Golf Players

Crossover: Brock Purdy is going to light up the Commanders

Rob “Stats” Guerrera sits down with Jamual Forrest of Hogs Haven and the Trap or Dive podcast to learn more about Washington this week. What does Jacoby Brissett add to the offense, and why the Niners should be able to move the football. #49ers #commanders #brockpurdy









What is good everybody Welcome to the crossover podcast here on the gold standard podcast Network I’m Rob stats Guerrera if you are new to the show this is where we take a deep dive on the 49ers opponent of the week with someone who knows a hell of a lot more about

That team than I do this week I’m very pleased and privileged to welcome Jamal forest from Hogs Haven and the Trapper dive podcast Jamal covers the commanders thank you so much it’s been a long time since we talked so I appreciate you coming back on I appreciate you for

Having me um I’m a little jealous of y’all situation right now but at the end of the day uh you know y’all did a ton of good things over there and sing Fran um and and we’re a ways behind but nevertheless good talking football so I appreciate you for having me man I

Remember what it was like when when the Niners were terrible I trust me I remember the bad old days let me just tell you you hire the right coach and everything can turn around and it all started with that for the 49ers there’s no reason Washington can’t do the same

And it looks like Ron Rivera is coaching his final games in Washington yeah um you’re absolutely right it it you’re finding the right guys uh we have a top down approach essentially where we we need to get the GM too um and and we’ll kind of see how things play out but

You’re not lying and um thank God because like I told you before the show started um Ron Rivera has been getting on my last nerves but I’m I’m I’m so glad that this is almost over and we can kind of turn a new Leaf because he’s the

Last man standing of the Dan Snider uh toxic Circle not to call Ron toxic but he was just part of the he was just part of the the body of toxicity so I’m just glad he’s almost out the door okay let’s start with the Commander’s decision to

Go with jacobe brassette this week is that what is your reaction to that decision is it a good decision does it make the offense better what what were your thoughts well um it definitely makes the offense better um I think the issue when you kind of dive deep into the

Decision is just understanding where Sam how is currently right now and I think if all things were equal in a sense of um you know mentally Sam H how was still able to execute the offense and and not revert back to some of the the bad habits that he’s he shown whether it’s

Coming out of college or even early on into the season right um I think that samai would still be the starter uh but I think the the shift started to turn after um you have a stretch of a poor game starting with the New York Giants

Game right where um or the second New York Giants game where you see a quarterback who struggling to to really understand the games that defensive coordinators play right um so you start to run into these consistent issues um and then you kind of fast forward a few

Weeks and and see what happens against the Rams right uh and and that’s just not the again that’s not the first game where how is playing bad but it starts a very bad streak and you start to see somebody who is um starting to not trust himself starting to not trust what he’s

Seeing um even though he’s probably a smart player I’m not in the building so I can’t tell you but they’ll tell you like he’s a smart player he’s he’s he’s a very good quarterback in terms of like what he can do when he throws the football but if he’s not seeing or

Trusting what he’s saying and and and and reverting back to the bad habits such as um escaping clean Pockets or even um thinking that his internal clock is is entirely sped up um then you get a a situation in the second half of the Rams game where jacobe Brett comes in

And the veteran quarterback quote unquote shows you how it’s done and it he makes the Rams defense look like it’s like it’s a peeee football team like not in a disrespectful way but just in a sense of like he’s just taking exactly what they give him like he’s seen this a

Thousand times before right um and and you’re you’re in this situation where you see how have a bounceback opportunity and the funny funny thing enough that we don’t talk about on our side right is like we had moments in the previous weeks probably like September October those months early November

Where you would see samow have a bad game or or not so good game and he’ll bounce back the very next week these are these are consecutive weeks where he’s failing and now you get the the Jets opportunity where you start off six to 22 right and then you have those two

Turnovers right and now you find yourself down 27 to7 your defense and your offense looks completely out of touch like they don’t look interested they look completely disinterested these special teams are starting to now impact the the the outcome of the game and and giv points to to the New York Jets

Jacobe comes in what does he do again I’mma show you how to do this right and and and he comes back and takes the lead down 277 goes up 2827 thankfully we lost but to your point and to your question um Jacob brette is a person who understands Concepts defensively he understands how

To uh use his eyes and use his head to manipulate defenses especially that third level where the safeties are and to make and create these big opportunities for his offense and I think for for Washington that decision was made because Sam how has hit a wall

But jaob brette for these last two weeks gives people a chance not necessarily to just win the game right but you’re talking about give people a chance to um like look some type of way as they close the season out like you’re talking about Jarry McClaren and Johan dson not even

Having uh two catches or three catches on a piece with Sam H in a game for three and a half quarters but you get Jacob in the game and and and they’re all contributing in a significant way and and that’s unfortunate for Sam how right because he’s just a young guy who

Who honestly while any opportunity that you get in the NFL you should take advantage of it because it’s not it’s not for long right you don’t know when you’re going to get your next one but at the end of the day if you don’t take advantage of that then you know this is

This is the result and and it’s unfortunate for same I look and I see that the commanders have allowed 60 sacks so far this year is the offensive line that bad or do you put it more on Sam Hollow because I’m just hoping that the Niners could get in on that

Action um this is a that’s honestly that’s a really good question because jacobe for what is worth I don’t think he’s been sacked once since he’s come in right um and he’s had five drives and and funny enough he scored on all five right they scored touchdowns on all five

Um now I don’t think that’s going to continue against the San Francisco 49ers right you’re you’re talking about a full game now a 60-minute game where jacobe Brett is in um but when you look at the offensive line even last year the offensive line was terrible last year um

You had Andrew Norwell who was pretty much like he was past his prime um and Trey Turner who was another interior offensive lineman passed his prime right um these are people where you look at these guys and and Carson Wentz who holds on to the football right they

Didn’t even reach 60 sacks last year on one quarterback right but this year they got 60 sacks on Sam H how I think Rob to this point um I think the quarterback played a significant factor in the offensive Line’s inability to protect the quarterback um now granted I do

Think that the offensive line is is is going to have some serious turnover this off season um I don’t think it’s like the best offensive line I I don’t think it’s leav like an elite or very good offensive line like you have some pieces especially on the interior that you need

To upgrade Ron Rivera for some reason thought that s Char and Chris Paul were the answers right and and now that’s no disrespect to them but it’s like why not take this situation seriously especially if you’re going to start a younger guy right Osirus torren in the draft you

Passed on him there was another uh right tackle I believe uh that Washington wanted I believe he went to Chicago um I’m not too sure either way but it was an offensive lineman that they wanted in the draft and they just missed on him um but to that point and

Even in free agency you had opportunities over the years to to bulk up this offensive line um and that’s kind of where things hurt Washington but it’s not as bad as it seems but it’s also not that great so I think all in all for San Francisco um you’ll probably

Get a couple sacks who knows if there will be game changing plays from that but sco Brett is a veteran who understands how to manipulate a pocket um and he can stand tall in the pocket as well and make some quick decisions so it’s going to be a little bit difficult

It’s not going to be as easy if you were playing a Sam how who finds a way to run into sacks and that’s that’s that’s the Difference Maker Sam Howland you go percept let’s flip it over to the other side of the ball now Niners have the ball in offense against the commander

Defense where can the 49ers attack Washington well um you said that the the Washington’s uh Washington’s defense correct yes yeah um honestly the secondary it’s it’s so crazy Rob because when you look at the secondary for Washington um you know they draft Emanuel Forbes and Quan

Martin in the first and second round and the the idea was you know you think that they’re going to be the the the the the the Swiss or the chess pieces to move around well specifically Quan Martin right that’s the the safety the Nickelback um the slot Corner your

Buffalo nickel right like you can put him all across the defense and then a manual forb he’s going to be the person that creates turnovers because he’s this uh he’s this person with Incredible hands and playmaking ability and and and can really flip the field

For your offense and and none of that is really come to fruition um Emanuel Forbes is saying six snaps a game um sometimes sometimes he’s not even playing like he’s in a reserve role he’s got benched a couple times this year um and and to to answer your question

Directly it is that secondary it’s that third level um you’re talking about a defense who I don’t have the exact numbers but I’m sure if they’re not if they’re not number one they’re top three in terms of explosive play plays allowed remember at one point they have given up

Close to 60 on the season um and I I for for a team who was as focused on the defense in Ron Rivera’s tenure right um this is probably one of the the worst uh asset or fastests of the team and you all have Chase young now right yes that

Defensive line um is not getting any pass rush um I think since they’ve traded Chase young and Mont sweat that same week they had a nine sack game against the New York Giants and we all know how bad their offensive line is and then you’re talking about a person and Danny DeVito Tommy

De yes Tommy Tommy DeVito I I’ve have done this A Thousand Times by the way but Tommy DeVito who uh you know he’s still somewhat inexperienced and he still won that game but you sacked him nine times and and after that Rob you’re a even with that um you’re talking about

12 sacks since since tra Chase young and and Mont sweat is gone um it was only a nine sack game and a three- sack game and you haven’t had any sacks in any other game um and and to that point like you’re not creating that much pressure

Up front and you’re also not getting home to the quarterback so I think for those combinations of a terrible secondary and a team who’s not getting any pass pass rush up front um you’ll be able to find a way on that second and third level to especially with the way K

Shanahan dials things up um and and the fact that your our safeties are struggling and Benjamin St juice is has been one of the most targeted defensive backs in the NFL this year quarterbacks in the NFL this year and he’s not making any plays on the football those are kind

Of where that’s that’s exactly where you can Target this defense is is finding ways to make plays on that second and third level uh play action will help you out a lot um and it helps that you have Christian mcaffrey because this defense is somewhat went from uh viewed as

Respectable heading into the season to now downright terrible Brock pie in his press conference when he talked about Washington’s D he talked about the interior of the defensive line being a strength is that the one area where maybe the Niners should avoid just don’t mess with the interior of the defensive

Line um no you can you can run you can hey it is what it is you can you can run on them too I think honestly um it’s it’s been an underwhelming season now granted for for pry sake I I will say this John Allen Don Payne

Like they’re the staple of this defense in the sense of like they’re still the guys who will make some plays here and there throughout the game right um but they’re not the ones where you look at and say uh they’re a Aaron Donald or uh a cam Hayward or like those those huge

Uh presence on the the interior who can really wreak have it throughout the course of a game they’ll have some plays here and there but it’s nothing where it’s like you’ll look at a game and say that oh yeah they took over and and that’s kind of the idea especially when

You pay those two rob where where you’re saying we want to build this inside out in a sense right you didn’t pay montz or you didn’t pay Chase and you allowed all your defensive ends um even with Chase and montz there’s more several more defensive ends who were on their last

Year of the deal Casey two Hill James Smith Williams fa o who’s on IR now I know he’s mad like you you and and on top of that’s a Lost season and the team sucks like like all these people you’re relying on these two to to step their

Game up and it’s been unfortunate because while they do some good things um they’re not as good as you would like them to be especially with the way in which the team had had uh elevated them in terms of their prominence and their uh respectability for the team it’s just

You can still you can still make plays on that interior rout you mentioned Chase young he was asked about you know playing your old team this week and he kind of downplayed it but Nick Bosa said that chase is like he behind the scenes

He’s like it’s a big deal for him if you had to guess how do you think Chase young feels about the organization and facing his old team I don’t know if you all no this um I because I would never forget this um the day before Chase was traded

Chase’s dad called up to a local radio station here and um in in instead of like I I won’t give you verbatim because it was such a long time ago now but he essentially said um if you all didn’t believe in Chase now like you’ll see that this wasn’t this wasn’t on Chase

Like this what H what’s happened in Washington isn’t on Chase you’ll see as soon as he moves on if he move he said if he moves on but you don’t you never called into the radio before a day in your life like you you knew before we

Knew that he was moving on um so like he gave that farewell Fu to to Washington in the sense of like um y’all gonna see that chase young was a was a dog and y’all under y’all under valued him in a sense right to that point um this is a

Situation where I think that chase is definitely going to be in a situ situation where he knows that Ron R’s on that side of the on that other side of the field um he’s back in FedEx he knows that there’s some people out there whether or not he takes a deep dive into

Social media he knows that there’s fans out there who didn’t appreciate him he knows that there’s people in the in the in the coaching staff that didn’t appreciate him they said funny enough that I mentioned the sack numbers since Chase and montz has been gone right one

Of there’s been uh um un or off the Record reporting wherec on the record but an anonymous reporting excuse me where they’re saying uh addition by subtraction will make this defense look better and they’re targeting uh those words are targeting Chase young right and not necessarily Mont sweat because

They they love Monte sweat and that’s no disrespect to him because he he really was a good player but but like you did that to say I don’t care about Chase and trust me like you can play it off as far as you want in in the media but he’s

Gonna come back and say all right if y’all didn’t appreciate me I’m GNA make sure that I go as hard as I can now what I understand though too he gets in a lot on like third down or pass rush situations so he’s gonna take every single opportunity he could to go up

Against uh if if uh um Charles LNO was playing or Andrew Wy however they however they match that up he’s going to try and eat and and I think this is a really good opportunity given the circumstances he’s he’s fired up I I bet it that I didn’t know any of that so

Thank you for that see this is why we do this we need to learn these things every week uh before we go I I mentioned you’re part of the Trapper dive podcast I correct me if I’m wrong but I thought I heard a little Brock pie on

The Trapper dive a little Brock py slander on the Trapper dive podcast with the word fraud was thrown around is that is that accurate oh fraud um you would had to I know bro oh oh yeah so oh yeah I was like hold on wait I know I didn’t throw the word

Fraud out there yeah um yeah I got a I got a friend who who he’s a he’s a Dallas fan and by Nature he hates everybody that beats uh the Dallas Cowboys um so you can kind of get the gist of of where that fraud word come

From um and and to that so I had to think about that for a second yes that that fraud word was used um me personally since I’m on the show and he’s not um or since I’m in this recording and he’s not um I don’t necessarily have an issue with Brock py

I actually think it’s fascinating that people find a way to discredit him I do have a concern that popped up like within like the last week or two because it dawn on me just how ineffective uh what’s his name Jimmy Garoppolo was when he went to to the Raiders right he left

KY Shanahan offense and he went to now granted Josh MC dams is proven to be a failure at two head coach stops right so I don’t know if he made if Jimmy made the right decision to go to to to Vegas but at the end of the day you left Cal

And and then you get benched and then you and then you look you also get benched not looking good at all like it wasn’t just Financial like you didn’t look good so my question when I think about this like Brock pie I don’t care about that four interception game that

He had against the Ravens like three of those were were ones where I’m like dang it’s just not your night because those are just fluke right um but then uh the way he’s able a process um and make plays with his arm but also with his head um and anticipating throws like

That’s really good but how strong will it be if he was to go to a new system right now granted y’all don’t have to think about that right now because if it’s working and you make a Super Bowl with him right good beans but at the same time like if something happens

Where you find yourself in a situation where you want to go to Trey Lance route again not necessarily him but you you want a quarterback in the draft because you want a better talent and you put bird pretty on the back burner now you’re like all right was he really that

Good I don’t know and that’s my concern but I think right now if if everything’s working top tier you ain’t got nothing to worry about he he in a really good place yeah I’ll cross that bridge when we get to it that’s I’m just trying to ride this thing out look I’ve seen

Franchise quarterbacks win Super Bowls I’ve seen Trent dord win a Super Bowl I’ve seen Brad Johnson win a Super Bowl and I don’t really care which category Brock would fall into ultimately I want the damn Super Bowl okay we haven’t won one since I was N9 years old and I’m

Going to turn 39 next month I’m tired of waiting but look here’s one thing though and and I’m actually glad that you brought up Brock pry because um you’re a good follow I followed you for at least a couple years now but there was a moment that I I remember with you rob

Where you mentioned or not mentioned but you were getting Flack from ners fans where you were just very objective with P at one point to the to the sense of like you weren’t ready to crown him in a particular way like I don’t I don’t know

Where you are right now but it’s a good question to kind for me to kind of get to you like where are you on that bridge because you you did a really good job of like not necessarily buying into the people who were trying to tell you you’re tripping for not making a

Decision or thinking that that pry is it prematurely right so my whole thing is everyone’s like we found our franchise guy he’s the man we’re good and my whole thing is I’m not ready to say that about any quarterback until I’ve seen them start for two years I need to see him

Start I need to see a lot of games I need to see hopefully like different kinds of games games where guys are hurt cold Games bad weather games you know are you behind can you come back all this stuff so I wanted a two-year window before I decided like hey this is our

Franchise guy you would have thought I said Brock pie sucks and the Niners should cut him they came at me Jamal they came for me in in the mentions now little less so but apparently I said this terrible thing about Brock py and I’m just trying to be like you said

Objective yeah man um you you don’t you don’t first off Twitter is Twitter fans fans is fans and I’ll never forget like it’s very simple it’s a very simple is and and very obvious statement to make but like fans is short for fanatic and and they don’t they don’t care anything

About objectivity when it comes to their team especially when they’re deep into like the emotional state of it and and I think the the good thing I guess when you kind of take that part the emotional side the part is like you doing what you’re doing in terms of reporting or or

Just even covering the team kind of forces you to dive into the objectivity right and it’s easier for you to do it but just don’t waver Rob like don’t don’t don’t let them don’t let them folk get to you because it’s that’s that’s kind of where the trouble gets in is

When you start kind of buying in or or trying to uh what’s it called like uh uh sell yourself as this Super Fan um just just be you bro and that’s why I was like I I saw you um I just didn’t know where you stood today oh no thank you

I’m in the same spot I I’m trying to be and that’s why like when he has a great game people are like oh are you sure he’s not the franchise quarterback and I say the same thing I’m gonna wait and then when he has a bad game people are

Like oh good job not naming him the franchise quarterback and I say the same thing like jury’s still out you know I I want to wait I want to see more hopefully uh I get some good answers here as we come down the stretch and the

Ners lock up the number one seed with two more wins thank you so much for taking the time if you want to hear more from Jamal you can follow him on Twitter at let Maul tell it or listen to the Trapper dive podcast and you can read his work for SP nation’s

Washington commanders Community it’s really good to catch up with you again thank you Jamal yes sir take care y’all be easy

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