This Move Should ALWAYS Start The TAKEAWAY!

You must start your swing like this in the takeaway, and if you don’t then you are going SO wrong. This move in the takeaway is the exact reason why the pros are so long, it is why they hit the driver longer and consistently, AND exactly why they strike their irons longer, straighter and further. This move should always start the takeaway and to do this top 50 world coach Alex Elliott will give you a simple drill that will prevent seperation in the golf swing, give you rhythm in the golf swing and add power into your golf swing!

The takeaway in the golf swing is not always easy to get right but for me this is the BEST Takeaway Drill On YouTube that gets you DAILED IN, FAST! This drill works miracles for your takeaway and works with every single club. By using this drill you will consistently take the club through the same area every single time. As a PGA Top 50 coach I firmly believe this is the only golf drill you will ever need to improve your takeaway in your golf swing. The correct golf takeaway will help you achieve a backswing that gives you the best opportunity to square up the club face at impact, hit the golf ball further and hit the golf ball longer. This Move Should ALWAYS Start The TAKEAWAY!

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If you’re not starting your swing like this in the takeaway then you’re starting your swing on the back foot I’ve got an exact measurement and an exact drill for you to use today so you know if you’re training correctly now I get asked questions all the time Alex

Should my wrist start the goal swing should my chest when do I move my hips well what I want to look at here today is not just the takeaway is for me is probably one of the biggest and most important positions halfway back what

Are we trying to do and how do we get there and how do we know if we’re doing it correctly well this is the drill just for you now if you want to start playing great golf in 2024 you’ve got to start thinking about improving your swing now

Now if you can’t get out on the golf course watch this now save this video and you can even start doing a few of these drills at home without even hitting shots but the important thing is you’re starting to think about improving your swing right now because this

Applies to irons pitching and Driver now before I tell you how to set up this drill and how to use each checkpoint just want to give you a few feelings that I feel in my golf swing okay now I really think about these first sort of foot of the Swing as really being

Controlled by my left shoulder now I’ve got a system for you to work through shortly but really being controlled by my left shoulder my my left arm working a little bit across my body so you notice here I’ve got no separation out I’ve really got that

Move and my first foot of the swing for me feels like it’s worked from this area up these aren’t engaged so watch me here I’m not going to hit this but just watch upper half I feel like left shoulder sort of controlling that and set and

Then you can see my hips starting to move so as I set my hips start to move into place right let’s break this down set up the drill and move through it drill set up so I placed an alignment stick down here but that could be a golf

Club I then place my golf ball just inside it and there’s roughly a fingertip or just a bit more between the toe end of the club and the alignment stick I’ve then placed this golf ball down here now I’ve placed this down roughly around a shoe inside now that I’ve got

Size 7 and 1/2 ft just put what your side shoe is it’s just a Rough Guide it’s just a marker for you to work over the stage one there’s three stages to this and you’ve got to work through it each and every stage because if you

Don’t it doesn’t really work and come in so to really feel like nothing else Works in that first foot of the Swing turn your golf club upside down right it’s much lighter here isn’t it and what I want you to do is really put your right hand behind your back for a

Right-hander and just get the idea of working this way now as I’m looking at this from player cam the butt end of my club is just working over that golf ball I’m not trying to take the club straight back I’m not trying to lift it away from

Me I’ve really got the idea of my upper half doing the work and really think about this give me sort of8 to 10 reps really trying to get that feel into your golf swing because when I turn the golf club round that is that that perfect first checkpoint let’s move quickly into

Stage two and if at any point you need to do a few more reps at each and every one of those stages do it really take your time with this even though we’re we’re a long way from what we feel to start of the season it’s important you

Get every Point nailed so we now know that feeling of being really connected through that start and again I really get the idea of the Swing is an arc not taking it away from me that’s how to make the most natural and perfect goal swing for you now we’re talking about

This set this halfway back position right there’s a few key points we’ve got to get nailed here and I’ll tell you them and then give you the directive in order to action the drill so as we’re halfway back there’s a few points that I look for when people come and Coach me

Is our shaft roughly around 45° is our hands in the middle of our chest is our hand and our elbow in one line and is our left wrist nice and flat now that sounds like a lot and that’s something that we couldn’t stand there and feel or work even adding a little

Bit of hip turn at this point you can’t actually think about all those points but what you can do is work through this drill now if I said to you point one is work the club feeling the left shoulder over this first go ball the second point

Is point this butt end of the club that’s this end here at this gol ball okay the one you’re trying to hit so we can just create some fields and some turns where we go here set here set here set and really from here you can check

All those points just to swing it longer is a little bit more upper body and a little bit more hip turn that’s how you make your swing longer that’s how you keep constants I don’t want to swing longer by just lifting and bending the arms so from face on that’s really going

To look like this and add it longer little bit more turn we’re in some really good constant positions that are easy to practice easy to implement and easy to hit shots from right I’m going to hit one away here but I would simply just hit shots like this

I’ve done this countless times with my driver with my irons every single Club in my bag I go position one position two up and through notice I’m not trying to hit that hard but what I really do is get the feeling that I’m building a perfect takeaway into the back swing

What a feeling that is for you now this seriously feels like cheating and and it it it’s not but it does feel that way so to feel that connection before every shot and you can do this I’ve seen PR do this make a little ball with your jumper right literally just

Like this and hook it in there you’ve got a real feeling of keeping that connection so I do that automatically I get that first foot of the Swing nailed all I got to do is concentrate on that set of that set this is all the idea so

If you look how much on more plain I am and that all comes from that first foot we get a good Sink of the arms and the body all working together it gets me excited this because the amount of times I see students I had a student come to

The day back swing was out of whack but they didn’t realized it was a start of the Swing which was causing it get that right get the set the rest of it just starts to fall into place so get that feeling keep it on thanks so much for watching and don’t

Forget to start actioning your swing ready for the season right now


  1. In your rehearsal, your left arm stays close to your chest, but when you swing it comes off and you have forearm rotation?

  2. Excellent takeaway move Alex! In watching this video Alex! It has helped me to validate my thinking of how an arc shaped swing is formed! Since this is what I am now working on, I will certainly use your takeaway recommendation Alex! Well Done! Looking forward to another year of excellent instruction! Happy New Year Alex!

  3. Hi Alex, great video. I believe that I do the takeaway correctly but I still struggle to reach distance on my shots. Can you give me tips on the downswing and the release. Thanks Heinz

  4. Shades if what I am working on – great video as always and so well explained. Happy New Year and hopefully good golf in 2024 – a season I am really looking forward to!

  5. Nice video matey, how would you go about weight transfere? Are you keeping 50/50 or more weight on you're left leg? Thanks alot

  6. I learnt this from a pro when I was a junior, and use the left shoulder as my basics to start the swing. It's enabled me to still ( always) play in single figures since then, 58 years ago.

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