Golf Babe


It might have been against us, But my god that was an insane HIO hahaha.
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All right dual ranked we’re back baby let’s go we didn’t lose a match in the first session and we’re not losing a match in this session Alex all right that’s how it’s done it’s how we’re doing it yep let’s go shot today we’re playing all shot today Alex let’s do

This thing come on this going to work yeah first swing oh that’s so good absolutely glorious swing Alex um how did we become buddies we became buddies through Alex winning my giveaway for PGA Tour 2K 21 and I was like [ __ ] hell this kid dude I never know how to explain

That this guy’s wearing a kilt ooh into the heavy ru not pretty Alex you know what I want today Alex you know what I want today a challenge yeah me to I want the challenge today cuz we absolutely pissed it the last day and you know it was it

Was it was fun I had a good time but I didn’t feel anything you know and I want to feel something in my balls today we weren’t we weren’t even close to losing a hole no and I like that but some reason I don’t this one’s R I think I agree I

Agree you know there’s you like it but you need more to satisfy satisfy that human urge you know I wasn’t satisfied when I turned the game off exactly you know you got to have something a little bit deeper today yeah what she said not to me I’m telling you right now Alex I

Don’t think anyone’s going to come close just I don’t think anyone’s going to come what a St that is uh by by the way Alex you missed my hole in one no you didn’t yeah I got a hole in one no you didn’t I did it was a [ __ ]

Beauty as well I tell him Chad tell him Chad you got to see I recorded it what hole what course in what game my Society this game whole I don’t know what hole it was but it was in NS Crone Ireland it was in my own Society you’re lying

They’re saying you’re lying in the chat a shut up Enigma for God’s sake it was for pared for [ __ ] sake it wasn’t it was for a one no I know it’s true no one saw yeah well my chat are a bunch of [ __ ] they hate me they’re Liars he be truthin

See there you go don’t know about that two putts two putts to win Alex I don’t want two putts though right shut up Bradwell sh [ __ ] it I was cutting the gr forgot sake Lads don’t check chat logs all right Birdie on the first I think we might win

This one five and four boys all right Alex you know what see as you didn’t see my hole in one earlier sit not bad actually 12 mph wins pretty pretty steep honestly could happen Enigma my mom is calling I’ll call you back oh yeah one minute okay every time this man hangs up

Instead of pressing the mute button oh my Splash and they’re in the water guys this is done this is done already all right well this is going to be another easy dub guys I’m afraid it might be a while before we have a challenge here we

Just got to keep playing we got to keep winning and we got to get we’re patting our record you know like one you know like the boxers bang bang they knock out a few kind of fellas that they’re expected to be they kind of have that

That record of 10 and whatever it is you know 10 and0 12 and0 20 and 0 and then they finally start to have tough fights you know put in power too but when we keep yeah I know once we keep getting up it’ll get tougher though uh probably not Ze anyone know

Swedish and lip reading so we can get the HS from Alex’s mom yeah yeah no I get what you mean Brad yeah all right Alex to win the hole no Alex come on L come on look at his face oh that’s funny as [ __ ] we just see his face but can’t hear

Anything all right there you go okay two up through two I have a feeling it’s going to be three up through three and four up through four and a rage quit from there this was over when I hit it in the water GG mate nice to play to be

Fair we’re we’re we’re ranked in the wrong division right now Ryan so uh you know what good to play you man but we are not in the correct division right now we should be at least in bloody eagle and above he’s going for the green he’s going he’s saying he’s going

For the green come on let’s see it Alex all right go for it then come on bro you know I’m driving this huh come on [Applause] really I thought you’d get it there honestly I thought so too I hit it like the smallest touch low that might be

Well bringing me back to the T box I want to go for it again guys by the way we’re closing in on 7,000 followers as I said at start Stream So if you’re new here please do uh drop a follow in the water that’s fine no it’s not

A I think I can get it 100% yeah yeah a I hit it fast though yeah that’s well Jesus how the hell did you leave it short touch low and I didn’t put any oh you didn’t what what the hell then I thought would get there anyway right we’re still winning this all

Alex well that might be good same as mine see I like in EA when you hit the crowd it hits them like and this it goes straight I know this season will Apex Alex lose a match type one if you think no type two if you’re

Wrong I know right right Ze the the [ __ ] animals get knocked out that’s it’s not bad from naob pretty good shot you have a chance for a half I want to see I want to see better than that Alex yeah yeah that’s F not bad just was glitch you’re glitching am

I yeah for me at least right make it all right I got this three up through three Bang three up through three Apex and Alex are in business on 2K 23 oh yeah bang bang bang bang oh baby break it down just want to see you touch

The ground will 2k2 be next year then I hope hope so SE yeah I would imagine so that’s what they’ve been doing soire is every two years and with tiger now in the naming rights and they can have him on the cover and probably I don’t know will

They have it in the name Tiger Woods 2K 23 maybe they could do that I have an announcement to make what is your announcement I’ve um I won’t be playing this game anymore after this one because I’m uh I’ve committed to live yeah okay that’s that’s the inside

Scoop here Alex as a yeah this like it’s not about the money at all no no I just feel like the U it’s not about the money but can I would you mind if I asked you how much you’re you’re getting from it no that’s not important at all the format you know

It’s the format no but like how but how much uh um you can have your guesses okay okay live versus PGA game would be pretty awesome to be honest Alex love that you were growing the game there you go Alex you’re growing the game man have you any thoughts on not being

Available for selection for the Ryder Cup now as well yeah no we’re working on that my lawyers my lawyers are on it we’re um we’re pushing U pushing the PJ you you seem to be involved been a lot of like legal controversies recently yeah I don’t know I have nothing to do

With it really I don’t know it’s like following me maybe you need to look inward but I’m getting all the decisions against me so not like it’s a good that’s my point all right Alex let’s go four up through four here I’m done he’s going to

Give you the line though he’s going to give me the perfect line I don’t even need it anyway out here he’s got a long I’ll tell you something what knco flavor is that I don’t think I’ve ever seen [Laughter] That by the way any Americans in chat um have you guys ever had this cuz this I got this from The Junction store it’s Cherry Lime Arizona um I don’t know have you guys ever had this it was pretty nice I liked it these cans are abnormally large though like

Abnormally large 6 [ __ ] 90 Ms or something like that all right I have a putt to win you good there bro do I need to call the Swedish popo sneezed nine Times oh my God God PGA tried to poison Alex after his defection to live that’s true Bradwell yeah oh my God yeah it says like even on the con even on the can John it says for two people uh it’s not going to be five and

Four now but you know what it’s going to be uh five and three going back to the T I did tell him not to get a hole in one that that that is a pretty effective way not to guarantee that or to guarantee it rather I didn’t mean put it

In the water Alex you know what I meant like I know that is so safe it’s insane they’re like dude they’ve gone water let’s just let’s just make a par imagine I got a hole in one for the power though say if I hold this does

That count as a hole in one though because it’s my first stroke off the tea gu I guess so I don’t know it’s tough one actually fighting for my life here cuz I might just get it Alex I’m being genuinely here I might go [ __ ] old bounce there [ __ ] all

Bounce Alex is distracted fighting for his life he is indeede got KN going in the wrong side of the throat oh yeah nothing worse nothing worse Alex is here just dying live on stream and we’re all just chatting away like there he’s drinking more of it then like what you

Expect just swallow it down if I chip this in cuz that’s no ging yeah do it I think you can put that oh yeah see it brother right right left left left no Michael no that was so not right Alexander Alexander maybe we can get this half

Still oh the pressure on nabob the pressure on nabob he’s got it though we’ve lost the hole Alex we’ve lost the hole for the first time I’m sorry I’m sorry that is on you yeah it is no I said it’s on me it on you though you don’t have to repeat no

It is no you don’t have to repeat like okay I don’t no all right never mind then I know downwind downhill I’m going for this right yeah drive this my man’s going for it too Ryan Ryan Ren let’s go oh he’s hitting the tree though oh it didn’t you know what that’s

Good oh if that kicked onwards instead of left there that could have been I I reckon I I don’t know about this one Alex go for it for don’t you worry sunshine another one I guess that’s one each oh Lads what are we to do here what are we to do the drunken

Sailors all right that’s pretty good though we need to focus up again we lost Focus oh you yeah you have I I’ll admit that you have you haven’t me yeah what do you mean me me nothing just hanging around I love that Meme [Applause] all right Alex we’re still in with a shot here that’s no me just hold that hold it you know what Enigma it’s not going to happen all right we’re fine everybody just needs to calm down right now right everybody just needs to stay freaking calm right now Ryan rean

Misses we got a chance man you’ve got to be [ __ ] my dick right here like what have we just witnessed there they’re winning holes with pars they’ve won two holes in yeah you know what that deserves Alex what look there we go I am stupid Charles look should we do some

French well someone did say they wanted to see more French on the last video all right power five Eagle let’s finish this Alex make it door me too we need to cop on now yeah we do my Tempo in how are you that far behind them slow stop in slow second with yeah

Would you got a good club here it’s fine that’s a golden golf shot for generations to come yeah good jot good job thank you thank you good thing there’s no water on this hole that is a good thing we just need to avoid the water now for the

Remainder of this uh of this match and we’re good do you hear anything about your new laptop yet Al sorry do you hear anything about your new laptop yet no nothing more there’s uh um we have a break stuff so I have no contact with him right now not good

Enough any ideas on stuff to visit no I don’t know talking I’ve only lived there for 20 [ __ ] bang [ __ ] bang eagle and we’re two up with two to play it’s stormy too we’ve took longer than we should have on this match Alex but you know what it’s done now yeah we warming

Up you know exactly little warm up all or warm up match rather and that is is as good as it gets right there son As Good As It Gets right there son let me see if I’m happy with my team let me see if I’m happy with my

Little FPL team here this is a good looking shot from Ryan Rearden right my team I had 57 points last week bro we like that yeah I got stripped to my solank points [ __ ] hell why cuz they abandoned the game be a rematch [ __ ] is it going to be a rematch

They’re not just going to continue on no rematch late later in the season that’s crazy I have Wy Anderson to go in actually but if any of my players are uh if any of my players are injured or don’t play then I am Goose cuz I literally

Have Zero Subs I have two Man City players as subs and paarz and Sanchez and all of them are either injured or not playing I could play my free hit but I don’t think I need it that bad lady you know no save it that’s left all

Right that could be game that could be ball game want to hear my team Alex go for it pick for that’s good for the ever players yeah we’re only the most inform team in the [ __ ] League you know all right too bad this week actuallyit yeah tripier is a a risk

These days but you know what he’s playing Luton so I’m going to be okay about it I think yeah just if it just starts oh come on two in a row it’s over anyway that’s fine GG’s not ideal for the first match but uh yeah it is what

It is um that’s good kudus is a baller for sure yeah how’s that even possible s that’s terrible all right to win the match Alex match one of the stream great success great success yes promotion baby 55 points Jesus okay they’re Condors they’re Condors bro I genuinely

Don’t think we’re ever going to lose all right chelton man and sinfully sneaky sinfully sneaky going to the be all right that’s in the beach Alex this I want to see you in the Fairway I like it in real life but not bang I don’t really like it in real

Life I feel good shot nicely done Alexander nicely done indeed sir but they’re playing Everton though that’s true Richie won’t won’t score against us on purpose no I thought you were playing man united is that next no we just played man united recently we’re playing man

United there we go good shot thank you that’s going to be one up through one Alex what do we reckon oh my God very nearly not that’s all I know that’s all I know I didn’t even need to watch it Alex no’s that’s how confident I am in my teammate I didn’t

Even need to watch it that was a little perfect see perfect it’s going to be too close it’s not it’s going to be perfect you can see her in the mirror actually that’s a good girl he it is this a nice course the 11s Club yeah

It’s nice this is the 11’s Club isn’t it I think so good shot Alex it’s pretty good we’ll take that it’s okay it’s all right it’s all right it’s all right oh it’s the girl who’s the girl you’re the cja oh thank you oh thank you so much

You’re a big you’re a big dog did you know that I know thank you all right sinfully sneaky down the hill from left to right he buries it oh he buries it we might just have a challenge on our hands today Alex I welcome it oh what I’m I’m lipping out on every

Single part Alex no I want this this is good I like this no I don’t I don’t like missing PS I don’t I get that but like how many PS am I going to Li out on how many puts am going to out you’re done now it’s fine yeah if we don’t Eagle

This I’ll gift five Subs all right okay is that good no no it’s it’s not good at all that’s the one all right good one you know what I like more than that no Eagles yeah true you probably have two long 198 is what I have it’s a good

Shot 198 is what I have Alex I don’t know 200 yard or so from the pin from here oh yeah talk Dirty to Me Talk Dirty to me watch this watch this thought we would kick further left honestly needed one Club less I want to

See see this what I wanted a few testers though see yeah good shot we’re going to need to make Eagles it looks like Alex right so let’s make some okay not much in this you know oh just bury it in the middle of the PT that’s

Where in the middle of the PT I reckon this is [Applause] in bloody y son all right got the bir at least we’re fine all square through three this is going to be a tough match Alex let’s do this thing yep see this is what gets my

Blood flowing now this what I’m talking about yeah it’s time to focus up no it’s yeah see this is actually going to make us play better see this is I want this inside 15 foot okay Alex if I don’t get it inside 15 foot I’m going to log off on this one

I thought he that I do okay learn from that it’s going to roll yep oh I’ve learned I’ve learned I’ll take I just hit a tiny bit fast though this is a p all day well put it in there then son come on turn turn for him turned a

Lot they they ain’t got the dog in him I think he do you know no he doesn’t I think he does Alex I know what the dog looks like inside someone what does it look like uh you can’t see it you just feel it no see he doesn’t have it okay would

That dog leave that short will your no all right all square through four we’re going to have to play some golf today Alexander I can feel it coming in the air tonight I want the exact same as that Alex except better you understand me I can get it bit further

Yeah I hit that slow again I hit that slow again stay up stay up stay up you little hoer don’t you dare go down don’t you dare go down don’t you dare go down stay up stay up stay up stay up stay up stay up stay up stay up stay up stay

Up all right guys this is a tense match now and that’s right at it oh it’s the same though it’s the same all right Alex come on this is the moment for you to chip it in right now this is the moment this is it doctor call him call

Him you can’t keep missing these chances Alex they’re going to punish us sooner or later our Luck’s going to run out it’s going to run out not yet though not yet though bir time baby that was the next tole give me a part three I want a part three I want to

Tea off on a part three got both into the par five three CHS mechanical there we go let’s go Bey Alexandra I like it that’s how we do it here baby come on chelton man match that [ __ ] he ain’t gonna he ain’t gonna Alex come on now that tonight’s going to be a good [ __ ] off oh my goodness me okay we have a putt to win and go one up with three to

Play Alex no we have two putts to win it’s over you don’t let Apex Alex get ahead that’s all I’ll say go on one up three to play Let’s Go Alex let’s go dormy too let’s just now that we’ve got one going to put the pedal to the metal all right drive it

Out there let’s go I feel it in my fingers I feel it in my toes I know right SE CH man’s a PC scum he might be Xbox actually who knows it’s a good shot you think I should start multi streaming to Twitch and kick at the same

Same time Alex do it why not maybe n it’s not good that song What A Banger stick it that is not stuck I can tell you that much no it’s not I’m making that it’s fine I’m making I want to see it oh God I thought that was going in

Come on Alexander come on baby come on now let’s win this thing this put a stor me I feel it I feel it Alex I feel it I feel it yeah come on that is position a bang bang position a sir guys I’m afraid to say it afraid to

Say it to you guys I don’t think we’re ever losing I mean that we’re one away from 69 Subs but I I don’t I don’t think we’ll we’ll ever lose a match here oh it feels good to be at the top Condor does it does in in uh in

Singles ranked and I’m about to be condor in Duos ranked as well right you ready for this one then yeah put it close watch I’m watching watch watch that’s pretty no that’s prettyy Saucy I like it left ball game that could be ball game boys dormy they need to hold that

Realistically they need to hold that realistically oh baby we’ve won again we’ve done it again that’s seven and0 they’re going to call us the Undertaker cuz we’re going to get to that 22 and0 Mark baby we’re going to be like the Undertaker at Wrestlemania all right maybe not yet

Oh I wish he actually made that cuz I wanted to have the pressure on this button maker imagine you do I don’t need any extra motivation it’s over just won the last three 55 points must be the max you can get cuz that’s twice in a row now we got 55 points oh

Baby don’t do me like that CRI good shot good shot I cannot hear you oh what course is this I’m back sorry my bad my bad Atlantic City okay Atlantic Beach maybe Atlantic something at least I would I think I don’t know if Alex would oh Alex that’s

Snotty beautiful take that a it’s loss of hole if you if you time out okay there you go there you go thank you ban ban Ram 91 appreciate that brother no gimme it’s not a gimme but they should make that and they do just about n I’m not using aviators are

Refuse both are going every every duo we played has been Condor the matchmaking busted I didn’t check yeah no they were both gor as well oh which doesn’t really make much sense but I’m guessing it’s super easy to get the Condor maybe or something I don’t know not enough people playing yeah I

Guess I think one of them was top 100 what really who guy in the last match I I reckon we could genuinely be a top 10 Duo if we just played like oh yeah we should we should start from the start of the season next time and see how high we can start

Yeah that is so bad that it’s good a it’s poor that’s not good enough that’s a problem with the ranking system though I think that they need to make it harder to get to Condor at the start it was way too hard to get to Condor like not one

Single person was in Condor but then they made it too easy I think they need to find just a little bit of a balance there come on brother there we go he’s a three clicker as well for sure and he’s long like [Applause] me oh good could be going one down here

Boys that’s tough go to one up good effort Alex good effort that’s a tough one one down [ __ ] all right sweet freak is his tag yep yeah they’re good they’re good these oh my God that might be a h one watch out watch out watch out my goodness

You’re [ __ ] joking me dude come on dude let it off one stoping in right go on then go on Alex come on damn it dude it just doesn’t roll at all man good shot [ __ ] hell God damn it man how do we lose with that we have [ __ ] five foot

For Birdie on 240 yard power three all right they’re going to be on cloud nine after that hole in one we need to bring it back down to earth yeah we can still do this these guys are [ __ ] hot though Alex y I can’t believe he got that H one man

Two and one I’ve witnessed today one from myself one from that guy I still don’t believe you I’ll show youy oh God I can’t believe that Alex I cannot believe that it literally took a hop and caught the edge of the hole too like good Lord and’ve the pitching

Wedge right that’s not a gim me come on all right it’s not very good Alex you need to cop on even not even close still wow it might be three down here Alex oh my okay we need to birdie every hole now at least theing all right oh this guy again [ __ ] sake

Honestly every approach shot I’m [ __ ] taking at the moment for God’s sake can’t take you that long to figure it out [Laughter] There I decided to go with someone else I think this one’s going for it did that didn’t come over at all with the wind really that’s not bad though no it’s good chance so quick this guy he’s he’s like SE Max right now all right Alex we need this

One we’re in this thing we’re not dead yet Alex come on now all right let’s Eagle both the par fives in a row Alex come on couldn’t have hit it better that’s perfect oh baby talk dirty to me come on whisper stuff like that in my ear

Alex let’s go that’s true crib man for [ __ ] sake very sa what you have the club four isn’t it enough 224 it’s not enough now come come across with the slow come across with the slopes baby come on now come on now baby come on now baby keep going keep going all right

Good shot yeah this guy’s a definite three clicker by the way 100% that’s so good like that might be as well I mean what can you [ __ ] do against that Alex he’s got a hole in one and he just nearly had an albatross as well you weren’t far away from being corre with

That prediction Seb we need this SP Alex you can see why his swing that he’s a three clicker and [ __ ] hell does it show no of course that doesn’t turn it on [ __ ] for [ __ ] sake man guys are a piss take all right well Alex I think we

Might have to win the last three holes like my I’ve left so many parts low see the thing about these next two holes though Alex is you’re going to be taking the approach shot so that guy’s not so it’s you against the other guy with the approach shot so we don’t have to

Witness his [ __ ] approach shots this time so this this is the time where we can win holes all right okay okay okay this is an eagle chance I want to see a beautiful beautiful little Eagle put for me Alex I want to be inside 15 foot for an eagle and I

Guarantee I’ll make it okay okay and he won’t be hitting the tie break on on the playoffs just said as well so we got it all planned out it’s all planned out watch this other guy be just as good at approaches now no I don’t think that’s possible

That’s a terrible drive by the way but it’s going to be okay rolling with the four iron here oh it just stopped didn’t it I guess stopped quickly though 21 foot okay are slow yeah I want to see a shocker here from this guy this [ __ ] green shaft here’s

At okay I think this might break quite hard you know yeah it does I think I think his one might even break harder than ours I’m going to make it Alex I believe he’s cheating this guy I actually think he might be cheating yeah well he’s three clicking so he’s basically

Cheating anyway well I need to hold this to actually extend the match now massive massive so good what a p oh my God I thought that lipped out for a second bro all right come on we’re not dead we’re not let’s take it to a tie

Break Alex if we win this hole they’ll they’ll feel the heat 100% yeah no my dog one of my dogs aren’t in the room right now okay okay Alex put this close I want to see within 10 foot okay IR it’s a bad KCK honestly but good shot

Alex really good shot sneaky suspicion that this guy might do something I know I think he’s going to chip it in there’s genuinely something wrong with this guy though all right let’s take it to the last come on we’re taking it to the last Alex we’re not done please don’t tell me

I have to hit an approach shot on the last on the last hole here why didn’t want that cuz then that guy’s taking the approach out oh yeah right we can do this Alex come on now good drive all right all right all right all right but one Close Alex shots looking

Good I like that come on come on he did just that he did just that pressures for tires JG come on Jeffs you ain’t got that dog in you your partner might but you don’t to be fair I don’t think there’s a distance he that’s a choke if I’ve ever

Seen all right let’s see what happens this is his third shot everybody stay calm everybody just stay calm right now okay we have a playoff ahead of us if we even get there don’t I swear if this guy [ __ ] does something stupid please no don’t do something stupid sir dsbf don’t do something

Stupid man we’re good we’re good we’re good we’re good we’re good get in there Bob man what’s up brother 21 months 21 months my man 21 months I can’t wait to play your new course by the way Bob two putts we don’t even [ __ ] need them they’re rattled they are rattled

Alex I’ve never seen a team more rattled in my life come on come on they don’t have the dog in them it’s a tiebreaker tell me it’s you off the tea is it it is it’s you it’s the same hole we just played same again Alex same again you know

Exactly how to play this now 176 looking nice sit sit good shot good shot I like it no I’m making that 100% And he’s going to do the same thing he did last time come on you just need to be closer come on you little Butler he’s a [ __ ] this is

Eight are we closer far is that far is that closer baby come on okay I’m not I’m not [ __ ] celebrating until I hold the pot though cuz he’s not missing this there’s no way I have to make my pot you got right this is it you this win in the Playoff could be a good one come on that’s so massive come on what a comeback there ain’t nobody better in the world come on the kings of ranked are here to stay guys you guys thought we were done you guys thought we were done we’re not

Done never done great I was clutch as [ __ ] from you Alex I like to see that good putt good putt let’s go man promotion 33 get us up to Condor what rank would those guys been what they were they were the worst they were by far the best team we played how

Were they the worst ranked I guess it’s just how much you played basically what a win that is man come on that’s massive massive get in there


  1. 1. Approach shots are everything
    2. I assume 3 clickers don’t need to swing, so they shouldn’t be allowed in ranked matches with folks who do. Taking the swing plane out of the picture is obviously unfair

  2. Its funny how mad you get when people are better than yall, but when they are shit you get on cloud 9. I think yall the shit. You make me lmao so much Thanks for making my day. Love the content, brother. Hope you and Alex have a very merry Christmas. Great wins both of yall

  3. Sometimes I pull out a calculator and do a match on 3-click so I can crush someone. And then I go back to swing stick.

  4. Yoooo love you vids normally but stop moaning about 3 click 😂 it’s part of the game and people use it, just be better.

  5. Hope your Christmas was a grand one. Just published my 1st course… DIABLERIE GOLF COURSE. Would be awesome if you could give it a look; not the prettiest course, as most are designed to bling, but it’s a worthy challenge, I believe. 👍🏻😁 I just -3. Be wary.

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