’re at the layout practice for Team

USA and painting the picture of what it’s going to be like being there in in France stands are packed people are chanting other countries you know national anthems and waving their flag and booing Team USA and it’s massive and you’re on the field and and how good that moment feels when you finally

Overcome and you win you beat the other team because that’s what we’re going to do how good that feels and and what type of moment that’s going to be for the rest of your life and then getting to watch all of those kids achieve it over

The last two years has been one of my greatest achievements in the sport of paintball for sure seeing their success and being you know having a small piece in that um because I know it’s something that they’ll remember for the rest of their lives just like I remember you

Know my first Team USA experience you know never forget it it’s crazy it was 2013 we’re in France right there in chanelli and uh Oliver didn’t show up and Tim on tressor rest his soul came up to me and was like you’re here I didn’t

Know you were going to be here uh we’re down a player do you want to play with us for team OS I’m like it would be an honor I would love to you know so I wasn’t like really selected it was kind of by default and uh we went through the

Tournament I ended up starting had some huge moments in the in the semi-finals and finals uh won a couple low body situations we won the tournament and that experience being with those guys and seeing how much some of the older veter veterans cared about that you know

Ryan Morehead those guys how much they cared about it and being part of it was like to this day I mean just one of the greatest experiences of my life you know it was it was so incredible such a unique thing to be able to do um you you

Really can’t explain it unless you’ve experienced it right but it’s a character building kind of moment so to see these kids go through that and you know the last two two finals that we’ve been in uh the year before last was like crazy an overtime finish against Norway

And like the stands were just erupting you know and and everything was like going against us you know just like I told them it would you know like the reing they like everything and and they’re like getting frustrated these are really cool common collected kids they’re getting like frustrated coming

In the pits I’m like okay you know Comal I we talked about this we knew it was going to be like this you know and then to see them overcome that and get the victory I’m like man that’s a that’s something that they’re going to tell

Their grandkids you know if if they have kids and stuff that but incredible you know it’s good to hear you say character building too because I think that’s I think that’s one of the strengths and the things that I love about watching the Team USA yeah whole thing just

Incredible to me people don’t understand when you talk about the stands we’re talking about European soccer fans who are chanting and cheering like European soccer it’s not like in America where there’s some clapping and CH like there are they’re screaming into a young man and and you know

Paintball comes with so many valuable life lessons uh tournaments winning and losing so many valuable life lessons the challenge of how good you can become if you do the right things and all of those things that that paintball can teach you oh man that’s a stuff that just makes me

So happy you know it’s a it’s the best part of our game yeah 100% love to see you so joyful that way yeah I totally agree totally agree I mean it’s it’s saved a lot of lives and helped people transition from really weird things into totally you know being successful humans

Just because of lessons they have learned here uh and it’s it’s important to struggle right and it’s important to fail and learn how to come back from that and you know make changes so this is a great transition kind of into talking about your coaching right and

How you you manage number one you have an incredibly busy schedule you know co-hosting the play the game podcast um which is done very well very professional thank you and then playing with San Diego Dynasty and then coaching two divisional teams helping with the combine helping with bki and coaching

Team USA so let’s kind of start with the the two divisional teams let’s start uh first with the Vegas Misfits okay and it’s Vegas golden Misfits missfit y a few of the old LTZ guys who came back and yeah I don’t you tell the story yeah

So uh Shawn Mo reached out to me uh right before the 2022 season and hadn’t heard from him in I don’t know 10 or so years I used to be very close with the LTZ guys I actually I played a couple seven-man tournaments with them back in

The day in the Pro Division and you know when I was a kid just turned Pro 16 years old Bobby veis and I would drive out to Vegas almost every other weekend and and play with those guys it would be a little bit of fun happening as well

They had a team house and we’d go out and do one-on ones and that’s where like a lot of my growth happened as as a young man so I was always really good friends with those guys um Sean was also involved with the aftermath camp for a

Few years you know he’s really close with Mike Henman so when he reached out he was you know saying that he got some of the guys back together and wanted to build a team to play the wcpp and asked if I would be interested in coaching it’s like absolutely are you kidding

This is a no-brainer I would love to what a what a tremendous you know opportunity this would be so much fun let’s do it and you know we talked about uh like what that’s going to look like and when Sean basically laid out you know what he’s willing to provide to

Build a team I was like I’m all in you know of course like you’re kind of giving me you know cart blanch I can do what we can we can build a team here all right let’s do it you know like practice as much as they want you know none none

Of it’s an issue so um we started carefully kind of selecting the pieces and you know he had a pretty good core already and a couple players already in mind in the Vegas area and uh yeah that’s that’s how it started so um I I’m just so so grateful that he decided to

Reach out to me of all people you know because it’s been one of the most fun experiences a great experience it’s it’s actually helped me learn a lot um it’s been a really fun program to work with we’ve had a lot of success which is obviously fun as well um yeah so that’s

Uh talk about that success like so you guys started in 2022 yep and what division division three okay so jumped right in division 3 xball in the wcpp which if anybody has played one of those it is incredibly competitive yeah absolutely I mean how many teams I don’t know how many teams

Uh 20 30 a at least 30 yeah there’s a there’s a good amount of teams um in division three you know like the the totality of the tournament I think Mike has like 75 teams maybe maybe even more at some of his events they’re big events

The WC are like yeah it is more yeah I mean his events are his events are are pretty you walk around you almost feel like you’re at like at nxl Chicago you know like they’re uh they’re they’re really good events um but they’re really competitive actually is like the biggest

Thing like even division three is you’ve got some of the best division three players and teams in in the nation my opinion um so you know we set we set the goal to you know first season together let’s uh let’s make a finals let’s make

A finals right um first event uh we made a finals we lost second event we made a finals and we won and from that moment on it was just kind of on you know the team won two of the four events that year and then uh bumped up to the

Premier Division which everybody talks about the Premier Division as they should as one of they almost equate it to semipro you would have p pb fit would come and compete and uh not win actually in in their division there’d be like four of the PB fit starters guesting

With like collision and they wouldn’t win right uh just to give an idea of how competitive it actually is and so we made the bump up and you know all we did was was pick up you know one player essentially uh we did end up picking up

Trent Nita at the final event but the two events we won before that we had only picked up one player in the off season which was one of the most tremendous pickups of all time his name is Alex Barker he was playing on another local Vegas team um the Brawlers huge

Shout out to the Brawlers but uh he wanted to have something that was a little more serious a little more dedicated a little more committed he he really liked the direction this team was going he’s a young kid he’s like 20 years old 21 now um and this kid I can’t

Say enough good things about him his work ethic you know when we show up practice when we go out there to practice we start it at 7: a.m. so it’s like you’re at the field at 6:30 uh geared up ready to play at 700 we’ get there at 6:30 he’s already there geared

Up you know every time every time like it was just so steady and so consistent if there was a team activity that we were going to do he was there if it was lunch he was there if it had to do with the team he’s gonna be there right and

Those are the type of players that you want like again going to lunch with a team doesn’t have any effect on your personal play maybe but it does actually it does like these things are so important to the to the team culture we talked about this earlier right so this

Is an important thing that I talk about with the owner and we have the same conversations on wrecking crew as well the culture is so important and this this kid so anyway he was a tremendous pickup uh phenomenal player phenomenal team Guy and um we make the bump up to

Premiere and everyone’s like well you guys are going to struggle and Mike’s like e you know you might make top four and that was my goal I was like hey let’s make some top fours let’s make it into the semifinals and hey if we’re in Striking Distance anything can happen

Right we’re going to we’re going to trade hard enough we’re going to be prepared we’re going to know more about the field than anybody else I guarantee that we’re going to have better plays you know we might get out class it’s okay let’s just let’s get to the top

Four and go from there and uh what happened honestly I don’t remember the first event what place we got maybe we got third or fourth didn’t make the final oh no I think we no didn’t make the finals I think I think you got fifth the first event and then you just died

Yeah yeah and then we just won the rest so we we I think we lost to oh that’s right we lost to regime they didn’t win the event so we lost to to uh this team regime which is some of the old school guys Prince Ryan podesta you know uh

Lost to them in a close match but then we won the remaining three events in a row which has never been been done there you know so was kind of kind of a crazy feat you know I was really proud of the guys they stepped up and the coolest

Thing about it was it wasn’t on the back of one player like throughout the season um each person on the team had a very critical moment where they just stepped up and made something huge happen and that was like exactly what we talked about at the the beginning of the season

I was like hey if we want to have a successful season if we want to if we want to win an event let’s isolate it down to one event if you want to win an event what’s it going to take you can’t have one player that’s going down the

Dorito side shooting three or four guys a game and that’s your highlight you’re not going to win the tournament you might get to the semifinals on that but eventually it’s G to get shut down right you can’t have one player that’s going down the snake side you it has to be

More than one there’s going to be multiple moments within the event where down bodies down points we have to win one of those points uh there’s going to be times where we’re up bodies and up points and we’re trying to protect a lead and there’s going to be times where

Somebody just has to make a spectacular play if we do those things we have a great chance of winning the tournament if we don’t we probably won’t we’ll probably get third fourth fifth something like that right we have enough talent to be in the in that that range

But the the specialty things we’re gonna have to have somebody do it I don’t care who it is somebody’s gonna have to have one of these moments and it has to be at the right time it can’t be a selfish time it’s such a you it’s such a right

Hard thing to to express to the team because then it’s like okay are you going out there every time trying to find the big move no you can’t be doing that you you have to play as a good teammate and you know just recognize when this is our opportunity so I spend

A lot of time with those guys with with both the teams talking about philosophy and how to play the game and going over film and situational paintball and uh you know in a normal point five on five here’s your best chances of winning if you’re wide and they’re not make sure

They don’t get wide continue to go down that side that’s your best chances of winning right uh if if we’re up two points and it’s a five on four you better not make a stupid move like don’t move you know we have we we have the body Advantage communicate with one

Another don’t give them a free kill you know and I set up in practices the way we run our practices there’s always a clock there’s a six- minute clock and we get right into those plus minus situations immediately and this was a game changer for both of our teams you

Know it’s a you know six minutes doesn’t anything negative about it right now you know uh I’m gonna give you a high five great move give you a little like nod like [ __ ] you know on here but no you’re good you’re good but uh you know it it is a unique

Thing but that’s uh I think the most important thing with with both the teams I’m so conf confident that both you know wreck and crew and the Misfits those players can almost player coach when I’m not there now because we’ve had so many com I I make sure that they truly

Understand situational paintball and how to break down a field and how to exploit another team you know and how to uh set up your game plans so they’re not necessarily you know it’s one thing to yeah cool like let’s attack over here shift guns and then attack over there

And you know that that’s great you know paintball art as a coach sure but really what I like to do when I’m setting up our plays is it almost doesn’t matter what the other team does if your play is good enough oh yeah there it is so like

If you if you set up your play that complement itself well enough it almost doesn’t matter what the other team does and that’s actually where you want to be is like okay if we’re going to really stretch out wide on this side let’s do something with that let’s not just run

Run to the snake and go to four other spots because if we lose that guy well now what we’re in four like kind of bad spots if we’re going to run to the snake let’s also Edge and then go to the corner so if we lose the snake guy at

Least we’re in the corner on a field that’s hard to get wide right and so now we’re four on five but we have the field advantage I’d rather I’d rather have a down body situation but the field advantage almost every single time you know especially on fields where wide

Like I If we’re four on five but we’re wide and the other team isn’t I feel great about that yeah you know so so you know it’s setting up uh like how we’re going to attack with re with you know reason behind it with intention you know I call defensive

Aggression and the concept behind it I actually borred it from some people all right I’m gonna nerd out for a minute on you Ryan and Marcelo bear with me I love it Kempo Kempo Karate and what happens is when I sit there and I do this this

Strike your body’s going to react a particular way or you’re going to try and defend it a particular away which leads me to the next strike so oh my God I love that you’re saying this so the the whole concept is defensive aggression I’m going to the snake why

But I’m also setting up this defensive maneuver where I’m protected and if my strike doesn’t land I’ve got another hit coming yeah so that’s the concept I love the way you put it into perspective I I love what you just said too uh because I’ve expressed it as as fighting and

Instead of having four limbs in a MMA fight you have five in paintballs you’re five players and and and you’re you’re attacking in certain pre you’re setting pressure points that’s right and with that you should be doing something else you know but if but if you don’t understand that concept then you’re just

Kind of running players just to run them and that’s when you see inexperienced pro teams they run out wide to the Dorito side and they lose that guy and now they’re like hosed they it’s like well our whole plan was to make it to the Dorito 2 you know and it’s like well

What now you know right uh and again I’m a I’m a huge fan and I I I fight my guys on this quite a bit but I’m just a huge fan of who cares what they’re doing I personally like picking up on individual Tendencies from the other team because I

Like to see if there’s certain I want to see a couple things like jrab if he loses Mouse on the break is he looking to fill quick to the corner or is he gonna stay there for a while and try to win down the other side right like

That’s valuable for me as a player as as a coach I like to look you know example we were playing against Joe Barrett Kyle [ __ ] team in the finals at wcpp and Joe Barrett was playing like out of his mind he’s playing so good uh shooting people on the break attacking

But he was out of the back Center every time the team would run wide on the Dorito side which was a hard side to run on his gun because they would double stack the back Center his gun would shift wide enough to where he was a

Little exposed but he was exposed to a bunker that nobody was playing and it was like it was up the middle of the field it was this Tower like uh I don’t know 10 feet away from the the center 50 right so I was like first point here’s

What we’re doing we’re going wide on the Dorito side we’re going right to that tower that nobody’s gone to and our Tower is gonna look inside and shoot Joe in the gun yeah like it’s you know easy easy easy kill right there and it worked

A huge one and a huge one we we lost our we lost our Wide guy on the Dorito side but we shot Joe and we won the point you know and so it’s like I’ll take those kind of things and you know I’ll take like okay if we’re playing against this

Team and they’re having a high success shooting the snake all right we’re going to avoid that a little bit you know like that’s the kind of stuff but I’m not a big fan of totally changing your play based around what the what you think the other team’s gonna do because they might

Not do it they might not do it you know like the The Joe thing was easy he did it every point he was he was going to be in the back Center that’s a that’s a bunker that you think is safe but it’s like if you watch a team and they open

Up you know their first three matches they go to the snake on the break well we we see you on Sunday in the semi-finals I don’t feel good about changing our whole play to shoot for the snake you know like I I don’t feel great about that you know unless we’re doing

Other stuff that also complement it you know so I’m like they might not do that so now it’s like you’re you’re kind of playing into their game I would rather be the one leading the charge there with the play calling and if you set your play up deep enough you know and there’s

Enough components to it to where it complement one another then you’re in the driver’s seat you know and that’s the whole thing as a coach like I I’ve heard you both talk about it on the show again we talked about it backstage but I love what you guys are doing here

Excellent job one giving me a great opportunity to learn from some of the best Minds in the game so thank you guys um but you guys have certainly talked about it like there’s a moment in coaching where uh you feel that you’re in the driver’s seat and you’re no

Longer chasing and they’re chasing you you know oh yeah that’s where you want to be that’s where you want to live like when you’re in that in that space things are things are going well feels good we talk a lot about that and I think we

Talked about it with Joey um you know we want to create tempo right so I don’t I’m not I’m not trying to create my game plan based around what I think you’re going to do as much as I want you to have to think about what I’m going to do

Totally right I want to create the tempo in a way that I can put you in a position where you’re trying to figure out what’s next yeah absolutely right where I can be two three plays ahead and we’re good yeah I don’t think you me personally I don’t think you take it I

Certainly want to impose my will right I want I want our teams to impose our will on the opponent right but I am taking into account there is statistical aspects where I’m like well there’s a 70% chance they’re going to do this and if they do they’re effed right because

Because to your point we’ve covered the bases it doesn’t matter if they went big on the snake we’ve covered the base we’ve got that cover doesn’t matter if they did and they pushed this doesn’t matter we’ve got that covered right because jobs shift with a simple audible

Um one and for coaches out there and I’m sure Marcelo could talk about this for hours one of the most basic principles what you were talking about was it doesn’t matter if you threw this big punch if it doesn’t land now you’re you’re screwed too many people don’t

Build off that chaos and they don’t understand how to build off the chaos they certainly don’t know how to coach players how to build off a chaos and I think that’s something that’s missing in the divisionals totally yeah it’s like if I’m gonna real quick like like a just a

Quick example I’m gonna go snake on the break say it’s a a snake side that’s like you know really hard to make it out on and it’s one of those snakes where if you lose your Wide guy like you’re kind of hosed okay we’re going to set we’re

Going to risk it we’re going all the way to the snake but we’re going to go to the center 50 where people don’t expect to where if we lose our snake guy the other team’s gonna feel so good that they have an advantage snake side and

Our Center 50 guy is just waiting you know to pick up those fills I mean it’s like you know just a easy kind of uh scenario off the top of my head right but that’s the type of like that’s the type of uh play calling and and and

Awareness you need to have as a coach is not just well let’s go to the snake because we want to be in the snake no do something with that do something with that have a contingency plan if you lose them are you in a good spot still like because

There’s a good chance you lose that player uh if he makes it what what how can you capitalize off that you know what’s your secondary moves for your guys these are the types of questions that coaches need to be asking themselves IND divisional you know uh unless you’re playing Semi-Pro and

Playing against the Misfits are Wrecking Crew then just throw it all at the window or in the Pro division yeah there were two two things I want to touch on that you said really quick because I think it’s really important one was you were talking about when

Players need to turn it on and off you were talking about the player kind of running through the middle of the field like when it’s not really time to do that right um and I see players even you know even all the way through the pros really with the exception of maybe the

Top four or five teams right where players struggle with when it’s time to turn it on and off right so like if to to biggy back off what you just said like if the guy goes to the snake which gun through the middle or from the other

Side do we pull and now what right so the second part is that if this then that if we make the snake now what right which gun are we gonna be able to pull or maybe we shove that guy on the Dorito side out to the edge of the spot and

Then can we get to the corner to shoot him right so if this then that and so certainly in the divisionals you see and I think we’ve talked about this on every show a lot of guys are you know hey we’re going to go here we’re going to go

Here we’re going to go here and we’re going to go here uh and I want you to shoot these ways okay good luck guys right and then they run out they go play and then one guy dies and you can see that they all go oh we don’t know what

To do now right like we don’t know what to do right so it’s it’s it’s that understanding in that in the play Call of the if this then that if we make it now right if we make it now what if we don’t now what right so either way and

On all the spots if this guy who was going here who had a job like the guy going up the middle of the field who’s waiting on that snake shot if we lose him now what what happens now now who takes it over is it the back Center

Guy’s gonna gun gonna shift and what job was he on if he was on one exactly so you’re you’re really kind of giving away a one1 here which is fantastic for sure yeah um so you know it’s real quick it’s so funny because we um obviously hosting

Ptg uh first of all I think actually that platform has made me a much better player just talking about paintball week in and week out but it’s so funny while have guest on and like well I don’t want to like give things away and I’m like we

Give it away every week and at look it’s it’s one thing to give it away it’s a whole another thing for people to actually execute it it still takes a tremendous amount of experience and time like practicing it to execute it you know so like I I’m always like I’m happy

To talk about all of it you know I I don’t hold much back there’s maybe a few few things that I I keep you know under the belt but uh like it’s not that easy just to just because you hear it doesn’t mean you could execute it and I would

Actually rather especially at this point I would rather all divisional players and teams find some success and have you know be excited about playing it because they get some valuable information you know to me that’s more meaningful at this point so it is what it is Mike and

I Mike and I talked about after the first show with SK he he he made Mike mention he was like man I didn’t really think he would give away that much and I’m like Mike SK is one he’s he understands that if if we give this information away and everybody below

Gets better you know what we have to do get better we to get better yeah right we have to continue to learn and be students and continue to develop our craft so that we can stay ahead totally it’s it’s like the greatest motivator ever absolutely and I actually had this

Conversation today with Joe Barrett we were talking about how the shift there’s a shift now where people like Ryan myself Marcelo SK all these people are are coming out we we’re sharing all this and you’re seeing that shift that what I would call a generational shift actually

Yeah and you’re seeing it because it’s G to make everybody better it’s gonna make it’s gonna push us to be better because you know a tide lifts All Ships so I think it makes a lot of sense that you’re starting to see a little bit more

Openness about all of this because UL if we want to legitimize a sport grow the sport well then listen you know paintball I mean paintball has been around for what uh 50 years if that um you know baseball’s been around for how long 12 you so the techniques all that

Stuff’s out there and it’s just something that we really need to understand that I uh real quick to to interject there I think it’s really funny uh you know we talk about being in the driver seat as a coach right being in the driver seat Well it almost plays

Into that if you’re sharing the information and people are catching up then they’re trying to do what you’re talking about now you have the opportunity if you’re smart enough to be a step ahead so it’s like teams that I coach are like well we don’t we have

This team that we could practice it’s the best team we could practice but we might play them at the tournament who cares that we’re the smarter team we’re the smarter team so practicing them should be our advantage you know like whatever we that should be our advantage

Not theirs let them come and get in the kitchen and think they know what they think they no you know like if we’re the smarter team that’s our advantage and they’re like oh is it I’m like 100% it is yeah like 100% you know it’s not a

Problem you know like you’re in the driver’s seat be in the driver’s seat so you mentioned with golden Misfits that they’re going to so they’re going to play semipro next year and they’re going to play the whole nxl season and then you also said Wrecking Crew is also

Going to play semi so how’s that going to work for you well luckily I don’t coach either one of them at the actual events right I help them prepare um and I coach how does that work yeah so so here so here’s the thing I coached Misfits in tournaments outside of the

Nxl and I coached wreck and crew in tournaments outside of the nxl until they phased out of that they were never on a path to Aline in Semi-Pro at the same year there was different plans with the owners and all that and then it just lined up this way I’m like well this

This uh this is a tough predicament but at the same time I’m like look guys it is what it is I I hope neither one of you make me stop coaching the other team and I hope you would trust in me that I have the Integrity that I would never

Like give secrets of this Camp to that camp or the other or give one camp like an inside scoop of how to beat the other Camp to me I think it’s amazing I would love I this season my plan is to work with both of them and I want both of

Them I hope both of them win I know they both can’t but if they’re both in the finals all year long and battling it out and one of them win I mean hey that’s a tremendous victory for me you know and and and what’s cool is what’s cool is

They’re on board with it you know and I I actually really four experienced Pro expr players you know it’s been a long time the game’s changed tremendously right and yeah you know a couple of them get meaningful playtime um and a couple don’t because it’s kind of phased out a little bit

They’re still like a crucial part of the team they they’ve had this guy weit on the team he doesn’t get a lot of play time but it’s like insane how last year there would be so many matches where things aren’t going our way and our good players aren’t playing well and we’re

Down points and I’m like wait hey I need you cuz he’s like big team you’re in and he I mean he he’ll make a move that is like how did you do that it’s like a two on four and he goes from the center 50 into the snake bunkers a guy shoots

Three in like seriously crazy stuff and then everyone’s like yeah wait you know and then he goes out the next point and and doesn’t have a successful point right he’s like trying to chase that so okay but he’s good for like that SP you know and and that’s a valuable person to

Have on your team maybe he’s not an every Point guy but he’s like he’s a piece that’s a spark plug um anyway my point is with those guys they’re you know a little more experienced and I coach them differently than I coach The Wrecking Crew guys because it’s mostly

Kids you know it’s a bunch of young kids that don’t have the experience and are really finding their way in the game um and so I I do coach both teams pretty differently you know and so it’s uh it’s interesting and and seeing how they’re going to collide this year I mean I

Think they’re the two best teams in the division I truly do they’re they’re definitely the most prepared they’re going to be the most prepared um and you know they practice each other uh at events this last season and it was so funny I’d be there watching and you know

I’m like I not really rooting for either team it’s just like fun to watch it was like so cool to see you know I’m like it’s uh you know I don’t know uh it’s a a unique situation for sure and uh yeah we’ll see we’ll see how it goes I think

It’s it’s going to make for a fantastic story especially now with blast Camp moving out right it creates a whole new story line in semi right which I’m I we’ve had some really good stories the last few years right with especially I got to be a part of one which was cool

You know Mike you know coming in you know the year before and doing it the way they did just being incredibly consistent and that was just an incredible group of Semi-Pro teams and then you know Austin notorious comes in in 2022 and and steals away kind of the

Spot nobody even thought we were in the running right to be honest I didn’t I didn’t think we you know even if we won the tournament we’re gonna win by one point you know like I I done the math and I was like no I think we’re out by

Two right so obviously I’m not good at math so so and then last year in the way that um paintball fit wins it right uh you know winning each one of the events kind of stole away from the excitement a little bit I think of the story especially after the fourth event that

They wanted it was like all right it’s kind of theirs to lose you know what I mean now we have a because I think if blast Camp would have stayed everybody’s betting on blast Camp right now you have this well sure right like you you know

These two teams coming in and and um understand what they can do but I think it makes now for such a more a much more compelling story right we get new we get new characters yeah yeah and leverage I think leverage reforming is actually huge news with Chris Caputo coming back

Ivan Gonzalez uh they’re going to be really good leverage is a good team they’re a good solid team and bringing those two back on board after a year of pro experience like the the semi-pro division is going to be very competitive for sure no doubt yeah it’s exciting

Yeah I agree so how does how has you now coaching these teams for a couple of season how’s that changed your relationship with SK that’s a great question that’s a great maybe uh he’s starting to listen to me a little bit more because he sees results I didn’t see it going that way

Okay back up I didn’t either I thought that was going to be different I I I love SK I really do he he is um so I’ve i’ I’m lucky I’ve had some of the greatest coaches of all time you know growing up I had Mike Henman I have

Shane pastana right uh I got to play for Todd Martinez you know I played for Max Pensky I don’t know I can’t pronounce his last name he’s like the famous coach for Russian Legion um and Rusty glaze during his run with Dynasty uh and now SK who is obviously one of the best

Coaches of all time right now the accolades speak for themselves so I’m really lucky because they they’re also also different so I’ve learned so many different things from all these different coaches I’ve just been able to take pieces that I that I like and that’s actually uh what has formed my

Coaching career right and also my playing career um but with SK you know he’s very analytical he he is so into the data um and that stuff is really really important and that’s not something that I’ve ever been you know Shane pastana is the total opposite I don’t think Shane pastana has ever

Scouted a match in his in his life he watches and he’s like he’s like we could win on the snake side because he just knows it you know he’s like this is where we win but you’re like where’s the data for that right what do you mean

It’s up here you know that’s what I feel yeah yeah I think it’s in here not up here it’s in here it is it is in here and he also he knows how to get the best out of his players he he knows how to go to each individual person and he has

These relationships with them that is like he knows how to make you want to play for him and the team and give your absolute best and that to me I think is the most valuable thing from coaching so I’ve I’ve really tried to kind of take

That and and and apply that in my coaching and that’s something that skinny Kevin I don’t know that I’ve met a coach that is more thoughtful in his relationship building than skinny Kevin you know and it’s Skinny’s an awkward guy right he’s he’s funny he’s kind of

Awkward you know but he is so thoughtful and he cares so much and the calls and the messages and the things like during the week that he tries to do to connect with each person kind of in their own way you know like he knows I like basketball he knows I like watching

Sports so he’ll keep up with me about sports you know and we connect in that way so he builds these relationships that have nothing to do with paintball with the the player which is is huge um and I think coaching has has it’s done

Two things one like yeah I mean I get it it’s difficult to coach a group of of players I can’t imagine what it would be like to coach Dynasty you know where you have players that all feel like they know uh the right things to do and and

You know how to do them and what needs to be done and when things aren’t working it’s you know here’s why and it’s always easy in hindsight so I can’t imagine that um but uh yeah I don’t know I I’m going to stand by what I originally said I think I think it’s

Affected our relationship the most because he has a little more trust in me he’s like okay something you’re doing is working so I trust you a little bit more now and we have great conversations you know he includes me in a lot of the uh you know uh game planning and and you

Know when we have our team meetings I’ll often meet with skinny a little bit before when practices and and we’ll talk about what you know I think is is working and uh what we should be doing and um you know that was that took a

Long time to earn and I get it again you know who who am I you know to him he’s he’s skinny Kevin he’s he’s one of the greatest coaches of all time and we have a team full of people that are just loaded with information you know like I

Mean it’s crazy to to think of the amount of years of experience on our team you know Alex Yosh and Ryan alone it’s like it’s unbelievable what they’ve done in the game so again I can’t imagine really being in Skinny’s shoes and he makes the tough decisions and and

Puts his foot down when it’s you know time to really like say nope this is what we’re doing you have me and fighting about something and he’s like nope you’re both wrong and we’re doing this all right we’re doing that you know and it’s like uh I don’t know that many personalities

Or coaches could step into that role and do that I really don’t it’s a like that that takes a certain you know it takes a certain type of of Medal and confidence you know because if you’re wrong if you’re wrong you’re you’re you know you’re getting blasted on Sports Center

You know like it’s that type of type of situation you know right yeah so yeah it’s kind of been a joke several of the coaches we’ve talked to we we uh offline we’ve kind of talked about you know what happens if SK ever leaves who’s gonna take that job and everybody’s like I

Don’t know it’s not me it’s not me I mean I was like I don’t want it yeah yeah and SK was also you know he was a great player in his own right you know back when he played SK was fantastic you know it was always a

Little funny because he would carry 13 pods and I think SK weighed you know 105 pounds back then and you know his pack was like literally wrapped around the edges of his back like where his elbows would sit on his pack yeah and so he

Could rest his elbow down on the top of his pod and shoot his gun like you think I’m kidding I’m not like it literally like he had so many pods in around his his sides really is what it was they weren’t even on his back anymore he

Would like rest his elbow and you know like it was awesome yeah I’ve I’ve also learned that every so often I have to make time to go have a beer with him and in doing that our relationship grows you know he likes to enjoy himself he’s gonna give every Wednesday night is

Trivia night uh you know up here in anonas he lives about 30 minutes from me so I’m like every so often I don’t like to leave my house when I’m home I’m like you know it’s it it was so I have my routine right I wake up go to the gym

Come home I eat go back to the gym at night come home watch sports do a podcast like that’s pretty much it see see some of my family that’s that’s my routine when I’m home and uh my girlfriend actually I’m so glad she came to World Cup because she she’s been an

Amazing supporter uh for as long as we’ve been dating we’ve been together three four years now and uh she watches every single event but she’s never actually been and so I come home from a tournament and I’m like exhausted I’m like all I want to do is is be here

Relax I want to be on the couch recover you know then I got to travel somewhere that weekend and teach and she’s like what do you mean like you’re just she came to World Cup and she realized it’s not the playing it’s all the the other stuff right you’re just so stimulated

The entire time uh and that’s how it is when we’re at clinics or coaching you know anything it’s just nonstop um and so Kevin is like it’s trivia night Wednesday night I’m like I really don’t want to but all right Kevin I’m coming tonight for you you know you’re gonna

Gonna go play some trivia um do you guys usually win the trivia uh the the the one time that I did go uh we would have we would have if we would have listened to me on the final answer I remember I remember giving him [ __ ]

For that for for quite a while because he fought me on it he was the one that fought me on it and I ended up being right I was wrong on like a lot of the other ones but it was like the final one

I was I was like I know it I know it it’s funny that’s too funny you didn’t give him the faith have faith yeah yeah but see that that was part of of growing that was again so maybe some trust was earned there you know some trust was

Earned there yeah um no but I I I think the answer you were looking for and there’s definitely truth to that too is coaching uh also just gives you that perspective of how hard it is you know um you could you could have the right play and if the players don’t execute or

When players come in and they they give me a little bit of attitude or or they’re rough on me it makes my job really difficult you know um and I and that has certainly brought a different perspective because I used to I used to have a bad attitude I’m just hyper

Competitive I’ve always been I hate losing you know and I I put in a lot of work always have like so I feel like when we lose like why are you not as mad as me why like did you guys not sacrifice as much I don’t know what it

Is and so I would lose my temper a lot you know and I think coaching is definitely had I’ve been tamed from it right because I see players come in with that same so it’s funny because on one end I have so much sympathy for them and

I can relate to them and so I can find ways to make them not do that anymore but then to me I it makes me reflect and go okay so this is how skinny feels when I come in and act like that I need to

Not do that so when I come in I need to find a more constructive way to give him information that will help him do his job better you know so that we could work together so um I I know that was the answer you guys again I listen to

Every show so I I I know that uh you know I know but I thought your your answer was great because I think that’s true too right like if if one of if one of my players you know is I know is coaching another group and finding success doing

That I am probably going to be more apt to to share to allow their opinion to to be a bigger part of the plan right because they have a more I do think every player at some level should coach at some point agre because it does give

You a better process it helps you to better understand the field it helps you to better break things down and certainly makes you a better player yeah because once you go ahead yeah yeah sorry Ryan but you you know where it started for me and we have been huge

Advocates of it on ptg for a long time is uh playing over sees with other teams right I started doing that in 2012 going to Australia two or three times a year going to Europe and you’re a Hired Gun over there so you’re a player coach

Right you would go to these teams and you’re you’re not there just to play I’m there as a you know 18 19 20 year old kid where I’m you know to where like you you it’s all on your shoulders and you have to be responsible for the entirety of the game

Game plan you got to be responsible for making sure the paint is in a cooler you got to be all the things you know it’s going to help you grow so much so so so much you know playing in Asia playing in Europe playing in Australia th those

Years were were instrumental to to my growth as a player you know and my understanding of the game too you know because it’s not just about my role and what I’m supposed to do in my job it’s you really have to be responsible for

All of it you know and yeah so well you hit on you hit on two things that I think they’re important like when you’re talking about with Kevin skinny Kevin you know camaraderie doesn’t happen by accident right no you know he he makes that developing a strong sense of trust

And U accountability and togetherness around yeah team goals that requires intentional effort and and it does that’s important and so the fact that SK makes that effort and and it’s re reciprocated and received well that’s key uh you talk about people going out and and getting new experiences and

Understanding these different things and I think a lot of paintball players have a tendency to think that success is gained by the amount of time we spend doing something and and I disagree I think that’s certainly one aspect of it right you got to put the time in but I

Think it all boils down to it’s the quality of time you put in absolutely so it’s those elements that I think that you’ve hit on that I think make perfect sense and probably will resonate to a lot of our listeners and I hope they get it I hope they’re hearing I hope they’re

Listening so oh they better be this is one of the best shows out again I I I keep telling you guys I’m so excited that you guys are doing this because there’s there’s uh not many platforms that I get to go you know hosting our

Show I don’t ever go back and listen to our own shows I hate hearing my own voice I probably say a lot of dumb things on there too you know but I I get to I get to listen to this show and and it’s phenomenal so I again I hope you

Guys just uh stay consistent with it you know it’s great so you guys are listening subscribe to this and share it with all your friends and make sure this uh this channel can grow that’s another huge thing this is on the major league paintball YouTube um if we want outside

Sponsorship we need people we need the numbers on this platform to be you know big so please share it subscribe you know uh like all the episodes leave comments on the episodes it makes a huge difference really does do do leave comments because you know Ryan and I

Have a tendency to try and go back and if we see a good question or what we we’re gonna hop in there we’re gonna engage with you really you know good question talk to some people good a good question good question yeah sometimes there’s there’s things on

There that are like directed at ghost Sports and I’m like I I I don’t know I don’t have anything to do with ghost Sports you know that’s not me bro right like uh you want madd’s cell phone number yeah it is funny how I get messages too

All the time like those to they’re not connected you know like it’s funny yeah people have a little bit of an illusion of of the powers at be but yeah they think it’s all like in this one hemisphere right like we’re all involved in this

And we are to a sense but the reality is all of the powers that be for each thing are all different totally right yeah so it’s it’s entertaining but at the same time it does show how small our industry really is right people think like this

Whole thing is just just and it’s not but I will tell you too like I um I told you this in France like I I listen to really one show and it’s play the game right I even listened to your latest episode that had nothing to do with

Paintball it was really cool awesome oh that’s and started listening to their music actually really oh I love that because I was like well I mean the guy is pretty interesting so maybe the music’s good and so I went and listen to music and I was like all right it’s cool

I like it yeah that’s one of my best friends and he’s truly like just such an amazing human such a good person so it’s been a long time coming I’ve been wanting to get him on the show just cuz there so many parallels with watching his career and the things that he would

Sacrifice and do to like make any sort of money you know because they’re a smalltime band you know they’re finally getting to a an a place where touring brings them enough money to where they don’t have to do all these odd jobs you know but it’s still like it’s like Pro

Paintball it really is it’s like some players make you know just enough you know from playing and and most don’t um and you have to do other stuff to to you know chase this dream so it was cool to have them on and yeah they they have

Great music I like I’ll tell you one of the one of the best ones I’ve I’ve heard in a while was the one with Mike Jeffrey like I didn’t know a lot about him me neither he’s a he’s an incredibly interesting guy absolutely yeah you guys

Got to have him on this this show we are he was it’s funny like he was scheduled uh like a couple of weeks before that episode came out and I was like well I’m definitely going to listen to this and really attentively because he’s going to

Be on our show so now I have a little bit of background about him and um and yeah man really interesting very intelligent uh love to hear kind of you and his banter back and forth about you know telling stories and because I I totally agree with you I’ve been saying

That for a really long time like our format is fine everything we do is really good we just pres we package the product in a really stupid way right like if we would package it differently where you could insert characters into the storyline be and and

Like kind of like the best kids in Texas thing that Dan did you know where you watch this film about these men that just happen to have paintball in it right the story was about the team and it just had some paintball in it but I like even though obviously I’m biased

Because I’m in it but the reality is like I got sucked in to the characters right I got sucked into to hearing the stories and and um so I’m I totally am on board with with that that thought process like it just if we could find a way to follow

Like five Pro players for a whole season what they do go to their clinics follow them on the flights the early you know waking up at 5: in the morning stumbling down to the airport you know going cross country staying with the family that owns the field you know going to the

Field in the morning connecting with the the players teaching the players then flying to France Team USA like what people would be like what that is so cool and I did agree with Mike though that I think it would be really neat to have one of those and then somebody

Maybe in the middle and then somebody at the bottom right where they get kind of the full spectrum picture where it’s like you have this guy who’s a professional whatever like he sells insurance right and then he’s you know you get the whole picture right you get the people who

Have done the work for for like you for 20 plus years right who are now at a place where paintball is what they do right and then you get those bottom guys who maybe they’re five years into that Journey more people can relate to that sure yeah I totally agree thing we don’t

We’re not relating yeah that’s our problem correct we’re like hey watch this this thing watch how awesome exciting we are because we’re like hey look how exciting we are sense we’re not relating to the person who has no clue yeah do you guys like uh football love football yeah well college football I

Haven’t watched pro football forever okay all right why same format pretty much no college football I mean pro football not interesting to me anymore why same format pretty much right but that’s my point that’s my point you you are invested in the stories of the college players that’s

Exactly you like like I love watching NFL games but when the Pittsburgh Steelers played the Patriots it actually ended up being a good game yeah it actually ended up being a good game but I I didn’t care to orig watch you know I was like uh why but the format didn’t change it’s

Just the teams changed the stories changed the individuals changed so that’s that’s always been meaningful to me like I I used to I don’t watch basketball as much as I did just just don’t have as much time but I used to watch basketball religiously like every single Laker game every Warrior game but

If it was like the Hornets I like the Hornets now Lamela ball has been balling out so he’s kind of fun to watch even though didn’t think I was ever going to like him as an athlete he’s really good but you know back in the day the Hornets

Verse the Pistons I would turn it on and be like this is so boring why is it boring you’re watching the exact same game as the Lakers vers the Warriors it’s the same game it’s the same format but there characters different right there’s different players and different stories that we’ve been told and

Different characters that we’ve fallen in love with so to me it’s like so easy to say duh that’s the that’s what we’re Miss missing that’s what we need to be giving people we need people to we need to give people a reason to fall in love

With what we do it’s it’s not about all sports are kind of silly if you think about it kick a ball in a net put a ball you know shoot a ball in a in a hoop throw a a football pig skin they’re all silly but it’s it’s the the performances

It’s the athletes you know it’s the the personalities the rivalries it’s the kind of tribalism of like well the you know Rams are from Los Angeles so that’s my team you know like that’s that’s what it’s about so we got to tell those stories it’s my opinion I I’ll say on

Blue in the face I totally agree I’ve been saying that for a long time like we we have a great product we just don’t package it well totally we don’t put it in a we don’t put it like if they could in post instead of having the split deck

Thing that that’s what they share on YouTube right like right now they pull the the they they just show the same stuff that’s on ghost Sports pull it out separate the games create some characters and repackage it and put it out like that stop putting out these

Split debt games that some random person bumps into and they go what the hell is this totally it’s confus what is happening right yeah like there like I was just watching these two teams and now there’s two other teams going on and you know I I hear you know Tom sometimes

Talking about the buzzer thing which by the way I love the buzzer um I just think sometimes it can get a little bit uh fast but at the same time like I like the way the concession yeah oh I love the concession yeah if we just had look it’s 2023

Almost 2024 we have great technology when somebody concedes there should be a graphic that pops up that says that this team conceited that solves the problem of confusion but again easiest solution but if they would just pull it out and put the game that one game by the match

By itself right and there was somebody in post doing the commentary yeah doing the commentary that’s explaining what’s happening because then you have part of the story a little bit of the game part of the story a little bit of the game part of the story a little bit of the game and

The story that you’re being told are players from the teams that are playing totally agree right and so if we just pack it packaged it in a more EAS more easily consumable way I think it could be done but I I agree yeah well we’re an

Hour and 45 minutes and this thing there anything else you want to share with us before we jump off oh I mean I don’t know yeah if you guys don’t have any more uh any more questions or anything and I think we’re think we’re think we’re good you have answered every

Question that I had same it’s like you you were going I’m reading my questions and you moved into as and you just kept covering the questions I had I’m like okay let’s mark that one off nice yeah I know in the in the uh in the email you

Wanted wanted to go Team USA coaching Dynasty stuff kind of touched on Dynasty stuff but yeah I don’t know think we got it all gu well let’s touch on it real quick you guys making any changes since uh Michael’s gone um we have our eyes on like three prospects and if we don’t

Land them we’re totally okay I think uh you know at the end of the day losing Mikey is is a bummer I I don’t think it’s as detrimental as Joey made it out to be um I don’t either he a fantastic player and and it’ll actually probably

Hurt more in like two or three years but maybe by then he comes back to the team you know but uh it’s really hard right now on our team to break into the starting five on Sunday you know it’s really really difficult we still a really stacked really potent roster um

Mikey is depth chart significant yeah yeah so if if we can make a move cool if not I think we all feel feel pretty confident there is an issue with you know some of the guys having kids in around like March April so depending on when that happens we might be like some

Bodies at an event but um hey that gives that gives H you know because it’s it’s it’s Ryan Blake and Chris she that are all in that that position so it gives you know players like Arturo and Harry you know another chance you know if if there’s an event where you could play

Meaningful spins it’s huge so um yeah I don’t know there’s there’s only a few people that we have our eyes on and if we don’t land them then all good um and uh yeah I I think we’re we’re really confident with where we’re at so

When is the first time you guys will get together offseason yeah it’s a good question because usually it’s January but we haven’t put a date together yet and my calendar is like filling up with with coaching I’m like God I need to leave one of these weekends open should

Be January but we haven’t officially set anything yet everyone’s I don’t know it’s it’s getting harder and harder every offseason everyone’s like a little too relaxed relaxed they go dark yeah little too relaxed yeah yeah so we’ll see well congratulations again on your MVP thank you four in a row uh certainly

Deserved it we uh I think it was the SK show we kind of raved a little bit about how well uh you’re playing and it looked like you know after you guys lost that first event this year that that you did lose you kind of shifted like it your um

Not only did your body change some but yeah it looked like your focus was different yeah and it was really neat to watch you know because it was like you kind of flipped a switch a little bit like not that you weren’t doing the things before because we know we see it

On Instagram of you in the damn sauna every day taking pictures but what’s funny is you guys you guys you guys see like probably 25% of of the stuff that I do I like post like a little thing it’s part of the job got to get something out there but um

Yeah I did hear you guys kind of mention that too and it’s funny we had a dynasty Champions club meeting last night and and the guys were going around asking like favorite moment of the year and everyone was kind of talking about highlights of the year and for me uh one

Of my favorite moments of the year was losing in in Philly because it was that Sunday was my 33rd birthday which is a number very close to me uh it was my dad’s number it’s the reason that I wear 33 um and it was also father’s day and

Uh you know my dad passed away a few years back and I was like just so certain we were going to win that event um felt like it made sense had to happen it meant a lot to me to make it happen uh and not only did we not win the event

But I actually felt that I played pretty poorly against xfactor um and so it it really kind of weighed on me but I remember like on the flight home I changed my flight I was supposed to stay until Monday and kind of hang out with the guys and I changed my flight left

Sunday night it was like no I need to go home and just wasn’t feeling well but you know on that flight I was like I had this kind of shift in thinking of how uh great I thought that event was going to end up being for us you know and kind of

Even posted about it like I think this is part of the magic um you know it’s something that I’ve learned over the years actually is some some of these losses are like really good for you if you can process them in the right way they’re really good for

You because it’s a spark you know um sometimes you really need that especially when you’re in Striking Distance it’s one thing if you’re just getting your butt kicked you’re not making Sundays and you’re and you’re just like you know going one and three events that’s a different story but if

You’re like in Striking Distance and you’re you’re losing those close tough matches on Sunday they’re uh really inspirational you can harness a lot of feel from them um and really actually at the start of this year is when I I kind of really locked in with a whole new

Kind of program and different training started working with a physical trainer that that uh helped me recover from my need injuries when I was younger and I’ve been on a a really good program just kind of all season felt really good about this year um and then that event

Was like went the you know just everything that I thought was going to happen didn’t happen so there was a little bit of a switch but it was definitely already in motion you know um and then the Chicago one I think was probably bigger than the Philly one

Actually because our team uh last year we we you know got third place at one of the events and then was refocused and that Philly one was again it being two events in a row of some kind of heartbreak losses was um you know motiv waiting for everybody

Like okay we we got to get back to all of the little things that the team does you know all of the conversations that we have all of the meetings you know can’t skip anything everybody has to be dialed in let’s you know before World Cup I I completely revamped our code

Sheet you know I I said we’re erasing half of these codes other teams know them we’re implementing new ones so between you know Chicago and cup like the week after I sent this whole thing I was like we’re going to at cup we’re going to have codes for this this this

And this if anybody has anything that they want to add send it to me now I’m going to add it if anyone disagrees with anything send it to me now we have two months you know like let’s get this dialed in we came in super dialed in

With that that’s another thing and I hope you guys actually I’ve listened to every episode I don’t know that you guys have gone over really like a code calling we have not but we have had listeners ask about it yeah and it is something we were gonna add to yeah so

We talk about it now so this show is going to come out the day after Christmas okay so people aren’t going to be at work so we can go a little long and it’s okay ah all right I I’m here as long as you guys want yeah I mean I

Don’t mind I hope I’m not keeping you guys it’s been awesome but um you’re keeping uh that guy because this guy’s going I leave tomorrow morning to go to Zion for a week so Ben yeah no this is our first time incredible my uh my little brother lives

About 30 minutes from Zion so we we’ve gone a few times it’s gorgeous love it awesome yeah um no code calling is one of the most important things and and one you you have to really understand the game to even know what you’re creating codes for but being able to make communication more

Sufficient it’s it’s imperative you know like if you can have a code that means for you know two players to make a certain switch and get into a different formation that can save you five six seconds which is that is the difference between winning and losing a point in

Pro you know like being able to recognize uh an advantage and capitalizing quick enough is all through communication and and understanding you know the game so um codes are like imperative they’re so important there’s something that you really need to sit down and and it’s not just okay what are

We going to call kills what are we going to call balls and what are we going to call the bunkers it’s it’s no uh we need a code that’s like hey we have to go attack down the Dorito side and win in in 30 seconds you know or we lost two

Guys on this side we need to shift this gun you know uh they made it past the Gap that we normally call this you know you should have teams are so like charger is like no one’s wide on the snake side that’s like the most basic

You know you need to have one for every Gap right so that middle players can immediately react and and know what zone to shut down I have this conversation all the time with teams I talk about three-dimensional thinking versus two-dimensional thinking and you just gave a great example of what

Two-dimensional thinking is oh charger right okay there’s no one here well there’s a there’s a lot more there’s a lot and what’s happening is when I throw out that that code that one word that has a tremendous amount of information behind it it’s basically giving me the

Road map to what we need to do totally and to to succeed I did want to jump on something you said and I’ll say this real quick I I tell this to teams all the time time especially my own and I think I’ve said it on one of the

Previous shows but you talked about how Dynasty after Chicago got into this new you know mindset and I think there is no growth I don’t think growth and comfort can Co coexist I think I think growth comes from adversity I think how we I I fancy

Myself a minor stoic so I believe that you have to you it’s how we react to things and how we adjust accordingly how do they affect us and how do we let them outwardly affect us and inwardly affect us well ultimately we’ll steer the ship and correct it right because we

Ultimately want to do the right thing we ultimately want to get better so that’s one of the things we have to do but I did want to make a comment about something that I’m doing everything you just said about codes and every matter of fact about four or five things you’ve

Touched on tonight I’m doing a little funny thing I was telling Ryan about I’m doing this funny thing on on my page Zen In The Art of paintball and I’m releasing an interview from right after our first professional event last year so I had only coached One Professional

Event now and I was doing an interview with the uh Markdale you know over in England and I and I chopped it up and what I’m doing is I’m releasing little aspects each day one of which the one I think just got released is about communication and being efficient in

Your codes so it’s kind of funny and at the end of this what the big reveal is gonna be is like hey do I still think that way what’s happened after a year of coaching or two years coaching in the professional division do I still believe

And think these ways but anyway to your point absolutely the best teams the most successful teams I don’t care how much talent you have if you are a team that knows how to communicate and play ball together you you’ve won 90% of the stuff out there it is so important uh the

Coach can only give you you you can go through if this then that have your little breakdowns but there’s variables that happen out there that if the players cannot communicate with each other and create a secondary or third game plan given the actual situation you’re in a lot of trouble that’s right

You’re in a lot of trouble communication it’s the most underrated uh skill or Talent or you know commodity in paintball in my opinion um abely it it’s so crucial the top players understand it the top teams have it right uh and it’s imperative to winning imperative processing speed the the only

Team yeah absolutely absolutely and communication helps expedite your processing speed as a as a as a team what’s funny is I think the only team that’s ever had success without great communication is Russian Legion and it’s so fascinating because they they actually truly don’t have great communication as a team yeah they have

They’re very scripted in their in their they have choreography yeah it’s unbelievable it’s like okay you’re 15 seconds at this bunker 12 seconds at I’m not kidding I I played on the team for a year and I was like mind blown you know I I tell this story a lot I remember a

Point I went down the Dorito side I think I shot like four people I had a great point I was like that was sick in my head like it was a good point I come off and and the coach is with his timer and he’s like no Marcelo you were 18

Seconds at that bunker 20 seconds too long at this bunker this is a problem like I couldn’t have gone earlier you know like what do you mean you know I’m like I’m like I went when it when it was given to me you know actually Mike you

Kind of talked about this with your team and with Joey and you’re like it’s not that you’re a slow team it’s you take what’s given that’s the type of player that I’m I I value survivability more than anything you can’t win the game if you’re dead right yeah right at the end

Of the day it’s whoever presses the buzzer at the other end or makes the team concede that’s how you score points in this game so you need to be alive now you need to take risks at certain times but that’s situational awareness and you need to position yourself to be in good

Spots to get kills but my role it’s it’s about survivability so you know if it’s not completely given to me I’m not going to risk it because it’s not worth it now if the situation presents I’ll risk it because it is worth it you know but otherwise like yeah I’m gonna go when

The move is there you know can’t close if you’re dead yeah you definitely can’t close if you’re dead you know you know it’s like it’s not the type where it’s like I just go and maybe I shoot four people and we win but then the next point I die in the first 30

Seconds like that’s not my game never will be you know uh it’s going to be methodical and as soon as the opening is there then then take it but it’s it’s going to need to be there you know now if we lose a side and we’re down a point

I’m gonna take the risk and try to go through it if I get shot whatever if I don’t cool you’re you’re rewarded right but again that’s high level situational awareness that’s a different different thing um and a lot of people they don’t they don’t get it you know they really

Don’t it’s tough too because a lot of that um comes from that experience right is understanding kind of that’s what I was talking about earlier the when to know when to turn it on and off right um having just coached a very young professional team who really again when

I got there two years ago was a division two team two years right so like they weren’t ready to be where we were so we had to throw out these Haymakers right because they couldn’t play yet that really controlled intelligent methodical style of paintball that I knew we would

Have we you have to be able to play in order to be successful right you have to and so we work on those things at practice and then you get to the event and it to watch it completely fall apart multiple times it’s like okay I like do

You guys just want to run you just want to go run into these like I I mean I can create plays where you’re just going to run but the reality is we may get one point but we’re going to lose four you’re going to lose four because you

Cannot run at these guys right like that’s kind of what happened you know the first time we played you guys Marcelo is like they they they wanted to go out we ran One play it worked just fine and then you know we go out and run the next play and

It didn’t work out and they come back in and they’re like ah we got to go far and I’m like okay okay I’ll let you go far we can go far we can go far like how far you want to go man I mean like honestly

You guys should have beat us if it weren’t for that one point where you guys started with six that was okay so that was the second time we played you guys and Anthony who was not called on the line runs out there like so young

Man bless his heart did not have a great match he not even a good match so he gets a major penalty in that point yeah so now we right so then at very next Point by the way he shoots Mary then we go to the other side and he

Gets a major penalty yeah yeah not good I’m like brother you know that’s that’s part of experience too though is like somebody on the box should have been like uh we got six someone you know like I can’t imagine that I knock on wood watch first event in Vegas happens to

Like I can’t imagine that happening to us you know because I’m I’m like you know I’m having conversations with all my guys at the gate you know if there was six I’d be like hey hold on who’s off who’s off you literally when they come back in I’m like not one of you

Idiots looked around totally that’s not that’s not on the coach that’s like that’s wild that no one at the gate no one recognize decided to look like what are you guys doing out there yeah do you talk at all do you look out to see who’s

On the other end and turn around and go hey so and so’s on your side that’s a good question for you actually Ryan and and this is something that both of my divisional teams and Team USA and our team as well this is imperative and so we do pretty extensive physical training

At our practices so that we we can be on the gate quickly um Dynasty doesn’t guys are a little older we they don’t buy into it it is what it is but at tournaments they’re efficient in the pit and we’re we’re fine but with the younger teams that I coach it’s high

Pace super high pace and the whole point of the conversation is I need you guys to beat the other team to the gate by at least 15 seconds so that you’re down there on the other side you’re looking downfield you’re talking to each other you’re figuring out hey here’s what

Coach has told us where you going you’re doing this okay you’re reiterating what you’re supposed to do and in that time hopefully you’re like oh we got six hey somebody’s off you know like uh it mitigates all of that but I think there I think it’s so important for for

Players to talk at the start gate I think the communication before the game starts right there is like I mean it’s imperative it is so crucial to having success in that point you know because everybody could get told to play but then you’re walking to the gate and if

You’re just like in your own space like it’s really easy to let the moment kind kind of get a little too big and forget like what you’re supposed to do and then if this then that or you know but if you’re you stay connected with your players you have those conversations

You’re really tuned in to the play the other great thing though that that I noticed that happens there is not only are you are you kind of reiterating the play and solidifying that but you’re also then able to kind of talk through the oh so and so came on from the other

Team right you get to see all them walk past you so you get to see them come on can look down and say hey it’s so and so coach said or you already know something hey we need to audible this we’ll just tell coach when we get into the

Pit and then also the hey he does this and then this really quick and you know you may pick up something that the outside guy didn’t look at right absolutely so it’s also being able to to to have those really easy conversations that didn’t get to happen in the pit in

The 45 seconds that the play was being talked about 100 perc yep yeah it’s huge it’s huge it’s it’s a huge part of of the divisional teams that I coach is is beating the other team to the Box having time to communicate with one another get

On the same page and then it’s also like you watch the other teams like struggling to get to the gate and you’re like you know you just have an advantage right and they’re flustered yeah totally yeah I I misunderstood what you said at first uh that’s why I kind of leaned in

Uh Marcel when you said you know we do a lot of you know physical exertion type stuff and I was like wait wait wait wait wait wait wait you know CU I thought me personally for my team I’m like you should be you should come to practice correct you should already have worked

Out and trying to do all that stuff because when we’re at the field and we’re in that net we’re working the brains I don’t have time for you to be working on your cardio that’s layout practice so two different things for me right we we have our uh it’s rare that I

Get to practice on the layout with our teams I I set up you know how I want those practices to go right but obviously I’m not there I’m usually with our team um but the other practices are their exercises their workouts their their I bring I bring my guys into the

Deep waters you know with different drills and fundamental work and situational things and all of these things so that they are never going to be in a worse position in the tournament right and that’s glad make that that differential because yes on non layout weekends I’m pushing them so hard on

Drills because I want them and then at the end of the day when they’re exhausted that’s when we into really when do you win a tournament when can you win a tournament it’s not when you’re fresh it’s not when you’re fresh it’s when you’re at 90 80% hopefully not

70% right but I tell my guys all the time I say hey if we play a team that’s more talented than us more experience than us but they’re at 80% and we’re still at 95% we have a good chance of winning right so so don’t let’s not let

That be an excuse and thank goodness you know on both teams we have just a ton of athletes you know just great great great players that really take it seriously you know yeah excellent man we have covered a lot we have but I knew I knew

It was gonna be this way though I knew I did too and I kind of planned this because of when it the show is gonna launch that it would be really long right because I knew we would get into a lot of different as like I’ve I’ve

Listened to your show so much that uh I understand like I I hear the passion in you when you talk about these things and so yes I was like H we’re going to be we’re gonna go deep when you g when you gonna put him on your show Marcelo let’s

Do it oh goodness anytime you want yeah absolutely come on like at the same time we need we need both of you yeah you say that as Mike you haven’t been on the show either but he’s so much more articulate than me uh you guys are both

Great I’m GNA talk to Tyler I know we have a guest lined up for Tuesday but let’s I would love to make you guys both uh like in the next month let’s get you guys on be awesome so one more thing I want to finish up that communic that uh code

Thing you were talking talking about sure um I don’t want like the lower divisional teams to think that they need to have a hundred different codes but you need to have the codes that are the most important right yeah with with where are the two or three guys that are

Going to be on jobs and that job that they’re on needs to have some sort of a code right so that if that guy dies you can get into it or you can yell something to let somebody know that they need to go get into it and say their

Name right every time put a name on it put a name on it put a name on it who needs the information the most and say their damn name um but like as you get up through the ranks I mean there’s codes for everything right you have

Codes for each Gap you have codes for every single gap down both sides of the field you’ll have codes for each one of the big things in the middle and who needs to shoot I mean it’s just it’s Insanity how complex communication and that’s what I in my opinion has changed

The most in the last um five to seven years is the communication has just gotten so much more dense sure yeah I agreee with that actually for sure yeah there there’s been a lot more importance on communication you know and and for teams that are you know listening simplify it right you know

Think of conversations you’re going to have on the field take what might be a sentence and give it a code that’s a that’s an easy way to simplify it um for me I think the most important things are recognizing where your advantage is I think personally my personal beliefs are

Your biggest advantage on a paintball field is real estate so if you’re wide and the other team is not that’s the biggest Advantage you could have uh I I place that over having a body Advantage I would rather have less bodies but be wide in the other team not than more

Bodies and not wide so with that those are the most important codes to me knowing when a team is not wide on a side and how to set up to make sure that that team doesn’t get wide on that side right yeah um so I would build your codes around

That first and then go from there but if you start there you’re going to have a really good basic understanding of the game and and how to play yep reverse engineer it great tip yeah great tip all right anything else now we we we really went the

Distance on this one it’s been fun man I enjoy talking with you guys truly so you know if you guys ever want me on again on I would love to come on it’s nice to be on this end of uh end of the the show you know getting asked the questions but

Um definitely need to get you guys on ptg thank you guys for what you guys are doing I think this is a amazing platform as I as I already said for you know not just coaches I mean if players aren’t tuning into this they’re crazy like I

Said I listen to every episode you know because uh we have some of the you guys have some of the best Minds in the game on here revealing great secrets about coaching so you know how am I not going to listen to Joey BL get on here and

Talk about how he coaches you know or you guys talk I’m gonna be playing you guys next year you know so keep it up I love it keep keep it up again it only makes us better right like all of us right the more information that we can push out and the

More we can help uh the next groups coming in you know if they’re I like I just pray like at the time when when it’s time for me to go away from this right and and I didn’t know that it meant this much to me until I came back

In 2021 that I want to leave this thing when it’s time for me to go out in in a much better condition than when I found it you know doing this kind of with you informational you know like really at this point it’s kind of a per like we’re

Just surging out stuff that hasn’t really been talked about in the way we’re talking about it um I know it’s a lot right but now there’ll be an archive of all this information that people can go back in touch as the game changes hopefully it becomes irrelevant right

Because people are going to get so much you know further along than this that when we’re gone they’re going to be like oh my God look at this Relic you know these guys are talking about these silly codes and you know now in the future we’re gonna have

Like little little earphones that are in the thing you easier no in the future they’re gonna be using telepathy they’re just gonna be yeah right they think it it’ll be some sort of like buzzer on each shoulder and then like funny is what’s funny is that’s actually already

Happening at the highest levels there there’s been so many points where like I could see in Archie’s body language what he wants to do and I’m literally I’m like I’m like yeah yeah yeah yeah Archie yeah and then boom it gets done and and I’m following up the right way it’s like

You know I know what he wants to do I I see what he’s thinking you know or you know same thing with Chris or Ry who whoever you know uh and that actually is when your team has gotten to a really great level of chemistry you know and

You understand each other yeah that it really is that’s a you know the the nonverbals that you can pick up through communication as well communication we think of just as something you speak but there’s a lot of nonverbals that happen out there with your teammates and I

Could see like oh God someone’s in the 50 Dorito I don’t even know but I could tell how Ryan’s playing this thing you know shifted totally so yeah body language is a lot yeah yeah certainly I used to have a guy I played with growing up that we played together for like six

Seasons we rarely had to talk about setting something up like I could just see him take a certain posture and I’m knew right and so I would set up to go do what I needed to do off of him or to help him ABS say anything to me you know

I could just be shooting look over and I see Chris take this certain posture and I was like here we go we’re GNA go win the game on this side let’s go so yeah it’s uh it’s so neat how those intricacies as groups stay together for a while start

To occur right they start manifesting you start seeing them it’s cool Marcelo thanks again man we appreciate you coming on and definitely um before a couple of of like maybe after the combine um I’ll have to look at the schedule but we we definitely want to help share more information

About the combine because I do think there is a way that we can push that out a little bit better you know you mentioned earlier like a lot of people don’t know about the combine let’s fix that let’s fix it I agree I agree people still like are just now finding ptg you

Know I’m like God you’re in tournament paino but we’re not doing our job of getting this information out you know we’re not doing good enough job of like making sure people know that we exist it’s same thing with the combine you know if you’re in paintball you should

Know that the combine exists you know you should know that these shows exist you should you know it should be no doubt so especially like if you were a player you know 15 20 years ago and you’re coming back into the game you have kids if you have a son who’s 12 13

Years old who wants to get in or a daughter who wants to get into this thing what a great way to start like they don’t have to go through the process that we went through starting with bad habits and then getting those worked out by coaches you can start the

Right way totally yeah well thanks again man we really appreciate you have a wonderful Christmas are you traveling um gosh yes actually uh December is like my time where I stay home and I’m usually just with the family and and I like I don’t want to

Get on a plane I don’t want to see anything but I actually I have to take a trip uh I need to spend 500 more dollars on Delta to meet status for next year they made it incredibly hard so my girlfriend and I anniversary is Monday

So we’re gonna take a like a one night trip Sunday we don’t know where yet either uh Seattle or San Francisco or something just just just to meet the status which is crazy um but but that’s it and then uh and then January we’re firing right back up January is uh I I’m

Again booked pretty much every weekend uh I’ll be going to Vegas a few weekends I’ll be going out to Florida to work with the Wrecking Crew guys and then the first weekend in February is the combine then back to Vegas for practice and then we’re getting ready for the nxl and so

What’s really cool is is that’s another thing too with these practices with you know the Misfits and Wrecking Crew is I get to bring my gear and I do drills with them you know on the day that’s just us I so it’s kept me incredibly

Sharp it’s kept me really on top of my game I I attribute a lot of My Success to uh them as well you know what’s crazy is like I and I’ve told these kids I see these kids play day in and day out and we have such Dynamic young players like

This kid Ben someone I’ve worked with for probably seven years now Colton uh they do things that inspires me I’m like that was such a sick move you know I’m like truly impressed by it and it inspires me I’m like okay I gotta you know I’m gonna Implement that into my

Game or they even bring new little tricks to fundamentals which is interesting that I’m like oh let me try this no that doesn’t work let me try that oh this kind of works you know know um so actually coaching is like it I don’t look at it as time being taken

Away from training I to me I’m like I’m getting better on these weekends I’m bringing my equipment I’m like doing drills with you guys and my mind is like really sharp on all this stuff so um I’m I’m really looking forward to it looking forward to the 20 uh 2024 season Vegas

Is going to be awesome having you know the whole uh award ceremony that they’re doing and the summit there is going to be cool really excited for everything that the nxl uh Major League paintball doing and you guys as well so can’t wait well you actually just kind of segwayed

Into one of the last topics I got to bring up which is on Monday of the summit okay is now going to be open to the public and there’s going to be Roundtable discussions with uh the nxl major league paintball there’ll be small classroom settings for coaches team

Building uh potential field ownership so Monday now of the Summit is going to be open to everyone which awesome awesome so sick what a great opportunity if you have haven’t booked your flight make sure that you uh stick around through Monday and and come check it out I think

It’s going to be really neat and it’s a cool way to I think you you would agree with me on this and we kind of brought this up with Joey the the league is in such a neat place right now where I really feel like the pro teams have a fantastic

Relationship with management right like absolutely Tom is incredibly excessive he’s working really hard to to try to push this thing in the right direction and um don’t know in our history if it’s ever been like this ever yeah it certainly certainly feels that way yeah

It feels like Tom is uh you know you could pick up the phone and call him and he’ll listen and and uh I know he’s getting pulled in a ton of different directions but you know like he’s willing to try stuff he’s constantly doing things to get our brand and and

You know our sport in front of you know eyes that matter so I’m a huge fan of of how everything’s being run right now um ghost Sports is do doing a phenomenal job World Cup was tremendous with a telestrator and all the stuff they were doing my goodness if they could stay in

That direction like hell yeah um it’s an it’s an exciting time for paintball you know I I uh I know Pros have been saying that for a long time it’s always feels like we’re like almost there but it really feels like we’re almost there it feels like we’re really close to some

Sort of breakthrough or some sort of recognition from you know some sort of big company I I don’t know what that is yet but uh it definitely feels like things are in the right direction yeah absolutely you know um and a lot of that is because of Tom and and and also like

You guys for this show and and all of the other podcast platforms and shows and and the media all of the videographers and photographers that have hundreds of thousands of followers and and are getting all these eyes on their content they’re massive for the sport you know so um really it’s it’s

The collective that has done a great job of of you know getting paintball uh on the Forefront so um props to everybody keep it up you know if if if Sports number one platform in the in the thing and they look at the most recent video and there’s two comments on it right

That’s that that’s not appealing to sponsors so let’s show out in the comment section let’s show out in the likes the subscriptions you know and build this thing from within because we have enough people we really do we just have to actually take action this guy’s literally like this is my entire clothes

What he’s doing right now it’s fantastic I don’t have to say I was actually writing it down as he talked because I’m like he just covered that he just covered yeah go look at the email closed it’s liter right there funny I got thanks yeah dude you’re

You’re killing it right like for me that’s like to be responsible thing let’s longer than us too yeah be responsible for what your part is right be responsible totally so and your part is as simple as sharing posts liking things passing information if possible like again even just clicking a like

Button it’s the free way to support what’s going on you know so come on come on we know painball player cheap and listen you can’t get cheap than free so yeah totally buddy thank you again have a Merry Christmas and congratulations on your anniversary absolutely thank you so

Much yeah absolutely guys appreciate it aw see you soon wow what what are we at two hours and 20 three minutes yeah by far the longest but honestly from my perspective full of the most real content great I think I think it was we covered so many different topics that are you know

Impactful to other coaches and players and so I mean each show just everyone we talk to it just gets better and better and Marcelo was such a I’m I’m really glad we were able to get that interview because my goodness that man got a lot up here Anthony too we got

To send him a laptop when we get him back on the show we’ll send him a laptop and have it all set up for him that way he just has to plug it in and Anthony I really am excited about the Team USA stuff too that yeah oh man I I honestly

Just between you and I you know I used to have dreams of coaching a USA team in Europe and winning the championship and running with Old Glory in my hand and no joke well man hopefully it works out that we can uh we can get over there this year and

Uh with the coaches clinic and and uh make that happen right yeah I’m hoping all right well one other quick piece of housekeeping uh if you want to support the show you like what we’re doing here and you want to help uh Mike and I don’t

Get paid to do this so if you want to go get you one of these this is the back of the tech te and uh you can jump on to maxed Sports collections you don’t have to type that in just go to Max sportsware go to collections you can click on the

Coaches show if you get one of these Mike and I get uh enough money to buy a Snickers so that would be really cool if you want to help support this show I was gonna say a coffee like a black coffee yes McDonald’s black coffee yeah

And there’s also a hoodie uh if you want to do that we have some other little products yeah we have some other little products that are coming so if you’re looking for something to some way to help uh with the show that would would be fantastic you don’t have to do those

Things you can just do everything Marcelo mentioned like it share it make sure you subscribe to Major League paintball and please share Major League paintballs YouTube um when people are looking at what whether or not they want to when I say people I’m talking about

Sponsors want to be a part of what we’re doing with major league paintball they’re going to come and look at this and they want to see participation they want to see viewers so really important we continue to build that absolutely who we got next week ah I think we have is it Shane

Pastana oh my good legend the legend himself always always a good time right and we spoke about him a little bit tonight Marcelo gave him some love out there you know he’s the consumate motivator so I’m looking forward to have Shane pastana of Team Iron Man Los

Angeles Iron Man The Shield going to be on the show yeah I’m excited to hear about what kind of changes they’re making for 2024 and yeah it’s going to be exciting let’s see if they can uh get the shield back on track that’s right add some shine well thank you guys so

Much uh please please please for New Year’s Eve be safe make good choices right Uber Uber is significantly I’m an insurance agent Uber is significantly cheaper than what your insurance rates will be if you get a DUI or worse or Worse absolutely God bless you guys thanks for watching God bless byebye

That is discipline selfish no joke we’re legitimate [ __ ] do this do it do it 100% cuz I’m trying to we recognize that we are Limitless Got To Be A Champion become a champion right winning is a habit because we create habits that lead to good execution and success


  1. I agree with the gosports comments, the broadcast has been improving consistently and that's great to see, and there's still some potentially some low effort changes that can make it even better. I should be able to go in there and click "AC Diesel" and see all their games, and just their games so that watching them is 30 minutes or less. I love the game so I don't mind split deck because I'm watching the event anyway but they could certainly present the matches in a better way.

    I'd also like to be able to click "Friday" and have it run in the right direction from beginning of the day to the end also (meaning after they've taken down the full streams an only have the individual matches up).

    And in terms of telling a story, coming up with a narrative would be a great way to hire more narrators so we actually have a next generation of the voice of paintball. Matty isn't immortal and Matty doesn't have infinite time to narrate extra content after every event.

    Honestly the best piece of paintball content I've seen so far is the "Impact story", it definitely raises the quality bar towards the level of story telling we get from F1's Drive to Survive.

  2. 7 solid episodes, and can’t help but think you’ll only be able to keep them coming. Great job fellas. This is the stuff we’ve been waiting for.

  3. Go watch the marble racing video Great Big Story published on their youtube channel yesterday. They address all the content creation polish you guys discussed. Which is sad, bc its less than 6 people working in post, and their marble racing product is more polished than what gosports has put out.

    Marble racing in a single creator channel has managed to accrue more cross promotion than the NXL.

    Also chicks beating the crap out of dudes in wrestling has more social reach than the nxl.
    Maybe the NXL should try some mixed gender test matches going where chicks dunk on dudes.
    F it, let the chicks run 15bps.

    Otherwise what we have now is basically mens yoga with paintball guns.

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