Golf Players

SWING SPEED PROTOCOLS EPISODE 2 // Improving Your Speed with SuperSpeed Golf

Today we have our second episode from Ian’s recent trip to Utah for a series of sessions with Dr. Tyler Standifird and Michael Napoleon on the powers of SuperSpeed Golf protocols and how they can help your game just like they have Padraig Harrington.

This episode has a ton of useful information, so strap in and get ready to learn some tricks and tips to help your game this offseason.



Club Champion:
Ian Fraser:
Mike Martysiewicz:
Filmed at: Club Champion Toronto
Custom Golf Club Fitting Studio – Toronto, Canada

00:00 – Introduction
00:35 – Results of Swing Speed Data
06:50 – Putting Protocols Into Practice
12:36 – Ground Force (Level 3) Protocol / Golf Jump Drill
17:19 – Double Step Drill
21:01 – Lead Leg Jump Back Drill
25:18 – Rocker Drill
32:47 – Full Application
34:14 – Results
37:23 – Lag (Level 2) Protocol / Sprint Drill
38:58 – Counter Rotation Drill
42:03 – Ball Forward Shot Drill
43:55 – Full Application
45:26 – Results

SWING SPEED PROTOCOLS // Improving Your Speed with SuperSpeed Golf:
SPEED JOURNEY // Ian & Mikey Embark on a Winter Journey to Increase Speed:
SPEED JOURNEY Part 2 // Ian & Mikey Embark on a Winter Journey to Increase Speed:
LIN-Q M40X TSPX SHAFT REVIEW WITH THE COBRA AEROJET // Ian’s Fastest Ball Speed Of The Year?!:

All right guys welcome back and in this session today we’re going to walk through all of our findings from our first session together all of the protocols and and testing that we’ve done in the lab next door uh in in Tyler’s sort of workout area um I can’t

Wait to get into the data and see what what we found I was kind of purposely trying not to pay too much attention to launch monitor data or the smart to move or or any of that sort of stuff the only thing I know about was a little bit of

The grip pressure which was hugely surprising like we we saw so uh I can’t wait to dive into this with you Mike where are we starting yeah well I want to start where I like to start with players and talk about the stuff you’re doing really well okay number one grip

Strength for you is not an issue and that’s something that’s very rare that we find when we we measure especially a lot of amateur players a lot of our amateur players have half of what a lot of the tour level players have so that becomes a major limiting factor for

Speed and power I’ll segue that in though in your case is is that you know that was another area when we looked at the physical screen your upper body was generally one of your it was your strongest power source so we saw strongest power source there we saw

Great grip strength what I didn’t see in your golf swing was the creation of a lot of downswing loading or lag so that is a major power Gap there and it’s a power Gap that that feeds right into some of the strengths that you have physically that we should be able to get

A lot more speed out of creating a little bit better downswing loading so that’s definitely going in the program definitely something I’ve always known in my goal swing what seen it on video you know every time you know people who watch the channel will be like you know

Will not know that the sort of vulnerabilities we all have within our own golf swings M has always been the lack of lag we talked a little bit about some of the other sports I’ve played and always been a little bit casty and having increase the speed the the the

Sort of production or or or sort of retention of lag has gotten a little bit better but I know there’s definitely lots more room to to improve that yeah for sure so then Tyler I think we we noticed some other things that were going on in the sequencing of the go

Swing uh you want to talk about those real quick yeah for sure again from a sequence standpoint and it’s funny that you mentioned kind of the the that casting or that kind of loading if I’m looking at my system looking at some sequencing I like some of the velocities

We kind of getting with the motion but again those arms tend to kind of fire out a little bit in front of the body when we look at sequence right and so that’s an area where I’d love to see some things going in the lower body a

Little bit sooner applying some of that Force there because I know that’s going to then kind of go up that chain and hopefully get us letting those arms letting those hands kind of lag behind and kind of fire through through impact and remember like lag and wrist mechanics or the creation at downswing

Loading is really the final stage of the sequencing of your golf way yeah you so in this case I think it’s one of those we’re going to attack it more with the arms and wrists overall in the program what it looks like the lower body’s doing is working pretty well the speed’s

There the acceleration is there I just think the arms are going too soon so we’re going to hit it on that side we’re not going to try to get you necessarily going much we’re going to focus on getting your hips moving sooner and faster we’re going to focus on creating

More separation and getting the arms going a little bit later in the swing so that’s kind of some interesting stuff that we saw there but yeah I think it’s key to look at you have to play to your strengths yeah if we know that you’re a player that has strong upper body strong

Grip strength and we’re not getting a lot out of it you know in the swing I mean why wouldn’t we go after that that’s the lowest hanging fruit we got right okay now another area that we looked at here you know looking when we start to get into how you’re using the

Ground and force and I think honestly we saw a lot of really good things here you know if I go into kind of look at your vertical force and here we can look at combin between your feet we can also look at your lead leg the first thing I

Always look at when we start talking about force is the timing kind of when these things are happening is the kinetic sequence happening in the right order and yours is and I actually think that where you’re peing vertical force is pretty good okay you know we’re always looking for earlier I feel like

Whenever we start to talk about timing of forces like it’s hard to be too early early’s good but you know you’re pretty much just past shaft parallel in the downswing which is pretty much ideal okay I just want there to be more mhm like me too you know you your your

Vertical jump was good like in the whenever I see the vertical jump being reasonable I mean again always can we get more capacity sure if we’re stronger you know stronger more powerful we are the more we’re going to get right but you were at a point where you weren’t

Massively deficient there and I’m only seeing about 125% of body weight on the lead leg which I want more I mean I I really I just want more there I think that’s a a really big piece that we can see some big jumps and speed there the

Other thing that I really want to look at here is like point of application of where you’re pushing you know through the ground on your feet and and really the the first one I want to look at is right away in the takeaway and you’ll remember in our physical screen we saw

That you had trouble Ting your ankle right and that that was something that didn’t feel comfortable to you was a hard movement well a lot of times what we see when that happens is we’re going to see point of application be too far toward the outside of our Trail foot so

If you think about that when you start your back swing you’re pressing it’s almost like your foot the inside of your foot wants to come up right now you had some range of motion with ersion you think about it ersion would be like pushing your inside of your foot into

The ground okay that’s not quite as natural for you but it’s something I if we can move that point of application a little bit I think it’s going to make a big big difference in in how that goes throughout the rest of the swing and

That’s more of a right off the bat kind of piece the other thing thing that that relates to is it really relates to the way you’re creating lateral force in the back swing now you’ve gotten around it you do create a pretty good amount of lateral force it just relative to the

Rest of what’s going on happens maybe just a little later than we’d like and what you’ll really see if we look at this is you can see how this kind of it’s there’s not a lot of lateral force not a lot not a lot not a lot and all of

A sudden boom there’s a ton of it right so what we call that is low impulse of lateral Force so I would want this to creep up more or even go up sooner and then just kind of Stay Stay more aggressive for a little bit longer time

And that’s going to get us a lot more of that kind of push to the lead side give us a much better chance of creating a huge amount of vertical force on our lead leg cool awesome all right so those are kind of the big pieces that that we

Found now what are we going to do to attack it what’s really fun now is we’re going to put this into practice right all of the things that we found we can attack directly with protocols and programs we already have in our super speed golf repertoire all of the stuff’s

In the app ready to be used okay now we have 30 something protocols in there I don’t want you to do all of them obviously that would be crazy right so we’re going to go through five today okay okay now the only extra thing I’d

Want you to do is I do want you to you know with your trainer you know you would Pro we’d probably put you into like our core supportive fitness program I that would be the biggest one for you just kind of getting a little bit more core strength to balance out your power

Sources but those are things you can do with your trainer you know the only other piece there I’d look at is maybe a little bit more of that like joint stability in the lower body right but those are those are things on the side so that aside from the physical we’re

Going to go into some other cool protocols the first one that I want to work on is going to be our Ground Force level three protocol okay that protocol is all about magnitude of force it’s just about getting more Ground Force okay we’ll put in a couple little extra

Notes there about some point of application stuff Ground Force level three the next one we’re going to do is our lag protocol or level two lag protocol now this is a really fun one that’s going to try to get us a little more downswing loading in the GOL swing

I think that’s probably one of the biggest factors where we’re losing speed one of the biggest you know speed leaks that you have so we’re going to go into lag level two right so those two protocols you can do those the same day you know I’d probably recommend two to

Three times a week on those protocols okay all right we’re also going to do some Direct speed training and I think it’s important that whenever you’re working on mechanics you’re trying to apply it directly to to what your your goal is and trying to get more speed

Right so we’re still going to do some of our more neurological speed training for you though it’s going to be a little different I’m going to have you do two days a week of our C Club protocols so our counterweight training protocols haven’t used that one before yeah so

This is going to be cool and you have worked with our our stuff before so we’re not starting from absolute Ground Zero on some of this the C Club is all about applying speed with the arms and hands and because of that counterweight it’s actually going to get you an easier

Feel of creating a bunch of lag so we can start to train that motor pattern of really maxing out lag at impact do that two days a week with our level one C Club protocol okay we’re going to do one day a week of our three Club system but

We’re going to start in our third training cycle so that’s going to start with the level four protocol and I’m choosing that because you’ve done this training for a while so you can you can handle getting to these more advanced protocols and there’s a drill in the

Level four protocol that I love for this called our SP Sprint protocol Sprint protocol is all about creating lag so that’s going to be a perfect fit there for you the last thing we’re going to do is full application we’re going to do our ball speed level three protocol this

Is actually the protocol that we built for Padre Harrington for ball speed application so that’s going to be a lot of fun and you know we’re going to see some hopefully some really really big results when we go through that and we get to that at the end of the day how’s

That sound incredible and massively customizable that’s the biggest thing you know that I’m taking away here because I’ve done the protocols like you said Mike and had great results with it but for you to pick and choose the ones that apply specifically to me and this

Is something you guys will be able to get through the app having done obviously all the screening and and sort of getting your Baseline testing done you guys will get the exact same output on the protocols that will apply to you this is really really cool to be able to

Pull the right levers that and that’s a that’s a really really important one because we want people don’t have enough time anyway we don’t want them to waste any time we want them to spend time in the right thing so yeah really excited about this yeah it’s going to be great

So five protocols all right let’s say you know we look at the course of a practice session here I would definitely OB obviously we’re going to warm up right warm up get ready go through that ground force protocol go through the lag protocol that’s probably going to take

You to about the first 25 30 minutes of a practice session we’re going to do the overs speed training which is either going to be the C Club protocol or the three Club those don’t take very long that takes more than six seven minutes to do those you’re doing it wrong okay

So that’s only now about 35 minutes fall speed application you’ll see doesn’t take very long either I think this whole protocol is under 45 minutes so this whole thing with those five programs under 45 minutes about 3 days a week and we’re going to see some huge results it

So I mean it’s your just like your personalized training program it’s exactly you know kind of get into the gym and the gym I use the specific when I have a nice open space and you know and I use that gym because it allows me

To take in my my sticks and and I do a lot of my speed training with my little prgr uh unit that I I use to sort of calibrate my speed um and I can do all of this inside my own gym that I currently use I don’t need to go out

Anywhere sort of special to do any of this stuff yep well we’ll definitely have the prgr out here and we’ll get some more trackman data and everything to check check all those results as well this whole protocol you can do at home y you can do it hitting foam balls you can

Hit it into a simulator you can do this at the driving range you can do this wherever you need to be you know so that that’s another key point we’re not putting any drills in here that you can’t do anywhere right right guys very cool uh can’t wait to get into the

Testing or or get into the to learning about these protocols that Mike has built for me customized through the app so stay tuned for the next session where we dive into those all right Ian you ready to get started let’s do it okay get to work you look a little taller

Here and I’m doing that on purpose because you may feel a little uncoordinated here in a second and I want I don’t want that to hurt your ego okay so the first thing we’re going to do is our Ground Force level three protocol now this starts with one of my

Favorite drills that looks nothing like the golf swing that there is it’s called a golf jump okay okay I want you to do just give me a vertical jump real quick and let’s see how you do it okay so just all right and that’s typically what

Most people would do when they do a normal vertical jump you’re going to squat down and your arms are going to go down and then as you jump your arms are going to go up is that what we do in the golf swing it’s certainly not what we do

In the golf swing it’s the exact opposite right in the golf swing as we go down we’re bringing our arms up right and then as we jump we jump that point of vertical force is actually around you know when the arms are coming down yeah

So we’re going to try that so what I want you to do is as you go down as you squat down into your vertical jump I want you to lift your arms up and as you jump I want your arms to come down let’s see

It hey I mean that was pretty good for the first try now let’s try it one more time and I want you this time though I want you to really feel like the jump that you’re making is forcing your arms to the ground with a lot of velocity got it got

It okay good let’s do it again three in off the ground to your right it’s okay it’s okay I I’m looking for the coordination here more than anything more than the the force well eventually I’m going to look for the force right now it’s just early reps

Nuts okay come on you got I felt a little bit better it’s a little better but you got more than that now now I can start to get meaner R because you got it right good let’s go we’re going to do about I I like to do somewhere in the

Neighborhood of five to 10 reps here got it for you let’s do about five more right now like really aggressive up down and I I I want you to not think about the arms coming down I want you to think about jumping up and forcing your arms

Okay good that was better Okay jump to make your arms come down awesome and you could do some things in the gym too that would complement this like you can do various different things where you’re doing like Med ball slams or slam balls all that could be done in the gym

To reinforce this movement power okay so that’s number one now we’re going to add we’re make it harder we’re going to add rotation okay and this one you may want to step just forward onto that mat for me um so now what we’re going to do is

You’re going to do the same thing except instead of just going straight up over your head you’re going to go kind of toward a back swing and as you jump you’re going to jump back and away so we’re going to go yeah go ahead and just

Test it out that way yeah and then go so can I light that yeah yeah that was it so what I would like to see a little bit less complete golf swing like you did I’d just like you to get your arms up that way as you squat down and then jump

Where you’re going to move away from the ball and backwards all right here we go let’s do five of these boom okay so notice want to go a little bit more you’re going almost toward the ball as you go see if you can come back toward me a little bit let me

Go a little forward okay better I like that a lot better that feel different yep okay good all right nice make sure we go up enough though let’s go up more now too yeah good that was that was probably the best one yet two more okay and again very different like the

Feeling in the feet and so of where the force are going is entirely different okay good so that’s golf jumps and then golf jumps with rotation okay all of our protocols that we build follow this pattern of being least like the GOL swing to most like the golf

Swing and that’s important because we’re really trying to like activate different movements get you to get different feels involved and then we’re going to start to integrate those feels into things that become more like the golf swing and then we’re going to apply them directly to the golf swing that’s just the

Formula we use and we found to be most effective uh on a motor learning side for people to catch these these drills beautiful okay what’s next all right our next drill is going to be our double step drill now you may me may be familiar with this it’s in a lot of our

Over speed training protocols here we’re going to do it with a little bit more emphasis on where you’re pushing on the ground okay we’re going to use our red super speed club and I like to use the heavier club for this because it’s actually going to exaggerate all of the

Sequencing and exaggerate the Motions you’re going to make when you’re pushing on the ground okay so double step I’m going to and give you this and you can just go through it slowly once you’re going to start with your feet together you’re going to let the club counterweight counter swing forward a

Little bit as it comes back step back and as you’re stepping back I want you to make sure there that you’re planting your your weight on that TR foot more on the inside toward the heel remember we were too far like toward the toe toward

Too far out so as you step back try to plant the inside heel of that foot down okay good now the other foot’s going to kind of come back as the swing is coming back and then you’re going to sequence plant that foot forward before the club starts down and there we’re

Going to be planting more toward the lead ball of our foot okay okay yep and then that swing now I know there was a lot in there sure um let’s go ahead and give that let’s go ahead and give that some rips here okay good now don’t baby it okay

Let it now let’s let it rip I think you got the you got the pattern that looked good now let’s let really let it rip okay good I want you to smash into your Trail foot harder okay let’s do it again y more definitely like it’s just a

Step not a not a you know don’t feel like I’m landing into it nearly as forcefully I would like you to land into the inside a little bit more the only thing I would say is that you like to almost step back toward me when you do

It you don’t need to yeah you don’t need to do that let’s just try to land into that trail Hill good okay good how’s that feel compared to your golf swing as you say I’ve done a version of this before the amount of pressure I

Feel go into the golf club or the Speed Stick is entirely different I never get that sensation with a a golf club ever okay well today’s the day but remember that feel like if there’s anything that you can kind of grab on to as you’re going through this protocol like man it

Just feels like when I do this right on the trail side or lead side try to remember those because those are things that we can use to you know keep triggering that as we get closer to the go I I think that’s a great point about something people talk about in in sort

Of workout space of that mind muscle connection if you’re really able to tune into what it is that you feel especially if you do a good rep if you get the you know the recognition that it’s been a good rep I think that’s something that really has helped me in the past where

If I’ve done something I really feel the chain of of sequence and I feel it maybe through the shoulder or the lead arm or wherever that might be but really trying and tune into that guys I think it would really help I I mean I think you know

This is one of my pet peeves for coaches I hate it when coaches tell people to feel something yeah cuz it’s ridiculous like I don’t know what it feels like to you I don’t care what it feels like to you when you do it right I want to know

What it feels like to you so that I can just keep saying that back and we can then use that to get it to actually apply cool all right killer so that’s double step okay all right that’s a good one now we’re going to do something where it’s even getting a little bit

Closer to the GOL swing even though we’re still going to do some crazy stuff here this is one of those drills remember we need more lead leg vertical that one mostly is working on that impulse on the trail side right so now I’m going to get out one of my favorite

Training AIDS one of our Force pedals you know these guys are so simple but you’ll you’ll feel exactly how how easy they are to get feedback from what we’re going to do so in this one and we’re still going to use that red super speed

Club I’m going to throw this guy down oh missed it um go ahead and set up into your normal golf stance but have that under the lead ball of your foot got it about half you know twoth thirds of it or so under all right now go normal golf

Stance what I want you to do here these are called lead leg jump backs okay so kind of like our first drills where we were doing those jumps yeah what I want you to do here is make a swing and I want you to push so hard into that Force

Pedal that you literally come up off the ground and come fall falling away from the ball got it don’t hold back here yeah I mean right concept did you get any feels there of like what that was like yeah so first rep Um I felt it in the lead foot and in the ball of foot but I think to your point earlier when we talked about the length of time the pressure stayed there it didn’t feel like it was there for a long time well this one I don’t think you

Need it there for a long time so this this point of pressure we just need to be as big as we can and just Hammer okay like I want you to try to rip that thing in half and in in terms of pushing off of it going this way pushing down and

Toward the ball on it ah down towards it so I’m trying to rip it back as we come away from it so you want to interesting okay well how what makes you go away from the ball like what what why how is your body pushing away yeah you’re going

To get more Force to rip it away if you have more Force going into it in the first place yeah well this is the whole thing about ground reaction forces right like this is why they’re so confusing to Golfers because everything’s backwards yeah when I’m when I’m having you push

On this you’re pushing toward the golf ball and down and what that reaction force is then pushing you is up and away from the golf ball you see all kinds of players on tour that their foot comes up and away and off the ground as they swing through that’s because at a point

In the downswing they’re pushing so hard down and toward it okay okay good can I actually see one where you’re off the ground though like y I mean crazy this is so far outside of the box that you know I don’t care if you fall over I don’t care what happens

I just want you pushing so hard you’re off the ground yeah that’s the first one that was close okay it’s an amazing amount of force beyond what you think you need to do yeah yeah it I me I’m not shocked it feels that way right now yeah but I

Think this can start to feel more normal yeah I mean you guys are seeing this on the video you know you can put in the comments I don’t think this looks crazy no I think this looks pretty standard of what I see on tour these days which is

Which is wild and again to I talking about Force creation and why people don’t swing as fast as they they could and should is because they’re not they’re I think a lot of people are afraid to get out the comfort zone you know this to me is I’m way out the

Comfort zone even doing this and it’s and I’m that far into it all right well let’s do two more reps and let’s really get outside the comfort zone because those still pretty look pretty normal to me yeah yeah it looked like you got a little more comfortable there come on you got

This my Force pedal is still intact I want it in half all right cool to seen what that was like in the prg just to see where those numbers were that would be a cool one later once we add that back in yeah we’ll definitely

Add that back in we’re going to look at this and see kind of what happens on the force plates right after it too okay which is cool all right next drill we’re going to do is going to be a rocker drill and we’re going to do that with

Force pedals Okay Okay so we’ve got that Force pedal which is one of the minis I really like the mini better for the lead lead leg um parts of it I’m going to get one of the larger Force pedals and uh go ahead and set up in your stance I’ll

Help you with this one all right so this one is going to go under the inside of your lead foot about halfway under okay okay so that’s really working on that point of application of kind of the inside heel now what this is going to be is a rocker drill all right

Now I don’t want you to go too crazy with that because we got the force pedals there but essentially I want you to push there push there your feet are going to come off the ground a little bit on either side pushing hard into each one of those Force pedals once you

Get like three or four of those pushes okay you know get the feel of it and then really let one rip okay so start to feel s start it small get bigger and bigger and then when you feel like you’ve got that kind of coordination going then let that swing just

Rip okay which way did you fall at the end yeah that way which I need to be going like that was entirely different I think I was again so focused on on sort of this way I never got the force back little tenative to me but again it was

The first rep I’m just figing out bigger yeah that was better okay that was different right different and I don’t mind if your stance is maybe a little wider than normal when you’re doing this that’s fine but just kind of getting that feel okay getting the feel back and

Forth getting to a point where your feet are actually coming off the ground the whole way you can get really crazy with it and be lifting them up and making steps really so you can yeah going that way with it I I don’t mind I I want again

Getting outside of the box is okay it’s just even just feeling the pressure mik is totally different good like there’s one thing to move your feet and do it lightly the other thing is doing it with pressure yep and it feels so different okay how anything yet is there

Any like word or feel that you can just like clue into here this is adding this in is very different so the land the land portion of feeling like Landing to the inside of this Trail fo I’m aware of it so it’s kind of taken

Away from a little bit of my land into this lead side cuz I’m I’m like okay that’s different I would expect as you do this drill the and this Trail foot becomes more comfortable the whole point here the trail foot point of application’s off so that’s why we saw that like spiky

Lateral Force instead of the bigger impulse that creates a situation where it’s very hard to do what we’re trying to do on the lead side right so yes this is going to feel like it gets better first and then that’s going to come after I I I believe

100% all right let’s do two more here okay okay good last one start overs are fine like that if it doesn’t feel right yeah okay good like what I’m seeing there okay all right really good so that’s rocker drill with the force pedals now let’s get those Force pedals

Out of there okay so again more feedback now we’re going to have a little less feedback and you now we could even go to doing it with your own club we can still do it with this but I think we are going to actually hit some shots in this one

Too okay but let’s go ahead and do three reps of that rocker drill without the force pedals there trying to get that same feel without the training aid there to help trying to push in the same parts of your feet that you just were pushing it’s very different to feel the

Insides now that I don’t have anything there like I’m much more aware the insides of of both feet which is totally different okay good come on speed it up though I want I want some want some juice in these next to yeah love it again push okay awesome good job so that’s

Rocker drill without the force pedals Okay cool so now now that we got comfortable doing those rocker drills let’s put it in play um so we’re going to go ahead and do those rocker drills the club can move if you want I’ve seen you know some

Players will move it above the ball some people just move their hands with their feet whatever you want to do is fine okay the thing that you have to do here is you got to max out those feels you got in your feet in The Rocker drill and max out that club speed

All right how did that one feel first shot out of the gate obviously different than normal it feel like I mean it felt um more forceful than normal okay right so definitely definitely felt like there was more in there um what did it feel that that sequence I

Talked about where I get really uncomfortable in transition and I didn’t feel that there which is which is a big big key for me when I’m swinging quicker I feel really really good in transition that definitely felt better all right killer I me interested to see what

That’s going to look like in the D let’s do a couple more okay I I’m looking I’m watching the footwork primarily and I’m liking what I’m seeing right now very good all right one more here with that rocker drill you start to be look you seem to

Be a little more comfortable with it now too than you were a little bit more yeah that that last one was definitely the most comfortable felt doing it for sure good all right good now the last drill that we’re going to do is really not a drill it’s just application we’re going

To hit three shots you know with normal stance trying to integrate those fields fully into into what we’re doing so I actually for right now what I want to do is I want to get you to do those three shots but I want to do them on some of

The technology is to see kind of how that protocol what what changed love it all righty and so this is the last part of that you know level three Ground Force protocol we’re just going to get some application I want you to really try to integrate those feels that we got

Off the force pedals and those jumps let’s lit a rip and see what it does to your ground force data Moment of Truth okay so that same thing get set up and then we’ll go Hill toe htoe htoe so go ahead htoe htoe htoe and then settle in once you settle

In now Rock back and forth heel toe heel toe heel toe okay yeah yeah perfect okay and now yeah fire one ready and just these are just normal ones Mike uh normal stand swings but again if if doing a little bit of that that motion Back in Forth I mean it’s

Not shocking you see tour players all the time with little like trigger moves you know it’s fine to do a little bit of that cool all right one more okay okay when you’re ready fire away all right good job all righty and so that’s just the first protocol of the five we’re going

To do and I know this is a little more involved today because we’re learning how to do these drills at the same time some really cool stuff right away though so I I feel like we’re already on the right track number one from a just speed standpoint that last shot you hit was

170 ball speed 114 Club so we’re already up pretty good from what we were seeing where Tyler where were we when we started I mean when he went Max all out that very last swing of your pre you were 111 your stocks were kind of the

108 109 in that region so yeah great jump so one of the biggest things that uh I was looking for was how much vertical Force are you going to produce okay right that was one of the main goals that we had there you feel like you were producing more vertical Force

There I mean I I feel like I can produce more it’s hard to tell right yeah I feel like I was very much in the learning phase of the steps and the motion in the sequence so I know there’s a lot more to come but I felt like there was more look

Look I you can’t it’s so hard to feel this is why you need like force placeat to be able to look at it well remember before lead leg Peak vertical we at about 125% of body weight which we thought we could get a pretty big gain

On right away well um read that number in blue right there 141 better right so now we’re up over 140% of body weight that’s a pretty good little change that that we got right away you know with with a very little bit the other thing that we were going

To look at was you know could we kind of sustain a little bit more lateral Force longer before that Peak MH it’s getting there so I mean if we look at it now we have a little bit of a sustained portion and then the jump you know that part I

Think we can still probably improve on more um that goes right to what you were telling me you were feeling though like it feels a little weird landing on the inside of my foot that was forign to you right so yeah I think again off to a

Great start big jump in vertical Force that’s what this Ground Force protocol is all about yeah if I saw three mil hour Club head speed and S of four and a bit you know miles hour ball speed straight away from doing my first session like I’d be high five everyone

In the room well we’re only one of five protocols so let’s save the high fives for when we get this a little bit higher than that cuz I think we got a little more room to go yeah this is this is cool to see it applied and so of learn

The moves and then jump straight into the into the mat and actually hit some yep and we have that benefit end of like we’re measuring these drills right you’re not the only person that we’ve done this with right um and so we know what’s going to happen as we utilize

These drills we put people on the plates we know if they do them the right way if they follow the protocols if they’ve had that deficiency we see those things start to jump up so you don’t have to have these plates to know I mean we love

That we have them to show 15% jump just like that yeah but anyone could go through those drill progressions they’re going to get that same kind of jump in their vertical forces well it was so cool to see such simple props such as Force pedals being down there and that

Was that was as easy as it gets awesome well good work we got a lot more to do okay get to work guys there’s uh definitely more to come from the swing speed if this is the first session I’m definitely hopeful we’re we’re heading back into towards the mid 170s pretty

Soon all right Ian protocol number two we’re going to do our lag level too so this is really all about getting the body more ahead of the club getting the club loading more into the downswing okay and this is again one of those big

Areas where I think we can get a lot of improvement from you me too first thing we’re going to do is one of my favorite drills that we have it’s called our Sprint drill okay the Sprint drill is actually in our level four over speed training protocol and it’s a dominant

Side only drill that we do in this in this protocol in the lag protocol we’re going to use our red super speed clubber the heaviest super speed Club Club you’re going to make five swings consecutively with never stopping the motion so you don’t reset at the bottom

Okay so basically you’re just going to go swing and then immediately back into the next swing and the goal here is that by that fifth swing the body’s way out ahead of where the clock is all right okay let’s see it and I want you to go

You know pretty much at full speed here from the start all right let’s see it five in a row you can’t stop right back into it back into it you’re stopping too much at the end keep it going back and down back good last one okay good now that drill is kind of

Wild right like it’s different than what you would normally do in your golf swing but again as we start to go you start to feel that your body has to pull the club to go back and then soon as your body wants to pull it back it wants to pull

The club back down so that that drill I guarantee will help to increase lag that’s a really good one all right next thing we’re going to do is what we call counter rotation swings and now we’re going to move on to the point where we’re actually going to be using your

Golf clubs and hitting balls I like to do this drill you can do it with driver I like to do this drill with multiple clubs we’re going to do it with a seven iron here to start all right so go ahead and set up this is really just what it

Sounds so what I want you to do is let that club swing probably about halfway forward in a counter rotation back and then swing and that looks like so professional and pretty and I just want you to let it go you want get let it rip man

Okay awesome okay now how does how do those two drills you know we’ve just done that Sprint and that how does that feel so far anything coming to mind just so just a massive amount of difference of force going into the golf club okay like I can feel exactly what you’re

Looking for which is obviously the body to lead the club as we come down and even even in the back swing I can still I can start to feel the body lead the club much more in the back swing so the way you’d put it into words is like it

Feels like there’s more Force going into the club I like it so that’s going to be something that I might like kind of trigger you with as we go forward like you know you feel it like it feels like more force is going into the club all

Right let’s hit three shots with that drill so start I just lift the club above it right about a half swing forward counter rotation and then let it rip nice like it can you max out how much force you feel going into the club this time they still it feels like it’s too

Constrained I just want you to like let it let it go a little Wilder oh yeah that one feel different M sounded different I don’t know if you can hear that on the video but like the sound of that I just had that heavy hit sound is what I’m looking for

Here all right cool now those are different if you’re out on the driving range and you’re doing that drill what do you think you’re going to see in ball flight if you do it right higher way higher I think it’s actually going to laun lower okay so as we add down swing

Loading we’re going to be delofting the club a little bit this is where ideally you’re going to want to see almost a lower flighted launch that with a little more speed probably rises even more down the range yeah it just feels like there’s so much more in that it just

Yeah but I totally get it dynamically we’re going to probably deliver a little bit less by just leading the the club and the whole idea here again from a coaching standpoint is that we’re getting those results without trying to get those results it’s a result of what you’re doing and feeling

In the go swing okay love it love it all right last drill we’re going to do is uh one that I call and then we’ll do some application again but is one that I call ball forward shots this is another one I like to do with the with with like a mid

Iron this one’s going to feel kind of nuts but it’s okay so go ahead and set up into your normal stance and scoot back on the mat just a hair okay no no I mean toward me this way you yep going to scoot back on the

Mat and I’m going to put this ball about 6 in in front of your left toe okay okay now that feels crazy right it does like nuts wild all right I want you to take about a 3/ quish swing or so and I want you to hit that ball

Okay pretty wild you can do it right now that one I feel like you might have caught in the the turf a little bit before the ball so the goal here is that you’re still going to be hitting that ball first in this drill okay and I

Really want you to also feel like these are low shots so your your mind is I’m trying to hit a low shot ball first from the ball way ahead of my stance all right pretty good yeah that one was defin ball first so that was great now let’s do it and

Put some speed on it cuz I feel like you’re still being a little careful still being a little careful okay good so those are ball forward low shots now with all these protocols we’re not going to just go through them once when you’re practicing we usually go two times through okay top

To bottom so once you finish you go back to the top you cycle down through and that’s kind of the drill process that that we’ve created now the last drill that we do is kind of like what we always we’re going to apply all right so

I’m going to get your driver back out here okay and those feels that we just kind of applied to lag we’re going to apply now with driver normal ball position’s fine now your feel here what what we’re just talking about putting a lot of energy into that shaft right feel

Back through the counter rotation stuff that we did I want you to just absolutely max out how much force you feel like you can push into the clock that felt like seven out of 10 of okay full rip mode felt good felt like I had it well

And it was a bit more speed for sure okay but it wasn’t I mean again this is new stuff right that’s the first swing out of the gate to apply it let’s see what we get and we’re going to move trackman over just so we can actually get a number on this

One all right so you’re feeling like there’s a lot more Force going into the club all right max out that feel of that Force going into the club here I’m really looking for you know again this is a lag protocol right so let’s really push into that let’s see

It I think you got 174 here too all right good job all right Ian we just finished that lag protocol and I told you there was some lwh hanging fruit there we’re up to 11 15.8 Club speed 171 and a half ball speed right that’s not bad that’s we’re

Getting there we’re two out of five protocols so I mean I I feel like we still get some room to go but that’s that’s kind of where we are there now the other thing I want to show you is I want to show you kind of how much those

Drills affected lag in your golf swing so if we look at this and I just did this quickly on sportsbox AI this was the swing that we had originally so you know we got to a point where we had our maximum amount of lead wrist angle right

Around the top of the swing and it was right around 84 degrees of angle okay as you started as the club changed Direction actually we got down to about 81 and a half as the club started down it almost immediately started going up so that means we’re releasing wrist

Angle right away at the top of the Swing so let me pull up that last one that we just did you’re going to see something I think I would say markedly different in this swing did it feel any different yeah yeah no it it definitely felt in better sequence like we talked

About a little bit with the ground force the the spikes were good and and the sort of um where we were pushing was good but it was just a little bit at the wrong time yep little bit Yeah so just a little bit different all right I’m going

To go ahead and throw that lead wrist angle there the numbers let’s go ahead and get over here and look at it lead wrist angle all right so as we go um I’m getting up here toward the top top of the Swing again where remember we were already at this point we were

Already down like in the low 80s right so you created actually more RIS angle by the top of the swing and as it changes Direction here okay it’s now starting to go down now what’s better here is it keeps going down yeah and it keeps going down oh look now it’s in the

Mid now it’s in that like high 70s range you know at Max and it’s a lot further down toward impact at that point I think that’s a big key so what we were able to do and I mean I don’t know 8 minutes of drills there actually started to get us

From a point where we were actually casting releasing from the top to starting that idea of creating some downswing loading and you didn’t even add that much to it we already saw you another mile and a half two miles an hour of Club speed yeah I think just

Keeping that pressure in there for longer um is is is going to be massive moving forward I I honestly I think like you you gave me some of podrick’s kind of stats that’s like kind of something to chase which I really like you know something that okay you know someone out

There is at 62 yep okay cool next and it’s happening it’s maxing out later in the process I think those are the two keys there more wrist load and that wrist load happening longer into the downswing which just stores up so much energy for the golf swing to be able to

Release and I really think doing more of those protocols like you know for whatever amount of time 20 30 minutes of doing those protocols I think that would be another five six degrees if we kind of got into habit go and do that okay come away make some swings go back in do

Some swings I think it could be pretty cool well we got three more protocols check it out I think we’re going to get more than that all right good Work


  1. When does the app come out! I hate using the website while doing the drills, the app will be a massive improvement for user experience! Can't wait

  2. As a 54 year old these videos make a huge impact on my game. Maintaining mobility and speed is key. And the lag aspect creates awesome ball contact. I’m always learning something that keeps the game feeling new so I’m excited to hit the course. Thanks for sharing your speed journey.

  3. Not that Ian needs any more fitness routines to do but this seems like it might compliment nicely with some of the stuff KneesOverToesGuy has created within the ATG framework. Ian's vertical is actually pretty bad, and doing any of the leg focused strengthening and mobility work could easily add 5-6 inches to his jump in just a few months, thus translating to more vertical force generation in his swing.

  4. Obviously, 99.9% of us don't have any access to this equipment, if I purchased the superspeed sticks how would i know what to work on ?
    My driver SS is 102mph but its an all arms swing with no lag and now lower half body movement, are there drills to help with this ? Finally, I can't remember whether Ian mentione if there was a discount code on new purchases.
    Many thanks for the great content.

  5. They mentioned “grip strength” at least 7 times at the beginning of this video and also talked about professionals having twice the grip strength compared to amateur golfers.
    Why is this so important? I thought that everyone is teaching us not to white knuckle the grip and to have a lighter grip for more fluid wrist movements and increase the whipping motion, etc. I’m confused.

  6. Great information guys, I see some cross over with old school drills from the past. The drills are now understood why to do them and what they do to a particular part of the sequence. I really like the body test mobility before they start, this creates the best possible tailor fit experience. Thanks for sharing this , I personally would never be able to afford anything like this but I have trained for multiple sports for 30 years. I see a lot of the TPI stuff but better applied for the individual. One thing that stands out is don’t be afraid to go big …. Over swinging will help exaggerate the feel. When you watch Martin borgmeyer swing a full out speed stick he is completely off the ground right after impact !

  7. I’ve done the ball forward drill numerous times. I frickin stripe it with that drill 😂. But it feels crazy

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