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Prediction’s for WWE and AEW in 2024 | Notorious Christmas Unscripted 175






Like when I Hades besides the stripes the and wednes later Ian I them just in Miss my 8 She [ __ ] as broke as I like that when I was I had two leaves besides thep and wednes look at I mean loyalty m getting larer was is PES inje separately the Miss 8 Take a stand put money in my mom’s hand my beses later figet comes respect your or I only break it down DRS use pipes what is going on everybody what is going on everybody man how the hell is everybody doing how the hell is everybody doing man and what’s going on

Everybody what the hell is going on man um as you can see we are here on this odd odd Saturday night for unscripted we’re on here with unscripted man and um and yeah man um yeah so yeah what is going on everybody thank you guys yes yes yeah what is going on

Everybody uh thank you guys for all being here man man um pretty um like yeah pretty pretty weird pretty weird being on on here on a Saturday definitely definitely feels a little off it’s definitely going to feel weird not being on here Monday but but yeah man what is going on everybody

And um merry Christmas bro Merry Christmas man it’s the day before Christmas and Merry Christmas to all you guys man uh me after I get done hitting the intro I’m going to go get my proper attire because I forgot to wear it but other than that oh the Christmas

Merch yes um Dam I’ve been telling myself all day not to forget it so after I get done hitting this intro you guys are going to see the notorious Christmas shirt on me because I’m a jackass and I forgot to wear it okay so without any further Ado man yes

Tante Mary yeetus Mary yeetus man merry merry Merry Christmas guys Merry eat absolutely absolutely so yeah man we got um yeah after after we hit the intro and after I go change my shirt um we have the uh we have the uh aw Dynamite holiday bash to talk about it’s

A pretty good episode of dynamite um shouldn’t be too shouldn’t take up too much of our time but then M our boy cir K here has I hate you Logan um our boy our boy s our boy cir here has provided us with some hard hitting down to the dirt

Gritty questions about the current state of professional wrestling bro so I’m very excited I’m going to read some of these off and then he is going to get me uh or he he’s he’s we’re going to I I’ll I’ll let you explain it but what what did you just call it the

Do they stay you explain it one of the categories of questions which we’ll get into which I can’t wait do they stay while you explain it don’t mind my absence oh god well one of the category we got is do or they stay or do they go I gathered names of contracts

That come up in 2024 from across both major companies WWE and aw I didn’t really touch no one from anywhere else because who who cares um for the most part cuz like half of them we already know like will Osprey was on that list before but he signed early with aw

Because of a money Mark so can’t really do that name no more but got a bunch of names that contracts come up in 2024 um so yeah I’m um I got that and do they stay or do they go and we’re going to ask do they leave the company or if they

Stay with the company man it’s a good list let me let me count it 1 two three I think 11 I think 11 names we have so 11 names seeing if they stay or go from and there were some Shockers where I have no clue their contracts

Were up this year so I’m excited to talk about it and we got some other good ass [ __ ] oh dude I swear to God TK really does that Manan I swear to God that man TK and ruining everything been a so but got a bun categories too there he is the

Proper attire look at that man look at that okay where did this shirt come from man where did this shirt come from and I was wearing it the whole time bro I was wearing it the whole time okay okay so so yeah man so that’s what cir is going

To hit us with a little bit of uh do they stay or do they go man I’m pretty excited for it I’m pretty excited for it I don’t know why I wore this shirt over my long sleeve it kind of looked like a geek um but like a [ __ ] early 2000s older

Brother and with that I’m going to be absent again um you look too bad two seconds guys no you’re good you’re good but um yeah I can’t wait to get these categories down with you guys man I got some good ones got some good other questions and ideas so my brain was

[ __ ] fuming not fuming angry but just fing workwise trying to come up with these but things are pretty good all right [ __ ] a was it UPS or fex or was it just postal mail they lost it Lan okay now we’re in business all right that looked horrible

It wouldn’t look as bad if you seen the red shirt around my [ __ ] neck but that just completely made me look like a [ __ ] grandma um Logan bro Logan was the king of the Christmas merch man he was buying that [ __ ] like hot cakes man

Even in June um he [ __ ] CH I think Dam near in Minnesota got one of those because of Logan so gota thank the manager he’s feeding the streets man man of the people he really is all people but they still to pay though we ain’t giving them to for free exactly charity

So so let’s go ahead and hop right in the intro after I uh had to take care of some business um before we get into all this um but yeah man so what is going on everybody we are back with yet again another edition of the new Tor seals

Podcast another edition of unscripted this is Christmas unscripted um this is episode 175 man and what the hell is going on everybody what is going on everybody um yeah yeah man um yeah um so so um yeah this is first time watching man you guys do not how

The show works every Monday we are on here with notorious unscripted and every Friday we are on here with the news at 4m. Central um the news from yesterday is not up yet I’ll probably have that and this um uploaded either Sunday or Monday um so stay tuned for that um the

You know the show’s across the weekend man so uh yes um so if you guys did Miss yesterday’s edition of the news that is mg JF um mjf has mjf resigned with aew um he says no sources in WWE say yes we don’t know man and then we also talked about

Mercedes Mane having a very high asking price for the WWE uh so high that it exceeds the current salary of Charlotte flare so we talked about all that we talked about all that good stuff man that is episode 193 of the news man and yes that is episode 193 of the news

Um um for the record you do not look like a geek pops um I I look like a geek um as soon as I see myself wearing that shirt um that was not okay but okay um but yeah man um but yeah man so yes if you guys did miss that that is

Available for you guys on all platforms man that um well they will be available for you guys on all platforms ankor Spotify Google podcast Apple podcast if you want to see a first join us right here every Friday at 4M Central on YouTube man also man if you guys have

Not got a chance to get your hands on some of the official notorious sales notorious sales podcast merchandise not the mjf broken laum tweet um you you you guys can you got well I always keep you know um I always keep a couple extra slides in case I

Need to add pictures and I haven’t had to replace that one with a new one yet so um so yeah man um yes you can get all eight of these beautiful designs live on man um on link is at top of description of this very video you can

Find all eight of these beautiful Designs Plus more available on and you have the Chicago flag design the uncrowned kings of the IWC the biggie inspired design you got the bass logo design The Riddler inspired iwc’s best kept secret design the notorious world order the notorious World Order shirt that comes

In three versions the Chicago flag version like you see on your screen classic black and white and the Wolfpack red you got the Grand Slam design the scratch logo and the only community that matters um so you got all these and man if you’re looking for something festive

To wear for the holidays that you don’t want to forget about certainly nothing that I would do but if you guys are looking for something to wear for the Christmas season man look no further than the notorious Christmas design um yes all nine plus more of these beautiful

Designs are available for you guys live on the merch shop again that is link is at the top of description of this Fair Video also if this is your first time watching guys do not know who we are here the T Hills podcast I am Johnny Mayhem one half of

The host of this very show and as for the other half we got my man cir here how’s it going man it’s going great man going great had a great day yesterday um super fun got to e with the steak house which you know sh’s dead ass how was it it was

Phenomenal thank you thank you bro that sh was phenomenal and um got to see the iron claw man phenomenal movie sad as [ __ ] [ __ ] tearing up at the end for that final line that [ __ ] hit bro it was a good ass movie and [ __ ] their dad dude

[ __ ] that dude was a that dude he he was a dude all right man goddamn um but just’s been great man just been great um got the holiday man it’s finally here and it’s it’s it’s going to be fun man it’s going to be real good but um like

Tonte always ask how’s life how’s the family Life’s good good family’s good how is everybody doing in chat man how are you guys doing chat and replay how is everybody doing what about you bro how are you doing yeah man doing good bro I’m doing good man got my Christmas notorious

Christmas shirt on you know can’t forget that one just got to throw that out there um [ __ ] but other than that I’m good man I had a blast yesterday I had a blast yesterday ma’am um obviously never never go wrong with a steak dinner um never never never ever

Ever ever ever can go wrong with that um Logan asked um Logan asked earlier on um well it’s not much of a question as it as a statement he wanted to let everybody know that I was ironclaw gentleman but I think I think what our manager if I know

Our manager at all I’m going to go out on a limb and say he meant to say how was ironclaw gentlemen I don’t think Logan is the ironclaw guys I don’t think he’s the ironclaw but um dude I thought it was fantastic I thought it was fantastic man uh I

Thought so without giving out any spoilers um I thought it was one of the better wrestling I haven’t watched the wrestler in a while and I know a lot of people say that’s the best one I haven’t watched that movie in years so I that’s definitely going to have to be on my

Rewatch cycle um over the course of uh the next couple weeks or whatever but um in terms of wrestling movies dude um I I thought I thought IGN absolutely embarrassed themselves I did not get the sense of he was trying to juggle the two lives like he had a reason for

Wanting to stay away from his family type thing he had a it didn’t come off confusing at all like they explained why he did that um why um choosing wrestling if anything it was the officite he was choosing the safety of his family so him exactly exactly bro so um no man

Um if I could recommend it to any wrestling fan I really would man I thought they did a great I thought they did a great job I found out who mjf played I knew he played Lance von Eric but um Lance von Eric is the fake von

Eric that the dad uh fritz or whatever the dad’s name is um so the after I I want uh David died um after David von Eric died uh and Michael wasn’t living up to the hype he um he had gotten Lance von Eric to try

To um he got in Lance von Eric to try to fill the Gap but he was already a known he was already a known Indie wrestler in the Texas scene so everybody knew he wasn’t a v Eric and I guess their promotion wccw lost a lot of credibility because they caught you know

Fritz lying yeah yeah so that’s yeah so that’s that’s the guy that mjf played um uh yeah he mjf played the the fake von Eric um but ah man yeah the ending scene crying like a baby oh horrible it was so [ __ ] sad dude but

Uh um I’m I I was really happy for Kevin I was really happy for Kevin man he’s the one that got to um he’s the one that lived he’s the one that lived and he’s you know still around to this day man with his two sons

That were um you know also a huge plot point in the story but another thing Carrie and Kevin should have swapped actors Zack Efron was [ __ ] huge he was in he got in really really really good shape for um for the movie Carrie the one who was in WWE

Texas tornado or whatever whatever they called him Carrie von Eric Carrie von Eric was huge he was the jacked one out of the von Eric family and in the movie he was not that big at all no yeah he was shorter they really should have swi actors definitely yeah for

Sure for sure yeah he um yeah they they they definitely definitely should have uh they definitely should have um swapped actors because like I said man Carrie was not um Carrie was pretty small and in real life Carrie was big Carrie was [ __ ] jacked you know I mean [ __ ] Vince

Signed him you know I mean that goes to that goes to tell you about car’s physique but but no man um I I I I thought I I I thought it was I thought it was awesome I thought it was really an awesome movie um yeah I thought it was really an

Awesome movie man and if yeah I mean if you guys are wrestling fans which obviously you are uh 100% recommend 100% recommend watching that movie um great it was great watch for sure it really was phenomenal watch man it a phenomenal [ __ ] movie and a sad sad [ __ ]

Story oh yeah yes it was uh you know the the first one um David I think passed um you know David passed and literally dude from from then on out it was like one after another dude they were just dropping by F dropping like flies and it

Just it was so it was so sad it it’s just so sad to think about like it’s it’s just it’s got to like if that’s true what happened at the end that he like you know picked his brother up you know after he had shot himself that that is just horrible man

That is so sad that is so sad and like just thinking bro that there’s a human being out there that’s still living that had to like that has all these experiences it’s it’s it’s it’s heart breing yeah is s dude yeah it’s it’s it’s heartbreaking man but yeah he I oh

I I felt I I felt so bad for for Kevin I mean just like I said man like having five brothers or uh four brothers or whatever it was and now you’re just like all alone you don’t have any of them you don’t have any of your brothers

Around anymore like dude that’s that’s just got to be heartbreaking that’s got to be so [ __ ] heartbreaking um but off the sad note um it was a really good movie I really enjoyed it I think they I think they knocked it out of the park with with uh with uh the iron claw

Yeah I thought they did a great job I think they did a phenomenal job I think that was a great ass movie dude so aw Dynamite aw Dynamite Man bunch of Continental classic action um uh swerve open the show in a uh must-win pretty much a must-win for

Swerve um because then this would tie him with John Moxley this would then tie him with John Moxley if he won and then as for roou I think it just would have brought Roo up to nine points so um swerve ended up beating RO with the swerve Stomp and it

Was uh it was a pretty good open and I enjoyed it and I enjoyed to see swerve um make his way to the finals definitely man definitely I love what they did there I’m so glad swerve is still on this and he’s he better be the one to

Win this man he’s got to be I would hope I would really hope um but then again dude I could see him not winning it for the simple fact of not only does he have hangman lurking around the corner again but according to Collision tonight um

Keith Lee um wants to resume Tony Khan wants to resume the feud with Keith Lee um from two years ago damn near when the hell did turn on Keith Lee well he came in Revolution okay so last November he turned on Keith Le and they feuded

Should have had a match at double or nothing this year all the way back in May and here we are December December 23rd 2023 and Tony Khan wants to restart this now seven months [ __ ] seven goddamn month too late the [ __ ] it’s like okay

Um all right uh I love Keith Lee but if you want to talk about swerve Strickland um I definitely think we should mention the fact that uh I think a lot of people rather see him do other [ __ ] right now um exactly [ __ ] going to talk about it but he

Was chopping up with the World Champ and that sh was absolutely fire yeah should also be doing that but guess what think Tony Count’s not so yeah seriously uh Chris Jericho did a uh video package um wishing Kenny Omega uh the best wishing Kenny Omega the best uh

This was really cool this was really cool to do um address it you know head on um you know wish Kenny the best um Jericho said something along the lines of Kenny Kenny wanted um uh Kenny was in severe pain but he still uh insisted on going out to the

Ring and doing a live promo because he was advertised for Dynamite and he wanted to give the uh the live fans as well as the fans at home um you know the experience of of seeing him so um that was that that was that was really cool

That was a really cool story for for Jericho to tell um on omega’s behalf cuz uh stuff like that is commendable it really is man it really is it sucks that you know Kenny’s going to be out for as long as he is man but

Hey he’s Kenny Omega he he he’ll be back man he’ll be even Cody was saying that Kenny will be back and he’ll be even better than ever which got me so scared because apparently I don’t think this is newsworthy enough to keep in to put in

The news but apparently um Kota was like backed out of like some Noah match or something so I think we all and did you see what Chris Jericho said oh no Chris Jericho said he’s still going to look for a new partner so I think oh yeah yeah that sounds absolutely

Garbage oh yeah golden the lover Jets jet lovers [ __ ] you golden jet lovers good Lord so I I could see it I could see it so we have another match we have the two losers of the tournament uh Jay Lethal and Mark Brisco have the two [ __ ]

Losers of the gold block um oh my god dude at this point bro if Tony Khan brought back jerish show um I can’t say I would be surprised I can’t say I would be surprised but but that would be another another Tony KH rant added added to the

Year rant that’s a celebration right there man that’s absolutely fire give me Jerell that God that’ be so that man [ __ ] would do it that’s the worst part he wouldn’t think nothing of it too just oh I used to watch that [ __ ] let’s do [ __ ] J show let’s go ah Lord um

So so this Jay Lethal and Mark Brisco match I’mma I’m G be 100% honest with you bro um good match um good match I can’t say any of the matches in the tournament have been bad um and they’ve they’ve Incorporated a lot of story Into

The tournament like I I really like I I I I’ve really enjoyed the Continental classic the only thing I would would change next year is um way bigger names way bigger names everybody keeps saying oh well they put teesa in there because they didn’t want teesa to to lose so you

Would rather have teesa uh not lose but you would rather have him ice [ __ ] cold where he is right now that’s what You’ rather have watching him if he’s out there losing who cares so what he’s newer he can lose anybody can [ __ ] lose it’s okay literally swerve lost does it is he

Hurt no he’s not what they he’s he’s staring on the champ and no one is anyone believing he can’t do it because he just had that loss no I could see that happening at any point I hope it happens in24 I really hope it does 100% 100% bro um so um yes exactly Logan yeah bro um yeah oh okay so yeah what I was saying good match good match um I really appreciate them trying their best to make Mark Brisco not look entirely weak um because it was a great explanation so they were talking about Mark Brisco not picking up

Any victories in the tournament thus far and they said that you know Mark wasn’t really sweating it because this is his rookie year as a singles guy he’s been in Tag Team Action for his whole career that makes a lot of sense and that’s something I can appreciate

So that’s something I can app 100% 100% um and as for Jay Lethal they didn’t outright say it but pretty much the story with him is um he’s gotten so comfortable having his boys ringside uh to the point where he can’t win without him and that’s exactly what happened

Here because Mark Brisco picked up his first Victory which leaves Jay Lethal with zero wins in the Continental classic and that puts Mark Brisco at one win and four losses so or five losses well yeah well no yeah one yeah one win and four losses um so so yeah man that yeah

Like I said that I can appreciate I can appreciate that and I can appreciate the story here between between both men I I it’s nice to see I like they here I you do like that they’re teasing a [ __ ] J lethal whatever the group is called break up [ __ ] aw’s midcard Mafia

Please break them up definitely man definitely we got a Samoa Joe and mjf promo uh we got a Samoa Joe and mjf promo where Samoa Joe was blaming mjf for being the devil uh he pointed out how the championship was perfectly laid out on

The ground like I said like I said and I like how they’re playing to that and if that is done on purpose then that’s that’s a nice touch but um he he blamed he blamed mjf uh mjf then blamed him because he was attacked meanwhile they came out to the ring but

Yet they did not lay a single hand on Samoa Joe so very um uh very valid points and a very good promo battle from uh from both men um the unknown would then come out I I hate when they give them stupid names like that um yeah so the call [ __ ] mystery

People or something the unknown come out and there’s a bunch of little torps literally like 30 of them that come out to the ring and I’m sitting here like yo what is this retribution what do you got like 30 [ __ ] a part of this group but then the group that’s

Eventually going to debut is just going to be like four or five guys yeah don’t like what do you do I I hate when they do that extra [ __ ] like you guys aren the Nexus stop acting like it cuz half those guys are just [ __ ] Jer

And like what’s what’s going to be the TV explanation you just [ __ ] paid a bunch of dudes off to [ __ ] beat them up yeah like this one as [ __ ] yeah like what the [ __ ] like are these mjf’s [ __ ] old Ops from high school it’s like these regular ass people like why

The like it’s like the it’s it’s really the little things like that dude it’s just like why the [ __ ] like so if there’s been 30 [ __ ] the whole time what where were they where were they this whole entire time honestly where where I I can’t find them

Look no dude like what’s going on here yeah it it doesn’t it doesn’t make any sense like so you mean to tell me the acclaimed J White mjf uh even the guys that come around and Surround Samo Jo every week it’s just Five Guys four or five

Guys whatever the hell it is four guys in the devil and now all of the [ __ ] sudden there’s like like [ __ ] 30 more of them huh like what’s going on here what I hate I when they do [ __ ] like that man and then they’re doing [ __ ] like that man it’s real

Annoying like where the hell y’all been the whole time like what okay thanks for nonchalantly adding like another 30 like 35 more members to the group what the [ __ ] this it’s like I don’t know it irked me dude but they take care of all the the the

Stand-ins and then the you know the the four guys we see every week come out surround the ring lights go out lights come back on dude they do that stick so much I’m starting to think it’s the [ __ ] house of black Under The Masks literally like bro just have them dip

Out of there through the crow or something like just have them act normal why they’re not [ __ ] not Supernatural yeah seriously seriously behind it he’s not [ __ ] he’s not a secret demon like was going on here this [ __ ] Adam Cole’s a normal ass person doesn’t make any sense bro it

Doesn’t make any [ __ ] sense you know they aren’t oh oh yeah 100% they’re and and if they do they’ll try to nonchalantly throw that there’s been all these members the whole time yeah oh you know it oh yeah um other than that I like the promo segment between mjf and

Uh and and and Samoa Joe and uh yeah that was it it was a it was a very good very good promo segment I I really enjoyed it I really en I really enjoy uh I I really enjoy them um I I really enjoy them uh I really enjoy their

Dialogue and and uh the pinning that seems to be getting put on damn near almost everybody in this situation it it it’s really it’s really been building it up to to a big feel you know what I mean it is man they’re throwing all these options around it everybody is a suspect

Man I do like that aspect yes yes um yeah I like that they’re playing to that because you know realistically could it could be anybody it could be anybody it needs to be one specific person but you know it could be anybody play up to it have some fun and

That’s what they’re doing that’s what they’re doing they uh uh on this night um they uh tried to pin it on swerve they tried to pin it on hangman they tried to put it on um Samo Joe they tried to put it on mjf they tried to put

It on um Roger strong I mean they’re trying to put it on everybody but who’s the one guy who hasn’t got blamed for being the devil yet mm it’s Adam Cole Rick FL and at that point shut the [ __ ] lights down and I never want to see aw

Dynamite on my [ __ ] screen ever again um Twitter STP dude it was a horrible ass option it was a joke but it was it was such a bad option I got to go find that I think I like the Tweet please tell me I like that [ __ ] tweet oh

Yeah not posted how would you react if Jim cornette was the a oh my God I he would kill himself Tony KH because what the [ __ ] it could be Paul White bro was the devil was the devil standing um was the devil standing a little crooked bro could be

Paul in the other direction on the other he has like crosed legs bro if it’s TK bro first of all bro the generational meme of him taking off the devil mask the look on his face is going to be the most generational image cuz I just know if he

I just could imag I could imagine him right now taking the mask off and then you know he’s got that [ __ ] look his face or his eyes get real big and he’s got like this like [ __ ] stupid smirk on his face that would be the greatest

Thing of all time that oh be abely phenomenal it’ll be horrible but the itself will be forever phenomenal oh man oh God that that would yes that would be the greatest thing ever that would be the greatest thing ever um so uh um so so so yeah um yeah they’re

They’re adding you know like I said they’re adding a big feel to the to the devil reveal they’re adding a big feel to it and um yeah they uh yeah like I said man they’re they’re adding a really big feel um pinning this trying to pin this on a

Lot of people uh people are you know mjf’s a little spooked about it he’s pissed off because you know he wants his mask back and you know he can’t you know find he can’t find out who this guy is and it’s is it adds for a it’s adding

For a great feel which is why I’m so adamant that they do not [ __ ] this up because this is something they’ve done really really well they’ve done really really well on on uh adding you know a big feel and this could be anybody type thing um so so yeah

Man hell yeah man hell yeah I like what they did there man I like what they’re doing with this St stuff man they just gota they just got to end it right man definitely man definitely mjf is uh walking uh backstage um s Joe tries to get him to go into the locker

Room and mjf says no he starts to walk down the hallway and he finds a mask right in front of the mobile uh mobile the Mogul the Mogul embassy’s locker room door right in front of the Mogul embassy’s door um he then knocks on the door Nana opens

He then grabs him by his shirt and he pins him up against the wall um I really do wonder what would have happened with all this stuff if Adam Cole didn’t get hurt um and if they do try to drag this devil stuff along I could really see this story

Depending on how long Adam Cole’s going to be out for I could really I I’m going to be honest I could see this story Landing them because solely because of the fact that Adam Cole got hurt it’s almost like a Becky Lynch situation Becky got hurt and it landed her in the

Main event of WrestleMania you know what I mean um with Adam Cole this injury if it’s legit could add could land them in the main event of all- in Wembley 2 it very well could I could see it going full circle in around a year and them

Facing each other at at the second o Lan I could see it yeah I could I I could see it too especially if Adam Cole is really hurt if Adam Cole’s not hurt I would say they probably wrap this up by Revolution probably wrap this up at Revolution yeah um which that’s the

Tricky part is they’re really ramping up the devil reveal and it feels like it needs to end at at world at at World’s End which is why I don’t know why they didn’t if it was going to be Adam Cole and if he’s really hurt um I don’t know why they didn’t start

This devil storyline a little later down the line yeah I think they could have waited a little bit if he is like that hurt yeah but if he’s not then we’re if he’s not hurt then we’re we’re on the right track here for sure yeah don’t worry I think

So yeah and he yes Adam Cole absolutely needs to be the devil no question oh 100% so he uh grabs Nana by his shirt and he pins him up against the wall and then Here Comes swerve swerve gets face to face with mjf and these guys had a

Great great little back and forth it was short and sweet and it was really good mjf um SV asked him if he had a problem mjf started singing swer of theme song He Stopped after he did the garments and um he said oh wait I’ll stop hold on now that the music is

Stopped oh seems like all your star power went with it oo okay um swerve then starts telling mjf that um he is a threat to his world championship and he uh needs to look out for him they talked about how um uh oh swerve swerve swerve had a

Really badass line in here bro um so mjf tells swerve you know you were the guy I used to travel up and down the Indie roads with uh from show to show and and we really got to know each other we really got to know each other up and

Down those roads and we had a lot of long car rides and um we had a lot of long car rides and uh um started uh talking you know talking about their talking about their their past talking about their past and and and and and all

Um you know all that stuff mjf then brought up how he became you know world champion swerve then tells mjf you know when we were up and down those roads um you had a bunch of uh tryouts um similar similar to the tryouts that you used to

Uh that you used to run into uh William Regal at uh but that’s the difference between me and you you you participate in tryouts I sign contracts that was hard bro that was that that was hard as [ __ ] um swerve then tells mjf he’s uh he’s um you know

He’s coming after the world championship um and uh he then tell he he tells mjf uh that he is not the devil that you’re I’m not the devil you’re looking for he told mjf and he walked uh um oh Samoa Joe um got in between him he put his arm around

Max and he said that uh we got some business to take care of so uh we’ll leave you here and S of walk back in his locker room with the Mogul Embassy um awesome I love seeing swerve mingle with mjf this guy’s going to be a world

Champion in 2024 or 2025 no [ __ ] question no question definitely man I think he has to be that was just a phenomenal back and forth man and I love love love that [ __ ] dude I think that was phenomenal definitely definitely bro definitely um yeah awesome awesome stuff uh rodri strong beats rental Lucha

27 Commander okay um John Moxley and John Moxley and Jay White uh to um must uh pretty much a must-win for for Jay White at this point uh as for MOX he you know he he still had a lot of points on the board so he would have

Been just fine um but if MOX won then it would have been MOX versus swerve but if Jay White won then we got a tie we got a tie at all three of them so while the ref wasn’t looking Jay White uh hit Moxley with a uh chair to

The knee he was working the knee the rest of the match hit Moxley with a blade runner and that was it that was it man um that was it Jay White picked up the victory to even this whole thing out at 12 12 and 12 points on the board for

Jay White SV Strickland and John Moxley man so these guys will be facing in a triple threat match next week uh well yeah on Wednesday to uh to uh see who goes who represents the gold league in the finals man so so yeah yeah um a pretty good match pretty good

Match and it’s nice to see Jay White uh [ __ ] winning something it really is man it’s nice to see and I like what they’re setting up here with this Triple C I like it I like it a lot yes winning something against somebody that uh against against a big name uh more

Specifically exactly exactly name that matters in terms of credibility yes and as for Collision Brian Danielson and Eddie Kingston made the finals for the gold block or the Blue Block um and yeah Eddie Kingston made his way back in the tournament bro uh so it’ll be Eddie versus Brian on Wednesday as

Well to determine the uh who represents the Blue Block in the finals um Nick Wayne’s mom was on there talking about how could you hate somebody’s mother I don’t I don’t really I don’t know I’m not feeling her from from the short clip I seen I’m not really feeling

Her with the group to be honest no man I I I don’t think I will too when I watch that clip I don’t I’m already predicting I really won’t but I did see a Christian Cage line clip that was [ __ ] the most Christian Cage line

Ever and I love it oh God I can’t wait to hear it um yeah and then and then Keith Lee called out swerve again and that was pretty much it that was pretty much it man that was pretty much it um yeah so that was that um and then uh briefly for

Smackdown Roman Reigns got to chop it up with Nick Aldis great [ __ ] great phenomenal that was great yes shitu fous oh yeah I see a lot of people saying that um Nick Aldis is going to piss so many people off it’s going to transition him into a wrestler and then

Thus his replacement is going to be William Regal oh I could see that I could definitely [ __ ] see that I think that’s the goal yes he is not making himself likable he is not making himself likable he is pissing a lot of that roster off and uh I think I I I could

Have easily seen them just putting him in that role to uh get him familiar with uh the the WWE audience get that audience familiar with them get them to like them and um I think that’s working man I think that’s going to go perfectly that is like the perfect way to do that

That would go so crazy imagine William Regal inter acting with [ __ ] with the tribal Chief oh he’s yes yes he’s going to be his Undisputed era that man Regal hated those boys oh hated and he’s that man always has to deal with a [ __ ] annoying ass faction

Under him and I love it I love that [ __ ] yeah um so uh what was the other oh yeah man so you know Roman Reigns pretty much tried to tell Nick Aldis um when Nick aldus came into the room Roman Reigns said and it was only him

And Haymon it was only aldus and hymon in the room Roman Reigns says how about you leave us alone uh leave us uh leave us be for a second Paul Heyman walks away Nick Aldis sits down this man Roman Reigns says how do you know I wasn’t

Talking about you and this man Nick Alis says this man Nick callus goes well even if you were I don’t really care I I don’t I can’t really say I care what you have to say anyway um I was like oh [ __ ] so Roman sits up and he’s tell and he starts

Telling Nick Aldis you know that triple threats a great idea but you know what have been been an even better idea if you would have ran it by me he then said uh you know Adam Pierce understood um that everything go through me he says

I’m the tribal Chief I’m the ah head of the table you don’t make these decisions without running it by me first Nick aldus then told him well look man um I get you’re trying to hurt my feelings while bringing up Adam Pierce but I H

I’m I’m the sharp end of the stick here now so you know you listen to me and he and and he he he walked out and he told Roman that he can’t wait to uh he can’t wait to get to know uh he can’t wait for

Those two to get to know each other a lot more like that lot dude I like that a lot I I love what they did there even though even though it’s way low key kind of made Adam Pierce look like a mark but overall I I love what they did there I

Think I thought it was phenomenal yeah Roman definitely did make him look like a mark but um but but uh uh yeah yeah man I thought they um I thought they did great and then the obvious the carry and Cross promo he starts talking about how he’s

He’s predicted the future and he has um he talked about how he tilted The Hourglass on the bloodline um and then he talked about how they imploded um uh he then talked about uh he broke Rey Mysterio’s uh patience or something like that he after his Feud with Rey Mysterio Rey Mysterio

Snapped and he you know hit his son um he talked about how uh he took away shinsuke honor um he for fun he he beat shinsuke and then um you know now now shinsuke is just Dev um but he talked about how he has this changing effect on people and then he

Says he said something along the lines of uh um but all of these things don’t have authors uh Scarlet then says do you see the vision as a silhouette of um a silhouette of two brutes standing between an old bald man flashed up on the

Screen I like the idea of cross with aop but H my only concern is how the [ __ ] are they going to make this work with two managers at this point they I think they just got to transition Charlotte Scarlet into a more wrestling role I think you

Just kind of have to at that point but I don’t really think she’s that good at least from what I remember I remember she wasn’t but I mean I’d rather have that than too awkward man two managers making it kind of awkward cuz I mean I’ll just [ __ ]

Go make some food during her match it’s not like she’s going to be a big [ __ ] women’s world champion anyway so there might be the best course of action for this but but but see the the thing is you put two acts together that do kind of heavily rely on their managers

Like Scarlet’s a big part of his act and in saying that Paul ellering is the author of pain you know what I mean you know like author yes he like he’s he aop I mean we’ve seen aop without him and I can’t say I want to see them without him

Ever again um no unless unless Paul ellering only shows up for pay-per-views and big matches type deal I could I could see that being more of like a background manager kind of just in the background it’ll be there for random Chromo packages and it’ll he’ll be there for the show for

Like the big shows but not on the weekly I could see that too but I’m telling you right now bro bro seeing Paul ring back with the authors of pain oh that’s gonna be awesome they gota be in next I don’t know how they’re going to make it work

BR got a faction now I need that group in war games next year dude oh that would go nuts yes that would go nuts but this carry and Cross promo is up there with the one uh that one from NXT where they were playing the end the old Armageddon theme

Song that [ __ ] that’s that could be their faction theme that go hard as [ __ ] as a faction theme I wonder and I can’t really see the identity of this faction you know the name what they’re going to be wearing wonder if they’re going to come back you know with with the vest I

Wonder it looked like they were it look like they were wearing it anyway so but I I really can’t wait to see how this goes it could could be awkward at points with the two manager thing but I overall am excited and I think it’d be

Really [ __ ] good and I just I can’t wait to see those two back especially because this Tag Division needs it 100% 100% but dude I’m I’m pumped I’m pumped to see how it’ll work like I said there there is obviously a concern um in some

Regards but uh in I mean at the at the end of it man I U I’m excited to see where this goes and I just just off one [ __ ] promo alone their production value is better than 90% of factions we see on AW Television already just off their production value and how they

Tease the aop doing the silhouette like dude that’s hard as [ __ ] man wish I know we’re not getting it but I would love that aop theme song again that [ __ ] would go so crazy yeah that would go that would go pretty nuts so yeah man that’s pretty much everything bro that’s pretty much

Everything and now for these hard-hitting questions well you want to go ahead and um you want to go ahead and and and lead before we get to these other ones man who’s staying and who’s going bro hit me right do they stay or do they go I

Didn’t had people that like don’t really apply to that phrase like I didn’t really we could we could talk about I could add him right now but I didn’t really put Mercedes um cuz he’s not like in a company right I’ll add her at the end

Just in case but people like that I I didn’t really add but I looked it up all names that have contracts coming up in 2024 didn’t get to use all the names cuz some of them resigned and like [ __ ] willas spr the money Mark got him in

Time so [ __ ] like that but I’m going start off man I’m going start off with the did you put on there no I did not anyways I don’t dude was his Dr contract even coming up no was that was a joke because this situation is a [ __ ] joke from the way

I actually just saw one of the new Japan’s tweets earlier M I think he’s just aw now think they let him go and just go completely into aw already that’s ridiculous man that’s [ __ ] ridiculous [ __ ] [ __ ] hell man but let’s start off this list do they stay or do they go

First first name on the list mjf it’s tough sometimes especially with the especially with the stuff we see out of aew now sometimes I there sometimes there’s a small piece of me that wish like maybe he should go but for the sake of the story with Adam Cole

For the sake of ironically enough him being one of the biggest aew guys um I’m I’m gonna say stay and what about you I’m gonna have to agree with that I think he’s gonna stay I think he was denying it but I think he [ __ ] resigned bro I think he signed an

Extension I said on Friday even if it’s not for long it was just a couple months he signed some sort of extension he had to have and if he didn’t then holy [ __ ] T of Mark but I think he did and I think he’s staying so I don’t know if I don’t

Know if uh I don’t know if you have them on the list but we’re getting we’re getting a request in the comments um he’s not on the list it didn’t say his contract was coming up in 2024 well we can talk about him cuz

Boy if his answer a a certain one my God but what do you think about about Mr wo do you think he stay in aw or leaves aew if he stays in aew that’ll be on the level of stupidity of Dolph Ziggler resigning with WWE in

2019 it will it will that’ll be on the level yes that’ll be on the level of stupidity of dude like literally Dolph Ziggler now that I just said that that’s that to a te dude you’re so good aew just started up you can go over there you can be appreciated over there you

Could be you could be one of the Pioneers one of the Chris Jericho or John moxley’s of of that you know of the upstart aew and he [ __ ] stayed with WWE so for w that is that for wllo like wllo can go to WWE and be so good he could he

He could be in the I could I could see him fitting seamlessly and we just talked about him in this faction with carry and cross and the authors of pain um nuts 100% um so to my point um wllo wllo staying with um WL staying with aew

Would be on the level of stupidity of Dolph Ziggler resigning with WWE in 2019 no question because I remember at the time everybody was so excited to see Dolph Ziggler leave WWE because everybody just thought it was going to be a no-brainer like oh yeah he knows

They’re going to treat him like [ __ ] they he knows it that he’s just gonna leave and he didn’t leave and bro [ __ ] stayed really [ __ ] stayed man and that would 100% be on that level that might be even worse lowkey in certain aspects it might be a little

Worse but it’s definitely on that same level dude so he he better [ __ ] leave man Yes W L’s a def definite go to WWE aew I’ll say it to him bleue in the face that’s one of aw’s biggest fuckups ever ever oh 100% easily [ __ ] orlow man

Okay who’s the next name you got next name on the list for do they stay or do they go Drew McIntyre at this point it’s tough but I think I have my answer but who do you what do you think are they staying or are they leaving

Uh honestly if you would have asked me before this storyline um I would have been very split on it I would have been very split of I could see him staying because he he he likes being in WWE um but you know I mean we argue we we we

Argued about this um a lot of maybe Drew wants to just go do something else he’s floating around doing nothing in WWE he’s unrig in WWE you guys remember the stuff we were saying he was in he was floating doing nothing nobody can deny that but where we are now dude’s dude’s

Got the most interesting character arc on WWE television um he’s one of the best parts about Monday Night Raw um and I see really big things for him in WWE now with this heel turn um I’m loving it I think Drew stays what about you I think it’s still possible yeah he

Le but I don’t think that’s what’s going to happen I think he’s going to stay man I really think after storyline he’ll I think he’s going about to come to the appreciation of story and character and come to the the comparison of you will not not get this story in character in aw

You just won’t and I think he’s going to realize that and I think he’s going to stay man I think that crazy if you ask like he said if you would asked me for the storyline a couple months ago I would have thought he was leaving yeah

But now I think he’s going to stay man I think he is 100% hell yeah dude and now an next name the name I was shocked apparently they it says they have the contract up in 2024 man oh and do what do you think he’s doing what does Andrade

Do tough man you know they treat him so well in aw but you so well so well but his wife’s over in the other company so well you know Andrade you know we did we did uh we did run the story that Andrade is up in 20 24 we don’t know

When because I know he was nursing some small injuries but um so might extended but pre-extension it’s 2024 so that’s I’m roller with uh yeah yeah exactly um Andrade like uh we talked about it on Friday dude once Charlotte resigned Andrade is Nob brainer especially with

All the he wants to go back to cmll to do stuff uh before his aw contract tracks up that’s because he knows he’s not going to get to do it in WWE he’s going back to WWE not just because of Charlotte but because Selena Vega’s over

There and because Triple H is over there and he knows under Triple H he’s he’s destined for greatness and under Tony Khan he’s um he falls so short of that Mark for nothing Saturday night nothing matches yes exactly [ __ ] so I have to agree with you man I I it’s he’s a he’s

A definite leave I don’t even see a chance of him staying I really don’t there’s no way there’s no way there’s no way and then the next name also I forgot it was me [ __ ] reading this [ __ ] up dude I’m sorry [ __ ] um next name coming up in 2024 another

Aw1 Keith Lee he apparently apparently what apparently it’s what it said Keith Lee man what do you think does he stay or does he go that explains a lot that explains exactly why Tony KH wants to uh start up a feud with SW of Strickland all the sudden um this guy’s

Doing the exact same stuff that everybody called uh Vince bogus for well Vince is so bogus he’s giving him a tag title run just to get him to stay and then he’s going to turn around and treat him like [ __ ] again after they resign that’s exactly what happened with Keith Lee

Um Keith Le’s going back to WWE uh Keith uh not Keith I was going to say Keith Le’s over there Mia yim’s over there um Roman Reigns wants that singles match uh that’s still on the table uh Keith Le’s Keith Le’s fantastic and his talent has been wasted for too long and actually

Um uh let me do a quick Google search here um and by the way I think you meant me he’s over there WWE correction Keith Le yeah um ke Keith Le’s 39 years old he’s not oh yeah yeah he he’s not wasting time he doesn’t have time for this

[ __ ] he doesn’t um he he’s going exactly man he not likees CM Punk he doesn’t have the time um I don’t think he want CM Punk time but um I think he goes he’s he’s got to be a definite go man I think Keith Lee leaves aw for WWE I think

So and next one dude the more you list these names this could be a [ __ ] catastrophic year for aw like bad it could it could be a very [ __ ] horrible I on the surface it actually might be good because it will thin their roster out uh but in terms of how it

Will look in the media yeah it’s it’s yeah it’s gonna be bad absolutely [ __ ] horrible man but might be good in in the long run man it might be next one switching over to the to the FED to to WWE man Sheamus apparently is is up

In 2024 does he stay or does he leave man what do you think yes Sheamus is up in 2024 um wow it’s tough this one’s actually pretty tough I can’t lie Sheamus I’m a yeah I could I could I’m gonna make a bold prediction okay I’m make a bold prediction um

Sheamus talked very down upon WWE and their treating of him he was supposed to get the single he thought they should have rode the wave of the Gunther story I agree I think Sheamus when they split up Sheamus and Gunther in the draft I was like uh I

Still think Sheamus should be the one to beat Gunther um he was the perfect option literally the perfect option he is a [ __ ] tooth and nail [ __ ] brawler like he I tell you greatest Intercontinental Championship Match I’ve ever watched Sheamus and Gunther from Clash at the castle does not get any

Better than that Sheamus is a [ __ ] dog Sheamus is a dog and I really think he can really get the chance to show that dog in him in aew um I I I think so um I I think so I’m gonna make I’m gonna make a bold prediction dude I’m

Gonna I’m I’m gonna say Sheamus I’m gonna say Sheamus Sheamus walks away man I’m going to say he he goes um they he he he’s like I said he’s bad outwardly about Roman Reigns he was supposed to get the championship match with Roman Reigns instead of Kevin Owens at the

Rumble uh that he was mad about them not riding out his momentum with Gunther yeah not not not not not good not good they just broke up his group um and he hasn’t even came back yet are they even going to bring him back I mean his contracts up in three months or

Something like that I heard so they might it’s true trip H so I could see him having a sendoff match that is true yeah he did it for Edge so yeah I could see him having a sendoff match it’s it’s popping Mark now that is true so

I I don’t know man I don’t know I I feel you know I I feel I feel that he huh I also think that’ll be really good for him be uh just off the fact that aw’s locker room needs more veterans but I think I mean they won’t

Listen to him but they need him yeah definitely yeah exactly exactly um but yeah um I I think uh I think I think Sheamus goes man I think he’s been quite uh quite upset with Triple H’s handling of him for a minute I think so dude I got to agree

With you I think I think Sheamus is is going man not only for the fact that I think he’s been not disgruntled but disagreement with the booking he has received this year man um I think that he has friends over there in aw and he has a one specific friend in a certain

Group that loves to brawl in a in a yep that’s really where I see him going man I think he’s going to a to aw next year and I think he’s going to join the Blackpool combat club man I really think cuz just a couple months ago or a couple weeks ago might

Even I think it was a fan that act that asked Cesaro if he would like love to reunite with Sheamus and have Sheamus and reunite the bar and he said he’d be [ __ ] honored and I and I think remember Sheamus quote tweeted it or liked it or something I think I think we

See him go to a and I think we see him join my cool combat club which is fire dog which is complete fire but I also just want to throw out there you have Chris hero employed just saying just saying apparently from what I hear either it’s Tony Khan that’s not

Extending the offer which I don’t think it is I think it’s Chris hero that just doesn’t really want to wrestle that much in like a big setting that’s what I hear so I think it’s I from what I hear it’s more a Chris hero just not wanting to do

All that in a way yeah which sucks dude because say imagine the trio of [ __ ] Sheamus going to call him Cesaro [ __ ] claudo and Chris hero dog in the Blackpool combat club that [ __ ] would go nuts man that [ __ ] would go absolutely nuts but for Shamus I think he’s a go

Man I really think he’s a go definitely I definitely agree now bro this next one star power all over them probably biggest name on this list so far far from WWE man do he stay or do they go Ricochet contract 20124 does he stay or does he go is he

Bald I would not be surprised if Ricochet is the next Dolph Ziggler of WWE that guy that just [ __ ] resigns because the money’s good um but Triple H has been doing exactly not only is Samantha there but trips is trying with him as Vince was wasn’t even giving him

The time of day that’s that’s the thing I think make my prediction I think it’s pretty obvious one I think Ricochet is GNA stay cuz he’s not going to be treated as badly you know anymore with Triple H but this point I Triple H really isn’t a mark for him anymore like

The NXT days so right Roch won’t be bad but he’ll just be there and I think Ricochet is going to be totally [ __ ] fine with that I don’t think he’s ever going to leave this company if he if unless he has to so I’m going to put resign for for Ricochet he’s

Staying definitely definitely man exactly man next one also from W from WWE a tag team we got we we got a tag team and we got a trio from WWE and that the trio I’m really excited for but tag team from WWE do they stay or do

They go the street profits I think this one’s a pretty obvious one for me but their contracts are technically separate I think they might be I think it said they might be a month or two apart or something but the street profits both Montes Ford Angelo Dawkins do you do

They stay or do they go I think this one’s kind of obvious um yeah this this this one’s uh this one’s super obvious for me as well they they’re definite stays for sure I think so I think both are saying especially Montes forward um him especially but I think both are going to

Stick together I think they’re going to stick together in WWE definitely definitely now the next one the one I’m probably most excited for because okay it’s interesting man it’s interesting because most of the ones after this to me are pretty easy answers but this one this is a trio the new day their

Contracts all at the same time apparently are up in 2024 really they stay that that’s what it said it said they are they all have contracts that go up or at least around the same time but it’s going to be nothing drastic unless they had the Bigg

E inur that they very well could but it is Triple H Triple H is like an standing person so maybe they could work out a deal with that or maybe if anything if anything I could see the the other two extending their own to match Big E Yeah

But I could see that but even though it wouldn’t be in 2024 anymore after that do you think they go or do you think they stay dude cuz I I would love I would love to see them go yeah yeah WWE now they are yeah but they’ve just

Done even doing that great path theyve done everything at that company man and F turn could only do them so much in the same spot yeah I would just kill for them to just try out other places not even just strictly aw on that [ __ ] Mark I’m anywhere any

And everywhere I would love to see that’s the one that gets me Logan is co that’s the one that gets me cuz he’s been there for so long he’s been there for so long and I just as much as I would love to see them go elsewhere I really would um I think

They stay in WWE as much as I would just kill to see them in aew to see them in New Japan and see them in um uh anywhere dude facing all types of trios um as much as I would love it I think the new day does

Stay I think so dude I think so I like you said as much as I would work out for them to be anywhere to get that Young Bucks an elite match yes that they that they want that they asked for and that was rejected [ __ ] Vince man um

Goddamn [ __ ] Vince we we could get so much but I don’t think we will to be honest I think they’re going to stay and I respect it I respect it but I think they’re going to stay man as much as it sucks yeah next one another contract up in

2024 okay A J Styles what do you think does he stay or does he go AJ wow AJ’s up in 2024 think it said he resigned in 2019 he did for that 5e deal so that’s right huh it’s tough dude AJ goes tough dude I I feel like he could I feel

Like he could I feel like he’s in somewhat of a way disgruntled you know booking wise yeah um not he’s got not like a disgruntled like a sham yes just kind of like what are they doing with me type thing what am I doing here type deal it’s not a [ __ ] this

Company type way but it’s like they’re they’re busy right now creatively I’m not going to fit in really anywhere majorly that I want to so I’m I’m I’m explore other options that’s what I feel like it would be for you know AJ and Sheamus but I could see that dude his

Friends you know are are in aw they they are aw um I could see it dude I could see well two of his friends are are back in WWE but they they just Chase whatever bag is in front of them so they could leave or they could stay really don’t matter [ __ ]

Money they are money marks bro at least they don’t lie about it I could respect it but I could see AJ going man I really could same same I could see him going AJ is the kind of guy who um he he he’s won a World Championship [ __ ] damn near everywhere he’s been

Um he’s faced the yes he’s faced the absolute best of the best of every company he’s been in um and and I and I would be I would be lying to say that I wouldn’t want to see some AJ Styles matches in aw um and some and some great

AJ Styles stories in aw but I think that um I I I think he might kind of be feeling that same way man um which yeah it’s it’s doesn’t have anything to do with him hating the company but I feel like it could just be something that’s

Just kind of I feel like I might not just fit in here right now exactly and that’s perfectly fine that’s no beef it is no beef it’s just I I this place doesn’t need be right now and somewhere else might so I could definitely I’m going give the Bold prediction I I think

He might leave man I think he might I could definitely see that hell yeah and going back to aw for the last aw name on this list we got two more after this one okay um Brian Danielson to me this one’s kind of obvious at this point I have a feeling

But Brian Brian Danielson do you think he stays or do you think he goes I think he stays in aew on an appearance deal instead of a full-time wrestler contract I think so I think he’s staying he’s obviously stepping back from The Ring not completely like he said but for

The most part um but I think he’s going to stay with aw he he’s taken backstage roles and I think he’s a part of this company he is a social media Sheriff no now how you New Japan got their own social media Sheriff bro [ __ ] that is [ __ ] hilarious these

[ __ ] marks just patrolling Twitter dude cuz that’s your job you just got to scroll on the [ __ ] timeline of everyone of every employee you follow and just make sure they ain’t liking [ __ ] or tweeting [ __ ] this shit’s hilarious serious but um I think he’s gonna stay definitely definitely agree back to

WWE technically the last one in WWE CU you know the last one isn’t technically anywhere but I want to add I added her anyway but this one really quick really quick let’s go back to AJ schedule Okay aw he he does love to be with his children that is very true forgot about

That he is a family man through and through so I can see it I can definitely see that too although WWE is slowing down on the house shows that is true so that is true they could limit that could be what they do to combat it is they

Tell as they put AJ on that you know you’re own if you do work House shows it’ll be like the biggest ones the big ones so was like special ones that they they put on that they film for afterwards and [ __ ] I could see that though I could see that because they are

Changing that slowly thank God for TKO man but um I could see that definitely the last one in WWE the second to last one in in the list Kevin Owens oh wait oh my God I skipped one holy [ __ ] I actually have two in WWE still I just

Skip right over his [ __ ] name I don’t know Why didn’t Kevin ens in 2022 for a three-year deal he might be up in 2025 might be 2025 he might be he might be I think might be with the other name too Sammy the other name was Sammy I think it’s the same deal to be honest um both

Of them stay I I say both I was gonna say both of them stay anyway but they might have did the math wrong for those two but the last name and the list who’s technically not going or staying anywhere cuz she’s not in the company but um

Mercedes where do you think she goes Dude I think she’s going back to WWE at this point I really think she is yeah I really think she I think TK fumbled her I think so I I I think I think she really had an itch to work aew uh I I think she really had an itch to work aw

But um whatever happened happened whether she doesn’t want to do it anymore because she sees WWE’s on a hot streak and she wants to help ride that out um you know with them and be back with with WWE um either that or either that or

H just I can see you’re doing a you for maybe a couple months maybe a year if anything but to be honest I got to agree with Logan in the comments I think we see her at at at the rumble I really think we do at this point me

Too yeah so but where we currently are now whatever happened with her and aew happened whether it was a an actual dispute with Tony or whoever she was trying to work out her deal with either that or she just sees the state of the company and like yeah I don’t I don’t

Really know if I want to be involved in this right now um because she’s had to deal with some pretty some some pretty bad company situation stuff over the course over a large portion of her career um so with that anymore yeah so I’m I’m gonna say she goes back to WWE

And I and I could I can easily easily see her appearing as soon as Royal Rumble I can see it I think I think we will see her at the rumble man and I think she goes to WWE definitely definitely do they say or do they go

List man ran through all the names that I was able to find I love it dude I love it um I want to ask one of your questions uh off of here and um I I I I want your um your opinions what are your predictions for

2024 for um for the WWE we will we’ll go WWE and aew man and then we’ll leave you guys at that but um yeah what is your um what what’s your uh um I see you wrote down here predictions for 2024 WWE and aew oh Becky and Seth uh stay stay I

Forgot to address address that yeah stay for sure they were on the list too but I didn’t even add them because I mean come on I I in my mind I thought one of them did a recent resigning so that’s why I really didn’t on the list CU didn’t did Becky

Resign recently I don’t know I don’t think she did but I thought she did so that’s why I didn’t add her but it came out in it came out in June that her it came out in June that her contract was up in a year um and then it just came

Out you know like a month ago that Seth was or a couple weeks ago that Seth is up uh in June with Becky as well so um there could like I I mean we talked about on news a couple weeks ago man but like there I there was a point where I

Could absolutely see Seth being like dude Vince McMahon’s just feeding me to these aew guys because of whatever reasons he has um so I’m going to go but under Triple H he actually feels like a priority and especially going into this Feud with CM Punk he actually seems like a [ __ ]

Top [ __ ] Top Dog on Monday Night Raw so yeah seems like the champ man so I think I think they both stay at this point man definitely but predictions uh predictions for for the WWE in in uh 2024 predictions for his tough man I think very loaded

Question very loaded a lot of different aspects to it man but I’m going just throw off a couple that I think might happen although it’s I can’t believe it’s actually still possible it’s possible Roman [ __ ] retains the title and beats Hogan’s record I think I think Cody is going to

Finish his story this year I really think he will so I think I think we’ll see the end of the tribal Chief um in terms of champion tribal Chief I think we’ll see the end of that um I think CM Punk will will beat Seth Rollins in the

Mania Feud and I think he will be the the World Champ or whatever that title is called I kind of forget sometimes to be honest butt World Heavyweight that’s the one it is I I always mix up the world and the so I think he’ll be AA Champion I really think he Will I think Roman’s going to take a [ __ ] legendary vacation um Tak a couple hey going to be up this one might be the this one might be the uh yes [ __ ] might I literally I either see him he’s only woman’s only going to return at one of the big three

SummerSlam which I really think that’s going to be too soon for Roman Survivor Series Rumble that’s going to be my three options for when he returns at his vacation genuinely and that’s crazy so I think we won’t see much of Roman next year to be honest after he loses is the title

Um there it’s loaded I think Sasha or Mercedes Sasha she will be again we’ll come back to WWE and think she’ll be a World Champ a women’s world champ again and actually have a rain that isn’t 2 months long um so I could see that happening I think that might happen think

Bailey you know what you might I can see the tag team of Bailey and Sasha and then the feud again of Bailey and Sasha in 2024 I could see that definitely with you know Bailey splitting from damage control which is going to happen in 2024 even though L

Key it should already happened in 2023 but I think it’s going to be 2024 um it’s tough dude damn it’s a lot of things a lot a lot of year to go on through definitely a very loaded question I think many people will return to the company I think so many wrestlers like

The ones we got off on the list man I think ke Le [ __ ] I think many people will will be joining the WWE in 2024 and I saw a lot of people predicting this and I hope and pray but we could see The Return of Morrow on commentary in 2024 a

Lot of people have been predicting it so God I hope so I would absolutely kill to have that man back on commentary in WWE man yeah oh yeah I need it dude I need it so much yeah you take Kevin Patrick off of that Smackdown team you have that

One be um Corey Graves and uh Michael Cole and then on on on uh on Monday Night Raw you do um you could do uh Michael Cole and and [ __ ] take Wade Barrett off of there and do Maro ralo that’d be pretty sick that’d be

Pretty sick I like that a lot I dig that very very much man yeah because you know they want Michael Cole so Michael Cole’s definitely staying but dude Michael and Corey for one and Michael and Maro for another sound sounds good to me that sounds absolutely fire man I love the

Sound of that yeah um so to go off cir’s list a little bit I’m I’m not going to um I’m not going to uh name some of the ones that that he named um because I definitely those those would have definitely been on a couple of my predictions I would throw out but

Um uh I think this is the year we see um Gunther lose the IC title as well as see Gunther become a world champion um in the WWE uh um you know you already you already me you think Punk’s going to be a world champion Cody um I could absolutely see

This being something being a year where I I feel like we could see the the the the tribal the tribal uh Title reign come to an end um yeah this is also the year I could see them making a last minute and very risky decision to keep

This another year um I could see it knowing WWE uh but um anyways okay so not to name stuff that cir named I think I think this is the year uh I I I think we could see Drew McIntyre make a world title push um I think we could Sam see

Sami Zayn make a title push not saying that he wins it this year but I could see him really start climbing the ranks um I think this is the year we see the Usos uh next year is the year we see the Usos back together um I think we see the

Usos get back together um and start telling their story of um finding trust in each other again I could even see Jay Uso winning uh the Intercontinental Championship or of some sorts um I could so crazy yes I could see something like that he said he wants to win it because

You know Umaga held it that’s his uncle that trained him so um I could I could see I I could see uh I could see something like that man I could see something like that um for sure uh but those are just a couple of of them but

Um what are your predictions for all elite wrestling in 2024 ironically enough going off for my predictions for WWE I think for aw a lot of people are going to leave the company I mean it’s already started in 2023 we’ll talk about that on Friday but um I think many wrestlers and backstage

People will be leaving and getting replaced by jobs in aw man 2024 is going to be very interesting year for aw I think our predictions are basically two two paths either Tony KH digs himself into the grave he can’t get out of with aw or the or it’s the aw

Reset that it needs I feel I’m going to hope I’m going to hope that it’s the reset but it’s very well possible this could be the the bad the I mean we already had bad ears for aw but like the downfall year for a aew man I could

Really really sadly see that man I think he can make many business decisions that goes wrong with aw or it’s going to be the opposite he’s going to make many business decisions that goes right but to to the onscreen creative stuff to predict man I think Meg mjf will stay

Like I said and I think I think he’ll lose the title to Adam Cole um he’s either going to lose it it depends on this injury he’s either going to lose it to Adam Cole or he’s going to lose it to Samoa Joe if his injury is bad is as bad

As as it could be he’s going to lose it to S Joe if not I think he’ll lose it to Adam Cole who will then maybe a couple months later lose it to Samo Jo I can see that you know hello I’m in a way I’m

Against it but I’m also not at the same time cuz this is one title that could actually possibly matter I could see them adding the second world title now at this point I don’t want to see it just because they have so many titles but if they didn’t add all those

Extra dumb titles I would have loved a second world championship but I could see them adding a world second world championship in 2024 man um lot of lot of lot of things to RCT with aw I think their pay-per-view schedule is going to get worse I think

They are going to go that 12mth route I really think they are I think so too and um I I a scary another scary prediction I have for aw they will have a streaming service but it won’t include pay-per-views the way we hope it includes pay-per-views I really have a

Feeling that something like that’s going to happen so could be a very scary year for aw my prediction for aw is basically this either going to go completely in the dirt or it’s going to reset itself and I hope it resets itself and I hope

They could do all that but it’s going to be a very scary and teeter totter year for a it could go one way it go completely the other way but um a lot of many things can happen in aw for 2024 and either it could be really good or really bad

Um yeah uh yeah I I I definitely see a lot of those things and uh we’re going to talk about it Friday but I think a lot of things are changing internally in aw and I think it’s because of the reason that QT Marshall stated and you

Know you could say a lot of things about QT Marshall but he’s a day one and he knows how that company was when that company was considered special um he worked in the back um so if anybody’s gonna know it’s him because he was Cody’s right-hand man and a lot of

People credit Cody for being um almost the glue that held all elite wrestling together and with Cody rhods staying in WWE and extending his deal way before his contract comes up in 2025 that lets you know that the the guy that held the guy that held aew together still isn’t seeing that fire

Reignited in aew and he’s choosing to stay with WWE um and he’s happy there um and that’s that that that that says something a lot of people uh a lot of aw day ones um are leaving and that’s not good that’s not good I I think that and I

Hate saying this dude and and and I know I’ve been hard on aew man but I I really just think um I really think this is going to be a scary year for them because I just really feel the company’s going to be changing in D in departments

That it does not have to um and and uh it could it could really hurt them now it could be a good thing it could be but you got to remember man these a lot of these things I’m talking about are things that made aew special in the first place

So something to think about it really is it’s going to be a very telling year and very solidifying year for aw man it could go One Direction and it go the other another random prediction I will have that’s just creative related think we see a s of world championship run in

204 yes yep that was one of the things yep that was one of the things I was going to say for sure I think we see uh swerve make uh make that make that uh leap to at least start chasing or become an aew world champion

Um uh I I just I I hope they I hope they don’t I hope they don’t jump the gun on him I hope they don’t try to rush it because Tony Khan feels pressure from his audience you know let it let it flow that’s what’s worked so well with swerve

Things just flow with him you know what I mean nothing he doesn’t feel like he’s being shoved down your throat things just flow so you know what I mean whenever you feel like you can get that flow then you know let’s transition him to a World Championship uh world

Champion world champion in all elite wrestling and I think that uh I think he’ll I think he’ll do it I think he’ll do it man and I can’t wait for him to do it um I think a lot of people leave like cir K said I think this is the year they

Get uh their streaming deal um uh I don’t quite have the same prediction about um their pay-per-view thing not being exactly what we think because they cannot afford to do that that aspect they they cannot afford if if Tony Khan has anything left in that Noggin of his

He would know that aw cannot afford to uh [ __ ] their fans over with their streaming service that people have been asking for for Years yet again um it’s going to be a very very telling year man it’s going to be a very telling year um I don’t know man I it’s it’s it’s

It’s a it’s a scary Year from aw and I hope that they I hope that they I hope that they run right through it um and um you know come out on the other side okay because I don’t know what’s going to happen and obviously the big big one is

The uh pay-per-view stuff the 12 pay-per-view year I think they’re going to move to 12 p pay-per-views a year and I don’t think it’s going to be good for them at all um this is not what made them special this is not what made them special whatsoever um and it’s something

That I just I I can’t I can’t find in myself to get behind because that was one of their mission statements in aew man um that was one of their mission statements and another thing that people used to always complain about WWE with they have too many titles you know what

I mean a lot of people wanted one women’s title and one tag title and they can float or women could be exclusive to one brand tag team to be exclusive to another that stuff that’s the kind of [ __ ] aw made fun of in the beginning because it was a

Joke that WWE had all these [ __ ] championships for no damn reason and [ __ ] barely had a division to to for for each title to get behind so what does aw go and do they go and ask had 15 championships between Ring of Honor and

Aew come Ong that on top of the you know they used to always make fun of the fact that like I said nobody’s [ __ ] got time to watch 12 pay-per-views a year and [ __ ] nobody’s got time for this [ __ ] man um nobody’s got time for this

[ __ ] less is less is more that was one of the things that they understood in um in the beginning and they’re they’re moving away from the mission statement and it’s it sucks to see um it sucks to see man it it really does but I know I

Said we were going to leave you guys on this but there’s one in here um there there’s one more question in here that cir K put because it’s not a category in the year end Awards and yep um you know because we have to wait till after the new year after the

New Year to present you guys with the Year End Awards It’s 12:24 a.m. on 122 2423 crazy kind of crazy um but but um sir K put this in here because it’s it’s not a category in the year end Awards because usually there’s never that many good feuds to actually make

The list but what was your Feud of the Year think about the answer C Li up to this um damn this t a lot of feuds man a lot of feuds I would probably say earlier start of year you know Sami Z bloodline I think I would have

To okay not really like it’s not really Feud but like storyline way of the year it’s Sami Zay versus and with the blood line it’s a feud within a bunch of feuds it’s I I’m going I the way I’m calling it is uh the term I I use personally is the bloodline

Saga um because there’s so many feuds that come out of that like when I think of the bloodline Saga I think of the trial of Sami Zayn I think of the Sami Zayn turn I think of Sammy and Roman building up a new elimination chamber I

Think of Sammy and K versus The Usos I think of uh bloodline Civil War I think of J versus Roman all just the the bloodline explosion storyline and all the feuds and inner fightings between everybody involved and all the characters and how well all the characters tied into

Something Sammy uh and Kevin you know how they intertwined Cody into that whole thing and how they were having Cody and Samy mingle it up a little bit and then you know you uh transition into the summer and you’re just seeing the most intriguing of television with uh with Jimmy just

Getting fed up and Jay trying to keep the peace but then Jimmy snaps and then Jay snaps and then you know uh Jimmy takes out Jay because he doesn’t want him to turn into Roman Reigns but you know it it it’s just it’s been it’s been

So awesome it’s been so awesome now I now I’m going to be completely transparent I still don’t understand the logic behind Jimmy rejoining the bloodline I’m going to let it play out but you know this guy was kind of the whole [ __ ] reason all this [ __ ] happened and now he’s just back with

Them and they trust him it doesn’t make much sense but I’ll um I I’ll I’ll let it play out man I’ll let it play out cuz because this storyline has been so satisfying as a wrestling fan to watch you know because it’s been such a satisfying story to watch I’m obviously

Going to give it a little time in leeway um this is one of my favorite stories of all all time this is up there with the Gargano and Champa Saga um those that those are literally one and two um so it’s up there for me and for me um for

Me there there’s no other answer than than than the bloodline uh the bloodline Saga so I think so man I think that is Feud or fuds in storyline of the Year man I really think it is definitely man definitely and another reason I really appreciate this the the

Whole bloodline stuff is because that really made a lot of fans look at Tony KH and say Hey where’s your stuff like this you know he he then responded with you know better than you baby and that that was a that was obviously that that

Was a hit but if it wasn’t for the bloodline Saga who’s to say that he got the he felt the pressure and felt the need to actually uh want to prioritize a a huge story line on AW Television but um uh but but yeah um so in terms of

Feud or feuds I I would just have to to lump all the the the bloodline implosion related stuff into the feud of the year I would have to too definitely man I agree with that 100% man so yeah that is all the and hey man we got some more

Questions bro we got some more questions dude so we got um you know we got we got the time and we got more questions man and I’m sure the questions will keep coming and dude who’s to say who’s to say we don’t uh who’s to say we don’t come on here

Again and chat it up again but as for the Christmas episode as for Christmas unscripted bro that is going to do it for this edition of the new Hills podcast and Merry Christmas Eve to everybody out there uh obviously to answer JT’s question I’m sorry I got off

On Mad tangents the past uh for the past 20 minutes but um yes it’s h i mean I know Logan did uh describe it to you but yes we know you know we know you guys you know you guys are probably busy on Monday night um you

Know with family or whatever you guys got going on so it’s kind of kind of a little stupid to even you know go on go on here live so we figured we’d do it right now spend the at least spend the early hours of Christmas with you guys a

Christmas Eve um Christmas Eve that is but um uh yeah dude I I really I really want to wish you guys a very very very Merry Christmas man uh so Merry Christmas from from your notorious heels family well I mean you guys are the family so Merry Christmas to you guys

Man um and dude uh I hope you guys I hope you guys get everything that you wish for um I hope I hope the gifts that you bought people um I hope I hope everybody loves the gifts that you guys bought for people man so I hope you guys

Um I hope you guys have a very very Merry Christmas and I wish you guys nothing but happiness man you guys know how it is um you guys know how we roll around here man so yeah dude wishing you guys a a very very Merry Christmas or as

Dante says a very merry yeas bro um so yeah man um yeah so that is going to do it for this edition of Christmas unscripted and with that it has been always always always always a pleasure for my Johnny Mayhem nice okay and that is going to do it for this edition of

The Notorious heels podcast another great edition episode 175 of notorious unscripted Christmas unscripted Merry Christmas to you guys I hope you guys enjoy it with the people you love the most drink some [ __ ] eggnog and have a great Christmas bro so thank you guys Merry Christmas to you guys please like comment and

Subscribe thank you guys so very much we love you guys and we will see you guys on on Friday with the news Merry Christmas guys peace is restr

1 Comment

  1. Some of my takes here.

    1. I don’t see MJF & Adam Cole lasting till ALL IN next year because I think it’s a given that Will Osperay wins the AEW World Title there.

    2. I definitely see Seamus going to AEW & joining the BCC & reforming The Bar with Claudio.

    3. NEW DAY, I would LOVE to see them go ANYWHERE else cuz they’ve done everything I just can’t see Kofi leaving cuz his been there forever & I don’t see Xavier or Big E (especially after everything with the injury with Big E) leaving without him so I do think they’ll stay.

    4: Bryan Danielson stays in AEW unless a miracle occurs HHH & TK agrees he can go back for one more match in WWE with Gunther before going back to AEW to work backstage but unfortunately we may have to file that in things that will never happen.

    5. Mercedes, with the way WWE seems to have got a hold of Endeavour’s purse strings & spending money like their name is Floyd Mayweather! (Between The Mysterio’s, Charlotte, Bayley & the recent news that it’s a priority to sign Cody to a contract extension & both sides (WWE’s & Cody’s) are apparently saying that the intention is for him to sign the contract extension (& you know he’ll be in the Brock Lesnar-Roman Reigns pay bracket) they are all of the sudden rolling in money to spend 😂) I do think Mercedes will be in the realm of what she wants concerning money & I can see her coming back in the rumble cuz I THINK HHH wants to do another women’s revolution & I think he like the rest of us know he needs ALL 4 of the women that were around for the original women’s revolution, in the 4 Horsewoman around for that & let’s be honest a the 4-Way between those women is a WrestleMania main event & Mercedes knows that more than anyone.

    My feud of the Year was Sami vs The Bloodline / Sami & KO vs The Usos cuz that to me was the most perfect payoff in the whole year with Sami & KO ending The Usos record title reign.


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