Top Football Gloves in 2024: Scientifically Ranked!

We put the top football gloves on the market through a gauntlet of tests to help you determine which gloves you should get for your 2024 season!

The gloves we tested are: Nike Vapor Jet 7.0, Under Armour Women’s F8 Football Gloves, Invictus Armis 3.0, Phenom Elite – VPS4 Pro Label Edition, Grip Boost Stealth 5.0, NXTRND – G1, Massov ALLSZN Receiver Gloves – Women’s

0:00 – Intro
0:07 – The Gloves
0:35 – Test #1: Look & Design
05:33 – Test #2: Fit & Feel
11:17 – Test #3: Catching
15:57 – Test #4: All Weather
18:37 – Test #5: Dirt
21:12 – The Results

We hope this glove review gave you some insight into what makes certain gloves stand out from the crowd and which ones have features that you would want most out of your football gloves! This was less about finding the ONE best pair of gloves, and instead looking into all the top gloves and seeing how they hold up in different scenarios!

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We brought the top football gloves on the market to our lab to put them through a gauntlet of test to help you decide which gloves to buy in 2024 so here are the seven gloves we putting to the test we’ve got the Nike Vapor Jet 7.0 the UnderArmour women’s f8 football

Gloves the massive allseason receiver gloves the Phenom Elite vssp 4 Pro label Edition the Invictus armis 3.0 the grip boost stealth 5.0 and finally the next Trend g1’s we’re putting each of these gloves through five different tests first we’ll have the design and look test then we’ll have the fit and feel

Test the catching test the all- weather test and finally the dirt test all right first up we have the look and design test this one we’re going to rank from our favorite look and design to our least favorite I think we should do a like 3 two one grab your favorite oh

Okay all right let’s do it all right three two one oh that makes sense to me because you’re just a Nike guy these are my Classics i’ I I’ve worn I think maybe one Under Armour glove and then ever since then I’ve been wearing Nike ever since it’s just a nice clean minimal

Look to it that I really enjoy that’s why I picked these actually I really also like a minimal look I really like that there’s branding but it’s also it’s a white on white I like the white on white normally I don’t like big branding big logos but they’ve done it in sort of

A clever way where it’s not just as obnoxious as like next Trend but it’s a little more subtle and baked in all right so let’s put them over on the side up over here put them here okay second favorite favorite okay all right 3 2 one go ooh

We are not on the same page at all now what I was going to say is I love this part um obviously Tyreek kill has got his P sign cheetah stuff but the back of it I can’t get over the fact that it looks just like a golf glove I think

Thought it looked like a soccer goalie glove but yeah maybe the same thing I agree but I just love this so much it’s such a fun detail that I felt like that deserved a little bit of a high it’s very creative and I love that part a lot

This they’re just clean and minimal again I don’t like a lot of branding in General but I do like textures and different little designs and these this is like subtle enough um it just looks really clean really light I just like the look of it overall okay so we can put those up

There all right next okay all right three two one go okay all right these are super clean I really like them I the backside I mean I know that there’s like an element of design but it just to me it just looks like they’re already a little bit dirty

It kind of looks like a kitchen countertop it’s like like gloves for the field and for the kitchen kind of thing um the only thing that’s weird to me is this eye is kind of just like I don’t know like I feel like someone was just using Photoshop or canva or like oh

Let’s just put an eye right on top of the glove it just seems like a little bit random placement like their brand name is Invictus like it would have been cool maybe if there’s like a smaller like Invictus here or Invictus on the pinky part but it just looks kind of

Random of like an eye smack in the middle I will say I really like the pop of color on the inside that’s a nice detail for sure and overall I can tell that this is just going to be a really comfortable GL I I almost picked it

Early because of how comfortable I can tell they’re going to be but that’s the next test so I’m going to wait but okay so those are here all right all right one two three why you snag those for me my God don’t mind me got excited because Under

Armour arm I go to I actually wear under armer typically um and this I typically wear the all white and I almost wonder if I would have ranked them higher if we put the all white in that’s exactly what I was going to say about massive if the

If these were all white I think I would have picked these up quicker yeah but something about it being not like the the colors being um just not seamless kind of threw me off a little bit and to me I don’t know why but like the matte

Finish bothers me it really threw me off initially I mean they do have some features that are supposed to make these water repellent that we’ll talk about later that I think will help with that but initially I was like these aren’t sticky at all we’ll see we’ll see um but yeah Under

Armour I mean it’s just like kind of too much going on I think but they’re also like when they’re all white it’s it’s sleeker and it’s cleaner so I’m I’ve always been an Under Armour gloves fan um but yeah these fell toward the bottom

For me I still put them here and now why what I will say though is that these two gloves are actually uh have a women’s specific fit so that that should honestly bump them up higher on the list since you have been relying on

For quite a long time so it’s ni to have a little bit more of Ailor fit for your hands so yeah Okay cool so this was ended up being sort of our paired ranking I say let’s give these tens let’s give these nines let’s give Invictus eight and these two sevens okay

That seems fair does that seem fair that seems really fair I mean really that’s kind of how we rank them and I agree with like Nike being at the top near the top like that probably would have been my second that one probably would have

Been my third so it’s like I pretty much agree with yeah and honestly if these were all white I bet they would be more like here I know so should we give those all eights knocking down to a seven feels like I don’t I wouldn’t call those a

Seven out of 10 I still like the design exactly yeah I say let’s give 1098 1098 that that feels more appropriate Thats So to recap the Nike Vapor Jets the next Trend g1’s are going to be a 10 the Phenom Elite the grip boosts are

Going to be at a nine and then finally the Invictus under arour and massives are at an eight for the look and design portion of our testing next up is the fit and feel test this one is really important to me I need my gloves to feel

Comfortable I need them to not be distracting if there’s like I don’t know if they feel loose in certain areas it really distracts me I feel like you’re Chiller about it I’m a little more go with the flow but this is again another subjective test because you might not

Like the length of one of them you might not like the webbing in between your fingers for another so we’ll just have to see yeah we’ll see but let’s get started right away so and I have really small hands so I have to go with you gloves um except for we we mentioned

This last time but the massive and Under Armour both came out with women siiz gloves which is awesome because a lot of women do play football so all of these gloves should come in women’s sizes maybe that’s coming in the future all right right off the bat this one looks a

Little big would you say so um no because my fingers are right up against the edge what feels awkward to me is that it feels loose in the like in the wrist so it doesn’t feel like a secure it doesn’t feel yeah like I want to I

Want to like tighten this more but I actually can’t right yeah I can see it like bunching up the bottom there yeah I really don’t so I don’t like wrist portion and I do have skinny wrist so for some people they might not want

It to be super snug but I wish I wish it had the ability to get tighter get a little tighter but on the fingers it feels really good like fits really well what for um I want to be able to move without too much like bunching or like I

Don’t want to feel like my fingers are sliding around in them yeah um which that feels that feels good yeah the main thing for me is like the back I don’t like the back of it I don’t like this part all right so what would you rank

This then I would give this an eight let’s go with grrip Boost next just cuz it was right in front of me something that I was thinking about was like ease of putting them on this was a little bit clunky to get on to be honest I like I

Really like this part I like where it hits on my wrist it’s kind of like tapered almost it’s kind of a cool look feel it feels comfy I really like that part um again though it’s like the fact that it’s so high up here it was kind of

Similar to the Nike I don’t like it I would rather it be more straight across here which I guess is defeats the purpose it seems like they’re trying to account for this bone right here like this little like which is kind of interesting okay I

Could see that I don’t think I could go a size up cuz my fingers do hit right up against it but it just feels a little restric yeah I like them a little bit better than the Nikes I would give these an 8.5 8.5 okay cool all right let’s go

Next Trend these were my top design I like how these look I me they look Sleek they’re so Sleek right away easy to put on that feels nice that material on the back is nice it’s really nice it looks like this like Lyra material yeah it’s like very breathable I really like the

Straps a lot better that’s like my favorite wrist strap so far it feels a little bit like an oven mitt like like feel how see how like it it bunches a lot it bunches a lot I feel like I’m not going to like that for the catching but we’ll see because of the

The wrist part that gives it a little bit of a boost and then this part gives it a little bit of downgrade so I think I’m going to go eight eight yeah that makes sense let’s go with my tried and true under aror and I don’t know if it’s

Just cuz I’m used to these but I love the feel just feels right it feels right and I could be totally biased these are just a 10 I love these it fits like a glove it fits like a glove it fits your dainty dainty wrists it’s it’s just it

Doesn’t bunch I mean honestly I could I could tell that that looks is the for so if you have dainty wrists like me try these these are I love them they’re are 10 for me 10 10 yeah okay all right what do we got Phenom Elites Vapor stick it’s

Back to feeling a little bit Bunchy Little Oven midi even a little bit too much room in the fingers even though this is the same sizing that we’ve gone with everything else maybe you’d have to size down a little bit cuz it is it’s way too big actually like

Feel feel where my finger is there okay yeah so this it might be an unfair assment might be a fit issue so let’s I would give this an I would give this an eight and a half to be honest cuz I feel like if they’re slightly smaller it

Would feel it would feel good and the wrist is better than these two eight and half cool eight and half all right last two okay massive another women’s specific M sizing and a huge proponent for flag football specifically which is a these are these are surprising me cuz I wasn’t

A fan of the look as much but okay a little tight to get on it fits around the wrist but look at that around the wrist and it comes I like how that comes down a little bit but it’s what is the purpose for that I don’t know but it

Feels more secure very secure these again feel very similar to the uhor they feel really good one thing I will say is they’re a little stiff in the fingers so I feel like not that you need to like really bend your fingers too much but that’s the only downfall of these

Otherwise they feel really good do you think they would break in possibly yeah yeah so I’m going to get these a 9.5 yeah yeah nice all right last one Invictus see these I already feel like are going to be so good oh they’re a little loose in the wrist oh recurring

Theme I mean obviously that’s just a me thing problem but again they have the ability to go tighter it’s just a little bit clunky to do it actually yeah these are pretty goodoo I love how light they feel they’re super flexible super Airy on the back breathable is the word I was

Looking for um is perforated it’s so nice this is probably one of those like great for warm weather maybe a little bit tougher for those colder climates actually a very good point when we’re playing in the winter I put like hot hands in although the flexibility would be good I could put a

Little hot hands pack in there but it might just the air might just uh come in anyway but yeah I actually really like the feel of these I would give these a 9.5 9.5 okay all right so now to recap we’ve got the Under Armour f8s out of 10

We’ve got massive and Invictus at a 9.5 we’ve got grip boost and Phenom Elite at an 8.5 and then finally Nike and next Trend add an eight all right now we’re finally getting into the action we’re going to do the catch test I have all my gloves ready and we’re going to catch

Some footballs so to make this test as scientific as possible we want to make the throws uniform which is why we’ve got the jugs machine here to make sure each throw is perfectly accurate and precise we’re going to do four different types of catches with each glove we’re

Going to do a couple catches straight on to the side to the other side and then a one-handed grab we’re going to start out with the Invictus so let’s see how it goes okay feels good good I will say when I first like clapped them together

It feels like no stick so I was I was nervous but so far so good I feel a little little slippery okay so I like them they felt good they do feel a little bit slick so I am going to spit on them and try one more catch because sometimes a little

Bit of spit helps to get them a little bit tackier and sometimes you just have to do that a couple times before they really get their tackiness how does it feel after you spit and and kind of bring them together it’s still not as tacky as I would like okay so all right

Let’s try it out it felt better for sure in the catch but I will still say it like almost like a confidence thing I don’t feel that tackiness when I clap them together so I’m going to give them H between an 8.5 and a 9

I’m going to give them a nine cuz they feel really nice elv the catches felt solid let’s go with a nine all right next up Nike these are Jason’s goto uh to keep it all uniform I am going to spit on each of them and give them a

Little tackiness before we get into it so I’ve already done that and now let’s get into the the test these feel nice okay okay oh yeah that felt good okay all right nice let’s go one hand one hander okay these pleasantly surprised me because I didn’t like the feel when we

Were just like trying them on at the table but as I got catching like everything felt really solid grippiness felt really good I’m going to give them a 9.5 all right next up let’s go under armour we went with Jason’s go-to so let’s go to my go-to’s and let’s get

Right into it I already spin on them let’s go that one came out wobbly too okay I mean so solid I feel a little bit bad I feel like I’m almost biased because I’ve been using these for a long time but I have zero complaints so I got to go 10 I’m not surprised by that so they’re sticky they feel good in terms of like tackiness but my they feel really stiff and I feel like for a one-handed catch I really have to like grip with my fingers and I felt like I had had a hard time

Doing that so if we’re going based off of the one handy catch I’m going to knock it down a little bit otherwise the regular catches felt really good so let’s go 8.5 for these woo really sticky right off the bat so that’s a good sign I like

That who it’s like sticking to my Gloves I’m just going to stick it out like this and see if it sticks yeah okay really interesting because I did not like the feel of these um or fit and feel of these very much but they’re very sticky I love the tackiness of them I’m going 9.5 okay overall these felt really good no complaints really I again this is kind of goes into fit and feel but the back feels really bulky to me so like they just feel a little bit uncomfortable I would say while catching but the catching ability was good so let’s go 8.5 for

These all right cool um these were good I feel like you just had no reaction it was like okay this is a glove it they felt which I guess is good like there was they were comfortable they were fine um I didn’t feel like ooh like every

Time I caught it I didn’t feel like there was that like boost of extra grip or anything like that so so I’m going to go 8.5 for these as well all right so the recap things no surprise here we’ve got the Under Armour scored out a 10 and

Then for 9.5 we’ve got the Nike Vapor Jets and Phenom Elites and then scoring a nine is the Invictus armis and the 8.5s we got next Trend g1s we’ve got the massive all seasons and we’ve got the grip boost stealth 5.0 yeah they were all good but there were just some like

Minor things here and there that made them not tens except for one all right next one is going to be super super interesting it’s going to be the all weather test our rain test to see how the gloves stand up with water so imagine it’s raining a lot of times

During rain games I’ll take my gloves off but if there are any gloves that feel good in the water then obviously that will make a difference in a rain game so let’s see how we do I’m going to dip them in water shake them off but I’m

Not going to wipe them down and get right into it oh okay massive is known for hydrophobic material oh very specific h hydrophobic material being water resistant that was very surprising cuz when I rubb them together I was like o they’re slippery but they feel good on the ball so uh 10

For the water test for massive that was pretty good I mean that wasn’t bad I definitely had to think a little bit more about it like it felt a little bit slipperier in the hands but not as sticky as massive I’ll give these a nine not as good as the last two a

Little bit slippery for the under Under Armor I always take my Under Armour gloves off when I’m in rain gamees so that kind of tells me something I would give these an eight for water didn’t like that very much that felt very slippery I always take my Niks

Off even if there’s like a little droplet of water on them yeah that felt the most slippery so far I’m going to have to sorry Nike I’m going to go 7.5 nine it was good I was trying to like I I think it’s a nine I think it’s

A nine it’s definitely didn’t feel slippery it just didn’t feel as like as some of the top ones so far but I think a nine yeah they’re slippery when I first took them out of the bucket they were the only ones that had like water beads all

Over which made me very nervous it was pretty slippery I’m going to go they were still not quite as bad as Nikes so I’m going to go eight not bad these are pretty good um these were the very sticky ones when they weren’t wet they’re still pretty

Good even in the wetness I thought they maybe would lose their stick but um I’m going to give these a nine as well all right so to recap we’ve got massives hydrophobic material shining through with a score of a 10 then we’ve got the Phenom Elite we’ve got the Invictus and

The grip boo scoring a nine we’ve got the under arour as well as the next Trend scoring an eight and then to finish things off we’ve got the Nike Vapor Jet at a 7.5 yeah those were the ones that were very clearly not very good in water but I’m sorry um but my

Favorite weren’t great either so there’s you know pros and cons I think things are starting to even out in the wash so let’s get to the final test last up we have the dirt test sometimes you are in a game time scenario where you’ve just D

For a ball or landed in the mud and then you have to quickly get to the line because things are moving fast and you need to be able to quickly get your gloves you know good enough to catch the next ball and so we’re actually going to

Rub them in dirt I’m going to do a quick spit and rub off and then we’re going to try to catch a ball and see how everybody holds up that felt great I was able to actually they were really dirty and by the spit by the time I spit and wiped they got

Pretty clean which is really good um the catch felt clean so I’m going to give these a 9.5 that felt good that was really nice I’m very pleasantly surprised by the Nikes cuz they didn’t hold up to the water test but they definitely held up to the dirt test they got nice and

Sticky right after being really dirty so 10 no no Problems that wasn’t bad wasn’t didn’t feel as like solid as the Nikes which I gave a good ranking I’m going to give that an 8.5 good that felt good solid solid still pretty sticky actually even though they they look dirty they’re still pretty dirty so I’m going to go

Nine pretty good I feel like they’re they’ve all been actually holding upy yeah that felt nice didn’t feel slippery wiped pretty clean so I’m going to go nine for these as well that actually looks the cleanest I’ve seen when you revealed them yeah that’s pretty good it

Was almost like when I put them in the dirt it didn’t like stick to it as much okay yeah so all right nice the old standby the old standby and I I double dipped in the mud because I felt like they didn’t get that dirty um and

They still kind of came clean and felt really good catching wise so 9.5 pretty good I got some got some dirt in my mouth you know it’s real um yeah pretty good doesn’t feel slippery once I wiped it off I would give these a Nine and the winner is under arour and I was trying to be harsh on them but I just love these gloves they really are really good I never see them in like the top gloves so maybe it’s like very personal bias um I these are these are

All very subjective obviously won by 0. Five Points so it was actually really really close yeah and ultimately I think what we decided is all gloves are going to be good they’re going to be helpful they’re going to give you an extra Edge I think really what it comes down to is

Just overall fit feel Comfort right at the end of the day I feel like even with this and the Invictus the the scores seemed a little bit boosted cuz you’re like they just feel good you feel confident so again you look good you play good you feel good you know so all

Those things comeing yeah ultimately like if you have if you’re petite if you have small hands and thin wrist like maybe Under Armour Invictus those are good ones for you if you are a little bit have like a thicker wrist maybe some of the ones that I thought were like

Nike you you like Nike you have a thicker wrist than me maybe that works for people who are a little bit bigger so it really depends on what works for you but we wanted to put them all through all the tests because I didn’t want to just be like biased toward my

Favorite gloves because they’re the gloves I wear I really wanted to see how they held up in different conditions um and ultimately all of them were very very close and from a third party perspective for me I feel like the and the Invictus were definitely like your most comfortable but the massive stood

Out for the water aspect the Phenom Elites stood out in terms of just like overall stickiness which can lead to a big boost of confidence if you’re like in the Huddle and you’re kind of just like like slapping them together you’re like okay I got this what movie is it

Little giants Giants where they put the glue [Applause] ready it did feel that sticky was and then the other ones um grip boost I mean just to have that little like little PE sign there it’s kind of cool too so there’s just some different attributes that you want to think about

So hopefully this non-bias review helped you to decide which gloves are going to be the best for you and your individual Scenario

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