You Won’t Believe How Easy This Makes The Downswing! – (Best Drill Ever)

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Hi. I’m Craig and welcome to World Class Golf. The purpose of the channel is to provide effective and actionable coaching content for golfers.

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So P do you want an easier way to slot your downswing the delivery position we’re going to look at some really important moves here that’s affecting so many people block shots right going right left going left not creating the space that you need twisting the rib

Cage too early we’re going to have a look at the right arm one of the secrets of the swing and how the release affects your overall downswing and entry into the ball we’ve got some great drills and feels and exercises let’s have a look at a video that makes the downswing easier

Let’s get stuck into it so guys right the release and how it affects the downswing how it affects the plane and where your right arm is getting into impact 10 to 12 degrees of sharlan we always want to have sharlan that’s around the two average and then

Moving past or through the golf ball we release the club head past the body okay now to do that we get the left wrist in extension and the right hand we’re looking at a more neutral style shot here a more neutral style release and this release releases

More under and when it doesn’t release under we get internal rotation we start to see more of a gap in here this tips over we get jammed up and we’re having a tough time right so your release can really affect your down swing and if you’re filming your swing and you

Experiment with this you’ll know what I mean the feel that we’re after is the right hand almost pointing a little bit back at us as the right wrist is a little bit more into a flexed position here now you’ll see more of this lead arm okay from this camera here you’ll

See more of this lader we don’t want to get the arms level we don’t want to turn level as we get we stall this right side gets high when the right side’s High you run into it you hit left going l left and you hit right going right so people

Right let’s have a look at some evidence-based material here as when we release the Clum head past the body effectively so when the left wrist moves into an extended or cup position and the right wrist into a flex position what it does is it keeps the right arm the right

Side under the left which helps to shallow out the club but it also neutralizes the release so it makes it really hard to hit left look at couples here as the left wrist is starts to cup look at the thumb and the forefinger actually leave the grip isn’t that

Remarkable as the left hand really moves into that extended position as the club head releases past the body and with a lot of the modern day players we’re seeing this style of the release that a lot of people don’t know about they think that you know the arms or the

Hands stay stiff through impact where it’s actually the opposite and this is affecting just so many people unfortunately so people right one of the major checkpoints when you’re halfway through your through swing how much do you see of your lead arm how much do you

See do you see this much of yours all right have a look at L’s on this side how much of this lead armor are you seeing what it does see how high the left shoulder is it really keeps the right side under the left right and you

What you’re doing here is you’re getting inside the averages of movement so I that’s what we’re trying to do right we’re going to try and get feel through mechanics we just the closer we get to these positions these proven positions where they all are right the better we

Hit the golf ball and unfortunately a lot of the amers they just don’t realize the key areas and that’s where I’ve been helping so many people online with online training and what glass golf instruction cuz we’re using evidence-based material and instruction guys let’s get back to the video we’ll

Talk about some feels for this through swing this so it can really help our downswing and then we’re going to move into some different areas with the elbow and the legs really going to get you guys in the ball so much better okay so you’re getting your timing right from

The top and freewheeling through and under the golf ball now it looks like I think there’s a lot of misinformation out there unfortunately that people would say oh it’s a body release or something you don’t release your body you release the club head past the past

Your body right and we don’t have this type of thing running in here cuz we don’t have any speed we’ve got to get this club to release past the body so we’re starting to look like really great players are it’s just it’s not rolled over all right you can see the club face

Is more underneath especially with your iron shots here you want to have that toe of the club point on the other side of 12 12:00 here and not up and extended here’s a good feel you can get imagine you got a mobile phone here and as you swinging through you’re get this right

Hand or this phone when you swing through the golf ball you could look down and you could see that phone you could see the photo on your phone and really you can get that timing and get that club head swishing at the right spot this will free up your entire

Motion but it also helps the down swing come down and stay on plane and not get stuck and get the right arm under the left so guys right what a great feeling it is to be able to move through the ball freely now look at this swing on

The right side this high right shoulder you know that feeling when you get stuck or it just doesn’t feel right through the golf ball you can pull it you can flip it you can block it especially for the advanced players out there you know moving through the ball really freely

And powerfully one of the areas I really look at when you know my online swing analyst training is is measuring the teal of the shoulders and seeing where people are are they inside the averages this move here getting into this perfect down swing position there’s a basic feel

That we can use let’s have a look at that now I think you’re going to find this really interesting so guys right we’re going to look at a drill here this is keeping your shoulders away from your face right keeping your shoulders down and away rather than up and up I want this

Shoulder to to be feel like your shoulders are moving underneath keeping them away through the golf ball here I want you I want your shoulder to touch your chin at all I want space here through the golf ball when you’re moving through the golf ball I want to kick

This shoulder under your chin I don’t want this thing running into you okay being up in this position here get the Shoulder to move freely away and under your chin so when I move through the golf ball just holding that getting that shoulder to move underneath me right when we’re

Anxious when we don’t like something or it’s happening or there’s lots of people watching or we’re not hitting it good it’s easy to jump at it when we jump we get this shoulders up get the shoulders down one of the other feels you can do

Set up your hands like this P your left hand in front of your right on top of your right I should say and when you’re coming down get a feeling like you there’s some pressure down that keeps your shoulders away and out of this stuck up in your face shoulder position

Keep this shoulder moving underneath your chin as you’re moving through the golf ball it’s a it’s a really good thought to have a really good feel to have when you’re moving through the ball keeping that shoulder down and under it’s going to give you a little bit more Bend through the golf ball

Rather than coming out of it guys this is a great area in the swing to experiment with get stuck into it so people right this is the delivery position right this is a fact this is evidence-based material the closer you get to this the better you hit it and we

Should all be striving for this position it doesn’t matter how you swing what swing style or whatever this is just the entry this is a fact and that’s why we film our Swings with our mobile phones and and you know send you swing through to me and I’ll get you working on the

Correct stuff and get your Rich your potential now guys when we look at great players the club coming in behind the hands with the club head slightly between 12 one this is the place to be so let’s have a look at how they do this and I’m going to take you through some

Feels and some drills here to slot this downswing position let’s talk about this move from the top of the golf swing the great players and how they make it look so easy what are they feeling what are they doing well let’s have a look at it because this is a really really

Important area and we want to try keep it simple now you don’t need this hanger I practice with this to be honest I practice with this all the time because it really helps me shallow out my down swing something I get a little bit this

Way so I’m trying to get that club we all need to work on our go swings right so this is a great way for me to feel that now from the top of the Swing we’re seeing these great players the bottom part of this elbow push in so they

They’re able to get the right elbow to move a little bit closer and what that does in effect is it gets this lead wrist to move in a little bit more in a flex position which shallows the clap right but it also once you start pushing

That elbow in a little bit getting that right elbow to move in a little bit this way what it does is it helps squeeze the elbows together and gets the club or that right elbow a little bit more in front of the hip and we stopping that internal rotation see the club head

There that’s pretty like a natural thing to do that’s why we don’t want to aim right right cuz it just we want to aim straight or slightly L but if you can lead this arm or this elbow in you’re in a great place now you got to be careful

Cuz that Club face has to stay down so a lot of people when I see them doing this drill they they come down like this that’s not realistic to the shot right if there’s a golf ball here and I’m coming down it’s got to be in a

Realistic position so I’m going to come down and get into impact and i’ so I’ve got to make it real okay that position there now this right hand for you guys out there if you’ve got your mobile phone right and you’re you’re getting a visual effect here a great picture and

You need great pictures when you’re practicing your technique and You’ get that phone to point slightly down we’ve got that right wrist in a great position that’s why I practice with this thing so much because I set up the hanger you know a couple of finger widths away from

My forearm and then when I get up to the top I touch the hanger and then I just keep it here and it just gives me it shallows out my plane and it gives me a little bit of width for myself CU I get

A lot of lag and from here I can move it into a position through the golf ball and then I let the ring touch the other forearm to really release the club and it’s probably the best training aid I mean I just use it all the time

Personally anyway but if you guys are looking to invest in something awesome there’s a a discount Link in the description below so guys from the top of your swing get up to the top Feel Like That Elbow pushes in and get that elbow you want this external position of

The forearm staying pointing upwards and not this internal move when we come in and we start to get this gap between the elbow which just makes the delivery almost impossible Feel That Elbow pushing down into your down swing into impact it’s really a wonderful place to

Be in your golf swing so guys one of the great ways to start your downswing here and we’ve seen it by with so many of the world’s best players and if you’re struggling for a little bit of compression and you want to get a little bit more sharlan just watch the

Professional from the top here if you can just see the the lead knee see how gains in Flex this just a touch and he’s pushing down in the front part of the shoe now good visual effect I’m going to show you in a second how to feel feel

This move because the top of the down swing to impact we’ve only got 2 3 seconds I’m going to show you how to feel it a little bit but one of the one of the areas we’re trying to get to is like push down into your shoe like

Imagine that your your foot is out of the shoelaces on top and you’re just pushing down and you might push in the the middle part of your shoe or or the middle part of your foot I should say you might want to push in if you want to

Come a little bit more from the inside path you want to push right down into your toes guys this is a really interesting area we’ve got a lot of stuff like this on worldclass golf instruction which has 1,400 videos right like it’s just got packed full of information and it’s in conjunction with

Your swing analyst lesson as well so if you’re looking at different packages reach out I me we’re having a lot of senior players a lot of guys over 45 as well uh improve the motion of their swings really get into the evidence-based material and instruction guys let’s have a look now at this

Amazing feel and how we can incorporate this into our actions so what we do is we’re trying to almost get a footprint push a little bit into that lead foot we get heavy but then we get light and when we get light we want to get ourselves extending slightly up and because it

Moves so fast it’s difficult to feel it’s a little disruptive but if you’re getting in and you’re doing practice swings and you’re getting heavy and light and try and create the feels get a push down into your left leg and then get back up into a finish position where

Your chest is pointing slightly up and you’ll start to get a little bit of flex a little bit of pressure a little bit down but the separation stops us from hitting really really big divots meaning that if the top half keeps moving forward you’re going to you know your

Angle of attack is compromising you’re going to chunk it but if you can get a little bit of a feeling down and then back up extension here great way to mimic and copy great players


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