Golf Babe

26 Minutes Of Karens Messing With The Wrong People..

26 Minutes Of Karens Messing With The Wrong People..

Subscribe for more videos to see Karens Who Got What They Really DESERVED, Karens, Public Freakouts, Karen Complications, Karens Getting Owned By Police, Karens Going to Prison, Instant Karma & More!

Videos inspired by:
26 Minutes of Karens Vs Kids!

18 Minutes of Karens Vs Kids!

TOP 25 BEST Entitled & Angry Karen’s Who Got OWNED! #19 Sneaky Trends

Karen DESTROYS Loud Lamborghini… Karma

Racist Karen Gets INSTANT KARMA after this.. Illusive

Karen Attacks Neighbor after this.. Illusive

When A Karen Goes To Prison.. Illusive


It’s a Karen apocalypse on the street this Karen is chasing a guy like a zombie and punches his car window that’s not crazy enough she decides to unleash her inner Banshee while he’s just waiting at a signal she just hit my car break your sh what I do come break

Your what I what did I do break I’m a break why are you so mad I’m break so mad why why you so mad why you me I’m just trying to get to work Karen thinks she didn’t do anything wrong and can’t believe she got kicked

Out of the plane she argues with other passengers on her way out but gets schooled by the Cops we do have to be playing at this time so sorry for the inconvenience thank you for your cooperation people on the airplane make it I will let all you guys go thank you excuse me I didn’t do anything wrong but I got we not doing this on my time I

Got to go I got come I got you yeah but I got to go home I got Mone to listen I don’t give a [ __ ] about none of that I got I I didn’t do anything wrong stop I didn’t do anything wrong if you are leaving

Lower your voice and leave I did what they asked why why get the lower your voice excuse me I lower your voice and exit I did what they exit no I did what they asked exit you said you were leaving right but I did what they asked my I don’t know

What they asked me to but if you yeah but if I threw my drink out CER I didn’t bring my drink on the why can I not get On are you I’m just Asking Rel look check out Miss racist Karen in the store throwing around curses and flipping off the workers someone please enroll her in the how not to be a jerk Class B you know how much money I’ve spent in this $10,000 so you get that on the tapable

Oh we will thanks and this one this one means you and persan you Persian that means shakes Mexican you like them go back to Mexico Oh I really don’t care go yourself I’m not getting out get the cops here calling us racist and then calling me a Mexican yeah because you

Are racist Tyler Morgan is racist against Iranian people racist against her please for yeah because she’s a mexic go ahead and I’m racist against you just because you’re white you think you’re cool you’re not I’m not American yeah I don’t give a you look white to me awesome that’s the

Most RAC ever heard in my life good you can this I’m not don’t touch me you are not getting any further I’m not even doing anything this Karen at the parking lot was running her mouth like she’s the heavyweight champ threatening to throw down with some poor woman then out of

The blue she actually knocks the lady’s phone out of her hand and of course she flips the script and starts playing the victim I’m right right I ain’t touching you girl what I look like touching you you white what the look like I’m black you’re a great mom yeah you are too you

Want me to put her down yeah put me down put me down tell tell them tell tell her put me down look at her teeth she do good Coke mhm she do good drugs what you need you need a ball or something do you talk a l do you actually know how to

Fight or you I do you want to fight I’m right here I’m waiting I’m right here let’s go let’s go let’s go touch me put your hands on let’s go let’s go let’s go got exactly what the looking for for nothing do you see any D in this lady

Door I don’t see where okay Karen she’s a Caren she’s a Ken go go go she’s a car that girl is crazy something wrong with her go something wrong with her she’s crazy the cops take take care of it where’s y’ car at right here right here

Ain’t nothing wrong with her a this could have been prevented for what she took him off to fight me why mine still on now she’s the victim now she’s the victim smacked your you smacked her phone out your her hand now you’re the victim now you’re

The victim after you knock my phone out of my hand yeah this idiot in the car was driving around breake checking folks guess what he tries the same trick on a car not realizing it’s a cop Tada Karma hits and he gets pulled over w No way bro yeah yes yes no way this is Vindication light him up light him Up [Applause] Mr Karen is Going Bonkers ranting like crazy about his neighbor’s dog leaving poop in his yard problem is the neighbor doesn’t even have a dog but who needs facts when you can have a full-blown tantrum I know the owner of you want problems keep going I didn’t touch your

Property I haven’t been down there where are my footprints where are my footprints keep going you you want to you want you started you not PO on my property you I did I poop on your property then shut your mouth no don’t yelling at me don’t don’t start [ __ ]

With me and I won’t have to yell at you oh you’re good you’re going down oh yeah yeah you’re real you’re a real Class Act dude come touch me why why would I do that your money where your mouth is why why do you you want that to happen I’m

Going to call the cops right now go ahead and what are you going to tell him that’s true that I did what I’m in my yard dude I was on my yard you stick your head out the window blaming me for dog in a rude way and you wonder why I’m

Going to react rude to you because you were rude to me in the first place and if you can’t get that through your head go ahead and call whoever you need to have a nice day dude oh yeah you have a nice day too you too man yeah you your neighbor yeah

Really nice neighbor you’re a real nice neighbor I’ve never seen you here ever no you started out of my face there they I’m in my yard remember I’m in my yard your dog can suck any dog on my grass good for you go for it dude do you think

Management gives a any of this back on your porch how about that you come up oh you’re going to put poop on my porch going to let your dog poop on my porch I don’t have a dog dude why say that in the first place I don’t have a dog I

Haven’t been on your property what why don’t you call your dude out what why why are you going to start [ __ ] with him now why didn’t you tell me it was your dog I did I did I said I don’t have a dog and I said no dog there and you

Assumed that I did no you’re tripping you’re have you’re pissed off cuz your power’s probably out you come out here and you’re looking for someone to bl’s out too so what I’m not out here I’m not out here I asked them not to poop in my

Yard I had the guy pick up I cleaned up all your oh my have a dog dude your ass burning and blowing in my you bleue snow on this you you took you you you are the I’m talking about respect for your neighbor then show some respect and

Don’t come at me like you did out that window dude but we’re beyond that you we’re beyond that you if you jump into my face I’m going to come at you I’m not in your face you jumped in my face no I didn’t I’ve been up on my wall this

Whole time dude I didn’t no why what what are you going to do you going to [ __ ] me up you threatening me now I’m not threatening you yeah you are why would I come down there he started it y you just said you know he started

It so please I asked you to not put poop on my yard I didn’t when have I ever put poop in your yard I don’t have a dog dude hey you were there what did I ask you you said you going to pick up your this

Time yeah and I never stepped foot on here so don’t go threatening me you never step foot on my yard I’m not why would I why would I want to CU you’re an idiot yeah I’m an idiot are you still going to call the cops I am okay then call no I’m calling

Management not the cops I’m calling the owner of the park that’s who I’m calling go for it Laray yeah I’m going to call Lay right now no you can’t you can call whoever you want call whoever I’m calling L right now good go good for you what do you want a

Trophy go inside dude good for you I do not give it call her what are you going to say what are you going to say I’d love to hear the conversation great stay right here then and listen stay right here and listen stay right here and listen

No no I don’t no you said no you’re all talk what are you going to what are you going to tell her why would I go on to talk to you right now look listen to you dude why would I want to deal with you please you you started you didn’t like

The way I responded getting a letter from man good for you dude write a letter warning I see you on my land your land I didn’t come down on your I haven’t left my yarding order too I haven’t left my yard dude I’m in I’m in

My house you turn away I’m on my lot I have no problem with you you turn away or the cops going to called me turn away call wait wait now you’re giving me an alternat keep yelling at me I’m not yelling you’re the one that started it

Dude keep yelling I’ve had this all on video dude you’ve been on video for like the past five minutes oh your video my video oh it’s so funny oh okay well Management’s going to call you then okay you got issues is that a threat you got issues you’re the one starting at 7:15

In the morning thre you would know okay that’s not you’ve already did like 10 times but you know what I don’t care I’m not scared of you I didn’t hurt you I didn’t threaten you not to poop on my lawn I don’t have a dog to poop on your

Lawn dude do you see a dog around here are you seeing stuff you’re seeing poop are you seeing a dog I’m glad you’re videoing yourself CU your psyo I’m videoing you have a nice day dude enjoy those phone calls that you’re going to make this poor little girl had to watch

Her mom throw a tantrum in the store Heron mom gets kicked out but she won’t leave until she gets her daughter’s Pres prescription then a rude worker adds to the drama by tossing the prescription at her and Bam the crazy is Unleashed hey me my daughter medicine that’s all

I’m asking for she got my prescription she keep playing with me let her give me my daughter medicine right now look they got the medicine she just told me to go over over there and talk to this lady for the medicine I told I don’t need nobody talking to me she

Going just tell me that I got to have to come over here for ring me on why don’t you just ring me on let me go I just want to go let me get my prescrition oh yeah let me get my don’t touch me don’t touch me let me get my prescription

Leave let me get my mother let me get my so I can leave you talking about but she just do her exactly come out here you give me my don’t touch me you keep hands on tou meou me you talking about I need my my prescri here yall me my before I

Go1 call 911 I’m not leaving she just threw something at her yes she threw something at her exactly C and got the right you you security guard get my let me leave out you have some you got leave no I came me out with a

Paper I want to leave out with my paper my daughter is sick I just F my daughter to the all day today talking if I need I can go to walg to another walg she not the only walg over here and you got the N to tell me

What what okay what’s up okay what’s up [ __ ] you don’t touch me no more I’m not call the police call the police this crazy guy in the store was going all wild and threatening the workers oh and get this he tries to snatch a snack during his little tantrum but puts it

Back when the worker calls him out real smooth move buddy out here you understand me boy I will turn this bit you understand me boy I think I swear to God I will turn this bit the up you hear me you [ __ ] hey boy I will you

[ __ ] I talk me that c come on step onside please I got something for your big ass come on take whatever I want yeah come on yeah yeah yeah open the door oh what oh what or what or what or what hey do you have a receipt for seven per chance

Boy he watch why one these you understand me boy I’m yall will smack this swear to God I swear to God boy who you talking to I’m not one from Detroit this security guard was acting like Karen and called the cops on a poor cab driver for trespassing when all the

Cabby wanted to do was pick up his Passenger not back on proper you don’t want to comp sir I’m a lift driver I was directed to come to this location to pick up a passenger can I get a supervisor can I get a a supervisor please supervisor yeah give me a

Supervisor help you sir I I want your supervisor I am the supervisor I want your supervisor the supervisor you have a supervisor I would like to speak with I am the supervisor sir that’s nice I would like a supervisor please this is the location that was

Shown to me on lift pick up I told you you can’t be down here and then you kept telling me that you didn’t want to be down here so I don’t want to be here I want to pick up my passenger and move on leave you told me you want to leave I

Didn’t say I wasn’t going to leave I said bye you didn’t say bye that’s that’s I said bye just standing right there you said I said bye I’m fine with it I’m good I got all day baby I’m here to pick up one of your employees she

Said to pick up at the employee parking lot she said it was an employee parking lot this is the area that I was directed to drive to Sir hey how you doing sir hi I’m officer wild ccy Police Department what’s the problem tonight um I’m a lift driver

Okay I was directed to this parking lot to pick up my passenger incoming call this Karen was throwing a fit in the restaurant kicking stuff around as if it were her own personal playground then as if that wasn’t enough she added a bunch of drama by challenging a worker to a

Fight for I’ll put this scrap what you talking about ass ass y’all do too much it’s with his gay ass that ass back and for tell come outside tell her to come outside come come out come out come out take dick in the Boot the poor workers anxiety went through the roof dealing with these crazy carens this Caren at the pharmacy was giving the workers a hard time being all rude then she had the nerve to act like they’re the rude ones and wouldn’t even let the manager speak a word who was

Trying to help her what is your name and a up you hear this because I want my prescription answer my question question you said answer your question what’s your name you don’t want your medicine transferred so what’s your name ma’am my name’s Amber Amber okay so Amber y’all can’t give me

My medicine that’s all I’m trying to help you right now but you already ready okay not listening okay but you keep telling me you’re going to transfer my prescription my prescription is ready here I don’t need it transferred anymore I wanted it transferred yesterday

I will hang up and you will not get it today okay are you going to drop it okay my name is Jam I asked for my prescription to be transferred yesterday not today called other Pharmacy I never called any I never called any other Pharmacy exping

This anymore you don’t have to I didn’t call a pharmacy where’s your manager I didn’t no I’m not D here I’m going to be right back next time I get a prescription here you’re going to be down here wrong with you I I came in here remember yesterday I came in here and

She said she didn’t want us to come in there did she trying to call security talking about I’m a call security call security prescription she talking about oh you called no I didn’t your employee told me she was getting my prescription transfer is what it was I don’t have to

Call anybody I sat right up this girl to have my prescription sent to a different Koger cuz y’all W going to have my yesterday and I notic this that whoever Amber is this she I bet she is mad she run around the corner and and keep on recording this

That fire say nothing to you you keep telling me I got to come in here for what then talking about we short sta but you arguing with me for 5 minutes par the window wrong with y’all give me my now leave more y’ had this window y’all had this window not working

Since June since June that’s why I called corporate on yall yesterday and I’m calling them back today othery that you want to is that my prescription in here okay can you drop it through the thing please going to but I’m explaining something here explain it to your employee ma’am I

Don’t work here I don’t work here you have my you have my medicine I just want it and I’m ready to go I don’t work here there’s clearly a disconnect and I’m just trying to explain okay just please give me my medicine I don’t care I don’t

Work here I just want my medication okay if you would like to transfer out no I don’t you need to explain that your employee did that yesterday I’m letting you know you don’t have to let me know you need to let her know what to do disconnect obviously there was okay

That’s fine I just I don’t care I just want my medicine I don’t care I want my medicine that’s the whole issue no I doubt I care that this window not this window she got medic I care that y not work in this window here I care that y

Not work in this window yeah thank you about time okay bye yeah by you this lady didn’t take the news Well when she heard that she got fired she took her anger out on everything in the store destroying it all my God she oh my God you say a mess mom

Don’t oh my God she really going crazy this is careful oh my God she has put the whole thing oh my God bless her heart she ain’t never going to be able to work nowh again she not right she I think she has a disability you that’s what I’m saying is

It a mental health thing or is it to call the crisis you got let her do her thing right now we just kind of watching they not trying to touch her that’s what I’m saying you see security trying to figure out what he got to do she throwing that above her head that’s

Crazy this is really crazy y’all yeah


  1. Men, do not hesitate for one moment to put a restraining order against your female partner if you feel your safety and health is in jeopardy. Placing a permanent restraining order on my female partner was absolutely the wisest protective move of my adult lifetime. My only regret is not doing it years earlier. Men, be safe!

  2. Keep running up on people like that and you are going to find out the wrong way , just because you are a girl that doesn't mean someone wont throw you down on the ground

  3. I love these ratchet women who act like fools and perpetuate the stereotype. Literally destroying a walmart because you got fired. Wow what a winner.

  4. What a role model that mom is….un huh….her kid probably thinks its ok to do that now too.

  5. Y’all need to start posting these security guards real work location when they act like they are cops knowing they aren’t!

  6. Erm sorry but how did the first Karen mess with the wrong people? Shit start to the video not watching the rest.

  7. 12:27 Honestly the woman didn't have to get on like that, but Why'd the worker throw the prescription at her? Everyone can tell she's already unhinged, why make it even worse

  8. Holy crap 😂 the dog poop conversation is so funny "dude" but the thought of arguing with anyone like that ever exhausts me. I'd have walked away after the first time I said I didn't have a dog. I'm glad other people have it in them to argue with people in circles cause I definitely don't 😂

  9. It's such a sad thing to have this be the image of our "proud country" that people all over the world get to see.

  10. What's up with everyone trying to get everyone to touch em? They dont really sound smart enough to be using it legally…like some sexual frustrations or something…

  11. I really liked the one with the cop pulling over the Karen driver.

    Also, I feel bad for the employees who has to clean up the mess their ex-employee made😢

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